Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/8/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Gus: Drop it, drop it! Put the gun down! Put it down!
Harley: No, no, no, Gus, don’t. He's your son.
Beth: I can't forget this, credit cards and checkbook. Okay. Lizzie, where are you? I'm waiting. I don't want us to miss our flight. Call me. Alan, I thought you were at the office.
Alan: Well, I came back, to check on you and to see how our little mother to be is doing.
Beth: I'm fine, just fine.
Alan: Are you hungry? Because I could have cook make you two something very special.
Beth: Ah, no, no, thank you. But I'm meeting Lizzie for lunch. In fact, she should be here any minute.
Lizzie: You lost Jonathan and you lost your grandchild, and you could blame me, but you don’t. Instead, you've been really supportive. Thank you so much for that. Ohhhh!
Reva: Lizzie, I'm so, so sorry, Lizzie. Oh, honey. So, so sorry Lizzie, but I didn't have a choice. Jonathan, it's me. I did what you asked me to.
Daisy: Harley said this would be just like school, but I feel like all I ever do is clean.
Ashlee: Would you hurry up. Hannigan will be back any second, and she takes our TV privileges away again.
Daisy: What do you think is going on out there?
Ashlee: Oh, I don't know. I think it's better not to know.
Daisy: Unless it has something to do with Coop, right?
Ashlee: Would you stop it.
Daisy: Well, you kissed him. A bridge has been crossed.
Ashlee: There is no bridge!
Daisy: He's your teacher. It's like a great, big bridge and you totally crossed it.
Ashlee: Hey! Hey! How is vent boy?
Daisy: Vent boy and I are playing it cool.
Ashlee: Ah, hmm. Is that what you call staring into a vent all day, hoping that he might slip you a note?
Daisy: That makes it sound so juvenile.
Ashlee: We're in juvie. (Laughs)
Daisy: Well, it's more than that, okay. Oh, my God, what is that? Um, I hope it's not...
Juvie guard: Stay in your room, ladies, stay in your room until further notice.
Harley: Gus, this boy is your son.
Gus: What is this?
Harley: It's true.
Rafe: What the hell are you trying to pull?
Harley: Who's your mother?
Rafe: None of your damn business.
Harley: What is your mother's name?
Gus: Natalia?
Leah: Check it out, new phones.
Rick: Do you like it?
Mel: You bought her a new cell phone?
Rick: Yes.
Mel: She just got a new cell phone.
Rick: You didn't tell me that.
Leah: Not the one I wanted. Divorce isn't so bad-- you get all this good stuff. What?
Rick: Honey, I didn't exactly just buy you that cell phone.
Leah: As a bribe, I know, you did it because you're a good dad.
Rick: Well, I'm glad you think that today.
Leah: I think it most of the time.
Rick: Well, okay.
Leah: Well, almost.
Rick: What is it now, what happened? What happened?
Mel: Do you have something to say?
Leah: Well, I was just wondering about my new little sister. I'm sorry, Mom.
Rick: Well, what would you like to know?
Leah: Where is she going to live?
Rick: I don't know. We haven't really worked those details out yet.
Leah: But you're going to. Mom's helping.
Mel: I will only help if they need it. If Beth and Rick can't come to an agreement on their own.
Leah: This is too weird. You guys being friends and you being dad's lawyer?
Mel: Oh, there's nothing weird about it. There is a very big reason that we have to be civil.
Leah: We should do something special for Father's Day coming up.
Rick: Oh, honey, no, you don't have to spoil your dad.
Leah: I want to. Next year I'm going to have to share you with some new chickie, and maybe Beth.
Alan: Beth, have you seen my checkbook?
Beth: No.
Alan: Well, Elizabeth is probably avoiding you because she doesn't want to see me.
Beth: No. She would call. We definitely said that we were going to do this.
Alan: About this decision you've made, Beth, I really wish that you would consult me before you make plans to have lunch with Elizabeth.
Beth: Having lunch with my daughter, I wasn't aware I needed a hall pass.
Alan: Don't you understand? During this special time in our life, I just want to be with you, that's all.
Beth: Alan, and I love being with you, too. I love that we spent yesterday together and most of this morning together. I, I,... but you really shouldn't be neglecting the office so much.
Alan: You and our baby are the only thing in the world that are important to me right now. Not my work.
Beth: And I appreciate that, I do, but don't overdue it, you know. We all need a little "me" time now and then.
Alan: Where are you and Elizabeth planning to have lunch?
Beth: Um, I don't know, why?
Alan: Well, I need to tell Bruno so he can come by and pick you up after lunch.
Beth: Well, thank you, but I'm going to drive myself.
Alan: No, no, no. That's not going to work. Because, you see, I've made an appointment for us to have a tour this afternoon at Gamsey Academy.
Beth: Gamsey-- the boarding school?
Alan: Yes. I think it would be a perfect place for our child to go to.
Beth: She's not even born yet!
Alan: Those waiting lists now are obscene, Beth, and I...
Beth: No. No. We've got time. I don't know how long I'm going to be with Lizzie, and you're just going to have to reschedule.
Alan: Reschedule? Beth, you don't understand...
Beth: No, Alan, please, please. I'm sure that it's a wonderful school. But I, I need this time with my daughter. I haven't seen much of her lately, and it's really upsetting me. Please, do this for me. Do this for the baby, hmm? Please...
Alan: All right, I'll see what I can do.
Beth: Now, no need for you to stay here and baby-sit me. You go back to the office.
Alan: Beth...
Beth: No. I will see you later. Lizzie! We need to get a move on here.
(Cell phone rings)
Reva: You okay? Are you okay, sweetie? Are you okay? I hope so. You know what? You can think of this as a nap. I wish somebody would force me to rest. I just don't sleep anymore. I've just got too much on my mind, rolling around inside my head. I'm worried about my health, whether my cancer is going to come back. Am I going to raise enough money? Are Marah and Shayne okay? Is Jonathan and Sarah... don't you worry, you're going to be fine. You don't get seasick, do you? Oh, I hope not. Me, I love the water. You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking that when we get back into town, we're going to do something fun, you know. Go on a spa day or something. But I just-- I need you to run this one little errand for me first, and the... oh, come on! Come on! She's not going to stay unconscious forever. Where are you?
Harley: Raphael is your son with Natalia. Come here, sit.
Gus: I don't want to sit. How long have you known about this?
Harley: I just found out.
Gus: I have a son. I have a son.
Harley: I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
Gus: I could have shot him. How could Natalia not tell me about it?
Harley: She was scared.
Gus: Of what?
Harley: I think of you. You know, for so long it's just been her and the boy, and now suddenly you're here, and I don't think she knew what to do. I don't know, honey. I don't know why she didn't tell you. Does it matter?
Gus: I think it matters.
Harley: You can be mad at her later, okay? It's not going to change anything. You have a son.
Gus: How did you find out about this?
Harley: Remy.
Gus: Remy?
Harley: He was upset. He didn't mean to say it, it was just an accident.
Gus: She'd be more comfortable telling a complete stranger than confiding in me? Are you looking for somebody? Looking for our son, perhaps?
Natalia: Does Rafe know? Did you tell him?
Harley: He was here.
Natalia: Oh, God. He must be so confused. It should have come from me.
Harley: I don't think he even processed it.
Natalia: No, I have to find him. I have to...
Gus: Natalia, excuse me. I need to hear these words, I need to hear it come out of your mouth.
Natalia: I'm sorry, Nick.
Gus: You're sorry? How could you keep my son from me?
Leah: If you don't feel like talking, you could just give me your credit card.
Rick: What? For what? I just-- would you just quit spending. What do you want it for?
Leah: To get you a Father's Day present.
Rick: I told you-- oh, she's real trouble, real trouble.
Mel: It might be cheaper to talk.
Rick: Yeah, you're probably right. Okay. This is it, honey, the truth about Beth is that I just don't know.
Leah: But you and Beth were together?
Rick: Yes, but... well, now she's living with Alan.
Leah: Are they married?
Rick: Well, they used to be married. And now they're-- they're thinking about it-- it's just -- honey, I really-- it’s...
Leah: Complicated.
Rick: ...Complicated, thank you. It's complicated. Look, it doesn't matter, okay? No one is going to come in between us or take our time away from each other because you're my little princess, and that's going to stay the same.
Leah: Okay. I'm still getting you a Father's Day present.
Rick: Honey, I told you I don't want one.
Leah: Dad, you're wardrobe is horrendous.
Rick: I know, I've been told.
Leah: Well, mine is, too. Maybe you could...
Rick: Your turn.
Mel: Okay. All right. But you know the rules, okay?
Leah: I know the rules, thank you.
Mel: Bye, baby.
Rick: Bye, honey.
Leah: Love you guys. Love you.
Mel: Love you.
Rick: What?
Mel: Do you think she's really that adjusted?
Rick: No, but what are we going to do, encourage here to be angry and nasty towards me?
Mel: No. We just have to watch her.
Rick: And I need to spend a lot more time with her.
Mel: And stop giving her the credit card.
Rick: You're the one who gave her the credit card.
Mel: I know. You usually do, though.
Rick: I'm not going to spoil her anymore, I promise.
Mel: Sorry about putting words in your mouth about Beth, you know, if you guys are together or...
Rick: We're not together. It's not happening. I don't have a future with her. She's moved on.
Mel: So Alan is a real threat then?
Rick: He's a threat when it comes to the child, yeah.
Mel: He's not going to rest until you're out of the picture.
Rick: Well, that's not going to happen.
Mel: Maybe not. Only if you're willing to fight dirty.
Alan: Are you prepared to fight dirty, Rick?
Leah: Hi, Beth.
Beth: Hey, Leah.
Leah: I hope that's decaf.
Beth: Yeah, it is.
Leah: You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm handling it.
Beth: Oh.
Leah: I know it's weird, you breaking up my father's marriage and all.
Beth: Leah, I really don't think this is something you...
Leah: And now you've got my little sister in there. Busy year, huh?
Beth: Okay, you're angry, and I understand why you would be, but I'm not sure that this is something that you and I should get into.
Leah: You better let my father see her.
Beth: I would never keep your father from his daughter.
Leah: And what about Alan Spaulding?
Beth: Listen, sweetie...
Leah: Don't call me sweetie. I'm not your sweetie, got it?
Beth: I never meant to hurt you or your mother.
Leah: Yeah, whatever. Is this just a recent thing, or have you been after my father for years?
Beth: Your father and I are friends. We have been for a long time.
Leah: Friends don't sleep with one another.
Beth: It's complicated. I don't expect you to understand it.
Leah: No, I totally get it. You just want Alan Spaulding’s money, but you just want my dad. There's a name for people like that.
Beth: Have you been talking to your mother?
Leah: I don't need my mother to tell me what you are. You better let my father see my new sister. You'll never be as good as a parent as he is.
Reva: Be very careful with her. Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can. There is something I have to take care of first.
Daisy: Is it you?
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: Are you okay?
Rafe: I guess.
Daisy: Because-- I mean-- were you just in the conference room? Something is going on-- we heard this--
Rafe: Drop it. Okay.
Daisy: Okay. It's good to hear your voice.
Rafe: Yours, too.
Daisy: Bad day?
Rafe: The worst.
Daisy: That's saying a lot in this place. I mean, I know it couldn't possibly be worse than sloppy Joe Saturday. I don't think my stomach will ever be quite the same.
Rafe: Hey, this place will get into your head, here.
Daisy: Everyone? Am I included?
Rafe: Not, not you.
Daisy: Well, things can actually be worse.
Rafe: How?
Daisy: It could be sloppy Joe Saturday again.
Rafe: There is one good thing about being here.
Daisy: What?
Rafe: You.
Natalia: I need to find him. I need to find him.
Gus: You need to talk to me first. Then you go talk to him.
Natalia: I'm the only person that he trusts. I know he acts tough, but he's just a kid.
Gus: Well, I don't think he believed anything that she said.
Natalia: Really?
Gus: But I do, so I think you should talk to me. I think I deserve at least that.
Natalia: Yes, you probably do.
Gus: I have a son. You don't think I deserve to know that?
Natalia: I wanted to tell you. I would have told you when I found out I was pregnant, but I didn't know where you were. I didn't know why you left.
Gus: That's not true. I think you had a pretty good idea where I was.
Natalia: You didn't say good- bye, Nick. You were my whole world and you didn't even say good-bye to me.
Gus: I couldn't say good-bye to you.
Natalia: See, I don't understand that. Because when you say you love someone...
Gus: I was going after the man that killed my father, okay? If I had looked at you even one time, in your eyes, I wouldn't have been able to do that. But you could have found me, you could have told me. You could have let me know.
Natalia: I didn't know where you were. I didn't know what to do. We were kids. I didn't want to have a baby on my own.
Gus: If I had known, I wouldn't have left. I'd have married you. I would have stayed for you and our child.
Natalia: It was a long time ago.
Gus: So you raised him all by yourself?
Natalia: I did my best. He's a really good kid. Even though...
Gus: I'm sure you did everything that you could.
Natalia: I tried. He's had a lot to deal with.
Gus: Because he didn't have a father.
Natalia: No, I don't use that as a crutch. Rafe and I got by, just the two of us.
Gus: I would have liked to have been there for the both of you.
Natalia: What's done is done, so. He is my family, just me and him and I will do anything to make him happy.
Harley: I should go.
Gus: No, no. I want you to stay here.
Harley: No. You guys need to talk alone. I'm going to find Daisy, and I will say good-bye to her, okay?
Gus: You gonna tell her?
Harley: No. I'll tell her what you want me to tell her.
Alan: You know, Rick, you amaze me, you impregnate my wife.
Rick: Ex-wife.
Mel: Just ignore him.
Alan: And yet you're sitting there with the one woman who's heart you broke. Mel, how do you deal with that?
Rick: Drop dead, Alan.
Alan: No. Let the lady answer.
Mel: The lady's about to come over there and pop you in the mouth if you don't shut up.
Alan: I don't blame you for being angry. I understand that. But it shouldn't be directed at me.
Mel: Rick and I will always be family. We share a daughter.
Alan: Ah yes. By the way, how is Leah taking the news about your bastard child, Rick?
Mel: Don't, don't let him get to you.
Alan: Tell her she has nothing to worry about, she won't have to fight for your attention because Beth and I aren't going to let you anywhere near our child.
Rick: Oh, our child? That's my child...
Alan: So you can go on living your life with Leah, your little son Jude, the other bastard child of yours.
Mel: You know what? That's it. That's it. Let's go. He's not worth it.
Rick: I would turn around if I were you, there is a stench back there.
Mel: Oh, hi, Reva.
Reva: Well, there's the skunk.
Alan: Not you.
Reva: Yes, it's me, and don't think you can run me off the way you did Rick and Mel.
Alan: Why would I want to? You always brighten up my day, Reva.
Reva: That's good. Oh, good. Oops! Is it a little hot down there? I hope I didn't burn your boys.
Alan: I should call the cops.
Reva: Yes, call them. So I can tell them what a liar and thief you are!
Alan: I don't know what you're talking about, Reva.
Reva: You know that big old check you wrote to me for cancer research? Well, guess what, it's still bouncing.
Alan: That's impossible.
Reva: Stealing from cancer patients, how much lower can you get?
Alan: There must be an accounting error of some of kind. I can explain it.
Reva: (Laughs) Do you hear this man? You all know who this is, right? The great Alan Spaulding! Does anybody believe a word that's coming out of his mouth! All together now, no! Thank you. And good night. (Laughs)
Gus: We made a child together.
Natalia: That's something, huh? I can't believe you know.
Gus: Does it feel like a relief? You kept it a secret for such a long time.
Natalia: Years.
Gus: When you first came here...
Natalia: I didn't know what I was going to do. I just wanted to see you. I wanted to see what you were like. I wanted to see what your life was like. And then I saw that you were happy with Harley and you had a family of your own. And I don't want to ruin that. But I also don't want to hurt Rafe. He comes first.
Gus: Of course. I understand. How old is he? What is he, like 15?
Natalia: He turned 16 on April 5th.
Gus: Wow! Does he like baseball?
Natalia: Cubbies, all the way.
Gus: That's amazing. Wow, we missed so many games. Does he-- does he know anything about me at all?
Natalia: He knows that I loved you with all my heart, and that if you could have been there, you would have.
Gus: We have so much catching up to do.
Natalia: We will. I'll show you everything. I'll show you his report cards and pictures and the famous turkey ashtray he made me from playdough. I know it can't make up for everything you've lost, but it's something. Here. He was just a day old.
Gus: Look at that hair. That's a lot of hair.
Natalia: He was beautiful, wasn't he? Seven pounds, three ounces, Rafael Joseph Rivera.
Gus: Joseph, was that after my dad?
Natalia: I wanted him to have something of papa, something that couldn't be taken away.
Daisy: Did you fall asleep?
Rafe: Yeah-- I mean, you know, I was thinking.
Daisy: What are you thinking about?
Rafe: Honestly? About leaving this place and never looking back.
Daisy: Oh.
Rafe: You want to come with me?
Daisy: Where we going?
Guard: Hey Chico, have you ever wondered what a real jail cell is like? You should have thought of that before you grabbed at my gun. What are you looking at?
Rafe: Nothing. Let's go.
(Knock on the door)
Daisy: Ah, just a minute. Okay.
Harley: Hi, sweetie.
Daisy: Harley, you still here?
Harley: Yes. Yes, but, actually, I was just coming to say good-bye to my beautiful little girl.
Alan: You never made it to Company.
Beth: You followed me?
Alan: Yes, I was going to join you and Elizabeth.
Beth: After I asked you not to?
Alan: Where did you go, Beth?
Beth: You know, Alan, I am starting to feel like a prisoner in this house.
Alan: Did you see Elizabeth? Was she sober?
Beth: I didn't meet her. And you know something, I didn't even speak to her.
Alan: Who did you meet?
Beth: Alan, you're smothering me! You're as obsessed with this baby as you were with Lizzie’s! I need some time. There, I said it.
Alan: Smothering you? I'm sorry you feel that way, Beth. I only want what's best for you and the baby, that's all.
Beth: I know, I know that you do and I know that you mean well, but I just need a little space sometimes. You know, I was going to, I was going to take up painting again, so I could relax, but that would actually require you doing something without me, something away from me.
Alan: I know what's going on here, Beth.
Beth: What?
Alan: You're frustrated with Elizabeth, and you're taking it out on me.
Beth: Wha... yeah, yeah, Alan, that's it.
Alan: What's this? Where are you going, Beth?
Natalia: Gus.
Gus: This place is terrible. You know, my father, he would have loved to have had a grandson.
Natalia: Even one with a record?
Gus: He really liked you.
Natalia: Oh, I was a little girl.
Gus: He would have been proud, though, of the name.
Natalia: I did it for him, but mostly I did it for you. I'm glad it makes you happy. You are happy, aren't you? You are happy, aren't you?
Gus: About the name, yeah.
Natalia: No, no, no. I mean about all of it.
Gus: Um... mostly I'm in shock. Right now, you know.
Natalia: Yeah.
Gus: I never thought I'd have a kid. And now I have one, and he doesn't even know who I am. He probably hates his father.
Natalia: I hope you don't hate me.
Gus: I could never hate you, never. It's a lot to think about, you know. Can I keep this?
Natalia: Yeah.
Gus: Okay. Thank you.
Rick: Listen, I really appreciate everything you're doing for me.
Mel: Well, you and I being friends can only be good for our daughter, right?
Rick: Good for us, too. You know something, I think that our daughter is pretty well- adjusted, we might be doing a good job.
Mel: I hope so. You know, and I hope that you'll do whatever it takes to make sure that little baby grows up normal.
Rick: Listen, I am going to fight Alan Spaulding with everything that I have.
Mel: Good, good. Because he's going to drudge up everything he can from the past.
Rick: That's okay. Let him do it. I'm an open book.
Mel: All your, you know, your drug dependency, all your affairs with Blake and Harley and Beth, and then every time you've been suspended from the hospital, and the list goes on.
Rick: Okay, we don't have to list everything.
Mel: You did it.
Rick: I know. But, you know something, Alan has much more skeletons in his closet than I do.
Mel: Good attitude, but you're not just fighting Alan.
Rick: What do you mean?
Mel: If you're going to fight for custody, you've got to be willing to nail Beth, too.
Beth: I was going to tell you.
Alan: There is no time like the present.
Beth: I'm going to see Mindy in Paris.
Alan: Mindy Lewis? Why would you do that?
Beth: Because she's my friend. And I need some time away.
Alan: Then why didn't you tell me this?
Beth: Oh, well, I did. I just did, now.
Alan: And Elizabeth was taking you to the airport?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: But she saw the light and brought you and our baby back home with me. (Laughs)
Reva: It's going to be okay, Lizzie. Everything is going to be okay.
Daisy: I'm sure that whatever is bugging you at work, it will be okay?
Harley: Oh, yeah, work, that will be fine.
Daisy: Does this involve Gus?
Harley: Um... yes, actually it does, yes.
Daisy: Is he okay?
Harley: You know, sweetie, Gus and I have been together a long time. And we always get through stuff. No matter how tough it is, we always get through. And we will this time.
Natalia: Excuse me, I'm looking for my son, Rafael Rivera. He's not in his room.
Guard: Rivera's in a holding cell at the police station.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: I am not a contract killer, do you understand me. I'm a cop.
Dinah: Who does he expect you to kill?
Griggs: You have no idea the plans I have for you.
Mallet: I just don't want anybody I care about to get hurt.
Natalia: Rafe found out about Gus because of you, Remy.
Gus: Look at me, I'm talking to you.
Rafe: I'm not your freaking son!
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