GL Transcript Tuesday 6/26/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/26/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Hey, Rafe, can you come down here for a sec?

Daisy: I have to do this now?

Harley: Shh.

Gus: Hey, Daisy, there is somebody I want you to meet. This is my son, Rafe.

Daisy: You're living here?

Gus: You guys were in juvie at the same time. I'm surprised you didn't meet each other before this.

Rafe: Nope. They try to keep the guys and girls separated.

Harley: I saw guys around all the time.

Dylan: Yeah, me, too.

Daisy: Yeah, it was a big place. Never saw him.

Gus: All right, well, now you've met each other, right? Daisy, Rafe. Rafe, Daisy.

Rafe: Hi.

Alan: Well, how long do you think we can keep Reva there? Well, at least as long as she had Elizabeth. I mean, she deserves to suffer for what she's done. Look, I've got to go. I'll call you back later. Hello.

Beth: Well, you didn't have to hang up on my account.

Alan: Well, we were finished.

Beth: Was that your lawyer? Does she think that Rick can prove that I'm an unfit mother?

Alan: What we have to do is to prove to Rick that he doesn't believe you're an unfit mother.

Beth: Well, I tried to get him on tape saying nice things about me.

Alan: Well, try again.

Beth: I don't think I can do that. And besides, I think he is keeping his distance from me.

Alan: Well, what you have to do is bridge the distance. I mean, do whatever you have to do, Beth. I mean, I have faith in you.

Beth: I don't know. I don't know if that's a good idea. Anyhow, I don't know what else to do.

Alan: Befriend him, draw him into your confidence, give him hope. Do that four musketeer thing you do, that nonsense.

Beth: It's not nonsense.

Alan: Look, Rick represents your past, but this is our future. And maybe this will inspire you.

Ashlee: You!

Megan: Wishing it was someone else, Ash?

Ashlee: What is your problem?

Megan: Ashlee's all alone. No Daisy to back her up anymore.

Ashlee: I'm not afraid of you.

Megan: I've got a lot of friends in here. And you? Ooh, have none.

Harley: Well, you both hated juvie, so that's something you have in common.

Daisy: Uh-huh, sure. (Knock on the door)

Gus: I'll get it.

Harley: Did I mention that some people were coming over to welcome you home?

Daisy: Please tell me you didn’t.

Harley: They're your family.

Daisy: I can't believe this. You, me... you... why didn't you tell me?

Rafe: I didn't know until I seen your picture.

Daisy: This is vent boy in my house.

Rafe: Wait...Vent boy?

Daisy: No, that's what I... never mind. What do we do now?

Rafe: I mean, we can't let them know that we know each other, right? I mean, not if we want to keep on...

Daisy: And we do. So as far as they know, we can't stand each other.

Rafe: I hate you.

Billy: Hey.

Natalia: Hey, Harley. I didn't know what to bring, so I brought everything. Hi, Gus. I hope I'm not late.

Harley: No, not at all.

Billy: Who's the babe?

Buzz: Ah, that would be Rafe’s mother, Natalia.

Billy: Very nice.

Buzz: Oh, come on! Don’t. Keep that... don’t.

Harley: I think you know everybody, except maybe Billy. He's Dylan’s dad.

Natalia: Don't worry, I'll make the rounds.

Gus: Hey.

Natalia: Hi.

Gus: How are you? Good to see you.

Natalia: You, too.

Gus: Glad you came.

Natalia: Yeah. Just put this over here?

Harley: Yeah, just put it down. I'll take care of it. Introduce yourself to everybody. Sweetie, could you help me?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: You didn't tell me that you invited Natalia.

Gus: I didn't?

Harley: Uh-uh.

Gus: I'm sorry. Well, you know, you said it was a family dinner, and she's Rafe’s family, just the way that Dylan is Daisy's family. I just...

Harley: No, that's fine. I just... I...

Gus: What? I'm so sorry. I thought I said something. I really thought I...

Harley: I had a stupid look on my face when I opened the door.

Gus: What look?

Harley: You know, the look of "Oh, Natalia, what are you doing here?" I was embarrassed.

Gus: She'll get over it, I'm sure. I'm sure she doesn't even realize that, okay?

Billy: You have a good- looking son.

Natalia: Thanks.

Billy: I think that good looks run in the family.

Natalia: Oh, I don't know.

Billy: Oh, I do, I do.

Buzz: I told him you were single. Apparently that was a mistake.

Billy: Thank you, Buzz.

Gus: You guys hungry? Buzz, can you help me in the kitchen?

Buzz: I'm too old.

Gus: Come on.

Natalia: I'll help, too.

Gus: Thank you. I'm sure you guys could use a home-cooked meal, huh?

Dylan: Are you glad to be home?

Daisy: Definitely.

Ashlee: I'm not afraid of you, Maggot.

Megan: See you soon. (Knocking on door)

Ashlee: Go away.

Coop: Ashlee, it's me.

Ashlee: Coop? Hi.

Coop: Hi. Hi. What's going on? Hey! Hey.

Ashlee: I'm so glad to see you.

Coop: Well, I'm glad to see you, too, Ashlee. I need a little bit of air, though.

Ashlee: Sorry. Sorry.

Coop: No, it's okay.

Ashlee: Um, what are you doing back here?

Coop: I forgot some papers that I wanted to grade tonight.

Ashlee: Oh, yeah.

Coop: Well, and I wanted to see you, too.

Ashlee: Oh.

Coop: So, what were you doing?

Ashlee: I was doing some homework.

Coop: Homework, yeah. What happened to your book here?

Ashlee: It came like that.

Coop: Really?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Coop: Okay. Hey, hey, hey, what... are these bruises on your arm?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah. Um, yeah. I didn't notice them.

Coop: Ashlee, what's going on?

Ashlee: Well, no one's beating me up.

Coop: Well, who said anything about someone beating you up?

Ashlee: No one. I'm a total klutz.

Coop: Uh-huh. Since when? Ashlee?

Ashlee: Please don't make a big deal about this.

Coop: You need to tell me what is going on so I can put a stop to it, okay?

Ashlee: No, no. You can't do anything. She’s...

Coop: Oh, so then it's a girl? Is that it?

Ashlee: Well, yes, but you can't do anything. It will just make it worse.

Coop: Ashlee, this is too dangerous to just ignore. Okay, you need to tell me what is going on here so I can protect you at least.

Ashlee: No, you can’t. You can't protect me.

Alan: Beth, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?

Beth: Well, that is a start, I guess.

Alan: What else do you want?

Beth: Alan, I want... I want romance. I want you to be sensitive. I want a bigger diamond. How's that?

Alan: Beth, this is a five-carat diamond.

Beth: Well, well, you have your impossible assignment, and I have mine.

Alan: Wait a minute. Are you saying...

Beth: That I will marry you.

Alan: Oh, let's put this ring on then.

Beth: (Laughing)

Alan: Ah, yes, that's where it belongs.

Beth: Yes, it does. Oh, I love life. Doris, look what Alan just gave me.

Doris: Wow, it's amazing what they can do with cubic zirconium these days.

Beth: I wouldn't know. You tell me.

Doris: What did you do to earn that?

Beth: A lot less than you had to do to earn yours.

Doris: Hey, you have the other hand free to get a ring from Dr. Rick.

Beth: I think I'll go now. Something's beginning to smell. I'm going to work on that project we discussed.

Alan: I couldn't be happier.

Beth: I'm glad. I'll see you back at the house.

Alan: Doris, I told you I was going to call you back.

Doris: Yeah, well, I couldn't wait. I'm too excited.

Alan: Excited about what?

Doris: First things first. Reva Lewis is exactly where you want her to be, in the last cell on the left, and demanding her phone calls.

Alan: Oh, good, good. How long do you think we can keep her there before they realize...

Doris: A little while longer. Did she really kidnap Lizzie?

Alan: Yes, she did. Thank you, Doris, for taking care of Reva.

Doris: I aim to please.

Alan: I assume that you're here to collect whatever it is that you want me to do for you?

Doris: Hmm, you could say that.

Coop: Ashlee, am I your friend?

Ashlee: You know you are.

Coop: Thank you. Then let me help you.

Ashlee: But helping me would be letting me do this on my own. You can't get involved.

Coop: Why not?

Ashlee: Because.

Coop: Because? Ash, look at your arm. You see these bruises. You need help.

Ashlee: But you can't give it to me. You don't get it!

Coop: Okay, okay. Fine, fair enough. Explain it to me then, please.

Ashlee: You get to leave here. You get to come and go as you please and sleep in your own bed and do whatever you want outside of here, and I can't do any of those things.

Coop: I know that. I know.

Ashlee: I'm stuck here, and for a long time. And it can be bearable, or it can be miserable.

Coop: Yes, but it shouldn't have to be so horrible.

Ashlee: Look around you, Coop! This is prison. I mean, it could be a lot worse, yes, but it's still prison, and I'm all alone.

Coop: You're not alone, Ashlee. You're not alone.

Ashlee: I have to face the facts, Coop. Daisy has left me. And I hardly see you outside of class. And my mom has come once to see me-- once. I'm all alone.

Coop: Stop. Stop, all right? You are not alone. Okay? Now, this should not even be happening. You shouldn't be walking around with stuff like this. If it's Megan that's doing this to you, let me know, and I will go confront her myself about this issue.

Ashlee: And I will never speak to you again.

Coop: Ashlee...

Ashlee: You know what? I'm not kidding. You need to get out of here.

Coop: No, now you're just acting...

Ashlee: Get out of here now!

Coop: Wait! Whoa, whoa, hold on! I'm just trying to help!

Ashlee: (Sobbing)

Alan: I must say, Doris, I'm very impressed with the way you fixed Reva.

Doris: Hmm. Trumping up charges is one of my specialties.

Alan: Yes. She was very unfair to Elizabeth, and she deserves to suffer the way she's suffering now.

Doris: You know, Alan, we do make a good team.

Alan: Yes, we do.

Doris: Better than you and Beth. By the way, she doesn't know about any of this, does she?

Alan: Nah, she doesn't even know anything about this.

Doris: Because she doesn't understand you like I do.

Alan: Well, I kind of like that about her.

Doris: You know, I have to say, Alan, I don't get it. I mean, the baby is not even yours.

Alan: Yeah, but that's not the point.

Doris: You know, you could have a child of your own. All you have to do is say the word.

Alan: Doris, no offense, but I don't want to be tied to you for the rest of my life.

Doris: Hmm. That's all right. You're not going to be living long anyway.

Alan: You do say the most amusing things.

Doris: I know.

Alan: So what is it that you want?

Doris: You.

Alan: Besides me.

Doris: Well, since that's not an option, the next best thing.

(Knocking on the door)

Rick: Unless you're here to tell me you left Alan, there is nothing for us to talk about.

Beth: I can't tell you that.

Rick: Then good-bye.

Beth: Oh, come on, Rick. Rick, after everything we've been through, we can't even talk? How wrong is that?

Rick: Beth, I'm going to protect our daughter...

Beth: From me?

Rick: From Alan. And the only way to do that is to get full custody.

Beth: We are still friends. I'm still the same person that I always was.

Rick: That's debatable, Beth. Come on.

Beth: Okay, okay. Fine. I'll tell you what. We won't talk about Alan or the baby or the court case.

Rick: Then what's left for us, Beth, really, to talk about?

Beth: How is Leah doing? Is she looking forward to the barbecue?

Rick: I wouldn't know about that.

Beth: Why? What's wrong?

Rick: My wife... my ex-wife is not going to be at the barbecue this year. She's going out of town for a family reunion.

Beth: I thought you guys were getting along.

Rick: She's helping me with the court case, but the barbecue is a different story. It's too painful for her.

Beth: Okay. You don't absolutely need her.

Rick: Maybe I don't, but, you know, my dad's not going to be there, Michelle and Danny are out of town. I mean, why bother? Who's going to miss the barbecue?

Beth: I would.

Harley: So how is everything?

Natalia: Great, thanks.

Harley: You know, Rafe, I tried to make food that would be appropriate for you. I've never cooked for a diabetic before, so...

Rafe: I don't like being called that.

Harley: I'm sorry?

Natalia: Rafe!

Rafe: Ma, I don't like it, okay? It's not who I am.

Harley: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

Natalia: No, no. He's sorry. You did wonderful. There was a lot of choices. Thank you. Not nice!

Rafe: Mom, she doesn't even want us here. You know that-- me or you.

Natalia: Has she said that?

Rafe: No.

Natalia: Has she?

Rafe: No.

Natalia: Then ease up. Her kid just got out of juvie. It's hard. I should know.

Rafe: It doesn't matter, though.

Natalia: Eat! So what do you think of Daisy?

Rafe: Who, the she-cop's kid? I don't know. I don't even know her.

Harley: Okay, I need a list of things I can't say.

Gus: Why? What happened?

Harley: Well, I called Rafe a diabetic. Apparently, he doesn't like that.

Gus: Babe, he's 16 years old. He's not going to like anything.

Harley: And I'm at the top of that list.

Gus: Right under me. Don't worry about it. He'll come around.

Buzz: Did you and Rafe run across each other like in, you know...

Daisy: No. No, not once. I think he might have been in solitary for a while.

Billy: You met him, though, right? You talked to him? What do you think of him?

Daisy: I don't know. He doesn't seem too smart.

Buzz: Well, don't sugar coat it...

Daisy: I'm sorry. It's just the whole moody, brooding thing...

Buzz: Everybody should be chipper and sunny like you, right?

Daisy: I'm just saying...

Billy: Well, look, you know, a lot of girls kind of like that thing.

Daisy: Not me. I just think he's annoying.

Dylan: What's going on with Natalia?

Harley: Why? You want to go out on another date with her, please?

Dylan: No, no. That's not what I meant. She bothers you, right?

Harley: No.

Dylan: So...

Harley: No. It's just she's single, you're single. This is a small town. I thought, you know, it's hard to meet people. What?

Dylan: I just... really? Is that why?

Harley: Yes, really.

Dylan: Come on, we've known each other since we were kids. I can tell when something is bugging you.

Harley: Well, what do you think? You know? Here Gus and I have worked so hard to make everything perfect-- okay, not perfect, but really good. And now, she comes back here, and... I'm not saying it's bad. It's not bad. It's just everything is different now, you know? But different is okay, right?

Harley: You having fun?

Daisy: Yeah. I mean, it's not karaoke night at juvie, but it'll do.

Harley: I want things to be different with us this time.

Daisy: Me, too.

Harley: I want us to be more open and honest with each other, you know? Because... because I like you, you know? I mean, I love you because I'm your mother, but I like you. And I don't think I've ever said that to you before.

Daisy: No, you never have.

Harley: This is the part where you tell me you like me, too.

Daisy: How about I take out the garbage?

Harley: That's a great idea. Thank you. Here. Here's more.

Rafe: Hey.

Daisy: Hey. This is pretty lame, huh? What was that for?

Rafe: Who knows when I'm going to have the time?

Buzz: Billy and I are going to take off.

Harley: You just got here.

Buzz: Well, he's bragging about his pool game. I've got to show him what's what.

Harley: Now?

Buzz: I've been challenged. You've got a great home. You've got a great family. What's wrong?

Harley: It's complicated.

Buzz: Oh, come on. I thought it went great.

Harley: Yeah, because everybody is putting on their best face. But, you know, when the party is over, and then I have to deal with all the life stuff...

Buzz: You'll be fine.

Harley: Rafe thinks I'm an idiot.

Buzz: Well... you're not an idiot.

Harley: Thanks. I don't think I'm an idiot either. But I don't know what to say to that kid.

Buzz: Well, you barely know him. Come on. You know, give it time. You'll figure it out.

Harley: You think?

Buzz: Yeah. Look at Daisy.

Harley: Yeah. You know, she took out the garbage. I didn’t have to ask her.

Buzz: Wow. Harvard is next. You know what? It's good they have each other, you know, because they're going through the same stuff.

Harley: Oh, yeah, that's exactly what I need. I need Daisy hanging out with Rafe and his thug friends.

Buzz: Hey, you. You like watching? Because that's what you're going to do, watch.

Billy: Oh, good, no problem. Scare me.

Harley: Bye. I didn't mean that exactly. I'm just concerned.

Natalia: I can see that.

Harley: It's not you. It's not Rafe.

Rick: Beth, you're a fine mother, okay? But with Alan... I'm sorry, you and Alan together, it's not a good combo. It's not.

Beth: Rick...

Rick: Beth...

Beth: It's me, okay, your best friend. And you know that I would never do anything to endanger this baby-- our baby.

Rick: Beth, I really, really want to believe you.

Beth: And you can believe that. Okay, okay. I know that I've done some horrible things in the past. And I know you don't understand my relationship with Alan. Nobody does.

Rick: Beth...

Beth: But I value you. I always have. I always will. You're my best friend.

Rick: Still?

Beth: And I meant what I said before. I think that you should do the barbecue, because the whole town would miss it. And whether you do it with me or without me, or if you don't want to invite me, it's okay.

Rick: Or with you. With you. You're invited. Because, quite frankly, I'm going to need a lot of help cooking all of this food. Somebody's got to do these recipes.

Beth: Thank you. I can't wait. Neither of us can wait.

Alan: I bet I can guess what you want me to do.

Doris: Hmm, can you?

Alan: You want me to help you get Ashlee out of juvie detention center.

Doris: Hmm. Good guess, but no.

Alan: No?

Doris: Uh-uh. Ashlee is fine where she is, for now. Besides, the tabloids have finally stopped writing about the D.A.'s daughter being carted off for attempted murder. No, my popularity is in the upswing right now.

Alan: Well, I’m glad to hear that Doris.

Doris: Alan, I am not throwing my daughter under the bus.

Alan: Of course you aren’t.

Doris: Alan, I love Ashlee dearly. But the truth is, she committed a crime. And the best place for her to be is juvie right now.

Alan: I wonder if she feels the same way about that.

Doris: Why all the sudden concern for Ashlee? Ashlee will be fine. I only need the good publicity for the next few months, anyway.

Alan: The next few months?

Doris: Mm-hmm. I've decided to run for mayor. And you, Alan, are going to make sure that I win.

Alan: Mayor? What about Meacham?

Doris: That was only temporary. Now that that Marler nitwit has finally decided what she is going to do-- not that she has a choice-- but with her out of the way, I'm in a prime position to move in.

Alan: So you want my endorsement?

Doris: No, that would be a little strange, especially for your new wife. No. What I want is your money.

Alan: Well, it would take a lot of money to support a campaign, Doris.

Doris: Oh, Alan, you have deep pockets, and even greater influence. You could get anyone elected. Besides, knowing the mayor might be good for you, too.

Alan: Well, you know, Mayor Doris Wolfe does have a certain little ring about it, doesn't it?

Doris: (Laughing) I think so. And once I'm in office, I can begin to make up for all the damage that Ashlee caused.

Alan: You are quite a mother. I'll have a check on your desk the first thing tomorrow morning.

Doris: Make sure it's not traceable.

Alan: Oh, it won't be. I have an account set up for things like this.

Doris: You're so sexy when you say things like that. Pleasure doing business with you again.

Alan: Well, the pleasure is mine.

Ashlee: Mom?

Doris: Oh, hello, sweetheart. I have big news for you.

Ashlee: Oh, am I getting out of here?

Doris: Oh, well, no. It's my big news. I'm running for mayor of Springfield.

Ashlee: Mayor?

Doris: Yes. Isn't it wonderful? I think it might be my first step into political greatness.

Ashlee: You came all the way down here to tell me this?

Doris: Well, yes. I mean, it's going to be great for both of us. People will finally begin to forget about what you did to Alan.

Ashlee: Or they can just forget me all together.

Doris: Well, that would be good, actually. Well, for a little while, anyway.

Ashlee: Um, but have you talked to anyone about my sentence? I really need to get out of here.

Doris: Well, of course you do. You're locked up. It's terrible.

Ashlee: No, Mom, it's much worse than that.

Doris: Well, you did shoot my husband, Ashlee. You can't just walk away from that.

Ashlee: No, I'm not expecting to.

Doris: You're just emotional, okay? And depressed. And I would be, too, if I had to wear that color green. Don’t worry, in a few years, I will move into the mayor's office, and I will be in a much better position to help you, okay? You just have to be patient, all right? You can do that for mommy, can't you?

Coop: I don't know who's more disgusting, you or Doris.

Alan: Don't you have a hamburger you need to flip somewhere?

Coop: I just heard you. I heard everything.

Alan: I don't know what you think you heard, but...

Coop: Doris made up the charges against Reva Shayne so that you would back her campaign for mayor.

Alan: You going to blackmail me?

Coop: I wouldn't have a way to prove it now, wouldn't I?

Alan: Not a chance. Good-bye, Henry.

Coop: She used her favor to get money, Alan.

Alan: Is that what you think?

Coop: Ashlee is stuck in that place, where anything could possibly happen to her, and Doris calls in her favor just to get a paycheck from you? Don't you walk away from me, Alan. Don't you even dare walk away from me. You're just as rotten as she is. You deserve that bullet that Ashlee put inside you, and you know you do.

Alan: I don't care what...

Coop: You deserve that and so much more. But Ashlee doesn't deserve any of this, and you know it.

Alan: I don't care what Ashlee deserves.

Coop: Well, I do. I care. And when I find a way to use what I just heard, I will.

Billy: You know, Buzz, it was an amazing shot. You couldn't do that again if you had to.

Buzz: Well, it looks like once was enough.

Billy: Well, it was pure luck.

Buzz: Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, which, of course, you're neither.

Billy: Thank you.

Buzz: How about some pie?

Billy: Yes. Peach.

Buzz: Okay, blueberry?

Billy: Okay, peach and blueberry. A small slice of each. Peach and blueberry.

Buzz: You've got it. Boy, Harley and Gus sure have their hands full.

Billy: Well, now they've got to throw Rafe into the mix. I'm wondering what that will be like.

Buzz: Like I said, they've got hands full.

Billy: Yeah. You know, I'm really glad that Dylan stepped up. He's gotten back into Daisy's life, and he and Harley are getting along. So, you know, maybe they can get a little family time, you know, stuff like that.

Buzz: Aren't you forgetting about somebody?

Dylan: So their rooms are right across the hall from each other?

Harley: Yes. And they will share a bathroom, too.

Dylan: Do you think that's a good idea?

Natalia: Why? Do you think Rafe is a bad influence?

Dylan: I'm just saying that he mugged my Uncle Josh, so...

Gus: Well, mugged is a...

Dylan: I know it's hard, all right. I got into a lot of trouble, too, when I was his age. But hurting somebody, that's different.

Gus: Daisy hasn't exactly had the easiest run herself.

Harley: But I think things have been much better with her.

Natalia: Nick wasn't pointing fingers, Harley.

Harley: I didn't say that Gus was pointing fingers, Natalia.

Gus: It doesn't have to be a big deal, girls.

Dylan: I'm just saying it's hormones, all right? Teenagers.

Gus: I don't think there's anything to worry about. They don't even like each other.

Harley: He is not Daisy's type.

Beth: We need decorations for the party. Red, white and blue balloons.

Rick: Yeah.

Beth: Um, sparklers. Oh, sparklers were my favorite when I was a kid. What? What?

Rick: A little déja vu. High school, you and I decorating for the prom. Remember?

Beth: Phillip got us in trouble sneaking in beer.

Rick: And assorted other things, too. He was a bad influence on me.

Beth: You were the good one.

Rick: Yeah. Beth, this is you. This is the real Beth, not the one with that other man. And it's the real Beth I want to raise our daughter. And we need a few other things. Propane. We need propane for the barbecue.

Alan: Judge Winkler, Alan Spaulding. Well, no, I haven't had a chance to get out on the course in a few months. Listen, I need to talk with you about Ashlee Wolfe.

Doris: Oh, it's not about what you know, it's about who you know, Ashlee. Remember that. The Alan's of this world may need to be shot from time to time, but they can make our dreams come true. You know, if we hadn't left Alan on such good terms and kept the lines of communication open, I may never have had this opportunity.

Ashlee: What are you talking about?

Doris: Alan financed my entire campaign. He did me a favor, I did him a favor.

Ashlee: Wait, he owed you?

Doris: Yes.

Ashlee: And you asked for money and not to get me out of here?

Doris: Yeah, well, he never would have agreed to that.

Ashlee: And why not?

Doris: Well, because it's inappropriate. He was the victim.

Ashlee: No, no, but who better to talk to a judge about leniency?

Doris: Oh, sweetheart, Ashlee, don't be so naive. You're not looking at the big picture here, okay? Now, in time, I will move into the mayor's office, and I will be in a much better position to help you, okay? In the meantime, I brought you some flowers to brighten up your cell.

Ashlee: We call them rooms.

Buzz: Gus. Gus and Harley are family. Dylan is Daisy's father, but that's it.

Billy: Of course. What did you think I meant?

Buzz: Well, I thought you were saying that, you know, Harley and Dylan...

Billy: No, come on. I was just saying that Dylan’s got a place in Daisy's life, that's all.

Buzz: Well, it sounded like...

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Buzz: What?

Billy: Forget I said anything, okay?

Buzz: Okay.

Billy: How about a scoop of vanilla ice cream on those pies. Thank you.

Buzz: Okay.

Rafe: Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.

Daisy: Don't you know anything? You have to close the lid tightly so animals don't get...

Rafe: I said it wouldn’t... it wouldn't close, okay?

Daisy: It closed for me, genius, okay?

Rafe: Your daughter's a psycho!

Gus: I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Natalia: I should go.

Gus: You want me to give you a ride?

Natalia: No, I called Remy. He's on his way.

Gus: Oh, Remy. Fantastic.

Natalia: Thank you for inviting me.

Harley: No problem.

Dylan: I'm going to head out, too.

Harley: Okay.

Dylan: Tell Daisy I'll give her a call.

Harley: You bet. Bye. Whew. Well, that's over.

Gus: Now everything should be okay from here on out.

Harley: (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Dylan: Excuse me. Hey, what's up?

Billy: Hey, Dylan, I'm down at Company. I'm with Buzz and we're having some pie. You want to have some?

Dylan: No, I think I'm going to go home and crash.

Billy: Okay. Well, listen to this-- you're gonna love this-- Buzz and I just had a big laugh over it. I was telling him how, you know, it's nice that you're back in Daisy's life and that you and Harley are getting along. And he thought I meant that you and Harley were, you know, getting along... (laughs) I guess you had to be there. Okay. Well, look, never mind. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Dylan: Yeah. Because life's like this chill out, what you yelling for?

Lay back, it's all been done before and if you could only let it be

you will see I like you the way you are

when we're driving in your car and you're talking to me one-on-one

that you've become somebody else

with everyone else watching your back

now you can't relax you're trying to be cool

you look like a fool to me tell me

why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else

gets me frustrated life's like this

you fall and you crawl

and you break and you take what you get

and you turn it into honesty and promise me I'm never going

to find you begging no no no no no no no no no chill out, what you yelling for?

Lay back, it's all been done before and if you could only let it be

you will see why did you have to go and make

things so complicated I see the way you're acting like

you're somebody else gets me frustrated

a life's like this you fall and you crawl and you break

and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty

and promise me I'm never going to find you begging no no no

Next on "Guiding Light."

Jeffrey: You really stepped in it this time, didn't you, Reva?

Alan: I am doing this for your sake.

Lizzie: For my own sake? For my own sake? That's how I lost Jonathan and Sarah.

Reva: I don't care where I stand. I just need to get out of here tonight.

Jeffrey: What's the rush, Reva? Tell me.

Lizzie: Reva doesn't belong in jail.

Cassie: You took Lizzie to punish Alan.

Reva: I abducted her. I did.

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