Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/14/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Is that one of those hot stud model photographs that come with the frame?
Cassie: I didn't hear you come up.
Josh: I brought pastries.
Cassie: Good, we can use them.
Josh: Wow, the place looks great. You've been busy, huh?
Cassie: Really, you think? You think it's going to be okay?
Josh: Yeah, yeah. I think it's going to be great. It's just lunch, Cassie.
Cassie: With the Reverend and his wife.
Josh: Stephen and Maggie. They're just regular folk, just like maybe we can be someday.
Cassie: Let's hope so.
Beth: You're working?
Alexandra: Yes, yes. I'm working very hard to prove myself to Alan yet once again.
Beth: Well, I was hoping I could borrow your limo and your driver.
Alexandra: Well, it depends on what you mean by borrow.
Beth: I have some errands to run.
Alexandra: Ah. What? I hope it's not another prenatal checkup. Which dad are you going to have tag along this time, Alan or Rick?
Beth: Not funny.
Alexandra: Tell it to me.
Beth: Don't you know that I hate this? If I could go back in time and change things I would jump on it.
Alexandra: Just like you jumped on Dr. Rick.
Beth: Can I borrow the limo or not?
Alexandra: Cyrus? Cyrus, Beth. Beth, Cyrus. She needs to go somewhere. You make sure she gets there and doesn't pick up anyone on the way.
Cyrus: You got it.
Alexandra: I have some errands for you to run for me. Now, this has to go to the jewelers to be cleaned. Please be very careful with it, of course. It's an heirloom.
Cyrus: I can see why.
Jeffrey: Ah, the Police Blotter. It's like the sports page for cops, isn't it? Did you get a mention?
Marina: Do you know how many of these losers are repeat offenders?
Jeffrey: I would imagine most of them. Crime is a hard habit to break.
Marina: Some people do, right? I mean, some ex-cons go on to be productive citizens.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, they say that Mother Teresa was once busted for a B & E. She turned out okay.
Marina: I'm being serious.
Jeffrey: What's going on?
Marina: Nothing. Never mind.
Alexandra: I had promised this to Lizzie some time ago, but every time I look at it I get second thoughts.
Beth: That's nice.
Cyrus: I wouldn't let it out of my sight if I were you.
Beth: Are we ready to go here?
Cyrus: Yeah, I'll bring the car around.
Alexandra: Beth, is something wrong?
Beth: No. No, I just... I'm waiting to get a message from Lizzie.
Alexandra: Well, is everything all right?
Beth: I don't know. I haven't heard from her in two days.
Alexandra: Where is she?
Beth: No idea. No email, no voice mail, no note. It’s... that's the reason that I want to borrow your car and your driver, so I can go to all her favorite places and see if I can find her.
Alexandra: Well, you know what? I really wouldn't worry about here. She's probably hiding out in some spa, you know, running up her grandfather's charge cards.
Beth: Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right.
Reva: How's that? Oh, boy. I am so sorry that we had to do it like this, all zonked out, but we're almost done. Okay. Hey, Jonathan, it's me. How did everything go? Is everything okay? Good. Lizzie's fine. I have everything under control.
Josh: The dress is fantastic. Hey, right on time. How are you? Come on in. Nice to see you.
Stephen: You remember Maggie?
Josh: Yes, of course I do. And this is Cassie. Cassie's my...
Cassie: Fiancée.
Josh: ...Fiancée.
Cassie: It's nice to meet you. Mrs. Rutledge, Reverend, hi, welcome.
Stephen: Please, Stephen and Maggie. We're not in church now.
Maggie: I've been anxious to get to know you, Cassie.
Josh: Well, and no one's ever disappointed once they do get to know Cassie, so...
Maggie: Well, I love your house.
Cassie: Well, thank you. Come on in. We like it.
Stephen: Josh, these are for you. They may help you in your studies.
Josh: Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I'm still going to have about a million questions, though, I'm sure.
Cassie: Who doesn't? Well, is anyone thirsty? Reverend... Stephen, can I offer you coffee or tea...
Stephen: Nothing for me right now, thanks.
Maggie: I’ll take a tea.
Cassie: Tea. Sure, you got it. Oh! Damn it. Oh God, I’m sorry, I did not mean to swear.
Stephen: Just so you know, we have a “swear jar” in our kitchen and I think that I have single handedly funded our daughters college education.
Josh: Nice. We will not rat you out, we promise.
Cassie: Well, Josh doesn’t swear at all. Anyway...
Josh: Sure I do. I swear all the time. This is not an addition for me either, right?
Cassie: I just mean that you are gonna make an amazing minister. That’s all, people trust him.
Stephen: I know. Listen, I have some coursework that you may want to take a look at.
Josh: Okay. I'll be back.
Cassie: All right.
Maggie: Cassie? The tea?
Cassie: Right. Sorry. I'm going to use this.
Maggie: You've made a really good decision. But it's a lot of work.
Cassie: Oh, well, Josh is definitely, definitely up for it.
Maggie: Well, it's not just him, Cassie. The Reverend and his wife are a team. You're in this, too.
Cassie: Do you take milk in your tea?
(Knocking on door)
Reva: Billy? Oh! Ah, hey, cowboy.
Billy: What are you doing here?
Reva: I was napping until you barged in on me, even though it is your own room.
Billy: Barged into my own place.
Reva: Yeah. How was Venezuela? How's Bill?
Billy: Good, good. Good, good. He misses us all here. What are you doing here again?
Reva: I like your couch. It's really good for my back. And I love the room service.
Billy: You don't want to spend time in your own place. I get it, okay.
Reva: That's not true. No, I... why wouldn't I want to be there? All those memories of Cross Creek right there in my own home. I love living there.
Billy: Until you don’t.
Reva: Is it okay if I crash here?
Billy: That depends on whether you spent the night alone or not.
Reva: Yes, I was alone. Just me and my thoughts.
Lizzie: Oh. Hello? Is anybody here? Oh, thank God. All right, I know that much.
Beth: She's just gone.
Cyrus: Where to now?
Beth: I don't know.
Cyrus: We could track down her friends.
Beth: She doesn't really have any friends.
Cyrus: Everyone has friends.
Beth: It's not like when she was a little girl. I can't keep track of her every movement.
Cyrus: Yeah, of course not. Does she do this kind of thing a lot?
Beth: Lizzie has issues.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. It's none of my business. I'm just a driver.
Beth: Yeah, please. I know how the staff gossips.
Cyrus: Yeah, I try not to listen.
Beth: Lizzie... Lizzie had a baby last Thanksgiving. She had a husband, too.
Cyrus: Had?
Beth: They died in a car accident.
Cyrus: Wow, that's a lot of loss for someone her age.
Beth: Yeah, it's a lot for anyone. (Cellphone rings) Hello?
Lizzie: Mom, I need you to help me.
Beth: Oh, Lizzie, thank God.
Lizzie: I'm in trouble.
Beth: What? What happened?
Lizzie: I don't know.
Beth: What do you mean, you don't know?
Lizzie: I'm at the Beacon, at Room 303.
Beth: Okay, I'm on my way. Just stay where you are, do you hear me?
Cyrus: Come on, I'll drive you.
Beth: No, it'll be faster if I cut through the park. Lizzie, I'm on my way. Everything's going to be fine.
Jeffrey: Ah, there you are. I was beginning to give up on you. Good to see you.
Hoover: It's good to see you, O’Neill. Took me a while to get here-- small town transportation. So, this is it, huh? This is Springfield?
Jeffrey: This is it in all of its glory. You know what? Maybe you should do some research while you're here. That way you can write your next book about a small town.
Hoover: It's pretty quiet around here.
Jeffrey: Well, you'd be surprised. And you see that, that could be your future heroine right there. Detective Marina Cooper, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Detective Rock Hoover.
Marina: Hi. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Hoover: My pleasure.
Marina: How do you know Jeffrey?
Hoover: Jeff and I worked together in New York.
Marina: Oh, you're part of the NYPD?
Hoover: Yeah.
Jeffrey: You want a cup of coffee or something to drink?
Hoover: You know, I'd love one, but I've got to be at WSPR in about 15 minutes or so. You think I'm going to make it?
Jeffrey: Rock writes crime novels in his spare time. He's here promoting his new book.
Marina: That's awesome. I want an autographed copy.
Hoover: Well, you know what? You'll get one.
Marina: What's it called?
Hoover: It's "Repeat Offender."
Marina: Really?
Jeffrey: So listen, I'll drop you off at the TV station, and then we'll hook up later, okay?
Hoover: All right. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I will make sure you get a copy of that book.
Marina: Thank you very much.
Hoover: You're welcome.
Marina: "Repeat Offender." It could not possibly be... no, Marina, stop yourself.
Cyrus: "Pick up papers at Flemington on 12th, and drop papers..." I think I'll drop you off first. Hello, girls. Don't look at me like that. I don't see you girls anymore. You're too much trouble. "But we miss you, Cyrus. Don't you miss us?" Yeah. No. No. See this, this hat? That means I'm legit. And you girls are going to go back in the car and then straight to the jewelers for a nice cleaning.
Maggie: I realize you're nervous about all this, Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, I'm not nervous. I'm... okay, I'm a little nervous.
Maggie: Well, you're supposed to be.
Cassie: Here.
Maggie: Thank you.
Cassie: I just... I... I've never been a...
Maggie: A church person? Neither was I. Until I met Steve, my visits to church were limited to weddings and funerals. But I learned something very quickly.
Cassie: Oh? What's that?
Maggie: I didn't have to have been raised in a church to be a minister's wife. I just had to have faith.
Cassie: Oh, well, I have all the faith in the world in Josh.
Maggie: But you're afraid that you're not up to it because of the things you've done?
Cassie: Yeah.
Maggie: Are you talking about your time as a dancer? I'm sorry. When you married Prince Richard, there was a lot of press about you.
Cassie: Tell me about it.
Maggie: I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Cassie: No, no, no. It's okay. I'm actually not ashamed of that. Unless you think it'll be a problem for Josh. I mean, you don't think people are going to say, "Cassie Winslow, lap dancing for the Lord"?
Maggie: The hell with them. You just keep going in the direction that you're headed. That's the great thing about faith and spirituality. You can get a clean slate.
Cassie: A clean slate. That sounds good to me.
Maggie: There is one thing you can to do help speed up the process.
Cassie: Tell me.
Maggie: Marry Josh.
Beth: Jeffrey, are you busy?
Jeffrey: No, just going to open my door.
Beth: Because I need you, or might. Lizzie's in some kind of trouble, and if she needs legal help...
Jeffrey: What kind of trouble?
Beth: Well, I don't know. She's been missing for two days, she just called me, she sounded scared. She's right here in room 303. (Knocking)
Lizzie: Who's there?
Beth: Lizzie, it's Mom.
Lizzie: Mom, I have no idea what's going on.
Beth: Okay, okay. Well, everything's going to be fine. It's going to be all right.
Lizzie: I don't know about that.
Jeffrey: Lizzie, what happened to you?
Beth: Honey, listen. When you called you said you were in trouble, so I saw Jeffrey in the hall and thought he might be able to help.
Jeffrey: I think what she needs is a maid.
Beth: Is this what you've been doing all this time? You've been drinking and partying?
Lizzie: No. I mean, I don't know.
Beth: How could you not know? Look at this place.
Lizzie: I don't remember any of this.
Jeffrey: Any of what?
Lizzie: Anything. I mean, it's all a blank, I swear. I have no idea what went on in this room. I don't even know how I got in the room. I mean, how could that happen? What's wrong with me?
Billy: Here you go, sweetie.
Reva: Oh, thanks.
Billy: Oh, wait. It's a Father's Day card. Oh, I got it! You got a Father's Day card for Josh. I bet you even signed it "With love."
Reva: Give that to me. Billy...
Billy: "To my dearest Jonathan"?
Reva: This is none of your business.
Billy: You bought a Father's Day card...
Reva: Look, I wasn't going to tell anybody this. Jonathan is as alive to me now as he was when he was at Cross Creek.
Billy: Look...
Reva: And I'm not seeing dead people or anything like that. I'm not. It's just that I was at the store, I saw a card that I wanted to get for pop, and then I saw this card, and it just... it reminded me of Jonathan, and...
Billy: And you bought it. And you wrote something in it to Jonathan.
Reva: Yeah.
Billy: I know you weren't going to try...
Reva: Can we just not talk about this right now?
Billy: Hey, sweetie, you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Reva: I will never stop loving Jonathan and Sarah, or missing them.
Billy: I know. I miss them too, miss them a lot.
Reva: I just hope they're both all right.
Billy: Wherever they are right now they're looking down on us, and you know that they're real happy. Come here, give me a hug.
Beth: Lizzie, you don't remember anything? Nothing?
Lizzie: No.
Jeffrey: What do you remember?
Lizzie: I don't know.
Beth: Think. Come on. This is important.
Lizzie: Reva.
Jeffrey: Reva? So you were with Reva?
Lizzie: Yeah. And there was water. We were at that little shack thing on the docks by the lake.
Beth: What were you doing there?
Lizzie: Talking.
Jeffrey: What were you talking about?
Lizzie: Jonathan and Sarah.
Jeffrey: What was Reva saying?
Lizzie: That I shouldn't get stuck.
Beth: Stuck?
Lizzie: Yeah, in the grief and the pain. And I had a drink and she just said that I shouldn't get stuck.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess you took her advice and went on the mother of all benders.
Lizzie: I guess I wanted to forget, but I've never blacked out before. Oh, God. Can you call my Pilates instructor? I'm going to miss my session today.
Beth: Your sessions are on Tuesdays, right?
Lizzie: Yeah, of course.
Beth: Well, today is Thursday. That session was two days ago.
Lizzie: Two days ago?
Beth: You didn't know that?
Lizzie: No.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Hey, I know it's scary, but she doesn't weigh very much, so it wouldn't take very much alcohol. You know, this happens.
Beth: Jeffrey, she's lost two whole days.
Jeffrey: Okay, but you know what? She might need some help, but she probably needs someone to talk to, a counselor or something. She doesn't need a lawyer.
Lizzie: I'm not a drunk.
Jeffrey: No, no, I'm not saying you are. But you were in a lot of pain, so you were just trying to block it out, that's all.
Lizzie: Hey, yeah. We still don't know what happened to me.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, sometimes these things take a while to come back. But they will, don't worry. You'll figure it out when you need to. I think the important thing here is to figure out how to not let this happen again, okay? So don't worry. It's going to be all right. Good luck. I've got to get out of here.
(Phone rings)
Cyrus: Yeah?
Beth: Cyrus, it's Beth. Listen, Lizzie and I are at the Beacon and we need to be picked up.
Cyrus: I'm in the middle of something for Ms. Spaulding. I have to go.
Marina: Your shoes give you away. What's up?
Cyrus: Hey, Detective. You haven't seen anyone running by here in the last few minutes, have you?
Marina: No. Why, are you chasing somebody?
Cyrus: Alexandra gave me the... forget it. You'll never believe me.
Marina: No, no, hold up, cowboy. You do not start in with a lead-in like that and then walk away.
Cyrus: All right. I was running errands for Alexandra. I parked the car just off Main Street, went to drop something off, and when I came back, one of the car windows was smashed and the diamond necklace Alexandra asked me to get cleaned was gone.
Marina: No!
Cyrus: Yes.
Marina: You mean to tell me that a jewel thief stole jewels from Alexandra’s jewel thief that she hired...
Cyrus: I'm well aware of the irony, but I'm not a thief anymore.
Marina: Oh, right. I'm sorry, I forgot.
Cyrus: I knew you wouldn't believe me.
Marina: No, hold up. I believe that somebody took the jewels. I just don't know who.
Cyrus: If you're going to arrest me, Detective, do it now. Otherwise I've got a necklace to find.
Stephen: So, Josh, have you and Cassie decided on a date for the wedding yet?
Josh: Yes, we have. End of the summer, August.
Cassie: How about some more salad?
Stephen: Nothing for me, thanks.
Josh: If it were up to me, though, I would put on the tux tomorrow. But my guess is the summer's booked pretty solid, probably, with lots of weddings, don't you think?
Cassie: Well, there's so much planning, you know? I mean, but I can't wait. I can't wait to be married, because then we're a team, you know, through all of this. (Phone rings) I'll get that. Hello?
Billy: Hey, Cassie. Is Josh there?
Cassie: Oh, hey, Billy. He's with Reverend Rutledge and God.
Billy: Excuse me?
Cassie: I need to ask a favor of you, Billy.
Billy: Sure, go ahead.
Cassie: I need you to talk to Josh about the wedding. About holding off on it, that is.
Billy: I mean, why would you want to put it on hold? Look, if there’s... you think there's still something going on between him and Reva, well, you know, I'm not sure about that.
Cassie: No, it's not about Reva. This is about us. It's about what's best for us.
Billy: I'm not following this.
Cassie: Josh is about to make this huge change in his life, Billy. He's making this huge life choice. And it's really important. His faith really matters. And I just don't want him to be distracted by anything, not even marrying me.
Billy: You're serious about this?
Cassie: I don't want him to rush into this because he thinks it's what I want, and it'll make me happy.
Billy: What about if it makes him happy? What about that?
Cassie: Trust me, Billy. It's better if we wait. It's better for all of us. Well, we've both got homework.
Josh: Cassie, if there's anything that you're not comfortable with...
Cassie: Josh...
Josh: ...This would be...
Cassie: ...I don’t... I don't even want you to worry about me, okay? You are going to make the best minister that Springfield has ever seen. I think about all that you can do in this community, and it's all good. It's all good, okay? So, I'm going to get going.
Josh: I'm sorry, where?
Cassie: Just... you know, I'm going to run a few errands and find myself a nice little quiet place to sit down and do some reading.
Jeffrey: Oh, look at that. Beautiful. Thank you.
Reva: Hi, Lynn. I'm here to pick up that order. Thanks. Jeffrey O’Neill.
Jeffrey: Reva, what's new?
Reva: I don't know. You tell me. You're the one reading the newspaper.
Jeffrey: Well, Lizzie Spaulding went on quite a bender. Have you seen her lately?
Reva: Not for a few days, no.
Jeffrey: Well, apparently she started drinking and then couldn't stop. She was, like, blacked out for two days.
Reva: What? That's terrible. Is she all right?
Jeffrey: Basically. A little confused.
Reva: Oh, I can imagine.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: Two days, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Last things she remembers is talking to you at the docks, and then, poof.
Reva: All right, it's all my fault.
Jeffrey: What happened?
Reva: Lizzie and I had a talk about how much we missed Jonathan and Sarah.
Jeffrey: She told me that.
Reva: And I told her that it wasn't good for her to be holding onto all that pain and hurt.
Jeffrey: She said that, too.
Reva: Yeah, well, I was worried about her, you know? I could tell that she wanted to forget. I mean, who wouldn't after going through a nightmare like that? But the problem is she just won't let go of it. But...
Jeffrey: Go on.
Reva: You know me. I kind of encouraged her to cut loose a little. Probably wasn't the best idea, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: But you know what? If I'm even in that situation with Lizzie again, I'll be sure to tell her to throw herself into charity work.
Lizzie: Horrible taste in my mouth.
Beth: Lizzie, I know that you're not feeling well, but we really need to talk about this.
Lizzie: Mom...
Beth: I'm sorry, but it's disturbing, not to mention hard to believe, that you simply lost two days in your life.
Lizzie: Okay, you saw that room. I swear, I have no idea...
Beth: "No idea of anything that happened." So you said.
Lizzie: I'm not lying.
Beth: Lizzie, is this for real, or did you just manufacture this whole drama to cover the fact that you were supposed to meet me and go away with me and you never showed up?
Lizzie: I was going to go. There's my ticket, look.
Beth: Okay, then where have you been for two days?
Lizzie: I don't know! That's what I'm trying to tell you, okay? I don't get this either. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Alexandra: Oh, there she is. See, I told you. Cyrus picked you up and brought you back home safely, right?
Beth: No, actually he didn’t.
Alexandra: What?
Beth: I called him, but he said he was too busy doing things for you.
Alexandra: Well, there's a sign of a dedicated employee, huh?
Marina: Okay, okay. Let's say somebody did steal the jewels. They wouldn't be hanging around here anymore.
Cyrus: They'd be in a boat halfway across the lake. I just thought, you know, this seems like the town hiding place, so...
Marina: You can be honest with me. Where are they?
Cyrus: You're so mistrustful.
Marina: Okay, I'm sorry. You know, it's hard to believe Dracula when he says that there's blood missing.
Cyrus: Dracula? Nice.
Marina: Maybe it was a little over the top, but...
Cyrus: All I care about is getting that necklace back. Alexandra trusted me.
Marina: That's interesting.
Cyrus: I left the necklace in the car because it was talking to me, and I just... I... never mind.
Marina: Okay. What do you say I go back to the station, I'll pick up a crime kit, I'll go over to the limo, and I can dust for fingerprints?
Cyrus: No, there's no time for that. I need that necklace back now. Here's what we do-- we put out the word that it's a fake. Every pawn shop, every fence I know in this area will believe me if I tell them it's part of a bigger job.
Marina: You think the person will buy that?
Cyrus: This was an amateur job. Amateurs panic.
Marina: What are you going to tell Alexandra?
Cyrus: I'll tell her the truth. Then she'll fire me and probably try and have me deported.
Marina: You really want to keep this job?
Cyrus: Have you not been listening to me?
Marina: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Driving her around, it means that much to you?
Cyrus: Yeah. You remember when you caught me in Dinah’s room and you were threatening to arrest me?
Marina: The good old days.
Cyrus: And you called me Clyde Barrow. And I said I wouldn't mind going the way that he did.
Marina: In a hail of bullets.
Cyrus: Yeah, beats spending time in prison any day of the week.
Marina: Okay, Cyrus, what's your point?
Cyrus: The point is that for a long time, those seemed to be the only two choices that I had: Dying in prison or dying in a blaze of glory, trying to shoot my way out of a bank.
Marina: I thought you liked that idea.
Cyrus: Yeah, I didn't mind it. But lately I've been having these weird thoughts, daydreams of dying an old man in a comfortable bed, not alone, not... I need to find that necklace. And I need to find Alexandra.
Alexandra: Cyrus. I think it's a good idea if you just lay low. Beth is not very happy with you.
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Alexandra: Don't apologize for doing my bidding at the expense of everyone else.
Cyrus: Ms. Spaulding, honesty has never been my thing, but I want things to be right with you. You gave me this chance, and it means something to me.
Alexandra: Me, too. More than I realized.
Cyrus: When I was taking your necklace to be cleaned and it was sitting right there beside me, I could feel it, the weight, the shine, what it represented.
Alexandra: Did something happen to my necklace?
Marina: You should be very proud of your boy, Alexandra. The butler let me in. I asked if I could make a cool entrance. He said okay.
Cyrus: It worked.
Marina: Thank you. See, I ran into Cyrus and your necklace today, and I guess the cop in me couldn't resist the opportunity.
Alexandra: To harass my driver?
Marina: No, actually. To use him. See, we set up the operation in a hurry, but it actually worked. We've been trying to bust this big old stolen goods operation that's been driving my dad crazy for years. And then name Cyrus Foley happens to open a lot of doors underground.
Alexandra: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Marina: The Springfield P.D. thanks you.
Cyrus: Just playing my part.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Marina: Maybe I should be the con man.
Cyrus: How did you get that back?
Marina: I'm a good cop.
Cyrus: But why did you do this?
Marina: Because who am I to deny you the right to die old and withered in a big, comfy bed?
Waitress: You have a lot of reading to do. You look like you could use some caffeine.
Cassie: Actually I think I'd rather have a vodka on the rocks, please.
Jeffrey: So maybe in the future you should leave the advice game to people like Josh. You know what I mean?
Reva: Yeah, I heard you guys had quite an adventure on Father's Day.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Dads to the rescue. You know, this was my first real Father's Day.
Reva: No. Good for you.
Jeffrey: Oh, was it hard for you? I mean, you know, because of Jonathan?
Reva: Well, I've had better, but...
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: Actually, I was able to honor Jonathan in a more personal and private way.
Lizzie: I want to remember, but I can't get any of it back.
Beth: Okay, fine. So you say.
Lizzie: Okay, you know, I know that you think I'm making this up. But I am going to prove to you that I'm not lying.
Beth: Yeah, you know, you're right. I do think that you're making it up. But you know, this isn't getting us anywhere. You're exhausted, I'm frustrated, so why don't we just take a break, and we'll revisit this later?
Lizzie: Fine.
Beth: Let's go get you something to eat. And you need a bath.
Lizzie: I do need a bath.
Beth: Lizzie...
Lizzie: (Gasps)
Beth: What? Did you bruise yourself?
Lizzie: I don't know how that got there!
Reva: Oh, thanks. Oh, there. That's for you.
Jeffrey: Reva, you dropped something.
Reva: Oh, thanks.
Jeffrey: What? Where did you get that?
Reva: Oh, at the mall. It's not real. It's henna. You like it?
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: Sometimes you have to make difficult choices.
Alan: I think Reva is capable of anything.
Gus: I'm ready to be a father to my son, if you don't mind.
Natalia: You want him in your life, you get me, too.
Rafe: He's just some guy who knocked up my mother, bailed on her and had to settle for you.
Reva: Collateral damage. Something we're just going to have to live with.
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