Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/9/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Gus: What the hell happened? What happened?
Harley: Domestic disturbance involving your son. He attacked Rick.
Rafe: No, okay? He had it coming.
Gus: Just close your mouth. I didn't ask you.
Harley: I ask Rafe to go outside with me while we waited for his father. He refused, tried to flee the scene. I had no choice.
Gus: All right, can we talk about this in the hallway, please, for a second?
Harley: Sure. Let's leave him alone so he can try to jump out a window or something.
Gus: No, if he tries anything I'll take him to juvie hall myself. Are we clear? I don't hear anything. Are we clear?
Rafe: Yeah. All right, whatever, okay?
Gus: Fine, whatever.
Harley: Whatever.
Gus: Handcuffs? Is that really necessary? Did you try talking to him?
Harley: Honey, I tried talking to him. He flipped out. This kid! I know he's on probation, I know this is the last thing he needs, but assaulted Rick. Beth had to take him to the hospital. What was I supposed to do?
(Ringing of cell phone)
Harley: And now this is the station. They’re gonna want to know if I made an arrest.
(Knock on the door)
Ashlee: Who is it?
Coop: It's Coop.
Ashlee: I'll be right there.
Coop: Okay.
Ashlee: Coming!
Coop: Ashley, it's just me.
Ashlee: I know. I know! Hold on! Sorry, hi. Hey!
Coop: Hi. Ow, that hurt.
Ashlee: Sorry.
Coop: Hi. Are you okay?
Ashlee: Good, yeah.
Coop: Can I come in?
Ashlee: Yeah. What's up?
Coop: Thank you. Look, I need to talk to you about something. Gosh, that really hurt.
Ashlee: Oh, sorry.
Coop: Do you have a minute
Ashlee: Yes, of course. Yeah, let me move some stuff and we'll...
Coop: Okay. Well, no, I'll tell you what. Let's go. Let's get out of here. I'll take you to an early dinner.
Ashlee: Yeah, but I can't go like this. I have to change.
Coop: Okay. I'll wait.
Ashlee: Okay. I'll be right back.
Coop: Good, good.
Ashlee: He wants to go out with me.
Alan: Let me guess, you want to rub it in my face that Beth married Rick Bauer. Well I'm not going to stick around for that, Josh.
Josh: Are you all right?
Alan: No, I'm not all right. Thanks to your girlfriend, I lost my wife and a baby. A baby that should be mine no matter what the test results were.
Josh: You changed the results of
Beth’s paternity test.
Cassie: Yeah.
Alan: Just leave me alone.
Josh: Alan, wait a minute. Maybe I can help you.
Alan: So how do you think you can help me, eh?
Josh: Not here. Someplace private.
Alan: Someplace private? You want to council me for an hour? Practice some of your ministering skills, is that it?
Josh: There's something we need to talk about.
Alan: Whatever you have to tell me, you can tell me here. As a matter of fact, who you should talk to is your future employer, the man upstairs. Ask him why he would condemn Beth and that baby to a life of mediocrity and Bauer barbecues when I could be their father.
Josh: The Bauer’s are good people.
Alan: Oh, come on. Rick Bauer has been in Phillip’s shadow all of his life. I don't know why Beth doesn't see that. I could have given that child the world, Josh.
Josh: What the hell does that even mean, Alan?
Alan: She would be a Spaulding. She would be somebody. Instead, she's going to be a nobody. Oh, I know what you're going to tell me. You're going to tell me, "God works in mysterious ways, Alan."
Josh: Sometimes not so mysterious.
Alan: All right, tell me. What is it you have to say, huh?
Josh: Have a nice day.
Rick: Ow. Oh, my God.
Beth: Did I hurt you?
Rick: No, you just pushed everything back in my sinuses. I'm just... got you. Don't mess with the master.
Beth: Oh!
Rick: What?
Beth: Baby just kicked. Feel that.
Rick: Oh, my gosh. Just like a little soccer player.
Beth: Rick, I have a confession to make.
Rick: What?
Beth: The last time that I held your hand to my stomach it wasn't real.
Rick: What do you mean? Of course it was real.
Beth: No, I was playing you. I wanted you to say that I was a good mother so we could use your words against you in court.
Rick: Alan had you do that.
Beth: No, I went along with it. But ultimately I couldn't go through with it because I realized how much I need you in my life. I'm sorry.
Rick: You know what none of this matters. It doesn't matter, not now.
Beth: Because we're married and we're having a baby and all is right with the world, yes?
Rick: Big yes. Real big yes.
Beth: I'm hungry. Would you be okay by yourself just for a minute if I go and...
Rick: No, I'm just a little boy. Mommy can't leave me. Go get something to eat. Go across the street, get yourself a real meal, and I'll join you as soon as...
Beth: You sure I'm not deserting you?
Rick: No. No, you've got to take care of the baby, so you go get something to eat and as soon as I'm done...
Beth: I love you and I'll see you soon.
Rick: I love you.
Ashlee: So this is about Alan?
Coop: Ashley, he had you released from juvie, which is a good thing. I'm not knocking that.
Ashlee: Yes, it's really good to be free, Coop. There's so much stuff that I want to do.
Coop: You will. You will, but, Ashlee, you have to listen to me. I saw Alan at the barbecue and he's not in a good place right now. He did help you out, but I'm thinking that he's going to want something in return for that.
Ashlee: Well, yes, he is Alan. (Laughs)
Coop: That doesn't worry you at all?
Ashlee: Well, what is he going to do? Ask me to knock over a bank? Come on, I shot him. Look, I can handle him, whatever it is.
Coop: No, Ashlee, you cannot handle Alan Spaulding.
Ashlee: Well, no, I can't, but denial's okay, right?
Coop: I guess it is sometimes, sure.
Ashlee: Look. See, look, look. Gas prices will go down, the ozone layer will repair itself, and Alan Spaulding isn't scary.
Coop: That's some top-notch denial you've got there.
Ashlee: Well, I like to call it hope.
Coop: Look, just stay as far away from Alan Spaulding as you possibly can. Just for a little while, okay? Let me run interference for you, okay?
Ashlee: What's that supposed to mean?
Coop: I don't know, but when I thought of it, it sounded tough, all right?
Ashlee: (Laughs) Yeah, it's very tough.
Coop: Good. Good. Well, tough is what I was going for, so...
Ashlee: So, I guess you're saying now would be a really bad time to run into Alan.
Coop: Mhmm. It would be very bad.
Ashlee: Oh... look.
Harley: I just need a few more minutes to finish up interviewing the witnesses. Yeah, I'll get back to you.
Gus: Look, if it's Rafe’s word against Rick’s word...
Harley: No, it's not, hon. Alan saw it, Beth saw it, Thomas the butler. He's the one who made the call.
Gus: Okay, well I can get them to drop the charges. Where are they, at the hospital?
Harley: Of course they're at the hospital. He broke Rick’s nose.
Gus: What's he doing here?
Harley: I don't know. You might want to talk to your son about that. All I know is, I walked in, he looked pretty cozy with Grandpa Alan and the feeling was mutual.
Gus: That's just perfect.
Harley: Honey, it's your call, you know. You tell me what you want me to do, I'll do it.
Gus: Well, we can start by removing the handcuffs, okay? I mean, Daisy's made some mistakes in her life and you don't see us just writing her off, okay?
Harley: I've been tough on Daisy. I’m not asking you to write him off, but the kid has anger issues.
Gus: Well, he's inside there. He's humiliated, okay? So whatever we've been working on, whatever progress we've been making, we just went three steps backwards. And I just want it to go back to the way that it was before this afternoon, okay? So, are you... we're together on this?
Harley: Yes. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, here. Of course.
Gus: Get up, Rafe. Get up. Don't make me regret this, okay?
Rafe: This is about Daisy, isn't it?
Alan: Does everyone in your family manhandle people?
Coop: Alan, only those people that deserve it. Look, you and I are getting off to a bad start, here. I realize that.
Alan: We certainly are. I've had a very bad day and you're not helping matters at all.
Coop: Two minutes of your time. That's all I require, and it's about Ashlee.
Alan: What about her?
Coop: You had her sprung from juvie and she's very grateful for that, but now what do you want from her? And don't say "nothing," because I am sure there's something that you want.
Alan: You're sure of that?
Coop: Yes. Whatever it is... look, let me pay the price for it, okay? I want to keep her as far away from this as possible. Whatever it is, she doesn't deserve to be a part of it. She’s already been through enough.
Doris: Ashlee. Have you forgotten how to dial the phone, I have left you five messages.
Ashlee: Well, I was trying to give you a taste of what it feels like to be kept waiting. How many times did you visit me in juvie, Mom? Like, what, twice?
Doris: You know why I couldn’t visit you.
Ashlee: Yeah, because you were running for mayor. God forbid anyone think that you'd actually support your daughter.
Doris: You look different. Why?
Ashlee: Because I finally have you off of my back.
Gus: Hold up a second. Hold up a second! We need to straighten something out.
Rafe: Daisy! Daisy!
Daisy: I was so worried about you. Are you all right?
Gus: The more that we try to keep them apart, the more they're going to want to be together, so we've got to figure out what we're going to do, we've got to figure out what our next move is.
Harley: Like they're going to listen to us.
Gus: I'm just saying. I know it's not going to be easy, but we've got to...
Harley: Of course it's not going to be easy. This is a tough situation. This is tough. And it may require a solution that is equally as tough, Gus.
Gus: Like what?
Harley: Like, I know that we thought that Rafe should live here because we're in a better school district, all of that. We may have to rethink that choice.
Daisy: You're kicking him out?
Harley: Well you obviously cannot live under the same roof, Daisy.
Daisy: I would have gone insane in juvie if it weren't for Rafe. You're always saying, "Gus." Gus is your anchor. Well, Rafe, he's mine. What, you're going to chuck him out, you're going to kick him to the curb because, what, we care about each other?
Gus: I don't know. I think I'm with her on this.
Beth: Cassie, are you following me? (Laughs) Sorry, I'm just... I'm just playing with you. I saw you at the hospital and then I see you here, but I guess you didn't see me.
Cassie: No, I did. I was going to say something because actually I need to talk to you about the baby.
Beth: I need to talk to you, too. Could I go first?
Cassie: Okay.
Beth: Did Josh tell you that Rick and I would like the two of you to be our baby's Godparents? You're okay with that?
Cassie: I'm more than okay with that.
Beth: Good. Good. I know that we've been through some rough times. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I defended Alan after everything he did to you. I can't explain it. But I'm free of him now and I want this to be a fresh start for all of us.
Cassie: Yeah, me, too. I mean, you and Rick together is... it really is the best thing for the baby no matter what anyone says.
Beth: You mean Alan?
Cassie: I'm happy for you two, but just because you're together, you know, there could still be complications or challenges that you don't expect.
Beth: Oh, yeah, Rick and I have discussed that and we're prepared.
Cassie: Yeah, there's a limit to what you can prepare for.
Beth: Realistically, Rick is the baby's biological father. Alan doesn't have any claim anymore.
Cassie: What if you're wrong about that, Beth?
Beth: What are you talking about? About what?
Cassie: Alan. I mean, what if Alan, you know, has something really awful planned. I just... I really just think you need to stick with Rick, okay? No matter what. Just stick with Rick?
Beth: Of course.
Cassie: Okay, good. That's all I needed to hear.
Josh: Hey, Rick. What happened?
Rick: Oh, don't ask.
Josh: Are you all right?
Rick: Yeah, I'll be fine. Once I join my new bride, I'll be fine.
Josh: I need to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?
Rick: Actually, Josh, this is my honeymoon and I'm wasting time. I'd really like to go see...
Josh: It's about Beth and the baby. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing here, but somebody has to know, for the baby's sake. For her health.
Rick: Well, the baby's health is fine. Beth just had a checkup.
Josh: Yeah, but you don't know what might happen in the future.
Rick: I'm not sure where you're going with this, Josh, but it sounds serious.
Josh: It is. You might want to sit down.
Rick: This is not my baby? This is my baby! Is this your idea of a sick joke? Because it's not funny.
Josh: It's not a joke, Rick. I have information.
Rick: Yeah, well, all the information that you need is the paternity test that was done at this hospital. That's all the information that you need.
Josh: The test was mistaken.
Rick: No it wasn’t.
Josh: I can't get into details right now, but there was a switch. Alan Spaulding is the biological father of Beth’s baby, not you. I'm sorry.
Rick: No, we caught Alan switching the paternity test done at this hospital. I know it's authentic. Just ask Cassie or Jeffrey. What is it? Did they say something to you? Do they know something?
Josh: I can't get into that.
Rick: The hell you can’t. You don't open this can of worms and not tell me what's going on.
Josh: You have to trust me right now. I would never lie to you about something like this. Now, I have searched my soul as to whether or not I should tell anyone anything, but the bottom line is this. If something were to happen to that baby down the road, some kind of medical emergency, and that baby gets the wrong treatment because the birth records are wrong, I wouldn't be able to live with myself and that's why I'm here. It's the only reason I'm here. Not to pass judgment. Just to pass on the truth. Are you okay?
Rick: So, Alan... does he know about this?
Josh: No. Not my place. I'm giving this information to you, and you alone. What you do with it is your business.
Rick: No, that's fine. You just get the guilt off your chest. Just dump it in my lap.
Josh: I felt it was the right thing to do.
Rick: You felt? What about other people's feelings, Josh? What about the fact that this destroys my life? Does that mean anything to you? So go ahead, ask the next question.
Josh: What would that be?
Rick: Am I going to tell Beth or am I going to keep it to myself?
Josh: It's not my business.
Rick: Thanks, Josh, thanks for doing the right thing. (Ringing of cell phone)
Cassie: Hey.
Josh: Hey. Where are you?
Cassie: I'm in town. I heard... I saw you with Alan. I know you told him.
Josh: Actually, I didn’t.
Cassie: But I was sure you...
Josh: Cassie, we need to talk, but I really don't want to do it over the phone. I have to go to Steven Ruthledge's right now. He's going to go over the baptism ceremony with the Walsh baby. Why don't you meet me there and we can steal a minute together?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm on my way.
Alan: I come here to see Doris Wolfe, not to harass your girlfriend.
Coop: Look, she is not my girlfriend.
Alan: Look, you don't have to protect Ashlee from me. I have bigger problems right now. From the looks of things, so does Ashlee.
Coop: Well, you sound like you mean it, so I will take your word for it.
Alan: That's real big of you.
Coop: But, Alan, I also know that once you're done dealing with these bigger problems, which I'm assuming is what happened at the barbecue yesterday...
Alan: What happened at the barbecue was that I was betrayed.
Coop: Whatever. Once you're done fixating on that, you might go back trying to cause trouble for Ashlee again.
Alan: I am going to cause trouble for someone and it's not going to be Ashlee. I give you my word on that.
Ashlee: I was an embarrassment to you and your campaign for mayor. That's why you didn't come and visit me in prison. Why don't you just admit that you're not a very good parent and maybe I can respect you for something.
Doris: Wow, you really did grow up in that place, didn't you?
Ashlee: I had no choice.
Doris: Well, see, my tough love pays off after all.
Ashlee: Oh my God.
Coop: Ashlee, let's go.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Doris: Oh, Ashlee, don't forget, I need you to stuff envelopes. We're doing that fund-raiser this week. Alan. Oh, I heard about what happened. You must be so devastated. You know, Beth is really an idiot. I mean, to think that you were willing to remarry her after she cheated on you and raise a child that wasn't even your own. And after all of that she turned you down for Rick Bauer.
Alan: You love rubbing it in, don't you, Doris?
Doris: No, I don’t. Honestly, my heart goes out to you. I just want to know how I can help.
Alan: I don't need your help. I have everything under control. And another iron in fire.
Daisy: Is this your solution for everything? When in doubt, kick him out?
Gus: Hold on. We're going to take a step back here, okay? Before anybody says something they're going to regret.
Daisy: No. I have something to say, I'm going to say it.
Harley: Actually, I have something to say, too, sweetie.
Daisy: Well, hold on, okay? We wanted Rafe to live here for a reason. That reason is still totally valid.
Harley: The circumstances have changed.
Daisy: Oh, well, that's life. Things change, deal with it.
Harley: I'm trying to deal with it.
Gus: Hold on a minute, you both can't stay under the same roof now that what has happened has happened, you understand?
Daisy: Why not?
Gus: Because you're teenagers!
Harley: You're teenagers! Rafe, your mother and Gus were teenagers when you were conceived. Daisy, Dylan and I were teenagers when I had you. We both know what can happen.
Gus: Your mother's right. Okay, we need to figure this out, people. We need to figure out a way that we can all co-exist here together, okay? Make it work.
Harley: I don't see how that is remotely possible.
Daisy: Well, at least give it a shot before you shoot it down.
Harley: What do you think would have happened if Zach and Jude had walked in that door instead of me.
Daisy: They would have said, "Ew, gross," just like when they see you and him kissing. We're not actually brother and sister. We're not related.
Gus: It's not okay because you guys are teenagers under the same roof, especially with little ones in the house.
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: I mean, is that so difficult?
Daisy: So we'll be together other places.
Harley: That is not the point! I am willing to hear other considerations here. Bring up some other options!
Daisy: Okay, I have a good one. Rafe doesn't have to move out, I will.
Doris: The Reva situation is moving along nicely. I've managed to trump up a whole bunch of charges against her. Probably won't be enough to land her back in jail for very long, but it will be enough to make her life miserable. Alan?
Alan: Oh, I'm sorry, Doris. I was just thinking about something that Coop said a while ago. He said that once I repayed Beth for betraying me, I would make trouble for someone else. I don't want to make trouble for anyone. I just want to claim and defend what is rightfully mine.
Doris: What does that mean, exactly?
Alan: It means I have two other things to do before the day is over.
Rafe: No, you can’t. You can't go
Harley: He's right. You can't go.
Daisy: Will you guys chill out? It's not like I'm running off to go live on the streets. I'm going to go move in with my dad. He has an extra room and it's still in the same school district.
Harley: No.
Daisy: Why not? I mean, it's a sensible, practical idea, isn't it?
Gus: And you're very mature for suggesting it, but I don’t... I don’t...
Daisy: Can you tell me the downside?
Harley: The downside is I will miss you.
Daisy: I'll miss you, too. But, I mean, we'll be seeing plenty of each other. I plan to spend a lot of time here.
Rafe: It doesn't feel right, you being the one that leaves.
Harley: I agree.
Daisy: It is better for you to live here than at your mom's, you know? And if they don't want us both to be here, then what are our other choices, you know?
Harley: Well, I hate it.
Gus: Me, too.
Harley: I mean, I feel like I just got her back and now she's leaving again. But I know that you didn't even know Rafe existed until a few weeks ago, so how do I ask him to leave?
Gus: Maybe it's the only solution at the moment and if it doesn't work out, we'll just try something else.
Harley: Yeah. Baby steps, yeah? Okay. We'll give it a shot.
Daisy: Yes?
Harley: Mmm.
Daisy: Okay. Come on. Help me pack. Come upstairs.
Harley: You realize we've only solved half our problem and we have until our little love birds come back down to solve the other half.
Gus: Any ideas?
Harley: Just one.
Ashlee: You had Alan shaking.
Coop: Okay, no. Not really, but thank you for telling me that. Speaking of which, you... I don't even know where to start. What did you say to your mom? Because when I looked over, she looked shell-shocked.
Ashlee: Yes. Guess what? I told her the truth. Finally.
Coop: Uh-oh.
Ashlee: Well, you know, it felt really good to tell her everything out loud. You know, I've been holding it in for so long. But you know me, I'm not very good at telling people how I feel.
Coop: Okay, you might be getting a little better.
Ashlee: Yeah, I am, actually. Wait until someone cuts me in line at the movies. I'll give them the hairy eye.
Coop: Hey, there it is. You got it. I see it.
Ashlee: Evil right?
Coop: It's evil. Vicious.
Ashlee: Do you want to come in? I rented a movie. "Chicks In Prison."
Coop: What? You what?
Ashlee: I was kidding. (Laughs) No, no, no.
Coop: Wow, okay. Because for a minute...
Ashlee: It's Will Farrell on ice, you know. We could kick back, open up the mini bar and relax. I think we deserve it after what we've just been through.
Coop: Yeah. You know what? Why not. We do deserve it.
Ashlee: Great.
Coop: That sounds great.
Cassie: So, when you told Rick, did you tell him, you know, I mean, about me?
Josh: That you were the one that changed the tests. No, I'd left that part out.
Cassie: It would just, you know, complicate things.
Josh: And things are complicated enough already.
Cassie: Yeah. Is he going to tell Beth that he's not the father of the baby?
Josh: I don't know.
Cassie: Because, I mean, he has everything he's ever wanted. Why would he do that? Why would he throw it away and hand it all over to Alan?
Josh: Maybe he won't, Cassie. It's not up to us anymore.
Cassie: I did the right thing, Josh. I just hope that Rick does the right thing and keeps the secret.
Josh: I'm not sure that I know what the right thing is anymore.
Cassie: But you think what I did was wrong?
Josh: I think you made a choice. It's not up to me to decide who's right or wrong.
Cassie: But you wouldn't have done it.
Josh: No.
Cassie: Is this going to be a problem for you?
Josh: No. We'll figure out a way to work through this. This is where we are right now. We may not agree on some things, but I love you.
Cassie: I love you. And I want to marry you and share my life with you.
Josh: I want that, too.
Ruthledge: You know, I thought I heard voices out here. Come on in! Josh and Cassie, I'd like you to meet Logan and Lori Walsh.
Josh: Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you.
Ruthledge: Well, should we get this rehearsal underway? You know, to me baptisms are a particularly joyous occasion. It's the moment when we get to put the child's destiny in God's hands, just the way it should be.
Rick: Well. What do we have here?
Beth: We had a stressful day. I thought we could help one another unwind.
Rick: Just what the doctor ordered.
Beth: How's the nose?
Rick: It's fine. Just a little sore, but it'll be fine.
Beth: Are you okay?
Rick: Yeah. It was just something happened in the hospital that was a little unsettling.
Beth: Oh, okay, let me guess. Cassie. Yeah, I ran into her, too. She just... she just wants to make sure that we're solid. I mean, she's happy for us, that's nice.
Rick: She is. It's nice to have someone like that in our corner.
Beth: Yeah. The bottom line is she knows that this is right, us being married, you being the father of this child. You know, it doesn't matter what Alan or anyone throws at us because we've found this happiness and we're going to hold on to it. And I intend to fight for it.
Rick: I do, too.
Beth: Is there something else that you want to say to me?
Rick: Yes. I love you.
Beth: (Laughs)
Ashlee: I'm so sorry. They put the wrong dvd in the sleeve.
Coop: That's okay. You know what? It's fine. I like chick flicks, they're great.
Ashlee: No you don’t.
Coop: Okay, well, I don't hate them, but what I do hate is that I can't hear the stupid movie. Where is the... is the remote.. by where?
Ashlee: Oh, it's over here. Oh
Coop: Just a little cold. Could you excuse me for a second?
Ashlee: Yeah. Do you want me to pause it?
Coop: No, it's fine. Dude. Dude, what are you doing? What is going on? (Knocking)
Ashlee: Coop, are you okay?
Coop: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just... washing up.
Ashlee: I have some extra towels. Oh, am I interrupting something?
Coop: Hm?
Ruthledge: And then the reading concludes. And then we have the communal renunciation of sin and proclamation of faith. I think that is page three for you and number three, there. And then the celebrant. And one day, Josh, that'll be you. You'll invite everyone up to the baptismal font.
Josh: And that includes the Godparents, right?
Ruthledge: Yeah. Oh, I think you had something personal that you'd written you wanted me to read.
Lori: Right here.
Ruthledge: Great.
Logan: Could we go over it with you?
Ruthledge: Yeah, of course. Let me see. Josh, Cassie, how would you like to stand in as Godparents. It would be good practice. I know that you' recently been asked to be Godparents.
Lori: Oh, you were? How nice.
Ruthledge: Oh, it's more than just nice. It's a great privilege and a responsibility. To see to the spiritual upbringing of a child and to swear before God to follow all his commandments.
Josh: Yes, it is.
Rick: Cheers. So what has you so engrossed over there?
Beth: Baby names.
Rick: Baby names. Well, did you come up with anything that you like?
Beth: No, nothing really grabs me. But any family names that you would like to consider? (Knock on the door)
Rick: Did you order room service?
Beth: No, I didn’t.
Rick: Okay. Alan, you're not welcome here, especially after what happened at your house.
Alan: I'm not here to make trouble, Rick, I'm here to wish you both all the best.
Beth: Really? Is that why you had someone vandalize Rick’s car last night?
Alan: I'm sorry about that. I will cover all the costs for that. I've just been very angry and bitter about the way things have played out, I think you can understand that. But the bottom line is Rick, you are this baby's father and I believe that this baby should be raised by its natural parents if at all possible.
Beth: You almost sound sincere.
Alan: I am, Beth. I don't expect you to believe me, but have a nice evening.
Beth: Well, hundred bucks says he's lying through his teeth. If not, it's a relief.
Rick: Yeah. It's a relief.
Gus: It's for the best, Rafe. It's going to take a little getting used to, but we're going to make sure this whole thing works out.
Rafe: Your father, Alan. He doesn't like Harley.
Gus: He doesn't like anybody that he can't manipulate.
Rafe: I don't know. He seemed okay to me.
Gus: Well, he's not.
Rafe: Okay. Is there anybody in this family I can have a relationship with?
Gus: Right. Well, about that. Harley and I came up with some ground rules that are going to help make this transition a little bit easier.
Rafe: What kind of rules?
Harley: Gus and I had an opportunity to discuss this while you were upstairs packing, and we've come up with some guidelines to help us handle this situation.
Daisy: Guidelines?
Rafe: No contact with Daisy! I can't even call her?
Gus: It's just for a few weeks, okay? Until everybody settles into the arrangement. Believe me, Harley and I talked about this. We had a long...
Rafe: And you waited for us to be separated to tell us, right? Smooth.
Daisy: No way.
Harley: Listen, listen. No, no.
Daisy: No!
Harley: This is for both of your sakes. I'm doing this for both of you. Listen to me.
Daisy: You're doing this to make us miserable! You don't understand!
Harley: You are too young to be thinking about being with one boy.
Rafe: This has Harley written all over it.
Daisy: No, you can't do this to me! No!
Harley: Daisy.
Daisy: No!
Alan: Natalia Rivera, this is Alan Spaulding. I'm Raphael’s grandfather. I think you and I have something more in common than just Raphael, and I would like to meet with you very soon.
Next on "Guiding Light"."...
Olivia: Maybe we need to create new memories. So, tonight...
Jeffrey: Your place or mine?
Woman: Cyrus Foley, I'll be in touch.
Cyrus: You'll be hearing from me, too.
Marina: I need you. Tell her to take a hike.
Dinah: I want the words to come, but they don't come. I just couldn't come up with your name.
Reva: Flattery will get you just about anywhere you want to go.
Beth: Case of the what? The missing tramp? Found her!
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