GL Transcript Wednesday 6/27/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/27/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Police officer: Whoa, whoa.

Lizzie: I'm looking for someone. It's really important. Reva. Reva.

Alan: Elizabeth, what are you doing wandering into the police station in the middle of the night?

Lizzie: I didn't wander in. I was looking for her. You had her arrested. Why?

Alan: Let's step outside and I'll explain.

Lizzie: No, I'm not going anywhere.

Officer: You can't stay here, Miss, unless it's official business.

Alan: Thank you, Officer.

Reva: Alan!

Alan: Did I hear the prisoner calling my name?

Reva: You can't keep me locked up in here forever, no matter what kind of pull you have with the D.A.

Alan: Don't be so sure, Reva.

Reva: Hey...

Officer: In there.

Reva: ...Easy. Wait a minute, you can't just throw me in here and then just go. Hey! (Knocking on door)

Jeffrey: You really stepped in it this time, didn't you, Reva?

Alan: Elizabeth, will you please stop?

Lizzie: Will you please admit that you had Reva hauled off by the police?

Alan: I won't deny that.

Lizzie: And all because she went out partying with me. Really classy, Granddad.

Alan: Elizabeth, it was not partying. You were abducted.

Lizzie: Here we go again.

Alan: She kidnapped you, plain and simple. It was revenge against me.

Lizzie: How many times do I have to go over this? Reva and I got drunk, got tattoos. It's called fun. There is no crime in that.

Alan: You disappeared for two days.

Lizzie: Okay, so I got really drunk.

Alan: Your memory is really hazy. You can't remember what happened for two days. That's why she's in jail.

Lizzie: What?

Alan: And until she tells me minute by minute what happened to you, she's going to stay in jail.  

Jeffrey: Clothes and some stuff from home.

Reva: I'd rather see them at home. Can you get me out of here, or not?

Jeffrey: You are lucky I got you out of deep holding where you were.

Reva: Alan?

Jeffrey: Yeah, he's got some deal with Doris, and they're determined to keep you lost for the weekend. I guess he didn't buy the lost weekend story you cooked up for him...

Reva: Jeffrey, you know what happened.

Jeffrey: Let's see. Out of a sudden lust for revenge, you kidnapped Lizzie, and at the last minute you changed your mind and decided to party with her.

Reva: Yep.

Jeffrey: Hmm. And then there's this guy, this mysterious guy that you were covertly talking with on Main Street.

Reva: I explained to you who he was.

Jeffrey: Right, Derrick. Derrick, who you supposedly met at some club with Lizzie. The only thing is, I later found out about dancing Derrick, and he works at Cedars. What? You didn't think I was going to get all of the facts?

Reva: Who asked you to dig into this? And why are you trying to cause trouble?

Jeffrey: Reva, I'm trying to help you, but you won't let me! You know, I first thought you were going to get involved with this Derrick guy because maybe you were sick again. But it's not cancer, is it?

Reva: No, I'm fine.

Jeffrey: And later, when Alan caught up with you, you were on the Lewis jet ready to take off. Where were you going?

Reva: To see my father.

Jeffrey: Yeah. I don't believe that, either.

Reva: Well, I don't care. Can you get me out of here tonight?

Jeffrey: Let me make something clear to you, Reva. If you want my help-- and you do-- you'd better start thinking about what it is going to take to get it.

Reva: I left my checkbook at home.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not talking about money. I want some truth. I'll see what I can do. (Door slamming)

Reva: I thought you said he was going to meet us here.

Man: We made good time from Springfield. We're probably just ahead of him.

Reva: I can't believe that that door is going to open, and there he'll be. Let's see how this works. Okay.

Man: I still don't see how you're going to pull this off. You plan to keep the girl here right through to the end?

Reva: No, absolutely not. We can't be gone that long. We've got to get back there before anybody realizes what's happened.

Man: But then what happens?

Reva: I go back and cover my tracks, I cover her tracks, and then I get back here for the really important stuff.

Reva: Jeffrey, hurry up. I don't have a lot of time, and this has already been tough enough.

Reva: Yes, we're here. We've been here for almost a half an hour. Where are you? What? When? Well, of course we're going to wait. I mean, what else can we do? I'm anxious to see you, too. More than you know.

Man: Everything is packed.

Reva: No, it's not. They've been delayed.

Man: Not for too long, I hope.

Reva: Yeah. So how did you get pulled into this?

Man: He trusts us. We've done things like this before... well, not like this. This time we may have crossed the line, but for the right reasons.

Reva: Is she waking up?

Man: We could put her out again.

Reva: What, more chloroform?

Man: No, you should take it easy with that stuff. Overdue it and you can have some serious side affects.

Reva: Well, what am I supposed to do?

Man: There are other ways to keep her down.

Reva: Whatever you have to do.

Alan: What are you doing?

Lizzie: Calling Reva a lawyer.

Alan: Don't do that.

Lizzie: Reva doesn't belong in jail.

Alan: Well, I disagree, and so does the district attorney.

Lizzie: Doris? Please, Granddad, go back to the jail and straighten this out. Please.

Alan: I can't do that.

Lizzie: Reva didn't do anything.

Alan: How could we have raised someone so naive?

Lizzie: Oh, right. Right, because I'm supposed to be paranoid and suspicious and go after revenge at anytime because, what, I'm a Spaulding, target of the entire world?

Alan: Truer than you know.

Lizzie: Just stop.

Alan: I'm doing this for your own sake...

Lizzie: For my own sake. How many times are you going to hide behind the same pile of garbage?

Alan: I'm not hiding.

Lizzie: This isn't about what happened to me. This is about you feeling like somehow it happened to you. Because it is always about you. Everything is a threat, a personal insult. That is how we end up going to wars with everyone, and that's how I lost Jonathan and Sarah.

Alan: That's enough.

Lizzie: What, you can't handle the truth?

Alan: You know what, you're starting to sound like they do.

Lizzie: Who's they?

Alan: Reva and Cassie. You know, they want nothing more than to divide us and destroy us. And you know what, it seems to be working because you're beginning to doubt my motives.

Lizzie: Beginning? I've made a huge mistake. I put my faith in you again, even after everything that happened with Tammy and Jonathan.

Alan: I'm your grandfather, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: I know. And I was your confused granddaughter. And my judgment sucked. But I'll tell you one thing. I'm actually kind of glad that I went partying with Reva.

Alan: You can't mean that.

Lizzie: Yeah. It kind of sobered me up in a lot of ways.

Alan: What were you drinking, Elizabeth?

Lizzie: What?

Alan: You weren't drunk at the beginning of that night. But you can't remember it. The only thing you recall is talking with Reva on the docks. Why can't you remember what your first drink was? Why can't you?

Lizzie: I'm not playing these games with you anymore. It doesn't matter what I was drinking. Whatever it was, it worked.

Reva: Okay. Put one foot in front of the other. Good girl. You know what, I have something planned for us.

Lizzie: Hmm.

Reva: Yeah, planned. Actually, it's not planned, otherwise we wouldn't be improvising, right?

Lizzie: What?

Reva: It's a little detour I'm going to take you on. But it'll be fun, sweetie. Honest, it'll be lots of fun. Honest. But you probably won't remember anything anyway.

Lizzie: Am I dreaming?

Reva: Yeah, in a way.

Lizzie: Can I sit down?

Reva: No. Wait, wait, Lizzie, wait! Oh, honey, we have a situation here. You have no idea how much I am juggling in my life right now. Just about everything that is important to me. I said good-bye to Josh, I was ready to move onto my life and then the phone rang and my world changed in an instant, like that. I realized I had to put everything else on hold because that's how important this is. It's important, and you'll understand. So now I'm going to get you up and I'm going to get you to where we need to go right now. Come on, girl. Up and at 'em. Good. Okay, all right.

Jeffrey: Hey. This is where you say, "What, back so soon?"

Reva: Just tell me, did you get a bail hearing set up?

Jeffrey: Do you have any idea what time it is?

Reva: Have you seen a judge or not?

Jeffrey: No. I can probably swing it so you can stay here for a while and you don't have to go back to your cell so soon.

Reva: I need to get out of here.

Jeffrey: What's the rush, Reva, just tell me. Tell me.

Reva: Can't you just accept that I need to get out of here and leave it at that?

Jeffrey: Okay, you won't tell me. Maybe you'll tell him.

Reva: Him? Him who?

Josh: We've traded roles.

Reva: I'm going to kill Jeffrey O’Neill.

Josh: What's going on, Reva?

Reva: What are you doing here?

Josh: Jeffrey said you were in trouble, Reva.

Reva: And here you are.

Josh: Returning the favor.

Reva: No bed this time.

Josh: No. So you just went drinking with Lizzie, that's it, huh?

Reva: Is that what Jeffrey said?

Josh: Yeah, except I got the feeling that he thinks that it's more than just about a drinkfest, that you are not being forthcoming with him, Reva.

Reva: Well, you know what, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Josh: Well, clearly Alan Spaulding doesn't think that or you wouldn't be sitting here right now.

Reva: Alan is a paranoid maniac.

Josh: Alan is just making the whole thing up?

Reva: Who cares what he thinks?

Josh: Maybe you should.

Reva: Look, Joshua, I know Jeffrey asked you to come down here, and I really appreciate that you came down here and put yourself out like this, but you need to go. Now. There is nothing that you can do for me.

Cassie: Jeffrey, I got a message from Josh saying that he was coming down here, something about Reva.

Jeffrey: Yeah, they're both behind that door right there. Go ahead in, maybe you can talk some sense into her because I don't think Josh is having much luck.

Josh: Okay, Reva, you're not going to tell me what happened, so maybe I should just go.

Reva: You know what happened. I went drinking with Lizzie.

Josh: For two days. During which time both of you disappeared. That's your story.

Reva: I didn't disappear. I knew where I was the whole time.

Josh: Come on, Reva. Alan is going for blood here. Did you kidnap Lizzie or not?

Cassie: Sorry to interrupt.

Josh: It's okay. She wasn't going to answer me anyway.

Reva: I'm not your problem anymore. Go home, both of you.

Josh: You heard the lady.

Cassie: You really did it, didn't you?

Reva: What?

Cassie: You took Lizzie to punish Alan. Good for you.

Reva: I need to get out of here tonight.

Josh: Cassie, you coming?

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: (Sighs) So I say, let's have some fun and a drink, not necessarily in that order. Bottoms up. I hope I didn't make it too strong.

Lizzie: Why... why do I feel this already?

Reva: Oh, honey, don't worry about it. You're not driving. Besides, it's a party.

Lizzie: There is only two of us here.

Reva: We don't need more than two to celebrate. We deserve this. We've been to hell and back like we have. We deserve to party hardy. So I say here's to us. Chin-ching.

Lizzie: A great drink.

Reva: Thank you. Ooh, ooh, you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah. Isn't there a lot of bottles for just the two of us?

Reva: Well, it isn't going to be just the two of us.

Lizzie: You just said that...

Reva: I know. You blew it. It was just supposed to be us, but I decided to throw you a party anyway. It was supposed to bea surprise. Sit down. There you go. (Laughter) Hey, come here. Come here. Let me guess, you guys are on your way to bar hop or something for a couple of drinks. Yeah, so?

Reva: Yeah, so, I've got a better idea. My place, have a few drinks, pre-bar hopping party. I have a friend that I'm trying to cheer up. What do you say? Have you got tequila?

Reva: Have I got tequila. What do I look like anyway? Yes, I've got tequila. And everything else. All I need is a couple of people to help me drink it. What do you say? No problem.

Reva: No problem. Let's go. Bar is open. Come on in. Hey, everyone, this is Lizzie, and this is...

Michael: Michael.

Caroline: Caroline.

Denise: Denise.

Reva: Michael, Caroline, Denise and Adam.

Caroline: We should turn some music on.

Reva: Yeah, music. Thank you.

Lizzie: I'm going to call my granddad.

Remy: Why?

Lizzie: Because I'm actually having fun.

Reva: Oh, you know what, let's not and say we did. (Laughs)

Reva: Jeffrey.

Alan: Disappointed?

Reva: You know what, leave.

Alan: By the way, where is the esteemed Mr. O’Neill, anyway.

Reva: He is working to get me out of here.

Alan: Well, I wish him luck. Then again, perhaps you stewed in here long enough.

Reva: Why don't you come a little closer and find out for yourself.

Alan: I was thinking more along the lines of coming clean and telling me what you did with my granddaughter for 48 hours.

Reva: All I did was tie on one hell of a buzz with her.

Alan: The truth, Reva. If you think staying in here was bad for one night, wait until you find out what I have for you next.

Reva: I'll take my chances.

Alan: And Jeffrey can pull all of the strings he wants to, but there is no way you're getting out of here tonight.

Reva: You want the truth?

Alan: Yes.

Reva: All right, I admit it, I abducted her, I did. I took her out of town.

Alan: Why did you do that?

Reva: To sell her.

Alan: What?

Reva: To sell her to an elderly couple from Ohio who needed a little help around the house. They needed someone who could fit into little, tight spaces. (Laughs) Only I changed my mind. I had a change of heart and decided to bring her back to town.

Alan: Reva, I'm going to send you a postcard with a sun on it, because it is not likely that you're going to be seeing it anytime soon.

Reva: I'm so sorry. Oh, what now? Cassie!

Cassie: Reva, I want to help you.

Reva: Did Josh send you?

Cassie: No, he doesn't know I'm here. I told him I had something to take care of.

Reva: I don't want to get you involved.

Cassie: Reva, you're in trouble, aren't you?

Reva: Wow, how did you figure that out!

Cassie: Reva, you're still my sister, okay? And you helped me. When I switched the results on Beth’s maternity tests, you didn't judge me, you didn't tell anyone.

Reva: Well, we feel the same way about Alan.

Cassie: So whatever you did about Lizzie, it’s... it was to hit back at Alan, right?

Reva: All I can say is that I made a promise, and it's best that you don't know.

Cassie: What are the odds of you getting a bail hearing or an arraignment, even?

Reva: He said he was going to keep me in here forever. At this point, I don't think there is anyone who could spring me.

Cassie: I can.

Reva: Look, Cassie, I do, I appreciate you coming down here and wanting top help. But I don't know that there is anything you could do.

Cassie: What about if I could get you keys to the cell. What that help?

Jeffrey: Yeah, you know, I could have sworn this was my room.

Alan: It is. You disappoint me, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Don't I always?

Alan: Taking Reva’s case was a bad career move.

Jeffrey: Well, you know me, I love a challenge.

Alan: I came to you first to talk to you about Elizabeth’s situation.

Jeffrey: Yes, I remember.

Alan: You know damn well that this is more than just an alcoholic free-for-all with Reva Shayne.

Jeffrey: Watch your ash.

Alan: My granddaughter wouldn't disappear for two days of her own volition. She was kidnapped and God knows what else. I came to you for help. But you took Reva’s side. In fact, you're tying to get her out of jail.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, technically you never formally hired me. And Reva did. And everyone is entitled to a legal defense.

Alan: Except Reva. There are some cases that can't be won; there are some cases that shouldn't be taken.

Jeffrey: Meaning?

Alan: Meaning find other work now.

Jeffrey: You know, I don't respond well to threats, Alan, veiled or otherwise.

Alan: You have a partner, don't you, a very talented attorney named Mel Boudreau. I would hate to draw her into something that really is between you and me.

Cassie: I watched the cop use them, I watched him put them down, and that's when I liberated them.

Reva: You need to go.

Cassie: I can help you create a diversion, Reva.

Reva: You've seen too many movies.

Cassie: I want to help you...

Reva: Cassie, you've done enough already. I can take it from here. Go! Please go!

Cassie: Maybe one day you'll tell me why you did all of this.

Reva: Some things may be harder to explain than others.

(Music playing)

Michael: The person who can stand on their foot the longest without falling.

Lizzie: I love this song!

Don't you love this song?

Reva: Adam, right?

Adam: It's a cool party.

Reva: Yeah. A special night.

Adam: She seems to be having fun?

Reva: Yeah. This is just the beginning. Excuse me. Are you having fun?

Lizzie: No, wait. It is even better than the best. Do you know how I feel?

Reva: Besides drunk?

Lizzie: I feel free. Like totally... what's the word... like open for anything.

Reva: Um, uninhibited.

Lizzie: Thank you, Reva. Seriously, being here, it's exactly what I needed. It's the first time I'm feeling something other than sad and lonely.

Reva: Yeah, it's what we both needed. And now I have something else you might like to hear. Here, take a look at this.

Lizzie: What is it?

Reva: They're designs for tattoos. I thought maybe we might both get one.

Lizzie: Are you serious?

Reva: Come on, it would make us, like, blood sisters.

Lizzie: Oh, my God. That's a totally great idea. We should do it. Okay. I know exactly which kind to get.

Reva: Okay.

Lizzie: It'll make me think of my little girl.

Officer: You'll be here for the rest of night. In the morning we'll bring you to your regular cell.

Reva: Thank you so much. I guess you're going to want to go over there and, what, fall asleep or something, eat a couple of doughnuts, pass out. (Laughs)

(Telephone ringing)

Officer: Yep. I've got to go pick up that report now? I'm going on my break.

(Music playing)

Lizzie: I know that song.

Now let's get to the fun part

I think I'm trying too hard...

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Lizzie: It's great that you're representing Reva, just a little dangerous.

Jeffrey: Why, because of your granddad?

Lizzie: I wouldn't be surprised if he came after you. It's kind of how he does things?

Jeffrey: I'll keep that in mind.

Lizzie: Reva could use any help she can get.

Jeffrey: Yeah, he does seem to have it in for her, doesn't he?

Lizzie: Yeah. I tried to talk him out of it. But as usual he thinks he knows what really happened to me.

Jeffrey: He thinks you were kidnapped?

Lizzie: Which is crazy because Reva and I were really were just partying.

Jeffrey: But I thought you didn't remember anything about those two days?

Lizzie: I didn't, at first. But little by little bits and pieces are starting to come back to me.

Jeffrey: Like what?

Lizzie: For instance, when I walked in here there was a song playing on the radio and it sounded kind of familiar. And then I realized that I heard the song before at the party that Reva threw for us.

Jeffrey: Okay. Reva threw a party?

Lizzie: Yeah, an amazing one. So, if she really abducted me the way granddad said she did, it doesn't make any sense she would invite a large group of people in for drinks. Hello, they may be witnesses. And why would I turn to Reva and start celebrating with her if I thought for any second I was in danger?

Jeffrey: That's the million-dollar question.

Reva: Wanda, hi, honey, it's Reva. I'm so sorry to wake you up. But my travel plans have changed again and I need you to call the airport and make sure that the Lewis jet is fueled up and ready to take off again. What? Yeah. Yeah, all the charges were dropped. It was all just a big old misunderstanding, honey. Yeah. Okay. Thank you, bye-bye.

Doctor: Colin told me to expect the unexpected. But a dentist office and a butterfly tattoo?

Reva: Yeah, well, you know, that's what happens when you improvise. Thank you for doing this. Colin told me you were the best.

Doctor: Coming from him... About the butterfly.

Reva: I know. Can you think of a better way to cover up an incision on someone that doesn't even know they were having surgery.

Doctor: Actually, no. On the other hand, it is my first time dealing with a situation like this.

Reva: Ditto.

Doctor: In fact, it's a night of firsts. One right after the other.

Reva: Welcome to my world.

Doctor: We're about ready to start. You can't know how grateful I am to do for doing this.

Doctor: I've been told you'll owe me big time.

Reva: When Jonathan called and told me about my granddaughter's anemia, I thought about all of my options. Sarah needs a bone marrow transplant. When Colin couldn't do it...

Doctor: I'm glad I could help.

Reva: It had to be someone we could trust. The whole secrecy thing is very important.

Doctor: The mother is the best marrow match. No question about it. I'm sure the procedure will be fine. I just wish I had a chart to keep track of all of the AMA's ethical guidelines I'm violating tonight.

Reva: Your part in this will never come out. I swear.

Doctor: I'm not worried about myself. Colin filled me in on the personalities involved. You better have a nice friendly foreign country to flee to if Lizzie’s grandfather ever finds out what you did.

Reva: Okay, I'm all set back here. (Telephone rings) Jonathan? Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you called. I got a little sidetracked. But I'm on the plane... I'll be there... what do you mean it's too late?

Lizzie: Well, whatever I did in those two days besides partying and getting a tattoo, I think it was actually kind of good for me.

Jeffrey: Really?

Lizzie: It was like a total release. I got to let go of all of this sadness and pain I've been feeling.

Jeffrey: Well, it's funny, because you don't seem really relaxed, Lizzie?

Lizzie: I guess I feel guilty, too. I mean, it's only been a couple of months, and Jonathan and Sarah... and here I am partying and drinking and getting a tattoo.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it was Reva’s idea.

Lizzie: Yeah, but still, what right do I have to having such a good time?

Jeffrey: You know what, you have a right to do whatever you need to do-- whatever you need to do to feel better and move on. Otherwise, you know, you get stuck in the past.

Lizzie: Yeah, I guess that's maybe why the tattoo hurts so bad.

Jeffrey: It's still bothering you?

Lizzie: Yeah, maybe it's the universe's way of telling me that nothing can really wipe away what's happened. I've got to go, though, so good luck with Reva.

Jeffrey: Uh, Lizzie, wait a minute. You said your tattoo is still hurting you?

Lizzie: Yeah, a lot.

Jeffrey: I've had tattoos, and after the skin heals it really shouldn't hurt that much.

Lizzie: Call me a wuss, but this thing aches right down to the bone.

Jeffrey: Lizzie, wait!

Reva: No, are you kidding me? It's wonderful news. It's the best news you could have given me. I just wish that I had been there for the procedure. No, everything's okay here. Lizzie doesn't have any idea what happened to her. And your idea about covering the incision with a tattoo, it was brilliant. No, it's okay. I'm just a little confused. I'm just sorry that I had to handle things this way. But, you know, it's okay. And considering the outcome of everything, the risk was worth it. I know. I'm so happy she's going to be okay. You give that little butterfly a kiss for me. And, Jonathan, I love you. I'll always love you. You can shut this baby down. The flight's canceled.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Lizzie: You really don't have to do this.

Jeffrey: Lizzie, I'm not going to bite you, okay. I just want to make sure it's not infected. Let me look at it! Come here.

Lizzie: It's not like I even would know. It is my first tattoo. I did see Jonathan get a tattoo once. But he was just trying to prove a point. It is so like him to do something like that.

Jeffrey: Um, I've got to go.

Lizzie: But does it look infected?

Jeffrey: Put some ice on it. You're going to be fine.

(Reva gasps)

Jeffrey: Shh... shh. I'm going to let my hand go, but no screaming. Promise?

Reva: Uh-huh. What are you doing?

Jeffrey: No, no. That is my question. I go back to the jail, and what do I find? Lo and behold, my client has made an unscheduled highly illegal exit.

Reva: I could not sit in that cell anymore. Is it my fault that the door was left open...

Jeffrey: Stop it. No more lies. I don't know how you got out there, and I don't care. But I do know now why you were so desperate to leave. You wanted to see Jonathan and Sarah.

Reva: That's the most ridiculous...

Jeffrey: They're alive, Reva, aren't they? They didn't die in that car crash.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Ava: Yeah, I'm just trying to get over Alan-Michael.

Olivia: What about Coop?

Ava: Working on it.

Megan: It's kind of sexy. There's a way back to my room where none of the guards will see.

Jeffrey: Jonathan's car went over the cliff. But Jonathan wasn't in it, and neither was Sarah. But now that I know, it's not up to you anymore.

Marina: Do I have to take your pants off, too.

Reva: You caught me, Jeffrey and I are lovers.

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