Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/25/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Marina: Hey, have you seen Mallet? I turned around for two seconds.
Cyrus: No, I'm heading out. I'll help you look for him.
Ashlee: Hey, what's for lunch?
Daisy: Who cares. I can't, I can't sleep.
Ashley: Oh, oh, the humanity!
Daisy: What?
Ashley: Oh, no, some reporter said it when the Hindenburg crashed. And now people use it for tragedies of epic proportion.
Ashley: You need to study less.
Daisy: You need to study more. I mean, it kills time. At least your guy has a name.
Ashley: Well, I'm sure vent boy has a name.
Daisy: Yeah, well I want to know what it is.
Ashlee: You should be happy for him. He got out of here.
Daisy: You know where Coop lives, you know you're going to see him again.
Ashlee: Coop is not my guy.
Daisy : The relationship just got started. I don't know what to call it.
Ashlee: You shouldn't give up.
Ashlee: Maybe you'll see him again.
Daisy: I'm never going to see him again, ever.
Rafe: Yeah, I need to speak to this girl there. Daisy? I don’t know her last name. Try Coop...
Jude: Does it hurt?
Rafe: Does what hurt?
Jude: When you have to stick yourself with the needle?
Rafe: You told him?
Harley: Do me a favor. Would you go upstairs, please, and play in your room for a little while? Just for a little while. Thank you.
Rafe: Why what's wrong with you? Why did you tell him that?
Harley: Yes, of course I told him. Having diabetes is nothing to be ashamed of. And you're a part of this family now. We don't keep secrets here.
Gus: Why didn't you tell me that Rafe had diabetes?
Natalia: I'm sorry.
Gus: Zach found one of his syringes. And we made him a cake....
Natalia: He didn't eat the cake!
Gus: No, he didn't eat the cake.
Natalia: I'll talk to him.
Gus: No, talk to me. How did this start? How did it happen?
Natalia: He was diagnosed when he was eight. He was thirsty all the time. I didn’t... I didn't know. And then the teachers took away his bathroom passes because they thought he was just trying to get out of the classroom. You know, who needs to drink water that much.
Gus: He didn't tell you himself?
Natalia: No. Didn't want to cause any trouble for me. You know, that's Rafe. The man of the house at eight years old. Nick, I...
Gus: You've had time to process all of this information. This is something...
Natalia: I know, I'm sorry.
Gus: So then what happened?
Natalia: I'd been working long hours. Then he went into shock. It happened at school. They rushed him to the hospital. March 16 of '99. I never drove so fast.
Gus: You remember the date.
Natalia: It was the day that I almost lost our little boy.
Griggs: You know I did not mean to shoot your wife. I'm sorry, but she jumped into the line of fire. Is she okay?
Mallet: No, she's not.
Gus: So you tell me Rafe almost died?
Natalia: I didn't want it to come out like that.
Gus: No, I know. I understand that diabetes is a serious, serious thing. I just didn't realize...
Natalia: I didn't know, either. I do now. I mean, it changed everything with all the medicine and the doctors.
Gus: You know, I've got to write this down. I've got...
Natalia: No, I'll get information for you.
Gus: Okay. Well, does he take care of himself?
Natalia: Yes. He's very good about it. He knows if he doesn’t...
Gus: What? What?
Natalia: Well, you know diabetes is controllable, but, you know, you never know. He's been to the E.R. four other times, and it wasn't because he wasn't careful. Sometimes it just happens.
Gus: Wow. This must have been very hard on you.
Natalia: It's scary.
Gus: How did you pay for this stuff? All through waitressing?
Natalia: What choice did I have?
Gus: You did have a choice! You... I could have helped you out, you know? I could’ve helped pay some of the bills or the insurance or something. If I had known that somebody needed me, if I had known I had a kid....
Natalia: Let’s say you knew. It was eight years ago. What kind of father would you have been?
Ashlee: Man, Daisy.
Daisy: What?
Ashlee: Well, I never had you pegged for a hopeless romantic.
Daisy: I'm not. It’s just.. vent boy was the best part of this place. The only good thing.
Ashlee: Um, ouch!
Daisy: Come on, you know what I mean. He just really got me.
Ashlee: (Laughs)
Daisy: What?
Ashlee: You're saying this about a guy whose name you don't even know.
Daisy: That doesn't matter! It kind of confirms it.
Ashlee: What? Confirms what?
Daisy: Well, that it's real. I mean, anyone can go after a guy she knows.
Ashlee: Yeah, that's some interesting theory you've got there.
Daisy: I just really like him, that's all. When did you get so jaded?
Ashlee: Well, I'm not jaded. You see me, I read the teenaged bodice rippers. It's just like my life is stuck in the first couple of chapters and I'm waiting for something exciting to happen. I'm waiting to turn the page.
Daisy: Oh, my God. I'm in juvie, I'm crushing on a guy who just left, never see him again, probably already forgot about me. I am like so chapter two.
Ashlee: Wouldn't it be nice to be the girl that gets to live on the last page?
Daisy: Yeah. I always read the last page first.
Ashlee: Why does that not surprise me.
Harley: Yes, Rafe, I told Zach and Jude about your diabetes because I didn't want them to be afraid of the needles and I wanted them to understand why you prick your finger and have to eat special food.
Rafe: I eat the same food as everybody else!
Harley: A certain diet. Whatever you want to call it.
Rafe: Now you're an expert, right?
Harley: I never said I was an expert.
Rafe: So don't tell me what to do!
Harley: Rafe, I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I do the cooking in this house-- when there is cooking to be done-- and if we go out or order in, I need to know what you can eat so I don't make you sick. You know, I'm not your mom. This is all new to me. So I need your help because... just because I don't want to make you sick. So we're here now, why don't you just tell me now what you can eat and what you can't eat, you know? I'll keep the food in the house. If you need a special snack or something that I can keep in the car in case your blood sugar...
Rafe: Stop it! I don't know how Daisy stands you!
Marina: Oh!
Cyrus: Voice mail?
Marina: I've left him like 30 messages. The way he was acting before....
Cyrus: Maybe he wants to be left alone.
Marina: No, Mallet is angry and he hasn't slept and he blames himself for what happened to Dinah. He should not be left alone.
Cyrus: He could be sleeping. Maybe that's why his phone is turned off.
Marina: I'm going to call the station. He's not sleeping.
Cyrus: How you know?
Marina: Because I'm his partner! I know things like that! It's my job to find him before he runs off and does something stupid. You know where he is.
Cyrus: No.
Marina: Yes, you do. Where is he?
Cyrus: I don't know, Detective. Why would I lie.
Marina: I don't know, Cyrus, because you're not very good at it.
Cyrus: I made a good living at it.
Marina: I swear if he's with the shooter right now, I am going to...
Cyrus: Going to what?
Griggs: You're going to kill me? You would have done it by now. Come on, Tony, we know how this is going to end. You're going to let me go. You couldn't even finish the job that I gave you. You really think you're going to finish this?
Harley: How do you know Daisy?
Rafe: What?
Harley: Daisy?
Rafe: Gus was showing me pictures of everybody.
Harley: I thought you might have seen her. She's in the juvie center that you just got out of.
Rafe: Yeah? What did she do?
Harley: I love my Daisy, but you know how it is with moms and teenagers.
Rafe: No, I don’t.
Harley: Well, sometimes they don't get along.
Rafe: Not my mother and me.
Harley: I think it might be a mother/daughter thing. But actually things have been much better between us since she was in the juvie center.
Rafe: Why? Because she wasn't here?
Harley: No, because she's getting the help that she needs. Um, it hasn't been easy. I miss her. You know, she had just been here a few months when all this happened. Daisy didn't always live here. She was adopted.
Rafe: You adopted her?
Harley: No, no, no. I gave her up for adoption when she was a baby.
Rafe: Why?
Harley: Because I was so very young.
Rafe: So was my mother, but at least she waited.
Harley: Waited for what?
Rafe: To push me on other people. I'm old enough now, I can deal. I'm not some baby.
Harley: Well, first of all, we're not just other people, we are your family. And I didn't push her off on anybody. I loved her and I placed her with a family where I knew she'd be better off.
Dylan: Okay. I've got news.
Harley: What?
Dylan: I don't want to say anything until it's 100% sure but I've been talking to the judge and using my Lewis connections.
Harley: You were talking to the judge? Which judge?
Harley: You know, the judge that sent Daisy away to juvie. The same judge that's going to let her out today!
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: Eight years ago I was working for the feds. I had no life. I was just going after the people that tried to kill my father. I was living in a crappy hotel room. I was drinking too much. I was smoking too much. I was a danger to myself let alone anybody trying to spend time with me.
Natalia: And if an eight-year-old boy came into that life?
Gus: Well, I don't know, Natalia, I don't know. Things might have changed. You said to me you've got a son... at this point in my life I didn't want kids, I didn't think I'd ever get married, then I met Harley and then I wanted that. I wanted that more than anything. I wanted it more than the revenge for my father's death.
Natalia: Joe would have wanted that for you, too.
Gus: If you told me "Hey, you have a son, you have somebody who needs you, you have somebody who's sick..."
Natalia: Don't ever let him hear you call him sick.
Gus: I would have been there for him. I would've been there for him and for you.
Natalia: I wanted to give you a picture for your wallet.
Gus: That's all right, that's yours.
Natalia: I've got tons of pictures.
Gus: Thanks.
Natalia: What else do you want to know about him?
Gus: Well, I'd like to know any other big stuff that you want to tell me. Like diabetes, if he's going to be living with me I should know about these things.
Natalia: Big like diabetes? No.
Gus: You said he likes to play ball but he doesn't play because... why is that? Is it because of the diabetes.
Natalia: No, he can do whatever he wants, but he's bad at it and he knows it. But he still loves going to the games.
Gus: So he likes to go to the games. The Cub games?
Natalia: Of course.
Gus: So let me get this straight. He likes baseball, Cubs, but he doesn't play because he sucks. That's my boy.
Natalia: Three guesses what his favorite food is.
Gus: Spicy chilly dogs at Wrigley Field.
Natalia: Yes. He can't eat them very much, it messes with his blood sugar.
Gus: He likes baseball but he can't play because he sucks and he likes hot dogs. That's amazing. You know, the best times of my life were with my father at that ballpark.
Natalia: I should get to work.
Gus: This is one of those times where you... you say I'm sorry and it's not enough. It's not nearly enough. But I am sorry that you had to go through all of this alone.
Natalia: I was mad at you for a long time.
Gus: Because I left.
Natalia: No, because you could. I knew you were out there somewhere moving on with your life. But I had a little piece of you with me everyday, with the same killer smile and the same tough guy attitude. You could forget us, but I couldn’t.
Gus: I never forgot you. (Cell phone ringing) Sorry. One second.
Cyrus: I bet you're sorry you taught me this move.
Marina: Well, I didn't teach you how to get out of it, did I.
Cyrus: That's not fair.
Marina: Where is he? Is he with this guy.
Cyrus: Which guy?
Marina: What did you do?
Cyrus: I thought you'd be happy trying to help Mallet out. And Dinah and I are square now. Mallet wanted face time with Dinah’s shooter.
Marina: Mallet wanted it or you wanted him to want it so you made it happen.
Cyrus: I know this guy Griggs. I've been there with him myself.
Marina: Griggs? You've had a name this whole time? The only reason I'm remaining calm right now is because I have Mallet's gun. I don't want to even think what would be happening if I didn't have it. We're going to go.
Cyrus: Where?
Marina: I don't know, you tell me.
Cyrus: He's not going to let us in.
Marina: Then I hope you pick locks better than you lie, jailbird.
Mallet: I never wanted to be a killer.
Griggs: I told you, it wasn't supposed to go down that way.
Mallet: Does it matter? Does it? The guy that never wanted to kill again died the second you put a bullet in my wife.
Griggs: You want my money? You want money?
Mallet: Money? Money, Griggs? You think money's going to save her?
Griggs: Well, killing me won't, either.
Mallet: Maybe you can't stand it because you've never had anybody in your life that made you want to be better than the scum you are! I hate that! I had that in the hospital and she's there right now fighting for her life!
Griggs: Because of you! You were the one who found me, all right? You wanted that hit. You needed that rush. You needed the power, Tony! And just because you found another way to fill that void, that doesn't change what you did. Think about what you're doing. Think about what you're doing. Killing me is not the answer.
Harley: Daisy's coming home.
Gus: What? How?
Harley: Dylan has been working the judge and he got her released on the condition that he'll be an active part of her life and actually pick up his cell phone. But since he's been living in town, that's been happening more anyway.
Gus: That's great. When do we get her?
Harley: We're going over there now.
Gus: I can meet you over there.
Harley: Hey, I want to throw a surprise welcome home party for her. Get some of the family together.
Gus: Great. All right.
Harley: I love you!
Gus: Oh, yeah, me, too. I love you too. That was Harley and she's telling me that Daisy's coming home.
Natalia: Yeah, I got that. That's great. Great news.
Gus: Yeah, that's good.
Natalia: You'll have a full house.
Gus: Harley's been through so much with this kid. It's good. It's good for her, good for the kids and I think it will be good for Rafe, you know.
Natalia: You...
Gus: Yeah. So I should get back because it's going to be a nut house over there. And I'll... I'll see you.
Natalia: Nick? Call me if anything happens with Rafe.
Gus: Yeah. Of course.
Remy: Want to get out of here
Natalia: Yeah. I'm driving.
Remy: (Laughs) Right. (Laughs)
Natalia: Yes, I am.
Daisy: Hey, what are you doing here? Dylan... Mom and Dad? What did I do.
Harley: Do you want to tell her?
Dylan: You want me to?
Harley: I don't know. Maybe you should.
Dylan: Unless you want to.
Daisy: Someone tell me.
Dylan: Daisy... (laughs) Pack your bags. You're coming home with us.
Daisy: What? Right now?
Harley: Right now!
Daisy: (Laughs)
Mallet: Hey, Griggs, do you remember that hit all those years ago? You know that man was someone's father. He had a son. A good little kid. Had a good arm on him, too. Maybe he's playing college quarterback somewhere, I don't know. You know what I do now? He's got no dad watching from the stands.
Griggs: I didn't know you knew the guy.
Mallet: The target? No. I didn't know him. I didn't even speak to him. I just shot him down on the street. Why was that, Griggs? Why did I do that? Do you remember? Do you remember? Why did I do that? Because he owed you some money.
Griggs: Think..
Mallet: Hey, hey, Griggs, what did you call yourself again, was it the shadow?
Griggs: Think really hard what you're about do.
Mallet: It was the shadow, wasn't it? Because that means no one will realize you're gone and you don't deserve to live after what you did to Dinah. (Gunshots) Walk away.
Marina: Mallet, drop the weapon, okay?
Mallet: Walk away.
Marina: You don't want to do this right now, Mallet. Dinah needs you.
Mallet: I'm doing it for Dinah. I can't not do it. I'll regret it every day of my life.
Marina: Mallet, no.
Mallet: Say good-bye, Griggs.
Mallet: I will blow your hand right off.
Cyrus: I know.
Mallet: Marina...
Marina: I think you should listen to him.
Cyrus: You told the bastard off, you put the fear of God in him. You said what you came here to say, you can rot in hell for all I care but I do care about Dinah and this will not help her! This won't make her better. She's the one you should keep in your head when you feel like... when you feel like you're going to go back to that dark place. You got out, remember? She did, too. Don't go back. You're the law, Mallet. You can lock this guy up yourself and go be with your wife. Now just let go of the gun. That's it. Good man. Good man.
Marina: Come on. Let's go, okay?
Cyrus: Take him back to Dinah.
Marina: I've got to arrest him.
Cyrus: I'll watch him. You can read him your rights when you come back, he's not going anywhere.
Mallet: I want to see Dinah.
Marina: I know. Come on. We're going.
Cyrus: You're a very lucky man Griggs. Very lucky man. Get up. Get up! One way to Amsterdam, flight's in an hour. Chop chop. Unless you want to go up against the S.P.D. trust me, they take their jobs very personally.
Remy: Oh, man, you can ride, girl.
Natalia: Yeah.
Remy: You got one of your own?
Natalia: A motorcycle, no? I haven't been on one of those things in years.
Remy: Well how come?
Natalia: Rafe. I'm all he has. I couldn't risk it. I have been playing it safe for years.
Daisy: What did you say exactly?
Dylan: Daisy, I sure there's a court transcript. You can take a look at it.
Daisy: But you had to say something to get me out.
Harley: I think the judge wanted to hear from your father. And Josh and Billy helped to.
Dylan: I'm going to be around lot more. That's part of the deal.
Daisy: I can't believe this! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you.
Dylan: Right back at you, kid.
Daisy: And you.
Harley: Come here. I love you. I'm so proud that you're coming home. I can't believe it.
Ashlee: Hey, what's going on?
Daisy: I'm going home.
Ashlee: Wow! That’s... I'm so happy for you.
Daisy: Yeah?
Ashlee: Yeah! Yes, yes! Of course! You've gone from chapter 2 to chapter 7.
Daisy: I know! I'm going to miss you so much.
Marina: Where'd you put him?
Cyrus: He's gone.
Marina: You let him go? After everything you said before? Cyrus, I trusted you! I cannot believe I was stupid enough to think....
Cyrus: Here we go.
Mara: I thought you meant it! I thought you actually cared about Dinah.
Cyrus: If you'd just shut it for two seconds. He's on a one-way flight to Amsterdam where the authorities are waiting for him. He's committed a slew of crimes in Europe.
Marina: You actually expect me to believe Griggs turned himself in?
Cyrus: He didn’t. He doesn't know.
Marina: You set him up? Why?
Cyrus: To prove I'm a better liar than you think I am.
Marina: I know you're lying.
Cyrus: The guy believed. He's not here.
Marina: Why'd you do it?
Cyrus: The charges against him here? They're nothing compared to what he's wanted for over there.
Mallet: It's all right, Dinah. It's over. That man I used to be, that man that I was running from, I think he's gone. I had a chance to kill the worst person I know for doing the worst thing he could have done. And the man I used to be would not have walked away from that. Because he had nowhere else to go. But I do. I've got you. Baby, I know you can hear me. You've got to come back to me. The man that you married is right here. He's waiting. He's waiting for you to come back to me.
Ashlee: Um, how do I say this? I... I need something from you, too.
Daisy: Okay, what?
Ashlee: Promise me that you won't give up finding vent boy.
Ashlee: I thought you were tired of me whining about him.
Ashlee: Well, that was before you were at chapter 7. Those girls we were talking about from the books, you know, they wouldn't just bust out of juvie and then just call it a day. They would go after the guy and end up with him and we know that vent boy's out there.
Daisy: I don't know.
Ashlee: Daisy, you could be the girl who lives on the last page.
Harley: Hey, I'm sorry.
Ashlee: No, that's okay.
Harley: Can I just talk to Daisy for a minute?
Ashlee: Yes, of course. But you promise, right?
Daisy: Yes.
Ashlee: Okay, good.
Harley: What was that?
Daisy: Talking about reading.
Harley: Uh-huh. So....
Daisy: Oh, no, they're not letting me out of here?
Harley: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not leaving without you. Nothing like that. It's just that there've been some changes at home, and I wanted to give you a heads up.
Daisy: The boys haven't turned my room into an arcade or anything?
Harley: They tried desperately, but no. No, we have someone staying with us, a boy about your age.
Daisy: A boy? Is it... did you get an exchange student?
Harley: Not quite. He's family. He's Gus' son.
Natalia: So you still want to do dinner? Something low key? I have a craving for Hawaiian pizza.
Remy: Yeah. Yeah. Just one condition.
Natalia: Okay, whatever, pepperoni, I don't care.
Remy: You don't think about Gus the whole night.
Natalia: I'm... I'm not going to talk about him.
Remy: Natalia...
Natalia: I can't promise I'm not going to think about him. We have a son together. He pops in my head sometimes, there's nothing I can do. And it's not a Springfield thing I have always been like that. You can't really get over somebody when you have their son running around the living room.
Remy: Gotcha.
Natalia: Remy, please, I need this. If I can't be honest with you...
Remy: I want you to be.
Natalia: I honestly want us to go get a pizza.
Remy: Okay, all right. I'll do Hawaiian.
Natalia: (Cell phone ringing) Rafe. Rafe?
Gus: No, it's me. What you up to?
Natalia: I'm still at work, you just saw me.
Gus: Well we're having this little welcome-home thing for Daisy tonight at the house.
Natalia: Oh, okay. Well I'm still working, so what's the order?
Gus: No, it's not an order but I want to invite you. It's a little thing, just a couple people, family, you know, and you're a part of the family now.
Natalia: Um, yeah, I'd like that. Thank you. Can I bring something? I could just pick up something on the way. Okay. Bye. How about pizza tomorrow night?
Remy: Call me when you're done playing it safe.
Gus: Hey!
Daisy: Hi, guys.
Gus: Hey! Look who it is! Welcome home.
Daisy: Thank you. Oh, wow, I never thought I'd be so happy to see this place. Just kidding. All right, I'm going to take a quick shower because the water pressure in that place...
Harley: Not so fast.
Gus: One second. Hay, Rafe, can you come down here for a second.
Daisy: I have to do this now?
Gus: Daisy, I want you to meet somebody. This is my son Rafe.
Next on "Guiding Light..."
Alan: Rick represents your past, but this is our future. Maybe this will inspire you.
Doris: Hey, you have the other hand free to get a ring from Doctor Rick?
Daisy: What do we do now?
Rafe: We can't let them know that we know each other, not if we keep on...
Daisy: And we do.
Alan: What is it that you want?
Doris: You.
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