Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/13/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Gus: Happy Father's Day, Pop. Hey.
Zach: Who's that in the picture?
Gus: This was a... a really great man. And a really, really great dad.
Zach: You're pretty good, too. Happy Father's Day.
Gus: Thank you. Come on, let's go. Let's go, let's go.
Buzz: Hey, you.
Harley: Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
Buzz: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Harley: Don't you want to take the day off or something?
Buzz: Well, Lynn called in sick. I'm good. Besides, isn't Father's Day for fathers who actually did some fathering, because the actual conception was not a bother.
Frank: Hey, happy Father's Day, Dad.
Buzz: Hey!
Jeffrey: "Sorry it didn't work out to get together today. Maybe next year. Happy Father's Day. Ava."
R.J.: "Dear... " can I still call him "Dad"? He said it was okay, but...
Cassie: Honey, you do whatever feels right to you, okay? Josh is going be happy with whatever you decide.
R.J.: Yeah.
Josh: No, sweetheart, I'm just really surprised because, Marah, I know you're a busy woman and you don't have things like Father's Day. I... I told you to just focus on the really important holidays, with the really big gifts, remember that? Shayne. Shayne, yes, he did call earlier, but it was a bad connection, so it kept going in and out, you know. We didn't get a chance to talk much.
Alan: Well, Zach, when did you get here, son?
Zach: Just now.
Alan: Just now. What have you got there?
Zach: It's for you.
Alan: Well, this is very nice. Thank you very much.
Zach: It's not just from me.
Gus: Read it.
Alan: I will." Happy Father's Fay, Granddad."
Gus: Zach, why don't you go see if cook will whip us up some of those chocolate chunk cookies.
Zach: I'm on it.
Gus: Atta boy. It's my way of telling you that you are a grandfather again... to a boy whose name is Rafael.
Alan: Wait, wait. Am I missing something here? Did you... did you adopt a son?
Gus: No. We did it the old-fashioned way. About 16 years ago. I'm a dad. I'm a father. Her name is Natalia, and I knew her back in Chicago. And the rest I'll leave to your vivid imagination. I don't think you really need to know more than that, do you?
Alan: Well, I'll take your word for it. So I'm just supposed to welcome this young man into our family sight unseen? Why isn't he with you? Where is he?
Gus: Very good question. Rafael... is a little rough around the edges.
Alan: Oh? That says a lot coming from you.
Gus: Yeah, well, we're going to get them sorted out.
Alan: So you never knew that you had had this boy?
Gus: I guess it's a recurring theme in this family, huh?
Alan: How old did you say he was?
Gus: 16.
Alan: 16, huh? Well, when do I get to meet him?
Gus: Well, that could be a little tricky because, see, he's in juvie hall right now.
Alan: My grandson is behind bars?
Gus: Yeah, I guess that leaves no question that he shares your DNA.
Alan: Ah, very funny. So, you have a son that you didn't know about who's a delinquent, and I'm supposed to welcome him into this family with open arms...
Gus: All I'm asking you to do is make a couple of phone calls to the judges or the lawyers, whoever it is that you play golf with, okay? Because he's got a hearing coming up.
Alan: Ah, so you want me to help him get out?
Gus: He's a good kid. He deserves a break. He's part of this family.
Alan: Well, I'm just going to have to think about this...
Gus: Well, you've got five minutes. Five. Five minutes. He's your grandson. Zach!
(Cell phone rings)
Alan: Hello, Harley.
Harley: Alan. What in the world... I don't want to know. Put Gus on.
Alan: He stepped out. Can I take a message?
Harley: Alan Spaulding is going to take a message? How do I know you'll get it right?
Alan: It's from you, Harley-- it can't be that complicated.
Harley: Did Gus talk to you?
Alan: Yes, about Rafael? My 16-year-old grandson who is a convict in a correctional facility?
Harley: He's not in prison, Alan, he's in a juvie center.
Alan: Just like your daughter, Daisy. Suddenly, my family is filled with convicts.
Harley: You would know.
Alan: Why don't you just give me your message, huh?
Harley: Right. Judge Ellis is going out of town and she wants to clear her docket before she goes. She has moved Rafe’s case up to today. So Gus needs to get here now.
Alan: All right. Hearing's been moved up to today and... all right, I've got it.
Harley: And, Alan, if you have any sway with Judge Ellis...
Alan: Margaret Ellis? Yes, yes, I know her very well. She's quite a sailor. I'll track her down. And when Gus gets in, I'll tell him to call you right away, Harley.
Gus: Was that, that phone call that I asked you to make?
Alan: Yes, I was just speaking with Judge Ellis' secretary. She's the connection that you're going to need, Gus. Um, she's quite a sailor. She's probably down at the dock right now, and I suggest we go down there and I will talk to her for you.
Gus: Really? I appreciate it. Thank you.
Alan: Well, you made a great case for your son.
Zach: I've got cookies for everyone!
Gus: Oh, my goodness. How did you know I was in the mood for a cookie? You read my mind.
Alan: Yeah! Look, why don't you two go ahead. I'll be right behind you guys.
Gus: We should share them. You did such a good job. All right. When is that judge coming? Supposed to pull up to the dock or what?
Alan: Well, soon, soon, but I just want it to appear that we ran into her. I mean, we have to be very careful, all right?
Gus: All right.
Zach: I'm gonna get some more rocks.
Gus: Okay. Just don't go too far.
Alan: He looks more like Phillip every day.
Gus: Yeah, I was wondering if Rafe looks anything like me. I look at him, but I don't want him to catch me staring at him too much. He'll think I'm a weirdo.
Alan: So you saw him on the inside?
Gus: Yeah. Because he was having this altercation, and I pulled a gun on him-- long story. Dad, I want to thank you for doing this.
Alan: Forget about it. Forget about it. It's just protecting family, that's all. It's more important now than ever before.
Gus: Can I ask you something?
Alan: Sure.
Gus: When you found out that I was your son, did you have this... this feeling where you had a fear or you were nervous, like that, you know, maybe you messed things up with me?
Alan: Something like that, yes.
Gus: Yeah, because I have this overwhelming sense of responsibility, you know, now that I know that he's mine and he's definitely my kid, I feel like I... I really want to do everything for him, you know? It's a funny, surprising feeling. It’s... it's a feeling of love. It's just such a surprise to feel that way. Did you feel that at all with me?
Alan: Yeah, I... I know that feeling.
Gus: Can I borrow your phone? I've got to call...
Alan: Oh, sure, sure.
Gus: I don't know where I left mine.
Alan: Oh, I guess I'm not getting a signal out here. Sorry.
Gus: That's all right. I'll check after the judge. Got some?
Zach: I got them.
Gus: All right, let me see. Have enough? I'm gonna take them all from you. I'll take them. That's mine! I'll split them with you and then maybe I'll give you a couple myself.
Harley: Hi, it's me. I'm leaving you another message that you probably won't get. You need to get here now. We're starting and, Alan, if you hear this, you're a dead man.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Harley: Hey. Oh, well, at least somebody's here.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I'm all caught up on Rafael’s situation. So, where's Gus?
Harley: That's a very good question. We seem to have a small situation.
Jeffrey: What's going on?
Harley: Okay. I think Alan might be trying to screw us. Gus went to him to talk to him about Rafe...
Jeffrey: Why?
Harley: Because Rafe is Alan’s grandson. He thought maybe he could help.
Jeffrey: I keep forgetting that Gus is a Spaulding.
Harley: Yeah, I wish I could forget.
Jeffrey: Okay, so what did Alan do?
Harley: Oh, right. When I found out that the hearing had been moved up, I called Gus to tell him he had to get here now. Well, Alan picked up his phone and I had no choice but to give him the message.
Jeffrey: And now, no Gus.
Harley: You got it.
Jeffrey: Alan is trying to keep Gus from the hearing.
Harley: I guess maybe he's ashamed he has a grandson in the juvie center?
Jeffrey: That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?
Harley: And that would be Alan, right? And in the meantime, Gus needs to get here now, you know. And it's Father's Day.
Jeffrey: Yeah, and you don't want to let your kid down on Father's Day.
Harley: I found out just this morning that the hearing is today, if you can believe it.
Jeffrey: The kid can use all of the help he can get.
Harley: It's not going to be easy getting Rafael out of there.
Jeffrey: Well, we know you reached out to him once before, so we figured that you might want to be there.
Harley: Yeah, to show that you're willing to give him another chance.
Josh: Okay. Um, let me call Cassie first, because I know she and R.J. were planning something for Father's Day.
Harley: Yeah, Father's Day. The Father's Day thing. I should have told you this right up front but, see this kid, Rafael? He's Gus' son.
Josh: I didn't know Gus had a son.
Jeffrey: Neither did he. Anyway, we need your help. We've got to find Gus and get him to that hearing; otherwise, it could go against the kid.
Josh: What do you mean, find Gus?
Harley: We think Alan’s got him, and Gus doesn't know anything about this. Please help, Josh.
Josh: Okay, let me just call Cassie and tell her what I have to do.
Buzz: Oh, this is low. I mean, even for Alan, this is low.
Frank: Well, you know what? Let me put a call in and see if we can find them.
Coop: Well, if I can get a hold of Lizzie, maybe they haven't left the house yet.
Josh: Hey, is there somebody who could just get us in there?
Buzz: In the belly of the beast?
Josh: Well, it can't be that difficult, right?
Coop: Well, if I can get a hold of Lizzie, maybe.
Frank: Maybe I could get a warrant.
Buzz: Frank, there's no time for that.
Harley: Okay, I'm going to go back to the juvie center and see if I can stall these guys. Please find him-- please!
Frank: Don't worry, don't worry. We'll find him.
Josh: Boy, you are good, Buzz.
Buzz: Yeah, I'm good, but I'm $50 lighter.
Josh: I'll take care of it. It's for a good cause. I'm going to try Gus again.
Jeffrey: Well, we know that Gus was here with Alan. And we know that Gus wasn't answering his phone. (Cell phone rings)
Buzz: Gus?
Josh: No, it's me. This is Gus' phone.
Buzz: Happy Father's Day.
Gus: I'm not kidding. You've got to get your arm into it, right? And then you let it go right like that, and then get your whole body into it.
Alan: Okay, all right.
Gus: Try that. See that! Did you see that? That was amazing, wasn't it?
Zach: Awesome!
Alan: What do you think about that, huh?
Gus: That’s... that's high praise right there.
Alan: From the highest. (Laughter)
Josh: There he is!
Buzz: Gus, Gus, you've got to get over to the juvie hall right now!
Gus: Why?
Jeffrey: Rafael's hearing got moved up. It's today.
Gus: Today?
Buzz: Yes, yes, today, now. I mean, any minute now, he's going to be in front of the judge, and Harley right now is stalling him.
Gus: She was probably trying to call me. I lost my phone and I...
Buzz: Yeah, yeah. Alan, what do you know about that, by the way?
Gus: Where did you find that?
Buzz: Top left-hand drawer of Spaulding’s study.
Gus: Are you kidding me?
Alan: Gus...
Gus: No, wait, I don’t... I don't want to hear it, Alan. I prefer to remember you as the you that was just throwing rocks with me.
Jeffrey: Gus, we've really got to go.
Buzz: What's the fastest way over there?
Josh: I don't know. Traffic is going to be terrible. Maybe a boat or something like that might be a good bet.
Gus: Maybe this judge would give us a ride across. Who's Zach talking to? Zach! Sir, um, how much would it cost to... how much would it cost to go across the lake?
Man: Well, if I was going across the lake, I would probably want about $50, but since I ain't going across the lake...
Gus: Well, I just figured that you have a boat here, and I really need to get across the lake, so I would be willing to pay you.
Man: You know, I've been out all morning, and I'm just headed for a drink, so excuse me.
Buzz: Well, hey, excuse me. You're going to take us across, right?
Man: No, I am not.
Buzz: Why?
Man: I don't think I really have to explain myself, sir.
Gus: Listen, it's Father's Day, and I've got to go help my kid. I'm sure you've got some kids, right?
Man: Yeah. Yeah, I'm actually going to see one of them right now. His name is Johnnie Red.
Jeffrey: What's the problem, money? You need... you need some money? I got some money.
Man: No, I just want to be left alone here.
Guard: Is there a problem, Mr. Santiago?
Man: Yeah, well, they want a little bit of a ride here, and I don't want to go, and they just don't want to take no for an answer.
Gus: It's not that I'm not taking no for an answer, but I'm willing to give you any amount of money that you need. I need to get across the lake.
Man: Well, I don't think so. No, no, no!
Gus: Don't get in my face.
Jeffrey: Whoa! Whoa! Hey!
Josh: Boy, I have not been in a fight like that for as long as I can remember.
Jeffrey: I think we made our point.
Buzz: I'll bet nobody messes with us any time soon, will they?
Gus: I think my tooth is a little loose.
Alan: Boy, some kind of cop you are. You couldn't even keep us out of jail, huh?
Gus: We broke the law. Law broken! Not to...
Alan: What does that have to do with anything?!
Gus: What does this have to do with anything?
Buzz: Did you make sure about Zach?
Gus: Yeah, I got one of the boys, brought him down to the Marina.
Alan: Oh, O’Neill! Big lawyer, once the mayor of Springfield for about a minute and a half. Why couldn't you keep us out of jail, huh?
Jeffrey: Can someone shut him up?
Gus: Here, let me try. Hey, Dad... Dad, we all wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for you.
Alan: I was just trying to help you, Gus.
Gus: Is that right? By what? By making sure I didn't make it to the hearing on time? Was that your plan?
Alan: That boy... is an unknown quantity.
Gus: What does that mean?
Jeffrey: Don't you mean an unknown liability?
Buzz: To what?
Jeffrey: The Spaulding name.
Josh: Oh, yeah, like that's-- like the perfect image, right, the Spaulding name?
Alan: Who let in the holy roller over here?
Josh: Hey, you want Gus' son, your grandson, locked up because you, of all people, don't want a juvenile delinquent in your family? Is that what it is?
Gus: I would think he'd be happy him starting off so soon. (Laughter)
Alan: We're not a family of criminals.
Josh: (Laughing) Oh, right, yeah. Okay.
Alan: We were set up.
Josh: Oh, that's better. That's funny, Alan.
Alan: All right, let's have a show of hands-- how many of you have never been locked up before, huh? All right, so you guys who live in glass houses don't throw rocks, all right?
Buzz: Alan, it is moments like these where I really have to remind myself what you are. Because when I hear you talk about, like, the importance of your family, how much you love them, I actually start to believe you.
Alan: I do, Buzz.
Buzz: The kid is your own flesh and blood, Alan.
Alan: Be honest with me-- wouldn't you and your family, especially Harley, be better off if that boy was left inside a little longer?
Buzz: Oh, come on.
Gus: She's getting him right now-- trying to get him out.
Alan: Well, that's her mistake.
Buzz: Can you at least pretend to be a decent human being?
Josh: Well, what would be the point of that? He can't possibly pull it off, right?
Alan: Oh, Josh, what about your kids? They going to spend Father's Day with you this year, huh?
Guard: Hey, hey! Break it up! So, let me get this story straight.
Man: Him-- he threw the first punch.
Gus: What? What? Who are you talking to? I didn't throw the first punch. You know, you... you threw... you... you...
Man: Whoo!
Josh: Hey, hey, hey --
Alan: Gus, Gus! Come on, Gus! (Yelling) I threw the first punch! I threw the first punch! The only innocent one in this room is him. Now let him go.
Buzz: Then I jumped in. He wasn't anywhere near him.
Josh: That's right. That's right. This guy... this guy was throwing all of the punches. He was fighting and kicking and biting, right?
Buzz: That's what that was.
Josh: And this... this man right here, he didn't do anything at all. What did you see?
Jeffrey: I think that you hit me, actually.
Josh: That's right, I did, so it looks like you got your man.
Harley: Judge Ellis, we're going to need just a little bit more time. Gus is actually Raphael Rivera’s father, and he should be here any second.
Judge: Ms. Cooper, we've already delayed this hearing. I've heard all of the other cases I had pending, and believe it or not, I got through all of them. Which is just your bad luck, I guess.
Harley: Yes. I just if you knew how important...
Judge: I encourage you... I encourage you to come back to this court when I return in a month.
Harley: A month?! Are you crazy?
Judge: Excuse me.
Harley: No disrespect intended whatsoever. That just shows you the stress I'm feeling right now. Your Honor, if you could just give us a little bit more time, it would alter the course of a young boy's life. And not just one person's life, but...
Judge: Detective Cooper, are you trying to stall me?
Harley: Yes, your Honor.
Judge: Yes, well-- cut it out.
Harley: Yes, ma'am.
Judge: You're the mother?
Natalia: Yes, ma'am.
Judge: If the father and your lawyer aren't here in the next five minutes, I'm going to have to call it a day, okay? The court's going to take a five-minute recess.
Natalia: Why isn't Gus here?
Harley: I told you-- I can't reach him.
Natalia: Okay, I know Gus, and I know he'd be here if he knew what was at stake.
Harley: Well, I think I know Gus a little bit myself, too, Natalia, and the only reason he's not here is because something is wrong.
Natalia: But do you really want him to make it in time? Why would you? You don't want me and my son in your life.
Harley: Can we do this another time?
Natalia: Okay, no, no, no, no, no. You act so tough and very mature, and you're so understanding, but the truth is you are threatened by the fact that we have a child together. And that's why he is not here. You kept the time of the hearing from him.
Harley: I used to like you, but I'm not so sure.
Natalia: Well, now we're getting somewhere.
Harley: Natalia, please, I... I wouldn't do anything to undermine what Gus could have with Rafe. I wouldn't do anything.
Rafe: What's going on?
Natalia: Um, we have to delay your hearing until Gus gets here.
Rafe: He's not here? Okay, big surprise.
Harley: Rafe, we have to have faith that Gus will come through, because he always comes through. I'm sure he has a great reason for not being here.
Rafe: Yeah.
Judge: Come to order, please. I'm sorry, but I've waited as long as I can. I'm going to have to call a halt to these proceedings and we can reschedule...
Gus: I'm so sorry that I'm late. There was a screw-up with when the hearing was. The time got moved, whatever. I'm here now.
Judge: And you're the father, I take it?
Gus: I am. I am, and I am... I'm here. I am.
Judge: Thank you, Mr. O’Neill. My judgment in this case will be binding, and all parties agree to be subject to the outcome arrived at here today.
Harley: Hey, is that a black eye? And why does my father's nose look so swollen?
Gus: Don't ask. Don't ask. I'm here, right?
Harley: No thanks to him.
Gus: He is a piece of work. He has been trying to torpedo us for how long? And now he's trying to save the day. I cannot figure him out.
Jeffrey: Could you try to look like you want to get out of here? You know, your dad beat up two psycho security guards and a ship's captain-- and I think his tooth is loose-- to get here, okay? So could you sit up straight and try to be grateful?
Judge: Mr. Rivera, you were sent here pending periodic reviews of your situation. I can choose to keep you in here for as long as I think is necessary. Do you understand?
Rafe: Yeah.
Judge: You were brought before me on a charge of attempted assault and robbery. I am aware that the victim in this case is here and is in favor of returning you to society. Also present are others who are in support of giving you your freedom. Now, that's all very well and good but what concerns me as a judge in the juvenile system is what landed you in this facility and what you've done since you've arrived. Am I clear?
Rafe: Yes, your Honor.
Lou: No respect, no discipline. He'll be here and he'll end up in prison. The kid is bad news. I knew it from the minute I saw him.
Judge: Thank you, Officer, you're excused.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, my client has learned his lesson. He understands that the next stop will be prison for adults. He doesn't want to go down that road. He is only 16 and he has lived a very difficult life. I believe that there is room here for course correction.
Judge: Noted. I'd like to ask Raphael some questions myself. And you don't think this is having trouble with authority figures?
Rafe: No. You treat me fair and I'm cool.
Judge: Things aren't always fair in life, Raphael.
Rafe: Yeah, I know, I noticed.
Judge: I know you're all anxious to hear some kind of ruling, so let's get this out of the way. Frankly, I'm not impressed. This young man needs to learn how to get along in society before his return to society. I'm afraid my recommendation to the D.A. will be that...
Gus: Your Honor, I'm sorry. Can I say something on Raphael’s behalf?
Judge: I think I've already heard your defense. I doubt that you'll have much to contribute.
Gus: Well, that's the point, your Honor. I haven't contributed anything up to now, so I thought, you know, maybe... hey, maybe that's why we're all here right now, you know?
Judge: All right. Just be brief, please.
Gus: Sure. I don't know, maybe I'm the one who should be on trial here. Because I haven't been here for this boy at all. I didn't know about him. I didn't know he existed. And believe me, I understand the responsibilities that a father has. I don't take that... I don't take that lightly at all. But he didn't have me for anything. He didn't have me for anything as simple as throwing a ball around or learning how to stand up to bullies in school or, you know, sneaking into a cubs game because there is a place at the stadium that you can... well, let me just skip that part, right. My point is if you're going to make a ruling today based on a fact, there's only one fact that you really need to know, and that is that he has never had a break. You know, he needs a break. And as his father, I'm telling you that his break is due. It's Father's Day, your honor, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is actually a day that has anything to do with me in it. But I'm a father. And I'm still learning, but I intend to do my very best. And that's all you can ever really ask of anybody in this life, is just, you know, do your best.
(Knock on door)
Olivia and Ava: Surprise!
Ava: Whoo! I know you didn't expect to see the two of us.
Olivia: Happy Father's Gay.
Frank: Okay, I've got two Buzz burgers and a minestrone, coop! Come get them while they're hot.
Coop: All right, all right, all right.
Frank: Oh, hey, Pop.
Buzz: Hi.
Coop: Hey, Dad.
Gus: Your Honor, some families seem like they were just born to be families. You know, they have all of the complementary parts. Ever look at the family and go, "Hey, now that gives me the warm and fuzzies. That looks like a great family?" I wish I had a family like that. Unfortunately, nobody in the room is one of those types of people. Certainly my family doesn't fit that description at all, but it gives me something to aim for.
Cassie: He's here!
R.J.: Mom, get the boxes.
Cassie: Okay, okay, okay.
Josh: Hey.
R.J.: Happy Father's Day.
Josh: Thank you. Thank you so much. Wow! (Laughter) I love it!
R.J.: You haven't even seen it.
Josh: I don't care. It's from you, and I love it. Thank you! Let's go over here. Come on, come on.
Gus: Now, I'm not going to lie to you, your Honor, I'm really hoping and praying from my heart that this whole thing works out. But a lot of families aren't normal. In our town alone, families are like some kind of chess game or something, but they stick together, they stay together. Because if you want it bad enough, it can work.
Josh: I cannot tell you how good it feels to be with you guys here right now. It has been a day. (Laughs)
Cassie: Well, this day is not over because I got a call from someone earlier who is very anxious to talk to you. And I said to try you again right about now, so...
Josh: Really? Who is that? (Telephone ringing)
R.J.: Hello? All right, here he is.
Josh: Hello? Hello, son.
Gus: Your Honor, I'm not saying that I'm perfect. In fact, I'm definitely going to make mistakes. But that's the beautiful thing in this life: You can always make up for your mistakes in this life as long as you don't just let the chance slip by. And I just don't want this chance to slip by. I'd like to do the right thing for my son. And I would like to have that chance. Let Raphael have that chance. It would be the best Father's Day gift you could ever ask for.
Harley: You were wonderful.
Gus: I think I rambled on too much.
Harley: You did, but you were great.
Gus: Maybe I should talk to him.
Harley: He ignored you the first couple of times you tried, didn't he?
Gus: Well, third time's a charm.
Harley: Get in there.
Judge: I won't keep you in suspense. I've come to a conclusion. I thought Mr. O’Neill would be here. Who's representing the defendant?
Gus: Well, you know, I can represent him. You know, I'm a lawyer.
Judge: Well, that's fine. It's just important to have someone standing by the defendant when I give my ruling.
Gus: Right, that's what I'll do.
Rafe: My mom can do it.
Judge: Oh, yeah, that's fine as well. Most people believe that the juvenile system is just a dumping ground, a minor league of the prison system. Mr. Aitoro? Mr. Aitoro?
Gus: Yeah. Sorry.
Judge: Do you have anything further to say before I render judgment?
Gus: Right. I think I probably, you know, said enough already.
Judge: Yes, it was enough, Counselor. If you were an ordinary citizen, perhaps it wouldn't be, but you are a decorated officer of the law. If you are willing to take responsibility for this young man, I think the court would be very unwise to refuse you. Raphael Rivera, you have a juvenile record. You're on a train headed right off the tracks until your father hit the brakes. You heard what I said, right? Your father, Raphael Rivera. Take comfort in that. Find your strength in the fact that so many people love you and want to see you succeed, but, most importantly, your father. You are on probation for one year. Case dismissed.
Natalia: Oh! I can't wait to get you out of here.
Rafe: See you around.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I guess he could have been a little more grateful. You know, a small thank you.
Gus: That's all right. That's enough.
Sailing down behind the sun waiting for the prince to come
praying for the healing rain to restore my soul again
just a tour on the run how did I get here?
What have I done? When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know it when I look in my father's eyes?
Look into my father's eyes my father's eyes
when I look in my father's eyes
look into our father's eyes
that's when I need my father
look into my father's eyes
my father's eyes
Gus: This was some day.
I look into my father's eyes
look into my father's eyes my father's eyes
my father's eyes
look into my father's eyes my father's eyes
I look into my father
look into my father's eyes
my father's eyes
Next on "Guiding Light."
Reva: Hey, Jonathan, it's me. I have everything under control.
Jeffrey: Crime is a hard habit to break.
Cyrus: I wouldn't let it out of my sight if I were you.
Reva: I wasn't going to tell anybody this.
Billy: What?
Cassie: Josh is definitely up for it.
Well, let's not just him, Cassie. You're in this, too.
Jeffrey: Detective Marina Cooper, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is detective Rock Hoover.
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