Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/29/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Hey. Aren't you the father of my child?
Dylan: I don't know. Oh, you mean the out of control teenager currently locked away in juvie? Yeah, that would be me.
Harley: That would be her. Are you free for lunch?
Dylan: Lunch. Like right now?
Harley: Like right now. My treat.
Dylan: No, my treat. Nice coincidence, bumping into you like this.
Harley: Coincidence.
Gus: Hi, Harley, you didn't see her?
Buzz: What, she's supposed to be here?
Gus: Yeah. We're going to have lunch. We're going to have lunch, me, Harley and Natalia.
Buzz: You, your wife and your ex are going to have lunch together?
Gus: Yes, the three of us together.
Buzz: You're a braver man than me.
Gus: I don't know about that.
Natalia: Yes, I'd like to speak to my son, Rafael Rivera, please. Oh. Will you give him a message? Please tell him his mother called, thinking about him and I love him. Thanks.
Gus: It's all right. You don't have to hang up on my account.
Natalia: No, I'm done.
Gus: Did my wife... did Harley call you?
Natalia: Mm-hmm.
Gus: She did.
Natalia: About lunch?
Gus: Yeah. The three of us.
Natalia: The three of us.
Gus: Yeah, it's really weird, but that's how she is. She's a little weird sometimes, so... you want to go in... come inside? Oh... you wanted to make a phone call. Make your phone call and then you can meet me inside?
Natalia: No, I'm done, that's fine.
Gus: Are you sure?
Natalia: Yeah.
Dinah: Cyrus, stop.
Cyrus: Someone's following me.
Dinah: Yeah, me.
Cyrus: No, besides you.
Dinah: Look, whatever. Listen, I have a problem and I need your help.
Cyrus: My help?
Dinah: Yeah, it's about Mallet. Look you started this. I need your help in fixing it.
Cyrus: I told you I'm not going say a word about the nasty things your husband's done.
Dinah: I need to know everything you know. I need your help. Where did you get your information?
Cyrus: I told you I'm not going to say a word.
Dinah: I'm trying to help my husband.
Cyrus: Yeah, Didi, your motives are always so pure. Don't!
Marina: I don't think so.
Mallet: I'm not going to do it, Griggs. I'm not going to do it. That's my last time. I'm out. It's my life's plan. Oh, Dinah. Oh, Dinah.
Blake: Shh... Dinah's not here, but I am.
Cyrus: Good afternoon, Detective. Out for a stroll?
Marina: I was not following you.
Cyrus: There is no reason to follow me. If I would have known it was this easy going straight, I would've done it ages ago.
Marina: Right, I'm sure you love dressing up in a uniform saying "yes, ma'am, no ma'am," to Ms. Alexandra Spaulding.
Cyrus: That's all right. She's an interesting lady.
Marina: With interesting hardware in her jewelry box.
Cyrus: I've left all that behind.
Marina: Come on, Foley, it's me. Me, the girl who you almost killed twice because you wanted one more score.
Cyrus: Do you want me to go back to a life of crime?
Marina: What do you think?
Cyrus: I wonder, if I'm clean, where does that leave us.
Marina: Us?
Cyrus: Yeah. What were we? Cops and robbers. It was dangerous and exciting, but now what are we? Really? Just two people cashing our paychecks, putting in vacations. Opposites combusted, but now the sparks fizzled, Detective. It's dead and gone.
Blake: Sh-sh-sh. Relax, relax. No, no, no.
Mallet: Blake.
Blake: Take some time. Get your bearings.
Mallet: I think I have my bearings. Hey, sweetie.
Dinah: Hello. Am I interrupting?
Mallet: No, nothing. Hey, I missed you.
Dinah: Blake didn't.
Blake: Mallet was napping and he had a bad dream.
Dinah: You had other one?
Blake: What was it about?
Mallet: I don't remember.
Blake: Are you sure? I mean, I think you should talk about it and get it out of your system. It'll be helpful. I'm a very good listener. You can tell me anything. ( Cell phone ringing )
Mallet: It's lab. Yeah, hey, it's Mallet. Listen, did you check the match on those prints? Right?
Blake: I just love cop speak, don't you? What, Dinah? It's not like we knew you were coming back so early.
Dinah: No? Well, you must have forgotten you've got physical therapy in ten minutes. I'll drive you.
Blake: Well, wait a minute. Mallet--
Dinah: Change of plans.
Blake: Shouldn't we wait for him to get off the phone?
Dinah: No, not when you're making such good progress. Let's so go.
Buzz: Actually, when I think about it-- Harley's a nice person. It's a nice gesture. She wants you two to get along.
Gus: Yeah, that makes sense.
Buzz: Yeah, well just be-- you're not buying any of this, are you?
Gus: I don't need this right now. You're not helping me. I appreciate it.
Buzz: I'd run if I were you.
Gus: Here you go. Sorry, don't mean to--
Natalia: That's okay. I was thinking, Buzz burgers. I'm starving.
Gus: I'm starving, too. I don't know-- just hold on a second. Hey. Hi.
Harley: Oh, my gosh, hey. Are you having lunch here?
Gus: Yeah. Natalia is inside.
Harley: Natalia's here. She's having lunch right now. Oh, my gosh, Natalia is this beautiful girl, and she's Gus's old friend from Chicago. Back in the high school days. We just ran into each other on Main Street. You know something? We should all have lunch together. Isn't that a good idea?
Dylan: It's great.
Harley: Great!
Gus: Natalia is already at the table. She's in there. You want to go in there for a second and you'll--
Dylan: Sure.
Gus: Okay, great. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Harley: Don't you think we should get inside.
Gus: Wait a second, you asked me to be here, and the three of us were going to have lunch, we were going to talk about things.
Harley: Can I talk?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Listen to me. Dylan is single right now, and Natalia is single right now. And I just thought wouldn't it be great if they could get along? I mean they could really get along.
Gus: You're fixing them up? Like this is a date?
Harley: You say it's like it's a bad idea?
Gus: This is a horrible idea, a horrible idea.
Harley: Whoa. Calm down! Okay, don't get upset. You would think you're all upset because your old flame is moving on with somebody else.
Gus: I don't care who she dates. She can date anybody she wants.
Harley: Calm down. I know that you don't have feelings for Natalia anymore. How could you? Look at what you're married to.
Gus: You know, you really need to enroll in a self-esteem class?
Harley: Would you be happier if I was jealous?
Gus: Yes. You know what? Yes. Sometimes it's nice if a girl to show that she's a little jealous. It's good for a man's ego.
Harley: You can take a self-esteem class with me. Honey, what is wrong with Dylan and Natalia? They're cute.
Gus: No. I thought the whole idea is they're in our lives too much. I said out , we push them out of our lives.
Harley: That's why this is so perfect. It's more than perfect. It gives us one less thing to worry about. Two less things actually if you think about it.
Gus: Listen, are you saying that you're worried about me and Natalia?
Harley: That's not what I was saying. Should I be?
Gus: No, you shouldn't be. Should I be worried about you and Dylan? Should I be?
Harley: No.
Gus: Okay. What are we talking about? First of all, could we just sit down--
Harley: Do you like Dylan showing up all hours telling you how to parent Daisy. How do you like that?
Gus: I live for that. Yes.
Harley: If he is with someone else, he is going to be busy, he wouldn't be around so much, and if she is seeing somebody, then I'll be sure she has really moved on. Come on, it will be fun. The important thing is they can't know that I set this whole thing up!
Gus: And they're never going to figure it out.
Cyrus: Either your father is watching us or the chief is, I'm not sure which. Frank, good to see you.
Frank: Frank? I don't think so.
Cyrus: Sorry, sir.
Frank: Is everything okay, Marina?
Marina: Everything's fine. We just-- we ran into each other.
Cyrus: Yes. I was just telling your daughter how much I love my new job, driving for Alexandra Spaulding. It's honest pay for an honest days work.
Frank: It's a perfect job for you. A great opportunity to case the Spaulding house.
Cyrus: You're a cynical lot. Duty calls. Detective, it's a shame we won't be crossing paths anymore. Be good.
Frank: What was that about?
Marina: Who knows. Forget that.
Frank: Forget it? How can I possibly forget it. That guy kidnapped you and you almost got killed. Now, Marina, it worries me that you're hanging around with this guy.
Marina: I'm not hanging out with him. I just ran into him, okay.
Frank: I heard what you said at Foley's trial.
Marina: Oh, my God. Dad, the lawyer mixed everything around.
Frank: Did he?
Marina: Yes. Okay, yes, I had a moment of craziness, but it's over and it will never happen again. I could never be with a guy like that, never.
Blake: Dinah, this is not physical therapy. What are you doing?
Dinah: Physical therapy adjusts the body. You need your mind fixed. Listen up, Blakey, I'm going to get things straight with you.
Blake: My God, what are you doing?
Dinah: You want to know what I'm doing? I'd like to know what the hell you're doing.
Blake: Dinah, I'm going to call security.
Dinah: Well, you know what, security has changed shifts. So we're okay. It's just you and me. Ever since you came out of the coma, you have been threatening me and Mallet with that notion that somehow you heard something incriminated. You forced yourself into our home.
Blake: You volunteered --
Dinah: You are taking advantage of us like we are servants. Now you are making the moves on him. Don't lie to me. This is my husband that you're messing with. You know what, this game-- this game is going to end right here, right now because you've been pushing us. You've been pushing us to the brink. And you know me, honey, I ain't good when someone tries to take my man. So you better tell me the truth or I'm taking you back to vegetable land, and I'm thinking more like a turnip, where you're in a weakened condition where you're not going to be able to pop out of the ground.
Blake: Dinah, you don't want to do this!
Dinah: I'd like to get rid of you so bad. I'd like to see Mallet go back to normal, and I'd like to see him stop freaking out at night. I would like to see him get a good night sleep, so you either open your mouth or I'm going to take this needle--
Mallet: Dinah!
Blake: Stay away from me. You're crazy.
Dinah: You are the one that is crazy. You stalked the whole town. I don't understand how my father loved you. Because I can't stand you. She is manipulating and hurting you, and I'm not going to let it happen.
Mallet: It's going to be okay.
Dinah: It's not going to be okay.
Blake: I hurt my back.
Dinah: I didn't even touch you. You're a lying, pathetic little bitch!
Mallet: Dinah, outside now. Out in the hall, wait. Are you all right?
Blake: Gosh, she scared the hell out of me.
Mallet: Just breathe. You're going to be okay.
Blake: Thank you.
Mallet: She's been under a lot of stress, lately, you know, Blake. The whole Cyrus thing, the fact he took Matt and Vanessa's money. She feels it's her fault--
Blake: It probably is.
Mallet: She didn't mean all of those things she said.
Blake: Oh, Mallet, stop. Don't you get sick of making excuses for her. Gosh, you deserve so much better than her. You deserve a woman who doesn't constantly embarrass you. You deserve a woman who understands you, who appreciates you.
Mallet: Blake, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I love Dinah.
Blake: No. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. Mallet, I didn't want to do this. I was hoping that you would find your own way with this, but you've left me no choice. I know everything. I know your deep, dark secrets. I heard every single word that you told me when I was coming out of my coma. So I think it only behooves you to go out of your way to make me happy, don't you? Or else I might find the need to share.
Marina: What is this about?
Frank: It's about-- hold on a second. Oh, yes. Yup, yup, here. It's about this.
Marina: Justin -- who is Justin Baines.
Frank: Who is Justin Baines. He's a great guy. His dad is the fire commissioner. He went to Northwestern University, and he graduated with honors, and he is a stockbroker now and he is a volunteer fireman.
Marina: Really?
Frank: Yeah, and he's a standup guy. More importantly, he's somebody who knows how to treat you right.
Marina: You're trying to set me up.
Frank: His dad already told him you would be calling him. So let me know how it goes. This coffee is cold.
Marina: Oh, no, bad boy, it's time to play "Let's Make A Deal."
Frank: I don't think so.
Marina: Oh, yeah. I just need you to do one, little, tiny thing for me. It will only take a minute.
Cyrus: What's this? Health insurance?
Alexandra: You are now officially enrolled in Spaulding's 401K plan.
Cyrus: I never had retirement benefits, but then I never had a real job to retire from, so--
Alexandra: ( Laughs ) You said you wanted to put down roots. This is the stuff roots are made of. This, and, well, something to feed the soul. Of course, that's very individual. Very private.
Cyrus: You mean money isn't everything?
( Laughing )
Alexandra: ( Laughing )
Cyrus: Thank you.
Woman: My wallet, where is it? It's gone.
Cyrus: Excuse me, ma'am?
Officer: Springfield PD, you're under arrest.
Cyrus: For what?
Officer: For this, I just found it. Face the wall, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Natalia: Has she always been like this?
Dylan: Pushy. Yeah. For a cop, she's not very subtle. 'Natalia's here, oh my gosh. Dylan, you know Natalia, don't you.'
Harley: You don't like each other? How can you be sure?
Dylan: We do like each other. Considering the limited information we have.
Natalia: But what we don't like is you tried to shove us on each other.
Harley: It's juvenile. I probably shouldn't have done that.
Dylan: This little relationship is over now. I've done a lot of dumb things in my life. Just ask Harley.
Harley: Name one.
Dylan: I got my girlfriend pregnant when she was like 16, and I didn't know now, how long?
Harley: First of all, I was like ten. But this is going to be fine.
Buzz: It's the juvenile detention center.
Dylan: You were saying?
Buzz: No, it's for you.
Marina: Come on out, Dad.
Frank: I'd really rather not.
Marina: Oh, come on. A deal's a deal. Oh, yeah, yeah, I like it. I like it a lot. It gives you an edge.
Frank: An edge-- good, good. I'm glad you like it. So I let you give me a Sanji look.
Marina: Dad, Sanjaya.
Frank: Okay, I'm going to wash this and you call Justin.
Marina: Whoa. The whole world needs to see the new Frank Cooper.
Frank: Marina, that wasn't part of the deal.
Marina: Daddy. Dad, you owe me, you shot me.
Frank: What do I have to do?
Marina: You have to go show Aunt Harley and have her give me a full report.
Frank: The things I do for my little girl. Call Justin.
Marina: Full report.
Gus: Why would the J.D. Center be calling you?
Natalia: I guess I'll find out.
Harley: That's weird.
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: Rafe? Hi. Oh, no, no, no. I'm very happy you called back. But, listen, will you please do me a favor? Just always call me on my cell, okay? Please.
Dylan: I was thinking when Daisy got home--
Natalia: I'm sorry, but I have to go.
Gus: What was the call about? What happened?
Harley: Yeah.
Natalia: I have something to tell you.
Gus: Go ahead.
Natalia: I went to the J.D. Center this morning to see Daisy.
Harley: You went to see Daisy? Why?
Natalia: She came to Chicago. She got me to come here. I just thought maybe I should clear the air with her.
Harley: I spoke to Daisy a little while ago. She never mentioned seeing you.
Natalia: Because I got there, and I changed my mind. I thought, it wasn't my place. She's your kid and your responsibility.
Gus: Then why did they call you?
Natalia: Oh, I dropped my wallet. I didn't even realize it. So they have it, and I'm going to go there and get my wallet back. I hope you're not mad at me.
Harley: For what?
Natalia: For thinking about going to see Daisy...
Harley: Oh, no, no, no. That's probably something we'll have to address eventually, right?
Dylan: Absolutely.
Natalia: So, thank you for lunch.
Harley: She's pretty, isn't she? She's pretty.
Gus: Excuse me. Natty? Maybe your purse thing can wait a second. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Do you feel sand-bagged.
Natalia: Sorry?
Gus: This thing about getting set up...
Natalia: That's not it.
Gus: Then what's wrong?
Natalia: Nothing.
Gus: Look, I know... I don't know you as well as I used to know you. But I know you well enough to know something is wrong. What's wrong?
Natalia: She notices, Gus. I'm sure everyone does.
Gus: She notices?
Natalia: The way I look at you.
Cyrus: I didn't steal the bloody wallet.
Marina: You want to tell me what's going on?
Officer: This guy picked this lady's purse.
Cyrus: I did not. I found it. I found it.
Marina: You stay here. Don't even think about moving or I'll never believe other word you say again. You want to tell me what happened?
Officer: He picked her purse.
Marina: Okay, I know this guy. That's not his M.O.
Officer: You know what's going on. The chief put the word out on this guy.
Marina: The word?
Officer: See if we could catch him--
Marina: See if you catch him or make sure you caught him.
Officer: This way he learns his lesson.
Blake: You're in a jam, Mallet. I'm just trying to fix things.
Mallet: Yeah. Trying to fix it is what I've been doing ever since... Blake, I made a mistake. You know what that's like, right? You've made a few of those.
Blake: That's right. That's why we understand each other.
Mallet: You know, Blake, after Harley left, I just fell apart, you know. My life just fell apart. I fell into a real -- I fell into a real dark hole. I was just dead on the inside, and it took me years to crawl out of that hole. And it took me years to feel clean again. You know? I was trying to be a better person. I tried to help Harley in prison. I made peace with Frank. I got my old job back. But, you know what? It was when I met Dinah-- when I met Dinah, when I met her, it was like finally, sunshine. Sunshine.
Blake: Not because of Dinah. Despite Dinah. My God, she has a past that is ten times blacker than yours. She's done despicable things, to her mother, to Ross, to me. She killed my brother. Do you think she knows what real love is?
Mallet: And you do?
Blake: I loved Ross. I loved Ross. I was a good wife. And I am going to be mayor of this town. And, yes, I am the kind of woman that you need, not Dinah.
Mallet: And so your blackmailing me?
Marina: Give me the keys to the cuffs. Give me the keys unless you want to explain to the disciplinary board why you disobeyed orders. And the innocent victim over there, her wallet. Beat it. Hold your hands out. Sorry for the misunderstanding, sir.
Cyrus: Misunderstanding, right.
Mallet: Okay, this isn't you, Blake. You were a good wife. Ross was the love of your life. And you miss him terribly. Maybe that is what this is all about, okay? But you're going about it the wrong way, Blake. I can't replace Ross. Nobody can. Maybe you should, you know, speak to someone about that. Maybe you should get some help. Blake?
Blake: I'm sorry. I'm really-- I'm just-- I'm sorry for everything.
Dinah: What happened? Why did you let her escape?
Mallet: She's not going to do anything. Oh, Dinah, you shouldn't have threatened her.
Dinah: Honey, look, I'm sorry. But I couldn't take it anymore. I've seen how stressed you have been. I've seen the dreams you've had. I thought if I could get her to tell the truth, to admit something--
Mallet: Well, she knows. Blake knows.
Dinah: About your past. I knew it. All right, what does she want?
Mallet: Nothing.
Dinah: What are you talking about nothing. Of course she wants something to keep quiet. What does she want?
Mallet: Well, it's crazy.
Dinah: What is it?
Mallet: She wants us to be nice to her. That's all she wants. She just wants us to be nice to her. So... she's not going to bother us anymore. We don't have to worry about Blake anymore.
Marina: Where's your dog tag. Oh. What do those numbers stand for again, your mom's birthday?
Cyrus: Swiss bank account.
Marina: Health insurance?
Cyrus: Courtesy of my new boss. It's a whole new world. Why did you do that, Detective, help me like that?
Marina: You know why. I go by the book.
( Cell phone rings )
Cyrus: Your ladyship, I've got to go. Well, maybe I'll see you around after all, Detective.
Marina: Hi, Justin? Hi. This is Marina Cooper, Frank Cooper's daughter. I think you were expecting my call?
Frank: Pops, come mere. What are you doing?
Buzz: What?
Frank: Quiet. Listen, Marina did this for me. But you need to vouch for me that you actually saw me out wearing this. I'm going to go upstairs and wash this out, but you have to tell you that you saw me.
Buzz: Ok. And I thought family life would be boring.
Natalia: For so many years, you know, wondering, where were you? What were you doing? Were you happy? Were we ever going to see each other again? And what would I say if we did? What would I do. What would I tell you?
Gus: Tell me now. You can tell me now.
Natalia: Nicky, that call--
Gus: You have to call me Gus, okay?
Natalia: Gus. Please forget what I said. Yes, I still care for you, but it's about nostalgia now, you know, the what ifs. I know our time is past. I know how much you love Harley. She's great.
Gus: She's all right. Are you already?
Natalia: I'm fine. I'll be fine.
Gus: What happened after high school? I mean, didn't you meet a guy, someone that was special. There had to be a guy. I know you-- somebody that touched-- ( cell phone rings ) sorry. Sorry. Aitoro. No. I tagged and bagged him. No -- wait -- hold on a second. Nat, I've got to take this.
Natalia: It's okay. I have to go. I have to go get my wallet.
Gus: Natalia... go ahead.
Harley: If it helps, I feel like an idiot.
Dylan: Why, because you're trying to run my life? You're just trying to be sweet. And boy did that work.
Harley: She's pretty. I thought she might be your type. What is your type, anyway?
Buzz: You two are still speaking to each other? That call from the juvenile detention center for Natalia, what was that all about?
Harley: She went down there this morning, thinking she might visit Daisy, and she accidentally left her wallet.
Dinah: Mallet, I don't trust her. She's a threat. Let's just go. Let's go and take a long vacation, somewhere where she can never find us.
Mallet: We don't have to run away from Blake.
Dinah: Maybe this isn't about Blake. Maybe it's about all this stuff, all of this stuff that's going on in your head that you won't let out.
Mallet: I'm fine.
Dinah: You're not fine. You're not fine. You won't talk to me about it. You're not fine, I get it. But I'd like to go away. Give you a chance to ease your worried mind, okay?
Mallet: Okay. It's okay. It's all going to be okay.
Blake: There's got to be something in here that will give me some information. Hello, Mr. Griggs. Yes, you don't know me, but we have a mutual acquaintance. A.C. Mallet. Yes, I was hoping you'd be intrigued. So, tell me, how soon can we meet?
Next on Guiding Light...
Matt: I'm trying to get my life back.
Mallet: How?
Matt: Whatever I have to do, that's how.
Dinah: What did Josh do?
Casse: I am gonna toss this thing and let it sink to the bottom of the lake.
Dinah: Cassie's boat, I think she's gone under! Cassie!
Mallet: Frank, what are you asking me for?
Frank: I want you to intimidate him and I want him to know that if he decides to stay in this town, his life will be a living hell.
Mallet: How far do you want this to go?
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