GL Transcript Tuesday 6/19/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/19/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: He's a Cubs fan.

Harley: That's good, right?

Gus: I'm a Cubs fan.

Harley: I know.

Gus: I'm just saying it's a good start.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Yeah, pretty good. You know, the Springfield High School has got a pretty good team. You like to play?

Rafe: No.

Gus: I'm not that good either, myself. But stickball, however-- with stickball, I was a champion.

Rafe: I could take you.

Gus: You could take me? I don't think so.

Harley: So, Rafe, if it's okay with you, a couple of people are going to stop by and say hi.

Rafe: What people?

Gus: Harley's family.

Rafe: What about yours?

Gus: No, not too many people in my family like to stop by.

Zach: You have granddad Alan.

Rafe: And isn't your brother like the chief of police?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: And you're a cop, right? And she's a cop?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Police officer, yes.

Rafe: All right. Now, who's Alan? Your dad?

Gus: Yeah, my biological dad. Yeah.

Rafe: You guys get along?

Gus: Yeah. It's a little complicated.

Rafe: Well, maybe he wants to watch the Cubs game?

Gus: Watch the Cubs game.

Frank: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Honey! It's me, it's me, it's me.

Marina: Dad! What are you doing here?

Frank: Well, I knew you pulled a double shift, and... anyway.

Marina: How did you even get in here? I came here because I wanted some privacy.

Frank: Well, I came by to see if you maybe wanted to, you know, like get a bite to eat or anything?

Marina: Dad, we work together. I see you every single day, hours and hours and hours at a time. Isn't that enough? What are you doing?

Frank: What?

Marina: Are you casing my room?

Frank: What? Why would I do that?

Marina: Cyrus Foley isn't here, Dad.

Frank: Why would he be?

Marina: He wouldn’t.

Frank: Well, good, because that would be embarrassing, huh?

Marina: Right, yeah, it would. You know what? You need to get over your obsession with Cyrus Foley.

Frank: Fine, I will-- as soon as you get over yours.

Buzz: (Screams in exasperation) Sorry, pens, you know. I get...

Cyrus: Is that yours?

Buzz: What?

Cyrus: The pen. Is it yours?

Buzz: No, it's my son’s.

Cyrus: You know it's stolen, right?

Buzz: It's a gift to Coop from his mother.

Cyrus: Then his mother bought stolen goods.

Buzz: His mother didn't have to buy stolen goods. She took them.

Cyrus: She was a thief.

Buzz: And a good one.

Cyrus: Jenna Bradshaw?

Buzz: Did I mention her to you?

Cyrus: Well, I didn't know you then. I thought maybe you were trying to set me up. She was a legend, one of the best.

Buzz: She gave it up.

Cyrus: For what?

Buzz: Love.

Griggs: One last job, and

we're even.

I gave you an assignment, and

you know the consequences if

you don't accept.

Mallet: Leave my wife alone. (Cell phone ringing) Yeah, this is Mallet.

Griggs: I'm reading the newspaper here. I see we're still in Iraq. And the polar bears are starting to sweat. But I don't see anything about the untimely demise of one Matt Reardon.

Mallet: Maybe that's because he's not dead.

Griggs: Why?

Mallet: Griggs, what if I told you I found a way to get your money? Huh? I mean, after all, isn't that what you really want, the money?

Griggs: No. I want to make him an example.

Mallet: All right, then rough him up a little bit, scare him a bit.

Griggs: You know it doesn't work like that. Now I need to make you an example, too. You worked for me, and you left before I was ready to let you go. Of course, maybe you don't care whether your wife lives or dies.

Mallet: I told you, Griggs, keep her out of this?

Griggs: Well, I took that under advisement. But here we are-- you, still with a chore to perform, and me, still needing to hear the news I need to hear.

Dinah: Honey, can you hand me my robe?

Mallet: Check the newspaper tomorrow.

Griggs: I'm going to need to hear the news from you.

Dinah: Well, I'm on to you.

Mallet: What?

Dinah: You just want to see me in my fancy towel. Honey? Is this not your service revolver?

Mallet: Yeah, I know.

Dinah: Oh, honey. You're going to do it. You're going to go after Matt. You were on the phone. Was that Griggs?

Mallet: Yeah, he called me.

Dinah: What did you say to him?

Mallet: Baby, I just want to keep you safe.

Dinah: By getting rid of Matt?

Mallet: Come on, you don't think I'd do that.

Dinah: Well, then you tell me what that gun is for.

Mallet: Protection.

Dinah: Protection? I'm going to be fine. They're just trying to scare you.

Mallet: Yeah, I know that.

Dinah: We can stop this, honey. We can stop this. We have gone after guys like this before.

Mallet: Yeah, I know.

Dinah: So what do we do? Let's just call... let's call the feds. Let's do that.

Mallet: Okay, I'll make some calls.

Dinah: Okay. We have options, honey. We do.

Mallet: Yeah, I know.

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: Yeah, I know.

Cyrus: Were you around Jenna when she was working?

Buzz: A few times. It's a thing of beauty-- also a felony, you know.

Cyrus: I was never lucky enough to meet her, but the stories I hard about her style, her class...

Buzz: They're all true.

Cyrus: How did you meet her?

Buzz: Some more coffee?

Cyrus: Sure, thanks. So you knew what she was.

Buzz: She was the woman for me. That's all that mattered.

Cyrus: But your son, your daughter, your granddaughter, son-in-law?

Buzz: I got it. I mean, they were cops. Well, Harley, you know, but... she was worth it. You know, cops, criminals, cats, dogs-- if it's worth it, you make it work.

Frank: I don't want any of my detectives to be walking around badgeless, so...

Marina: Thank you.

Frank: Sit down. Here we go. I have a confession to make.

Marina: You bugged my room?

Frank: No, not yet. But, anyway, you know, when you first started the job, honey, I was really, really worried about you.

Marina: That's your confession?

Frank: I followed you.

Marina: When?

Frank: Every day. Every day when you got in your little patrol car, I went to the impound and got a car and followed you just to make sure that you didn't get hurt. Now, I know I was supposed to trust you and...

Marina: Dad. I knew.

Frank: What?

Marina: I knew that. You followed me too closely.

Frank: Well, I had to follow you closely in case that...

Marina: In case anything happened. I know. And I guess I maybe kind of liked it a little. I mean, I was nervous, and it always felt nice to know that you were right behind me. It made me feel safe, and it always has.

Frank: Well, I didn't keep you safe when I pulled that trigger.

Marina: Dad, you need to let it go. It was a mistake.

Frank: It was because of him.

Marina: Let it go! I have.

Frank: Have you?

Marina: Okay, I am not seeing Cyrus Foley. I am not obsessed with Cyrus Foley. I am not anything with Cyrus Foley. And if I decide to...

Frank: If you decide to what? (Cell phone ringing) Honey, hold on a second. Cooper here.

Cop: Chief, I'm outside Company.

Frank: Is everything okay?

Cop: Well, Foley’s inside with your father. Do you want me to move in?

Frank: No, actually, why don't you just stay put, okay? I'm on my way. Thanks.

Marina: Everything okay?

Frank: Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Absolutely nothing for you to worry about. Listen, honey, I know I've been pushing you really hard and all that. It's just I never want to see my little girl get hurt again that's all. Okay?

Marina: Okay.

Frank: I love you.

Marina: Love you.

Daisy: Thanks for calling earlier. When I heard they let you go, I was afraid I'd never hear from you again. Now that you're not on the other side of the vent, I'm not even sure how I'm going to get this letter to you. But I'll find a way, wherever you are.

Rafe: So wait, Spaulding-- like Spaulding Spaulding?

Gus: Yeah. Yeah.

Rafe: Only you're not?

Gus: Well, it's my biological father, and I only actually found that out a little while ago. In fact, the guy that raised me is a really good guy, cop, named Joe, Joseph. That's how you got your middle name.

Rafe: Right, but he's dead.

Gus: That's right.

Harley: Let's have cake. I made you a cake.

Gus: Yeah, the cake.

Harley: It says “Welcome Home”.

Rafe: No thanks. No.

Gus: It's kind of like a little tradition. New guy gets the cake around here.

Harley: Just think of it was our first family activity.

Rafe: I don't want any of your cake, okay?

Harley: Macrobiotic?

Gus: Could have been worse.

Harley: Yes, he could have thrown the cake at me. What do you think? What are you hiding? You are so quiet over here. Where in the world did you get this?

Zach: My big brother.

Cyrus: No, no, I can't do that. I've got to work.

Buzz: No, no, no, no, no. Alexandra will understand. She can drive you tonight.

Cyrus: Yeah, I'll let you propose that one.

Buzz: Did I ever hear about Jenna and the Hapsburg tiara?

Cyrus: Yeah, I never believed that one.

Buzz: I saw a picture of it.

Cyrus: It was true? All of it? The fake beauty pageant, the fire in the theater?

Buzz: Yeah. I saw a picture of her winning the dance contest. And she was something.

Cyrus: And she retired to a life as a wife and a mother.

Buzz: Mostly.

Cyrus: Mostly?

Buzz: Are you really willing to play Jeeves for the Spaulding’s?

Cyrus: Jeeves is a butler.

Buzz: You know what I mean.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Buzz: You know, I have a lot of people I care a lot about who have a lot riding on you.

Cyrus: Look, Marina and I are just...

Buzz: No, I mean Alex.

Cyrus: Alexandra gave me a chance, Buzz, and that means something to me. Will I miss the rush of my old life? Maybe. But I've got an opportunity for more, and I owe that to Alexandra.

Buzz: Yes, you do.

Cyrus: Of all the wealthy ladies I've seen and scammed in my time, I've never met one like this.

Alexandra: I saw the "Closed" sign, but I assumed it didn't apply to me.

Buzz: Open or closed, you're always welcome.

Alexandra: Yeah. Hi there. How are you?

Buzz: Horrible. How are you?

Alexandra: Oh, not so good. I've been better, but then of course...

Buzz: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Stop, stop, stop. You stay put. Is everything okay here?

Buzz: What are you doing? Yeah, it's fine. We're just having coffee.

Frank: Yeah, the question is, why are you having coffee with him?

Buzz: Because he came into the restaurant and ordered it? You know?

Cyrus: That's not against law, is it?

Marina: So glad we had our little talk.

Cyrus: Hey, Detective.

Harley: We invited this into our house.

Gus: I'm trying not to overreact right now.

Harley: Zach found it in his bag, a needle. It's his, obviously. Do you think this is heroin? What is this?

Gus: Don't start thinking it's heroin. You don't know that. Look, just give me a minute to think about this.

Harley: I can't have this in the house. I can't have this in the house. This, I can't handle. Drugs?

Gus: I'm trying to get this kid's trust, okay? And if he's got a drug problem, I'm going to need twice as much trust. Just don't jump all over him.

Harley: I won't jump all over him.

Gus: Let me just handle this. Please, let me just...

Harley: Let me think about it for a second, okay? He's your son. Obviously we have to help him.

Gus: Right.

Harley: So you have to handle it, and you'll do what's best, and I'll stay out of it.

Gus: Yes, I will handle it right now.

Harley: Okay. You look at what my son found in your bag, where he could just grab out of the bag.

Rafe: Only if he was going through my stuff.

Harley: You've been out of juvie for what, two minutes, and you score? You know how dangerous this stuff is?

Rafe: Yeah, in between the "Our home is your home" speech and the "Welcome home" cake, I scored it from the soccer mom next door? Come on!

Gus: All right, all right, nobody is angry at you, okay? We're just trying to...

Harley: So you're telling me that there are no drugs in your bag? Because I'm holding a needle in my hands.

Rafe: It's a good thing you caught me when you did, okay? Because I could've caused some real damage.

Gus: Thank you for letting me handle it. Thank you.

Harley: You weren't saying anything!

Gus: I was just about to say something to him.

Harley: Were you?

Gus: Yes.

Harley: Because it wasn't so long ago that you had your own battle.

Dinah: Let's try Jeffrey. He still has connections in government.

Mallet: I don't want to bring Jeffrey in right now.

Dinah: All right, maybe you're right. Well, then, what do you think? Call the F.B.I., the A.T.F.?

Mallet: I don't know, baby, just let me think. I don't know. I don't know.

Dinah: All right. You know what? I'm calling my mom. She needs to know all about this, get it in the open.

Mallet: Don't bring your mom into this.

Dinah: No, I think we... (screams)

Mallet: Baby, are you all right?

Dinah: I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm shaky, that's all. The car did not hit me.

Mallet: That car was coming at you.

Dinah: I stumbled when I saw him. I know that. I know that. The whole thing is my fault.

Mallet: It's your fault that that car almost hit you?

Dinah: It's my fault. I was dialing the cell phone. I stepped into the street, and I wasn't watching where I was going.

Mallet: That car came right at you.

Dinah: I'm fine. It wasn't Griggs, okay? It was an accident. It was an accident.

Mallet: Right, right. I know. I know. You're right, baby. I know.

Gus: What's wrong with the bike?

Rafe: It's broken.

Gus: You know how to fix it?

Rafe: Don't worry about it. I got it, okay? I'm not high.

Gus: What you need to do is put the chain on the little sprocket there and just peel it forward.

Rafe: Just stop it, okay? You're making it worse, okay?

Gus: Funny thing about chains: You know, it's one weak link, and the whole chain seems to fall apart.

Rafe: You don't even know what you're talking about. You talk too much, you know that?

Gus: Seems like one thing we share is a lack of mechanical skills. Look, the reason that Harley freaked out is, she saw a needle around the kids, you know, and she's just worried about the kids. She doesn't want to have any drugs around them. I mean, you understand that, you know? So she's worried about that, and I'm worried about you and...

Rafe: Don't, okay? And no more lectures, please.

Gus: All right. No more lectures. I don't like lectures, either. I just thought I'd tell you about a little problem that I had. I had a little addiction problem. It almost ruined my life.

Frank: Why is the "Closed" sign on the door?

Buzz: Because we're closed, Frank.

Frank: Except for him.

Buzz: We were talking.

Frank: About what?

Buzz: Crime, Frank.

Frank: That I believe.

Marina: Dad, back off.

Buzz: What are you doing?

Frank: What do you mean, what I'm doing? I got a tip that he was here.

Buzz: You got somebody watching this guy?

Frank: I don't trust this guy, and neither should you.

Alexandra: You know something? Everything seems just fine to me. And when I came in, they were talking about me.

Buzz: How do you know that?

Alexandra: Well, I wasn't eavesdropping, if that's what you're suggesting.

Frank: Do I need to remind you that Cyrus Foley kidnapped your granddaughter?

Buzz: Do I need to remind you that I own this restaurant, and anybody I want can come here anytime I want?

Frank: I am not wrong how I feel about this guy.

Buzz: Frank, could you be more subtle about it? What, you're disappointed that you didn't come in here and see him robbing me?

Frank: What are you guys talking about?

Dinah: What can we tell him? (Cell phone ringing)

Mallet: Don't go in yet. Hold on. (Cell phone ringing) It's the station. I've got to take this. So you go in, but don't tell Matt anything, okay?

Dinah: Okay. (Cell phone ringing)

Mallet: What?

Griggs: You know what I hate about this town? Not enough crosswalks. Yeah, it's hazardous for pedestrian traffic.

Mallet: Yeah, Griggs, you know what? I think I get your point. But you stay away from Dinah.

Griggs: If you got my point, the job would be done by now. So what's the holdup, Tony? Are you going to do the job, or, I don't know, maybe you are ready to say good-bye to that lovely life of yours, one last time?

Mallet: Okay. Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'm on my way to meet Matt right now. So you will get what you want.

Dylan: Hi.

Daisy: Hi.

Dylan: I am so sorry I have not been able to visit you before this week. I've just been away on business so much. I missed you, though. I missed seeing my little girl.

Daisy: That's okay. Billy and Reva have visited a lot, and they keep me filled in, updated.

Dylan: I've been keeping tabs on you, too, so what's the story with the guy?

Daisy: What guy?

Dylan: The guy that you tried to sneak out of your room to see.

Daisy: Did Hannigan rat me out?

Dylan: Reva, actually. So who is he?

Daisy: He's just a friend.

Dylan: A friend. What does that mean these days?

Daisy: Just like it sounds. I don't know.

Dylan: So he's a friend, he's a buddy. He's a guy you play cards with, play catch...

Daisy: Play catch?

Dylan: Whatever friends do these days. What do they do?

Daisy: We didn't do anything. We talked. It was through a vent.

Dylan: All right, so what's the story? Why him?

Daisy: Why him? I don't know. He had something about him. He was really strong but hurt at the same time. And, like, nothing got to him, but everything kind of did, too. Does this make any sense?

Dylan: No, not at all.

Daisy: No, not to me, either. I can't stop thinking about him. I don't even know his name.

Gus: I am a recovering addict. That's who I am. That's who I'll always be. But that's not all that I am.

Rafe: So, what, we're supposed to bond now because I'm using, too?

Gus: Something like that.

Rafe: No thank you.

Gus: You know, I think it's just important that we talk about the last 16 years. If we don't talk about other things, that's fine, but the last 16 years, you should know what I've been up to, and I'd like to know what the last 16 years were like for you.

Rafe: Maybe later.

Gus: Okay. Although I think you would like the story. It's a good story. And I was actually just going to tell you all the good parts, but I've been rethinking it lately that I would tell you all of it, because I want to be honest with you, and I want to be fair.

Rafe: What was it, coke?

Gus: My little problem?

Rafe: Yeah.

Gus: No, it was painkillers, the strong ones, the really strong ones.

Rafe: How did you get hooked?

Gus: Just the way that people do. It starts off slow, and then one thing leads to... I'm sure that you've seen people in your neighborhood go down the wrong road.

Rafe: Yeah.

Gus: Yeah. So, look, I never thought it would be me until it was me, you know? And it almost ruined my life.

Rafe: So why did you stop?

Gus: Harley and the kids. If it wasn't for them, I'd be dead. So I'm sure that's a little disappointing to hear that after 16 years, you wonder who your father is, and this is... you find out this is who I am.

Rafe: I've heard worse.

Gus: We don't have to talk about this, get into it. Just like you said, I talk too much. But you can understand why I need to know about the needle, right?

Rafe: Would you believe me if I told you I'm not doing drugs?

Gus: Try me.

Rafe: Look, the only person who knows is my mother, all right? Nobody else.

Mallet: Sorry to keep everyone waiting.

Dinah: Hi. First of all, Matt and my mother have some very good news.

Vanessa: Yes, we do. We're going to give it another try.

Dinah: Isn't that great? Matt, tell him the rest.

Matt: Well, I don't want to jinx it, but I've got a deal. It looks like it may go through.

Mallet: What kind of a deal?

Matt: Well, it's an investment opportunity. It's a small one, nothing like the last one.

Vanessa: But it's a good one. It's legit.

Matt: Right, it's going to enable me to start to pay off the other one. It might take me 20 years, but...

Dinah: Isn't that great?

Mallet: 20 years? 20 years?

Dinah: What's wrong? I think it sounds great. It's a reasonable offer.

Mallet: Yeah, you're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's celebrate the good news.

Cyrus: You know, you come to a certain age, and you think you're done answering to protective fathers.

Marina: Just so you know, I had nothing to do with having you followed. I am sticking to our agreement. We stay out of each other's lives.

Cyrus: Still sounds good to me.

Marina: Really? You just happened to stop by my family's restaurant?

Cyrus: You weren't there.

Marina: This time.

Cyrus: Look, I don't like being harassed, especially not in front of my employer.

Marina: It's really best if we just keep our distance.

Cyrus: Yeah, definitely.

Marina: It is nothing but trouble every time that we're around each other.

Cyrus: I hate trouble.

Alexandra: Are we ready to go? I have to get to the office.

Cyrus: Off we go.

Dinah: Maureen must be thrilled.

Matt: We all are.

Vanessa: Yup, so far so good.

Dinah: Oh, you know what? I think I got something on me. Let me get this out. I'll be right back.

Mallet: Hey, Matt, do you want to take a walk? Can I steal you away for a minute? Vanessa, I'll bring him right back.

Vanessa: Sure. Man talk. I respect it. Go, go.

Mallet: Okay. I wanted to surprise Dinah with a piece of jewelry I saw across the street in a store, and I thought I'd get a second opinion.

Matt: Well, let's go.

Mallet: Okay. And if we take too long, order us a second bottle of champagne.

Vanessa: I'll keep her busy, don't worry.

Mallet: And Vanessa, thanks.

Vanessa: Sure. It's the least I can do after all you've done for us. Go.

Gus: Hey, Rafe, I don't expect you to tell me all your deepest, darkest secrets, okay? But what's with the needle?

Rafe: I have diabetes. I've had it since I was, like, nine years old.

Gus: And you have to give yourself shots?

Rafe: Yeah, like three times a day.

Gus: Okay.

Rafe: My mother knew. She wanted to tell you about it, but I didn't want her to, because I don't like exactly talking about it.

Gus: Right, right. And then we offered you cake.

Rafe: If I had the cake, it wouldn't exactly have been a good thing.

Gus: I cannot tell you how sorry we are, and I speak for her, too, okay, that we jumped to conclusions, and we just thought the worst, you know? But that's why you've got to understand. We've got to go over this, this last 16 years. I don't know. You know, it's a lot of ground to cover. So let's go back inside and try this thing again. What do you say? Huh?

Rafe: I don't know about all of this, okay?

Gus: Well, we'll take a chance. You know, we'll work on things.

Rafe: You know what? Maybe you're right. I'm staying.

Daisy: Do you know this is against the rules?

Dylan: Shh. Hide it. Hide it well.

Daisy: I'll do my best. Was this really your idea?

Dylan: Was what my idea?

Daisy: Letting them send me here. Or were you just protecting Harley?

Dylan: We're a team.

Daisy: Not really. I really hate it here. And for a while, this place made me even angrier, made me want to lash out even more.

Dylan: You seem kind of happy here, strangely. You don't seem real angry right now.

Daisy: Yeah, I know. I made some really stupid mistakes, but I've learned. I really don't think I'm going to do that stuff anymore. I don't know.

Dylan: I believe you.

Daisy: I just really want to come home. I even want to live with Harley.

Dylan: Yeah?

Daisy: Yeah.

Dylan: Okay. Well, I'll make some calls. I'll see what I can do.

Daisy: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Marina: Grandpa?

Buzz: Yes?

Marina: Sorry about the mess before.

Buzz: You didn't cause the mess.

Marina: I know, but still... dad's whole thing with Cyrus, what do you think?

Buzz: I was having coffee with the guy. What does that tell you?

Marina: True. Thanks. I don't know. Trouble just seems to follow that poor guy around.

Buzz: Yeah. Is that what you think, or is that what your dad thinks?

Marina: I don't know.

Buzz: Everybody deserves a second chance. You know?

Marina: I know.

Buzz: I did. Jenna did. And she turned out to be a great wife and mother.

Marina: You know, I'm just not so sure that Cyrus wants a second chance.

Buzz: How do you know?

Marina: Well, I think that he still likes his old life.

Buzz: Well, he may. But you'll never really know until you give him a chance.

Marina: You think I should?

Buzz: Not my call. Not your dad's call.

Dinah: Sorry that took so long.

Vanessa: Hi, honey.

Dinah: Where did the boys go?

Vanessa: They... well, they... boy, I'm not very good at that, am I?

Dinah: What?

Vanessa: I'm not supposed to tell you, but I'll tell you. Mallet saw a nice piece of jewelry down on Main Street, and so he asked Matt to go with him because he wanted a second opinion.

Dinah: Oh, that's sweet! You're the jewelry expert. Why not ask you to go? Why would he have to have Matt go with him?

Matt: I didn't know there were any jewelry stores around here, Mallet, unless I've missed something.

Mallet: Yeah, there aren't any, Matt. I didn't just want to do this in front of Dinah and Vanessa.

Matt: Do what?

Mallet: Matt, these guys that you borrowed the money from, they're not exactly the 20-year payment plan types.

Matt: Well, I know what you said. I know you said these guys would be ticked off about not getting their money right away. Have you heard something else, or...

Mallet: Not exactly.

Matt: Well, then I've got to get word to these guys. I've got to let them know that I'm working on a new deal...

Mallet: Matt, they're not interested in new deals! Do you understand that? They're not interested in how hard you're working to make good on your debt. They're not interested in any of that. They're interested in making you an example.

Matt: All right, all right. I'll pack up Maureen and Vanessa, and we'll get out of town. We'll just take some time and get away. (Cocks gun)

Mallet: It's too late for that. I'm sorry.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: Sometimes things happen while you don't see them coming, you know? You don't expect it.

Mallet: It's not about you anymore, man! It's about Dinah, and I will protect her. (Gunshot)

Griggs: Just know that I have someone watching your wife, and if anything should happen to me, need I say more?

Dinah: Could you tell me what your earliest flight to Spain is, please? Two passengers.

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