Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/22/07
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Proofread by Tanya
(Cell phone rings)
Reva: (Sighs) Jeffrey. Forget it. I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing. (Sighs) I've done everything I can for you, Jonathan, and beautiful little Sarah. You won't go through this alone. You won't be alone, not today. I just have to be very careful.
Alan: Reva did not spend the night at her house last night, and you're waiting until 10:00 in the morning to let me know this? Obviously she knows someone is tailing her. Yes, finding her would be a very good idea. Well, hello, Elizabeth. Keeping secrets isn't a very good idea.
Lizzie: That's funny, Granddad. It's not a secret. You can look at it if you want to. It's just this web site that's been helping me.
Alan: One of those talk room things?
Lizzie: No. Just a web site, Women go there and they share their stories. And I was hoping that maybe someone could help me figure out this weird dream I've been having.
Alan: It sounds like you've got a lot of free time on your hands. Maybe I should create a job for you at Spaulding and stop this dreaming.
Lizzie: I'm not ready yet, Granddad. I'm trying to figure out where I've been and where I'm going, and I just don't have a lot of friends around here, so Capessa's been helping.
Alan: Well, suit yourself.
Lizzie: You look kind of freaked out. What's going on with you?
Alan: Business, that's all. Nothing for you to worry about.
Lizzie: You don't look very happy.
Alan: What's wrong with your wrists?
Lizzie: What?
Alan: You keep rubbing your wrists. What is that?
Lizzie: No, it’s... it's nothing. It's this dream I had. It's one of the things I'm trying to work on. Reva's there, and we're hanging out, doing whatever, having fun, and then all of a sudden I am tied up and I can't move. It's weird, right?
Alan: Yeah, that is weird. You know, perhaps we should have breakfast, and you can tell me more about this dream.
Lizzie: I have to go home and walk Roxy, but maybe another time.
Alan: Hello. It's Alan. I need you. I thought you would say that.
Kristy: Someone's here looking for you, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Come on, Reva. I can’t... I can't take any clients right now.
Kristy: It's Miss Spencer.
Olivia: And you know how I am. I don't take no for an answer. It's one of the many things you and I have in common. So about my Spaulding contract...
Jeffrey: Right, the Spaulding contract. You know what, I'm going to save you some time and a legal fee, Olivia. It's a Spaulding contract. They're going to try to screw you, so you screw them right back. I would go with a handshake. Okay? I really have to get going.
Olivia: No, no, no. Sorry, you don't get to blow me off.
Josh: Hi.
Cassie: Hi. (Laughs)
Josh: I got your message. I came down as quick as I could. I brought you some tea.
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: How are you feeling?
Cassie: Well, I still sound awful, but in a funny way I haven't felt this good in a really long time. Well, five months to be exact.
Josh: Five months, just about to the day.
Cassie: Yeah. I took some flowers to her grave, and I felt the most powerful thing. And, no, I didn't see her or, you know, feel her presence pulling toward me or anything like that, but for the first time I felt like my daughter is at peace. So maybe I am, too.
Marina: You need to lie down.
Mallet: How many times are you going to tell me that?
Marina: Eventually you're going the fall to the ground and then it won't matter anymore.
Mallet: Marina, just let me do what I'm going to do. If you can't, I don't need you here.
Marina: Fine. You're sorry you snapped, and I accept.
Mallet: Marina...
Marina: Shut up, okay? She's not going to, so just we're not even going to say that anymore, okay?
Doctor: Detective Mallet...
Mallet: Doc! How's she doing? Is she okay?
Doctor: Your wife is in recovery now. The surgery is done. As for how she's doing, the next few hours and the next few days will really tell. I'll let you know as soon as I have more.
Mallet: All right, thanks.
Marina: You heard him, Mallet. There's hope, okay? But you can't sit here punishing yourself for what happened to Dinah. You want me to see if you can go inside?
Mallet: No.
Marina: Why don't you let me talk to the doctor? You go in and sit with her and hold her hand, talk to her...
Mallet: No, because I've got to do something.
Marina: Mallet, what?
Mallet: What?
Marina: Okay, I held off about asking you about the shooting before because I wanted to make sure that Dinah was okay.
Mallet: And you want to know what exactly?
Marina: Well, let's start with the shooter.
Mallet: It's someone from my past. I already told you that.
Marina: Well, was it a perp that you arrested? Was it an old inmate from when you were a warden? Heck, I'll settle for a name and a good description.
Mallet: A name. A name-- it doesn't matter, and neither does a face.
Marina: What? I... I'm gonna need your firearm, Detective.
Mallet: (Scoffs) Really? We're partners, and I know you mean well, but I outrank you in every way.
Marina: And you are in no condition to be carrying a firearm.
Mallet: Oh, so you think I'm going to hunt this guy down?
Marina: You know what, Mallet? I would if I were you.
Mallet: Well, you know what? I'm going to go find Matt and Vanessa and let them know that Dinah made it through the operation.
Marina: Sorry.
Mallet: The law, police work will bring this guy down, not vigilante justice.
Marina: Why don't you let me call Matt and Vanessa?
Mallet: No. Why don't you stay here in case there's a change with Dinah? I'll go find them.
Marina: Mallet, I know this is hard, but you're one of the good guys.
Cassie: I wanted to come here today, too, since it's the last place... the last place we saw her.
Josh: It's nice to hear you sound... squeaky, but hopeful. (Laughter)
Cassie: Well, maybe I'm hopeful because I'm doing something now, you know? I'm not just passive or just a victim anymore. You know, I couldn't help Tammy, but I can help other people, like Rick, hold onto their children.
Josh: I told you that Rick came by and we talked about the baby and we talked about the hearing. I've been thinking about that. Cassie, I don't think you should get involved in that at all.
Cassie: Why not? I just told you, I want to help.
Josh: Just hear me out, okay? I know you're feeling better, and that's a great thing. But I don't see how any good could possibly come from you going after Alan Spaulding in a court of law.
Cassie: Well, if I can help protect a child, then I think that's something good.
Josh: But this newfound peace that you're feeling, that's worth protecting, too. And the only way that's going to happen is if somehow you find forgiveness.
Cassie: Forgive Alan?
Josh: This... this is my first paper. It's sort of a practice sermon. It's on forgiveness. I tried to be as honest as I could. I would love it if you would just read it and let me know what you think.
Cassie: Of course I will. I'm sure it's great, Josh. I'm sure it’s... I'm sure it's great, and I'm sure you're right about Alan. Maybe it is time for me to start letting go.
Marina: Hey. Hey. I didn't know you guys were here. Thank you so much. It will mean so much to Mallet.
Josh: I'm sorry, what are you talking about?
Marina: Well, you're here to see Dinah, right?
Cassie: Dinah? No. Why? Is she okay?
Marina: I'm so sorry. I thought you knew. Dinah was shot. They're not sure if she's going to make it.
Alan: Thank you for coming.
Doris: Well, it's not like we've been hanging out recently. What, are you tired of Beth already?
Alan: (Laughs) No. But, Doris, I do miss your company.
Doris: I'm sure you do.
Alan: Well, as much as you miss mine. And that Ming vase you took, I want you to keep it as a token of my appreciation.
Doris: You do miss me.
Alan: You know what I miss? I miss our repartee.
Doris: Well, we had our fun.
Alan: Tell me, how's Ashlee doing? Still serving time for the bullets she pumped into me?
Doris: And taking a class in marksmanship, believe it or not.
Alan: (Laughs) Well, it's nice to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. Our marriage may not have been made in heaven, but, you know, it had its moments.
Doris: I think that's a compliment.
Alan: Yeah. And I want to remain your friend, Doris, and I want to be a friend to Ashlee as well.
Doris: Is it ticking?
Alan: Please open it.
Doris: Alan! This ain't half bad. I'll be keeping this. Thank you.
Alan: You're welcome.
Doris: So, who do I have to slaughter? Because I know that that many diamonds doesn't come without a price.
Jeffrey: Excuse me for thinking that maybe you might understand that fine-tuning your Spaulding contract might take a back seat to someone who really needs help.
Olivia: Is it Ava?
Jeffrey: Ava's fine.
Olivia: Oh, so we're talking about something more personal?
Jeffrey: I didn't know we were talking about anything.
Kristy: I tried calling Reva Lewis' work number. They tell me she's out of town.
Olivia: One sister isn't enough for you, eh?
Jeffrey: What's that supposed to mean?
Olivia: Well, it's just that now you're coming to the rescue of Reva, the diva. What has she done this time?
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to help out a friend.
Olivia: Well, it's not that I care. I just hate to see a savvy guy like you become Reva’s next victim.
Reva: I'm leaving for the airport right now. Give Sarah a kiss for me. You'll see me before you know it.
Lizzie: Hey, Reva! Good. I was just coming to see you.
Reva: Oh, Lizzie, I am sorry. Can it wait? I'm in a bit of a rush.
Lizzie: Are you going somewhere?
Reva: Yeah. I'm actually going to see my pop in Oklahoma. It's been a long time, and Hawk called and...
Lizzie: Oh, stop, stop. You don't have to pretend with me, okay? I know why you're going, and I want to come with you.
Josh: Wow. Maybe we should try to grab something to eat while we're waiting to see Dinah. Do you want to go across the street?
Cassie: No, I really don’t. I'm really not hungry. I should give these to Dinah. These are for her.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: So much for the world being full of hope.
Josh: Well, maybe it's not as bad as they think.
Cassie: What are we supposed to say to Vanessa? Really, what are we supposed to say to Mallet? I mean, I hope you know, because I sure as hell do not know.
Josh: I don't, but sometimes it's good just to be present, you know, just be there for people.
Cassie: Why don't you just go and get a bite without me, okay?
Josh: Well, where are you... where are you going to go?
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know.
Josh: Cassie, come here. Don’t... don't let this knock you down.
Cassie: Well, it does knock me down. It just does. I'm sorry. Just when I think, you know, that things can get better, and there is some shred of light to hold onto, I mean it just doesn't make any sense to me at all. I don't know, why would anyone want it to be like this? And now we're supposed to pray?
Josh: Well, maybe it won't help Dinah-- I don't know. But maybe it will help you.
Cassie: And to think there was a time when I wanted Dinah to die, and a gunshot would have been poetic justice. But now I see a woman who turned her life around, who found love, who found a purpose. And for what, Josh? For what? You know, I hope... I hope your sermon tells me something about that.
Doris: Oh, Alan, it's beautiful. Doesn't it make my wrist look slender?
Alan: Yes, it certainly does.
Doris: Well, you certainly know how to pick them. But it's going to take more than some shiny blood rocks to get me on your good side.
Alan: Not to worry, Doris. You do me this little favor, and you can name your price.
Doris: My price?
Alan: Yes, you can have whatever you want. And you know I can make it happen.
Doris: It's going to cost you.
Alan: Of course it is.
Mallet: Hey!
Cyrus: I heard about Dinah. I'm really sorry...
Mallet: That's nice, man! 'Cause if it weren't for you, she wouldn't be fighting for her life right now!
Cyrus: I didn't want this to happen. Listen, maybe I can help.
Mallet: Oh, you can help? Yeah, that'd be great. Why don't you hold still? (Grunts)
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Thank you.
Olivia: Well, I'm glad you find me so amusing.
Jeffrey: Well, it's just that your concern for my wellbeing is very touching.
Olivia: And more than you deserve. How many times have you ruined my chances for a normal life?
Jeffrey: You don't want a normal life.
Olivia: I never thought I deserved one. And then I met Buzz, and for the briefest of moments, I actually had a home and a family. I felt safe and connected.
Jeffrey: Well, some people aren't meant to be connected. I'm not connected; I'm doing fine.
Olivia: Are you kidding me? You have more connections in this town than Rick Bauer. Your specialty is saving needy women, Jeffrey, like Cassie and Reva. Maybe that's why you give me such a hard time. I'm not needy enough for you.
Reva: Lizzie, I know what you must think, and believe me, I didn't have a choice.
Lizzie: It's okay. I understand.
Reva: You do?
Lizzie: My grandfather keeps blaming you for that wild night that we had. I told him that you were just trying to help me forget Jonathan and Sarah.
Reva: You told him?
Lizzie: I don't blame you, okay? I don't blame you for wanting to get out of town. I just want to go with you.
Reva: You can’t.
Lizzie: Why not? We could have fun.
Reva: Because, honey, look, the last time we hung out together, you ended up in a hotel room, hung-over, with a butterfly tattoo.
Lizzie: Well, I was hoping that I could spend more time with you. Maybe it would help me figure out these nightmares I've been having.
Reva: What nightmares?
Lizzie: Ever since that two day binge, I'm having these nightmares, these dreams where I'm tied up.
Reva: Oh, well, you know, being tied up in dreams...
Lizzie: It's not something kinky. It feels real.
Reva: Okay. Well, sometimes those kind of dreams can represent your life being tied up in knots, you know? Maybe that you feel stuck, tied down. Does that make sense? I just think that if you got out, you know, if you found something to do, some sort of plan, something to fill your days...
Lizzie: It isn't even... I mean, the nightmares aren't even the worst of it. I mean, it's the dreams that hurt more. You know, like the ones that are all soft and quiet and the colors are all perfect, and I feel like a mom, and Sarah is there, and everything's just totally normal. And all of a sudden she's just gone. I'm just left in this perfect world without the one thing that's supposed to make it perfect. I don't know.
Reva: Have you talked to anyone?
Lizzie: Professional? Yeah. I... I've tried shrinks, but partying with you has been the best therapy yet. You are the cure to what ails me, Reva. Please take me with you, please!
Reva: Sweetie, look, we did have fun, we had so much fun, and we will again. It's just that I... I need this time for myself.
Lizzie: Sure you do. Stupid me.
Reva: Oh, no, Lizzie...
Lizzie: No, no, it's okay. It's all right. 'Cause it's not like you're really my friend.
Reva: I am your friend, Lizzie...
Lizzie: Reva, could you just do me a favor? The next time you need to get smashed to forget whatever mess it is you've created in your own life, maybe you could just leave me out of it. Better yet, maybe you should go get professional help.
Olivia: You're my lawyer.
Jeffrey: I never said that I wasn’t.
Olivia: Well, then you would agree I have some legal issues I need to clear up. I just... I'm paying you to look at a contract. That's all I want from you.
Jeffrey: I said I will get to you.
Olivia: I don't want to be gotten to. I want to feel like a priority, like you know what's important.
Josh: Hey. Dinah Marler's in the hospital right now. She's fighting for her life.
Jeffrey: What?
Olivia: Was she in an accident?
Josh: No. She was shot.
Jeffrey: Well, who shot her?
Josh: I don't know, but it's not looking good.
Olivia: Oh, that's awful.
Josh: Yeah, it is. I just thought you might want to know.
Jeffrey: Does Cassie know?
Josh: You don't need to worry about Cassie.
Jeffrey: Well, I was just asking.
Josh: She took it hard, okay? It was just another blow, another thing that's difficult to explain. And you're not making that any easier.
Jeffrey: Me?
Josh: You need to keep her out of Rick’s custody case, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Well, she wants to help, okay? Fighting Alan gives her some sort of satisfaction.
Josh: She's going to have to find that someplace else.
Jeffrey: And where is that going to be, in church? It doesn't work for everyone.
Josh: Oh, you really think your way is better, enabling her, keeping her on this revenge for Alan Spaulding?
Olivia: All right, all right! Josh! Josh! Cassie should be grateful that she has Jeffrey on her side.
Josh: Grateful, Olivia?
Olivia: Look, he may fight dirty, but he fights for what he believes in. He fights for the people he loves. You know what? I'm not getting in the middle of this.
Josh: Do the right thing.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
(Heart monitor beeping)
Josh: Hey, Dinah, it's Josh... Lewis. I feel like I'm supposed to know what to say here, you know? I'm supposed to be able to make sense of this. But, um... I'm afraid I'm in the dark just like everyone else. I tried to explain it to Cassie, but I don't know what it means. I do know that there's a whole lot of people in this town who care about you. I mean, who'd have thunk it, right? But there's a lot of people out there right now that are thinking about you and praying for you, and that has to mean something.
Cyrus: I'm not going to fight you, Mallet!
Mallet: Like I care whether you fight or not!
Cyrus: Just so we're clear, I care about Dinah, too.
Mallet: You cared about destroying her, which is why you came back to town.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Mallet: Yeah. Did you think anything you touch would have a happy ending? She took a bullet for me, you son of a bitch!
Cyrus: Griggs?
Mallet: Yeah, Griggs. Did you think he'd stay in the shadows once you drug up my past?
Cyrus: I told you, I backed off that threat. If Griggs came back into your life, that's on you, not me. Dinah was my partner. You want this guy Griggs? I do, too.
Mallet: You think I should trust you?
Cyrus: You think you've got a choice? You need help with this mutt, and you know it.
Marina: Hey, hey! Enough! Enough! How is this helping Dinah? How is this finding Matt and Vanessa? And, you, I cannot believe that you would pick a fight with him at a time like this.
Cyrus: He just...
Marina: Hey!
Cyrus: You think about what I said.
Marina: Let's go back to the hospital, okay? And see Dinah? That's what you want to do, anyway.
Reva: Oh, Tonya, could you please tell the pilot to take off as soon as possible? I can't be late getting where I'm going.
Tonya: As soon as our other passenger comes aboard.
Reva: Other passenger... wait a minute! There's no other passenger. Lizzie. Oh, my God, you have to close the doors.
Alan: Reva, I do hope that this is a smoking flight.
Reva: (Coughs)
Olivia: Jeez, can't a girl speak up for a guy without everyone assuming? I don't have a thing for Jeffrey O’Neill!
Jeffrey: Well, I'm glad to hear it! Now let me in before I embarrass you in front of the entire hotel staff.
Olivia: You've already embarrassed me in front of Josh.
Jeffrey: Good, but Josh doesn't count.
Olivia: Why not?
Jeffrey: Because, you know, you just got through telling him what wonderful guy you thought I was. Excuse me if I'm a little bit confused, but I'm having trouble keeping up with you and your opinion of me.
Olivia: So this is all about you?
Jeffrey: No, it's about us, and how we act like idiots every time we're in the same room together. One minute we hate each other, and then the next...
Olivia: Okay, don't, don't, don't, don't overthink this, Counselor. I got stuck in a moment back there. Josh was being smug. He was being self-righteous. This wasn't about you.
Jeffrey: Maybe it was a little bit about me.
Olivia: You're my lawyer. I was talking about your lawyering, your crusading against the Alan Spaulding’s of the world. You're just some guy who reads contracts for me.
Jeffrey: Uh-huh. Yeah. Well, I'm clear on that. I am totally clear on that. But you... you...
Olivia: Oh, I'm clear. I'm clear. Do not think that I'm not.
Jeffrey: You've got issues.
Olivia: Issues?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Olivia: Issues? O’Neill, you are my issue! You're... hell, you know what you are! So?
Jeffrey: (Sighs) So?
Olivia: Was that the real me?
Jeffrey: I don't know. Was it?
Olivia: Some damaged chick who can't get one awful night out of her sick little head?
Jeffrey: Oh. Okay, you want me to do the honorable thing and leave.
Olivia: Well, we both know you're not honorable.
Jeffrey: Well, in that case, I think I'll stay.
Olivia: "How to get over a man in ten easy lessons," by Olivia Spencer. One, get him out of your head and into your bed. Two, make an attempt at romance.
Jeffrey: Okay, I think this is the part where I really do need to leave.
Olivia: Three, tell him what he wants to hear. You're my first, my best, my only.
Jeffrey: Gosh, when you say it like that, it's hard to resist.
Olivia: Four... five, treat him like he treated you.
Jeffrey: Okay....
Olivia: Come on, there's still six, seven, and eight.
Jeffrey: I don't think I'm going to wait for those.
Olivia: You're skipping right to ten.
Jeffrey: You know, you would hate yourself in the morning.
Olivia: I'm used to it. (Yelps)
Mallet: Stay, Josh, stay.
Josh: No, I'll leave you alone.
Mallet: No, please, you stay, because you know what? You're probably better at this stuff than I am.
Josh: I don't think there is any such thing as being good at this. You just do what you feel is right, you know? And you pray, I don't know.
Mallet: Well, I'll leave that up to you right now.
Marina: How are you doing?
Mallet: I can't do that. I can't do that. I can't sit there and say encouraging words right now. I just can’t.
Marina: I know.
Mallet: I'll get there. I'll get there.
Josh: I still don't feel like I have the magic words to explain this. But I do know that sometimes good can come from bad things. In fact, sometimes it's the only place that it can come from. I think you know that, too, Dinah. I wish to God that Cassie knew it.
Mallet: Well? If you're lying to me, you're a dead man.
Cassie: Lizzie! Hey, are you okay?
Lizzie: Uh, yeah. I'm... I...
Cassie: Have you been drinking?
Lizzie: One bloody Mary to wash down the antidepressants.
Cassie: You got any more of those?
Lizzie: That's how I met Jonathan, you know? I needed drugs, and he was dealing.
Cassie: Never mind.
Lizzie: Suit yourself.
Cassie: Lizzie, go home. Get out of here.
Lizzie: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who are you pushing around? What, like you don't feel the same kind of pain? You lost a child. I've lost a child.
Cassie: Yes, I know that, Lizzie. You had Sarah for like a minute. I had Tammy for 22 years.
Lizzie: You're comparing?
Cassie: No. That's not the point. Lizzie, I'm just... I'm just saying the pills aren't going to bring them back, okay? Just go home and hug your dog or swim in your pool-- I don't care, work in the soup kitchen. Anything is better than this, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Well, maybe this is all I'm meant to be doing.
Cassie: You have your whole life ahead of you. You have a life Sarah and Tammy and Jonathan will never have. So don't you dare give up now.
Alan: So, Reva, where are we headed? Paris? The tropics? I'm up for anything.
Reva: Okay, you know what? You've had your fun. But I'm on a tight schedule, so if you would kindly get off!
Alan: There is nothing kindly about me, especially someone who was unkind to my granddaughter.
Reva: As I've already told you, Lizzie and I had a few wild nights together. She understands that.
Alan: You know, Elizabeth is sentimental where you're concerned, Reva. You're her only link to baby Sarah and Jonathan. I don't share in that weakness. So why are you leaving town so suddenly?
Reva: Maybe because I don't like your flying monkeys keeping tabs on me, or maybe it's because I have family that I want to see because, unlike you, I still have family who loves me, family who speaks to me. Maybe you'd like to get the flight plan from the pilot.
Alan: Well, I guess going and seeing your rude father is punishment enough. At least it'll keep you away from Elizabeth. Have a nice flight.
Reva: Let's get this tin can in the air. (Sighs)
Alan: We're ready.
(hospital machine beeping)
Cassie: I'm here, Dinah. Whatever it's worth, I'm here.
Cyrus: He's all yours.
Olivia: All right. I can't believe it, but you're turning me down. Come on, Jeffrey, you and me?
Jeffrey: I can't believe it either. Because I... I do want you. I want you in a way that I can't even explain to myself. But I know that if we go any further...
Olivia: Is this supposed to make up for when we were kids? Because...
Jeffrey: For when we were... listen to how you say that, like it's just a throwaway, like it's nothing. We both know that it's not.
Olivia: I'm telling you, I am, right here, right now...
Jeffrey: Let it go!
Olivia: Me?
Jeffrey: Even tonight, just getting me into bed, it's all about that, isn't it? It's all about that event, that one night.
Olivia: I think you're making more of this than you need to.
Jeffrey: Olivia, you wanted to arrest me. You wanted me thrown in jail. Okay, now you want to exorcise that demon that night with one good roll in the hay?
Olivia: Do you have a better idea?
Jeffrey: I'll do whips and chains and whipped cream and whatever kinky thing you've got, but I will not sleep you to help you exorcise this ghost!
Olivia: Wait! Just...
Reva: Tonya, why are we taxiing back to the gate?
Tonya: The pilot was ordered to.
Officer Banks: Reva Lewis, this is the police. You are under arrest.
Olivia: I want the past driven out of my head as much as you do.
Jeffrey: More.
Olivia: Maybe more. Maybe more. And maybe I went about this... maybe I've gone about it the wrong way. But if us being together will finally end this, Jeffrey, why not? (Cell phone ringing)
Jeffrey: I should really take that.
Olivia: Why?
Jeffrey: Because if I don't, I'm going to take you up on your offer.
Olivia: Don't answer it. (Cell phone ringing)
Jeffrey: Jeffrey O’Neill.
Reva: Jeffrey, it's Reva. I'm about to be arrested.
Jeffrey: What happened? What's the charge?
Reva: They won't say.
Jeffrey: All right, I'm on my way. Wait a minute, where are you?
Reva: I'm at the airport.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll be right there. Hang tight. It's Reva.
Olivia: I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear about it. Just go. Get out.
Officer Banks: You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Spaulding.
Reva: Huh, I guess Alan Spaulding’s a lot smarter than I thought he was.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Dylan: Daisy, pack your bags. You're coming home with us.
Natalia: I have been playing it safe for years.
Griggs: Come on, we both know how this is going to end.
Mallet: No one's even going to realize you're gone.
Natalia: With the same killer smile, you could forget us, but I couldn’t.
Ashlee: I never had you pegged for a hopeless romantic.
Harley: We don't keep secrets here.
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