GL Transcript Friday 7/13/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/13/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Hey.

Natalia: Hey. Shh, he's asleep.

Gus: Okay. Look how he does that with his... clenches his fists. What?

Natalia: You used to do that, too.

Gus: I did? How many times have you had to do this? You know, stand at the foot of his bed when something happens, an incident?

Natalia: A few. He's usually so much better at taking care of himself.

Gus: But you had to do it alone.

Doctor: I have some good news for you. Your son's blood sugar has stabilized. He should be able to go home later tonight.

Gus: Thank you very much.

Natalia: That's great.

Gus: That's what we wanted to hear.

Cyrus: Hey, guess who? Yeah, it has been a while. Listen, I've got a killer pearl necklace on hand. I'm just wondering if you might be interested in it. Yeah, it's gem quality, silver whites perfectly matched. I'm talking flawless, mate. No, for real. I'm telling you this piece is beyond rare. What do you say? I can put it in your hands tomorrow.

Marina: Put what in whose hands?

Cyrus: Well, if it isn't the nosy detective.

Marina: But it is a cute nose, don't you think?

Cyrus: Yeah, it's not bad. But does it always have to be on the job?

Marina: Oh, always. It's in my blood to sniff things out.

Cyrus: Right.

Marina: You ought to know that by now.

Cyrus: Excuse me for a second.

Marina: But what about... ?

Remy: You okay?

Marina: On a scale from one to ten, how hot is that woman?

Remy: The scale only goes up to ten?

Marina: Oh, come on. I know.

Remy: Why did you ask?

Marina: Because I may need you to take her off the market.

Cyrus: You know, I don't appreciate you following me everywhere I go.

Terri: You're living here on an expired visa. It's my job to stick close to you.

Cyrus: This isn't about your job. It's about squeezing me for cash.

Terri: I'll give you until the end of the day, then we start deportation proceedings.

Cyrus: You want a $100,000 today?

Terri: You're resourceful. I have faith in you.

Dylan: Hi.

Harley: Hey.

Dylan: I didn't expect to see you here. Come in.

Harley: Yeah, I was on my way over to see Rafe, actually. Is Daisy here?

Dylan: She's in her room, why?

Harley: She needs to pack her things. She's coming with me.

Natalia: So I'll make sure he gets plenty of fluids, I'll make sure he gets plenty of rest, and for the first 24 hours he checks his blood sugar twice as much as he normally would?

Doctor: Stick with the plan. You and your husband can count on your son to recover.

Natalia: Oh, he's not my...

Orderly: Delivery for Raphael Rivera.

Natalia: Oh.

Orderly: Sign here, please.

Natalia: Okay.

Rafe: What's going on?

Gus: Oh, welcome back to the world.

Natalia: Yeah, he can smell a present even in his sleep.

Rafe: What, that's for me?

Natalia: Yeah, that’s or you.

Rafe: Hey. Oh, shoot. It's an mp3 player. Look, I can't use this. We don't have a computer. You need a computer to download songs.

Alan: You do now. Your laptop is in box number two.

Rafe: No, a computer? Are you kidding me?

Alan: See for yourself.

Natalia: Did you know about this?

Gus: No, I didn’t. Dad, you really have to check with the mom first before you can do this...

Alan: Well, I'm sure his mother wants him to have a computer for school, don't you?

Natalia: Of course, but this is too much. I don't feel comfortable taking expensive gifts from you.

Alan: Natalia, this is a gift. And he is my grandson. Look at him, I mean, he's family.

Gus: Can I have a little talk with Grandpa outside please? Dad, my son isn't for sale, okay? You can't buy him. You can't buy his love, his respect, his affection, none of it.

Alan: Shouldn't you be thanking me for keeping him alive.

Gus: Well, Daisy could have called 911 as easily as she called Natalia and...

Alan: Yes, but she didn't, Gus. I got Natalia there to save his life just in time.

Gus: And I appreciate that. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to my son. I'm just saying, can you just stop the gifts, please? Don’t... don't do that.

Alan: Can I help it if I like the boy and the boy likes me?

Gus: I know, but they're going to come off like bribes.

Alan: All right. I'll just give him gifts on special occasions like Christmas and birthdays and...

Gus: It's not about the actual gift. Look, I understand that it's difficult for you to have... let go of Beth and the child, but please understand that Raphael is not some sort of replacement for your child.

Alan: No, he's not a replacement, Gus. He is your son, and he deserves a better life than he has had. And he deserves better than feeling like an afterthought of you and Harley’s marriage.

Gus: No, excuse me. Excuse me, he's not some sort of afterthought.

Alan: Not to you, he isn’t. But he is to Harley. ( Ringing of cell phone ) Excuse me.

Dylan: Does Gus know you're here?

Harley: Way to keep the place tidy, there, Dad.

Dylan: Daisy and I had a little bit of a movie marathon last night. Here, sit down.

Harley: I can’t. Actually, I have to go. I'm just going to grab her.

Dylan: Wait a second. Didn't we talk about this? We figured this would be the best way to handle this, Daisy staying with me, right?

Harley: We did, and it is... was.

Dylan: I thought.

Harley: And I'm glad that you guys had this time to bond, I really am, but she needs to come home and be with her mother.

Dylan: Rafe?

Harley: Well...

Dylan: They can't be under the same roof?

Harley: Gus and I will deal with that.

Dylan: Okay. Well, maybe you can chain them to opposite sides of the house. Maybe that would do the trick.

Harley: Is this how you're going to help me?

Dylan: Don't I get a say in this?

Harley: I thought you just did.

Dylan: Actually, I haven't even gotten started. I'm her father, Harley.

Harley: Yes, you are her father. And Gus is my husband, so I wish you would stop acting like you are.

Marina: I hate this.

Remy: Then send it back.

Marina: No, not this. This. He swore to me that she was just a business associate.

Remy: He's a driver. So, what kind of business... if you ask me, you're making too much out of this.

Marina: Are you kidding me? She could be a swimsuit model.

Remy: At least he doesn't have an ex in the picture he shares a kid with.

Marina: It's not going to hot with Natalia, huh? Remy, what is wrong with us?

Cyrus: Can I get you another one of those?

Terri: Don't change the subject.

Cyrus: All right. The subject was deals. I'm going to put one together that both of us can live with.

Terri: I already told you what the deal was.

Cyrus: I'm sure this racket of yours must be a huge money maker. A US CIS agent shaking down the people she's supposed to help. Now that's beautiful. But I just can't help wondering how your boss would feel if he knew you were leaning on poor, unsuspecting immigrants.

Terri: Don't even start.

Cyrus: He's my proposal. You take the squeeze off me and I don't rat you out. Ah, here he is. Your boss, see? On speed dial. Hey, I wonder if he'd get a kick out of seeing one of his agents in action. Smile. You look pretty good. Two can play at blackmail, Terri.

Terri: Send the picture. Send an email, a sworn statement, whatever. Take your best shot, it won't matter. No one would believe a thief like you. No, nothing has changed. Except that you just wasted ten minutes of the time you've got left to get me that money. See you soon, or pack your bags.

Natalia: Did you see Rafe’s face?

Gus: It's all manipulation, okay? I've seen him do it a thousand times.

Alan: Gus, not everything I do is toxic.

Gus: Right.

Alan: Look, I'll admit that maybe the computer was a little extravagant, but the fact is he's going to need that computer to do his schoolwork.

Natalia: Yes, I know, but if he needs one, I will save up and I will get it for him. Right now, my main concern is his health and making sure he doesn't make a terrible mistake with Daisy.

Gus: It should be fine, because Daisy's going to be living with her father now.

Natalia: That is not going to keep them apart. And how are we going to prevent them from running away again?

Alan: Look, maybe we should...

Gus: Dad, can you do me a favor, please, and not get involved?

Alan: I am his grandfather.

Gus: If I need your help, I will ask for it, okay?

Alan: I want to be a part of his life, that's all, Gus.

Gus: I know. Are you okay with these packages? I'm going to have to tell Harley what's going on. Excuse me.

Alan: Natalia, can we talk?

Natalia: I don't think we should talk about...

Alan: Listen to me. The doctor has released Raphael. My suggestion to you is to pack up all his things and take him to your apartment.

Natalia: Why?

Alan: Because he is never going to be number one in their house. Harley has her own career, her own children. That's what's important to her.

Natalia: I think that she cares about Rafe.

Alan: No. She is never going to let an outsider come in and spoil her perfect little world. Trust me, Harley will be the one that drives Raphael out of this town.

Harley: I gave up Daisy when she was a baby, then I ship her off to boarding school, then I'm shipping her off to juvie. Now she's here.

Dylan: Letting her stay here with me isn't exactly shipping her off.

Harley: Well, she needs to come home. She needs support, she needs her family, she needs her mother. And I need her. Dylan.

Daisy: What are you doing here? Came to frisk me for love notes from Rafe?

Harley: Why don't you just pack your stuff?

Daisy: What?

Harley: You're coming with me.

Daisy: Where?

Harley: Home.

Daisy: Home? As in your home?

Harley: Yes.

Daisy: Okay. Okay, cool. Well, you know what? For the record, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not even going to look at... what's his name?

Harley: What is his name? Rafe.

Daisy: Who? No, I'm serious, Mom. Crazy stuff, over.

Harley: Great.

Daisy: I'm going to miss hanging here with you, though. You going to visit me a lot?

Dylan: Yeah.

Daisy: Yeah?

Dylan: Definitely, yeah.

Daisy: Well, I guess I'll go pack my junk.

Dylan: You buy that?

Harley: What difference does it make?

Dylan: Because she's going with you, and that's that.

Harley: I am not going to let our daughter ruin her life. I won't let it happen. But I'm saying that as a promise to you, too. Look, if I have to follow her and Rafe around 24/7 to make sure she's safe, I will do that.

Natalia: What inning?

Rafe: It's the bottom of the sixth.

Gus: Bottom of the sixth. Cubbies are up, 3-0.

Natalia: Did you get in touch with Harley?

Gus: Not yet.

Natalia: Do you mind if I have a minute alone with Rafe?

Gus: No, I'll go to the commissary for a second. Does anybody want something?

Rafe: Yeah, bring me back some cinnamon buns.

Gus: Oh, and you got to keep an eye on the game. Make sure they keep the lead because it’s... I'll explain it.

Rafe: Mom, come on.

Natalia: There's something I have to talk to you about. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I walked into that cottage and you were just laying on the floor like that?

Rafe: Look, okay, I'm sorry. I lost track of time, I just forgot to check my blood.

Natalia: See, that is not like you. I have never known you to just lose track of time and forget...

Rafe: Stop, okay? Look, it's not like I meant to do it. It's not like I meant to mess up and make things hard for you.

Natalia: I know. I know, I'm not blaming you. I think the problem is our lives have gotten a lot more complicated since we've been in Springfield.

Rafe: Look, there's a lot of nice things in Springfield.

Natalia: You mean Daisy?

Rafe: Yeah, she's cool. She's nice.

Natalia: She's cooler than any other girl you've ever known. I have to ask you to do something for me, Raphael, and I hate to even say it because I know that when I was your age, if anyone tried to come between me and Nick... but that's exactly why I need you to stay away from Daisy.

Gus: Hey, babe.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: I got some good news. Rafe gets released tonight.

Harley: Oh, my gosh, that's great. It's great. You celebrating with a cinnamon bun?

Gus: It's Natalia’s. She's hungry.

Harley: Well, I've got some great news, too. Daisy's coming home.

Gus: What happened with her dad?

Harley: Well, this is my idea. I just, you know, I went over there and I said, "Pack your bags. You're coming home, your room is waiting for you."

Gus: Why did you do that?

Harley: Because I'm her mother.

Gus: Well, you're her mother no matter where she stays and I thought the plan was that she was going to stay with her father.

Harley: I don't think that's a good environment for her. You know, he's a single guy, he lives in a hotel room. She needs a home. She needs support. She needs her mother.

Gus: What about Rafe?. I thought the whole plan was that they're not supposed to be under the same roof at the same time, living together.

Harley: I still think that that's very true.

Gus: What else are you thinking?

Harley: I went over this a million different ways in my head.

Gus: I mean, where is Rafe supposed to go... oh. Oh, I get it. You're picking your daughter over my son.

Rafe: Look, I'm tired, all right?

Natalia: Rafe, you know how hard I worked to get you into good schools. I want you to be able to graduate and then go to college someday, but you're going to throw it all away if you get Daisy in trouble.

Rafe: Mom, come on. We didn't even do anything!

Natalia: Good, good. Let's keep it that way.

Rafe: So, what? I'm just supposed be like, "Okay, bye, Daisy. Peace out, see you later, all right?"

Natalia: For now, yes. You think I'm being selfish. In a way I am, but it's for your own good.

Rafe: Yeah right, Ma.

Natalia: Rafie, for 16 years it's been you and me. Just the two of us, right? You've got all these new people in your life, but these people might not stay. I will. I will always be here, and that's why I need to know that everything I have done to get you ahead hasn't been for nothing.

Daisy: Rafe.

Natalia: Think about what I said.

Daisy: Oh, God. I missed you so much.

Gus: So you're throwing out my son.

Harley: It's not like that.

Gus: That's what you're doing.

Harley: No, I want what's best for him, too.

Gus: I know what's best for him.

Harley: Listen to me. Daisy is on a cliff. Do you see her? And she is teetering. One push in the wrong direction, I could lose her.

Gus: Is this about Daisy or is this about yourself? This is about yourself.

Harley: This is about the fact that I haven't been there for her, honey. I have not been there for her. Not the way she deserves.

Gus: I don't even know my son, okay? I'm trying to make up for an entire lifetime here.

Harley: And I'll help you. I will help you with that, baby. I will come up with something, I promise.

Natalia: Come up with something for what?

Harley: Didn't see you there.

Natalia: I asked you a question.

Gus: We're talking about Rafe. We're trying to figure...

Harley: We're talking about the living situation with the kids.

Natalia: Well, maybe I should be a part of this conversation.

Harley: Why don't we just wait until Rafe is out of the hospital and then we can all sit down...?

Natalia: No, until you guys decide what you want to do.

Gus: Wait a second.

Natalia: No, no, no. You talked me into letting him stay with you, and now I'm going to make a decision for my son.

Gus: Well, he's not living in Landon. He can't live in Landon. It's a bad neighborhood. They have no good schools there.

Harley: I agree, I agree. I was thinking about this. I think that we should buy a condo for Rafe and his mother to live in in our neighborhood.

Gus: Buy a condo? Are you crazy? Who's got the money for a condo? Here we go, here we go. Here we go again.

Harley: Well, they cannot live together.

Gus: Well, we're not sending one of them away. Do you understand?

Harley: Of course.

Gus: I'm tired. I had two hours of sleep last night.

Harley: The important thing is your son's okay. That's all that matters.

Gus: Alan bought him a computer.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Natalia's taking it back.

Harley: Really? Wow, good for her.

Gus: I... I better bring in her cinnamon bun.

Harley: Gus. It's you and me, right? We'll figure this out. We always do, right?

Gus: Of course.

Marina: Here. Come on, call one of your poker buddies. See if there's any high stakes games going on tonight we can get in on.

Remy: Are you freaking nuts?

Marina: Come on, it'll be fun.

Remy: Forget about it.

Marina: Why?

Remy: Because you're a cop. The only reason you want to hit a poker game is to get some weird high off busting. Oh, and another thing, if you think you're going to hook up with me to make Foley jealous, thanks, but no thanks. You're the only friend I have right now.

Marina: Is there anything else?

Remy: Yeah. I like Natalia and I'm not giving up on her no matter how much Gus Aitoro baggage she's carrying.

Marina: Come on, Boudreau, what happened to your sense of adventure?

Cyrus: Come with me.

Marina: Let me go.

Cyrus: Stop fighting and come over here.

Marina: Okay. This is far enough. What is it?

Cyrus: I want you to cut the crap.

Marina: I don't know what you're talking about.

Cyrus: I could have left this town, gotten the hell out and kept going with my life somewhere else. I could have scored myself some cash and lived a dream on some island, but I didn’t. I stayed here in this town.

Marina: Okay, you're saying you stayed for me.

Cyrus: I'm saying you can stop running off with other guys, stop trying to make me jealous.

Marina: Oh, me?

Cyrus: Yeah, I saw how you were plastering yourself up against Remy. You're not fooling anyone.

Marina: Are you serious? Is that what you were doing with your business associate? You were just trying to not fool everyone, that you were just doing business?

Cyrus: Oh, come on! I have jumped through more hoops than a bloody circus dog for you. And there's really only one question left, isn't there?

Marina: What?

Cyrus: Do you believe in me, huh?

Marina: What?

Cyrus: That's I've changed. Do you believe that I've changed?

Marina: Yeah.

Cyrus: Yeah?

Marina: Yeah, I do.

Cyrus: Okay. Because I've got some decisions to make. Now, if I'm going to stick around, can we finally quit all these stupid games and just be together?

Marina: Yeah.

Cyrus: Yes?

Marina: Yes.

Cyrus: This is good.

Marina: Yeah.

Cyrus: What we have. What we can have.

Marina: I was an idiot.

Cyrus: What?

Marina: I mean, not an idiot. A chicken for doubting you.

Cyrus: It's okay.

Marina: No, it's the cop in me. See, it just makes me so suspicious. It's like your chauffeur job with Alex. I thought it was a set up for a fleecing.

Cyrus: I understand that.

Marina: But that was then, right. And then this... this is good.

Cyrus: Yeah. This is all going to work out.

Marina: Yeah. I never should have doubted you. I mean, past a certain point, you know.

Cyrus: ( Laughs )

Marina: I know. I know, you just want a fresh start now.

Cyrus: Yeah, I do. How about I'll meet you in your room later?

Marina: We're together now.

Cyrus: I know, but there's something that I have to take care of.

Marina: Well, can't it wait?

Cyrus: I'm afraid not.

Marina: Okay. What is this something?

Cyrus: You said you trusted me, right?

Marina: Yeah.

Cyrus: Then you have to trust that I'm thinking of us, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Alexandra: Alan, I really am sorry to see Beth go. And the baby, I know I should add.

Alan: You mean that, Alex?

Alexandra: When are you going to understand you're my brother, Alan? I want you to be happy. Drink up. You want the same for me?

Alan: Of course I do. I want you to be very happy. You're my sister. I love you very much.

Alexandra: Well, then you won't object if I have my driver Cyrus move out of the servant's quarters and into the main house?

Alan: No. I mean, why would I object? I mean, you do whatever you want.

Alexandra: Wonderful, wonderful. Because to tell you the truth, quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of roaming around this big empty barn all alone.

Alan: Now, you have... you have me, Alex.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) Of course, I have you.

Alan: ( Laughs )

Alexandra: You're magnificent company.

Alan: ( Laughs )

Alexandra: But...

Alan: What?

Alexandra: I don't know, there's something very warm about this... this young man that I enjoy. I mean, I just like his company. Alan, maybe... maybe the two of us just have to, well... take what we can get from good company, huh?

Alan: Well, Alexandra, I respect that. If good company is what you want, you may have that. But I want more than good company.

Remy: Hey.

Natalia: Hello.

Remy: You going someplace?

Natalia: Home.

Remy: I thought this was your home.

Natalia: So did I. I realized today what a huge mistake I made moving here.

Remy: Is that so?

Natalia: Yeah. It was supposed to be such a good thing, you know. It was supposed to be a chance for Rafe to get to know and meet his father. But instead it just caused all this trouble and nearly set my son into a diabetic coma.

Remy: Well, it has been pretty rough.

Natalia: Yeah, and I've had enough. So I'm going to go back to Chicago and I'm going to take Rafe with me.

Remy: Right. Of course.

Natalia: If you're going to give me some lecture about quitters never winning or winners never quitting or whatever, however it goes...

Remy: Relax. I'm not going to give you grief, okay? In fact, it's the best idea I've heard in weeks.

Natalia: Are you trying to use reverse psychology on me?

Remy: No. No, no. I mean it. Not that I want you to go, because I don't, but the truth is, you and Rafe will be better off someplace else.

Natalia: I'm glad you understand.

Remy: I definitely do. And you and Rafe should take off as quick as possible while you still have a way out. I can visit you in Chicago, if that's cool.

Natalia: Of course you could.

Remy: Good. Have a safe trip.

Daisy: How you feeling?

Rafe: I'm better. I guess.

Daisy: Oh, I got you something. I stole these from my old candy striper's cart. Don't tell.

Rafe: Thanks.

Daisy: You sure you're okay?

Rafe: Yeah.

Daisy: I was so scared before. You were... I couldn't help you.

Rafe: Daisy, you helped me, okay? You called my mom. I mean, honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Daisy: What? Rafe, you were out cold.

Rafe: My blood sugar was a little bit low, that's it.

Daisy: Okay. Well, I'll help you to remember to test yourself next time.

Rafe: I can take care of myself, okay?

Daisy: Okay, what's going on?

Rafe: What are you talking about?

Daisy: This. You're, like, cold or something.

Rafe: I'm not cold, we just... we've had fun, okay? We've had a lot of fun.

Daisy: Are you kidding? Fun? It's been incredible.

Rafe: Well, then maybe we should just mellow out a little bit, you know? I mean, we're definitely going to see each other around.

Daisy: Are you breaking up with me?

Rafe: Daisy, look, it's not breaking up if we were never together to begin with.

Daisy: So, we're just... we're just friends now.

Rafe: Daisy...

Daisy: No, yeah. Just some people hung out for awhile, had some fun. Okay. Well, that's fine. You know what? Forget it. That is cool, you don't need me. All right, I don't need you either. Great.

Natalia: You're visiting already. Come in, the door's unlocked.

Gus: Why keep it unlocked? It shouldn't be unlocked. What are you doing?

Natalia: I am doing the only sane thing I can think of in this crazy situation.

Gus: You're leaving?

Natalia: Yeah. I'm going back to Chicago with Rafe.

Gus: You're not going anywhere. Excuse me.

Cyrus: You can't say I haven't been paying attention to you, Alex.

Alexandra: ( Sighs ) Those were always my favorite, too.

( Song playing ) Throw the passion... rush to keep me under

Natalia: I am going back to Chicago with him because that's what I decided.

Gus: I'm going to do better, okay? I'm going to organize everything better from here on out. I promise.

Natalia: Yeah, by moving Rafe around like a little hot potato?

Gus: I know you're upset and angry, okay, but we'll make the best out of this situation.

Natalia: Okay, how? Because if you don't want Rafe here with me, Harley doesn't want Rafe in the house, not as long as Daisy's there. I know that you tried and I appreciate it, but it didn't work.

Gus: We're going to make it work. We're going to make it work. He's going to live with me now. He's going to stay with me.

Natalia: But Harley is not going to...

Gus: It's not Harley’s choice!

Natalia: But she is your wife.

Gus: It doesn't matter. Rafe is my son. Look, I gave this a lot of thought, okay? And I thought I had everything that I wanted in this life, everything that I wanted and I needed, and it's not true. Because you gave me Rafe. I've got Rafe and I've got you, and you and Rafe are just as much a part of my life as Harley is.

( Knock on door ) ( knock on door )

Harley: Oh, sorry, nobody's home.

Alan: Harley, wait.

Harley: Better yet, why don't you go next door and see if they're buying some of the garbage you're selling?

Alan: May I come in? This is very important.

Harley: Well, you can tell me from right there.

Alan: I have an offer to make you that I think will solve all of our problems.

Harley: You mean Daisy and Rafe?

Alan: Yes, I believe I have a solution that will work.

Harley: Okay. Let's hear it.

Alan: I think that Daisy should come and live with you here.

Harley: Already done.

Alan: And that my grandson Rafael should come and live with me.

Harley: ( Laughs ) And why in the world do you think I would ever agree to Rafe living in the Spaulding fortress?

Alan: It's very simple. Because you want to save your marriage.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Natalia: Does Harley know about that?

Gus: Does she know what?

Natalia: That you are this involved in my life?

Alexandra: If you marry a U.S. citizen, you will become legal.

Cyrus: Where would I find a wife?

Natalia: I would do anything for Rafael.

Alan: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that.

Natalia: You can try, but you can't have both of us.

Harley: You can't have him!

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