GL Transcript Tuesday 6/12/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/12/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: Hey.

Bouncer: You're on the job.

Marina: Yeah.

Bouncer: Could have fooled me.

Marina: You're very sweet. We don't expect any problems here tonight. The Spaulding events tend to draw an older crowd, so...

Alexandra: Marina.

Marina: Alexandra.

Cyrus: Evening, Detective.

Marina: Mr. Foley.

Alexandra: Well, investment in the tux was good, wasn't it?

Marina: Yes, if you wanted him to fit in. He looks like he does.

Cyrus: He'll take that as a compliment.

Alexandra: I didn't realize you had been invited.

Marina: I'm not. I'm actually on the job. This was just standard issue.

Cyrus: Nice choice. As long as we don't have to see your father wearing it.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Cyrus, our tickets are in your coat pocket.

Cyrus: What's this?

Alexandra: Oh, wrong pocket. That is the key to your quarters, your new quarters in the gate house. That way you will be accessible to me from moment to moment. Well, come along. I want to introduce you around.

Jeffrey: You know, if you're going to hang around with the Spaulding set, there's a couple of tricks of the trade you need to learn.

Ava: I know which fork goes where.

Jeffrey: Well, that's not what I'm talking about. You know, I have been to one or two of these things before. You might even say that I've hung out with royalty. But the first thing that I learned was that you have to eat before you go.

Ava: But they're having some big, fancy meal.

Jeffrey: Well, that's only going to be one or two bites and before that you're going to be starving. Trust me. Besides, you need something to soak up all that champagne you're going to be drinking.

Ava: So we're supposed to have a burger now?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Just be careful not to, you know, spill.

Ava: Yeah, I guess I'll skip the ketchup then. See? You really are a dad.

Jeffrey: Are you... are you sure you want me tagging along with you to this thing? I mean, isn't there someone else you'd rather take?

Ava: Like Coop? I would love to take Coop, but I don't want to scare him.

Jeffrey: No, I didn't mean Coop. I meant, you know, someone who loves those type of events. You know, someone who knows exactly how to fit in.

Ava: You mean Olivia. I guess you think I should have invited her, too. Well, great. Now she probably things I'm picking favorites.

Jeffrey: Are you?

Ava: How about that burger? I was going to invite Olivia but you know how she hates anything to do with the Spaulding’s. And anyway, I wanted to get you alone so I could ask you something.

Jeffrey: What?

Ava: Something that involves all three of us.

Bouncer: Ticket, please. Your ticket if you're attending.

Olivia: A bar! Love it.

Mallet: Griggs is not a banker. Okay, he's a shadow that certain people hire when things aren't going their way. He's a contractor that agrees to get the job done and then he subcontracts out the real work, the hard work, to people...

Dinah: To you!

Mallet: See, if Matt... even if he shows up with the money, you will be taken out as a warning, as an example to other investors that have fallen behind. Someone will be hired...

Dinah: Someone? You were that someone.

Mallet: I know, exactly, which is why we have to find a way out of this, okay? I'm going to go to Frank. I'll tell Frank. I will tell Frank about my association with Griggs.

Dinah: Wouldn't that mean that you...

Mallet: Yeah, I have to tell him about the man I killed.

Dinah: No, you can't do that.

Mallet: If I don't put Griggs away, if I don't take him down, he'll hire somebody else.

Dinah: And then you're going to be put away, too. It's not going to work. You can't do that. We've got to find another way. There's just got to be another way. We're going to find that. We're going to find that. But we can’t... we can't tell Frank right now until we exhaust every possibility, all right?

Mallet: I don't know. I don't know.

Dinah: You promise me. You have to promise me!

(Cell phone ringing)

Dinah: Where are you? Mallet?

Griggs: It's Don Kelly, Ms. Marler. We talked about syndicating your TV show?

Dinah: Oh, right. Don Kelly. You know, this is isn't a real great time.

Griggs: I'll be quick. Since our last little chat, I put out feelers with some affiliates. They watched your tape and they love you, girl. Now, if you're still interested I'm sure we could even swing a huge signing bonus. Lots of zeros.

Dinah: Money would help.

Griggs: Sorry, what was that?

Dinah: Nothing. I'm interested. Definitely.

Griggs: I was so hoping you would say that. You know what? I've got a contract on me right now. And it's such a beautiful night. Why don't you meet me on the waterfront, say 15 minutes?

Dinah: Sure. I'm on my way.

Mallet: Frank?

Frank: Oh, hey, Mallet. What are you going here on your day off?

Mallet: I need to talk to you.

Frank: Need to talk to you, too. Before we start, I'd like to say that no matter how big a star you may become, you're always going to take orders from me. Are we clear on that?

Mallet: Well, yeah.

Frank: Did you see the "Chicago Gazette" today? Big story on the governor's commission on crime and guess who they quote?

Mallet: I don't know, Frank. I don't really care about that.

Frank: You didn't know about this?

Mallet: No. What I'm saying it doesn't matter.

Frank: Well, why don't you check out section C, page three and a lovely picture of you.

Mallet: It's not about the damn article, Frank. None of it's true, anyway.

Frank: How can you complain about an article you haven't even read yet, huh?

Mallet: Because of what they wrote about me being a hero.

Frank: Mallet, look, yes, yes, okay, it can be a little embarrassing but sometimes it's okay to get some credit. You deserve it. You're a good man. That's why the governor appointed you.

Mallet: That was a mistake.

Frank: Really? Let's ask Cassie Winslow about that because if you hadn't pulled her from the lake...

Mallet: I'm not talking about Cassie. That's not what I'm talking about.

Frank: Okay.

Mallet: I try my best, Frank, I really do. I try my best. I guess like everyone else, sometimes it's just not good enough.

Frank: Good enough for what?

Mallet: Frank, there's some things lately... lately I've been trying to face some things that I did.

Frank: Are you talking about before you came back to Springfield?

Mallet: Yeah.

Frank: Is this about you and Dinah? Are you and Dinah okay?

Mallet: No, no, we're fine. It's not about that.

Frank: Because are you worried about hurting Dinah like you did Harley?

Mallet: No. It's more than that, Frank. When Harley left me, I sank real low. And that's what I want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about that time in my life.

Frank: All right. Well, we got some time. Go ahead.

Mallet: Okay, that's good. I need to talk about this. (Cell phone ringing)

Frank: Aren't you going to get that?

Mallet: No, I don't have to get it.

Frank: You sure?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah, I don't have to get it. (Cell phone ringing) Would you hang on, Frank? I'm going to take this.

Frank: All right. (Cell phone ringing)

Mallet: I'm about to put you out of business, you son of a bitch.

Griggs: Now, now, now, is that any way to greet an old friend?

Mallet: Griggs, you and I were never friends.

Griggs: Is that why you still haven't introduced me to that lovely wife of yours? Well, never mind. I went ahead and made the first move.

Mallet: What did you do?

Griggs: On my way to meet Dinah right now. I got to tell you, she really is something else. Well, you have a nice night because I know I will.

Mallet: Wait. Where are you, Griggs? Where is she? Oh. Okay, baby, come on, pick up. Pick up your phone. Pick up your phone. Dinah, listen, it's me. Call me as soon as you get this. Call me.

Frank: Hey, is there a problem?

Mallet: No, no.

Frank: Who was that?

Mallet: You know what, Frank? I got to go. We'll talk later.

Frank: What are you talking about? You said you wanted to talk to me.

Alexandra: You're good at this, Cyrus.

Cyrus: This?

Alexandra: Pork bellies? Really fascinating. I bet you wake up every single morning excited to go to work.

Cyrus: Maybe I do find pork bellies fascinating.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Nobody finds pork bellies fascinating.

Cyrus: Not even pigs?

Alexandra: The point being no one finds Walter Reading fascinating, least of all himself. But he actually believed he might be after talking with you. It's talent.

Cyrus: No, it's a skill.

Alexandra: No, it's talent. And I'm just glad I have kind of talent at my beck and call.

Cyrus: I might but at your call. Beck is going to cost you extra.

Alexandra: Will it be worth it?

Cyrus: I think so. You make it easy.

Alexandra: Uh-oh. Uh-oh, uh-oh.

Cyrus: What's wrong?

Alexandra: Well, I'm just not quite sure if you're being sincere with me now.

Cyrus: Isn't that the fun of it?

Alexandra: Maybe so.

Ty: Alexandra?

Alexandra: Oh!

Cyrus: Great part for a very worthy cause.

Alexandra: I am so glad you're having a good time. Ty Billington, this is Cyrus Foley. He works for me.

Ty: Oh, at Spaulding. What department?

Cyrus: Public relations. What do you do, Ty?

Ty: My family owns the Midwest’s largest storage facility business.

Cyrus: Storage? Wow, must be fascinating. Can I freshen your drink?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Please, now.

Marina: You're good.

Cyrus: All the women say that.

Marina: Oh, yeah. First you get a job with the richest lady in town and now you're going to be living right under her roof. My gosh, you won't even have to break in to rob her.

Cyrus: I didn't think of it that way.

Marina: Right.

Cyrus: I already told you, Detective, I'm on the straight and narrow now. I'm a driver, I've got a 401(k)- - whatever that is-- I'm safe, I'm normal and I'm okay with that. Now, I know it goes against your nature but could you at least try to have a little faith? Duty calls. Oh, and Detective? You should keep an eye on your purse. You never know who you might bump into.

Alexandra: Well, look who's here.

Olivia: I have an invitation.

Alexandra: I know, I had it sent to you personally.

Olivia: You invited me? Why?

Alexandra: Because it's a very generous occasion. We're raising funding for

Olivia: It's Dinah’s project.

Alexandra: Yeah.

Olivia: It's a good cause. I'm happy to help.

Alexandra: How's business these days?

Olivia: Why do you care?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, because I heard you're thinking about expanding the Beacon franchises. Some sort of little hotel chain and exotic places.

Olivia: Where did you hear that?

Alexandra: You have your financing yet?

Olivia: I will.

Alexandra: That means no.

Olivia: Is that why you invited me her, so you could gloat?

Alexandra: No. Actually, I want to bankroll your new enterprises, but, of course, if you don't want my money, I'll just go get a drink.

Ava: Oh, boy, she is not going to be happy when she finds out I invited you and not her.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We'll just say that we came separately and that we saw each other here. Okay, it was just pure coincidence.

Ava: Very sneaky.

Jeffrey: Well, that's what I'm good at, right?

Ava: Yeah.

Jeffrey: So tell me, what was this big plan you were mentioning earlier?

Ava: Yeah. You know what's coming up, right?

Jeffrey: What?

Ava: Father's Day. Your very first real Father's Day.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Ava: Oh, yeah. I was thinking that you and Olivia and me could celebrate as a family. You know, you could put on your best sweater vest and hike up your pants, put on your white socks, slip on your loafers, we could celebrate as a family.

Mallet: Dinah? Dinah? Dinah? Oh, good girl. Good girl. Be back soon. Where? Oh, Dinah, but where did you go? Come on, baby. Damn it, honey, pick up your phone. Pick up your phone. (Cell phone ringing)

Olivia: So, is this the part where you laugh at me and humiliate me?

Alexandra: No, this is a real offer. I want to bankroll your company, your expansion with Spaulding money.

Olivia: You want me to partner with Spaulding?

Alexandra: If the numbers are strong enough, and of course the board doesn't object.

Olivia: Why, Alexandra? Why? You hate me.

Alexandra: Oh, come on. That's overstating it a bit.

Olivia: Oh, no, no. You think I hurt Phillip and Alan and now Buzz. I left him at the altar. You should be mad at me right now.

Alexandra: Well, I'll confess I do find some of your actions repellant.

Olivia: Right back at you.

Alexandra: (Laughs) But you know what, ever since this Doris Wolfe fiasco, I've actually longed for the kind of tango you an I used to do.

Olivia: Oh, yeah, when we'd try to crush each other into dust.

Alexandra: Oh, don't make it sound ugly.

Olivia: You feel marginalized at Spaulding since Alan has come back. You could use a win and you know I'm good at making money. Any port in a storm, Alex?

Alexandra: Well, I guess I could take this to somebody who would appreciate the opportunity more.

Olivia: No, don't go away, partner. We have lots to discuss.

Alexandra: Well, I wasn't sure that you'd want to do business with my family at all any more.

Olivia: Right now, I'm going with the family that makes me the best offer.

Jeffrey: You know that I don't play golf.

Ava: Good to know.

Jeffrey: I'm not on a softball team and I don't like tailgate parties. I don't like yard work, I don't like...

Ava: What does this have to do with anything?

Jeffrey: Well, I just... I don't like brunch. I don't even like the word brunch.

Ava: None of the things you've just mentioned are requirements for celebrating Father's Day. I mean, even for being a father.

Jeffrey: I'm just saying, this day is supposed to be about, you know, honoring fathers for actually being dads.

Ava: You are a dad.

Jeffrey: Yeah, for about two minutes.

Ava: Jeffrey, you've always been a father; you just didn't know.

Jeffrey: I think what I'm trying to say is that, you know, I haven't done anything to deserve it, and I'm hardly an example for paternal anything.

Ava: Okay, fine. So let's just consider this a celebration towards your future performance. How's that?

Jeffrey: Yeah, what if I don't measure up come December?

Ava: Well, then, I'll just have to return the tie I'm going to buy you.

Jeffrey: Tie?

Ava: Yes.

Jeffrey: Couldn't you get me something more exciting like, I don't know, a sports car or Ferrari or something?

Ava: Does that mean you're going to do it?

Jeffrey: Does anyone ever say no to you?

Ava: Yes. Okay, okay, okay. So now we just have to get Olivia on board. But, I mean... okay. The thing is she's going to think I'm trying to push you guys together, and I'm not. I'm not, I swear.

Jeffrey: You want me to ask her?

Ava: Would you?

Jeffrey: I was just kidding, okay? I'm not...

Ava: Too late.

Jeffrey: Daughters.

Ava: Good luck. Go on, go on.

Mallet: Listen, I'm a cop, all right? It's my day off. I don't have my badge, I just need to look around. It'll take two seconds. I just need to find someone.

Cyrus: I can vouch for this guy.

Mallet: Oh, really? You can vouch for me? Yeah, you. You know what? This is all your fault.

Dinah: Mr. Kelly? Don? TV people are so dramatic. There you are.

Griggs: And there you are.

Dinah: You look like you're ready to get this show on the road.

Griggs: Absolutely. And the sooner the better.

Cyrus: Alexandra won't happy if you damage the tux. You know what this costs?

Mallet: Do you know what you cost me? Coming to town and deciding to use everyone's past...

Cyrus: What about me, mate? What about your wife and her mother did to me?

Mallet: I think you got what you deserved.

Cyrus: Yeah, maybe you have too now.

Mallet: What does that mean? What does that mean, huh? What does that mean? Where is she?

Cyrus: What? Who?

Mallet: Dinah, damn it. Where is she?

Cyrus: She's your wife. How should I know? I thought we were all moving on from this. I made it clear to you at the hearing I'm not going to tell anyone your secret. So if I'm the only one who knows, then you haven't got a problem. Now are we square here?

Mallet: Marina, have you seen Dinah?

Marina: Hey, Mallet, I didn't know...

Mallet: Have you seen Dinah? Dinah?

Marina: No, I haven't, I'm sorry. Why? Is something wrong? Mallet, can I help?

Jeffrey: Olivia, I didn't think you'd be here tonight.

Olivia: Well, life is full of surprises.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Ava’s here.

Olivia: You don't say.

Jeffrey: I just ran into her.

Olivia: Bully for you.

Jeffrey: You know, I was talking to her and she... she got this idea...

Olivia: She's got ideas. Plenty of ideas.

Jeffrey: Think maybe you've had enough of that?

Olivia: I don't think so.

Jeffrey: Right. Well, anyway, Ava reminded me that this Sunday is Father's Day, and she thought it'd be a great idea if the three of use got together and, you know, celebrated.

Olivia: The three of us?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Olivia: The three of us now? I mean, why the three of us all of a sudden? Did you guys see me here and maybe felt a little guilty?

Jeffrey: Guilty for what?

Olivia: I get it. I get it, Jeffrey. I know who Ava wants to celebrate with and who she doesn’t. I don't need phony gestures. Yours or hers.

Ava: Hey, what did Olivia say about Father's Day?

Jeffrey: You know, I didn't get a chance to get around to that and something else, Ava, I just remembered, I have a prior commitment that day.

Ava: You're just remembering this now?

Jeffrey: It's a work thing and it's really important. I can't get out of it, I'm sorry.

Mallet: Dinah? Dinah?

Griggs: Hello?

Mallet: Griggs, listen, you better not...

Griggs: I'm sorry, I can't

come to the phone right now.

I'm busy teaching someone a


Leave a message and I'll get

back to you as soon as I can. (Beep)

Marina: Mallet? Mallet? Great. Ooh, I'm sorry. You're following me?

Cyrus: Yeah, I'm just taking a break from the movers and shakers, Detective.

Marina: I thought you liked those types.

Cyrus: In small doses. What's your excuse? Aren't you supposed to be working tonight looking for evildoers out to scam the filthy rich?

Marina: Oh, I don't have to be at a party to find people breaking the law. Open container violation. I believe that's section 34.121. Of course, I will have to check the evidence.

Cyrus: If you wanted a sip, all you had to do was ask.

Marina: This is more fun.

Cyrus: Should you be drinking while you're on duty?

Marina: Actually, I'm off the clock now. Yeah, that's beer.

Cyrus: Yep. I had to ask for it special. This is more of a champagne sort of event.

Marina: I noticed.

Cyrus: Have I mentioned that dress yet?

Marina: What about it?

Cyrus: Nothing. Never mind.

Marina: What? What were you going to say?

Cyrus: You fishing for compliments now?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: You know you look good in it.

Marina: What? I don't know.

Cyrus: Oh, come on, Detective. You know, a woman always knows.

Marina: Oh, please. It's not even mine. I borrowed it from Springfield P.D. prop room. I have to return it at midnight.

Cyrus: And then what happens? Do you walk around naked? If you need a bodyguard...

Marina: You look really nice in your tux.

Cyrus: It's custom fitted. The lady knows how to polish a pebble.

Marina: You're not a pebble. Actually, I thought you fit in quite well among them.

Cyrus: Then why am I out here with a beer?

Marina: You tell me.

Cyrus: Because it's not real. Because this is a costume and I'm just playing a part.

Marina: Well, you play it very well.

Cyrus: Of course I do. I've had plenty of practice. And being an outsider has its advantages. When I'm in that setting, I don't see people so much as the challenge.

Marina: The challenge?

Cyrus: Winning them over. Making them think that I care about what they care about. Making them feel that they're important and special. It doesn't matter if you're a criminal or a businessman, same theory applies.

Marina: So people are just things that you have to deal with in order to get what you want.

Cyrus: I guess you could put it that way.

Marina: That's really sad, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Okay, when you arrest a perp, does your heart bleed for them? Do you think, "Oh, gosh, I wonder if he came form a broken home and has little ones depending on him." No. The first thing you do when you arrest someone is turn them around, push them against the wall so you can handcuff them. And why is that, Marina? So you don't have to look them in the eye.

Marina: Actually, it's to incapacitate them.

Cyrus: Well, there are other ways to do that.

Marina: Not as fast or as effective.

Cyrus: If you did that to me, I bet I could out of it.

Marina: There you go again, betting in a public place. It's another...

Cyrus: It's only a bet if it actually happens. And you're too chicken to take me up on it.

Marina: I'm sorry, me? Chicken? Really? Really?

Cyrus: Mm-hmm.

Marina: Okay. How does that feel?

Cyrus: Oh, well, I don't feel a thing, actually.

Marina: Okay. How about now?

Cyrus: Yep, yep, I can feel that.

Marina: Yeah?

Cyrus: Yep.

Marina: This is kind of fun, isn't it? So now if we twist your arm...

Cyrus: Ah, yeah, all right, all right, all right.

Marina: Something along the lines of that.

Cyrus: Yeah, that's very educational.

Marina: Oh, good. Then pay up.

Cyrus: We didn't discuss terms. But I'll tell you what: As payback, why don't I teach you a little lesson that I learned from my old trade. It's another way to get someone to beg for mercy.

Marina: What?

Cyrus: You have to dance with me.

Marina: Oh, my God. You are so...

Cyrus: Can you hear the music? (Laughs) Come on, Detective. It's a really cool trick. I promise you, you'll thank me for it. Now sit?

Marina: No. Okay, okay, so what's this trick?

Cyrus: Well, this is how I got the Duchess of Monrovia to drop her guard. I was circling her all night just waiting for an opportunity to get into her...

Marina: Hey.

Cyrus: Her safe. And opportunity to get into her safe. She was a tough one. Nasty. But then I got my arms around her and I...

Alexandra: Don’t.

Ty: Do you like this music?

Olivia: Right now I would like any music.

Ty: I saw you before talking to Alexandra. You're not only the most beautiful woman at this party, you're the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time.

Olivia: Finally, someone who gets me.

Ava: What is up with Olivia?

Jeffrey: I was wondering the same thing myself. Excuse me.

Olivia: Okay, I hope you're driving because I am in no condition.

Ty: Don't worry, I got you covered.

Jeffrey: I don't think so. Are you all right?

Olivia: Just get away from me.

Jeffrey: Don't do this.

Olivia: And you know me so well.

Ty: Hey, bud, beat it. Come on, I got more champagne at my place.

Jeffrey: She's had enough to drink.

Ty: Who are you, her keeper?

Jeffrey: Tonight I am, yeah. These your keys? Oops. Better go get them.

Ty: Son of a...

Jeffrey: Come on.

Olivia: No.

Jeffrey: You're making a spectacle of yourself.

Olivia: I'm not making a spectacle, I'm celebrating. I just closed a very lucra... a very big deal tonight.

Jeffrey: I don't know whatever you did tonight, but it's not celebrating, that's for sure, okay? Your wedding blew up in your face, you're mad at Ava, you're mad at me. That's why you're drinking and that's why you're trying to hook up with that jerk.

Olivia: And I'm going to ask the same question he did: Who are you, my keeper?

Jeffrey: No, but we've been here before and we both know what happened, and I'm not going to let it happen again.

Dinah: There you are. I was so worried about you.

Marina: Oh, nice. And you told me that women actually fall for those moves.

Cyrus: Every time.

Marina: Suckers.

Cyrus: I guess you're just much too together to, you know... much more together than all those beautiful, smart women who fell for it.

Marina: Yeah, I guess so, huh? So, you going to holster those moves now that you're on the "straight and narrow"?

Cyrus: You know, I'd appreciate if you didn't use quotes about something that's so important to me.

Marina: I'd appreciate it if you gave me a little more credit, Cyrus. You can't actually expect me to believe that after robbing people practically your entire adult life and making a good living at it, that you're suddenly going to become a boy scout because someone's offered you a job to drive a car.

Cyrus: You're right, I did earn a good living. But it was kind of hard to spend the money in prison, in a place... in a hellhole that you couldn't even imagine.

Marina: So now you're willing to bow and scrape for Alexandra Spaulding.

Cyrus: This job could be a way into something better. Alex can open doors for me.

Marina: While you open her safe.

Cyrus: I'm trying to do something good here. And I need to stay away from things that are going to hold me back, like you, Detective.

Marina: Oh, me?

Cyrus: Yeah, you and your father. For one day-- one hour-- could you just believe in me?

Marina: (Laughs) I'm sorry, I think the beer went to your head.

Cyrus: I'm just being honest.

Marina: Okay, and if you fail, it's my fault.

Cyrus: That's not what I'm saying.

Marina: Then prove me wrong, Cyrus. If this is real, prove me wrong. I have to go.

Cyrus: Marina...

Marina: What?

Cyrus: Never mind.

Jeffrey: So, what's going on with you?

Olivia: Why do you care?

Jeffrey: Well, you're acting out over something.

Olivia: Yeah, no, it's my fault. It's never anybody else’s.

Jeffrey: Well, I didn't do anything, I don't think. You know, we didn't even say two words to each other before you started jumping down my throat.

Olivia: You know what, forget it. Just go back to your daughter.

Jeffrey: She's your daughter too, you know. Why didn't you want to spend Father's Day, just the three of us?

Olivia: Well, if I'm not good enough to spend tonight with the two of you, why would I want to spend Father's Day with you?

Jeffrey: Not good enough?

Olivia: I heard you at Company. "Let's not bring Olivia, Dad, let's go alone." I mean, you went along with it.

Jeffrey: You misunderstood, Olivia.

Olivia: What's to misunderstand? I think it's perfectly clear. You know, I had a great gift from Alexandra tonight and an opportunity to make huge money to... my wedding blew up in my face. It's the best thing that's happen since then, but I couldn't enjoy it because... (sighs)

Jeffrey: We didn't mean to exclude you. You know, I will explain about tonight, about Father's Day, but not now. Let's just get you out of here, okay?

Olivia: I can take a cab.

Jeffrey: No. It was my job to get you home that night all those years ago, and I failed miserably. I don't want to fail twice.

Frank: Hey, honey. Came by to see how you're doing. Anything to report?

Marina: Nope, not a thing.

Dinah: That was Griggs? He was this close to me.

Mallet: Thank God you are alive. Thank God.

Dinah: So the whole thing was a lie? The whole thing was a lie-- the syndication offer, the deal, the bonus deal. That was all...

Mallet: Set up. Set up.

Dinah: Okay, that was good. That was good because he introduced himself to me on Main Street, then he called me later tonight. He was dangling zeroes in front of me, and I thought I could get money out of the man so I could give it to Matt, and I couldn’t. It's the reason why I met him. And then when I saw he didn't have a check for me cut, I wanted to get back to you very quickly and I told him I'd stay in touch and then I left.

Mallet: Right. He's sending a signal to me that he can get to you and hurt you if I don't do what he wants.

Dinah: You are not going to do that, though. You are not going to do that because you're not going to hurt Matt.

Mallet: Of course not.

Dinah: Are you?

Mallet: Of course not, but I will not let him hurt you.

Dinah: All right, so you tell me, what are we going to do?

Mallet: I don't know, Dinah. I don't know yet, but there has to be some way, okay? Some way down the middle.

Dinah: Let me tell you something, if I knew... if I knew about this man I would've taken him out myself. I would've popped his head. You know why? Because nobody messes with us like this. Nobody.

Mallet: Let me handle it.

Dinah: We're going to handle this together, Mallet.

Mallet: Let me handle it.

Dinah: Promise me we are going to handle this together. That's how we do things now. Right? Right?

Mallet: Right. Right.

Dinah: You know, I'm going to watch this guy. I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to wash him off me because we're going to come out here, we're going to sit down, we're going to work through this, okay? We're going to work through this. (Cell phone rings)

Mallet: Hello?

Griggs: Yeah, did you have a nice night?

Mallet: She's a lot tougher than you think, Griggs. If you touch her again...

Griggs: I gave you an assignment. Now you know the consequences if you don't accept. So, you going to pay many more visits to the police station on your day off? Or are you going to give me what I need to hear?

Mallet: Leave my wife alone.

Griggs: Yeah, well, you know what that's going to take. Matt Reardon is gone but not forgotten.

Mallet: Tomorrow I'll call you.

Griggs: Smart boy.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Harley: Happy Father's Day, Daddy.

Jeffrey: Happy Father's Day, Ava.

R.J.: Can I still call him dad?

Cassie: Josh is going to be happy with whatever you decide.

Gus: Happy Father's Day, Pops.

Buzz: Alan, happy Father's Day.

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