GL Transcript Monday 7/2/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/2/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Ashlee: Oh, hello. Hi. Um, I'm sorry, I thought that being transferred meant that I would be getting out but I'm still here and I'm in jail.

Officer Manzo: There's someone here to see you.

Coop: Hey, beautiful. You ready to go home?

Ashlee: I was hoping...

Coop: You don't have to hope anymore.

Ashlee: I'm free! I can't believe it. (Laughing) (Music playing) (Giggling)

Coop: Thank you for setting up this meeting. I know that you didn't have to.

Ava: All I did was tell Alan he had a meeting at the mansion. And I didn't tell him who it was with.

Coop: (Laughs) Aha! So you don't think he would have set aside the time for me if he had known?

Ava: I didn't want to take any chances.

Coop: Okay. So do you think he is going to do the right thing? Do you think he's going to use his connections to help get Ashlee from underneath that charge against her?

Ava: I don't know. You know, Ashlee is a really, really lucky girl, having a friend like you. She basically owes you her life.

Coop: I don't look at it that way.

Ava: I know you don’t. I know you don’t. You're not going to stop until she is free, are you?

Coop: Why would I?

Ava: Because maybe it's the right thing to do?

Coop: The right thing to do? Okay. For who? For Alan?

Ava: For Ashlee. Maybe it's time for you to back off.

Marina: Okay. I know what's going on with Mallet and Dinah right now is horrible-- it's awful, but I can't think about it anymore. You know, there's got to be more to life than D.N.R. and death and, and, and...

Cyrus: Marina, stop. Stop.

Marina: What?

Cyrus: We've been here before.

Marina: Where?

Cyrus: You being impulsive. You go for what you want and then your police officer conscience kicks in.

Marina: Oh, please. I don't, I don't want it to. I don't want to think. I don’t... I just want...

Mallet: I promise I'll never forget all that you've given me. I'll never love anyone the way I love you. Dinah?

Dinah: Mallet?

Mallet: Oh, sweetie. You're doing great, honey. Just save your strength.

Doctor: Your husband's right. You're a very lucky young lady.

Mallet: So, Doc, everything...

Doctor: I have a lot more tests to run. But for now, I'll just give you a few minutes.

Mallet: Oh, Doc? Thank you, thank you so much for bringing her back.

Doctor: Detective, I just want to make sure you understand. Regaining consciousness is huge, but there's a lot of things that we still don't know about her injuries.

Mallet: Right. Okay. What do you mean?

Doctor: Well, traumatic brain injuries manifest themselves in a number of ways.

Mallet: Right. So you'll monitor her movements and speech and her memory skills?

Doctor: We'll be looking at all of her cognitive functions.

Mallet: Okay. Well, you know what, Doc, do what you have to do because I can see that she's-- she's doing good. She's doing great.

Dinah: Mallet?

Mallet: I'm here. Oh, I'm here, and so are you.

Dinah: How did I-- what did I...

Mallet: It's okay, honey. You know what, we've got plenty of time to get into all of that.

Dinah: Now, tell me...

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Griggs tried to shoot me.

Dinah: Griggs?

Mallet: Yeah, Griggs. And you jumped in front and the bullet hit you. And your injuries-- they were severe. And we thought that you-- well, you saved my life.

Dinah: Mallet...

Mallet: You saved my life, honey.

Dinah: But what about Griggs?

Mallet: Griggs is long gone, okay? He's never going to hurt you or me or anyone else again. It's okay. Easy, honey. Easy, easy, easy. Griggs is gone, okay? He's long gone.

Dinah: Did you...

Mallet: Did I shoot him? No, I didn't shoot him. I wanted to so badly for what he did to you, for what he tried to take away from us. But your old partner, Cyrus, he had a better idea.

Dinah: Cyrus?

Mallet: Yeah, Cyrus. Can you imagine that? Cyrus set a trap and Griggs walked right into it. And now he is an ocean away. He is under arrest. And that's all wrapped up.

Dinah: He's gone?

Mallet: Yeah, he's gone. He's gone. And so is all of the pain and misery he brought into our lives, he brought into everybody's lives, yours and mine and Matt and Vanessa’s. Everybody is fine. We're all in the clear, okay? That nightmare is over. The nightmare's over, okay?

Vanessa: Vanessa Reardon, yes.

Matt: She'll call you back.

Vanessa: What the hell are you doing? That's the station. It's important for...

Matt: Dinah's awake. She opened her eyes.

Vanessa: Oh, my God!

Matt: Okay, all right! Hang on! Hang on! Hang on! Hang on. The doctor needs a little time with her to check her out. So there is no sense in rushing off.

Vanessa: But, but, but she needs me.

Matt: I know. Of course she needs you. Come here. Come here. Come here. Sit down. Take a deep breath.

Vanessa: Oh, yeah, well, I think I promised Maureen that I would pick her up at Kaitlin's.

Matt: Okay. I already called. She's going to stay until after dinner, all right? The station is going to be all right. Nothing is going to blow up. Everything is fine.

Vanessa: She opened her eyes?

Matt: Yeah.

Vanessa: Okay. Well, you know, everything has already blown up, really.

Matt: Not everything. Dinah's okay. She's awake. I've got a feeling that it's a sign that everything is going to be all right. Everything's headed in the right direction, Vanessa. The hell with the doctor. Let's go.

Vanessa: Yeah, come on!

Marina: Don't protect me. Just be with me. (Knock on the door) Ignore it. (knock on the door)

Frank: Marina, open up! I know you're not alone. Send out Mr. Foley, or I will break this door down.

Marina: You're not going anywhere.

Ava: I don't know why Alan’s not here. Maybe he got wise to my little switcheroo.

Coop: Uh-huh. Look, I don't understand why you're so against me helping Ashlee. Why I need to back off.

Ava: I don't have a problem with Ashlee getting out. I think Ashlee is a very sweet girl.

Coop: Well, I'm glad that you do.

Ava: I do. So, what are you going to do when you spring her?

Coop: Um... well, I don't know. I'll get back to normal. She'll get back to her regular life. She does have a lot of big things coming up to do.

Ava: Yeah, I'm sure she does.

Coop: What does that mean?

Ava: That means... you know exactly what that means. You could be the one to set her free, Coop. You could be her hero. She comes running out of lockup with her arms open wide, into your arms, and then what? And then...

Coop: And then, and then what? Finish.

Ava: And then Ashlee is not going to be able to go back to the life that she once knew.

Coop: Okay. So that's what this whole thing is about, isn't it?

Ava: Don't you see what's going on here? You're giving her a false hope.

Coop: If she gets out, how is it a false hope?

Ava: This is not about freedom. This is about you. You are going to break her heart.

Coop: Um, look, Ava, thank you for trying to set up this meeting. I appreciate it. Just tell Alan that I am looking for him, okay?

Ashlee: Everyone has dreams, but they're just dreams. They're just fantasies. They aren't real. But when you start believing in them too much, well, then you're going to get hurt.

Officer: There is someone here to see you.

Vanessa: Dinah.

Alan: I suppose you've heard that the baby that Beth is carrying is not mine?

Ashlee: I know.

Alan: It's Rick Bauer’s.

Ashlee: I know.

Alan: That came as a very painful surprise to me. Elizabeth has been acting very erratically lately, and I offered her help, but she turned to Reva Shayne. Then I discovered I have a new grandson, a hopeless juvenile delinquent... no offense.

Ashlee: None taken.

Alan: You know, at one point in my life, I spent many years behind bars. It's not fun, is it?

Ashlee: No. It's not. I'm sorry. Um, I'm a bit confused as to what's going on here.

Ashlee: Well, I can see that your life is a mess.

Alan: Yes, it is.

Ashlee: And I can see that a lot of it started happening while you were in the coma after I shot you.

Alan: That's true.

Ashlee: So basically it’s... it's my fault that your life sucks. I mean, at least that's what you think. You must be really mad, like so mad for all of the trouble that I caused you. And now here I stand here before you and I have the nerve to ask you for... for pity, for... for forgiveness. You came here to laugh at me, didn't you? You wanted to make sure that I was suffering enough. Oh, wait, punish me some more. Throw me, throw me into the real slammer where all the really mean chicks are that want to hurt people. And then maybe, maybe I will finally, finally get what I deserve when it comes to what I did to you.

Alan: I came here to today to tell you that as of right now, you are a free woman.

Daisy: Rafe, could you be more of a slob? If we're going to share a bathroom, you're going to have to learn to clean up after yourself. This is disgusting!

Rafe: Stop. Stop. They're not here. They're outside.

Daisy: Gus and Harley aren't here?

Rafe: No. They're in the backyard with the kids. Are they serious? Are they for real?

Daisy: So how long have they been out there?

Rafe: I don't know.

Daisy: Did you lock the back door?

Rafe: What do you think? You know, if, um.... if they catch us, I need to get out of here, right?

Daisy: Well, then, let's not get caught. (Knock on the door) Wait, one more kiss.

Rafe: Are you crazy?

Daisy: Yeah, one more.

Rafe: That was worth it. Don't answer the door.

Daisy: I have to answer the door.

Rafe: All right. I'm out of here. (Knock on the door)

Daisy: Hello, Mr. Bradshaw. What's going on?

Coop: How's it going? What's up with you?

Daisy: Nothing.

Coop: Nothing? Really? Because you're looking kind of...

Daisy: I'm not in juvie anymore. You don't have to give me the stink eye.

Coop: All right. All right. I just wanted to swing by and see how you're adjusting to life outside.

Daisy: Well, I'm glad to be out.

Coop: I understand, I see. It must have taken a while for you to get used to it, huh?

Daisy: I guess. I mean, yeah, at first it was hard to do things on my own. I was so used to people telling me what to do.

Coop: And now?

Daisy: Now I'm calmer. I don't pick fights with people as much.

Coop: But you made friends inside though, right?

Daisy: And enemies.

Coop: And enemies, okay. Do you still keep in contact with anyone? Maybe someone, perhaps, you shared the experience with.

Daisy: I didn't share the experience with Rafe, but now we share a bathroom. It's so disgusting. Oh, my God, I can't believe I have to live with him.

Coop: I wasn't talking about him. I meant someone else perhaps you spent time with inside.

Daisy: Oh.

Coop: What?

Daisy: Ashlee?

Coop: Well, yeah.

Daisy: Why didn't you just say that?

Coop: I did.

Daisy: I love that you're asking me about her.

Coop: Why? I mean... I mean, I just was trying to figure out if...

Daisy: Yeah?

Coop: Well, I was just trying to figure out if maybe, um...

Daisy: She's in love with you. You dumb ass.

Frank: Marina, I just want to talk to you.

Marina: No, you don’t. You want to tell me what to do, and it can't happen anymore, Dad.

Frank: I'm not just here as your father. I'm also here as your boss. And it's not good company policy for any of my employees to be hanging out with any known criminals.

Marina: Or what?

Frank: What?

Marina: Or what, boss? What are you going to do?

Frank: I'll suspend you.

Marina: What?

Frank: You heard me.

Marina: You're going to suspend me?

Frank: Yes. If you keep seeing this guy, yes.

Cyrus: This conversation should be with me.

Frank: I'm talking to my daughter.

Cyrus: But your problem is with me. So stop trying to bully her.

Frank: I don't think you want to be doing this.

Cyrus: No, I don’t. Believe me, I don't want this trouble. I'm trying to start a new life. I spent a lot of years with cops like you giving me warnings. It's the last thing I need right now.

Frank: Okay, good, then. Walk away. Get away from my daughter's life.

Cyrus: I can't do that, Chief, not now.

Frank: You know why you can't do it? Because you're selfish. You really don't care what happens to my daughter.

Marina: That's enough!

Frank: You know what, we all know what happens when this guy gets too close to women. Just ask Dinah.

Cyrus: You can't blame Dinah’s shooting on me.

Frank: Really? Why not? You were her partner, weren't you?

Marina: All right. This guy-- the guy who shot Dinah, right, okay?

Frank: Yeah, what about him? He's an ex-enemy of Mallet's and he got away scot-free.

Marina: Cyrus offered to help track him down.

Frank: Oh, you wanted to be helpful, did you?

Cyrus: Something like that.

Frank: You want to be helpful to this family? Get out of town!

Porter: Is this the man, ma'am?

Frank: What are you doing? Let go of me!

Marina: That's him!

Frank: Let go of me!

Vanessa: It's a miracle.

Matt: Yeah, it sure is. You're awake and you're back with people who really love you.

Vanessa: Love you so much, Dinah.

Matt: You're out of the woods now. You're going to be okay. That's all that matters.

Vanessa: And the person who really pulled you through is standing right over there.

Mallet: Hey, babe.

Vanessa: He never left your side, not once.

Dinah: It's my name.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. Dinah, that... you were in really bad shape, and the doctor came in and he asked me if you had a living will. And I wanted to lie. I wanted to pretend like I didn't know what he was talking about, but I did. And I knew what you wanted. And I felt like I didn't have a choice. And I was losing hope. And I was trying to let you go.

Dinah: A living will?

Mallet: No, I really need to explain this. Listen, there was a time when I felt like you were slipping away, okay? And there was a time when I felt like all of our prayers had come up short. And so I read your living will, and it stated in there very clearly that you did not want extraordinary measures taken to keep you alive. Baby, I wanted to honor those wishes, I did. It was hard, it was very hard. I didn't want to let you go, and I was being selfish. I didn't want you to leave. I didn't want you to leave me.

Dinah: When did I sign this?

Mallet: Do you remember going to the lawyer? Do you remember doing that?

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Because it's okay if you don’t. The doctors said you might forget a few things.

Dinah: No. I remember.

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Baby, you know I would never consider something like that, you know, if you...

Dinah: I know.

Mallet: Okay. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please forgive me.

Dinah: I don't need to forgive you. I don't need to.

Mallet: Yes, you do. You need to forgive me for losing faith and for being the reason you were shot in the first place and for the reason you almost...

Dinah: Stop.

Frank: You better let go of me! Do you know who I am?! Marina, tell him who I am.

Marina: This is him. This is the man who is harassing me and my friend.

Frank: Have you lost your mind?

Porter: Come with me.

Frank: Ask for my I.D. Isn't that standard procedure? Here, look at it.

Porter: Chief Cooper, I didn't realize...

Frank: I know you didn't realize it. I'm also her father.

Marina: Okay, just get out of here, all right? I was trying to prove a point. Thanks for nothing.

Frank: Is he worth all of this? Turning on your father?

Marina: That's not what this is about, okay? This is about you not being able to tell me what I can do with my life anymore. And if you even try to bring me up on false charges, I will press charges against you. It doesn't have to be like this.

Frank: On my way over here, I got a call that Dinah is awake. She got lucky.

Marina: That's good news about Dinah.

Cyrus: Yeah, that's excellent news.

Marina: We should go see her.

Cyrus: Yeah. I'll meet you there. Yeah, hi. I bet I'm the last person you expected to hear from. You pick a place, and I'll meet you.

Ashlee: You have no idea how nice it is not to be wearing a green t-shirt.

Officer Manzo: I like green.

Ashlee: No, it wasn't the color. It was the way it... you know, never mind. No. I guess nobody came to pick me up. That's okay. I'll, like, call a cab or I could walk, actually. Yeah, I wonder what the weather is like? You know, it doesn't even matter. I'm going to walk.

Alan: I'll give you a ride.

Ashlee: Well, thanks. I... it's kind of a long walk.

Alan: Yes, it is.

Ashlee: You know, you can fix your life if you... if you want to. Like, look at you, you have loads of people. You have all of the time in the world. You're free, and you're healthy. You should do it.

Alan: You know, I think you may be the most positive person I've ever met.

Ashlee: Well, life's hard enough without being hard on yourself.

Alan: You're right about that. You know something else? You're a very wise young lady for your age. Well, you ready to go?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah. I just... actually, I want to stop somewhere before I go home. Is that okay?

Alan: Fine. Fine. After I let you off, I have to stop somewhere as well.

Ashlee: Thank you, Alan. I mean. Thank you Mr. Spaulding.

Ava: Hey, let me get that.

Coop: Hey... oh, okay, you really don't have to do that.

Ava: I am an expert neck massager. Oh, yeah, guaranteed to get out any knots or kinks or anything that's troubling you.

Daisy: (Giggling)

Rafe: You, come here. Come here. (Knock on the door)

Daisy: Damn, you can't get any in this house. What?

Rafe: You.

Daisy: What about me?

Rafe: Aren't I supposed to be the bad influence?

Daisy: I've done far worse things than you have.

Rafe: Answer the door.

Daisy: You don't have to run this time, it's all right.

Rafe: I didn't run last time.

Daisy: Oh, yeah. Whatever.

Alan: I'm looking for Gus.

Daisy: He's in the back. Does he know you're coming?

Alan: I'm here to ask him to be the best man in my wedding.

Daisy: Oh. Good luck with that.

Alan: Well, hello.

Rafe: Hi.

Alan: Do you know who I am?

Rafe: Yeah.

Alan: Daisy, I thought you should know that I got your old roommate at juvie released.

Daisy: Ashlee?

Alan: I pulled a few strings. It wasn't that difficult. There's not a judge in this county who doesn't know who I am.

Daisy: She's free?

Alan: Yes, she's free.

Daisy: That is so excellent. Thank you. Thank you. I can't believe you did that.

Alan: Well, it was my pleasure.

Cyrus: You might not believe this, but you're not the only one who worries about Marina.

Frank: I'm not just anyone. I'm her father.

Cyrus: Her father who shot her. And who was there to take care of her when that went down?

Frank: I blame you for putting her there.

Cyrus: I know, because it's easier than blaming yourself.

Frank: What do you want, Foley?

Cyrus: Peace. I've got a job, Chief. I wash my own dishes, I drive the speed limit, I pay taxes, I brake for animals.

Frank: Good for you.

Cyrus: Okay. I don't expect any of that to matter to you, because the only real criteria here is: Would I ever hurt Marina? And the answer is no. That's all a dad can ask for, isn't it?

Frank: It's a start.

Marina: Is it true?

Vanessa: Yes, it is.

Marina: Oh, my God.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Is that not the best news you've ever heard?

Marina: I am so happy for you. Is she seeing people?

Mallet: Yeah. I tried to talk her out of seeing too many people the first day, but, you know...

Vanessa: You know what she said to that. I have never met an order yet that that girl wanted to follow.

Matt: Who does that sound like?

Mallet: So you want to go in?

Marina: Let's go in.

Mallet: Let's go in. Babe, you wanted company, so we're all here and more is coming.

Dinah: Great. Where's daddy? Is he outside?

Mallet: No, sweetie, he's not.

Dinah: Where is he?

Vanessa: Sweetheart, your father died a year ago.

Mallet: Yeah. Do you remember that? The plane crash.

Dinah: Oh, God. I remember.

Matt: Are you sure?

Dinah: Yeah. I'm just tired a little.

Mallet: That's okay, honey. That's understandable. You're on heavy-duty drugs.

Matt: It's a wonder you can remember anything right now. Just relax.

Vanessa: Sweetie, are you feeling okay? Are you all right?

Dinah: Yeah, I'm tired.

Matt: Then we should let you get some rest, okay?

Vanessa: Yeah. See you soon. Love you.

Dinah: Mallet, not you.

Mallet: No, baby, I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving you ever again.

Cyrus: Hey, how is she?

Marina: So far so good. I'm the one who's kind of a mess.

Cyrus: You feel bad? I thought I had a sure thing today before your father showed up.

Marina: It's just he wants what's best for me. He wants a doctor or a lawyer or something.

Cyrus: Yeah, I get that. I know what I am.

Marina: I believe in you.

Cyrus: Thanks for saying that.

Ashlee: Moxie! Moxie! Oh, hi. I missed you so much. How are you? Come here. It's so good to see you. I bet you... come up here. Oh, I bet you had fun with Buzz, didn't you? Oh, sweetheart. Oh! At least someone's happy to see me. Hey, Moxie, hey, Moxie, why don't we go for a walk, like old times, okay? Cool. Come on. Let's go. I want to catch up and get some fresh air. Come on.

Coop: Hold it, did you just hear the dog run by?

Ava: Yeah, I think so. Does she do that a lot?

Coop: No, not really.

Alan: Are you settling in all right?

Rafe: Me? Yeah.

Alan: Harley's not being too hard on you, is she?

Rafe: No. There's nothing I can't handle.

Daisy: Yeah. He's definitely your grandson. He walks around like he owns the place, and he was picking fights with everyone.

Alan: Especially Harley?

Daisy: Especially me, yeah.

Alan: Oh.

Daisy: I can't figure out why Gus and Harley would have him live here.

Rafe: Yeah. Amen.

Alan: Yes, I'm sure this is a tough place to deal with.

Rafe: Yeah.

Alan: Look, I'm going to go back and see if I can find Gus. But if I were you, Daisy, I would give Ashlee a call.

Daisy: I'll do that.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Natalia: Maybe we should rethink the heels.

Remy: No, no way. The higher the better.

Beth: We're getting married tomorrow?

Alan: Yes.

Rick: Beth's never going to leave Alan.

Mel: If you want custody, we're going to have to crush her.

Beth: Is doctor Bauer available?

Mel: He's with a patient. Will his attorney do?

Billy: Got a little thing for the past? It's a little complicated going after a married woman. I know, I did it once.

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