Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/15/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Natalia: I like this. I do the moving, you do the lifting.
Remy: Just being a good neighbor. It's not like you have a lot of stuff.
Natalia: Yeah, wait till you see my bowling ball collection.
Gus: Hey, how you doing, Nat?
Natalia: Hi! Thank you so much for coming through for Rafe.
Gus: Oh, I wanted to do more for him.
Remy: You got room for one more in the... trunk.
Gus: Hey. So, what are you doing?
Natalia: I'm moving. Rafe is coming home, so I need a place of my own.
Gus: Moving where?
Natalia: 124 Barlow Street in Landon.
Gus: I don't think that's a very good idea.
Daisy: I hope he's okay, I mean, because I haven't talked to him since his hearing, so...
Ashlee: Well, maybe he's in his room, studying his state capitols.
Daisy: Coop, Coop, Coop, Coop, Coop...
Ashlee: Okay, stop it.
Daisy: I don't know what's going on out there. Or what if he got out of this place?
Ashlee: Well, that would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
Daisy: Not if I don't get to see him again.
Rafe: Mom?
Harley: Not exactly.
Rafe: Look, my mom's on her way to pick me up.
Harley: Oh, good, then I'm glad I caught you. Um, maybe we can talk before you go.
Rafe: We... we don't got nothing to talk about.
Harley: Well, I thought we could talk about your dad.
Rafe: Look, I said we've got nothing to talk about.
Mel: I hate when people do that.
Jeffrey: So what you got going there, Melissande?
Mel: And I hate it when you call me by my full name.
Jeffrey: All right, fine. If you don't want to keep me posted on the case...
Mel: What do you want to know?
Jeffrey: Well, first of all, I want to know why you're helping your ex-husband-- your cheating ex-husband-- get custody of his mistress' baby.
Mel: It's just a job, and I'm just a hell of a gal.
Jeffrey: Yeah, or a glutton for punishment.
Mel: Rick is a very good father. I have a well-adjusted teenaged daughter to prove it.
Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.
Mel: Oh, you might want to give Cassie a heads-up.
Jeffrey: Why?
Mel: She'll have to testify.
Jeffrey: What?
Mel: Well, after everything Alan did to Tammy, you would put her on the stand.
Jeffrey: No, I would not, and you shouldn't either.
Mel: Are you kidding? I mean, who better to tell the world that he and Beth aren't even fit to own a dog, rather raise a child.
Jeffrey: Cassie is not up to this.
Mel: Excuse me, I have been hired to protect an innocent child, okay? Cassie is going to have to get someone else to protect her.
Jeffrey: Okay, now, you listen to me, okay? Cassie would make a lousy witness. That's why I did not put her on the stand during Josh's trial.
Mel: Didn't you lose Josh's trial?
Josh: Hey, Jeffrey, hi.
Jeffrey: Hey. Cassie here?
Josh: No, actually, you just missed her. I'll tell her you came by, though...
Jeffrey: I'll wait.
Reva: I know I shouldn't be calling yet, Jonathan. I'm just checking in. No, don't worry. I'm keeping an eye on Lizzie.
Alan: Where is the last place you were standing with Reva that you can remember? Where?
Lizzie: Uh... over here or over there. I don't know. I've told you everything that I know.
Alan: Elizabeth, I brought you here so that you would remember all of the things that you are forgetting. Now, come on, we're going to retrace every step you made that night and see if that helps you.
Lizzie: You mean literally retrace?
Alan: Yes. Now, go.
Lizzie: Okay. I walked in, I walked down here, Reva came in. We were talking. Dot, dot, dot-- I wake up at the Beacon two days later. Why do you care so much? Unless you think this is how it starts.
Alan: How what starts?
Lizzie: What happened to dad. You think I'm losing it? You think I'm going crazy?
Reva: Everything's fine. I covered my tracks. We're safe, Jonathan.
Alan: No, I don't think you're crazy, Elizabeth. But I don't think you dropped off the face of the earth all by yourself. Was there a boat here at the dock when you were talking to Reva?
Lizzie: I don't think so. I... I don't know.
Alan: Do you remember saying good-bye to her?
Lizzie: No.
Alan: Well, so you're memory loss began in the middle of your conversation with her somewhere, huh?
Lizzie: I guess it did.
Alan: All right, now, you said you had been drinking. Do you remember ever handing her your drink?
Lizzie: You think she slipped something in my drink?
Alan: I think Reva is capable of anything.
Lizzie: Why would she do that?
Alan: Because she hates our family.
Lizzie: She doesn't hate me. I don't think.
Alan: Well, we'll find out.
Reva: I've got to go. Hi.
Cassie: Hi. I haven't seen you around.
Reva: Well, I've been busy. You okay?
Cassie: Yeah. Um... you kept your word, right? You didn't tell anyone about Beth’s paternity test and how I switched the results.
Reva: What, do you think I changed my mind and went running to Josh?
Cassie: Well, I didn't know. But I'm glad that you didn't, that he doesn't know. Because he is really busy with his studies right now and he's happy, Reva.
Reva: And you don't think he'd agree with what you did?
Cassie: I know that Alan doesn't deserve that little girl, but I am not about to pull Josh into this position. If he knew what I did...
Reva: Have you changed your mind about what you did?
Cassie: No, I haven’t. I keep waiting to feel guilty, but I don’t. I would do it again.
Reva: Right, because when a child needs protection, sometimes you have to make difficult choices.
Cassie: Yeah. Although I'm starting to wonder, was I really thinking about that baby or was it just good old fashioned revenge?
Jeffrey: Wow. Whew, so you're on board with all this, huh?
Josh: On board with all what?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, organized religion, doing things because people tell you to?
Josh: I wouldn't put it that way myself.
Jeffrey: And what about Cassie? Is she okay with it?
Josh: She's on board, yes. I mean, I wouldn't be going through all of this if she wasn’t.
Jeffrey: And her faith-- you think it's as strong as yours is?
Josh: Why would you ask me that?
Jeffrey: Well, because she... she lost a daughter just three months ago. Maybe she's still harboring a grudge against old gray beard up there, not to mention Alan Spaulding.
Josh: Actually, I think she’s... she's getting past the Alan Spaulding thing, you know. I mean, every since the paternity test.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. I'm glad she told you about that. You know, I didn't want to get involved with that at first, but... she was right. And we found that lab rat hanging out at Company.
Josh: What?
Jeffrey: You said that she told you.
Josh: Yeah, she told me that the baby is Rick’s and not Alan’s and that she was there... what did you say about a lab rat?
Jeffrey: Well, Cassie figured out that Alan was trying to fix the paternity test, so she wanted me to help her stop him.
Josh: She came to you?
Jeffrey: Yeah. We found the guy, the lab rat that Alan had paid off. Anyway, we... we straightened it out.
Josh: She came to you, and you just jumped right in?
Jeffrey: She asked for a favor and I came through, yeah. I mean, if you're upset because she came to me...
Josh: Well, I... if I'm upset, it's because you helped her go after Alan. I mean, that's what it sounds like, right?
Jeffrey: Well, I think that the ends in this case justify what she was...
Josh: Why didn't you just say no? I mean, why didn't you just not take the job?
Jeffrey: She wasn't a client, Josh. She was a friend who needed some help.
Josh: A friend? Yeah, well you, I think, helped her to take a couple of steps back.
Gus: Look at this-- a string of deli robberies. Where? Landon, possibly drug-related. You mind?
Natalia: Let me see him.
Gus: Right here. Natalia.
Natalia: Well, you hate Landon-- I get it. Did they beat Springfield High in the big homecoming game?
Gus: It's a bad place, okay? They've got drug problems, the cops are overwhelmed, they can’t... you want to go down to the station, we'll look at the numbers. Now, what... what did you say about high school?
Natalia: Rafe's got a year. He'll finish.
Gus: Yeah. No, he won't if he gets in with the wrong crowd.
Natalia: Okay, you know what? There are a lot of bad tippers in this town, and I owe your wife money.
Gus: What are we talking about here?
Natalia: Landon is what I can afford.
Gus: Okay, but Rafe needs a good school. He needs a good school to go to.
Natalia: Rafe grew up in the city, like we did. I really appreciate you wanting to help, but he's a big kid and he can hold his own, and so can I. And Remy will be there.
Gus: Remy?
Natalia: We're going to be neighbors. He's the one who told me about the apartment.
Gus: Did Remy talk you into this?
Natalia: I always make my own choices, Gus. Been doing it a long time.
Gus: I understand that. I know you have. But now we have a son to worry about.
Natalia: I've always had a son to worry about.
Remy: Hey, you walked away, man. Just keep walking.
Natalia: Remy, please...
Gus: Why don't you mind your own business? What's wrong with this place? It's cute, right? You've got room upstairs. You roll out of bed in the morning, and you've got a job here.
Natalia: I can’t.
Gus: Why?
Natalia: A lot of reasons. I don't want to be in the middle of this, living here with her family...
Gus: Did my wife say something to you?
Natalia: You think she wants me here? Rafe and I are good on our own.
Gus: Right. And that's always been your decision up to now, right? Not mine. I'm ready to be a father to my son, if you don't mind.
Natalia: Oh, yeah. Well, you want him in your life, you get me, too. Can you and Harley handle that? Can you pull the car around, please?
Harley: Well, you know, I didn't grow up with a dad, either, so I know how it is.
Rafe: Yeah? Tell me, how is it?
Harley: You know, you think you've gotten along on your own all those years, you and your mother, and then here comes this person who wants you to be in your life. I know for me, it was no picnic. It took a lot of work and it took a lot of time. And I'm committed to that, and I know that Gus is.
Rafe: Did your dad show up with a wife and a couple kids that aren't even his?
Harley: No, but then Frank and I didn't come with any people, either, if you know what I mean. There are a lot of dynamics here. We were on our own, too. And, for the record, I am very grateful to have my dad in my life, and actually, I brought pictures of everybody in my family, so you can...
Rafe: You made the whole thing up?!
Harley: No.
Rafe: You come here looking all put together trying to sell me some story about how tough your life was?
Harley: Unfortunately, no, Rafe.
Rafe: What, and now you think that, because you've got it good, that somehow your better than us.
Harley: He's a good man, and he wants to know you. He does!
Rafe: He's just some guy who knocked up my mother, bailed on her, and had to settle for you.
Harley: Wow! I guess you got it all figured out, don't you? Well, here's something you don't know. Gus didn't know about you. Your mother never told him about...
Rafe: We're good.
Harley: What do that mean, we're good?
Rafe: It means I'm done with him, and you, too.
Harley: You know what the problem is? I'm not done with you.
Ashlee: What's the capital of New Jersey?
Daisy: You're killing me.
Ashlee: No, close-- Trenton. Okay, what's the capital of Washington, D.C.? Yes, it was a trick. You see, I wanted to take your mind off of "Vent boy" for two seconds.
Daisy: Do state capitals take your mind off of Coop?
Ashlee: Well, at least I did something about it.
Daisy: What did you just do?
Ashlee: Well, I mean, nothing new, but, you know... are we going to do this or what?
Daisy: I should totally do something.
Ashlee: Oh, oh, sure. You could, like, roll yourself into a ball and then I could bounce you through the vent.
Daisy: I think I could do that.
Ashlee: Daisy, I was kidding.
Daisy: No, really. Do you have, like, a file or something?
Ashlee: No... hey! Okay, listen, Shawshank, if Hannigan catches us, we're going to be in such... you are not doing this.
Daisy: Oh, but I am. I am going to go find Vent boy.
Harley: Okay, Rafe, I can see I'm not winning you over with my charm. Let me tell you something-- we all make choices in life. If you choose not to know your father, that's your loss. I don't know you. Are you a smart kid? Do you make good choices? You're in here. Maybe not. If you could just give your dad a chance, just get to know him...
Natalia: I've got it.
Gus: You don't have to do everything by yourself anymore. Listen, Rafe and... and you are my family now, and I want to do the right thing by you, okay? Come here. Just for a second. I know that you're used to taking care of everything by yourself. I... I know that and I admire that. I admire the hell out of that. But you don't have to anymore, and I know you're probably not wanting to invest in me because you think I'm going to bail out again. And I... you know, I deserve that, I guess. But that's not going to happen. Nat, we're not kids anymore, okay? We have a kid. And all I'm asking is if you and Raphael can make a little room in your life for me.
Natalia: I want that very much.
Gus: Good. Listen, I didn't know we were going to do this today. I don’t... this is everything I have in my wallet right now, okay? I want to you take this...
Natalia: You trying to buy me?
Gus: No, I'm trying to just... no, I just... I want to help you.
Natalia: By giving me money?
Gus: No, by stopping you from making a bad choice for Rafe.
Natalia: It's charity and I don't want it.
Gus: It's not charity. Look, think of it as child support, all right?
Natalia: You're not helping me, you're judging me. So keep it. You keep your cash and you keep your judgments.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: Josh, she came to me for help.
Josh: Yeah, I get that. And you could have said, "No, Cassie, I'm not going to help you go after Alan Spaulding," but you didn't do that. You know, she’s.. she's never going to get over Tammy’s death if she doesn't stop obsessing about him.
Jeffrey: She's never going to get over Tammy’s death, period, Josh! I came over here to tell you that she may be asked to testify against Alan at a custody hearing. Would you please give her that message?
Josh: Yes, I'll give her the message.
Jeffrey: Don't be hard on her, okay? She didn't do anything wrong.
Josh: No, she didn’t. You did.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Maybe she wouldn't have to come to me if she didn't think that, if she came to you, she would be judged.
Josh: Good-bye, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Keep studying those books, Josh. Save the world, okay? One suggestion-- start in your own backyard.
Cassie: Josh is reading all of these books and he's studying the scriptures, and he has a feeling that I just am not getting right now. He has a faith in a power that I'm not sure I totally trust.
Reva: Okay, Cassie, what you did... the reason I kept your secret had nothing to do with faith and religion. It was about being a mother, and going to hell and back to protect our kids.
Cassie: Yeah, well, sometimes that isn't enough. Anyway, thank you for not telling anyone.
Reva: Well, we have to do whatever we can to stop Alan from ruining other people's lives. The collateral damage is something we're just going to have to live with.
Alan: We need legal advice.
Jeffrey: You've come to the wrong place.
Alan: No, no, not for me. For Elizabeth.
Jeffrey: Is this about Lizzie’s blackout?
Alan: That's right.
Jeffrey: Well, I told Beth, I don't do rehab.
Alan: I know what you told her, but I know that you're a very smart man. And you just don't go on a two day binge.
Jeffrey: Alan, I saw the room, okay? Either Lizzie was partying or Jim Morrison is still alive.
Alan: Elizabeth has her issues, but you don't show up missing after two days with a tattoo.
Jeffrey: A tattoo?
Lizzie: Of a butterfly.
Jeffrey: Where did you get that?
Reva: Oh, at the mall.
Alan: Now, the last person she was with was Reva, and I wouldn't put it anything past her.
Jeffrey: What, so you think Reva is behind this somehow? Why?
Alan: To attack my family. She took Elizabeth somewhere and did God knows what?
Jeffrey: I should have left town when I had the chance. Reva, it's Jeffrey O’Neill.
Reva: Oh, hi!
Jeffrey: Hi! I have Alan Spaulding in my room right now, and he thinks that you kidnapped Lizzie Spaulding, and he's not going to go anywhere until he gets some answers. Maybe you can come over here and help us out.
Reva: Yeah, yeah, I'm... I'm on my way.
Jeffrey: Maybe you could give me something, you know, to tie him over until you get here.
Reva: Sure. Tell him I confess.
Harley: Ow!
Mel: Oh, Harley, are you okay?
Harley: Yeah, I'm fine. I just came from the juvie center...
Mel: I just mean your arm.
Harley: Oh. Ow, yeah, I'm fine.
Mel: Oh! So it's Daisy, huh?
Harley: Uh, no, I've actually learned to deal with the whole Daisy thing very well. It's, um... it's Gus' son. It's Rafe.
Mel: Really? I thought everything was okay with that. I mean, I talked to the judge from his trial.
Harley: Oh, no, no, no. He's actually... he's getting out today. Thank you for your help with that.
Mel: Okay. Well, Remy seemed to think that Rafe needed all of the help he can get, so...
Harley: Yeah. I... I tried to sort of bond with him a little today. You know, I...
Mel: Wasn't going to make it easy for you.
Harley: ...Want to like that kid. He wasn't, no.
Mel: Come on, sit down.
Harley: You know, I have a nice family now. I'm inviting him into my nice family, and was showing him my nicest self. What's not to like?
Mel: Oh! Oh!
Harley: What, "Oh"?
Mel: He doesn't have to like you, Harley. I mean, don't be a martyr. Mark your turf now.
Harley: What does that mean?
Mel: Well, you're married to the guy who left his mother alone and pregnant, okay? The kid probably thinks that, if Gus had stayed, life would have been easier for her.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, but... but Gus didn't even know he had a son.
Mel: Harley, if you try to go all mom with him...
Harley: No, no, no. I just... I implied strongly that he really needs to give Gus a chance here. You know, Gus wants to make up for all those years. He wants to take care of Natalia and Rafe.
Mel: Hmm.
Harley: You're freaking out me out with that. What?
Mel: Because I... I've been through it. I'm still going through it, you know. It used to be Rick and me, and now I feel like that our marriage was... was some sort of blip on the Rick and Beth timeline.
Harley: First of all, I know I'm not a blip, but, also, don't put your marriage down. You guys really loved each other.
Mel: Well, our marriage was way over before this baby came into play. But Rick’s connection with Beth, you know, the history that they spent... I just... I didn't give it enough credit. And now they're sharing a child who will always be in my life because of Leah.
Harley: But your helping Rick?
Mel: Yeah, because it's the right thing to do.
Harley: Well, that's what I'm trying to do with... with Gus. I'm trying to help.
Mel: Right, and Gus is probably trying to do the right thing, too. And that's how it all starts, okay? It's trying to do the right thing to help a friend in need.
Harley: Okay. This is really comforting conversation.
Mel: All I'm saying is, protect your marriage first, okay?
Remy: Ease up, man. You can't run the kid's life like you've always been there.
Gus: Remy, I need you to butt out of this.
Remy: You can't tell Natalia what to do, either.
Gus: This is not about Natalia. This is about my son, this is about Raphael.
Remy: Not too sure about that, Gus.
Hannigan: These yours, Mr. Rivera?
Rafe: That's garbage.
Hannigan: Well, pick them up. Demerit.
Rafe: I'm leaving here today.
Hannigan: Good luck, kid.
Cassie: Hey.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: You taking a study break?
Josh: No, not really. Just... you didn't find what you were looking for, I guess, huh?
Cassie: Huh?
Josh: At the store.
Cassie: Oh, you know, the chicken didn't look good. I figured we'll just have pasta.
Josh: Well, you know, we could actually have an early dinner at Company. I'm meeting some divinity students there for coffee.
Cassie: Oh, okay, we can do that. Are... are you okay?
Josh: Yeah, yeah, I... Jeffrey came by. You might have to testify against Beth and Alan at the hearing.
Cassie: What would they want from me?
Josh: I don't know. Cassie, I... I know it's hard for you to forgive Alan and I can't really even ask you to do that. But I can't help but think that as long as you're still involved in this...
Cassie: How about we just... we'll talk about this later. I'm just going to change before we go out again, okay?
Alan: Well, Reva, you drugged my granddaughter, took her somewhere, kidnapped her, and people wrote all over her.
Jeffrey: Okay, back off, Alan.
Reva: Yeah, now, wait a minute. It was a tattoo and we picked it out together.
Alan: What?
Lizzie: Reva, what did you do to me?
Reva: Well, I didn't drug you. Come on, sweetie, we're busted. 'Fess up.
Lizzie: I have no idea what she's talking about.
Reva: Well, it was good. We partied, hard. It was like spring break weekend, only nobody took off their clothes. Well, of course, except you when they gave you the tattoo.
Lizzie: I don't remember.
Reva: Come on, Lizzie. We wanted to have some fun, you know. We talked about how stressed out we were, about everything with Sarah and Jonathan. You know, I told her to keep quiet to avoid this exact thing from happening.
Alan: Then why didn't you black out for two days, Reva, huh?
Reva: So that's your story and you're sticking to it, huh? Because I can handle my liquor better, even though I did have a bad headache, and the music from the party was still beating around in my... my head.
Lizzie: Party?
Reva: Yeah. At the hotel? The guys.
Alan: Guys, what guys?
Reva: I... just don't worry about it, Alan. I kept my eye on her most of the time. She drank me under the table, though. (Laughing)
Lizzie: Oh, God, did I... did I do anything really, really stupid?
Reva: Lizzie, I can't believe you don't remember. Honey... the security guard? Oh, well, he forgives you. I mean, he said there should have been a sign anyway. Nobody took any pictures.
Lizzie: If I was so out of it, why would you make get a tattoo?
Reva: Make you? Oh, I couldn't stop you. Mine's growing on me. (Laughing)
Alan: Tell me the truth: Does anything Reva is saying right now make sense in any way.
Reva: Oh, Alan, back off. You're the reason she's like this.
Lizzie: Like what? I'm not crazy.
Reva: No, honey, you're not crazy. You're terrified of this guy. I can't believe you don't remember what you told the pizza delivery guy about Alan’s...
Lizzie: I didn't mean it.
Alan: Mean what?
Reva: Well, it's probably best you don't remember. Alan, listen to me: This is the reason she doesn't come to you and tell you things like, "I got wasted." Because then you turn it into this big conspiracy theory. You know what, if you tune it down a notch, you know, maybe your family would come to you to tell you the truth about things.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Reva: Oh, sweetie, you know, I should have cut you off. I just...
Lizzie: No...
Reva: ...I didn't think you were that bad.
Lizzie: You took care of me and you brought me back here, right? Do you have any idea why I chose my hip?
Reva: Well, yeah, because you didn't want it to be out there where your mom could see it.
Alan: Well, Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Well, I don't think you have much of a case, Alan.
Alan: What do you mean? You mean you're going to just take Reva’s word for it?
Reva: I don't know what you want me to say.
Alan: Elizabeth, we're going home.
Jeffrey: Well, they're gone. But I have a couple of...
Natalia: God, what was I thinking coming here? You know what, I watched too many movies. That's my problem.
Remy: What do you mean?
Natalia: You know, in the movie with the long lost lovers and the storybook endings. They don't show you when Romeo and Juliet have to go home and they have to pay the rent, and they have to take out the trash, and they have to wait for a price check on aisle three.
Remy: Oh, look, I... I have to tell you something. I mean, I don't want to be the one to tell you, but...
Natalia: No, no, tell me.
Remy: Okay. Romeo and Juliet never make it home. (Laughter)
Natalia: You blew the ending for me now.
Remy: No, but seriously, life's messy. Gus is a jerk.
Natalia: Some of what he said is right. That apartment is pretty nasty.
Remy: It is not that bad, Natalia. You'll make it a home for your kid.
Natalia: Yeah.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hello.
Harley: How was your lunch?
Gus: I didn't have lunch.
Harley: Oh. Why? What happened?
Gus: Natalia is moving Rafe to Landon. I said, "Look, that's a place full of gangs, bad schools and it's overall a bad choice."
Harley: You didn't say "bad choice," though?
Gus: I went a little overboard and I... yeah, I did. I didn't want to insult her. I was trying to be a good dad.
Harley: Well, I... I insulted and pissed off Rafe. Yeah, I went to see him.
Gus: That's where you went?
Harley: That's where I went. I figured it would be the last time that I would have him as a captive audience. I wanted him to know how much you want to be his dad, that you want to do this. And I was realistic; I didn't think it would be some after school special, but I think he hates me.
Gus: No, it's me that he hates. He thinks that I dumped his mother. And the thing is, I don't even mind if he hates me. Go ahead, hate me. Just give me a chance to make you a better opportunity, a better life. That's all I'm saying. And, hon, I say at the same time I say you don't have to be a part of this, okay? I understand you have a lot to deal with.
Harley: Look, we can make this better. We really can. We... well, we can do this. We can do this.
Gus: Do what?
Harley: I'll tell you on the way. Come, forget about that. Come on.
Daisy: Ashlee, I hope you brought food.
Rafe: I got your note. I just came to say good-bye.
Harley: Natalia.
Natalia: Hi, I was just on my way to go get Rafe.
Harley: Well, we've been talking, and we have a win/win situation. Gus will get to know Rafe, Rafe will get to know Gus...
Natalia: What? What?
Gus: Here's what I was thinking-- you take that apartment, right? Let me get in there, and I'll put an alarm system in and whatever you need...
Harley: Fix it up.
Gus: ...And then maybe Rafe could live with me for this year, for the school year.
Harley: We have a great neighborhood with the best school districts. Let us do this.
Josh: Are you all right?
Cassie: Yeah. I... I just... I just don't know how to be with these people.
Josh: "These people."
Cassie: Okay, Josh, I'm really... I'm really proud of you, and I'm so proud of what you're doing.
Josh: Stop. Tell me.
Cassie: I just... earlier when we were meeting everyone and I was looking at all of their hopeful faces, I just thought "I'm... I'm not them. I don't have that kind of faith." And I know you do, and I think it's wonderful that you do, and I mean it when I tell you how happy I am for you.
Josh: I know that. And I wish there was some way I could help you to feel what I'm feeling, because...
Cassie: I know. But I'm not there yet. And I may... I may never get there.
Josh: It's okay. It's not a competition.
Cassie: It's more than that. It's that I might... I don't know that I even want to get there. God let my beautiful daughter die. And not even in a peaceful way. And he let the man who killed her go on with his life like nothing happened.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: I don't want... I don't want to welcome that kind of God into my life. I don’t. And as far as I'm concerned, he's right up there with Alan.
Jeffrey: Reva! I'm glad I caught up with you.
Reva: Have another ciggy. (Laughter) Is there something else you wanted?
Jeffrey: Actually, there is. You see, I want to know why you kidnapped Lizzie Spaulding.
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