Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/30/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Hey, Matt! What's going on? What are you doing up?
Matt: Uh, you know... what about... what are you doing up?
Mallet: You know, I couldn't sleep so I thought, hey, I'll jog.
Matt: Yeah, a cop's got to stay in shape.
Mallet: Yeah. What are you doing?
Matt: Nothing. You know, living alone, you kind of keep weird hours, staying up all night watching TV. Got to get out and clear your head.
Mallet: Yeah, yeah. I get that. I understand that. Hey, listen, I'm sorry we haven't been able to recover the money from Cyrus.
Matt: Yeah, I know.
Mallet: It's been kind of rough on you and Vanessa.
Matt: It'll work out.
Mallet: (Laughing) And here I was worrying about waking you up.
Dinah: Where have you been?
Mallet: Trying to add years to my life.
Dinah: Oh, I know doctors who can help you with that in Switzerland. You don't need to jog.
Mallet: Now, are you trying to get me off jogging before I even get started?
Dinah: If it means keeping you in bed in the morning. So, are you okay? How did you sleep last night?
Mallet: Slept fine. Dream-free. Everything's good. You don't believe me?
Dinah: I do believe you. I'm just worried, that's all. You know what you get about me but don't get?
Mallet: What?
Dinah: I trust you. I trust you. I will always trust you.
Mallet: Hey.
Vicky: Hey.
Mallet: You nervous?
Vicky: Buying you a drink? No, should I be?
Mallet: No, I'm harmless.
Vicky: Oh, I find that hard to believe.
Mallet: So, I've seen you in here a few times before.
Vicky: Yeah, but you never come over to say hi.
Mallet: Hi.
Vicky: Yeah, but I had to come over to you.
Mallet: Yeah, I'm shy.
Vicky: Shy and harmless, huh?
Mallet: Oh, yeah, yeah. Like a kitten.
Vicky: (Laughing) So, how come you're always in here by yourself?
Mallet: Ah. Right back at you.
Vicky: Oh, well, I'm looking for someone, actually.
Mallet: Did you find her?
Vicky: It's a him, actually.
Mallet: Oh. Did you find him?
Vicky: I'm not sure yet. You tell me.
Mallet: It depends on what you're looking for.
Vicky: I am looking for something different. You seem different.
Mallet: So, different is good?
Vicky: So far. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Mallet: Do you want to have a drink at my place? It's not too far.
Vicky: Hmm, not too far is good. You live here?
Mallet: Yeah, it's home sweet home. Does it matter?
Vicky: No. I just wanted to try to get to know you a little bit better is all. You were a cop?
Mallet: Yeah, I used to be.
Vicky: Oh, I've never been with a cop before. It's actually kind of sexy.
Mallet: If you're looking to be with a hero, that's not me.
Vicky: What, are you married or something?
Mallet: Used to be.
Vicky: Do you miss it, being married?
Mallet: You know what? How about we make a deal? You don't ask me anymore questions about being a cop or about being married, and I won't ask you any questions about your current husband.
Vicky: Wait a minute. I didn't... how did you know I was married?
Mallet: Nice tan line on your finger.
Vicky: And it doesn't bother you, me being married?
Mallet: You know what? I think it's a good idea that you had thought about getting out of town.
Dinah: Wow, I'm right? How about that?
Mallet: Yeah, let's get away from Blake, get away from the threats.
Dinah: Okay. We can go downstate to a little B and B, or we can go upstate for a... a lake type of thing.
Mallet: Yeah. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Is that Blake?
Mallet: No, actually, it's Frank. That's good timing because I'll ask him... I'll ask him for some time off. Frank, what's going on, man? Listen, you know what? It's good timing that you called because I was actually going to ask you...
Frank: Mallet, whatever it is, put it on hold. I've got an assignment for you, an important one. How soon can you get to me?
Mallet: As soon as you need me, I guess.
Dinah: Frank didn't mention what he wanted?
Mallet: No, just an assignment.
Dinah: You don't look too excited.
Mallet: Well, I was busy making incredible plans.
Dinah: Honey, I can do that stuff on my own.
Mallet: Oh, so you get to have all of the fun?
Dinah: Oh, who's more fun than me? Go. Go to work.
Mallet: You trying to get rid of me?
Dinah: No, no. I'm just trying to be a good wife.
Mallet: A good wife? You're a spectacular wife.
Dinah: Oh! Thank you. I am spectacular. (Laughter)
Mallet: I'm very lucky.
Dinah: I am. Thank you. I try... I try, but, you know, I'm not so good at the... at the big stuff, you know. I... keeping you number one and keeping my eye on the big picture and not getting bummed out when I don't get instant gratification, you know, so... you are my hero, and I want you to go to work and I want you to fight crime. Okay? And remind yourself how good of a cop you are, and I'll stay here and make the travel plans, all right?
Mallet: Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can. All right? And then when I get back, we're going to leave, okay? We're going to wipe the chalkboard clean, we're going to get away, and we're going to start fresh.
Dinah: Great. Honey, maybe we can beach it and you can show off your new jogger body.
Mallet: You know, speaking of that, I... I saw Matt when I was running this morning.
Dinah: Really? What was he doing up so early?
Mallet: He's got a lot going on. I guess he's trying to pull his family back together again.
Dinah: I'm going to give my mom a call today, I think, and I'm going to talk to her and get her thinking about that forgiveness thing because I know that she would be miserable without him.
Mallet: That's a good idea. I'll try to be fast.
Griggs: Hey, buddy. How you feel?
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, I'm good.
Griggs: Spring is in the air. A nice gentle breeze off the water, the flowers all starting to pop.
Mallet: Yeah, huh?
Griggs: Nice work.
Mallet: Yeah, well, I'm glad you got what you needed.
Griggs: Smile, Tony. You act as if this was a chore. Look at her. Good for you.
Mallet: Yeah, good for me.
Griggs: Yeah. Wonder what her old man's going do to keep these pictures under wraps, huh? That's your next mark. No need for a clutch your pearls, there, buddy. I don't expect to see pictures of you in bed with this guy.
Frank: You okay, buddy?
Mallet: Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm good.
Frank: I thought I'd get you a little decaf. You seem a little edgy.
Mallet: Edgy is good, Frank.
Frank: Not when it makes you look like this.
Mallet: You know, I just haven't been sleeping much. I'm a newlywed.
Frank: Yeah, that must be it, huh? Too much sex. That always makes me edgy.
Mallet: Yeah, you know, it's just... not sleeping, but everything... everything's fine.
Frank: You sure about that?
Mallet: Oh, yeah, yeah. So, the new assignment-- what's up with that?
Frank: You heard Marina's testimony at Foley's trial?
Mallet: Uh, yeah, yeah.
Frank: Well, I heard that she practically admitted to having feelings for this low-life.
Mallet: Well, I wouldn't go that far. Marina can handle herself.
Frank: I never want her to hurt again. With all this stuff going on right now, I haven't been able to sleep much myself.
Mallet: Sorry, Frank.
Frank: And you know why I haven't been able to sleep? Because every time I close my eyes, I see my little girl with a bullet in her-- a bullet that came from my gun because of this guy.
Mallet: Marina is going to be okay, Frank. What do you need me for?
Frank: I want you to shake him down.
Mallet: Cyrus Foley.
Frank: I talked to my beat cops, and I just don't trust them as much as I trust you. Listen, I would never ask you to do this in a million years unless it was important to me.
Mallet: Frank, what are you asking me for? I mean, how far do you want this to go?
Frank: When someone does this to your family, to your own child, you start to question what's acceptable anymore. I want you to lean on him. I want you to intimidate him, and I want him to know that if he decides to stay in this town, his life will be a living hell. I know you can do this.
Mallet: Why do you say that?
Frank: Because you've done it before.
Mallet: What are you talking about Frank? What do you mean?
Frank: What? You've step it up for... for partners, for people that you care about.
Mallet: Right, yeah. Right, right.
Frank: All right, so you going to help me drive Foley out of town?
Mallet: Frank, what if he's legit? People can change, right?
Frank: Hmm, people?
Mallet: I mean, think of the time that it was bad between us. I mean, you know, I cheated on your sister, right? But look at us now, things change. People can turn things around, right? Right?
Frank: What are you talking about? This is a completely different thing here. Yeah, you've made mistakes before, but you're not a criminal. This guy's hard-core. Mallet, you're a good man.
Mallet: Hey, Harley, it's... it's Mallet. I can't believe you didn't respond to the messages that I left or the letters I sent. Yeah, so I just kind of gave up. I just gave up on you and I. I gave up. So, anyway, why am I calling now? I guess I just wanted to give it one last shot. Maybe try...
Frank: So, Mallet, are you with me here? Are you going to help me make Foley go bye-bye?
Mallet: Frank, this is not... Frank, this isn't about... people deserve a chance to change, don't they, Frank?
Frank: People? You keep mentioning people. What...
Mallet: I'm just saying, why don't you back off? Why don't you just back off and let Cyrus figure some things out on his own? Maybe he wants to make up for some stuff. And if that's what he wants to do... but how is he supposed to do that or try to do that, Frank, if you... if you make his life a living hell? What?
Frank: Maybe I was wrong coming to you.
Mallet: Listen, Frank, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's like I said earlier, it's just a sleep thing. I'm sorry. You know, Dinah and I were thinking about taking some time off. I was thinking maybe I'd get away for a week or so. What do you think?
Frank: I think that's a good idea.
Mallet: Thanks, Frank. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. I'll let the station know, okay? Hold on, it's... that's Dinah, I got to go. I got to run.
Mallet: All right, one thing at a time, Mallet, just one thing at a time.
Dinah: Hello, my wonderful husband. How you doing? You really move, babe.
Mallet: Yeah. Well, is it Blake? What's going on? I mean, I got here as fast as I could.
Dinah: No, did I make it sound bad?
Mallet: Yeah, you used the word "emergency."
Dinah: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I just... I really wanted to see you. I brought you here for a little picnic.
Mallet: A picnic.
Dinah: Yeah, you know, where people eat and drink outside.
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, I know what a picnic is.
Dinah: All right, okay. You sound a little confused by it.
Mallet: I just haven't been in the picnic mood lately, you know?
Dinah: I know, I know. That's why I got some chicken, some jerk chicken. That's a joke-- you know, in honors of the islands that we're going to be hopping pretty soon.
Mallet: You know how good that makes me feel, hmm? All of this makes me feel good, the plan, the food, the picnic. You take good care of me. You take real good care of me.
Dinah: I'm trying. I just... you know, it's me trying to be good wife Dinah. You know, I want you to know that you're not alone and I don't want you to ever feel that way again. You're stuck with me forever.
Mallet: Oh, forever.
Dinah: (Laughing) You're funny.
Mallet: You're amazing. You are amazing.
Dinah: I'm trying. I'm really trying.
Mallet: Is someone over there? Maybe I should go check it out.
Dinah: No, no, no, no, no. What about me trying the help you relax? Listen, don't get all "I'm going to check it out." Okay? I'll check it out.
Mallet: All right, all right. I'll be here eating.
Dinah: Cassie?
Cassie: Dinah.
Dinah: Are you okay? What's going on?
Cassie: I thought I was alone out here. Just... nothing. Um, you know, just that men stink and they can't be trusted, and no matter what you do, they let you down in the end.
Mallet: Hey!
Darren: Sorry.
Mallet: It's okay, Darren. Here you go.
Darren: You want me to catch?
Mallet: No, no. Hold on, hold on a minute. Some other time. How did you get in here?
Vicky: I thought you were different.
Mallet: Different from what?
Vicky: Why did you do this to me? Why did you set me up?
Mallet: It wasn't personal.
Vicky: Well, at least you admit you did it. But you still haven't answered my question: Why did you set me up?
Dinah: What did Josh do?
Cassie: You mean what did Josh and Reva do?
Dinah: Oh.
Cassie: Yeah, oh.
Dinah: Look, I obviously don't know much about the situation, but I know that Josh is a good guy. Are you sure that...?
Cassie: He slept with her, Dinah. When she went to visit him in the prison.
Dinah: He told you?
Cassie: No, he didn't tell me. She told me.
Dinah: Wow. Wow. I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Cassie: Yeah, well, everybody's sorry. You know, you think you have something... something figured out after your whole world collapses on top of you, you think you have something to hold onto. You think you have something that won't...
Mallet: I'm sorry, Cassie.
Cassie: I didn't know you guys... you know what? I shouldn't be here. (Laughs)
Mallet: No, that's okay. I know it's none of my business, but maybe you can try and forgive him.
Cassie: Yeah, I am going to go. Um...
Dinah: Look, I... I know that we could probably help you.
Cassie: How? Dinah, how are you going to help me? By telling me to forgive him? Because men just cheat, that's just what they do.
Dinah: Cassie...
Cassie: No, really. I mean, I'm not trying to be mean or cruel here. I'm trying to be honest. Really. We all know what happens, right? I mean, am I right?
Mallet: Yeah, it happens.
Cassie: I'm sorry. I am going to go. I am going to take one of those boats out, and I am going to toss this thing as far as I can and let it sink to the bottom of the lake.
Dinah: You don't need to do that.
Cassie: Yeah, actually, I do.
Dinah: Why?
Cassie: So that I am sure I will never try to put this on my finger again.
Vicky: I thought we had something together. I thought you liked me.
Mallet: I like you just fine.
Vicky: Then why?
Mallet: Money.
Vicky: What?!
Mallet: I didn't do this because I hate you or I wanted to hurt you. It's my job.
Vicky: Your job?
Mallet: Yeah, I work for someone. I take care of his problems. That's what I do.
Vicky: That is despicable. Hey...
Mallet: I never told you I was one of the good people.
Vicky: Yeah, you never told me this whole thing was a setup, either.
Mallet: What do you want from me?
Vicky: I don't know, maybe some pity. A shoulder to cry on! I only came over here because I have nowhere else to go. My husband kicked me out. And that is your fault. This whole thing is your fault!
Mallet: You slept with me because you wanted to. I didn't force you to sleep with me. You slept with me because you're a cheater.
Vicky: No! No, not until that night with you.
Mallet: Does it really matter if it's the first time or the fifth time?
Vicky: You do not get to judge me.
Mallet: Let me tell you something... tell me if I'm wrong here, okay? You've been walking around your whole life thinking you're one of the good people, right? "Oh, I'd never hurt someone like that. I'd never make them doubt me like that." And the very next thing you know, you're doing that. And let me something, everything changes, okay? Because as much as your actions harm that other person and changes them, you do know who really changes, right? Right? It's you-- you change. You change, because you know what, sweetheart? You're not one of the good people anymore. It's just really not my problem.
Dinah: Mallet! Cassie's boat-- it's tipped over. I don't see her. I think she's gone under. Go, go, go, go, go! Cassie!
Dinah: She's not breathing. A.C. Mallet is on the scene. Yeah, okay. She's not breathing, Mallet.
Mallet: Yeah, I know, I know.
Dinah: What do I do? What do I do?
Mallet: Just stay on the line. Just stay on the line.
Dinah: Okay. Yeah.
Mallet: There we go. There we go. Don't ever do that again, Cassie. I mean, life is precious, every single life is precious. You have no right to take yours!
Dinah: All right, all right. Come on, give her some air, give her some air. Okay. The ambulance is coming. You're doing great, okay?
Mallet: Spread them out. Spread them out like that. Put your fingers on the laces like this. This finger, that thumb-- I want it up by your... do me a favor, kid, go for a ten-yard out, okay? I want you to catch the ball and I want you to go home, all right? You don't look back. Go, go, go!
Mallet: Hey.
Dinah: Hi.
Mallet: Is she all right? I didn't see a doctor come out.
Dinah: Yeah, I think she's going to be fine. She wants to talk to you.
Mallet: Okay.
Dinah: You know, you did a good thing.
Mallet: Yeah, I guess.
Dinah: Go ahead, go see her. (Knock on door)
Mallet: Hey, you gave us quite a scare.
Cassie: Mallet...
Mallet: Listen, I know... I know you're in a lot of pain, but you have a son. And nothing is worth putting him through pain like that.
Cassie: You don't think I know that?
Mallet: I don't know. It seems like you forgot.
Cassie: I didn't forget. I just didn't get a chance to tell you.
Mallet: Tell me what?
Cassie: That I wasn't trying to hurt myself out there on the water. I just... it was an accident. And before you start to tell me that I'm lying, let me just tell you that I love R.J. more than anything on this earth, and that includes Josh. You got that?
Mallet: Yeah, I got that. So how did you end up in the water?
Cassie: I just stood up in the boat and I tried to get a really big wind-up to throw that ring as far as I possibly could, and I just lost my balance.
Mallet: Kind of fell in?
Cassie: Yeah, kind of fell in and kind of hit my head and... you can't think for a minute that I would choose to leave R.J. motherless.
Mallet: No, no, not even for Josh.
Cassie: No. What happened with Josh and Reva... makes me mad, but it's not going to end me. Not even close. Although I'm sure you had a pretty good speech lined up here, huh?
Mallet: Yeah, I thought I... I'd say a few things.
Dinah: Maybe I should say a few things. You know, maybe you should have hung onto that ring. Because I think about a year ago I would have felt the same way, and I know that I love Mallet for good and bad, and I found out that everybody has a past, and the key is to just keep it from ruining you.
Mallet: Do you want us to call anyone for you?
Cassie: No, I've already... everything with R.J. is already handled. So I just think I... just want a little time to think.
Dinah: Okay. I'll let you rest.
Mallet: All right.
Cassie: Hey, Mallet?
Mallet: Yeah?
Cassie: Thank you.
Mallet: Yeah, anytime.
Mallet: Hey, Matt, thanks for coming, man. I appreciate that.
Matt: No problem. What happened to you?
Mallet: I got a little wet.
Matt: Yeah. Hey, did Dinah...
Mallet: No, Dinah doesn't know about this little meeting.
Matt: Okay.
Mallet: Yeah, I... I just got the sense that something was going on with you.
Matt: You want to... you want to be more specific?
Mallet: I saw you talking to a guy earlier, and I just got a feeling.
Matt: What, are you spying and me, Mallet? What the hell?
Mallet: No, Matt. Matt, I'm not... easy, man, okay, easy. I'm not... I'm not spying on you. I just... I saw what I saw.
Matt: Okay, I'll bite. What did you see?
Mallet: I just saw something that reminded me of the time that I was lost and that I didn't know who I was or where I was going or what I was doing.
Matt: Let me tell you something, Mallet, I am trying to get my life back. No... I'm going to get my life back. I've spent too many years trying to prove to everyone that I deserve Vanessa, that I'm not some loser who found himself a fancy meal ticket, okay?
Mallet: Matt, nobody thinks that.
Matt: Mallet, you have no idea. You weren't around in the beginning. You have no idea what we went through.
Mallet: I know that you love your wife. What I'm worried about is how you're going to fix that. That's the question.
Matt: Whatever I have to do, that's how.
Mallet: Well, you might have to re-think that, because that's how you got in the trouble in the first place. Matt. Matt. Matt! Doing business with the guy I saw you with earlier is not the answer, man, okay? You've got a daughter.
Matt: I'm aware of that.
Mallet: Well, are you going to be able to look her in the eye if you keep doing what you're doing? Because sometimes you don't realize what you sold until you can't get it back.
Mallet: Got you, didn't I?
Darren: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Griggs: Ex-cops make the best trigger men, always. I can't put that on a bumper sticker, can I? But I would if I could. You guys have nerves of steel, and you-- you are the best of the best. No wife, no kids, no ties to anything that could possibly distract you. Stay that way, and you'll always have a job.
Dinah: Honey, you are all over the internet.
Mallet: What? For what? Did Blake say something?
Dinah: No. It's not about your past. There are already all these stories about how you tried to dive in and save Cassie, and they're calling you a hero.
Mallet: Oh. Yeah, I don't know about that.
Dinah: (Laughing)
Mallet: I just hope I did some good today.
Dinah: You know, look, I'm not going to force you to talk about who you were or what you did. But today, when things got a little tense, and you saw that Cassie was trying to hurt herself...
Mallet: What?
Dinah: I saw something.
Mallet: Like what?
Dinah: I saw that it's just not a secret, it has shaped you.
Mallet: I guess that's the definition of a past, right?
Dinah: Yeah. I'm just saying that it's clear to me... it's very clear to me that whatever happened, it... it created you. Like all the super-heroes.
Mallet: Super-heroes? You know, I think there was a... there was a time in my life when I, um... I had absolutely no regard for life-- my life or anyone else's life. And I think seeing Cassie like that today, especially thinking that she was doing that to herself, it just brought a lot of stuff back. And, um... so, anyway, you wouldn't have recognized me when I first came back to Springfield, you know that? I was a tough-guy warden, never smiled, never laughed.
Dinah: And what changed?
Mallet: Harley wound up in prison and I found a chance to redeem some things, to make up for some things. And then I met you.
Dinah: Sweetie, I think that you have paid enough for your past, you know that?
Mallet: It's never enough. It's never enough. But, you know, I... I'm going to try to not let it drag us down. Because I was thinking today, man, I've worked really hard to get my life where it is. And, um, I'm just not going to let anybody scare me off.
Dinah: Not even Blake?
Mallet: No, not Blake, not my nightmares. We'll figure it out. But if I have you by my side, I think I can handle about anything.
Dinah: Do you know why you've been able to forgive me so much about... with all of my mistakes?
Mallet: Why?
Dinah: Because you found a way to forgive yourself. And once you do that, it's easy.
Mallet: Some days are better than others.
Dinah: Come here. You make love to me, okay, my hero? Please.
Hotel clerk: Blake Marler has reserved this room for you, sir. Are you in town for business or for pleasure?
Griggs: Just in town to look up an old associate.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: Rick is an idiot, just for the record.
Mel: And just for the record, I'm glad you're sticking around.
Josh: I caused a problem. I need to fix it.
Cassie: God, I hate you.
Olivia: Jeffrey's expert touch is what I need.
Mel: You want Jeffrey? You can have Jeffrey.
Alan: Well, look who's here! The only man that Cassie hates more than me.
Cassie: I trusted my sister.
Reva: So did I.
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