Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/5/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Olivia: You know, when the world is falling apart, there's something really nice about coming in here and seeing Buzz Cooper change a keg.
Buzz: Stability.
Olivia: Who can't use a little of that, huh?
Buzz: You want me to answer that?
Olivia: You ever thought of exporting what you've got, here?
Buzz: What do I have here?
Olivia: Comfort, a friendly face? Alex and I are working together to expand the Beacon chain.
Buzz: You and Alex? No kidding.
Olivia: All over the world. I figure there should be a high-end restaurant in each property, and then maybe a casual dining spot, too.
Buzz: So you want to clone my restaurant into your hotels?
Olivia: Well, you know, think about it. This could be really good money for you. You could kick back and relax a little bit.
Buzz: Thank you, but you know, it's a little tricky being friends with you, you know? And so, I think, business partners... I'm good where I am. I'll pass on that.
Olivia: I kind of expected that. I just thought I should give it a shot.
Buzz: It's a good idea, for you.
Olivia: It is. It's good. It's good.
Buzz: So, your life is back on track I guess.
Olivia: Oh, I don’t... have you spoken to Reva lately?
Reva: Those are the real ones. Smiles. The smiles you smile when no one else is around.
Cassie: It is real.
Reva: Any good news you'd like to share?
Cassie: Oh, nothing new. I just feel a whole lot better today.
Reva: Yeah, well, you look it.
Cassie: I feel it. Lighter, free. Like for the first time in a very long time, things can finally be good again.
Lillian: Lizzie, you're home.
Lizzie: Just to pick up more stuff. Don't get your hopes up, I'm not moving back in.
Lillian: All right.
Lizzie: I mean it. I like being at the Beacon. I do, I like having my own space.
Lillian: Well, there goes that idea.
Lizzie: What idea?
Lillian: Well, I was thinking maybe you would want a roommate? I'm just kidding. I would never cramp your space, honey. But I am going to have to be looking for a place soon.
Lizzie: You're moving out. Why?
Lillian: Well, isn't it obvious? Have you talked to your mother since the barbecue?
Lizzie: No, why?
Lillian: Have you checked your messages?
Lizzie: No, my phone's been off. Why?
Lillian: There's been a bit of a development.
Lizzie: Okay, just tell me what it is.
Lillian: I don't think it's my place.
Lizzie: Okay, now you're scaring me. Would you just tell me? Spill.
Lillian: Honey, there's nothing to be scared of, it's just that something very spontaneous happened at the Bauer barbecue. Your mother got married.
Lizzie: Mom and granddad got married without telling me?
Lillian: Oh, no. Your mother did not marry your granddad. Your mother married Uncle Rick.
Frank: Well, there they are. Let me see, Beth Bauer. I like the sound of that, you know? But seriously, congratulations.
Rick: Thanks.
Frank: I mean, I guess it's an unofficial congratulations, it's not quite legal yet...
Josh: Hey, I told them up front that I am not even remotely ordained, but they just wanted to do it right then and there.
Rick: The legal part is the least of it.
Frank: Well, I don't know, Beth, it's not to late to... ( laughter )
Beth: I'm not going anywhere.
Rick: Exactly. So we just wanted to make it real, so Josh, we need you as a witness.
Josh: Might as well see it through.
Frank: Yeah, well, listen, I'm very happy for you guys. And Rick, good for you, making an honest woman out of Beth. You know, that’s... okay, yeah, excuse me. Be right back. And have fun today, you know.
Rick: Sure. "Mr. And Mrs." Says it right here.
Josh: You guys... you look happy.
Rick: We are. You're so beautiful. I finally get a chance to marry the very first girl I fell in love with, my high school sweetheart.
Beth: And hey, you and Cassie are going to be signing one of these, too, right?
Josh: Soon, yes.
Reva: You can't be serious? Rick and Beth?
Cassie: Yeah, at the barbecue. One minute Alan is staking his claim and then next, Rick and Beth are saying "I do."
Reva: So that's why you're feeling so good, because Alan finally got what was coming to him?
Cassie: When I switched the paternity test results, I was sure I was doing the right thing. I new that that baby belonged with Rick. But then after that, for awhile I started second guessing myself and the whole Josh career path thing and... well, then it all turned out. No custody battle. That baby is going to grow up away from Alan in a warm, loving home.
Reva: And all this because you set it in motion. Beth and Rick never would have gotten married if they had known that Alan was really the father.
Cassie: You're the only one who knows that, Reva. So you're the only one who could ever--
Reva: Rat you out? Why would I do that?
Cassie: Oh, I can think of a few reasons. One of them starts with the letter "J."
Reva: Well, I can tell you that if Josh ever comes back to me, it won't be because I snitched on you. I'm not going to give up your secret. You busted me out of jail. No matter what, we protect each other, and we may have to.
Cassie: Because of Alan?
Reva: Yeah. Beth dumped him for Rick in front of half the town. He lost her and he lost the baby.
Cassie: Poor, poor guy.
Reva: You know what, Cassie? He's not going to be happy if he finally realizes that you might have had something to do with it, and that I was there to help cover it up.
Cassie: He's never going to find out, Reva. You can relax, it's over. The good guys won. I know how we can celebrate.
Reva: What are you doing?
Cassie: This look familiar? The surveillance video from the hospital lab and the I.D. badge I used to get in there.
Reva: Have you been carrying those around with you?
Cassie: Well, I thought maybe I'd get rid of them, but then a part of me thought maybe I might want to tell Josh about it one day and another part, I think, just kind of liked to remember what I did. This is the only evidence that connects me to what happened.
Rick: All yours.
Josh: Okay. And I have to say that was a lovely ceremony.
Rick: I thought so.
Beth: Yours was better.
Josh: It was not, but this one was official. Does it feel official?
Rick: Let me check. Yes, it feels right to me.
Beth: I'm Beth Bauer.
Rick: Yes, you are.
Beth: How weird is that? ( Laughs )
Rick: Not that weird.
Josh: I think it's great.
Rick: I do, too. Hey, Josh, thanks for everything.
Josh: I'm glad I could help.
Rick: Listen, Beth and I have been talking, and we would be extremely honored if you and Cassie would be the Godparents of our little girl.
Josh: Really?
Rick: Yes.
Josh: Don't you have some family members that would be better suited for that? Danny, Michelle?
Beth: We want you and Cassie.
Josh: Beth, I know that you and Cassie have been having some pretty serious problems.
Beth: And all I can say is I want to put that behind us. I want to do what I can to put all of the pain behind us, and that's why I married Rick. I want a fresh start. And I want this baby to have a wonderful life from the moment she enters this world.
Josh: That sounds great. I just... I can't help but wonder if this is really about me and Cassie being the best choice or is it about rubbing Alan’s nose in your happiness, not that I don't understand that impulse.
Cassie: Right up until yesterday I still had doubts that I made a mistake switching the results, or I was playing God, like you said. But yesterday, Reva, I had a run-in with Alan, and he was so awful, I knew in that moment I did the right thing. I did the right thing for that child. I did more than the right thing. I saved that little girl's life.
Beth: We're not goading Alan. A few months ago, yeah, that might have been true. I guess maybe Alan always brought out the worst in me.
Josh: Alan brings out the worst in a lot of people. It's one of his gifts.
Beth: Well, in any case, we want you and Cassie to be part of our little girl's life.
Rick: Josh, listen, Cassie is the person who caught Alan trying to switch paternity. Without her, I would never have known I was the father of this child. And it was your friendship that really helped me really try to fight to win Beth’s heart.
Beth: We know that Cassie has suffered, and I just... I want to reach out to her. I want to make things right between us.
Josh: Okay, well I can't really speak for Cassie, I'll have to talk to her about it. But assuming she's okay with it, we'd be honored.
Cassie: So there's only one thing left to do now and that is destroy these. Burn them so Alan doesn't have a chance to get his hands on that child.
Reva: Let me have them. Let me do it. I mean, you know, what if Josh sees you? How are you going to explain that?
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you.
Buzz: You might want to move down a little bit because the rush hour from the hospital is going to be coming in here soon, so...
Olivia: Okay. So you're just going to ignore me?
Buzz: You know, you come in here digging about Reva and Jeffrey. You think that's okay?
Olivia: It's not what you think.
Buzz: It never is what I think.
Olivia: Buzz, she is worming her way into his life.
Buzz: So?
Olivia: And enjoying rubbing my nose in it.
Buzz: In what?
Olivia: I don't know, the fact that they're sleeping together?
Buzz: Did I already say "so"?
Olivia: She wants Josh and only Josh. Any other guy is just a distraction for her.
Buzz: Well, distractions can be fun, you know? For both parties.
Olivia: All I have, Buzz, is this weird little family that I'm just... I don't know, trying to keep together, and if Jeffrey is off unhappy or distracted, it affects everything. It affects Ava.
Buzz: Look, if you're not going to be honest with yourself or with me, this is pointless. But I'll try anyway. The way you came in here was bad. The fact that you didn't realize that you were being cruel and crappy shows a lot about your state of mind. This is an obsession, and when you're obsessed, we know what happens. I mean, should I call Reva and warn her?
Olivia: I'm not obsessed with Jeffrey. I don't even want him.
Buzz: Good luck with your hotels. ( Cell phone rings ) Could you get that for me?
Lillian: Am I too early for a drink?
Buzz: For a drink?
Lillian: Yeah.
Buzz: I... yeah.
Lillian: Well, then, I'm going to have a cup of coffee.
Buzz: High test?
Lillian: Black.
Buzz: Living dangerously.
Lillian: Oh, god, do I want to. Buzz, what happened to us?
Buzz: What? Huh? Us?
Lillian: Well, I mean, what happened to me? Me, what happened to me? I mean, I was this gorgeous woman, you know.
Buzz: You are, you know.
Lillian: ( Laughs ) I was. I was gorgeous and I had my own house and I had a social life, and now all I am is good old reliable Nana. I'm living my life vicariously through my mixed up daughter, my crazy granddaughter, and I'm not even living in my own house. You know when this all hit me?
Buzz: When what all hit you?
Lillian: What a mess my life was. When I walked down to breakfast this morning and who's sitting across from me but Alan.
Buzz: Oh, I'm so sorry for you.
Lillian: Yeah, I'm in this big dining room at the end of this big table, and we're both pretending not to make eye contact by reading the newspaper.
Buzz: What a way to start a day, you know?
Lillian: You see, Beth is gone for good now that she's married to Rick. She doesn't need me to take care of her or James because Rick’s going to look out for them. She's gone, Lizzie’s gone. So there I was, sitting at the table with a tea and a scone like some old relic. Well, it's not going to happen anymore. I've got the apartment. Here, I'm going to find a wonderful apartment. This girl's moving on.
Buzz: Well, you go, girl. But this whole being safe. You know, you beat cancer, I had a heart attack, then you recoup, recharge and your family just has this drama, and you know, now...
Lillian: Enough is enough. Enough is enough, right? I'm going to do what I want to do for a change now?
Buzz: So what's the idea?
Lillian: I'd just like to have a nice dinner with somebody for a change. Somebody where we laugh together. I mean, where would you like to go? I mean, we could try that Thai restaurant, the new one in Clayton.
Buzz: Are you asking me out?
Lillian: Yeah, I think I am. ( Laughter ) We've always had fun together. Oh, please, don't laugh at me. Oh, I'm so sorry I said it.
Buzz: No, no, no. Please, I don't want to forget it. I think, you know... an evening out with you would be fantastic.
Lillian: Yeah?
Buzz: Delightful.
Lillian: Yeah?
Buzz: Beautiful.
Lillian: Yeah?
Buzz: Oh, yeah. ( Laughter )
Cassie: Lizzie, hi.
Lizzie: Let me guess. For my mom and Rick.
Cassie: Yeah. What's wrong? You love Rick. I'd think you'd be happy for them.
Lizzie: I'd be happier if they'd actually told me they were going to get married. Last thing I knew, her and granddad were like this and then, left turn, she's a Bauer and I'm the last one to know.
Cassie: If it helps, it was totally spontaneous.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know. I know. My grandmother told me the whole story about their sudden inspiration and their heartfelt declaration of love, blah, blah, blah. I mean, they couldn't have taken 30 seconds to call me and say, "Hey, Lizzie, we're getting hitched. Do you want to come down?" I haven't even heard from my mom.
Cassie: Wow, I'm sorry, Lizzie. You know I'm sure she just got so caught up in---
Lizzie: She's my mom. And Rick, he's been like a father to me.
Cassie: And now they're married. Isn't that... I think that's great.
Lizzie: I'd like to think that, but it's just weird.
Cassie: You have a family now, Lizzie. You and James, you have a real family now.
Lizzie: Yeah, if they even know I exist.
Cassie: Lizzie. Your mom loves you. You're not alone, and you're going to be a very important part of her new life. This marriage is a great thing. Everyone is going to be so much happier now. Everything is the way it's supposed to be.
Rick: Mr. And Mrs. Frederick Bauer. I say we frame it, hang it, put it someplace where everybody can see it. What do you think?
Beth: Beth Bauer. I'm Beth Bauer.
Rick: Beth Bauer. You can keep saying that, sweetheart.
Beth: No, I'm just trying to get it to sink in you know?
Rick: Well, it's too late to run away now.
Beth: Everything has changed so much. When I first found out that I was pregnant...
Rick: You wanted this baby to be Alan’s.
Beth: I was just so sure that it was, you know? So sure.
Rick: I have to be honest with you. I mean, there is part of me that still struggles with this. I mean, I was trying to understand why you fought so hard to make this baby Alan’s and that somehow that this is the life you deserved. A life that would have been really, really difficult. Is that the reason, sweetheart, that you fought so hard for paternity? That somehow this is a life that you thought you deserved?
Beth: Maybe. But I'm glad now. I'm glad that things turned out the way that they did. Because I know that you will always put me and the baby first. I know that you will never lie to me or play games with me, and that means the world to me. And I am so excited because this little girl's coming out of an intact family. She's going to have her mother and her father living under the same roof. It just makes me happy.
Rick: You trust us.
Beth: I do. I do. She's going to have something, Rick, that I never had. That I could never give Lizzie or James. And that makes me very happy, and grateful and relieved. And this feels right, doesn't it? Doesn't it? After everything we've been through, all the years that we've known one another?
Rick: It feels so good.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: Hi.
Josh: What are you doing? What is that smell?
Reva: What, that chemically smell?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Probably my nail polish remover. Oh, don't look at me like that. What are you doing here, anyway?
Josh: Reva.
Reva: You know what? You can't always fix everything, Josh. Sometimes you just have to leave things alone. ( Sighs )
Lizzie: If you'd gotten married, you wouldn't have forgotten to call Tammy. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought her up.
Cassie: No, it's okay. You can say Tammy’s name. I won't crumble. The pain is still there. It always will be, but I'm starting to see more of the joy now, too. Can you do that? Can you do that with Sarah?
Lizzie: No, it's just all still pain, you know? I didn't have very much time. She was just really little.
Cassie: I know, I'm sorry.
Lizzie: I know.
Cassie: You lost the most precious thing a woman can lose and you feel alone, but you're not. And you're so strong. Things really are going to be better now.
Lizzie: I don't see how.
Cassie: Well, the custody battle was going to be terrible for everyone. That's over. Your mom is going to be so much happier. Rick is going to be so much happier. The baby and James, they're so much better off. All that positivity is going to rub off on you, Lizzie. And you're going to feel all the strength and the support and the hope of... you're going to be able to see the beauty in the world again, despite your loss.
Lizzie: ( Sobbing )
Cassie: Like I have. You will.
Lizzie: ( Sobbing )
Rick: And over the threshold we go.
Beth: You have a bad back. I'm not... I mean, we're not too heavy for you?
Rick: No, not at all. You are as light as a feather, Mrs. Bauer.
Beth: I love hearing that.
Rick: Mrs. Bauer. I love saying that. Well, just to get you in the mood, I have some lovely apple cider for my pregnant wife and her beautiful little girl.
Beth: Big spender.
Rick: Does that kind of get you in the mood? Don't answer that. All right. Let's get started. Okay. What's wrong?
Beth: Lizzie didn't call.
Rick: Oh, she'll call. You know what? She's going to be happy about this. I promise you.
Beth: I hope so. Leah wasn't exactly thrilled.
Rick: Leah will come around.
Beth: We have a lot to deal with, you know? The kids, Alan. He's not just going to let this go.
Rick: Alan is a complete non-factor. A complete non-factor. This baby is our baby, we're married. There's no reason for Alan to be in our life now, right?
Beth: Right. No more Alan.
Rick: Just concentrate on us, Mrs. Bauer.
Josh: What are you doing?
Reva: You know, this is Billy’s suite. You should have knocked.
Josh: You know, I came here to drop something off for him. Don't change the subject. Why are you burning this?
Reva: You know what, goody goody. Everything was fine until you decided to play fire marshal. You're not going to let this go, are you?
Josh: No, I don't think I am.
Reva: Okay, fine. You know what? It's an I.D. card. Belonged to a guy that I dated a couple times, and he gave it to me as proof that he was who he said he was. Only guess what? He wasn’t. He also didn't tell me that he was married. So I was a bit furious that I bought into his bull and in a fit of whatever, I did that to it.
Josh: Is this his, too?
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: And you were going to burn this?
Reva: Maybe.
Josh: What's on it?
Reva: That's none of your business.
Josh: What happened, Reva? What, did you got caught doing something compromising, and he's got it on tape, this guy? Is that what happened?
Reva: You know what, that is just like you to think something like that of me.
Josh: You did, didn't you?
Reva: No. All I wanted to do is try to do something good for you and Cassie and you, of course, assume that...
Josh: There's something about me and Cassie on this DVD.
Reva: No! Just give it to me.
Josh: That's what you just said, Reva.
Reva: I did not. You misunderstood.
Josh: I don't think so. And if I did, why don't you just straighten me out right now, Reva? What did you mean there was something about me and Cassie on this?
Reva: Stop interrogating me and just give me the damn...
Josh: Reva.
Reva: Give it to me!
Josh: I don't think so. No! Not this time. You don't get to call the shots this time. You don't get to mess with my head this time. You don't want me to see what's on this DVD, guess what? That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to take a look at it myself.
Reva: No Joshua, stop!
Josh: Olivia, how you doing? Good to see you. She's all yours. Excuse me.
Reva: Joshua!
Olivia: I need to talk to you.
Reva: You know what? Not now, Olivia.
Olivia: I need to talk to you now. Now.
Reva: I said move, Olivia.
Olivia: Not until you hear what I have to say.
Reva: I have to go after Josh now.
Olivia: Wait, wait, wait. You're going after...? Are you done with Jeffrey? You're going to juggle the two of them? What are you doing?
Reva: Is that what this is about? This is about Jeffrey?
Olivia: I came here to appeal to your sense of decency. I don't know if you have any, but could you just please leave Jeffrey alone?
Reva: Believe it or not, Olivia, the world does not revolve around you and your twisted relationships. If I don't leave right now, a lot of lives are going to be ruined. Now get the hell out of my way or I'm going to go right through you.
Rick: I waited my whole life for you. You're my first love. My first love and I just never thought this was ever going to happen.
Beth: Rick. Now why didn't you write that in my high school year book?
Rick: Because Phillip would have been jealous. There was no competing with him.
Beth: This is where I want to be. With you.
Rick: You know something? I am the luckiest man in the world. I am going to spend the rest of my life with my best friend, and have this beautiful little girl that's on the way. It doesn't get any better than that.
Lizzie: I am happy for my mom, you know? I am, I know that her marriage to Rick is a good thing and marriage to my grandfather, it was... it wasn't healthy and it wasn't about love.
Cassie: You just wish they would've included you in the celebration, right?
Lizzie: No, it's just... it's so much more than that, Cassie. It’s... I feel like everybody is moving on. Even you. I don't mean it to sound like that.
Cassie: No, it's okay. I know, I was pretty messed up there for awhile.
Lizzie: Yeah, but you found peace. I mean, it seems like you have.
Cassie: I'm doing a lot better most of the time.
Lizzie: I'm not. I feel stuck. Just standing in the same place and I can't get any traction.
Cassie: I don't think that's true, Lizzie. You moved out of the mansion, right? You got your own place. That's a huge step for you.
Lizzie: I have a long way to go.
Cassie: You'll get there.
Lizzie: Thank you. I think you're going to make a good minister's wife.
Cassie: You know, I'm starting to believe that myself.
Wanda: Oh, so you changed your mind, huh? Decided you can't hack it as a man of the cloth and now you're coming back to us at Lewis?
Josh: No, I'm still hanging in there, Wanda.
Wanda: I know. I know, I just miss your face around here.
Josh: Yeah, you know, I miss you too, I really do. Wanda, I have to watch this DVD right now.
Wanda: Oh, well, be my guest. You paid for the thing.
Josh: Yeah, there's nothing weird on it, but it's personal. You understand?
Wanda: Oh. I just remembered, I have to go to the post office.
Josh: Great.
Buzz: I'm sorry. There was a minor kitchen crisis. How's my sandwich creation?
Lillian: You know, this is so good. That pesto and the tomato and the smoked turkey. Who would know? I mean, it's delicious.
Buzz: Great, it's a keeper, then. I'll call it little Lillian.
Lillian: You're going to name a sandwich after me? Oh, Buzz.
Buzz: Well, I mean, you know, it's not an avenue, it's not a museum, it's not a park...
Lillian: This is so much better. Thank you. I'm so relieved. When I asked you out before and I saw your face...
Buzz: I was surprised. I'm flattered. Flattered.
Lillian: Okay, but we both know that it's just casual. I mean, there are no expectations, or...
Buzz: What do you mean? I'm not going to get lucky?
Lillian: ( Laughs ) You're so bad, aren't you?
Buzz: Please, please. ( Laughter )
Lizzie: Go, Nana. Hey, Mom, it's me. I hear you're on your honeymoon. Might have been nice for you to wait to get married until I... never mind. I'm happy for you. I really am. I'm really happy for you.
( Knock on the door )
Rick: Just ignore it.
Beth: Then distract me. ( Knock on the door )
Frank: Rick, Beth, you guys in there?
Rick: Oh, Frank, for the love of God. ( Knock on the door )
Frank: Rick, come on, it's important.
Rick: Coming. Frank. Frank, this is my honeymoon, okay? What do you think's going on here? What? Stop it. What are you doing?
Frank: Look, I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you should know this. Your car has been vandalized.
Rick: Okay, well, I have car insurance. It'll take care of it. I'll deal with it tomorrow.
Frank: Rick, I don't think you understand. Somebody took a rock and smashed it into your car and they poured red paint on it to make it like blood. And the "Just Married" streamers on your back bumper, they set those on fire.
Beth: Alan.
Frank: I just think that both of you need to be really, really careful.
Reva: Billy, it's me. I'm so glad you answered. Have you seen Josh? Is he with you by any chance? No, it's just... I need to talk with him. I've tried his cell phone and he's not picking up. Listen, do me a favor, if you see him before I do, would you please... yes, thank you.
Olivia: I'm not leaving until you talk to me, Reva.
Reva: Oh, fine. Okay. You want to talk?
Olivia: Yeah.
Reva: Let me start. Stop dogging Jeffrey! Stop prying into his personal life! What do you care? What difference does it make who he's with or who he's doing it with, unless, of course, you're interested in him.
Olivia: Well, you know, maybe I am. Maybe I am interested in him.
Reva: Oh, great. Then go and do something about it.
Olivia: Alan. Alan, it's Olivia. We need to sit down and talk. It's Reva related.
Reva: Come on, Cassie, pick up the phone. Pick up the phone. You're going to want to pick up the phone. ( Sighs )
( cell phone ringing )
Cassie: Oh, Reva. Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait. Hey. I got your message. I would have been hear sooner, but I ran into Lizzie, I was talking to her. I think I might have actually helped her. Josh? What's wrong?
Josh: What have you done, Cassie?
Next on "Guiding Light."
Josh: What have you done, Cassie?
Cassie: What has Reva done? In the end, an innocent little girl was saved from a monster.
Alan: You and I have something in common.
Rafe: Maybe. So this gun took out, like, five people?
Alan: I only wish we could solve our problems like that now.
Daisy: We were just kissing.
Gus: My son?
Harley: It gets worse. She says she's in love with him.
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