GL Transcript Thursday 5/31/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/31/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jeffrey: Are you going to keep hovering like that?

Mel: I'm just checking your work.

Jeffrey: My work is fine, Mel.

Mel: Well, good, then it won't take long checking it.

Jeffrey: You know, there's nothing worse than having a perfectionist as a partner.

Mel: Try having her as your wife.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you know, Rick is an idiot, just for the record.

Mel: Yeah, pretty much. And just for the record, I'm glad you're sticking around.

Jeffrey: Me, too.

Lizzie: Did you find him?

Beth: No, no, I even checked with the valet.

Lizzie: So Granddad asks us to meet him here, he doesn't show up and he won't pick up the phone?

Beth: Typical.

Rick: Hey, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey.

Rick: So, what are we looking for?

Beth: Alan. He's supposed to meet us here.

Rick: Oh, his loss, my gain, again. I guess we'll have to drink to celebrate. Milk for you.

Beth: We can't.

Lizzie: Granddad is donating a neonatal clinic to the hospital today. You didn't hear?

Rick: No. He must have put that in motion in before he lost the D.N.A. test. He just can't win, can he?

Beth: We have to get going, we're going to be late.

Rick: Well, listen, I'm heading in that direction. Do you want me to give you a lift?

Beth: No.

Lizzie: You are a lifesaver. Isn't he a lifesaver?

Rick: Thank you. That purse looks nice on you, by the way.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Josh: Excuse me? Cassie Winslow, I was told that she was brought here.

Nurse: I'll have to check. I just came on duty.

Josh: I just need to know where she...

Reva: She's gone, Josh. She checked herself out.

Josh: Dinah said she almost drowned. Why would she do that?

Reva: I don't know. Maybe to avoid seeing us.

Alan: Something wrong, Cassie?

Cassie: Leave me alone, Alan.

Alan: Why? You couldn't wait to be around me the other day when you wanted to rub in the results of the paternity test.

Cassie: It's over.

Alan: No, it isn't. I'm going to have that baby and it looks like Josh is back with the love of his life, Reva. Boy, you didn't see that coming, did you? A word of advice: You may want to be careful where you air your dirty laundry out in public. You see, you never know who might be listening.

Cassie: I don't care what you might have heard, Alan.

Alan: I heard that Reva made love with Josh in prison. Now, what's the catch word? Always. How can you compete with that? The best of us have tried and failed, Cassie.

Cassie: I'm not going to do this with you.

Alan: I thought we could compare notes. Maybe I could give you some pointers on how to prepare for the inevitable. Of course, why should by so generous to you? You weren't compassionate to me when I found out that Beth wasn't carrying my baby.

Cassie: You don't deserve compassion.

Alan: That's what I'm talking about. But of course, what do you expect from the scorned woman?

Cassie: God, I hate you.

Alan: I've noticed, Cassie. I've noticed that.

Cassie: You actually... you get off on this, don't you?

Alan: Why should I pretend to be a saint? Look where it got Josh.

Cassie: Josh has more good in his little finger than you have in your entire body.

Alan: How noble of you to defend Josh. But what about that slut of a sister of yours, the one who betrayed you? Have you forgiven her, huh?

Cassie: Just don't worry about it, Alan.

Alan: I am worried because you see I hear a rumor that Josh is going to be a minister. Now, I wonder what his flock will think when they find out he's been playing this ping-pong game between two lovely sisters.

Cassie: Will you shut up?

Alan: That's what I'm looking for, the unshakable Cassie, finally shaken.

Cassie: I said shut up, Alan.

Alan: Tell me one thing, between us. That little episode yesterday at the lake-- was that a cry for help or was that real? You know, I know that yourself anxious to see Tammy but that's a little bit over the top.

Cassie: Just so you know, I used to have Josh to keep me in line, to keep me in balance, to keep me from acting out my anger, but now... I'll see you around, Alan.

Josh: Cassie, look, I know that I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but I'm worried about you. Please just call me.

Reva: We'll find her.

Josh: Maybe Dinah was exaggerating. Maybe she's okay.

Reva: Cassie hasn't been okay in a very long time.

Josh: Reva, you know what? I don't want to do this again.

Reva: Open your eyes, Josh. She's been in a downward spiral since Tammy died and then finding out that you and I slept together...

Josh: Reva, just stop, okay? Every time we're alone together now you do everything you can to undermine Cassie.

Reva: That is not what I'm trying to do.

Josh: You've been doing it for weeks, Reva. What are you thinking? That if you keep at it long enough I'm finally going to give up on her?

Reva: You, run away from someone who needs help?

Josh: You think the only reason I'm with Cassie is because I want to be her hero?

Reva: Well, I know you probably better than you know yourself. I also know that if everything in Cassie's life was okay...

Josh: You have no right to... I'm not going to do this, okay? This is not helping. I need to find Cassie. I caused a problem, I need to fix it.

Beth: Yes, yes, dead serious. If I don't get one of those little mini spanikopitas and some chicken lemon rice soup, I'm going to be one very cranky pregnant lady.

Lizzie: We don't even know if they have that. Mom, we're going to be late if we go get a table.

Beth: Well, that's okay. We can get takeout and I'll eat it on my way across the street. Honey, could you get it for me? I'm a little tired.

Rick: I'll go.

Lizzie: No, I will get it. Anything for our little girl.

Rick: So sweet.

Beth: You can go now. Lizzie and I can make it to Cedars fine on our own.

Rick: You're not hungry. You just don't want Alan to see what an incredibly cute couple we make together.

Beth: He is suffering, Rick, I just want things to be simple. I don't want a scene today and if Alan sees us together, he's going to think that we're...

Rick: We're having a baby together? It's too late for that. We are.

Lizzie: Okay. Maybe I can just get out of here without them noticing. Yeah. See? Just like riding a bike.

Ruthledge: Hi, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Reverend, hi. I was going to pay for this stuff. But I just have to get out of here in a hurry, and I used to own the place, so I know where everything is.

Ruthledge: I understand. I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing.

Lizzie: Oh, good, I'm fine.

Ruthledge: Well, good. You've had a tough year.

Lizzie: Yes, I have. But I'm a Spaulding, resilient. And with the new baby coming, we've got so much to look forward to.

Ruthledge: Your mother's baby?

Lizzie: Yeah, right. That's funny, right? Because sometimes I kind of forget. I mean, I don't, but it's just nice to have a new baby. Something to look forward to. Nice talking to you.

Ruthledge: Yeah.

Olivia: Hello.

Mel: Olivia.

Jeffrey: How are you?

Olivia: Actually, I came looking for you.

Jeffrey: Me?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of a heated negotiation with my kitchen staff and...

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? Mel did her thesis in law school on labor negotiations so...

Mel: Scored an "A".

Olivia: Of course you did.

Jeffrey: There you go.

Mel: How about that? So I'd be happy to sit down with you if you want to give me a call.

Olivia: That would be an idea.

Jeffrey: What's the matter?

Olivia: How do I put this delicately? You're a woman.

Mel: That's delicate?

Olivia: You know, these union leaders, they're like old school guys with old school ideas.

Mallet: Whatever. If you want Jeffy, you can have Jeffy.

Jeffrey: Jeffy has a say in this. Hold on, I got to get this. Yeah?

Mel: So, sticky stuff with the union, huh?

Olivia: Yeah, you know how it goes.

Mel: Do I?

Olivia: What are you saying?

Mel: Well, Jeffrey's my friend.

Olivia: Okay.

Mel: Let's just say I don't want him getting involved in a bad situation.

Olivia: A bad... I'm not sure I'm following.

Mel: I think you follow.

Jeffrey: What'd I miss? And that's it. Okay, got it.

Olivia: So when can you start?

Jeffrey: I think we can get on that next week.

Olivia: Not any sooner?

Jeffrey: Well, we're kind of overloaded right now.

Mel: Business is booming. We have to sort of go with our priority clients.

Olivia: Can't you handle the workload?

Mel: Me? No, Jeffrey and I are partners.

Jeffrey: Next week, really it's the best we can do.

Olivia: Next week, great.

Mel: Olivia, doesn't the hotel have relationships with other attorneys?

Olivia: Yeah, but I don't trust them and I have a lot of other things going on in my life right now. Jeffrey's expert touch is what I need.

Mel: I'll bet.

Olivia: You can say a lot about Jeffrey O'Neill, and I have, most of it bad, but he does have the kind of mind that will be very useful in this, the kind of mind that helped Cassie.

Mallet: Cassie?

Jeffrey: Yeah. A few years ago...

Olivia: No, the other day with Alan. I mean, he had it coming.

Mel: Had what coming?

Jeffrey: It's really nothing that important.

Olivia: Are you kidding me? You helped Cassie prove that Beth's baby isn't Alan's. I think that's important.

Mel: Beth's baby isn't...

Olivia: You didn't know?

Mel: Yeah, so I guess it's official then, Rick... Rick is the father.

Olivia: I'm sorry, I thought somebody would have told you.

Mel: You know what, I'm going to go. I'll call you later.

Jeffrey: Mel? Mel?

Olivia: Well, good, I feel horrible.

Jeffrey: No, you don't.

Beth: Not here.

Rick: It's not like Alan to miss his time in the spotlight.

Lizzie: Maybe he doesn't feel like being in the spotlight right now.

Rick: Maybe he doesn't like to lose.

Lizzie: Especially to you.

Rick: Touch'.

Beth: This is not about winning or losing, this is about a baby.

Rick: My baby. Our baby. I couldn't be happier.

Beth: If you're going to keep doing this, you should probably just go.

Rick: Wait a second, wait a second.

Beth: No...

Rick: One more.

Photographer: Perfect. Great looking family.

Rick: Thank you, thank you.

Beth: No, we're not a...

Photographer: Great cover for the news.

Beth: Wonderful. Alan will be so pleased.

Lizzie: I can just see Jeremy bringing in his morning paper.

Rick: I think we should be a centerfold.

Beth: I'm not going to let them print that picture.

Lizzie: My hair looks so good today.

Rick: It does, it looks great. Did you get it colored?

Beth: You are not helping.

Rick: I'll get it. I'll get it.

Beth: No, no, no, no I don't need you to do that just like I didn't need you to drive us...

Lizzie: Why are you being so rude to Uncle Rick?

Beth: How many glasses of wine have you had?

Lizzie: I had a glass.

Beth: Only one?

Lizzie: Okay, please don't try to change the subject.

Beth: I'm not being rude. I just don't want to give him false hopes.

Lizzie: Because you want to raise the baby with Granddad, that's it.

Beth: Yes.

Lizzie: Why?

Beth: Because your grandfather will always take care of us.

Lizzie: Until the next time he thinks that you've crossed him. I mean, have you forgotten the past year and a half?

Beth: No, no, I haven't forgotten. I remember.

Lizzie: Uncle Rick would be a great dad. He knows how to laugh. When was the last time you laughed with Granddad?

Rick: Yeah, when was the last time? Hey, I got a little present for you.

Beth: You took his camera?

Rick: I bought the camera. It's digital, so I couldn't buy the film, so... hey, maybe we can show our little girl some day.

Alan: Well, look who's here! The only man that Cassie hates more than me.

Josh: Have you seen her?

Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact I have.

Josh: Do you know where she is?

Alan: No, I don't know that. But a piece of advice: Josh, I would hire a bodyguard or two because she is very upset.

Josh: I really don't have time for this.

Alan: It's an amazing thing. She is the only person on this entire planet who didn't see you and Reva gravitating to one another again.

Josh: Don't start with me, all right? Trust me, you don't want to.

Alan: Why? Are you going to bring the wrath of God down on me? I wonder what the elders of your church would think about the fact that you did this little cell block tango in jail with Reva, huh?

Reva: Cassie, don't!

Cassie: Why does everybody think I'm trying to kill myself? Reva, yesterday was an accident, okay? Unlike you and Josh at the prison.

Reva: Hey, I told you.

Cassie: Yeah, I know what you told me, Reva, but this is the kind of thing we're probably always going to fight about, so you just might want to leave.

Reva: Are you all right?

Cassie: Yeah. I've never been better, can't you tell?

Reva: Well, I went to the hospital to check on you. We both did.

Cassie: You and Josh?

Reva: Yes.

Cassie: Yeah, I know who you meant because there's only one we in your life, Reva.

Reva: So what are you going to keep doing, Cassie? Running?

Cassie: I'm not running.

Reva: You left the hospital. To avoid dealing with this.

Cassie: You mean dealing with Josh?

Reva: Yes. You're going to have to see him eventually.

Cassie: Yeah, I know and I bet... I bet you're hoping it's sooner than later, right? So that I'm really mad and we can have a huge blowout and you can move in for the kill. Again.

Reva: That's not what this is about.

Cassie: I trusted you. I trusted my sister.

Reva: So did I.

Cassie: Well, then I guess we were both wrong. Thanks. Thanks for your help.

Olivia: You know what, I'll call you when they call me. How's that?

Jeffrey: No, don't. I'm not Buzz, Olivia.

Olivia: What is that supposed to mean?

Jeffrey: It means I'm not going to play the games.

Olivia: Games?

Jeffrey: Yeah. It's a little transparent, don't you think?

Olivia: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jeffrey: You purposely told Mel about Rick and Beth's baby.

Olivia: Why would I do that?

Jeffrey: I don't know. Why would you do that?

Olivia: You know what, I normally don't have anything against Mel, okay? I told her it was an... why doesn't she know? I wasn't thinking.

Jeffrey: Maybe you were thinking about getting back at me.

Olivia: It isn't all about you.

Jeffrey: Well, this was, wasn't it? I'm going to find my partner and see the damage that was done.

(Cell phone ringing)

Rick: Mel?

Mel: Hey, Rick, is this a bad time?

Rick: Well, kind of. Not really.

Mel: Well, this won't take long. I found out about the baby.

Rick: Honey, I'm sorry. I should have come to you first when I found out. Just things have been so crazy.

Mel: I'm sure. So, when were you going to tell our daughter?

Rick: Oh, Mel.

Mel: Yeah, I kind of don't want her finding out in the hallways at school.

Rick: I'll tell her today.

Mel: Okay, take care. He's not going to call her. Hey, Leah, it's mom. Give me a call after your classes. I'm kind of in your neighborhood and I thought maybe we could meet at lunchtime, grab a pizza and talk. Okay, sweetie, call me.

Rick: Here we go, Cedar's finest.

Lizzie: Finest what?

Rick: Don't ask. Beth, are you okay? You look a little ill.

Beth: My stomach, you know.

Rick: Our little smug bug's giving you some morning sickness?

Beth: That and dysfunction.

Rick: Dysfunction? Beth, you're a career Spaulding. This is old hat for you.

Mary Kay: Hello, Beth?

Beth: Mary Kay.

Mary Kay: Hi, where's Alan?

Beth: He's a little tied up but he'll be here soon.

Mary Kay: I hope so. We can't start without him.

Lizzie: God forbid.

Beth: I will let you know the minute he arrives.

Mary Kay: Oh, good. If not, you can speak on his behalf.

Rick: Can I speak to you for just a second? This looks great on you.

Beth: Not feeling like that. I'm not talking. Lizzie, you're going to have to handle this.

Lizzie: No, no, no, I had wine.

Beth: You said you had one glass.

Lizzie: I lied. Bye.

Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I am not getting up on that podium and saying what a great guy Granddad is, okay? It's too weird.

Beth: You can be brief.

Lizzie: Come on, just forget it. This is his thing, it's not ours.

Rick: Excuse me. Excuse me. Get this off here. Can you hear me? Okay, well, first of all, thank you so much for coming. So, I believe I know most of you, but for those who don't know me, I'm Dr. Rick Bauer and unfortunately Alan Spaulding couldn't join us today. But none of this-- none of it-- could be possible without his generous donation, a neonatal clinic. In fact, I just spoke to Alan, a very dear friend of mine, on the phone just moments ago and he said to me, "Rick, I love this idea of the clinic so much I want to triple my donation." Triple it. That's what he said, "Triple my donation." Isn't he a wonderful, generous man? (Applause) Triple.

Cassie: Thank you Mrs. Chitwood. You are a lifesaver.

Ruthledge: Cassie. I read in the newspaper about your accident. How are you feeling?

Cassie: Oh, I'm better. Thanks.

Ruthledge: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Are you sure?

Cassie: Yeah. I maybe needed some sleep but I'll get some rest.

Ruthledge: Well, I'm available if you need to talk.

Cassie: I don't need to talk. It wasn't on purpose.

Ruthledge: Well, no, of course it wasn't. I wasn't trying to imply that it was on purpose.

Cassie: Can just let you know if I need to talk to you?

Ruthledge: Yes, please, please do. But I know that you had a near-death experience and...

Cassie: I'm fine, really.

Ruthledge: Cassie, I spoke to Josh. I know what you're going through.

Cassie: You do?

Ruthledge: He's the one that you should be talking to.

Cassie: Yeah, I know. I just don't know what to say to him. I don't know how to do this.

Ruthledge: Nobody does. But what happened to you on the lake, it can give you a little bit of clarity if you let it. Sometimes when we go through a experience where we almost lose our lives, it can help us understand what it is that we really want to make of it.

Alan: Infidelity, violence-- my, Josh, you may want to rethink that minister path you're making. By the way, if I see Cassie again, is there anything you want me to tell her?

Josh: You know, you got a very smug attitude for a guy who just lost the baby he's been pinning his hopes on.

Alan: Because I don't intend to lose that baby.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Mel: Hey. You didn't have to come after me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what, I tried to come up with every excuse in the book not to, but...

Mel: Thanks a lot.

Jeffrey: You know, comforting isn't exactly my thing. Are you okay?

Mel: Well, I've had better days, but Rick and I are divorced, right, so what does it matter?

Jeffrey: Well, I guess that depends on how you really feel about the guy.

Mel: Our marriage is way over.

Jeffrey: Then you move on.

Mel: Yep, I do.

Jeffrey: You know, I really... I wanted to tell you about the baby...

Mel: Jeffrey, I'm not angry at you.

Jeffrey: Still, you should haven't had to hear it that way.

Mel: Olivia, she was really happy to tell me, wasn't she?

Jeffrey: Yeah, she was. I don't know why.

Mel: Because she's miserable and she wants everyone else to be miserable.

Jeffrey: Are you miserable?

Mel: No, and you can tell her that.

Jeffrey: Do I have to? Well, I don't think she's going to give you any more problems, okay?

Mel: I don't care about Olivia. I mean, I'm going to have to watch Beth carry around Rick's baby, aren't I?

Jeffrey: Looks like it.

Mel: Is it wrong to hope that she gets really fat?

Jeffrey: Yeah. But good for you. Buy you another cup of coffee?

Mel: No, I think I'm 'just going to head home. Thanks.

Jeffrey: What'd I do?

Mel: Nothing.

Alan: Didn't they take away your counter duties when you left poor Buzz at the altar?

Olivia: Alan, shut up.

Alan: Oh, now, you can do better than that, Olivia. Why thank you, I'd love a glass.

Olivia: Don't you have some place to be, like a hospital thing or something?

Alan: I'm the one giving the money. They can wait. Don't you have somewhere to be? Anywhere else but here?

Olivia: I don't know. I don't know where I should be. I thought I knew.

Alan: Buzz, huh? Well, we both know that that would haven't worked out.

Olivia: I loved him. I still do. I just had so much that I hadn't taken care of yet.

Alan: Well, at least you stopped before you went through with the actual wedding. Which is... means you're getting better.

Olivia: Are you enjoying my pain?

Alan: No, not really. So, what's next?

Olivia: I don't know. I need to figure out why I'm so off balance. Never mind.

Alan: No, tell me.

Olivia: I don't think so, not with you.

Alan: Why? I know who you are, Olivia. And I must say you really need to pull yourself together because this mooning around in some indecisive romantic fog does not suit you well.

Olivia: Thank you, Alan. I needed that.

Lizzie: I think that Granddad is going to be stunned to find out just how generous he really is.

Beth: Fortunately he can afford it.

Lizzie: Uncle Rick's a brave man.

Beth: Uncle Rick likes to live on the edge.

Lizzie: He likes to make you laugh. I'm just saying.

Beth: Yeah, yeah, you're just saying and you keep saying. Point made. Yes, Uncle Rick and have been friends for a long time and yes, he knows how to make he laugh.

Lizzie: It's nice.

Beth: Lizzie...

Lizzie: You were yourself when you're around him. The way you were when I was little.

Beth: I don't want to be that person anymore.

Lizzie: It's too bad. I think that the baby would love to have parents who laugh.

Ruthledge: I'm sorry, I'm just not making much sense today, am I?

Cassie: No, that's not it at all.

Ruthledge: Listen, I'm just a phone call away.

Cassie: I'll let you know.

Ruthledge: Please, please do let me know. Take care of yourself.

Cassie: Thank you. (Knock at door) Reverend, really, I'm...

Reva: Jeffrey O'Neill, I was just thinking about you.

Jeffrey: Uh-oh. Good, bad, ugly?

Reva: Hey, I'm not quite sure.

Jeffrey: Should I run?

Reva: No, not yet.

Jeffrey: How's Cassie? I was going to go...

Reva: She's out of the hospital.

Jeffrey: Good.

Reva: Yeah. Listen, this may be old business but I was kind of interested in how you and Cassie stuck it to Alan Spaulding, you know, about the D.N.A. test, how you figured out that he was going to tamper with the results?

Jeffrey: Okay, what do you want to know?

Reva: You found out that he was paying someone off, right?

Jeffrey: Right.

Reva: Was that after you got into the lab? Because that's how...

Jeffrey: No, we never got into the lab.

Reva: You didn't?

Jeffrey: No. We cornered the guy at Company and he copped to everything right there.

Reva: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah. That was all there was to it.

Rick: Hey, Alan could afford to up his donation a little bit.

Lizzie: A lot?

Beth: I hate to encourage you, but that was a nice speech. Thank you.

Rick: It wasn't too long... funny parts. Thanks.

Mary Kay: Thank you again, Alan. To triple your donation... well, your generosity goes beyond words.

Alan: Well, I'm always happy to help out Cedars whatever they need me. If you will excuse me.

Lizzie: Someone was impressed.

Alan: I'm impressive. I'm sorry I'm late but I trust that you handled everything?

Beth: It was handled.

Alan: Good, good.

Beth: Can I speak to you for a minute?

Alan: Sure, sure.

Beth: I've been thinking. We need to work something out with Rick, make some kind of arrangement.

Alan: The arrangements have already been made. You and I are going to raise this child.

Beth: Yes, but Rick is the father. He has rights.

Alan: A lot can happen between now and the time you give birth to that baby. An awful lot.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: I'm sorry. I wanted to be the one to tell you.

Mel: Yeah. Well, congratulations, I guess.

Rick: Thanks.

Mel: And good luck. You're going to need it with Alan.

Rick: What do you mean?

Mel: You're not afraid he's going to interfere? I mean, he's going to want complete control of that baby. Look what happened to Lizzie. And especially if he and Beth are together.

Rick: What if he's out of the picture?

Mel: What?

Rick: What I mean is what if they're not together?

Mel: What are you talking about?

Rick: Nothing. Honey, listen, thanks so much for understanding.

Mel: I think I'm going to be the one to tell Leah. I think it's best.

Josh: I heard about the accident.

Cassie: Accident?

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: So you know... you know it was an accident.

Josh: Well, it was, right?

Cassie: Yeah, but everyone for some reason thinks that I was trying to kill myself.

Josh: You're stronger than that. I know that. I'm just glad you're okay. You are okay, right?

Cassie: Yeah. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Josh: I'd like to.

Cassie: Yeah, me, too. And I think I know the reason I fell out of that boat. I think I... I know that it helps me to see things, helps me to see us more clearly and I know what I have to do now.

Olivia: Jeffrey, look, I am sorry. I didn't...

Ruthledge: Are you all right, Ms. Spencer?

Olivia: No. No, I'm not.

Reva: So you never got into Cedars lab? You were never in that lab, not even once?

Jeffrey: What is this about, really?

Reva: I'm just curious.

Jeffrey: We never got into the lab.

Reva: All righty, then.

Jeffrey: Is that everything? Because I got to get going.

Reva: That's it. Bye.

Jeffrey: Okay. See you.

Cassie: I went out there to throw your ring away. To be done with you. And then I fell out and I was drowning, and at first I saw only R.J. and then I saw you and I saw our future. And that's what made me want to survive. And now... just now seeing Reverend Ruthledge, I realize that even as I was struggling in the water, even as I was sinking and everything was getting dark around me, I never let go. I never let go.

Reva: Please, Cassie. Please tell me you didn't do this, that you did not go into that lab, that you did not change those paternity test results.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Matt: You slept with Reva and Cassie took you back. What's your secret?

Josh: Cassie and I, we're getting married tonight.

Reverend Ruthledge: What does Reva think of all of this?

Reva: It's criminal.

Mallet: Maybe I'm not the man that you marred. Maybe I've got another side, a side that you don't know.

Cassie: Let's just stop pretending. This is about you and me and Josh.

Reva: Josh and I have unfinished business.

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