Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/4/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Frank: Okay, folks, here's the situation. We have a gas main break in the vicinity of 1713 Coventry Road. The situation is totally under control, but we have ordered an evacuation of all the residents for the next 24 hours so the utility crews can make the repairs.
Alan: 1713 Coventry?
Frank: Now, I know this is going to put a crimp in everybody's holiday plans-- you know, the barbecues and the cook-outs and all that, but for that I am truly sorry. But weighing the situation, we have absolutely no choice but to stick with the evacuation plan.
Harley: Oh, God. Not today.
Frank: So right now I'm here to tell you that the utility crews are at the site-- the site at 1713 Coventry Road. And you know what? These guys are giving up their holiday to make those repairs, so once a gas main is fixed, then I'll give the all-clear.
Josh: Um... aren't the Bauer’s 1713 Coventry?
Cassie: Yeah, why?
Frank: Happy Fourth, everyone.
Buzz: Frank, come on! I mean, it's the Fourth of July, it's the Bauer’s, come on!
Rick: Hey.
Buzz: Rick. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Rick: No worries, no worries.
Buzz: Oh, come on, it's the Bauer barbecue.
Rick: Hey, it's on.
Buzz: It's on? I mean, the hot tub's the hot zone again?
Rick: Yes. It's all on, Buzz. We're going to have the barbecue. You know, I wasn't going to have it, but you know, once I'm in, man, I'm in all way.
Buzz: So is it grill masks or gas masks?
Rick: Hey, Buzz, do you remember a few years back when it rained on the barbecue and I was all down in the dumps because there was no dad and there was no Michelle?
Buzz: Yeah.
Rick: What man of men stepped up to the plate and co-hosted it with me?
Buzz: Moi. I did.
Rick: You did!
Buzz: I did.
Rick: Yes. The barbecue's not about where you have it, man. What's the first rule of the restaurant business?
Buzz: Well, location.
Rick: What's the second rule of the restaurant business?
Buzz: I would have to look that up.
Rick: It's about the burger. Okay, now let's face it. Let's just be honest with each other. The Buzz burger is not the Bauer burger, okay? And the barbecue-- yes, it's about celebrating family and friends, but when people go home, Buzz, what are they going to talk about? They're going to talk about my burgers.
Buzz: Amen to that.
Rick: Amen to you.
All: Bauer power!
Rick: Right, let's go. Let's get this up here.
Beth: So, I'm an honorary Bauer now?
Rick: You're carrying one, right? It was your idea to move the party here. Good job.
Beth: Is that a yes? I'm not really sure.
Rick: Today, we have a truce. Tomorrow, we'll deal with the custody, okay? Let's have fun.
Beth: I'm going to pick up some more supplies at Company.
Rick: Okay. Now hurry back. We've got a lot to do. Hey, Leah. Honey, could you give me a hand over here, please? I just want to move this over just a little bit. All right. Are you okay?
Leah: Better now that she's gone. What's she doing here, anyway?
Rick: Leah, she is the mother of your little baby sister.
Leah: Yeah, but if you win custody, does that mean we're still going to have to see her all the time?
Rick: Sweetheart, I thought you were excited about having a sister?
Leah: I am, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be okay with Beth being around here. Beth's no good, Dad. And I tasted her potato salad-- it sucks.
Rick: (Sighs) Yeah, it does.
Gus: People, there has been a change in plans. The party is now happening, and it's happening on Main Street and at Company. Repeat, the Bauer barbecue is happening, so let's go, let's go, let's go! Am I the only one who's excited about this? Hey.
Zach: Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Gus: No, you let's go. You help me load the car. Let's go or all slowpokes are going to pay dearly. Take this. Let's go. Let's go, let's go. Let's go, let's go!
Daisy: You can't get two seconds alone in this house.
Rafe: I told you, we don't have to go to this thing.
Daisy: We do. It would be too obvious. The whole town goes nuts over this barbecue every year. I wish we could go together.
Rafe: Look, I... I think we are going together.
Daisy: You know what I mean. This pretending to hate each other thing? It's getting old. (Car horn honks) Yeah, okay, we better go.
Rafe: Like, did you put Harley’s money back yet?
Daisy: No, but it's fine.
Rafe: You said you were going to hit up your grandparents so we could put it back before she notices.
Daisy: Yeah, but I'll see them at the barbecue.
Rafe: I know, but what if Harley checks before then?
Daisy: She won’t. It's her, like, emergency stash. Here. We didn't use it all, so there's something in there, all right?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Rafe?
Gus: You like hot dogs, don't you? Your mother told me you like hot dogs. Like the ones at Wrigley’s, but I wouldn't count on that because Rick’s, they don't really plump when they cook. Can you not wear your hat? Let's go. You take your shower?
Josh: Ready to go? You okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm just having one of my bad days.
Josh: I'm sorry to hear that. What can I do?
Cassie: Take R.J. and go without me?
Josh: Oh, Cassie, come on.
Cassie: I've been trying all morning to get in the spirit of this, and then we thought the barbecue might be canceled and I was relieved. I just... I can't stop thinking about it.
Josh: I'll tell you what-- I'll make you a deal, okay? I'll take R.J. down there now, I'll set us up for some games for later this afternoon, and then we'll come back here and we'll hang out with you. How's that?
Cassie: No, you stay at the barbecue and you have a good time. I'm fine. I'm not as bad as I was a few weeks ago, I just... sometimes it just hits me and I...
Josh: If you change your mind, you'll call me.
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: We'll bring you back some blue ribbons.
Cassie: You better.
Josh: Okay. Feel better.
Alan: Well, how is it going with Rick, huh?
Beth: We're just, you know, just setting up now.
Alan: Well, just make sure that he sings your praises loudly.
Beth: I know, I know, in front of the whole town.
Alan: Because it's the only way we're going to crush his court case. The more people that hear him, the more witnesses we will have to prove that he is lying about your parenting skill, okay?
Beth: Okay. You're right, you're right. Well, let me get to it. Go.
Alan: Go, go.
Rick: Leah, could you bring over the grill brush for me?
Beth: I got it.
Rick: Yep. And the Bauer barbecue rides again.
Rick: Sweetheart, I need a favor. Could you just spread the word to everybody that we're setting up for the games at the high school football field?
Leah: Yeah, okay.
Rick: And guess what? You can be the head cheerleader with all of that spirit.
Leah: I'm trying, okay?
Rick: I know. Look at her, honey, look at her. She's being a tremendous help.
Leah: It's all fake.
Rick: Leah, listen. Listen... listen to me. I... I know that you want your mom here and I did, too, but she made a choice, sweetheart.
Leah: So did Beth. She chose Alan over you, even after she found out the baby was yours. And you're defending her, why? Because she's good at parties?
Rick: Please, not here.
Leah: You know, even if you get custody, they'll find a way to cut you out. They'll hurt you, Dad, and you'll never see your baby.
Josh: You're handling this whole thing like a pro.
Beth: You seem surprised.
Josh: Well, it's just, you know, you spend a lot of time at the Spaulding mansion. I think of that as like... remember that old TV show-- the normal blonde surrounded by monsters? Yeah.
Beth: Normal blonde-- I think you're being generous. Is Cassie here?
Josh: No, she couldn't make it.
Beth: Sorry.
Josh: She's doing better. She just... she has good days and bad days, you know.
Beth: I really want her to be okay, Josh. I know that we've had our share of troubles, but... well, hey, this is the Bauer barbecue. We can all just get along, right?
Buzz: Hey, there! Hey, the party... the party's down the street. What are you doing here?
Cassie: Yeah, I know, Buzz. I just thought I'd come get some takeout.
Buzz: Holiday blues aren't just for Christmas, huh? Is it coming in waves?
Cassie: Yeah. It's more like snowballs. It's crazy, you know, I start thinking this is my first Fourth of July without Tammy and then I think... I can't help but think of all those Fourth of Julys I had with her, and then I go from there to thinking about all the Fourth of Julys I have ahead of me without her, and then I'm just a mess. Tell me this gets easier. God!
Buzz: Well, you stop counting as the years go on-- you know, no more, "This is the third Fourth of July, the fifth Thanksgiving, the eighth Arbor Day."
Cassie: (Laughs)
Buzz: That first year, though, that's just every... every day hurts. You know, it's like, "Last year at this time, I..." you won't stop missing her, but you'll stop ticking off the hours in your head.
Beth: Ooh. Baby just kicked. (Laughs)
Rick: It did?
Beth: Yeah.
Rick: Can I... can I feel it?
Beth: Yeah, sure, sure. So, would an unfit mother let you do that?
Rick: Beth, we need... we need to have a talk.
Beth: Yeah, so why don't we do it right now? I mean, it's all that I can think about. Look, I mean, is your heart really in this custody case? Do you really want the court to declare me an unfit parent, make the whole world think that I'm a bad mother when you know that I'm not.
Rick: Beth...
Lillian: Oh, isn't this just like old times? I mean, don't you think it is? It's just so wonderful seeing you two together.
Daisy: Is anyone looking?
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: You suck!
Gus: You know, they don't have to love each other, but they certainly don't have to hate each other.
Harley: I know what you mean.
Gus: I'll talk to them.
Frank: All right. All right, all right, listen, don't shoot the messenger here, okay?
Harley: What?
Frank: What do you mean, "What?" Everybody's giving me a hard time for shutting down the Bauer’s because of the gas main break. And I keep trying to tell them it only takes just one little spark for the whole place to explode, so... right, big man?
Gus: Hey, how's it going? You like games? The games?
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Gus: Mm-hmm? You know, it's funny-- the Bauer barbecue usually happens at the house. That's why it was called the Bauer barbecue. And now it's here at Company on Main... Main Street. A lot of weird things happen at the barbecue, you know-- people, they get drunk, they get married, start fights. Anything can happen. Rick's gone and opened it up to the whole town.
Rafe: That mean that my grandfather's coming?
Gus: What?
Rafe: That guy, what's his name?
Gus: Alan?
Rafe: Yeah.
Gus: He doesn't really like the Bauer’s or get along with them, so... well, then again, he doesn't really get along with anybody.
Harley: Hey, you know what? There's a cotton candy machine. You guys want some cotton candy?
Rafe: It's, like, pure sugar.
Gus: It's, like, pure sugar. No. You know, there's a father and son three-legged race/burlap sack thing later if you want to...
Rafe: Are you asking me because your dad's not around?
Gus: No, I'm asking you because I think we could crush Zach. Crush him.
Rafe: Look, I'll think about it, all right?
Frank: It's got to be cold by now.
Harley: Stop eating french fries.
Gus: Yeah, what do you mean, cold fries? Cotton candy?
Harley: I thought it was outside and it's all the way on Main Street.
Gus: Oh, well, I'll walk over. You want to walk over with me?
Daisy: No, that's okay.
Harley: That's a really good idea. Why don't you guys go? I'll wait for him to finish his game.
Gus: Thank you.
Harley: Take the little one.
Gus: Come here. Come here, you. Get over here. Let's go.
Harley: How's it going? Do you have everything you need?
Rafe: I'm kind of trying to do this.
Harley: Yeah, I just want to make sure you have everything you need, because if you don't, we can always take you to the store and...
Rafe: If I need something, I'll get it myself, all right?
Harley: Yeah. Get it yourself, huh, like that wad of cash in your pocket? You sure got that yourself... because you stole it from me. Don't walk away from me. Rafe! Rafe, there is a lot of money missing from the house.
Rafe: All right, so it must have been me, right?
Harley: I had a jar full of cash. There's nothing in it now.
Rafe: No, look, 'cause everything's my fault 'cause I'm the little ghetto thug, right?
Harley: And I saw you take a fistful of cash and put it in your pocket. Where did you get the money?
Alan: Will this cover it, Harley?
Harley: Stay out of this, Alan. Please stay out of this.
Alan: He's my grandson. Did she even ask you if you did it?
Rafe: No.
Alan: Well, then you don't have to answer her question.
Harley: Alan, please!
Alan: He has every right to stand his ground if you're telling him he did something that he didn't do.
Rafe: I'm out of here. Excuse me.
Harley: Rafe! How dare you? How dare you?!
Alan: I'm offering you the money.
Harley: It has nothing to do with the money and you know it!
Alan: No, it has to do with being Gus' son and putting him in his place. Well, you know, not every child is a glow of radiant sunshine like your daughter, Daisy.
Daisy: Hey. What's wrong?
Rafe: Nothing.
Daisy: Rafe...
Rafe: This party sucks, man.
Daisy: Wait.
Jude: Hey, R.J., do you want to play catch?
R.J.: Mom, can I?
Cassie: Yeah, sure. Have fun. Just be careful and stay on the football field.
Josh: Do you know I got some weird looks because I was getting myself a beer over there?
Cassie: Really? Like they think you're just supposed to lose all your vices because you signed up for a divinity school?
Josh: I guess so.
Cassie: You and everyone around you?
Josh: (Laughs) I just hope it's okay with you. It doesn't freak you out or anything. I mean, I'm the one who chose this.
Cassie: Well, I chose to go along for the ride.
Josh: Yeah, but I know you're not entirely on board.
Cassie: I'm on board. I'm on board with the beer, I'll tell you that much.
Josh: (Laughs)
Cassie: Be right back.
Beth: Cassie, I'm glad you made it.
Cassie: Thanks.
Rick: Hi, Cassie.
Beth: Isn't this just a great turnout today?
Rick: Yeah.
Lillian: I mean, it's so sunny. Remember the year that it rained so much? That was the year you graduated, I think. No, it couldn't have been that year, because that was the year Bradley was so awful. And, oh, Rick, you were so wonderful. I'll never ever be able to make up to you for how you protected Beth then.
Rick: Well, Lillian, that was a long time ago.
Lillian: No, I don't think it was so long ago. I'm going to go help Frank.
Beth: I'm going to... I'm going to go to the field, check on the games.
Rick: Okay.
Josh: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Josh: You did a great job putting this thing together.
Rick: Oh, appreciate that, Josh. This is, you know, my favorite day of the year. It really is.
Josh: And you and Beth seem to be getting along pretty well. Maybe that will make things easier.
Rick: Hey, Josh, I completely understand why you wouldn't want Cassie to testify against Alan and Beth. And I... you know what? I don't want her to do it either.
Josh: That's not at all what I meant.
Rick: I just can't afford... I cannot afford to lose this little girl. I just can't, and I just don't trust Alan. You know something? I trust Beth. I trust her, even after everything we've been through.
Ridley: Just leave the strategy to me, Alan.
Alan: The legal strategy.
Ridley: If everything goes as planned, it will be the easiest case you've ever won. Go through it again.
Alan: Rick Bauer is going to court to seek full custody of Beth’s baby, but he doesn't want to do that. He's had a crush on her ever since they were kids and Beth knows this. So at the barbecue, she's really going to work him.
Ridley: Work him how?
Alan: She's going to drag him down sentimental lane, memory highway, if you will. Just try to get him to remember when they were kids, so he'll say things like, "You're a great mother," "You're a wonderful person and friend". And the good thing about it is there are going to be witnesses all around.
Ridley: Then I call all these people up to testify?
Alan: Now you see where I'm going. There's no court that will give him full custody if his case is false and untrue. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Beth and me custody right there on the spot.
Ridley: Well, you've thought this through, Alan.
Cassie: I just heard everything you said, Alan.
Alan: Well, I'll deny it all.
Cassie: I'm going to go right back over there and I'm going to tell them. I going to tell Rick and Beth what you're planning.
Alan: Oh, so you're going to make a scene like you did at my wedding, blaming me for Tammy’s death?
Cassie: Yes, if I have to. Why not?
Alan: You do it once and people will say you're a mother crazy with grief, but you do it twice and people will just say you're plain old crazy.
Gus: Hey, look what I found in the garbage-- a perfectly good, small child.
Harley: Honey...
Gus: One man's garbage. Where's Rafe?
Harley: Uh, he's not here. I need to...
Zach: Can I go... can I go see grandpa?
Harley: Yes, he's in the kitchen.
Gus: Because the father and son thing is starting and, you know, at this rate, we're never going to get a burlap sack.
Harley: Honey, I need to talk to you. Can you sit down for a second?
Gus: Yeah, but it just seemed that he was into it, so I don't know. Maybe Daisy saw him.
Harley: Daisy was with you.
Gus: No, she changed her mind. She doesn't want cotton candy. Didn't she walk back in the door?
Harley: No.
Gus: Why don't I go to Main Street. If you hear from him, tell him I'm looking for him.
Harley: Gus...
Alan: Good work, Beth.
Rick: So, as I was saying, today just... just got me thinking about a lot of things, and, um...
Beth: Uh-oh. (Laughing)
Josh: I got this.
Rick: Oh, okay. It's just... maybe it's the Bauer barbecue that's got me thinking like this, but I... I don't think so. Beth, us being here like this, together, it's like...
Beth: Old times.
Rick: No, it's like good times. "Old times" make it sound like it could never be that good again and I don't believe that, Beth.
Beth: Rick...
Rick: Doesn't it say... doesn't it say something that we can be together like this, that I would trust you with my life, even though we're in the middle of this custody battle? Beth Raines, I fell in love with you when I was a 17-year-old boy. And I know that love that means anything has some time behind it, and it was during that time that I realized what a decent and honorable, loyal woman that you are. What man wouldn't want a woman like that to raise his child? This man would. And this man would like to spend the rest of his days with you.
Beth: I... I want to spend my days with you, too.
Daisy: You can tell me. Something happened.
Rafe: Look, it doesn't matter, all right?
Daisy: It does to me, because if you're not okay, then I'm not okay.
Rafe: Just forget it, okay?
Daisy: No. No, no, no. We spent all that time in juvie either bummed out or pissed off. It's over. We're together. We don't have to be upset about anything.
Harley: What are you doing to her?! Get off of her! I let you into my house and you steal from me, you attack my daughter. What are you doing?!
Daisy: No, don't!
Rafe: Get away from me, man!
Harley: Are you all right?
Daisy: Yes, I'm all right! I started it. I kissed him.
Beth: Maybe... maybe a part of me has always been in love with you, too. I... I belong here and maybe it took today for me to see that.
Rick: Well, maybe I needed to be the first one to say it.
Beth: I don't know. But I do know that I should spend my life with my best friend and not someone that I don't even trust.
Alan: Beth. What are you doing?
Beth: I'm doing the right thing, Alan... for the first time in a long time. You don't love me. You threw me over once for Doris Wolfe, you'd do it again. I... I loved being Mrs. Alan Spaulding so much that I lost sight of who I had become. Well, no more. My eyes are wide open. I want to be... I want to be proud of who I am again.
Alan: You've taken this too far.
Beth: Look, I know that this is scary, but let's not wait. Let's get married.
Rick: Beth Raines, are you proposing to me?
Beth: Yes, I guess... I am, I am. I'm proposing that we do it right here right now.
Rick: You're sure?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: Beth. Beth, you're engaged to me.
Leah: Dad, no.
Lillian: Honey, do you know what you're doing?
Rick: This wouldn't be the first Bauer wedding at a Bauer barbecue. It's happened before, and we got all of our dear friends and family here.
Beth: How fast can we get a judge here?
Leah: You can't, it's a holiday.
Rick: Jeffrey. Jeffrey's done it before, we could use him.
Leah: He's not here.
Cassie: Well, then use Josh.
Josh: Cassie, I'm not a minister.
Cassie: Yet.
Alan: Well, then, he can't do it.
Rick: Well, I don't care if he's just a lumberjack. I know you. You can guide us through this.
Beth: It works for me.
Rick: Yes. And, you know what? Listen, we can make it official at city hall tomorrow, okay? Sweetheart, come here. Listen, I know you think your dad is just being an impulsive fool and...
Leah: You love her. Just do it, I'll live.
Rick: I do love her. Thank you.
Cassie: This is exactly why you chose this, Josh. There is an innocent baby, a good man who was going to suffer while bad people get away with really bad things. You keep trying to sell me on the idea of faith-- if this isn't faith at work, I don't know what is.
Josh: Okay. Let's get these two married. What do you say, huh? (Cheers and applause) So, we understand all that?
Rick: Lillian, thank you. Thank you. Here we go.
Josh: Okay. First of all, since we're all in this together, I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page. We all understand that, even though this is a legal holiday, this is a less-than-legal wedding ceremony. We're all okay with that, right?
Buzz: Yeah, but there'll be fireworks, right? (Cheers and applause)
Gus: At least you'll always have your anniversary off.
Buzz: No, they won’t. No, they won't-- they're going to be working for us, giving us a party! A party!
(Cheers and applause)
Josh: Okay. Today is a party, that's true. It's a day to celebrate new starts-- the start of our nation, and today, the start of this marriage. It's a day to look back at the history of courage and determination that brought us here as a country. And for Rick and Beth, a day to look back at their history that brought them here as a couple.
(Cheers and applause)
Cassie: Feel like you've been robbed? You can hang up the phone-- your car wasn't stolen, it was towed. I noticed you were parked in the red zone. I know just how strongly you feel about following the law.
Alan: Apparently, none of you do.
Cassie: We're hopeless rebels, all of us. We're just like the founding fathers, really, you know? Standing up for what's good and right and freedom, hope.
Alan: Cassie, you're no better than your fiancé, the fake preacher.
Cassie: Well, the way I see it, if there is an Independence Day, this is it. Because Beth, Rick, and most importantly, that little baby, they all won their independence from you today. Maybe I did, too.
(Cheers and applause)
Harley: Daisy, I don't care if you started it, you didn't do anything to encourage this, you didn’t...
Daisy: Yes, I did. I kissed him, okay?
Harley: Honey, he was on top of you. He was holding you down.
Daisy: Harley, get a clue. I know him, we met at juvie, he was the only thing there that made sense to me.
Harley: You told me you had never met before.
Daisy: I never thought I'd see him again, and then he was here in our house. I mean, don't try and tell me we're not meant to be together, because if that's not a sign, I don't know what...
Harley: Listen to me-- he is Gus' son, okay?
Daisy: That's not who he is, not inside...
Harley: Honey, you're not hearing yourself, okay? Listen to what you're saying.
Daisy: You chased him out of here like he was some kind of criminal...
Harley: He is a criminal! He stole all of the money from my jar!
Daisy: No, he didn’t. No, he di...
Harley: That's a criminal. You don't know what you're saying, okay? You're upset. You're upset, hon. You don't know what’s...
Daisy: I not... I'm not upset! I'm not buzzed, I'm not high, I know what I'm saying, and before you walked in here, I knew what I was doing.
Harley: Okay, this is not happening. You and Rafe are not happening. It's not possible.
Daisy: I love him. I do. You can't stop us.
Rafe: Hey. What, are you mad about something?
Alan: I just lost something very valuable.
Rafe: Oh, yeah? What did you lose?
Alan: My car.
Rafe: What, you want a ride? I meant to thank you for earlier.
Alan: You got a car here?
Rafe: No. I mean... but that never stopped me before.
Alan: Sure, let's go.
Josh: Rick, you're up.
Rick: Oh, okay. Well, I think I would have written down some vows today if I'd known that we were getting married. I probably... I probably would have talked about how you're the most beautiful woman I've ever set eyes on and that, even after all these years, I still have that I'm-incredibly-in-love-with-you knot in my stomach every time I look at you. And I would have talked about how much you make me laugh, but more importantly, how you still laugh at virtually everything that I say. (Laughter) But in the end, Beth, the only thing that would have really mattered is the part where I tell you that... it's always been you. And now I know it always will be.
Josh: Okay, Beth, your turn.
Beth: I've been saved a lot in my life. From flash floods, plane wrecks, castle towers. I've been saved from abusive step-fathers and husbands and boyfriends. But today, you saved me from myself. I realized today that it's always been you. You've always been there for me. You never let me down. You have loved me even when I didn't deserve to be loved. Well, I don’t... I don't want to take for granted that precious gift anymore. I love you, Rick Bauer.
Josh: I think that this would be the part where they would exchange rings, but there are none, right? So, in lieu of that, I guess I just would pronounce you man and... I'm sorry, husband and wife, sort of. (Laughter)
Rick: Josh, we're missing a little part in here.
Josh: What? Oh, yes. You may kiss the bride.
(Fireworks exploding) (Cheers and applause)
Beth: You're hanging in there, Mom.
Lillian: It's what I always hoped for. I really always wanted this.
Beth: Move out of that house. Move in with us. Start fresh.
Josh: How you doing?
Cassie: Well, I haven't stopped thinking about it all day, but I'm okay with it now. I think... I think Tammy would be happy, even with everything I did and I was at my worst, most desperate version of myself. It's done, it's over, the baby's where she belongs, Rick and Beth are where they belong. We're where we belong.
Josh: Everything you did?
Cassie: Yeah, never mind. I love you. Happy Fourth.
Josh: Yeah.
All that you are, all that you wanted to forget
you could leave it all behind
and now you're something so beautiful
now you are something so beautiful.
Now are you something so beautiful
yeah, something so beautiful. Something so beautiful...
Next on "Guiding Light."
Buzz: Are you asking me out?
Lillian: Yeah, I... I think I am.
Lizzie: Go, Nana.
Cassie: This is the only evidence that connects me to what happened. So you are the only one who could ever...
Reva: Rat you out? Why would I do that?
Buzz: This is an obsession, and when you're obsessed, we know what happens. I mean, should I call Reva and warn her?
Josh: You don't want me to see what's on this DVD? Guess what, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to take a look at it myself.
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