Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/10/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Coop: You know, I don't hate chick flicks. I just hate that I can't hear it. Where is the remote?
Ashlee: It's over here.
Coop: Where? Are you cold? It's cold. I'll be right back.
Ashlee: Should I pause it?
Coop: No, I'm... I'm fine. Dude, what are you doing? What's going on?
Ashlee: Coop, is everything okay?
Coop: Um... fine. Everything's fine. I'm just... washing up.
Ashlee: Well, I have some fresh towels. Am I interrupting something?
Coop: No. No. Sorry.
Ashlee: Sorry for what?
Coop: I'm just sorry because, you know, I... I got nothing. I'm just going to go. I'm going to go see my dad about something.
Ashlee: Wait, but you seem to be enjoying the movie. You should stay.
Coop: Yeah. Well... actually I don't even know what to say in a situation like this, so I'm going to go and go to... thanks.
Ava: Hi.
Jeffrey: Olivia. Sorry I'm late.
Olivia: Oh, you're late? I hadn't noticed.
Jeffrey: So.
Olivia: Yeah, so.
Jeffrey: You didn't say what this was about.
Olivia: No.
Jeffrey: I assume it's about Ava.
Olivia: No.
Jeffrey: It's not?
Olivia: No.
Jeffrey: Okay, so...
Olivia: It's about you. Us, maybe. I want to see you.
Jeffrey: Okay. About?
Olivia: I want to see you, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Olivia, you're seeing me right now.
Olivia: You're really not that dense, are you Jeff?
Jeffrey: Olivia, you said you want to see me. I'm here. I'm standing right in front of you, so what... oh.
Dinah: You going to let me out of here today?
Dr. Belford: You know, the next few weeks won't be easy.
Dinah: That's all right. I'm tough.
Dr. Belford: You wouldn't be here if you weren't, but there will be some complications that you're not going to be used to. Traumatic brain injuries are very unpredictable. In the beginning, I'd advise you to take it slow, not to expect too much and to avoid situations that are intense or overly stimulating. Crowds, loud noises, all of these will present a challenge to your processing skills. You may experience something that's called flooding. This is when the emotions of...
Dinah: Mallet.
Mallet: Hey. Hi. Hey, Doc, just want to make sure she's okay.
Dr. Belford: You can be released. But rehab will be...
Dinah: I know, you made it sound like it was going to be hard, but everything's good.
Mallet: You were talking earlier about tests to make sure there's no neurological damage.
Dinah: I told you that my... I'm not sick anymore. I don't hurt anymore.
Mallet: You look good to me, baby.
Dinah: Right. Doctor... can I go home?
Dr. Belford: I'll get the release forms.
Dinah: (Laughs)
Mallet: (Sighs) How great does that sound, huh? Especially after I thought you would never... and now. I'm going to go find you a ride. Are you ready?
Dinah: More than ready.
Mallet: Okay. Hey, call your mom, tell her the good news.
Dinah: Injuries. My injuries are better.
(Beeping of cell phone)
Cyrus: You worried it'll cause someone's ventilator to shut off?
Dinah: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Dinah: I know your name.
I know you.
This is...
Cyrus: Can I give you a hint?
Dinah: No, I can...
Cyrus: That's all right, I don't mind.
Dinah: No. It's just you come in here and... aren't you supposed to be in jail?
Cyrus: I'm just trying to help.
Marina: Cyrus has been really worried about you.
Dinah: Cyrus.
Cyrus: That's okay, Marina.
Marina: No, she should know everything you're doing to help.
Dinah: What'd you do to help?
Cyrus: I didn't do anything. I'm just... I'm glad you're okay. And if you need me to sort out your mobile phone...
Dinah: I can sort out my mobile phone. It's fine.
Mallet: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Mallet: Hey. Hey, sweetie. Did you get a hold of your mom?
Dinah: No, I'm going to call her later, but I just... I think I want to get dressed and get out of here.
Marina: Yeah. Let's let her get dressed.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Mallet: You okay?
Dinah: Yeah, it's just that Cyrus...
Mallet: Yeah, I know. I know. You have a lot of reasons to hate him. But I have to tell you, the last few weeks, he's been a real standup guy.
Dinah: Can we just go home? Let's just go home, okay?
Coop: Ava, what's up?
Ashlee: Yeah, what are you doing here?
Ava: Hey. Well, I was just seeing Olivia, and I heard you were staying here. Thought I'd stop by, see how your newfound freedom is treating you. And give you these.
Ashlee: Oh, thanks. How sweet.
Ava: Oh, yeah.
Coop: That's very nice.
Ava: Oh, looks like you're watching a movie.
Coop: Yeah, we were right in the middle of it, so... you know, Ashlee is very appreciative of the flowers.
Ashlee: Yeah, I am. Yeah, it's really sweet. I wasn't expecting to see you.
Ava: Oh, hey. Look at that. It's Hugh Grant. I'm his biggest fan. Is it any good?
Coop: It’s... it's good. It's good, but it's one of those things you kind of have to watch from the beginning.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Ava: Oh. Okay, well, I'll let you guys get back to it. Welcome back to the real world, Ashlee.
Ashlee: Thanks. (Laughs) So, I'm confused. Are you staying or are you going?
Coop: Well, I guess there's no real need for this anymore. I'm sorry about making this uncomfortable.
Ashlee: Sorry? I'm flattered.
Olivia: There's this thing between us and I just think that we need to fish or cut bait.
Jeffrey: Well, that's just about the most romantic thing that anyone's ever said to me.
Olivia: Oh, come on. Shut up.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Olivia: Neither one of us has ever gone for the sentimental stuff.
Jeffrey: See, we have something in common.
Olivia: And then there's that other thing that we have in common.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that has made things difficult.
Olivia: To say the least.
Jeffrey: So what do you want to do about it?
Olivia: I don't know. It's not one of those things you can forget. I mean, it's one of those memories that defines everything.
Jeffrey: If you let it.
Olivia: Maybe we need to create new memories. Maybe we need to build on a potentially good thing.
Jeffrey: You've been thinking about this.
Olivia: And I don't know if it makes any sense, and I don't know if I'm throwing myself under a speeding train. All I know is that I have to get out of this limbo that I'm stuck in.
Jeffrey: Limbo?
Olivia: Yeah. You're in it, too. Maybe if we just found a way to move past it, everything would be... so, tonight?
Jeffrey: Your place or mine?
Olivia: Yours is fine with me.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Olivia: Okay. The first knock will be room service, dinner for two. Is that okay with you?
Jeffrey: That works.
Olivia: And then the second knock will be me. Bye.
Jeffrey: See you later.
Coop: It's nice. Ashlee, look, I should probably go now.
Ashlee: You could stay. I mean, it's not, like, a big deal. We could just hang out and finish the movie, you know?
Coop: Ash, listen, I should... heads up.
Ashlee: Oh.
Buzz: Did I come at a bad time?
Coop: No.
Ashlee: Yes!
(Knock on the door)
Olivia: Who is it?
Ava: It's Ava.
Olivia: Oh, come in.
Ava: Hi.
Olivia: Hey.
Ava: I'm just returning that purse that I borrowed from you.
Olivia: Uh-huh. Okay. Well, you didn't have to do that. You know, I told you you could keep it as long as you wanted.
Ava: Oh, yeah, I know.
Olivia: Something on your mind?
Ava: Oh. You know, I feel kind of weird saying it.
Olivia: Okay.
Ava: I was just over at Ashlee’s place and Coop was there.
Olivia: Oh. Well, they're friends, right?
Ava: Yeah. Everybody knows that she has a crush on him, but I think it's sort of a schoolgirl crush, nothing to be worried about.
Olivia: And yet, here you are worried.
Ava: Did I say I was worried?
Olivia: You didn't have to.
Ava: It's just... there was a vibe there today. Something that I never felt before and it was weird. It was really weird.
Olivia: Really?
Ava: Yes, really weird.
Olivia: Yeah, you keep saying "weird."
Ava: It's just weird because it's Ashlee.
Olivia: Well, then, you probably have nothing to worry about, you know? If you want Coop, you can get him back.
Ava: And how do you know that?
Olivia: Look at you.
Ava: I'm your daughter. So what is this? Are you going on a date or something?
Olivia: Yeah, something like that.
Ava: Something. What is something like a date?
Olivia: Well, you know, it isn't bowling.
Ava: Well, then what is it?
Olivia: I suppose I owe you an explanation, then.
Ava: An explanation? You don't have to run your love life by me.
Olivia: Well, I do when it involves your father.
Jeffrey: Reva.
Reva: Surprise.
Jeffrey: Actually, kind of, yeah.
Reva: They're at it again.
Jeffrey: Who?
Reva: Doris and Alan. Look at this. They want to send me away.
Jeffrey: This is insane. I mean, she can't really think that she's going to bring this in front of a jury.
Reva: Yeah, well, she's damn well going to try.
Jeffrey: You know, I... I told her to back off, Reva. I warned her.
Reva: Yeah, well, obviously Alan gave her motivation to ignore your threat.
Jeffrey: Either that or she, you know, she's now trying to impress the guy because knows that Rick and Beth are married and she can't wait to get her hands back on the keys to the mansion.
Reva: She's going to try to nail me with everything from escaping jail to jaywalking.
Jeffrey: All right. Let me just look at this for a minute, here. (Knock at the door) You know, a lot of this is hot air, so, you know, don't get scared.
Reva: Yeah, or she's just trying to piss me off. Do I look scared? Did you order food? Huh? Food?
Jeffrey: Yes.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: Put it anywhere. Put it anywhere, please. Thank you.
Reva: Okay. Have a couple bucks? Do you have a couple bucks?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: Men, gotta love them, huh? (Laughs) There you go. Thanks. Whoo! That looks good.
Jeffrey: I cannot believe this. Oh, here, help yourself. You know, she must be paying off a judge if she really thinks she's going to push this through.
Reva: Yeah, that or Alan’s got some judge on the payroll.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We're going to have to find out who that is. We're going to have to go over to the country club and find out who his new golf partners are.
Reva: It's also a good idea that you ordered food because we're going to be here for a long time.
Marina: I'm sorry about how she treated you before, what she was saying.
Cyrus: She's tired and ready to get out. I understand that.
Marina: Are you really this nice or are you just acting this nice because you're trying to get invited back to my room?
Cyrus: Can't it be both? Hmm?
Marina: I have to go check on a case. Will you wait for me?
Cyrus: After an invite like that, who wouldn't?
Marina: So that's a yes?
Terri: Cyrus Foley.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Terri: Not yet, but I know you.
Cyrus: That's a good opener. I can't say I haven't heard it before, though.
Terri: Terri Jones, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Your application for a green card came across my desk today.
Cyrus: And you've brought me the card in person? Now that's service.
Terri: Your paperwork had some problems.
Cyrus: Really? I thought everything was in order.
Terri: Actually, there were quite a few problems.
Cyrus: Well, I'd like to fix anything you have questions about. I could come down to the office, if you like. You just tell me what it will take to fix it.
Terri: Money, Mr. Foley. Money fixes everything. Preferably lots and lots of it.
Mallet: You okay?
Dinah: Sure. It's home.
Mallet: Then how come you're not walking in?
Dinah: Because I'm remembering.
Mallet: Do you want to lie down? Want me to draw you a bath?
Dinah: I'll let you know.
Mallet: Well, I hope you can stand being waited on hand and foot because that's what's going to happen.
Dinah: I don't want any special treatment, I just want to get my life back. (Knock on the door)
Matt: Hey.
Mallet: Hey. It's Matt.
Matt: How's our patient.
Mallet: Well, I wouldn't call her a patient unless you want to get punched.
Matt: (Laughs)
Dinah: Did mom dump you? I'm sorry.
Matt: No, no, no. We're working on things. You look great.
Dinah: Oh, thank you.
Mallet: Hey, Matt, actually, it's good that you're here because I ordered some take-out. I wanted to go pick it up, but, you know, I didn't want to leave Dinah alone.
Dinah: No, it's okay.
Mallet: Well, I know, but Matt's here. Just the same, I just...
Matt: Yeah, go. I'll stay.
Mallet: Yeah?
Matt: Yeah, sure.
Mallet: Okay, great. It's a little cold in here, baby. Are you okay? Do you want a sweater? You feel a little cold.
Dinah: I'm a little cold.
Mallet: Yeah?
Dinah: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Well, remember, your favorite sweater's in the closet, okay?
Dinah: Okay.
Mallet: All right. Hey, check these out. All right. Oh, babe, sorry about that sticky door. I've been meaning to fix that. In case you get cold? All right? So, I'm going to go pick up the food at Company.
Dinah: Yeah, go.
Mallet: All right? I'll be right back.
Dinah: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Good for you, Matt?
Matt: Yeah, yeah. She's in good hands, don't worry.
Dinah: I'll be right back. You have to get yourself together. You're just... you're just, I don't know what you are.
Matt: Dinah, you all right? You've been in here for awhile. Dinah, are you okay? What's wrong?
Dinah: Everything.
Terri: Arrests in Australia, Europe, Canada. You are not the kind of person we welcome with open arms in this country.
Cyrus: It's no secret that I did time. I paid my debt.
Terri: But what we're going to have to seriously discuss is how you're going to pay me.
Cyrus: Then we're not talking about a fine.
Terri: No.
Cyrus: Can we just call this blackmail and get on with it?
Terri: Okay. I'm blackmailing you. Pay me or I'll have you tossed from our golden shores. I'll be in touch.
Cyrus: Yeah, you'll be hearing from me, too.
Terri: Is that so?
Cyrus: You don't intimidate me. I've dealt with a lot worse than you.
Marina: Are you ready?
Cyrus: I'm more than ready, but Alexandra called and she needs me, so...
Marina: I need you. Tell her to take a hike.
Cyrus: Well, if I don't get there hiking's what she's going to be doing. So I'll make it up to you, I promise.
Buzz: Well, you know, I don't want to be a bother. I just came to walk the dog, you know, so...
Coop: No, I'm sure that Ashlee can handle that on her own. Maybe we should, you know, get going now.
Ashlee: Oh, Coop, thanks so much for everything.
Coop: You really don't have to thank me.
Ashlee: No, I do. I mean, come on, you came here to warn me about Alan and then you got me out of that awkward situation with Doris, and then you kept me company during the movie.
Buzz: She gave you a thank you so you should, you know, take the thank you.
Coop: You're welcome. You're welcome.
Ashlee: It really meant a lot to me. Thank you. It's great to see you.
Coop: Yeah. Well, I'm just glad you're free. Bye.
Buzz: See you, Ashlee.
Ashlee: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: So, did you have a good time tonight?
Coop: Why? I mean, sure. Of course.
Buzz: Yeah?
Olivia: Well, it's certainly different than with Buzz.
Ava: Yeah, just a little.
Olivia: I know, I know. We have a history together and it's complicated, but you know, I mean we have a common thing that we share together, you know. It’s...
Ava: It's me.
Olivia: Yeah. Look, I have a confession to make. I never really allowed myself to think of Jeffrey and I being together like that, and now I want to see where it goes. You know, whatever I thought of him, even when I was attracted to him, the past was always there. But I finally feel like maybe I can push past all that.
Ava: How did that happen?
Olivia: I don't know. I realized that I need him, to heal and I could lose him very easily, and the idea of that was just...
Ava: I know what you mean.
Jeffrey: You know, if I make it personal with Doris then... no, no, I can't do that because if I do that then she's going to try to fight back as hard as she can. I bet she's going to get that look on her face. You know the one?
Reva: Do it.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, she's going to have to go right up face to face against you so her face is going to get all red and she's going to have her eyes bugging out, and she's going to get...
Reva: Come on, come on.
Jeffrey: She's going to say, "Jeffrey, since you are so convinced that Alan is wrong..." and then the eyebrow's going to go up. "Then you're just going to have to prove it in court."
Reva: You need to do that in court.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe I should, but I'm afraid that she might, you know, start biting my neck or something.
Reva: You know what, Jeffrey? This is dangerous, very dangerous territory. Because Alan can get pretty much anything he sets his mind to. Jonathan barely escaped with Sarah. He had to stage his own death. I mean, now he's after me. This is not good. You can get out of this.
Jeffrey: Have another glass.
Reva: Thanks. Fill her up.
Jeffrey: You know what? I got a few tricks left up my sleeve. We're going to get our punches in. So here is to the woman with fists and a heart big enough to do it.
Reva: Flattery will get you just about anywhere you want to go. (Knock at the door)
Olivia: Hi.
Reva: Oh, Olivia. Wow. You look beautiful. All dressed up. Where are you going?
Olivia: Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I totally got caught up in this case and...
Olivia: Case. Case. What, this is case of the what? The missing tramp? Oh, found her.
Reva: Easy. Easy. Easy, girl.
Olivia: Are you purposely trying to humiliate me?
Jeffrey: Not purposely, no.
Olivia: She's drinking my wine and eating my food.
Jeffrey: I know. Look, you know, I can explain it. There's nothing that can't be corrected...
Olivia: I don't want to hear it. I really don't want to hear it.
Jeffrey: I just got caught up with Reva.
Olivia: I'm sure that you did. You know what? You looked like you were about to enjoy dessert. Here, it's on me.
Reva: I think that went very well. (Laughs)
Dinah: I thought this was gonna be a better day.
Matt: Getting out of the hospital, I’d say that’s a pretty great day.
Dinah: I don’t feel great.
Matt: You will.
Dinah: I don’t know. I think I'm blocked.
Matt: How do you mean? How do you mean blocked?
Dinah: I want the words to come, but they don't come. They sort of just tease me a little.
Matt: Sweetheart, you're just getting your bearings back after being out for so long.
Dinah: I saw you and I knew you. I knew you were married to my mom. And you and I almost once...
Matt: Let's not talk about that, okay?
Dinah: Am I not supposed to talk about that?
Matt: It's just... it's just awkward.
Dinah: I'm sorry. I just couldn't come up with your name. I knew I knew your name. And I just am getting confused by little things, you know?
Matt: Like the closet?
Dinah: Do you think Mallet noticed?
Matt: No. No, I don't think so.
Dinah: I couldn't open a closet door.
Matt: Dinah, you've been through a serious trauma. It's going to be different for you for awhile.
Dinah: I don't know how to dial a cell phone.
Matt: Okay, look. You saw Mallet open the closet door. You saw Mallet open the closet door, right? Now, you learn from that. Okay? You make yourself a little crib sheet and you make notes about this or that until you get your feet back on the ground. You don't have to tell anybody. Nobody has to know but you.
Dinah: Okay, I can do that.
Matt: And you talk to Mallet about this. Mallet will help you get through this. It's going to be all right.
Dinah: I will do that. Thank you. Thank you. What's your name?
Matt: Spartacus.
Dinah: (Laughs) I'm just kidding.
Matt: (Laughs) You're going to be okay. You're going to be all right.
(Knock on the door)
Ashlee: Hi, Ava. Did you forget something?
Ava: Nope. I just came to give you these.
Ashlee: Oh, a box of chocolates.
Ava: Yes.
Ashlee: Why?
Ava: Because it's a welcome home gift.
Ashlee: Another one.
Ava: Well, I just figured if you're going to have another movie night maybe you could give your friends a little chocolate.
Ashlee: Oh, that's so sweet, but I'm allergic.
Ava: Allergic to chocolate?
Ashlee: No. To phoniness.
Reva: Pretty good.
Jeffrey: That's funny.
Reva: Why didn't you tell me she was coming over?
Jeffrey: Well, I forgot, okay? I kind of got caught up in your case.
Reva: What did you think was going to go on here tonight?
Jeffrey: I don't know.
Reva: Jeffrey. If you want to be with her, why didn't you go after her?
Jeffrey: Maybe I got distracted by the chocolate icing in my eye.
Reva: You let her think that we were involved.
Jeffrey: You told her we were involved.
Reva: To protect my secrets. We're practically involved anyway.
Jeffrey: Yeah, just my luck. To be involved with someone and not get any.
Reva: You're bad.
Jeffrey: What? I'm just a man, okay? I'm just saying that I am not getting anything from anyone anywhere.
Reva: You know what? I can fix that. I know what we can do. Kill two birds with one stone. I can relate to you. We can be romantically involved, especially in public, and, you know, then you'll get some and it will rattle Olivia.
Jeffrey: Get some? So what? A peck on the cheek and a pat on the butt? No thanks.
Reva: Well don't knock it until you've had one of my pecks.
Jeffrey: Okay. Try me.
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: Mm. Not bad.
Reva: Really?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: You can do better?
Jeffrey: Let me see.
Olivia: Oh, no. Not now, Billy, no.
Billy: Oh, such a nice night, isn't it?
Olivia: What is it with you people, you Lewis'? You Reva people?
Billy: What did Reva do now?
Olivia: More like who she's doing.
Billy: You mean Jeffrey. Yes.
Olivia: You know? I am such a fool. I am such a fool.
Billy: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Look. Just so you don't go ballistic on her, I'm going to be your friend here. Reva knows how to get your goat, and that's all she's doing here. Reva and O’Neill, it's not real.
Jeffrey: Well, at least the story you made up isn't a lie anymore.
Reva: You've made an honest woman out of me. How about that?
Jeffrey: You don't want to cuddle, do you?
Reva: Hell, no. You're not going to call me tomorrow, are you?
Jeffrey: Call you what?
Reva: (Laughs) I can see this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Jeffrey: Cheers.
Ashlee: Is this some kind of joke? What's next, lingerie?
Ava: I am just trying to be nice to you. To give you a welcome home present.
Ashlee: Oh, like you really care.
Ava: I do. And I care about your relationship with Coop.
Ashlee: Now why would that be?
Ava: Because I like you and I don't want to see you get your heart broken because you have your hopes up.
Ashlee: Aw. Oh, yeah, Coop. Oh, he'll never love me.
Ava: Ashlee.
Ashlee: Look, you're just mad because Coop actually means something to me and I mean something to him. You know, he cares about me. That's why he was here. He didn't even want to go.
Ava: He looked like he had one foot out the door to me.
Ashlee: Well, you don't know what happened before you got here.
Ava: What is that supposed to mean? He knows what we used to have.
Ashlee: Yeah, used to.
Ava: In and out of bed.
Ashlee: Look, if you want to compete for Coop, bring it on.
Ava: Fine. I'll feel bad for you when I win.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Marina: I thought you...
Cyrus: Yeah, Alexandra had me delivering some stuff. I would rather be with you. But I got to run. She's waiting for me down on Main Street, so I'll catch you later?
Marina: Yeah, sure.
Matt: So when you come back to the room, you check the machine. If it's blinking with one, two, three, four, whatever, hit play, and it's going to play back your messages for you to know who called you. The play button...
Mallet: All right. Got some food. What you writing, hon?
Dinah: Just a reminder.
Mallet: Yeah, a reminder of what?
Dinah: How much I love you. How happy I am that you brought us back here and how much I needed it. How much I needed you.
Mallet: Did you need a reminder for that? Because you've got it.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Dylan: Daisy took off.
Gus: Rafe!
Natalia: What do you mean, they're gone?
Alan: No, he's not here.
Buzz: I'm on my way.
Natalia: Mr. Spaulding?
Alan: Please call me Alan.
Remy: You're just jealous because I can be with her and you can’t.
Dylan: Maybe I never got over Harley Cooper.
Daisy: Natalia, it's Rafe.
Natalia: Oh, my God!
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