Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/11/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Here.
Gus: What'd you get?
Harley: Guy movies.
Gus: Get out of here. Well, first of all, I'll be the judge if they're really guy movies.
Harley: These are mine. Okay, here we go. These.
Gus: Ooh.
Harley: See?
Gus: Excellent.
Harley: All six of them.
Gus: Well, I'm very proud of you.
Harley: That's a guy movie, right? Lots of punching.
Gus: Yeah. That's what we want to encourage around here. Lot's of punching.
Harley: Well, it's going to buy us 12 hours.
Gus: I don't know, maybe the first three movies will make Rafe keep his mind off Daisy, but by the time Rocky gets to Russia and he's carrying the log up the snow, you know?
Harley: You having second thoughts about keeping the kids apart?
Gus: And then when the coach goes, "You're a dinosaur, Rocky! He'll knock you..."
Harley: Seriously.
Gus: We didn't have a choice, babe. Plus, if we had met when we were kids, you wouldn't have been able to keep us apart.
Dylan: Yeah, I can do that. I've got the specs right here. Okay.
Gus: You gonna watch this? This is good stuff.
Rafe: Yeah.
Harley: I'll make popcorn.
Gus: All right. Want me to pause it.
Harley: No, no, no. That's okay. Rafe.
Rafe: I hate popcorn.
Harley: I think it was something I said, but apparently it's everything I say whether it's him or Daisy.
Gus: Ah, they're mad at us. Don't worry. Give it a couple of days, it'll blow over. All we really have to do is get through, like, the whole next school year, right? Nobody getting pregnant or eloping or killing us in the middle of the night. We can do that, right? We can do that.
Harley: I wish I had known you then, you know? I wish it had been me instead of Natalia.
Gus: Baby, you can't think like that.
Harley: I could have been your first love.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Well, I saved the best for last. What can I say?
Dylan: You okay?
Daisy: Yeah. Yeah.
Dylan: What are you doing?
Daisy: I.M.-ing with Ashlee.
Dylan: Okay. Well, I got to meet a client downstairs. That shouldn't be more than ten minutes. I'll bring you back some food, okay?
Daisy: Okay. Thanks. ( Knocking at the door )
( pounding at the door )
Harley: Okay. Okay. Hey.
Dylan: Daisy took off.
Harley: What? She hates it here. Nobody understands her. Nobody wants her to be happy.
Gus: Rafe! Rafe.
Natalia: Hello? What do you mean they're gone?
Alan: No, he's not here. Have you already lost him?
Buzz: I'm on my way.
Dylan: Rafe talked her into this.
Gus: You saw the note.
Alan: Harley drove the boy away.
Natalia: Okay, wait. Did he take his insulin and his tester?
Buzz: He has diabetes?
Harley: Well, hopefully he took something, but most of the stuff was down here with us. Please tell me you found them.
Frank: Well, a night manager at the Beacon saw Rafe come through the lobby.
Harley: They went to a hotel room together?
Dylan: He probably slipped right by me.
Alan: Nice parenting, Harley. Haven't you learned you can't trust her?
Harley: This is not all Daisy's fault.
Gus: This is not about fault. It's nobody's fault.
Natalia: We don't know why they went there.
Buzz: Oh, we know why they went there.
Frank: Okay, let's not jump to conclusions, here.
Gus: Forget about why they went to a hotel.
Dylan: Forget? You want to just forget?
Harley: We don't even know if it was them.
Gus: Let's just make sure Rafe is okay and that he has his medicine.
Natalia: You know what, I should have never let him stay here because he always takes care of himself when he's with me.
Alan: All right, I'm going to call my security team right now.
Harley: Well, I think we should all be out there looking for them, Alan. Don't you?
Buzz: Frank?
Alan: You know, Harley, you and Dylan should know where she hangs out.
Gus: We all know where she hangs out.
Dylan: We will find her.
Natalia: Okay. I don't know the town, but I know that Rafe will not run from me.
Gus: Can we just find our kids, please?
Gus: So Rafe gets to the Beacon hotel. First of all we don't know if it was Rafe at all because we didn't see it ourselves, but this is what you do in missing persons...
Natalia: What?
Gus: Missing persons. Honey, this is a missing person. He has to be treated that way. Believe me, I know what I'm doing. I do this for a living.
Natalia: Yeah, I know. You drop everything to track people down. Yes I remember.
Gus: Anyway, Dylan said that he had a ten minute meeting and it ran over to about two hours. And I don't know how long I fell asleep. Well, actually I do. If we woke up and the movie was over, that's about two hours. Maximum, the kids have two hours on us.
Natalia: Okay. I'm just upset. I want to go.
Gus: We're going to check every park and motel and hospital. We're going to get Rafe home safe, okay?
Natalia: No one's seen them at Co2.
Gus: You know, you look very nice. You were going out, or something, with Remy tonight?
Natalia: Yeah, we were going to go to some new club. If you had called me any later, I'd...
Gus: Well, if I'd found the kids before you got home, you wouldn't have had to worry at all.
Natalia: I'm used to it.
Gus: You leave your window open like this?
Natalia: I ran out of here. I forgot.
Gus: What's the matter with you? Why don't you just put a sign that goes, "Hey, come and steal my stuff."
Natalia: The air conditioner's not working.
Gus: I'll fix the air conditioner.
Natalia: You can't fix everything. I can worry about Rafe in here as well as I can out there, but I am not going to find him in here. So I'm going to go look...
Gus: No, you're not going to go anywhere. Please, just stay put. I know you want to do something and this is what you're doing. You're going to stay here in case he calls or in case he stops by.
Natalia: He won’t.
Gus: He will.
Natalia: They ran away.
Gus: Well, if they run out of places to hide or they run out of money, they're going to come here before they ever come near my house.
Natalia: Please bring our boy home. ( Knock on the door )
Remy: Hey. Is everything okay?
Natalia: Rafe ran away. With Daisy. So I'm supposed to stay here and hold down the fort in case he comes here.
Remy: Well I'll stay with you.
Gus: Why don't you go out and help look?
Natalia: I'm sorry about tonight, Remy.
Remy: Finding your kid is what matters. I want to help, okay?
Natalia: Thank you.
Gus: I'm leaving.
Natalia: Call me.
Gus: Yeah.
Remy: I will.
Gus: You know, Remy, whatever you think you got going on...
Remy: Whatever I think?
Gus: Yeah, whatever you think you got going on with Natalia has got nothing to do with my son.
Remy: You're the one who asked me to help you find him, Gus.
Jimbo: Been looking for you, Boudreau.
Remy: Hey. Hey. Jimbo. Me, too, man. I'm trying to set up another game, you know, to win back my losses or double your winnings. Are you around tomorrow night?
Gus: Detective Aitoro. I got some bad news for you, Jimbo. Boudreau here is one of my top operatives. I know it doesn't seem like it, but he is.
Jimbo: You quit the force after they fired you, so pay me.
Gus: Quit, fired. Fired, quit, it's all just part of a ruse to make him seem like persona non grata with the Springfield Police Department so he could go under cover. Deep, deep under cover.
Remy: You listening?
Jimbo: Where's my money?
Remy: Evidence room.
Gus: Bank.
Remy: It's the bank.
Gus: It's in a bank vault in the evidence room. And when we wrap up the case, you'll get what's coming to you.
Jimbo: If I don't get my money, I take your head.
Remy: Nice save, Gus. Ow, man! What's your problem?
Gus: I have two missing kids, that's my problem.
Remy: You check the kitchen, I'll go around back.
Gus: Let me ask you something, Remy. What would have happened if Natalia had been around when your pal Jimbo showed up?
Remy: Let's get something straight, Gus. I would never let anything happen to her.
Gus: I'm talking about danger by association, because I've got to tell you, I'm not going to stand around...
Remy: Well, good, because standing around isn't your thing, walking away is.
Gus: Why don't you just stop trying to get in her pants and just look for the kids.
Remy: Oh, wow. Wow. Well, I'm glad you finally said it.
Gus: Said what?
Remy: That you're not worried that I'm bad for Natalia, you're just jealous because I can be with her and you can’t. ( Ringing of cell phone )
Gus: Yeah? No, we're right across the street. Okay. Found the kids.
Gus: Okay, can we just find our kids, please? No sweat. We do this all the time.
Harley: Just call me, okay? Let's stay here and make some phone calls first.
Dylan: If everyone went running out of here without a real plan, they're going to end up searching the same places.
Harley: I know.
Dylan: Busy.
Harley: Me, too. Wait a minute, who did you call?
Dylan: My mom. Man, we're just as bad as them. Don't worry. I'm going to try again.
Harley: I'm going to call some motels and see if they made a reservation someplace else. How did it come to this?
Dylan: All right, Mom. Daisy and Rafe took off. Just call me when you get this, okay? All right. Bye, I guess. How did it come to what?
Harley: Hi. No, don't put me on hold, please! How did it come to our daughter running away?
Dylan: They're kids, that's what they do.
Harley: Hi. Listen, I'm looking for two young people... wait!
Dylan: You're on hold again?
Harley: Yes. You know what? This is ridiculous. Let's just... we'll make calls on the way and we'll just...
Dylan: On the way to where?
Harley: I don't know! This is a lot easier when you're not searching for your own kids.
Dylan: Just calm down for a second. Take a breath. We just have to think like they think.
Harley: They don't think. They're full of raging hormones and attitude.
Dylan: Okay so they're us at their age.
Harley: You're not helping.
Dylan: I'm trying to help.
Harley: I don't even know if anybody was supposed to check here already.
Buzz: I was. I did.
Harley: They're not here? Well, where's Frank?
Buzz: I'm meeting him on Fifth Street. Maybe he had better luck.
Harley: Frank would have called me if he knew anything.
Buzz: I'll keep looking.
Harley: Thanks.
Dylan: Who needs a drink?
Harley: I don't want it.
Dylan: It'll take the edge off.
Harley: I don't want it.
Dylan: You're not good like this.
Harley: Happy?
Dylan: You're just like her, you know?
Harley: No. No, she is like me. And that is not a good thing. Would you finish that? I want to keep looking for them.
Dylan: You know, we didn't turn out so bad.
Harley: You were in prison. I got pregnant when I was a kid and I gave up the baby. That's not good.
Dylan: Yeah, but here's the thing. You're talking about the way we were, I'm talking about the way we are today. We turned out all right and so will she, okay?
Harley: In spite of everything?
Dylan: Maybe because of everything. Maybe she turned out a survivor.
Harley: I don't want her going through what we did. The good times, yeah, hey, that's fine. But the tough stuff? The tough stuff that we went through? No, I want better for her.
Dylan: And so do I, okay? I'll drink to that.
Harley: Hey, you know, there's that pool club. The one on Main Street. Daisy loves pool.
Dylan: Need a break?
Harley: Actually, I was just thinking I should have had that glass of wine. And, by the way, I made up that pool thing. I think I'm the one who likes pool.
Dylan: Right. Well, I guess they're not around here.
Harley: No.
Dylan: Where next? You know, I'm not condoning this or anything, but we maybe should have tried something like this at their age.
Harley: Running away?
Dylan: Yeah.
Harley: What would that have been like in that death trap of a truck? ( Laughs )
Dylan: ( Laughs ) I loved that truck.
Harley: Yeah, more than me.
Dylan: Never.
Harley: The high school.
Dylan: What?
Harley: Yes. The high school. It's summer. Come on! There’s not a lot of people around. There are vending machines in case he gets hungry. That's where the kids are. Come on. So much for them doubling back.
Dylan: The bathroom door's open.
Harley: I don't have to go.
Dylan: Okay, that's good to know, but what I meant was, it wasn't when I left.
Harley: Maybe Daisy left it open.
Dylan: I mean, after she ran off, before I came to your house, I mean, maybe they did actually come back.
Harley: Right. No, good thinking, good thinking. Hey, and I'm going to check her computer to see if she's actually been on this thing recently. Not that this has anything to do with anything, but whatever happened to blue freak?
Dylan: Blue streak!
Harley: Streak!
Dylan: Right. And the people I was staying with sold it off for parts to pay my rent after I went to prison.
Harley: You went to prison? Just kidding! Somebody wanted those parts?
Dylan: Harley, let the truck rest in peace!
Harley: Sorry. I'm just saying. We had a good time in that truck.
Dylan: Yes, we did.
Harley: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about summers with the windows open and the wind blowing and the music blasting. Come on. It's like we were in a rock video.
Dylan: I kind of felt like I was a rock star whenever I was with you.
Harley: There's nothing on here. Well, you know, we weren't rock stars, we were just horny teenagers.
Dylan: Hey, we were more than that.
Harley: We didn't have time together to be more than that. What are you looking for?
Dylan: Whatever's missing. You know what? I wish we met when we were a little older.
Harley: That's so weird. I just told Gus I wish we met when we were a little younger. But then, we wouldn't have Daisy.
Dylan: Well, not our Daisy, but we'd have kids and family and we'd have each other. You know, a little wine with a whole lot of nostalgia.
Harley: We should get going. We've got to find them.
Dylan: I'm...
Harley: You know what, apology accepted, how's that?
Dylan: No, actually, what I was going to say is I'm not sorry I kissed you.
Harley: Dylan, don’t.
Dylan: You know what? You grew up, you moved on, you found Gus and you got this great life together, right? And then I moved back to town and I see you and more and more every day I just feel like maybe I never got over Harley Cooper with the dangling earrings and the great laugh. And, you know what? Maybe I never will. ( Ringing of cell phone )
Harley: What do you want? Oh. Mhmm. Coming. The hospital.
Gus: We're going to check every park, motel, and hospital. We're going to make sure that Rafe gets home safe. Okay?
Remy: Finding your kid is what matters. I want to help.
Natalia: Thank you.
Gus: I'm going to go.
Natalia: Call me.
Gus: I will.
Remy: I will.
Gus: Go. ( Knock on the door )
Natalia: Rafe? Mr. Spaulding?
Alan: Please call me Alan. Any news?
Natalia: No. No. Come in. I guess you haven't heard anything.
Alan: No, I'm sorry. I haven't heard anything.
Natalia: Well, Gus thought that the kids might come here, so I'm in charge of waiting and pacing. I was going to make some flyers to see if, maybe give them to the neighbors.
Alan: Oh, I don't think that'll be necessary. If we need that I'll have my people prepare all that for us.
Natalia: You have people?
Alan: Yes. Many people, but none of them are as important to me as family. Well, look at us. We're all dressed up, but no place to go.
Natalia: You don't have to keep me company. You should go to wherever you...
Alan: Well, I was on my way to a charity auction for autism. You'll find that I always fight for children.
Natalia: I know about you, Alan. You know, everyone does.
Alan: You can't believe everything you hear, you know.
Natalia: I don’t.
Alan: May I... ?
Natalia: Yeah, yeah. Sit.
Alan: I just don't think that you should be here alone with your son missing.
Natalia: Thank you.
Alan: I want to ask you something, though. Why didn't you return my phone call?
Natalia: I didn't know what to think about that.
Alan: I just wanted to meet the mother of my grandson. I mean, I've had an opportunity to spend a little time with him and I wanted to...
Natalia: I heard. He likes you.
Alan: He does? Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Natalia: It takes a long time for Rafe to warm up to new people, and there have been a lot of new people.
Alan: I get the feeling he didn't have an easy life. But you know something? I find him a very interesting young man.
Natalia: He's an infuriating young man.
Alan: Well, I'm an infuriating older man and I understand perfectly. ( Laughs ) ( ringing of cell phone ) Oh, excuse me. My butler.
Natalia: Yeah, I should have had my butler answer for you.
Alan: Hello, Thomas. Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm here with his mother right now. We'll be right over. Raphael talked his way through the front gate. Daisy and he may be on the grounds right now.
Natalia: Maybe? What, they can't find them?
Alan: You haven't seen our grounds. Come on. Check again, just in case. Well, we must have just missed them.
Natalia: This house...
Alan: Yes, this house has been in the family for many years. Its ownership has been tossed around in the family like a hot potato. You, on the other hand. Your house was purchased with hard work and sacrifice. I'd take that any day.
Natalia: No, you wouldn’t.
Alan: I think I know now where Raphael gets his courage.
Natalia: I shouldn’t...
Alan: No, no, no. We both deserve a little time to regroup. After all, we need to have a little drink before we go back out.
Natalia: Maybe you more than me.
Alan: I'll tell you, the last few days have been pretty rough for me personally.
Natalia: Does this have to do with the wedding at that big barbecue? I work at Company, the gossip capitol of Springfield.
Alan: Ah, yes, it is the gossip capitol.
Natalia: She was your wife and you thought she was having your baby?
Alan: Ms. Rivera...
Natalia: It's Natalia. I'm so sorry.
Alan: Well, Natalia, if my reputation precedes me, you must be very disappointed right now to see the big, bad Alan Spaulding, huh?
Natalia: You've suffered a loss.
Alan: Well, you've suffered a loss, too. Sending Raphael over to live with Gus and Harley, I mean... but you won't lose him for long. I have an abundant amount of resources and I'll make sure that he comes home to you.
Natalia: You really care?
Alan: That young man was very kind to me after a very difficult day in my life and he will be rewarded.
Natalia: No. I see where this is going. No, we don't need for you to...
Alan: I'm sorry, Natalia. I didn't mean to insult you by offering you money. I only meant to suggest that when we get him back and he has to go back over to Harley and Gus' to live, if it becomes too intense over there, and I'm sure it will, I want you both to know that you will be welcomed here. The keys to the house are right here... next to the lake house keys, which are gone. Raphael saw the keys yesterday. ( Ringing of cell phone )
Natalia: Hello? Oh, Daisy. Thank God. Where are you? Oh, no, no. I have to get to my son right now. I don't know where she is...
Alan: Daisy? Stay right where you are. They're at the lake house. Come on, let's go.
Natalia: Oh, my God!
Gus: Baby, you can't think like that.
Harley: I could have been your first love.
Gus: I saved the best for last. What can I say?
Dylan: I got to meet a client downstairs. I shouldn't be more than 10 minutes. I'll bring you back some food, okay?
Daisy: Oh, okay. Thanks. ( Knock on the door ) It's still open, Dylan.
Rafe: Hey. Is it okay?
Daisy: Get in. Oh, my God. I was just packing. I was going to come and get you and you're here. It's like you knew.
Rafe: Look, get the rest of your stuff, okay, because Gus and Harley are going to figure this out really soon.
Daisy: Okay. How did you get out?
Rafe: The window. Where's your dad?
Daisy: He's in the lounge. We can get a room here to hide out in.
Rafe: What if he's there?
Daisy: There's a service entrance we can use.
Rafe: Okay, good, cool.
Daisy: Where are we going?
Rafe: For good, I have no idea.
Daisy: For good, really?
Rafe: Yeah. Look, my mom's on a date, okay? So, if here doesn't work, we can go there for now. Did you get everything?
Daisy: Ah... let's go.
Rafe: Okay. Okay, she's not here.
Daisy: They're going to flip. But that's what they get, right? I mean, splitting us up, treating us like we're babies...
Rafe: Are they always like that?
Daisy: Gus and Harley, with the rules? Yeah. I guess Dylan’s okay, but he's not going to override Harley.
Rafe: Like my mom. All of a sudden she's on Gus' team. You know what? We're going to be fine.
Daisy: Are you kidding? We're going to be better off.
Gus: Well, somebody's got to do it.
Rafe: $7.52.
Daisy: Where are we going to go?
Rafe: I have no idea, but I'm thinking, I'll tell you that.
Daisy: Wish we had somewhere fun to go, you know? Like a beach house or something.
Dylan: I loved that truck.
Harley: I know, more than me.
Dylan: Never.
Harley: The high school.
Dylan: What?
Harley: Yeah, it's summer, there's not a lot of people around. There's a vending machine in case he gets hungry. That's where they are.
Daisy: Too close. Okay. Where are we going to go?
Rafe: Come on. You just gave me an idea.
Daisy: I can't believe you just did that.
Rafe: That butler dude? I think he's actually scared of me.
Daisy: Yeah, that's why he shouldn't have let us in. Can you believe your family lives here?
Rafe: No, look. My mom is my family, all right? But this? This is helpful. Come on, let's go.
Daisy: This is like the perfect beach house. Or lake house. Whatever.
Rafe: It's what you wanted, right?
Daisy: Yeah. It's amazing in here. So quiet and private.
Rafe: I thought I heard something.
Daisy: Yeah, me too. We're just so used to it. But it's just us, okay? We made it. We got away. Are you hungry?
Rafe: Yeah. I'm starving.
Daisy: I'll make us something.
Rafe: Wait, you cook?
Daisy: I can try. We've got baking soda and we've got pickles. Gross, these are old pickles. It's the middle of the summer. Why haven't any of the Spaulding’s used this place?
Rafe: I'll be they have like ten houses just like this.
Daisy: Yeah, but this one's really cool.
Rafe: I wasn't that hungry anyway. It doesn't matter. Let's go swimming.
Daisy: All right. Sure.
Rafe: You think the Spaulding’s just left bathing suits lying around for us?
Daisy: Do we really need bathing suits?
Rafe: Okay. ( Laughs ) Last one to get into the lake has to eat those pickles.
Daisy: Ew, no. No, gross. Everything, right?
Rafe: That's what we said, yeah.
Daisy: I am so going to be in that lake before you. Rafe? Are you okay?
Rafe: Yeah. I was just a little bit hungry. Give me a sec.
Daisy: Okay. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Rafe? Wake up. Rafe. God. Oh, my God. Rafe? Come on. Come on, it's okay. It's going to be okay. Come on. Wake up. Come on, come on. Hey. Come on. Hi. Natalia. It's Rafe. We're at the Spaulding lake house and I can’t... I can't get him to wake up. Come on. Hey.
Natalia: Oh, my God.
Daisy: He won't wake up.
Natalia: Okay. Raphael, it's me. I'm here.
Daisy: I don't know what happened. He just passed out.
Natalia: It's his blood sugar. He's low and when it gets too low...
Daisy: I'm sorry. I knew we weren't supposed to...
Alan: Daisy, don't worry about that. We're here to help Raphael. Natalia, what can I do?
Natalia: Come on. Come on.
Alan: Raphael, it's your grandfather. Listen to what your mother tells you to do.
Natalia: There we go. There we go. Good boy. Come on, Rafe.
Daisy: Is he okay?
Natalia: There you go. Let me see. Rafe? Good boy. There we go. Okay, we have to get him to the hospital.
Alan: All right. I'll call 9-1-1.
Natalia: Come on.
Gus: Hey. Where is he?
Buzz: Over there. That way.
Remy: Natalia.
Natalia: Nick.
Gus: Hi.
Natalia: Hi.
Gus: Is he all right?
Natalia: Yeah. He almost went into shock. We got there just in time.
Gus: Can I see him?
Natalia: Yeah.
Buzz: You know, this might be sort of complicated. Are you sure that...
Remy: Yeah.
Rafe: Mom, I'm sorry, okay?
Natalia: You didn't just scare me this time. You scared your father, your grandfather.
Rafe: And Daisy.
Gus: You put Daisy in a very precarious situation and you put yourself in danger as well.
Rafe: Okay, I get it, all right?
Gus: I'm not done talking. I'm glad that you're back, but you just can't take off like that. I'd miss you. I'd miss having you around.
Daisy: When can I go in and see him?
Dylan: He's with his parents right now.
Harley: Baby, we just want to make sure you're okay.
Daisy: Yeah, I am. But if we hadn't run off...
Harley: Yup, you did that. But you stayed calm and you got him the help that he needed.
Daisy: I don't think I was calm.
Harley: You were calm. You were calm and you were smart. You were smart enough to call his mother. Please stop doing this. Please stop running away every time you get mad.
Dylan: This could have gotten a lot worse. We were just talking about how we want better things for you.
Daisy: You were?
Harley: I see you graduate from high school. College would be nice. Love to dance at your wedding.
Daisy: So, does this mean I'm not grounded?
Harley: We'll talk about it.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
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Reva: I'm right in here!
Josh: You do what you want. It's fine with me.
Reva: Why don't you tell me who you want me to sleep with?
Frank: Is Dinah really that bad?
Dinah: Stop! Alarm clock, push button...
Terri: Does your little girlfriend know you're about to be deported?
Alexandra: Looks serious.
Cyrus: There must be some amicable way we can solve this little green card issue.
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