GL Transcript Monday 6/4/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/4/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: Toothpicks, stat. To keep my eyes pried open. I just got off a stakeout from hell.

Buzz: How about some coffee?

Harley: I think that's a brilliant idea. Thank you. You having a slow night?

Buzz: Oh, it'll pick up when Natalia gets here. She tends to draw people, customers, you know. Men mostly.

Harley: Thank you for reminding me how hot my husband's ex-girlfriend is. Thank you. I needed that right now.

Buzz: Your husband only has eyes for you. That's one of my favorite things about him.

Harley: Maybe you can remind Natalia of that, since she's not getting that message.

Buzz: Why do you say that?

Harley: That call that you took from her from the juvie center?

Buzz: Yeah.

Harley: She said she left her wallet there while she went to visit Daisy.

Buzz: So?

Harley: So I saw her through your window putting something into her wallet.

Buzz: Maybe she has two wallets.

Harley: Maybe she has three, Dad. And what was she doing going to visit Daisy, anyway? That's not her kid.

Buzz: She wanted to square things with Daisy, with your daughter. It hardly sounds like the action of a home wrecker.

Harley: Well, maybe she's trying to score points with Gus.

Buzz: Oh, come on. Do you really think that...

Harley: I don't know what I think. I don't know. And I don't want to think that because the truth is I think I like her.

Buzz: Well, why don't you talk to her? She's right outside trying to start her car up again. And, Harley, be nice.

Harley: I'm nice, aren't I?

Natalia: Remy, it's Natalia. Where are you? Could you call me, please? My stupid car broke down again. I need a mechanic. Most of all, I need a lawyer. So I don't know if maybe your sister is still available, that court...

Gus: Need a lawyer? I'm a lawyer. I can help you.

Mallet: Griggs? What are you doing here?

Griggs: I hear congratulations are in order. You're a newlywed. Where's your wife? I'd like to meet her. Come on, we can, all three of us, hang out. You and I, we can reminisce about the old days. She does know about me, doesn't she?

Mallet: What the hell do you want?

Griggs: We had an agreement. You were supposed to keep your mouth shut.

Mallet: I did keep my mouth shut.

Griggs: How did this lady named Blake Marler find me? She got my name, my number.

Mallet: Blake?

Griggs: Blake called me. Blake knows things that Blake shouldn't know, and I didn't tell her.

(Knock on the door)

Dinah: Did you forget something? Oh, hi!

Matt: Well, hello to you.

Dinah: I thought you were Mallet. He went out to get us some food. Did you see him?

Matt: No.

Dinah: Oh, well, he just left. He couldn't have gone too far.

Cassie: I want to marry you more than anything, on earth, but I need to ask you something. I need to ask a favor.

Josh: Anything.

Cassie: Good, because this is going to sound pretty crazy. But I need it. I need you to do it. I need it for us. I need it just so that I will know for sure.

Josh: Okay. Just tell me what you want me to do.

Cassie: Spend the night with Reva.

Josh: You know, I usually get your sense of humor, but that's not really funny.

Cassie: It's not supposed to be funny. Josh, it's... you and Reva have unfinished business between you.

Josh: No, it's finished.

Cassie: You just slept with her.

Josh: I know. It was a mistake. It hurt you. It was wrong. It will never happen again.

Cassie: I know you believe that.

Josh: Because it's true, Cassie. I thought we were moving forward.

Cassie: We are moving forward. I'm moving forward. It's not about me. It's about you. Can you get past this? I mean, really, can you really, truly get past her?

Josh: I'm already past her. I am. I want a life with you, Cassie. That's all I want.

Cassie: Okay, well, then what is the harm in going to spend one night with her? One night, with no distractions, where you can get some questions answered.

Josh: I don't have any questions.

Cassie: Well, I think you do. I think... I think you hate yourself for being unfaithful to me, and so you're going to try to convince yourself that what happened with Reva in the prison meant nothing.

Josh: It did mean nothing.

Cassie: Well, then, what is the harm in going to confirm it for you, for me, for Reva? Don't you think we'll all feel better once we can put this behind us for good?

Josh: Cassie, I was really hoping we would get married tonight.

Cassie: We will get married. Just, I need you first to go to the house that you brought over from Cross Creek that meant so much to you guys as a couple and where you can be with her and your memories and reminisce and laugh and cry and fight, whatever you have to do with no strings attached.

Josh: And then what?

Cassie: And then I can live with whatever happens after that, but what I can't live is not knowing what's real and what's not real.

Josh: I know what's real.

Cassie: Do you love me? I mean, do you really love only me?

Josh: Yes.

Cassie: Well, then, do this for me and I will never, I will never doubt you again.

Dinah: I'm glad you're here, Matt.

Matt: Are you sure? Because I think I should go.

Dinah: Why?

Matt: I don't know. You and Mallet, you've got plans tonight.

Dinah: Oh, no. We're just going to sit around, eat barbecue and watch TV. Sorry, I know that you feel lonesome without my mom.

Matt: You know, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy. I had Maureen for the day, and I had such a good time with her. I wanted to call Vanessa and tell her about all of the fun things we did. Who am I kidding? She doesn't want to hear from me.

Dinah: Oh, she wants to hear from you. You share a child together. That keeps you connected.

Matt: Barely. I just got to keep busy. I told Josh I would help him with his wedding.

Dinah: Wait a minute. You are a glutton for punishment.

Matt: Well, it's either that or get drunk and punch somebody.

Dinah: (Laughs) She misses you.

Matt: You know, I think she's probably doing pretty good without me. In her mind, I betrayed her, Dinah. I gambled away the family's future, our security. She's never going to take me back, is she?

Dinah: Oh, Matt, my mother is a stubborn woman, but she is capable of forgiveness. Look at how much Mallet and I have forgiven one another for what we've done. And I've got to tell you, it is amazing. It does feel amazing.

Matt: Yeah. Well, it's not that easy.

Dinah: Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy. But it's worth it. And I hate that the two of you are apart. And I hate that this has happened.

Matt: Yeah. Thanks for listening.

Dinah: Now, don't do anything crazy.

Griggs: Hey, so this is where you plan to toss me, drown me along with your past?

Mallet: I don't know what you're doing here, and I don't know what the hell you want from me.

Griggs: Oh, sure you do, Tony boy. We were a team.

Mallet: We were never, never a team.

Griggs: Okay. I was your employer. I paid you to perform certain services.

Mallet: Yeah. And you got your money's worth.

Griggs: No, no, no, no, no. I paid you with salary. But your work was never done, Tony.

Mallet: This is about money? You think I owe you money? You know what, Griggs? Fine, I will go to the bank tomorrow.

Griggs: Don't insult me! You left me hanging. What you owe me goes way beyond cash now. It looks like I owe little Ms. Marler a small debt of gratitude for tracking me down, huh?

Mallet: Blake is a flake, and Blake has got a really big mouth. And you know what? She knows a lot less than you think she does.

Griggs: It didn't sound like that to me.

Mallet: Then I will handle her! So why don't you take what I'm offering and get the hell out?

Griggs: No, no. And what? This means what? You shoot people? You kill people? You going to shoot me?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah, I've used this gun before, remember. Let's see. Let's see. I'm a cop, and you followed me down here and you mugged me, and jeez, I had no choice.

Griggs: Do what you have to do, Tony. Just know that in the event of my untimely demise, my attorney will release a letter describing in detail all of our dealings: Names, dates, everything. Imagine everyone learning that the head of the governor's anti- crime commission, top cop, hero, was once a gun for hire. Changed much, Tony?

Harley: Natalia? You left your keys in the car? That's smart. Kensington Drive, that's my address. No, no, no, no, no. She came here to see Gus. It makes sense. Kensington Drive, that's my address. No, no, no, no, no. She came here to see Gus. It makes sense.

Gus: Tell me what the problem is.

Natalia: It's no big deal.

Gus: It's obviously some kind of a deal, a big deal, if you need a lawyer. It's that big of a deal, right?

Natalia: I got involved in something in Chicago.

Gus: Oh, wait a minute. You did not get back in touch with that scumbag Tommy, the guy I told you not to borrow from...

Natalia: No, no. It has nothing to do with him.

Gus: Well, then what? What, somebody suing you or something?

Natalia: Oh, would you just stop it, please.

Gus: Is it about money?

Natalia: Let it go.

Gus: You have a friend in me. You can just tell me, and I'll help you.

Natalia: I need you to back off!

Josh: Cassie, this is crazy, it is. Reva and I have said everything that we need to say to each other more than once, a dozen times over. And what do you think, that I'm so powerless when I'm in her presence that I won't be able to keep my hands off her tonight? Because nothing's going to happen.

Cassie: Great. I hope you're right.

Josh: I know I'm right.

Cassie: Fine. Then you will have very little to talk about, and you'll get a really good night sleep, and you'll come back to me knowing for sure that your heart is with me.

Josh: I already know.

Cassie: And what if that doesn't happen? What if the opposite happens, and you realize that you're not ready to let go of Reva? You know what? I'd rather know that now. It's better for all of us if we know that now. It's like Reva said, you don't want this to...

Josh: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What? Reva said? Is this Reva's idea, Cassie?

Cassie: No.

Josh: Did you two talk about this? I mean, did she dare you to do something, and you fell for it? Is that what's going on here?

Cassie: It didn't happen like that, okay?

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: She came over here to see me...

Josh: Yeah, I got that.

Cassie: ...And we talked. But we didn't talk about this. I think she will be totally shocked to see you show up on her doorstep.

Josh: Cassie, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this now when we've been through so much together and now we finally have a chance to be together?

Cassie: Because I love you, and I want to marry you, but I want to marry only you.

Josh: Do you want to leave Springfield, go someplace where we don't have to deal with Reva every day? Because if that's what you want...

Cassie: You would do that?

Josh: Yes. If it would make you comfortable, I would do that. If I'm going to study to be in the ministry, I can do that anywhere. It doesn't have to be here.

Cassie: You know what? It's worse than I thought. I mean, you would completely uproot me and R.J. to avoid spending one night alone with your ex-wife.

Josh: I don't have to spend a night alone with Reva to know that I love you.

Ruthledge: And here's the happy couple. Are we set? For the wedding?

(Telephone ringing)

Buzz: Company.

Harley: Hey, it's me.

Buzz: Oh, did you catch up with Natalia? Would you tell her to come in here? Look, I'm swamped.

Harley: No, I haven't seen Natalia. Dad, listen, when she first came to town, um, her car was in pretty bad shape, right?

Buzz: Well, yeah, it was a death trap with four bald tires.

Harley: But she came anyway?

Buzz: Right. She was worried about Gus. Daisy told her he was in some trouble, and she took off without telling her boss.

Harley: Right, she worked at an Italian restaurant. What was the name of that place?

Buzz: I don't know. Guzo's, Cuozzo's? C-U-O-Z-Z-O. I don't know. The guy is a hard-ass, though. He fired her for just missing one day.

Harley: Thanks. In Chicago, Cuozzo's, C-U-O... yeah, that's it. Thanks.

Natalia: You're very sweet to be concerned, but I'm all grown up now, and I don't need you to fight my battles anymore.

Gus: What about your legal battles? I could help you with that. And I work cheap. Natalia. Tough. You're tough. You know what? Look here. Yep, here you go. All right, this is Mel Boudreau. She's an excellent attorney, okay? Both civil and criminal cases; she does them all.

Natalia: Thank you.

Gus: And if you want to hire her, which one would your case be, civil or criminal? I'm not getting anything out of you, am I?

Natalia: Whatever I say to Mel, she'll keep it confidential, right?

Gus: You mean, could I go over there and pry it out of her? No, she wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that. Look, if you ever change your mind, okay, you can tell me anything. No matter where life has taken us or how many years have gone by, you know, I'm going to worry about you. I'm going to care about you, you know? Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Mallet: You are a bottom- feeder, Griggs. You found me when I was at my lowest, and you exploited my weakness and turned me into a mini version of you.

Griggs: You give me way too much credit, Tony. I only had to tap into what was already there and apparently what is still there. So stop pretending to be somebody or something else. Snap out of it, man! Come on back to work with me!

Mallet: I wake up having nightmares. I don't know who or what I'm doing every morning. It's the same...

Dinah: Hey, Mallet! Mallet? Honey? I saw your car.

Mallet: Get out of here! Go!

Dinah: Honey! Here you are. I was on my way to the barbecue pit. I saw your car. Oh, what was that?

Mallet: I was driving by, and I saw some guy who looked like he was breaking into the warehouse, and I chased him for a while, but I guess he is gone now.

Dinah: Oh, honey. My hero. You were trying to get the bad guy, weren't you?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah, a very bad guy.

Cassie: There isn't going to be a wedding.

Josh: Oh, there is going to be a wedding. It's just not going to be tonight.

Cassie: There is going to be a wedding, but it's just not going to be tonight. It's been postponed until further notice. It felt really sudden to me, and so I asked Josh if we could just hold off for a couple of days.

Josh: And I tried to talk her out of it.

Cassie: But I'm very stubborn. It's better that you learn that now. It's better that we all learn...

Matt: Hey, I'm looking for a bride and groom.

Josh: (Clears his throat)

Matt: What?

Cassie: There's a change of plans.

Josh: There's not going to be a wedding tonight. Not going to happen. But I do want to keep both of you on hold, okay?

Cassie: I'm really sorry you guys came all the way out here.

Josh: Do you think you can talk to Buzz and cancel the food thing?

Matt: Sure, if that's...

Josh: Thank you.

Reverend Ruthledge: Listen, Josh, if you want to talk, I'm available any time.

Josh: I'll be in touch with you as soon as I can, okay? And I really appreciate your understanding. Thank you very much. See you guys, bye.

Cassie: Well, I guess, um, you'd better get going over to Reva's.

Gus: Here you go.

Harley: So what's up with you guys?

Gus: Well, Natalia's got some legal troubles, and she won't tell me what it is.

Natalia: Because it is none of your business.

Gus: Yeah, but I don't understand why you won't let me help you out.

Natalia: Because you have better things to do.

Gus: Oh, see those bulging eyeballs? When I see those eyeballs, I know to back off. Because the last time I saw those eyeballs, you used those eyeballs on Cookie Lucas. And what happened? You punched her right between-- right between the eyes.

Natalia: Well, she deserved it. The way she had her hands all over you when you were waiting for the...

Gus: No, no, no, no-- she tripped.

Natalia: Tripped. You should have let her fall.

Gus: You off duty?

Harley: Are you heading home soon?

Gus: Yeah, but I've got to get this statement first.

Harley: What case?

Gus: It's a long story, but, yeah, I'll meet you at home. Try to talk some sense into her, okay? Let us help you. Listen to my wife.

Harley: Do you want to talk about it?

Natalia: No, I don't want to involve you again. You have been very generous with me, loaning me money.

Harley: You've already started paying me back. Like a good friend should. We're friends, right? Unless one friend is trying to steal another friend's husband.

Mallet: Come on, let's go home.

Dinah: Home? Did you already get the food?

Mallet: Yeah, I mean, let's go get the food and then we'll go home.

Dinah: Oh. Or we could hang out here and have a little fun, if you know what I mean. It's kind of romantic in a twisted, edgy kind of way.

Mallet: Maybe another time.

Dinah: Well, do you think the bad guy is still looking? Maybe we should give him a show. You be the ship's captain, and I'm the first mate. I'll get some rope.

Mallet: No shows, okay. I just don't want to be here.

Buzz: Boy, cancelled weddings, it must be in the water these days.

Matt: You think?

Buzz: I don't know. Me and Olivia loved each other, wasn't meant to be. However, there are some couples that are meant to be, and those of us who love them would like to see them get their act together and work it out.

Matt: You want to run that by Vanessa?

Buzz: I will.

Matt: I'll buy a ticket to that.

Buzz: You made a mistake.

Matt: A big mistake, Buzz.

Buzz: Look, Vanessa's a smart lady, you know? She's been in business a long time. She knows people have to take risks.

Matt: But I kept it a secret, the biggest mistake.

Buzz: You're not going to let me console you, are you?

Matt: No. I'm pretty miserable.

Buzz: Okay. I'll be right back.

Matt: Okay.

Dinah: But I thought you were feeling better. You told me about everything that you did. And you slept well, you've been sleeping really well.

Mallet: I just don't want to do that here.

Dinah: Well, I know that, but you're acting all haunted again, and I need to know why.

Mallet: Because it's not safe, Dinah. It's not safe here.

Dinah: Oh, please, honey, talk to me. (Cell phone rings) It's Matt.

Mallet: Get it. It might be important.

Dinah: Hey, Matt. No, no, we haven't eaten yet. Uh-huh. He wants us to have dinner with him. He doesn't sound too good.

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: Right. Yeah. Um, you know what, I think we're going to take a pass tonight.

Mallet: Let me talk to him. Hey, Matt, how's it going, buddy? Where are you? You know what, we'll be right over. Okay.

Dinah: I thought we were going to spend a quiet evening at home.

Cassie: Tonight I'm going to try to go to bed early. I'm going to shut my brain off, and in the morning you can call me and tell me how you feel.

Josh: In the morning, I'll be here.

Cassie: In the morning, you can call me from Reva's and tell me how you're feeling, and we'll know one way or another.

Billy: Hi. It sounds to me like she knows what she wants.

Josh: Where did you come from?

Billy: I heard the wedding was postponed, and now I guess I see why.

Josh: Okay, okay, fine. Can you tell her how crazy this idea is?

Billy: Wait a minute. Crazy, but it's not bad.

Josh: Come on, Billy, you've got to be kidding me.

Billy: You can freeze the food. Everything will be fine.

Josh: The food is not the point, okay?

Billy: I thought the wedding was a little sudden myself, but I kind of like her idea, Josh. That is, unless, of course, you're just using this to stall my brother.

Cassie: No, of course not. I want to marry him more than anything, I just need to know...

Billy: ...Want to know where you stand. It sounds fair to me.

Cassie: See?

Josh: I can't-- I can't believe you're buying into this insanity.

Billy: No, Josh, the idea, there has already been too much insanity, and you're going to put an end to it. And everybody is going to get answers. I mean, do you love her?

Josh: You know I do.

Billy: Then what's the problem? What are you scared of? See that the embers are out and then come back here in the morning, and you can come to her and say there is no problem, nothing to stand in the way, and live happily ever-- blah, blah, blah.

Cassie: I couldn't have said it better myself.

Josh: Thanks for nothing.

Billy: Hey, when you need a best man, just give me a call.

Cassie: Well?

Josh: I don't know who's lost it more, you, my brother, or me.

Cassie: So does that mean that you'll do it?

Josh: Is this what you really want?

Cassie: Yes, it is.

Natalia: You know, Gus... Gus and I were a lifetime ago, like you and Dylan.

Harley: Not quite like me and Dylan.

Natalia: Well, we're just friends. You and Dylan are friends. And, you know, Nick and I wouldn't even have seen each other if Daisy hadn't come and gotten...

Harley: It's Gus, Natalia. Everybody calls him Gus now. It's Gus.

Natalia: I'm sorry. Old habits.

Harley: Yeah? Old habits. And while you're at it, why don't you explain something to me, Natalia.

Natalia: Explain what?

Harley: Why you keep pulling Gus into your orbit.

Natalia: Is that what you think?

Harley: That's what I see.

Natalia: He just offered me help, and I said no. I refused-- you heard me, I said no.

Harley: Which just makes him want to help you even more, and you know that about him. And what about with Daisy? You go see my daughter? Was that a way to score points with Gus?

Natalia: Where is this all coming from? I thought that we were getting along very well.

Harley: So did I.

Natalia: Okay, look, if I have to say it, I will say it. I don't have those feelings for Gus anymore. I have lived a whole life since we were together, and I moved on.

Harley: But something caused you to move from Chicago to Springfield, something. Now, if it wasn't Gus, what was it?

Gus: Rafael, right?

Rafe: Rafe.

Gus: Rafe. Well, he pushed you and you pushed him back. I understand how that goes. I've been there when I was growing up in Chicago.

Rafe: Can I go now?

Hannigan: Straight back to your room. These kids aren't big on gratitude.

Gus: Reminds me of somebody I used to know, somebody with a big chip on their shoulder.

Hannigan: Who is that, Detective?

Gus: It doesn't matter.

Mallet: Double order of hot sauce, Buzz. Thanks, Buzz.

Dinah: So Cassie and Josh just sent you home?

Matt: Yeah, pretty much.

Dinah: Well, Cassie has a long way to go.

Matt: And it doesn't get any easier.

Mallet: No, it doesn't.

Matt: But, you know what, it could be a good thing. Sometimes being apart like that could make you realize what you've got.

Dinah: Well, listen to you, Mr. Sunshine.

Matt: That's me, Mr. Sunshine. I'm tired of being depressed.

Dinah: I'm glad we came.

Mallet: You know what? I left my police radio in the car. Look, I thought I told you to beat it.

Griggs: Yeah, you told me a lot of things, huh? Except how fine your wife is.

Mallet: You so much as breathe on her...

Griggs: Relax. Relax. I admire your devotion. That is why I know I can count on you to finish what we started.

Mallet: Griggs, you and I finished a long time ago.

Griggs: Nice town you got here, Tony, nice family, nice life. It would be a shame to throw it all away. A real shame.

Cassie: Okay. Here you go, you're all packed.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: So you're all set, are you? Are you set? Forget that I asked that.

Josh: It's not too late, Cassie. We can still get married tonight. All you have to do is call off this experiment.

Natalia: You don't have to do this.

Harley: I want to. Why did you leave Chicago?

Natalia: It was time. There was stuff going on there I didn't want to deal with.

Harley: That trouble you're in?

Natalia: I did a couple of things when I was younger, and they followed me around.

Harley: What kind of things?

Natalia: It's personal.

Harley: Money?

Natalia: Did I miss something in that loan agreement I signed with you? Did I give you the right to pry into my private life?

Harley: I'm a cop. I know cops in Chicago. Maybe I could help if you're in a jam.

Natalia: It's not that kind of trouble. I was involved with someone in Chicago, and it went bad. So I thought if I moved, then I could just get out of that whole mess and you'd be fine.

Gus: What mess?

Harley: I thought we were meeting back at home.

Gus: I figured it out. I -- I figured it out.

Natalia: What?

Gus: I figured out what the problem was. Cuozzo, right?

Natalia: What?

Gus: Cuozzo, Arnie Cuozzo, the guy you worked for before you came to town. It's all coming back to me. I just needed a moment to keep it clear in my head. But it's Cuozzo. And he was... this guy used to be real lascivious kind of a creepy guy, he used to hit on her when she was a kid. So what, you split, you couldn't take it anymore. Is that what happened?

Natalia: Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was Cuozzo.

Gus: I knew it. You know something? I'm going to Chicago tomorrow, I've got some police business, and I'll just stop by, I'll pay him a visit...

Natalia: Okay, no, no. Don't do that.

Gus: You don't deserve this...

Natalia: You don't have to do that.

Gus: It's no problem for me.

Natalia: Are you listening to me? No.

Gus: People are not allowed to act that way, I'm just...

Buzz: We ran out of chicken wings in Company. You found Natalia?

Harley: Oh, yes. And she found her protector. She knows how to push his buttons.

Buzz: On purpose? You sure?

Harley: Yes, I'm sure. You could find another waitress to cover her, right?

Buzz: Harley! You know, I just...

Harley: You wouldn't do this?

Buzz: I would do anything you asked me to do, but you sure you really want to do this?

Harley: I'm positive. It's time for Natalia to find another town and to find her own husband. Mine's taken.

Dinah: You know, I think that you and my mom are going to make it. I just have this psychic flash.

Matt: Psychic flash?

Dinah: Uh-huh. I think you guys can do it.

Matt: I don't know. Happy endings don't seem to be a trend around here.

Dinah: Well, you know, I do feel bad for Cassie and Josh, that they're having this bump in their relationship, but you guys, well, you are you guys.

Matt: Well, thank you, Dinah. And I'm just-- I think it's great that you and Mallet are doing so well.

Dinah: Thanks.

Matt: You're welcome.

Mallet: What are you doing, Griggs? You blackmail me, go ahead, you do it. Go to the governor, go to the media. I'll just take you down with me.

Griggs: I'm just a shadow. You should know that. Could be my name isn't even Griggs. I can disappear and maybe reappear once you've been incarcerated. Keep that pretty little wife of yours company. Slow down there, Sparky, all right? One last job. Then we're even. You borrowed money from me and some associates. You never paid it back. So now you pay us another way.

Josh: Reva's going to slam the door in my face. And I'll be back here in ten minutes.

Cassie: Reva loves a challenge, and she loves you. I know my sister. She's not going to turn you away. So, um, I'll see you in the morning.

Josh: What now?

Cassie: I guess you kiss me good-bye.

Josh: No. I'll kiss you good night. I won't kiss you good-bye, because I'm going to be back here first thing in the morning. Reva, it's Josh. I guess we do have some unfinished business.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: You really want to fire Natalia?

Harley: I'm not going to be friends with a woman who's trying to steal my husband.

Alexandra: She knows who he's hiring and firing.

Cyrus: Cyrus Foley, chauffeur to the stars.

Ava: But I can't live without my PDA. I had it.

Cyrus: A chauffeur never reveals his secrets.

Harley: Why else would Natalia move to Springfield?

Remy: There is something you need to know about Natalia.

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