Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/7/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Jonathan. Oh, my God, I can't believe it's really you. Are you sure it's safe for you to be calling here? Okay. Of course we'll make it quick. I just... tell me everything. Is everything okay? I mean, how's Sarah? I miss you. I miss you and Sarah so much. Okay. Shut up. I promise I'll shut up right now. Just... tell me everything. Oh, no.
Alan: Good morning, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Hey, Granddad. What's going on?
Alan: Oh, this and that.
Lizzie: Am I this or that? Did you come here to yell at me?
Alan: Why would I do that?
Lizzie: Well, I didn't keep Uncle Rick away from mom's amnio and now he knows the truth.
Alan: He's not your uncle and he's not going to be raising our baby. And if I were you, I would lay off the bloody marys this early in the morning.
Gus: Hey. You're glowing.
Beth: You're not. Sleep in your clothes?
Gus: I had a tough day.
Beth: It's 9:00 A.M.
Gus: Yeah, I had a tough yesterday.
Beth: Work or Harley?
Gus: I was in Chicago, I was just trying to help... doesn't matter.
Beth: Well, that's our Gus-- always trying to save the world. Speaking of which, maybe you could save someone a little closer to home?
Gus: What do you mean?
Beth: I think Alan is about to spin out of control.
Gus: Uh-oh. Again?
Beth: It's about the baby.
Gus: Rick's baby?
Beth: Why does everybody keep saying that?
Gus: What do you want from me? You're having somebody else's kid, right?
Beth: So that's it? You're just going to stand on the sidelines?
Gus: Well, I think I'm entitled.
Beth: Entitled? No. He's your father. Whether you like it or not, he needs you as much as you need him.
Lou Mason: Keep moving.
Harley: Natalia. You can't go.
Natalia: First you fire me, tell me to get lost, and now I can't.
Harley: I... I need to know the truth first...
Natalia: The truth about what?
Harley: About you and Gus.
Natalia: I'm not doing this again. Nick and I are finished. Okay? Obviously. I packed my suitcase. I'm going to get in my car and I'm going to drive away. Good-bye.
Harley: Where are you going?
Natalia: What difference does it make?
Harley: Are you going see his son? I didn't know what to think at first, but... that look on your face says it all.
Harley: Did you always know he was Gus'?
Natalia: Of course. There wasn't anybody else. He was the only one.
Harley: Why didn't you tell him?
Natalia: I couldn't. He... he was gone. He just disappeared one night.
Harley: Did you do try to find him?
Natalia: For a little while. Eventually, I found out why he left us.
Harley: To go after the people who killed his father?
Natalia: I was a kid. I had a job making minimum wage. He could have been anywhere. For all I know, he could have been dead. After a while, that's what it felt like. And then Rafe was born.
Harley: That's your son's name, Rafe?
Natalia: Rafael. Rafael. It's beautiful. He's not easy. He and Gus are so much alike. Sometimes, it scares me.
Harley: Natalia, you've been in town for a while. Why didn't you tell him?
Natalia: I thought about it. I think that... I just decided he didn't have room in his life for Rafe.
Harley: His own flesh and blood?
Natalia: You both made it perfectly clear that I am the past, and you and your kids are the future.
Harley: Well, what were you planning to do? Just leave and never say a word to him?
Natalia: You want me to leave? I'm leaving.
Harley: No. I don't understand that. How could you say that you loved him as much as you say and then not tell him something like this? You found him. He's here.
Natalia: It would mess up everybody's life! Right now, everything's okay. Rafe thinks that his father is gone, thinks he just disappeared. It's all been just me and him and I decided that I should keep it like that.
Harley: You're missing this opportunity for them to get to know each other.
Natalia: Stop acting like you don't have any part in the choice I make.
Harley: No, no, no, this has nothing to do with my relationship with Gus.
Natalia: Okay, whatever, Harley. I'm going to go, so let's pretend that this little talk never happened.
Harley: No, no. Gus has a son. I can't pretend that I don't know that.
Natalia: Okay, he'll have more children, with you, and maybe he'll have another son.
Harley: No, there won't... there won't be other children, Natalia, not another son. There's just Rafe.
Natalia: What do you mean, just Rafe?
Harley: It's just Rafe. Gus can't have kids.
Lizzie: If I could just stop thinking. Get these images out of my head. I am going to go shopping. Shopping and lunch. That's nice, normal. I'm just going to call, um... who am I going to call?
Remy: How about your good old pal Remy?
Lizzie: Hey!
Remy: You been drinking?
Lizzie: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And I don't need another lecture, so see you.
Remy: Good, because I'm fresh out.
Lizzie: I just need to dull the edges a little bit sometimes.
Remy: I get it.
Lizzie: It is so weird, us being here. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I had a baby and husband, and you had a career and a huge crush on Tammy. Now it's all gone.
Remy: Yeah. It's all gone.
Lizzie: I feel stuck. Like I can't move. And I don't want to move on because then... I don't know, it means like I'm leaving them behind or something. I don't even want to talk to anybody or be around anybody that... doesn't know Sarah or didn't know her.
Remy: I know exactly how you feel, Lizzie.
Lizzie: We're the only ones left. Guess we need each other. (Laughter) What if... what if we could help fix the stuff that hurt? What if we could... like, make each other laugh or just make each other feel something?
Remy: We... we could, but probably shouldn't.
Lizzie: Fine. Just go.
Remy: Lizzie...
Lizzie: No, just go.
Remy: We can be friends.
Lizzie: Whatever. See ya.
Remy: Lizzie, I don't... I don't know. You just need to get out. Do something for someone else. It might help.
Lizzie: I offered. You said no.
Reva: No, Jonathan, I want to help. I want to do whatever I can. I just... I don't know how I can do that without anyone knowing. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. No, you can count on me. Jonathan, you know I'll do it. I will do it. I love you. I love you and Sarah. I'll call you as soon as it's done, okay? And Jonathan, I... sorry, Joshua, but this is going to have to wait. I have something a lot more important to do. Oh!
Rick: I'm sorry.
Reva: Oh, Rick, hi.
Rick: That's the affect I have on women, unfortunately.
Reva: Yeah.
Rick: So how are you?
Reva: I'm good. I mean, it's not you. It's this place. I don't think I'm going to be able to look at a hospital the same way ever again.
Rick: Yeah. So what brings you here?
Reva: You, actually.
Rick: Really?
Reva: Yeah, I wanted to congratulate you on the baby.
Rick: So you heard?
Reva: Yeah. Hasn't everybody? I think it's very exciting.
Rick: I'm very excited. Couldn't be happier.
Reva: I remember when Jonathan found out he was going to be a daddy.
Rick: Yeah, so do I. He didn't seem too happy about it at the time.
Reva: Well, no, not at first, but, you know, then little Sarah was born and he'd do just about anything for her, you know, always.
Rick: Yeah.
Reva: Anything that he could to keep her safe.
Rick: That's what a good parent does. (Beeping) I'm sorry.
Reva: That's okay.
Rick: I got to take this.
Reva: Okay.
Rick: All right.
Reva: Damn!
Flanagan: Reva. Good to see you again.
Reva: Hi, Dr. Flanagan. Nice to see you, too. Funny running into you.
Flanagan: Are you here for a checkup?
Reva: No, actually, I'm visiting a friend.
Flanagan: Okay. Are you still going to the survivors' group meetings?
Reva: Yes. Yeah. It's funny you should ask. Last night, a group of us got together. You know, it's weird when a group of cancer patients get together and they all think they know so much about medicine. We were debating this one procedure and if there were five people in that room, there were ten different opinions about it.
Flanagan: Was there something I can clear up for you?
Reva: Yeah. There just might be.
Daisy: Hi. So I've been here for weeks and all I've eaten is food that looks gray and tastes gray, and then today I had chocolate.
Rafe: Yeah? Huh?
Daisy: Oh, I have... I have a bite left. Do you want it?
Rafe: No, it's yours.
Daisy: You have to be careful, though. If they catch you stealing from a guard...
Rafe: Don't worry about it. Did you like it?
Daisy: Yeah, I liked it. It was sweet. Really, I mean, just be careful, because you want to get out of here, don't you?
Rafe: I mean, I'll get out. It can't be hard if that cop testifies at my hearing, right?
Daisy: Yeah, I guess. It won't be the same here without you.
Rafe: I hear you.
Daisy: But from now on, you stay on Mason's good side.
Rafe: Look... no, look, that guy has to stay on my good side.
Daisy: (Laughs) Just please don't do anything stupid, okay?
Rafe: Like what, steal something better for you?
Daisy: Are you crazy? (Laughs)
Gus: What am I doing? What am I doing?
Alan: Well, I'm surprised to hear from you again.
Gus: How are you, Dad?
Alan: Fine, fine. How's... how's Daisy doing?
Gus: Fine. Sit down. She's good. Have a seat.
Alan: Well, I can't stay long. I have a meeting with Marni Sharp and then another meeting before that.
Gus: With another lawyer, right?
Alan: Yeah.
Gus: For the kid?
Alan: Why do you ask?
Gus: Uh... because I'm worried about you.
Alan: Worried? Why are you worried?
Gus: Well, Beth's having a baby with another man, right?
Alan: I'm handling it just fine.
Gus: Okay. That's the part I'm worried about.
Alan: Look. I should have known what side you would take in all of this.
Gus: I'm not taking any sides. I'm not taking any sides.
Alan: I'm going to raise that child as my own in my house. Now, that should count for something.
Gus: Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm just trying to make sure that there's not a whole all-out war in this town over a kid again, okay?
Alan: Why should you concern yourself with that? You've made it very clear how you feel about being a member of this family.
Gus: You're doing it again.
Alan: I'm doing what again?
Gus: You're obsessing over somebody else's child, that's what you're doing, and I just want to... at least I can be honest with you.
Alan: Did your Aunt Alexandra put you up to this?
Gus: Absolutely not.
Alan: Well, then, butt out!
Gus: Wait, wait, wait, Dad. If anybody knows what it's like to really want a child and go after it, it's me, okay? Look how I messed it up with baby Sydney.
Alan: You're hardly responsible for that. Harley...
Gus: No, no, no, please don't go down that road. It was my fault, okay? I stole the kid. I'm surprised they didn't throw the book at me. I'm lucky that I even got a hearing.
Alan: This child is going to be my last chance for redemption, Gus.
Gus: Okay, good. Well, then, don't fight with Rick and you can have the child in your life.
Alan: Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, I really do, but you have no idea what it's like.
Natalia: Gus got me pregnant. I don't understand...
Harley: No, it happened years after that. He... he was exposed to something at work. It was an accident. We just found out about this a few months ago ourselves because... because we were trying to get pregnant.
Natalia: He can't have kids?
Harley: Can't have kids. He's devastated.
Natalia: Of course
Harley: And as close as he is to my children-- he loves them-- he wants a child of his own. And Natalia, now he has one, he has a son. You have to tell him this.
Natalia: I don't know.
Harley: What do you mean you don't know? It's a no-brainer. Tell him.
Natalia: For you, maybe. You're not the one who kept this from him all this time.
Harley: Yes, but he'll understand. Because he'll be so thrilled.
Natalia: Rafe. You don't know him. You don't know what this could mean for him.
Harley: I think I do. No, I think I do-- I do, because... listen to me. I didn't know my father when I was growing up. He left before I was born. I thought he was dead. And then one day he wasn't.
Natalia: You hated him.
Harley: Yes, I hated him, because he turned my life upside down. And then I didn't hate him. Now, I can't imagine my life without my father in it. He is one of my great joys. And Rafe can have that, too. You know, you just have to let them find each other. Give them that chance.
Natalia: Telling them will change everything.
Harley: Yes, maybe for the better.
Natalia: You don't know that!
Harley: No, I don't know that. I can't predict the future. But I do know... I do know that Gus would love to be near his son. He would love to know his son. That's who he is.
Natalia: Okay, fine. You think it's the right thing to do, you tell him.
Harley: What do you mean?
Natalia: When I said it would change everything, I meant everything-- you, Harley, your life. Are you ready for that?
Harley: Natalia, I don't need to think about how this might affect me. I don't think you keep something like this from somebody you love.
Natalia: You have no idea what you're getting into, Harley.
Harley: I won't lie to my husband about this.
Natalia: I'm not asking you to...
Harley: Yes, you are. That's what it sounds like you're asking me to do.
Natalia: You don't get it. Rafe, he gets into trouble.
Harley: We already have one of those. May as well go for broke.
Natalia: Is that what you really want? After everything you've been through with your daughter...
Harley: It's his son, his only son. I'll deal with it. Whatever it is, I'll deal with it.
Natalia: Even if it becomes a problem with you guys?
Harley: Well, I don't see that happening.
Natalia: Okay. But it could. I'm just... I'm just being real. It's not going to be easy.
Harley: Whatever happens, happens, right? We can't control it. How old... how old is Rafe? How old is your son?
Natalia: 16.
Harley: 16.
Natalia: He makes bad choices sometimes, but he's so good. I know he is.
Harley: I know. You love him.
Natalia: More than anything.
Harley: Yes, I know. He's a teenager. A boy. A boy. Gus's son. See? Now, you have Gus to help you. You don't need to do it alone anymore.
Gus: Excuse me. It gives me hope when I see a Buzz burger and a fries.
Alan: Why? You hoping I'll have a heart attack and die?
Gus: No, it just shows me that you're kind of a human being inside.
Alan: I thought it was easier for me not to be a human being. I thought you like me better as a monster or something.
Gus: Look, I know that you're a very complicated person, okay?
Alan: I've been humiliated in front of this entire town, Gus.
Gus: Dad, you're not even married to Beth...
Alan: That's the only thing that's important to you... she set up a doctor's appointment this afternoon with Dr. Sedwick and I... I find myself not even wanting to go.
Gus: Oh, get over it. Get over yourself. Listen to you. You didn't want Doris Wolfe, right? You got rid of her. Beth, she really cares about you. In fact, she's the one that put me up to this.
Alan: Did she?
Gus: Yep. She wants you to be okay. So do I.
Alan: Well, I'll take that under advisement.
Gus: That's better than a "No".
Alan: And I'd like to give you a little advice, too.
Gus: Sure, what?
Alan: I think you should go home and take a nap. You look awful.
Gus: Well, thank you. I was up all night in Chicago.
Alan: Chicago? Doing what?
Gus: Helping out an old friend.
Alan: Natalia, your old girlfriend?
Gus: Yeah, as a matter of fact.
Alan: You know, the first ones are always the hardest to get over.
Gus: You know, you're as see- through as a plastic bag. When are you ever going to stop trying to hassle me and my wife?
Alan: It's a father's prerogative to question his son's choices.
Gus: Why don't you just go to the hospital? Beth's waiting.
Rick: Hey. What are you doing here? Oh. Oh, I see. You must have an appointment with Dr. Sedwick.
Beth: Yeah, I do. Alan's coming.
Rick: Ah, thank you for tell telling me.
Beth: I did think about telling you.
Rick: You did? Well, thank you for the consideration.
Beth: I just didn't want there to be a scene, okay? For... for the baby's sake.
Rick: For the baby. Well, good, at least you're thinking about the baby.
Beth: Yes, I am. I know that you don't believe it, but I am thinking about...
Rick: We need to have a conversation, Beth.
Beth: I know that. I know that, but now would not be the time or the place for that.
Rick: Where is Alan, by the way? Where is he?
Beth: Late.
Rick: Late, I'm shocked. Absolutely shocked. Well, I guess I'll have to step in, as usual.
Beth: I don't think that would be a good idea.
Rick: Beth. I'm the baby's father. I have a say in this, whether you like it or not.
Beth: And I know that, Rick, but Alan...
Rick: Alan can drop dead! I'm sorry. Beth, I know you're with him. God only knows why, but I just don't want you to shut me out of this process. You understand that, right?
Beth: I'm not going to shut you out, I promise you that.
Rick: Good. I just want you to know, Beth, if you ever change your mind about him...
Beth: Rick.
Rick: I just want you to... listen to me. If you ever change your mind about him, I just want you to know you have options.
Beth: Options?
Rick: Options.
Reva: Thank you so much, Dr. Flanagan.
Flanagan: I hope that makes sense.
Reva: It makes perfect sense. You have a good day. Hang on, Jonathan. We're so close.
Alan: Ah, there you are. I'm sorry I'm late.
Beth: Alan, we... we got started because Dr. Sedwick has an appointment after us.
Alan: That's perfectly understandable. Rick, thank you for holding my place. I'll take it over from here.
Rick: If you don't mind, Alan, I think the real father needs to stay here.
Reva: Hey, Lizzie!
Lizzie: Hey!
Reva: Twice in two days. What do you know?
Lizzie: What do you know? I know what I know. List of country club members for cancer donations. And I was thinking about this act where I'm going to be like really, really weak and you're going to catch me.
Reva: That sounds like a great idea.
Lizzie: I think they will pay big money for these things.
Reva: Thank you. So what are you doing here?
Lizzie: It was a beautiful day. Thought it would be nice to walk by the water and it's so peaceful here.
Reva: It is nice.
Lizzie: Oh, my gosh, I went shopping. I have to show you what I got. Okay. Oh, my goodness. Tell me, how cute is this?
Reva: That's...
Lizzie: Have you ever seen one of these?
Reva: Oh, my goodness. That is so cute!
Lizzie: Isn't it cute? I couldn't resist. Oh, wait, wait, wait. How cute? (Laughs)
Reva: I'm sure that your mom is going to love all these things for her new baby. They are for her baby, right?
Lizzie: Yes. I'm not crazy. I know that Sarah's gone. I just kept seeing all this stuff that I knew that she would love. I couldn't help imagining the look on her face when she saw all that stuff. I'm going to give it to charity. My mom doesn't need all of this stuff.
Reva: No, probably not.
Lizzie: You think Sarah would have approved?
Reva: Yes, I think she would definitely approve. I can't do this.
Lizzie: What? What can't you do?
Daisy: So where... where's Gus?
Harley: He is out of town taking care of something. But I am sure that I will speak to him soon.
Daisy: Yeah, I'm sure you will. He is your husband.
Harley: Yes, he is. Did I tell you about Zach's little league game? So cute.
Daisy: Yeah, you did, twice. What's going on?
Harley: Nothing. I'm... I'm just so happy to see you. You look so beautiful. Are things getting easier for you here?
Daisy: No, but you're acting weird.
Harley: I'm not. I'm... I'm happy to see you.
Daisy: Yeah, see, you said that already.
Harley: Because I'm happy to see you. I'm happy that things are... are better between us. Don't you feel like they're better?
Daisy: It's different, yeah.
Harley: What?
Daisy: It's just that there's something... there's something bugging you.
Harley: Honey, Gus and I have something that we're trying to figure out. We're trying to work through something and I'm trying to do that out in my head, that's all. Wasn't there some project that you were working on?
Daisy: Uh, yeah. But you and Gus, I think you guys should just do this stuff together. You know what I mean? Because as long as I've known you, you guys always work on things together.
Harley: Thank you. That's very, very good advice. I wish I'd thought of that myself. Wasn't there a project?
Daisy: Yeah, there was. It's...
Harley: Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah, sorry.
Harley: Wasn't it an art project, the project you were working on?
Daisy: Yes, yes, an art project. Let me show you. Yeah.
Lou Mason: Sure am hungry. A snack would be nice. You got any ideas what I could eat?
Rafe: I'm sorry, dude, I can't help you.
Lou Mason: You think you can steal from me and get away with it?
Rafe: Pretty much, yeah.
Lou Mason: That cop isn't here to protect you this time. All right, it's just you and me.
Remy: Hey, I was looking all over for you. I wanted to tell you that I...
Natalia: Oh, God, it was you. You told Harley.
Remy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it just... sort of slipped out.
Natalia: It slipped out? Me and Gus have a ba... it just slipped out? How does that just slip out?
Remy: The way they were treating you, Natalia, it wasn't right. I think it's better this way. So, I'm sorry if...
Natalia: Okay, apology accepted. So maybe it is better.
Remy: Does Gus know?
Natalia: Not yet. But I'm going to tell him as soon as I see him.
Remy: And then what?
Natalia: And then who the hell knows?
Rafe: Can't you mess with somebody else?
Lou Mason: You know what? Nobody annoys me the way you do. I don't think you realize the kind of power I have over you. You come in a place like this you and you cause trouble, I can fix things so you're with us a long time, way past any scheduled outdate you got.
Rafe: You cannot do that.
Lou: I can and I will. Count on celebrating a couple more birthdays here. Besides the longer you're here, the better. That mom of yours is pretty hot. I wouldn't mind her having to come around all the time to visit her baby boy. Maybe I can even score some quality time with her to discuss your case. Come on.
Rick: You're a funny, funny guy, Alan. You can try to shut me out. Keep pretending in your little sick demented way that this baby is yours, but guess what, Alan? D.N.A. doesn't lie. I'm the baby's father and I've got rights.
Alan: That is to be determined.
Rick: It's already been determined, Alan. It's been determined.
Alan: Beth and I have made an appointment with Dr. Sedwick here. Now, I am kindly asking you to stop horning in.
Rick: If you think you're going to have any influence on my kid, you're dreaming.
Alan: The child is not yours just because...
Dr. Sedwick: Enough! Now, the next one who raises their voice will wait in the hall until I am finished. Is that clear?
Rick: Sorry, Margaret.
Dr. Sedwick: All right. Now, where was I?
Reva: I... I don't want to see you suffer like this, Lizzie, I really don't.
Lizzie: I know. You know that you understand me better than anyone, Reva? I walk into my house and there's my granddad and I can't help but think that this was a man that was ready to kill someone that I loved. This is a man who would do anything. He was responsible for killing my baby. He's not even sorry. And he would do it again if he could.
Reva: Yes. He would, wouldn't he?
Lizzie: Yes. He hasn't learned anything. He hasn't changed.
Reva: Right, that's why I don't have any other choice.
Lizzie: What do you mean?
Reva: I want you to heal, Lizzie. I want you to have a full and happy life.
Lizzie: Thanks. You are such an inspiration to me. I mean, you lost Jonathan, you lost your granddaughter. And, you know, you could blame me and you don't. Instead, you're supportive and... and wonderful. (Screams)
Reva: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't have any other choice.
Natalia: Voice mail. I need to see Gus. I need to get all of this figured out.
Remy: I'll help you find him. So you're sure you're not pissed at me for telling Harley?
Natalia: No, Remy, I... I know you meant well.
Remy: However this goes, I'm here for you. I hope you decide to stay.
Natalia: Well, I'm not leaving now. There's no reason to.
Gus: Put it down! Put the gun down, Rafe. Put it down. Don't make me do this. Put it down!
Harley: Wait, Gus. Wait. Don't do anything. He's your son.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Beth: Lizzie, where are you?
Reva: Jonathan, I did what you asked me to.
Gus: I would have married you. I'd have stayed for you and our child.
Reva: Is it a little hot down there? I hope I didn't burn your boys.
Gus: I never thought I'd have a kid. Now I have one and he doesn't even know who I am.
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