Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/5/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Frank: Hey! What are you doing? Working on a case?
Harley: Yeah. Looking for a motive. Actually, can we get out of here? I need to talk to you for a few minutes.
Frank: Sure.
Natalia: Hey, I thought you wanted out of here.
Rafe: Yeah.
Natalia: Yeah? Well, then you have to stay out of trouble. So your counselor told me you had a problem with one of the guards? What does that mean, Rafe?
Rafe: It wasn't my fault, okay?
Natalia: Okay, and what about the teacher that you took a swing at? They're going to hear about this in your hearing. You had no reason or...?
Rafe: Look, I had a reason.
Daisy: What?
Ashlee: You are looking for vent boy like every two seconds.
Daisy: Yeah? So, I'm worried about him. After what happened with Coop...
Ashlee: Coop is the one that got hit.
Daisy: Yeah. But vent boy was doing that to distract him and Hannigan so I wouldn't get in trouble.
Ashlee: Um, no, Megan started it.
Daisy: Yeah, but I provoked it. Anyway, it would just suck if he was stuck here longer because of it.
Ashlee: Well, maybe it would help if you didn't send those thoughts into the universe.
Daisy: You are reading too many of those self-help books.
Ashlee: I have my first meeting with my counselor today. Just the thought of me staying here any longer is just...
Daisy: It's not like you're wracking up demerits or anything.
Ashlee: No, but my mother is supposed to show up to be my backup? And if she doesn't show I'm going to look like...
Daisy: You really think she's going to blow it off?
Ashlee: This is Doris we're talking about. I mean, moral support really isn't her thing, let alone anything with the word "moral" in it. Here, look, look, feel my hands, feel them. Feel.
Daisy: Eww, Ashlee.
Ashlee: I know, I'm sweating! I just... it's going to go really badly today and... you know, I can't... you know, I'm just not going to put those bad vibes about myself into the universe.
Daisy: Is that what the book says to do?
Ashlee: No, actually, it's what Coop says to do. Well, I mean, he said that things are going to get better and I believed him. It works better when the book tells me.
Ava: Hey, come on in, I'm almost ready.
Coop: Okay.
Ava: Thank you for picking me up.
Coop: Sure, it was on the way.
Ava: Yeah?
Coop: Um, was there a fashion event at Spaulding today?
Ava: No, I'm just changed for tonight.
Coop: Uh-huh.
Ava: This thing is so small. I can't even fit anything in it. It's useless.
Coop: Well, why don't you just use your briefcase? After all, we are going to Company, and this is a working dinner.
Ava: Yes, it is a working dinner. We're celebrating your work, and a briefcase doesn't really go with this.
Coop: Celebrating? I haven't shown you anything yet, though.
Ava: Well, you ran some of your rough ideas to me and I passed them on to marketing. Everybody's really psyched.
Coop: Yeah?
Ava: Yeah. I know it's a little weird-- psyched, older people, kind of, you know-- but they are happy, I can tell. They're a little stuffy, but they're happy.
Coop: No... well, gosh, I was so worried. I thought my ideas might be just a little farfetched for them, but this is... this is great. Thank you so much.
Ava: You're welcome.
Coop: Well, I can also use the cash, too, so...
Ava: Well, what are friends for? And anyways, it's not like I was doing you any favors. Everyone thought that you were an old pro.
Coop: Yeah?
Ava: Yeah.
Coop: Huh. Well, why don't you tell me what else they said about me?
Remy: Whoa. Whoa.
Marina: Sorry.
Remy: Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah. Did I hurt you?
Remy: No, no, I actually meant, uh...
Marina: Cyrus Foley. Right, no, it's okay if I bump into him. It's my dad.
Remy: Well, where is he?
Marina: Not here, but never far. I don't know, he's been having his guys shake up Foley lately, trying to trump up charges.
Remy: Frank?
Marina: Oh, yeah, he's obsessed. You know my family. They'd do anything to protect their own.
Frank: You really want to fire Natalia?
Harley: Don't say it like that. Whose side are you on?
Frank: Sis, are you jealous of her?
Harley: Yes, obviously, and I don't care.
Frank: I thought you guys were friends.
Harley: How can I be friends with a woman who's trying to steal my husband? If that makes me jealous, I don't care.
Frank: Yeah, I heard you the first time.
Harley: Just making sure.
Frank: Look, sis, usually, you know, your instincts are right on, but I think you're wrong about Natalia this time.
Harley: Okay, listen to me. I understand Gus is confused. He is working through a very unexpected surprise from his past. And I love him, and I am giving him leash to do just that, work it through. And by the way, I know that Gus would never cheat on me.
Frank: So what's the problem then? I mean, why do you want to run her out of town?
Harley: She's a liar! She is lying to everybody! Doesn't that bother you? And I have hard evidence to prove it. That woman is on a mission, Frank.
Frank: Harley Davidson Cooper, you have hard evidence that she's on a mission?
Harley: Hard evidence!
Frank: Well, now I'm starting to worry.
Harley: Don't worry. Look, Gus is out of town. Gus is out of town. He's in Chicago helping Natalia. Did I mention that? He's not here, so she's my problem. I'm just making my problem go away.
Cyrus: Friends of yours?
Alexandra: The only survivor of Alan-Michael's regime.
Cyrus: She doesn't look like she's been to battle.
Alexandra: Ava Peralta, the way she looks she doesn't have to do battle.
Cyrus: That's kind of sexist.
Alexandra: We are not friends.
Cyrus: Sorry, ma'am... Mrs. Spaulding.
Alexandra: Alexandra. No, Alan lets her schedule all of his business meetings. She knows who he's hiring and firing before I do and, for heaven's sakes, I'm his sister. Oh, well, like father, like son. Any pretty young thing. It's time for my facial.
Coop: I've got to finish up my lesson plan and then I've got to rewrite copy for the Spaulding brochures and all that...
Ava: Hey, hey, hey. I can help you cut your to-do list in half.
Coop: How?
Ava: Stop teaching.
Coop: Ava, I just started teaching, okay, please.
Ava: You just started writing at Spaulding, too. I can make it a full-time gig. Huh?
Coop: Um, I... I need to get some stuff done at the juvie center so I will be back, okay?
Ava: All right.
Cyrus: You've got that look.
Ava: I'm here with somebody.
Cyrus: I'm not hitting on you. I'm commiserating with you. I work for the Spaulding's, too.
Ava: How did you know I was...
Cyrus: They never let you off the clock, do they?
Ava: No. Not really.
Cyrus: Cyrus Foley, chauffeur to the stars.
Ashlee: This boy needs to use a spell check.
Daisy: Yeah. Coop likes his typewriter.
Ashlee: Yeah, well, I like a spell check.
Daisy: And you like Coop.
Ashlee: No!
Daisy: You like Coop. Dude, why don't you just tell him?
Ashlee: Well... no!
Daisy: I don't believe this. This from the girl who told me, "Go find the guy you like. Ask him out. What have you got to lose?"
Ashlee: What?
Daisy: Remember that day when those girls from school were messing with me?
Ashlee: Well, yeah, I don't really see you talking to vent boy, calling him up. You don't know his name.
Daisy: Be nice to me. You might be Auntie Ashlee someday.
Ashlee: You are out of your mind, girlfriend. (Laughs)
Daisy: He's going to figure it out sooner or later. I mean, you get all glowy when he's here.
Ashlee: What? Like... like glowy, like... like sweaty, like... like anxious, like clammy.
Daisy: No, no, no, no. Not shiny, glowy, happy. I mean, I just don't get it. What do you have to lose here?
Ashlee: I could lose him as a friend.
Daisy: You have lots of friends.
Ashlee: Actually...
Daisy: No, yeah, it's just me.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Daisy: Yeah, it's just me. And Moxie.
Ashlee: And Moxie. (Laughs)
Daisy: You've got Moxie, too.
Ashlee: Coop just doesn't... um, he doesn't really like me that way.
Daisy: How do you know that?
Ashlee: I just do.
Daisy: You're not psychic, Ashlee; you're just scared. Think about it this way: Would you rather have Coop as a friend or as a more than a friend?
Ashlee: Look, no more... no more Coop talk, okay? I'm already really freaked out about this counselor thing. Look at you. (Laughs) You're one to talk!
Daisy: No, no, no, no. I've already been embarrassed enough by telling a guy that I like them and it just turned out...
Ashlee: You told vent boy you like him?
Daisy: No, no, no, no, no.
Ashlee: I mean, did you at least say two words to him?
Daisy: Yes.
Ashlee: So what's the deal?
Daisy: He gave me ice this one time.
Ashlee: Ice? Oh, my God. Wow. You're so lucky. (Laughs) (sighs)
Natalia: Her name is Mel Boudreau. I know her brother. They say she's a really good lawyer. Are you eating? Because you have to eat. You have to take care of yourself. How did this happen?
Rafe: Look, it doesn't hurt, okay?
Natalia: No, I didn't ask you that. I said, "How did this happen?" Did the guard do that to you?
Rafe: Forget it, okay? Please, just forget it.
Natalia: Okay, I can't help you unless you talk to me.
Rafe: Ma, just let me deal with it.
Natalia: How are you going to deal with it?
Rafe: I don't want to talk about this, okay?
Natalia: See, this is when I wish that there was a man around because then maybe you would talk to him.
Harley: There's Gus, um, there's Gus, and then there's... oh, right, Gus. Come on! Why else would Natalia move to Springfield?
Frank: You know what, sis? I don't know. Maybe her car broke down, she was looking for a job, dad was hiring.
Harley: No.
Frank: There are nice people here.
Harley: They're not that nice.
Frank: Well, you know what? Someone's not being very nice here. Sit down. Now, come on! What are you doing?
Harley: She kept all his love letters and pictures of them together.
Frank: She showed you?
Harley: Sort of. I found them.
Frank: Oh, Harley!
Harley: What? I found them in her car.
Frank: Sis!
Harley: What? So I was looking in her car...
Frank: What do you mean, looking? Breaking into her car, more like it, right?
Harley: The point is what I found in the car! And by the way, the keys were in the ignition and the door was wide open. What a ding-dong.
Frank: So she kept some pictures? What? So what?
Harley: Do you know what I keep in my glove compartment?
Frank: No, I really don't want to know.
Harley: Extra sunglasses, tissues, uh, you know, work gloves. I don't keep love letters and pictures. I put those in a box and lock them in the attic.
Frank: Yeah, you need a bigger glove box.
Harley: Frank!
Frank: Look, what do you want me to say, sis? Come on!
Harley: I want you to say that there's something wrong with her, that there's something wrong with keeping your memories at your fingertips. This relationship happened 15 years ago.
Frank: Well, what does Gus have to say about all of this?
Harley: I didn't tell him about the pictures and the cards. What, are you crazy?
Frank: No, I'm talking about wanting to fire Natalia at Company. You didn't even tell him about this, did you? Oh, my God. Harley!
Harley: Like I said, Gus isn't here. He's in Chicago helping Natalia. He should take it as a compliment.
Frank: Compliment, how's that?
Harley: I'm saying that he is so irresistible his exes can't help themselves, and so I have no choice but to make them go bye-bye.
Natalia: You can say it, you know. I won't be offended.
Rafe: Say what?
Natalia: That you wish you had a dad, someone to look up to.
Rafe: Mom, you're enough.
Natalia: You better mean that in a good way.
Rafe: Yeah, okay, come here.
Natalia: Be good.
Rafe: Yeah, whatever. Okay?
Daisy: Natalia? Did you come here to see me?
Natalia: Hey, there you are!
Daisy: Did something happen with Gus or my mom? Are they okay?
Natalia: Oh, no, no, I just came by to say hi.
Daisy: Oh, all right.
Natalia: Well, you sold me on Springfield, so I thought I'd come by and see how you were doing.
Daisy: Did you tell Gus or my mom that you were coming?
Natalia: Yeah, sure. Yeah, they were cool with it. I figured you might need some company in here, right?
Daisy: Right. Can you just hold on one sec?
Natalia: Uh-huh.
Daisy: Okay.
Coop: Are you sure you had it with you?
Ava: Yes, I did. I can't live without my P.D.A.
Coop: I understand, but you were switching your bags, you have switching stuff in your purses and stuff. Did you lose it?
Ava: I did. I checked my messages on Main Street. I had it. I had it.
Coop: This is why I can't give up on being a teacher.
Ava: You know what? Teachers can have P.D.A.'s too.
Coop: Yeah, they can, but they're certainly not slaves to it.
Ava: You think I'm a slave to it?
Coop: No. No. I mean... what I'm trying to say is that the corporate world is just different.
Ava: I make a great living.
Coop: I know you do.
Ava: And you could, too.
Coop: Oh, here we go.
Ava: The only reason why you took that job at juvie, the teaching job, is because it was the first opportunity, the first job that they offered you.
Coop: I know, I know, and I actually really like it now. I feel like I'm making a difference over there. (Pager beeping) Oh, God.
Ava: Ooh, modern technology rears its ugly head.
Coop: Stop. Hello?
Daisy: Hey, it's Daisy.
Coop: Are you okay? Did something happen?
Daisy: Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's okay. It's Ashlee. She has this counselor thing tonight. She's super nervous about going in alone, and her mom is supposed to come, but...
Coop: She'll blow it off.
Daisy: That's what Ashlee said, too. I mean, she'd kill me if she knew I was calling you.
Coop: All right. When is it? Okay. No, I'm glad that you did, okay? Thank you very much. I'll talk to you later. All right. Bye. Hey, I...
Ava: I have to go?
Coop: Yeah, I've got to head over to the juvie center.
Ava: Was that Ashlee?
Coop: It was Daisy.
Ava: Oh, is everything okay?
Coop: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ashlee's got this meeting with her counselor, and Doris was supposed to be there but obviously she's going to let her down once again so...
Ava: I thought you said that it was Daisy.
Coop: Daisy was calling about Ashlee, all right? She just... she knows that I know how Ashlee is and how she gets about things so she figured I could go over there and maybe help out a little bit.
Ava: Which is why you like working at the juvie, teaching.
Coop: You mean helping people? Yeah.
Ava: I mean Ashlee.
Coop: She just needs some backup. She would never ask me, which is kind of weird. I don't know why she wouldn't.
Ava: I do. It's because she's in love with you.
Cyrus: Sorry I'm late.
Alexandra: You know, give you an inch and you decide to...
Cyrus: Take Ava's electronic planner. Now you can be your brother's keeper.
Alexandra: Where did you...?
Cyrus: A chauffeur never reveals his secrets.
Alexandra: Well, I'm going to need a little time with this.
Cyrus: Of course.
Alexandra: I'll call you when I want you to pick me up.
Cyrus: I'll be here.
Marina: Hey. I'm looking for one of those hand organizer gadgety things. You know where I might find one?
Cyrus: The electronics store?
Frank: Come here.
Harley: Thank you for talking some sense into me.
Frank: Well, you know what? You're the one that did all the talking, so...
Harley: No, seriously. Hearing myself say it out loud makes me feel better about the whole thing.
Frank: Or maybe realize that you're a crazy person.
Harley: I am jealous. I'd say crazy is a little extreme.
Frank: No, I'll tell you what's extreme, is wanting to fire Natalia because she's a pack rat.
Harley: All right, I will admit there's a small, small chance that I'm blowing the whole thing out of proportion.
Frank: Listen to your brother here, okay? You have a husband who loves you.
Harley: I know.
Frank: Who loves your kids, okay? All right, so what if he had a hot girlfriend in high school? Come on.
Harley: Why do you have to throw "hot" in there?
Frank: Because she's hot! Are you kidding me? She's a hottie. And so are you.
Harley: Really?
Frank: Yes. Well, sort of, kind of, ew. Anyway, Gus is not the only one in this marriage who has a laundry list, okay? He's not. He's not. So you've got to cut him a little slack here, all right?
Harley: I'm trying.
Frank: I know that.
Harley: Hey, it's not like she's trying to steal my entire life from me or something, right?
Frank: Right.
Harley: Right.
Frank: Right.
Harley: Right.
Frank: So where are you off to now?
Harley: Where else? Going to see my daughter.
Daisy: It's nice of you to come here, especially when...
Natalia: What?
Daisy: I feel bad making you come here.
Natalia: You didn't make me.
Daisy: I know, but there's all that stuff I said about Gus needing you, and when he told me that you actually moved here...
Natalia: He told you that?
Daisy: I mean, he figured I had something to do with it. He's good like that.
Natalia: Yeah, I kind of knew you had your own reasons for finding me.
Daisy: I was that obvious? I just... I had all these issues with my mom at the time. I thought if you were here then, you know, she'd start sweating things with Gus and then I'd get her off my back and... but now things with Harley and I are getting better so...
Natalia: You're getting along?
Daisy: Yeah, maybe. But I made a mess of things for you guys. It must be weird.
Natalia: It is. You know, but we're dealing.
Harley: Well, well, well. Look who it is. With my daughter.
Daisy: It's okay, we were just talking.
Harley: Go to your room.
Daisy: Seriously you're going to pull that in here?
Harley: I mean, please. Would you please wait in your room for me?
Daisy: Yeah.
Harley: So?
Natalia: I... I came to visit her.
Harley: Uh-huh. Well, the other day you said you came to visit her and then you decided against it because it was inappropriate. What changed?
Natalia: My mind, I guess. I didn't think it would upset you.
Harley: I changed my mind, too. That happens. It's probably good that we ran into each other, Natalia, because you need to know we're letting you go.
Natalia: What?
Harley: Sorry.
Natalia: No, wait, I missed one day of work and I already talked about this with Buzz... this isn't about me missing work. Harley, I need this job. You asking your father to fire me because you're insecure about Nick being...
Harley: You're not being fired because of Gus. You're being fired because you're a liar.
Natalia: What?
Harley: I found the letters and the pictures.
Natalia: How did you find my...
Harley: In your car.
Natalia: You went into my car?
Harley: I was looking for you. Instead I find this shrine to your high school boyfriend.
Natalia: Okay, he was more than that. I thought you understood this whole situation.
Harley: You are hanging onto a relationship that died 15 years ago. The man doesn't have any feelings for you. Gus has no feelings for you anymore.
Natalia: I never said he had feelings for me.
Harley: I'm trying to protect you from a big disappointment here. You have no reason to be in this town. You have no ties to anything in this town.
Natalia: I have reasons.
Harley: Name one.
Natalia: How is it any of your business where I choose to live?
Harley: You came here to get my husband. You came here for Gus.
Natalia: You're happily married, you have this big wonderful family, so how is it that you need reassuring?
Harley: I don't need reassuring. I don't need reassuring because we don't have a problem, do we?
Natalia: I'm going to go clean out my locker.
Harley: I want to see my daughter.
Guard: Visiting hours just ended. Counselor meetings tonight.
Harley: Bye, Ashlee.
Ashlee: Doris.
Coop: I can't believe that you don't take me seriously.
Ava: I do.
Coop: Really?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: Do you think this whole teaching thing is just a joke then? That suddenly I'm going wake up and all of a sudden be over it? Really?
Ava: You might be. Look, I know that you are dedicated to teaching, and maybe you're dedicated because of the things that are going on around your teaching situation and not really dedicated to teaching itself.
Coop: What?
Ava: It's about Ashlee.
Coop: No... (laughs) Don't even start on that whole crush thing. Ashlee and I are just friends.
Ava: Just friends?
Coop: Yes, as in since she started working here.
Ava: Oh, as in like the kind of friends you and I were when I first started working here.
Coop: No, no, it is not the same thing. Look, I'm sorry I hate to cut our meeting short, okay, but I really do have to get out of here, all right? I'm sorry.
Ava: Our meeting. Okay.
Marina: You know, I saw you talking to Ava before and the craziest thing, she called over to Co2 right after to see if she left her P.D.A. there.
Cyrus: So, you want me to help you look?
Marina: No, I want you to tell me where it is.
Cyrus: Well, we'll have to look for it before I can tell you where it is.
Marina: Why does trouble always seem to follow you, Foley?
Cyrus: Why do you always seem to follow me, Detective? What? A girl loses her P.D.A. in a public thoroughfare and that's my fault?
Marina: You were talking to her.
Cyrus: Yeah, talking. Water cooler chat. We both work for the almighty Spaulding. Listen, I'm already late running errands for them, so if you want to arrest me for being on a street where an item was lost, you'll have to come with.
Marina: What?
Cyrus: It's not a kidnapping, it's an invitation.
Alexandra: I understand you are harassing my chauffeur and I want it to stop or I'll file charges.
Frank: You're going to file charges against me? I'll fill out the paperwork.
Alexandra: (Laughs) I think you should take me seriously. Cyrus Foley is an excellent employee and the whole family happens to think so.
Frank: Well, that doesn't surprise me, Alex.
Alexandra: And what does that mean?
Frank: He's a criminal. I'm sure he'll fit right in.
Alexandra: People change. You can ask anyone. My maid, chef, your own daughter.
Frank: What does Marina have to do with this?
Alexandra: Well, I just saw them sitting in my car on Main Street and they looked thick as thieves.
Marina: Tell me the truth and I'll go along for the ride.
Cyrus: As a show of good faith.
Marina: That's very generous of you.
Cyrus: I borrowed Ava's P.D.A.
Marina: Oh, you borrowed it?
Cyrus: It's not for me. It's for someone else.
Marina: You're going to have to explain.
Cyrus: It's for a good cause. I'm going to give it back to her.
Marina: That was thoughtful of you. When?
Cyrus: Soon. Your turn.
Marina: My turn, what?
Cyrus: Well, I told you a secret.
Marina: More like you confessed to a crime.
Cyrus: Now you tell me one. It's like truth or dare. Go on, how often are you in a limo?
Marina: Actually, my ex-boyfriend used to pick me up in one all the time.
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Marina: Seriously. Your boss' nephew, Alan-Michael.
Cyrus: You dated a Spaulding?
Marina: Yeah, why?
Cyrus: I just didn't think they'd be your type.
Marina: The wrong type, that's my type.
Cyrus: Well, it can't be that tragic.
Marina: Okay. My first love: A cute yet misunderstood serial killer. Your turn.
Cyrus: You're far more interesting.
Marina: Okay. The next guy: A mobster who went straight yet I dumped him so he could go back to his ex-wife, who was pregnant. His baby.
Cyrus: So you rehabilitate them and then send them packing?
Marina: No, no I'm not talking about this. I can't believe I even...
Cyrus: No wonder your dad's so protective of you.
Counselor: Your mother still isn't here yet?
Ashlee: No, she must be delayed in court. She's the D.A. and...
Counselor: So, you think that will score you points with me?
Ashlee: No, I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that...
Counselor: Young people without a support system tend to do poorly here.
Coop: She's got one. It's me.
Daisy: Hey, is that you?
Rafe: Yeah. I'm waiting for the guard.
Daisy: Is it the same guard who gave you trouble before? I asked around about him. Everyone says he's like that.
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: So, I don't know anything about you.
Rafe: Okay. Like what?
Daisy: Okay, like, I don't know, your family. Where do you go to school? I mean, you don't have to say anything if you don't want. It's just you don't really hang out with anyone here and I was just wondering, do you have friends somewhere else? Brothers, sisters?
Remy: Hey, Natalia.
Natalia: Hey.
Remy: Hey, what's wrong?
Natalia: Harley fired me.
Remy: Wait, why? Why? For what?
Natalia: Why? She doesn't think I have any reason to be here, to be at Company, to be in Springfield.
Remy: Who the hell does she think she is?
Natalia: Gus' wife.
Remy: So what? You're just going to leave because Harley said so?
Natalia: I don't have a job anymore, Remy.
Remy: Well, what about your kid?
Natalia: I guess as soon as they let him out we'll move. I don't know what I'm going to live on until then. I don't know where we're going to go.
Remy: What's her problem? It's not like you're after Gus. You haven't even told him he has a son yet.
Natalia: Yeah, can you imagine if she knew that? Anyway, I don't know. It doesn't matter. Life is not fair and I learned that a long time ago. I'm going to go clean out my locker.
Remy: Hey, you seen Harley?
Ava: I've not seen my P.D.A...
Remy: Ava? Ava?
Ava: What? No, I haven't seen her, I'm sorry. I'm just striking out with all the Cooper's today, aren't I?
Remy: Well, if you see Harley, let her know I'm looking for her.
Harley: Hey, here I am. You're looking for me?
Remy: Yeah, there's something you need to know about Natalia.
Harley: I know all I need to know about Natalia.
Remy: So you know how she's a hard worker and she's living paycheck to paycheck.
Harley: Paycheck to paycheck, yes.
Remy: And you still go and fire her?
Harley: Wow, good news travels fast.
Remy: She doesn't know I went looking for you, Harley. She needs this job.
Harley: Well, there are other jobs. There are other towns, there are other restaurants. She will find a job. She doesn't need to work in the shop that's owned by her ex-boyfriend's family.
Remy: What's your problem? She's not after Gus.
Harley: Your friend Natalia? There's a lot you don't know, Remy.
Remy: And there's a lot you don't know.
Harley: Really, like what?
Remy: Just forget it.
Harley: No. What don't I know?
Daisy: I didn't mean to freak you out.
Counselor: I'm glad Mr. Bradshaw has seen you making progress, Ashlee. Keep up the good work.
Ashlee: Thank you, I will. Thank you so much!
Coop: You're welcome but I really didn't do anything, Ash.
Ashlee: Yes, you did. You said all those really nice things about me in there.
Coop: Well, it's true. You always go out of your way to help other people. You're acing my class right now. I think I need to make it harder for you.
Ashlee: Then when would I have time to trash your writing?
Coop: Okay, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. See, right there. I mean, you're a good person and you're definitely stuck in a bad place. But you're still laughing. So, you're making the most of it. That's what I'm talking about.
Ashlee: Well, you help. I mean, you always know what to say and do and I wish I knew what to do now. I wish I knew... I wish I knew how to thank you.
Coop: Um...
Guard: You should be in the common room.
Ashlee: No...
Marina: What are you doing?
Frank: What are you doing?
Marina: We didn't do anything. He didn't do anything. You have to stop this.
Cyrus: We really didn't do anything.
Marina: Are you following me?
Frank: It doesn't matter.
Marina: Yeah, it does to me.
Frank: I don't think it's a very good idea for one of my detectives to be hanging out with a known criminal. Unless they want to be bumped down to a desk job.
Marina: I'm sorry, are you threatening my job?
Frank: No, Marina, you are.
Alexandra: Is there a problem here?
Frank: You better make sure your driver stays out of trouble because if he doesn't, I'll send him down under so fast his head will spin.
Cyrus: Where to?
Alexandra: The car is bulletproof, in case you wondered.
Cyrus: Thanks, I'll sleep better.
Alexandra: I'm not going to let them push you around, Cyrus. The Cooper's and I go back a long way. But I think for the moment it's best we just keep our distance. Well, you better return this now.
Cyrus: Got what you needed?
Alexandra: I think I know Alan's schedule better than he does. Well, for you. Go ahead, open it.
Cyrus: I... wow. Thank you.
Alexandra: Just to make sure you pick me up on time.
Cyrus: Alexandra.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Harley: Wait. I will run Natalia's name through every police bureau in the country if I have to find this little piece of information that you won't share with me.
Remy: She has a kid.
Harley: She has a kid.
Remy: He's in town, okay? That's why she's here, okay? So just leave her alone.
Harley: Why didn't she just tell us that? Okay, I understand. She needs money, obviously. For what, day care?
Remy: He's not in day care, Harley. She had him right after school. High school.
Harley: It's Gus' son.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Josh: I need to spend the night with you.
Reva: You want to be opening Pandora's Box?
Cassie: I just keep having this flash of you and Reva.
Alan: If it's Josh you want, fight for him.
Cassie: I have trouble believing in fairy tale endings.
Josh: I love you.
Cassie: You have me.
Reva: Maybe what we have is real.
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