Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/11/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: (Breathing heavy) (Cell phone rings) What? It's my day off, find somebody else.
Griggs: Sorry, Tony boy, you are never off with me.
Mallet: Griggs, I'm not on your payroll.
Griggs: Yeah, you are. Until I get what you owe me.
Mallet: I am not a contract killer. Do you understand me? I'm a cop. And let's get something else clear, okay, buddy? If anything happens to Matt Reardon -- I don't care if he falls off his bicycle -- something is going to happen to you. I will come after you for old time sake.
Griggs: For old time sake, I'm going to tell you something: I'm going to give you some more time to think about it. Just don't think too long because things happen.
Remy: Fold.
Man: Full house. I warned you, kid.
Remy: I believe those are mine.
Man: What the hell is this? A setup? (Knock on the door)
Remy: Who's there?
Natalia: It's me, Natalia.
Remy: It's cool. Hey, I'm kind of busy at the moment.
Natalia: I really need to talk to you. It's Rafe.
Remy: Deal me out.
Natalia: What's-- you're cheating?
Remy: Sh-sh-sh. You need something or not?
Natalia: My son is gone. They transferred him to the police station. He's in jail.
Remy: Okay. Call Gus. He can talk to people down--
Natalia: Gus is the problem. He found out-- Rafe found out about Gus because of you, Remy. So now he knows that Gus is his father, and I did not get a chance to go down there and explain it to him, and he just vanished.
Remy: That is not the way I wanted it to go down.
Natalia: I don't give a damn what you wanted. I need to see my son.
Buzz: That's twice, one more and you're out.
Harley: I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm sorry!
Buzz: Okay. What's going on?
Harley: Nothing.
Buzz: Harley?
Harley: It's Natalia! Okay, remember I told you? I told you she has come back to town to get Gus. I told you.
Buzz: I remember you had to fire her.
Harley: Yes. Well, it's gotten a lot worse than that. It's gotten bigger, and it's 5' 8" and brown hair and bad attitude.
Buzz: What?
Harley: Gus and Natalia don't just have a past. They have a present and a future, too. And his name is Rafe, and he's Gus' son.
Gus: I took the liberty of having you transferred over here so we could talk. All right, I'll do the talking. I knew your mom back in Chicago. We were kids, not much older than you. And we were in love. And it was the real deal. You probably want to know why I left, right? Um... my father was also a cop, and he tried to take down the mob, and they killed him for that. And so I knew when I was old enough that I would be going after them, and I didn't want your mother getting caught in the crossfire. And I didn't know-- I didn't know about you until today. If I had known that I had a son--
Rafe: I'm not your freakin' son.
Gus: Look, I did not ask for this! Okay? I have a family and I have a wife. To me, you are a complication, but you are my son and I am your father, and we're going to just have to deal with this.
Rafe: Get away from me, man!
Griggs: You're even more beautiful in person.
Dinah: Well, I like you already.
Griggs: Don Kelly, and I love your show.
Dinah: Oh, aren't you sweet. Well, can I sign something for you?
Griggs: A contract. (Laughing) Listen, I'm more than just a fan. I'm what they call the money.
Dinah: Vice President Creative Affairs, Candid Media. Nice card.
Griggs: Do you mind if I join you?
Dinah: Well, I think you already have.
Griggs: Touché. I guess I should explain. My company, we find local TV shows that we feel are worthy of a large audience.
Dinah: Oh, syndication.
Griggs: All around the world. You have no idea the plans I have for you, no idea at all.
Dinah: That sounds almost too good to be true, Don.
Griggs: Why don't you let me drive you over to the office, and then we can start talking about a very bright future.
Dinah: You know, I like what you're saying, but I will follow you so that you don't have to come back.
Griggs: Oh, not on your life. You are getting very special treatment. As of now, it is my job to take care of you.
(Knock at the door)
Matt: Don't shoot officer, please don't shoot.
Mallet: Sorry, Matt, I’ve had some threats lately.
Matt: From who?
Mallet: Just a trouble-maker.
Matt: It must be serious. Every time I see you, you're waving this gun around.
Mallet: Well, I just don't want anybody I care about to get hurt.
Matt: Well, then maybe you ought to put that thing away, huh?
Mallet: Yeah.
Matt: Where's Dinah? She around?
Mallet: Not right now. Why, what's going on?
Matt: Well, actually, something good for a change. I think Vanessa might be coming around. I'm thinking about asking her out, taking her down to the lake, that old special spot that she likes so well.
Mallet: Don't-- don't do that. Don't go off alone. I mean, you know-- what I mean is, you want to make things right with Vanessa, right?
Matt: Yeah, yeah.
Mallet: Good. Then this is what you do: You take Vanessa and that beautiful little girl of yours, and you just get out of town and take off, get out. And not next week, not tomorrow-- today. Just leave today.
Remy: I'll win some more of your money next time.
Natalia: Rafe's in trouble. He got into a fight with one of the guards, and he pulled a gun.
Remy: Where did he get a gun?
Natalia: The guard-- he took it from the guard. And then Gus showed up and there was a standoff, and then Harley came in and she warned Gus not to hurt Rafe because Rafe--
Remy: Is Gus' son. I'm a freakin' screwup.
Natalia: I'm not blaming you.
Remy: I was the one who opened my big mouth and told Harley.
Natalia: Well, maybe it's better to get it out finally.
Remy: Yeah, I'm still sorry, though.
Natalia: I just want to find him and I want to talk to him. This was not the way he was supposed to learn that he had a father. And now he's in jail. And he's going to act tough, but I know he is really scared to death.
Remy: It's going to be okay. Don't worry, we'll get him out, okay?
Natalia: I tried to reach Gus--
Remy: We don't need Gus. My sister is the best lawyer in town.
Natalia: Maybe, but I don't have a job or the money to pay her.
Remy: I'll handle that, okay? I got you into this, I'll get you out.
Harley: Don't get me wrong. I am so happy for Gus. So happy. I know how devastated he was when he found out he couldn't have a child. And, Daddy, this boy Rafe.
Buzz: This boy Rafe is a grownup. Just the way you were when I came back.
Harley: No, it's different.
Buzz: You bet it is. You held a gun to me.
Harley: I would not have used that gun, Daddy, please.
Buzz: You could have fooled me. I didn't even know you existed when I came back here, but there you were. And the point is I know what waters you're navigating right now, and I know why you're breaking the dishes. Because you wish you could have given Gus a son instead of Natalia, right?
Harley: Yes, I do wish that. Does that make me a horrible person.
Buzz: No, that would make you normal. But think about this: How many times do you figure Gus has wished he had given you, say, Daisy or Zach or Jude?
Harley: Uh-huh.
Buzz: Does that make him less loving? Does that make him less of a father?
Harley: No, no. It makes him wonderful. He's always been wonderful. Just like I will try to be wonderful with Rafe. But it's different, Dad, because he has-- I have an obstacle he didn't have, which is Natalia is still in love with him -- is what I'm saying!
Buzz: Okay. Natalia is in love with a high school boy then. Gus has changed since then.
Harley: He hasn't changed. He is-- he is sneaking smokes all over the place, and he still wears those nasty sweat pants to bed. And you should have read the letters he wrote to Natalia. That's my Gus. That's his voice. I mean certainly him when he was younger, but he was just as loyal then and just as loving.
Buzz: Right, he's loyal. So he's not going anywhere.
Harley: But what if I were out of the picture, you know?
Buzz: But your not. You know what you're going to be? You're going to be smart, and you're not going to make him choose between loving you or loving his son.
Daisy: I need something with wire-- a paperclip. Do you have a paperclip?
Ashlee: We're in lockdown. That door isn't going to open until they want it to.
Daisy: Would you please, please call Doris.
Ashlee: She doesn't even come here to see me.
Daisy: Make it sound dire. Oh, oh, they're trying to kill me. Cough a lot.
Ashlee: I can't lie to my mother. Okay, fine, I'll try. As soon as I can get to a phone.
Daisy: Come on, what is out--
Ashlee: Look, it's going to be okay. We'll deal with it. We'll make it better, I promise.
Daisy: I just hope it's not too late. I have this feeling.
Ashlee: What kind of feeling?
Daisy: That I'm never going to see him again.
Gus: That feels good, huh? Did you hurt your hand? When you hit somebody, you got to get your whole body going, you've got to get your arm, you've got to get your weight back, and use your shoulders.
Rafe: You want to teach me to shave, too?
Gus: No, because I'm not actually very good at shaving. My wife always complains about the stubble. Actually, Rafe, I'm not that good at a lot of things. I don't always say the right thing. I'm sorry. Did you ever ask-- ask about me? Like, who's your father? Where is your father? What's my father's name? You know, you must have talked to her about it some time, you know, asked her questions. Did she ever say anything to you? What did she say?
Rafe: Screw you, okay. Screw you.
Gus: Are those her exact words? She probably told you she'll get into it with you when you're older, right? And all you thought is oh, I'm not around, that I didn't care. That I didn't give a damn. I understand. But, Rafe, I didn't know about you. I didn't know. I didn't know about you. I didn't know about the tough times your mom was going through. Because, believe me, if I had known, I would have been there for you, I would have been there for both of you. Look at me. Look at me. Hey, look at me! Look at me! I'm talking to you. It's not too late for us. We can make up for lost time, you know. Be a father and a son.
Rafe: You want to be my daddy?
Gus: I am... I am your father.
Rafe: And you love me, right?
Gus: Well, I don't know you yet, but I'd like-- I'd like the chance.
Rafe: Then prove it, okay? Open the door and let me go!
Griggs: Here we are. This is me.
Dinah: You know what? I was supposed to meet my husband for dinner tonight. Oh, I'm sorry. I'll talk to him about going to Hollywood.
Griggs: Well, I'm sure your husband is going to understand. He is a TV veteran himself, right? Come on, time is money.
Dinah: I can’t. I can’t. You know, it's already late.
Griggs: You are going to pass on a multi-million dollar deal for a bagel with your husband.
Dinah: Yeah, yeah, I am. You know what? I used to make it all about my career before. I did that, but that was before I married Mallet.
Griggs: You cannot let an opportunity like this pass you by, sweetheart.
Dinah: Look, you know what? I am very flattered. This offer sounds wonderful, but if we can't set up another time to do something like this, then I'm just going to have to pass. It's good meeting you.
Griggs: Wait, wait, wait. All right, here is the thing: The truth is there is nobody that can replace you. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to go back to my people, talk to them, squeak a little more time out of them and get back to you, okay?
Dinah: Good. Good, that's good. I'm looking forward to something like this happening. Take care.
Matt: Okay, Mallet, look, I know that you think these guys that I borrowed the money from are after me, but, really, trust me. They're really not that bad of guys.
Mallet: Not everyone who is connected looks like Tony Soprano.
Matt: You think they're going to hire somebody to put a bullet in my forehead.
Mallet: They prefer the back of the head.
Matt: Oh, come on. Come on! These guys want their money. I can make the money back, I can pay these guys back. I know they'd rather have the money than have me dead.
Mallet: Matt, these guys are interested in not just their money. Somebody screws them, they make an example.
Matt: Boy, you really know how to comfort a guy.
Mallet: I'm just saying get out, go to Europe. Don't stay in one place too long.
Matt: Come on, Mallet, what are you saying? You saying you want me to go on the run forever?
Mallet: I say save yourself, save your family, get the hell out.
Dinah: If you run, I'll never speak to you again.
Remy: Buzz, have you seen Mel?
Buzz: No, but I have heard about your son.
Natalia: Of course you have, but don't you dare judge me. First I lose my job, even though I'm the best waitress in town probably, right? And why? Because your daughter can't deal with the fact that her husband and I have a past. And now that she knows that we have a child, it's even worse. But I have never-- I have never used my son to hurt her or Gus. And I don't talk about my problems at work. I don’t. I smile when I feel like crying. I joke when I want to scream. And I'm busing tables while my son is locked away in some-- do you ever hear a word about it? No!
Buzz: No, no, no. And I'm the last person to judge you. I think he is lucky to have a mother like you.
Natalia: Oh. I'm sorry.
Buzz: I'm sorry. I've been trying to reach you, actually.
Natalia: Why? Is it Rafe? Did Frank call?
Remy: Her son's in jail.
Buzz: Well, I don't know about that. No. What I wanted to get a hold of you for is I wanted to rehire you with a raise.
Natalia: Are you sure? Because Harley is the one--
Buzz: No. It was her idea. She made a mistake, and she's sorry.
Natalia: Okay. Okay, when do you want me to start?
Buzz: Well, right now. But go find your son first.
Natalia: Okay. Thanks. (Laughter)
Rafe: Can't do it, can you?
Gus: What, just let you go?
Rafe: Look, if you don't, you know what that guard is going to do to me, okay? Come on, come on, Dad, I'm counting on you. All right? Save me.
Harley: What are you going to do, run away? Go ahead. They'll catch you and double your time.
Gus: She's right. I mean, you'll have two or three hours of freedom, and then they're going to catch you and put you behind bars for even longer. I'm not doing it.
Rafe: Should have known, huh?
Harley: You don't know anything. Your father is one of the good guys. Okay, he's such a good guy that he risked his badge and he barely knows you.
Rafe: Who the hell are you?
Harley: I'm Harley. I'm Gus' wife and part of the package, whether you like me or not.
Gus: And you will eventually like her because everybody does. Even your mother. Do you know your mother's working for her father down at the diner?
Harley: And we'd like to get you out of here, but the right way. The right way. So you can come home and maybe meet the rest of your family.
Rafe: Look, lady, okay, I've got a family.
Gus: Look, I know that you're angry, okay? But I was cheated here, too. I mean, I would-- here. I would let you go, okay, but there are consequences.
Rafe: Shut up! Okay? Just let me go. Bring me back! Look, bring me back, okay! Get me out of here.
Gus: Knock it off, okay!
Harley: He's ready to go back.
Guard: Let's go, kid.
Dinah: You can't run. All right? I tried that. If you remember, I thought if I could just leave my troubles behind, they'd all go away. But they were right here when I came back. You have to deal with it.
Mallet: That's different. The law was after you. This is not the same thing.
Dinah: Oh, come on. We have tried so hard to keep this family together, to be a family, and now you are asking mom and Matt to pack up and leave.
Mallet: Yes, yes, until it's safe. Yes, until we know for sure,
Dinah: And you know that Europe is so safe? No!
Matt: Okay, I think I know what's going on here. Dinah, Mallet's a cop. He has seen things that no one else should see, and right now he's probably--
Dinah: Wait, wait, wait. He's paranoid.
Matt: Right... a little-- maybe a little. Look, Mallet, I know how to take care of my family. And the way that I can do that right now is to start to pay these guys back the money that I owe them, and I'm going to do that.
Dinah: Does that mean you're going to stay?
Matt: That's exactly what that means. Your husband seems awfully stressed out. Maybe you can come up with some ideas there for him.
Dinah: Okay. I think I might have an idea.
Matt: Yeah, I thought you might. All right. I'll see you guys.
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: Hey, look, I wanted to wait until it was a done deal, but I think I might have a way to help Matt pay the money back.
Mallet: It's too damn late, okay? It's too late. Do you not get that?
Dinah: What are you saying?
Mallet: Come on. Come on. We can't talk here.
Dinah: What are we doing here?
Mallet: Sh-sh-sh-sh. Keep your voice down.
Dinah: Why?
Mallet: Because I want to make sure we're not being followed. Our car could be bugged. Even our room could be bugged. I wouldn't put anything past Griggs.
Dinah: Griggs?
Mallet: The guy who put me on his payroll as a gun for hire, he is in Springfield.
Dinah: Wait a minute. That doesn't make any sense. How did he find you?
Mallet: Blake.
Dinah: No! She wouldn’t...
Mallet: Yes, yes! Yes, she did. When I wouldn't choose her over you, she used what she knew to contact Griggs.
Dinah: I could kill that woman.
Mallet: Don't kill that woman. I should have slept with her. Obviously, I'm kidding. I'm kidding, Dinah. If I knew the alternative was Griggs rising up, why not?
Dinah: All right. Did you see him? Did he talk to you?
Mallet: He wants me to do a job. Either I do the job or he destroys my life.
Dinah: How? What are you talking about? Is it somebody that we know? Mallet, come on, talk to me! Who does he expect you to kill?
Mallet: Someone who owes his friends a lot of money.
Remy: Excuse me. Hey, Mason, right? How are things holding up in "J" ward?
Mason: I still have nightmares about those little thugs. (Laughing)
Remy: I know what you mean. Hey, Buzz, get this man an order of fries. It's on me, man. It's the least I can do for a fellow officer.
Mason: I thought you turned in your badge.
Remy: I did. I did, but once a cop always a cop, right? It's like a priesthood, huh? And it pays about as much, too, which is why I quit. I mean, no amount is worth dealing with the crap from those gangsta kids from the street. You know what I mean?
Mason: Yeah, I had to scare the crap out of one of them. Rivera.
Remy: Yeah, I bet you did. You lay a hand on Rafael Rivera again and they'll be trouble.
Mason: Look...
Remy: No, you look. Rafe's mom is a friend of mine. You will treat him right, with respect, or you-- are we cool? I said are we cool?
Mason: Yo, we're cool.
Remy: Get out of here!
Buzz: What was that about?
Remy: That? The guy didn't want to share his fries.
Natalia: Hey, Rafe is in a police car on the way to juvie. I've got to go.
Remy: I'll go with you.
Natalia: No, no, no. Thank you for everything, but...
Mason: Move it, kid.
Natalia: Rafe, oh, God. Please, I am begging you... I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?
Rafe: Why, huh? Why couldn't you just tell me?
Gus: I'm sorry for all of the complication I have added to our lives. (Laughter)
Harley: Honey, I have brought so many complications into our marriage. I think you can have one, small complication.
Gus: No. I've made things difficult. This makes things very hard on you--
Harley: It wasn't easy for you to take on more kids, but you did that, especially Daisy. And you did it with love and a great sense of humor, and very little nicotine. That's what I like about you, you're a rock, babe. You're a rock! We can handle this.
Gus: Are you sure?
Harley: Yes. Remember our vows, for better or worse, the part you mumbled?
Gus: I do. I do.
Dinah: (Sobbing) Oh, my God. We've got to find Matt. We've got to find Matt. We've got to warn him. No, no, no. He's going to go after Griggs himself. We've got to pay back the money. We've got to pay back the money.
Mallet: Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, listen to me! You're not listening to me. Listen to me: Griggs is not a banker. He's a shadow that certain people hire when things aren't going their way. He is a contractor that agrees to get the job done, and then he subcontracts out the real work, the hard work, to people.
Dinah: To you!
Mallet: So Matt-- even if he shows up with the money, he'll be taken out as a warning, as an example to other investors that have fallen behind. And someone will be hired to kill him.
Dinah: I know. And you were that someone.
Mallet: Exactly. Which is why we have to find our way out of this. Okay? I'm going to go to Frank. I will tell Frank about my association with Griggs.
Dinah: But what would that mean that you...
Mallet: Yeah. I'll have to tell him about the man I killed.
Dinah: No, you can't do that.
Mallet: Dinah, if I don't put Griggs away, if I don't take him down, he'll hire somebody else.
Dinah: You know what, and then you're going to be put away, too. It's not going to work. You can't do that. We've got to find another way. There's just got to be another way. And we're going to find that. We're going to find that. But we just-- we can't tell Frank right now until we exhaust every possibility, all right?
Mallet: I don't know. I don't know...
Dinah: You have to promise me! Come on, we can do this, Mallet. Come on, we can do it.
Mallet: Okay, okay. I'll make some calls. You should go home, okay. I'll meet you at home. But remember, we can't talk there.
Dinah: Okay. I'm going to de-bug the place. I've done it plenty of times. I know how to do it. Okay, but I love you so much, I'm not going to lose you. Okay? We can beat this guy. I know we can beat him, okay, honey? Because we can do anything-- we can do anything together. Just promise me, all right?
Natalia: We've been doing it on our own for so long, I was just used to it. And because I never told Nick-- I mean Gus about you, I was worried about what would happen when you met. Not that I ever, ever wanted you to meet like that. But now that you know about your father...
Rafe: He's not my father, okay?
Daisy: Thank God. I thought you were either dead or something. Where were you?
Rafe: Jail.
Daisy: Jail? That sucks. But you're okay, right?
Rafe: My hand hurts a little bit.
Daisy: Let me see.
Rafe: It's no big deal.
Daisy: It doesn't look so good. Maybe you should see the nurse. Who did that to you?
Rafe: A cop.
Remy: You got a minute? Look, I'm sorry about the way it came out about your son. That wasn't the plan. I was-- I just thought that I--
Gus: Listen, it would be better if the circumstances were different.
Remy: Was there really a standoff?
Gus: Yeah. Rafe's going to need legal help.
Remy: I already called Mel.
Gus: Thank you.
Remy: I got his back, Natalia’s, too. She's had to fight enough battles alone, don't you think?
Natalia: I'm doing fine, Remy, don't worry about it. Table for two?
Harley: I'm glad you're back. I won't apologize for firing you.
Gus: What did you just say? You fired her?
Harley: She was after my man.
Natalia: I wasn't after anyone!
Harley: Don't lie. It wasn't an accident that brought you back to town. You thought you could get your own boyfriend back, so you intentionally jeopardized your old job back in Chicago.
Natalia: I was fired. I crashed my car and I was fired.
Harley: So you're telling me that Mr. Cuozzo, for whom you worked for years and years and years, would not give you your job back after you begged--
Remy: Maybe she got tired of begging.
Harley: I'm not finished. And that, why, how-- it doesn't matter to me anymore. All that matters is that you and Gus have a child together. So we all have to work together and focus on one thing: What is best for Rafe, for all the children. Can we do that? For Rafe?
Natalia: For Rafe.
(telephone ringing)
Dinah: Hello?
Matt: Is Mr. Paranoia gone? Because I forgot to tell you that I'm making some progress with your mother. In fact-- damn!
Dinah: What is it? What's wrong?
Matt: Don't panic, I just dropped a bottle of wine.
Dinah: Where are you?
Matt: Main Street, trying to summon the courage to call your mother and ask her out for a date.
Dinah: Okay, now, you listen to me, you get back to your room, you lock up, and you call me from there, you hear me?
Matt: Yeah, and can you leave a light on for me so boogie man doesn't get me? Good-bye, Dinah.
Mallet: Hey, is Frank around?
Cop: At a crime scene.
Mallet: Can you call him and tell him I need to talk to him? It's a matter of life and death.
Daisy: I'm glad you're back. I mean, I don't want you holed up here forever, but I was worried about you. What was jail like? That bad, huh? Is there anything that I can do?
Rafe: Maybe there is.
Harley: Don’t touch that or I'll call security.
Gus: Why didn't you tell me that you had Natalia fired?
Harley: I was going to.
Gus: When?
Harley: Next year, when she was back in Chicago, happily married to a minister.
Gus: Well at least she's honest, God.
Harley: Gus... okay, I shouldn't have done it behind your back. Let me tell you something: This is my everything. This relationship is my holy grail. I searched my whole life for something this good, and I'm not giving it up, babe.
Gus: Natalia can't take that away from us. Nobody can-- nobody can do that.
Harley: I know that in my heart, but it does feel good to hear you say it.
Remy: You gonna use those tips to pay me back for the poker money that I lost tonight?
Natalia: You're the one who should be busing tables instead of cheating at card games. It's dangerous, Remy.
Remy: How about I take you out some time? Yeah, I know, I know, you have a kid and history, but that's my advantage, no baggage, just minty-fresh breath and a whole bunch of bad dance moves. (Laughter)
Natalia: You're a great friend, Remy, but...
Remy: When was the last time you had fun?
Natalia: I can't remember. But Rafe needs me right now.
Remy: Mel is taking care of Rafe. And once the hearing is over--
Natalia: It's not just about Rafe.
Remy: Gus. It ain't gonna happen. Harley and Gus are tight.
Natalia: A baby changes everything. (Music playing)
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: Good evening, Detective.
Marina: Mr. Foley.
Jeffrey: Isn't there someone else you would rather take?
Ava: You mean Olivia.
Olivia: A bar! So is this the part when you laugh at me and humiliate me.
Mallet: Frank, I need to talk to you.
Frank: You're a good man.
Griggs: Why don't you meet me on the waterfront, say in 15 minutes.
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