GL Transcript Monday 5/28/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/28/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: So you're here to see Daisy?

Billy: Yeah.

Gus: Well, I just brought her back from the hospital.

Billy: Oh, what happened?

Gus: She had a run-in with one of the girls here in the office. She really kind of sprained her ankle pretty badly. But she'll be okay. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you.

Billy: Actually, um, I'm glad I ran into you first. I know how you feel about Harley's kids, and I respect that. I'm just going to say it right out. I think my son needs some more time with his daughter, so anything you could do to help that out, I'd appreciate.

Gus: Coming from her grandpa, I... I can respect that. You know, I'm not trying to be her father. I'm just trying to be, like, a father figure, you know?

Billy: I know.

Gus: And Harley's kids, they mean so much to me. It's the closest thing I'm ever going to have to having my own.

Rafe: Get the hell off me, man!

Remy: It must be tough having a kid in juvie. How long has he been in? Do you get to visit him a lot? I mean, you said his dad isn't around, so...

Natalia: I have a shift to start.

Remy: You know, it's funny, I was watching you with your son, and you could have stayed a week if you could. But then someone came in dealing with another kid and you freaked.

Natalia: I don't know what you're talking about.

Remy: You couldn't get out of there fast enough. Why? Maybe because you didn't want that someone else to see your boy or put the two of you together. So you take off to make sure that doesn't happen.

Natalia: You have too much time on your hands.

Remy: And you've got a kid in juvie who's Gus Aitoro's son.

Rafe: Get off...!

Guard: Just shut up!

Gus: Hey, what is wrong with you? Are you all right? ( Knock on door )

Coop: Ashlee, it's me. It's a little early to be hitting the sack, don't you think? Okay, you don't feel like talking, that's cool. But you and I, we need to talk about this right here. Your last paper. The writing is good, but it just doesn't, um... it didn't... it didn't sound like you, you know? I mean, it's... it's kind of dark and it's a little hopeless, honestly. I mean, if this... if this is, you know, a sign that perhaps you're caving to this place or maybe you're giving up... I don't know. I know that it's tough in here, but you're going to get through this. You've got to get through this, okay? Ashlee, say something. Can you just... anything at all, please? Hey, what...

Ashlee: Hey.

Coop: Hi.

Ashlee: Um, check it out, I'm Bob Marley.

Josh: Is there something you want to tell me about, Reva?

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: Don't.

Reva: I want to...

Josh: You want. Don't you always?

Reva: I understand you're angry.

Josh: You have no idea.

Reva: Where's Cassie?

Josh: Well, that's a damn good question, Reva. In fact, I've been looking for her. She took off on me.

Reva: I'm so sorry.

Josh: Are you?

Reva: Cassie's my sister! Do you really think I would have said anything to her about that night if I didn't think you'd already told her?

Josh: Do you really think she'd stand there listening to you if she already knew that we'd slept together? Do you honestly believe that?

Reva: She was upset. I was trying to explain things.

Josh: Explain what?! That you got to me? Again? After I decided that I wasn't going to let Cassie be the one to comfort me, Reva? I think she might have figured that out all by herself.

Reva: You got the wrong idea. I mean, the timing was horrible, I see that now. But I was trying to make things right.

Josh: I don't think things will ever be right again, Reva, thanks to you. I may have lost Cassie forever.

Reva: You know what? Don't! Don't look at me like that. I admit I made a mistake, but you...

Josh: This was a hell of a lot more than a mistake, Reva, and you damn well know it. This was a lot more than lousy timing. You did this on purpose. You did this to get Cassie out of my life!

Reva: You think I told Cassie to drive her away from you?

Josh: I think you got tired of waiting, Reva. You know, Billy warned me.

Reva: Of what?

Josh: That it was only a matter of time, Reva, that sooner or later you would start doing anything you possibly could to get me away from Cassie.

Reva: Anything I could, huh?

Josh: Yeah, because in your mind, I could only be with you. Isn't that right, Reva? So it's not really a big leap to start thinking that you would manipulate the relationship I have with Cassie.

Reva: No! No, I would never do that to you! Don't you know that? Don't you know what... even how much I want you back, that even as much as I think you are wrong, I would never hurt you that way! God!

Josh: Okay, all right. I'm sorry.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: What exactly did you say to Cassie?

Reva: I told her the truth. Pretty novel, huh?

Josh: What's that supposed to mean?

Reva: What do you think? You say you're on this new path, that you've had a calling to make the world a better place, but somehow you've avoided telling Cassie you slept with me. Now, where does that fit in with righteousness?

Josh: I was going to tell her!

Reva: When?! When?! You were always going to tell her! You point your finger at me, you accuse of being dishonest! Why don't you try being honest with yourself?!

Josh: I am!

Reva: That's bull. Because you're lying right now.

Ashlee: Ashlee, Ashlee, you've gotten so soft.

Coop: Okay.

Ashlee: ( Laughing ) It's an old trick I learned from Ferris Bueller.

Coop: Okay, yeah. That's cute. Thank you very much. I can see that I had my heart to heart with a pair of sweaters and laundry and stuff. If you could just not tell anyone, that would be great. Thanks.

Ashlee: Your secret is safe with me. I am... I didn't even know that teachers were allowed back here.

Coop: Well, I figured I'd risk it.

Ashlee: Cool. Well, um, this is home. Welcome.

Coop: Yeah, well, I... I like what you've done with the place.

Ashlee: Well, I had to do something, you know. It was like living in prison. Oh, look, I, um... oh, look, Moxie. How is she doing?

Coop: She's good. She and my dad are both doing really well. It's scary, if you think about it, because they actually sound very similar in the mornings.

Ashlee: ( Laughing ) Um, what's that?

Coop: This is your last paper.

Ashlee: Oh.

Coop: Yeah, it kind of threw me, though.

Ashlee: Um, well, I knew I should have double-checked my grammar.

Coop: No, the words aren't the problem. It's the feeling.

Ashlee: Um... what?

Coop: Ashlee, I couldn't find you in here. I couldn't find what makes you you at all. I'm a little worried that perhaps you might be slipping into... I don't know... negativity, maybe?

Ashlee: Why would you think that? I mean, all I did was pretty much throw my life away for a mother who hasn't come to visit me in weeks. But, hey, I mean, how should that affect who... who I am, what makes me me?

Gus: You know, your job is to monitor these kids, not abuse them.

Billy: Gus, take it easy.

Gus: Are you all right? You know, I am here a lot, and if I see this kind of behavior again, you are going to be instantly unemployed, my friend.

Billy: Hey, I know this kid. You tried to mug my brother the other day. Yeah, Josh was coming home from work and this kid pulled a knife and tried to get his wallet.

Gus: Look how well that's working out for you.

Billy: Your name is Rafael, right?

Rafe: It's Rafe.

Remy: So, I guess you running out to sweep the porch rates as an answer.

Natalia: Would you just drop it?

Remy: Tell me I'm wrong and I'll walk away right now. You can't, can you? It's because I'm not wrong-- Gus is Rafe's father.

Natalia: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Are you happy now?

Remy: I just needed to know.

Natalia: Well, now you know.

Remy: So he's the one who took off on you, just you left you alone and pregnant?

Natalia: No. I was lying about that. He doesn't know. He never knew.

Remy: Well, how did you hide it from him?

Natalia: I found out after he left.

Remy: Well, why did he leave?

Natalia: Because he cared.

Remy: This... this makes no sense.

Natalia: Nick's father was a cop. He was killed by some mob guys. And then Nick decided he was going to go after them...

Remy: And he cuts you loose?

Natalia: To protect me. I didn't know it then, but I found out eventually. And, anyway, a few weeks after he left, I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to tell him... I wanted to let him know he was going to be a father, but I didn't even try to look for him. Then I decided I would that raise... raise Rafe on my own. And we did okay, for the most part. We're close, Rafe and me, so I didn't get everything wrong.

Remy: Does Rafe know Gus is his dad?

Natalia: No. Neither of them knows about the other one.

Remy: Well, that's why you came to Springfield, right, to break the news?

Natalia: I never expected to be here. I never expected any of this.

Remy: So you didn't know Gus was in Springfield?

Natalia: I didn't know anything about where he was or what he was doing. I got a call, and then my doorbell rang, and there was a girl on my doorstep named Daisy who said that Nick needed me.

Remy: Harley's daughter came to see you?

Natalia: Yeah. To make trouble or something. And just hearing his name was a shock.

Remy: You know he has a family, Natalia.

Natalia: Yeah. At first, I was just happy to know he was alive.

Remy: At first?

Natalia: What Nick and I had was very strong.

Remy: Did you come to tell him about his son?

Natalia: I didn't know what I was going to tell him. I didn't know what I was going to say when I saw him. I really didn't. I just... I knew that I needed to do it.

Remy: So now you're here, and you haven't spoken a word to Gus about his kid. I mean, why? Is he not what you remembered?

Natalia: No, Nick is pretty much the same guy I fell in love with. And the way he is so devoted to his family, it really gets me. And the Cooper's have been so incredibly kind to me...

Remy: Including Harley?

Natalia: Especially Harley. I like her. And it sucks.

Remy: So, if everything's so nice and sweet, why hasn't the father-son reunion happened?

Natalia: Rafe's not ready to meet Gus.

Remy: Why is that?

Natalia: I have been doing this on my own his whole life. And I can't come here and have Gus think that I just came here because I need his help. I have to get Rafael out of juvie by myself.

Remy: Then you'll tell Gus?

Natalia: Then we'll see where we are.

Gus: I hate to see kids getting shoved around like that, you know?

Billy: Yeah, it's hard not be in their corner, even with the tough ones.

Gus: So I'm going to do whatever I can not to step on Dylan's toes.

Billy: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Gus: Yeah. I'm honestly just trying to be like a father figure. I think it's important for kids. I think family's important, you know?

Billy: That's right.

Gus: Just hearing the words come out of my mouth, I think it's the only one damned thing the my father, Alan, and I would actually agree upon. That killer go down easy enough for you there?

Guard: Yeah.

Gus: Do me a favor, give him this, will you?

Coop: I had a feeling there was something bothering you.

Ashlee: I'm fine. I'm okay.

Coop: No, I don't think you are, Ashlee. Obviously, you feel...

Ashlee: You have no idea how I feel! You have a family that loves you! Mine, what's left of it, is...

Coop: Go on.

Ashlee: No, never mind.

Coop: No, Ashlee. I need you to finish what you were going to say.

Ashlee: ( Crying )

Coop: Look, I'm not going to leave until you start talking to me, so...

Ashlee: There's nothing to say!

Coop: Nothing to say, really? So, what are you going to do? Are you just going to walk around here letting all of your frustrations start building up...

Ashlee: Do you know what she thinks?!

Coop: No, I don't.

Ashlee: She ( sobbing )... she thinks... she thinks that I ruined her one chance to be... to be Mrs. Alan Spaulding. She doesn't care that her little girl is locked up. I mean, why... why should she? Why should she even bother coming?

Coop: Ashlee, you did your mom the biggest favor.

Ashlee: By shooting her husband?

Coop: No, not by shooting her husband. By getting her out of that house. Ashlee, those Spaulding's, all of them, every single one of them, they're all toxic. You saved your mom. You got her out of there.

Ashlee: Yeah, well, I think that you should call her and tell her that. But let me know when you do it so that I can be on the other line when she reams you out.

Coop: She's going to come around, I promise you.

Ashlee: Not to visit.

Coop: The hell with her then, okay? You have tons of people out in this town that love you. While you're in here, focus on that. Lean on them. Let them help you. And then when you get out of here, you'll have the rest of your life.

Ashlee: Maybe without bars on the windows.

Coop: Maybe, yeah. You made a mistake-- a big mistake, yeah. But now you're paying for it. And then you'll get out, and then you can have your life back. It's as simple as that.

Ashlee: Will you not tell anybody that I'm falling apart?

Coop: Why would I do that? You're not.

Ashlee: I mean, I don't exactly have a song in my heart, at least not one that I'd sing out loud, anyway. I kind of, um... I'll admit, I kind of have pitch problems.

Coop: I do to, it's okay. ( Laughter )

Ashlee: It feels so good to laugh. I... I mean, I know I'll get through this. I just have to deal with it like I deal with everything else.

Coop: Uh-huh. Which is how?

Ashlee: Well, you know, chin up, straight ahead, full speed, and ignore the lame old mother. ( Laughs )

Coop: There you go. You know, you really are amazing. There, got one of those right there, too.

Ashlee: Well, yes, I know that I am, yes. ( Laughing ) Anyway, I'm really good at things... not like folding laundry or singing or...

Coop: I can sing.

Ashlee: But you have to get out of here, Coop Cooper. I have a lot of work to do!

Coop: Okay, okay!

Ashlee: ( Laughing )

Reva: You know what you should do? You should jump in the lake, give yourself a whole new baptism, wash away all of your sins and impure thoughts.

Josh: I need to find Cassie.

Reva: And say what to her that you haven't already said?

Josh: Reva, what the hell are you doing?

Reva: You love being the good man, don't you, Joshua? The decent, upright soul. But you know what I think? I think you like the suffering even more.

Josh: Well, that's ridiculous.

Reva: No. You stray off that path of yours-- which, let's face it, isn't all that new because you've been on it your whole life. Because you get to feel regret then. You get to feel pain. It makes you feel alive.

Josh: Go home, Reva.

Reva: Don't you walk away from me!

Josh: I don't think there's anything left to say.

Reva: Yeah, now that you've shredded me to pieces.

Josh: So why don't we just leave it right there?

Reva: Do you know how much I hate it when you get that reasonable tone in your voice? But don't kid yourself, Joshua, you're no saint. You get just as angry as anyone I've ever known-- angrier, in fact. And let's not even talk about turning the other cheek, because when you feel like you've been wronged, you make people pay, no doubt about it.

Josh: Is there a point to this?

Reva: Yes, there is. The point is that you need to open your eyes and see what you're doing.

Josh: Which is what?

Reva: You came here set on taking your anger out on me because it had to go someplace, right? You had to blame someone. You had to hate someone. Otherwise, you'd have to take it out on yourself.

Josh: I don't hate myself.

Reva: Really? But yet you have to reinvent yourself. You have to find a new direction to go in. There's only one problem with that, though-- me.

Josh: You?

Reva: Yeah. You've told yourself that Cassie is the love of your life. That that's the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. You even believe it.

Josh: That's because it's the truth.

Reva: But I'm still here, Joshua. I'm still standing right here in front of you-- Reva Shayne, in the flesh, and I'm like no woman you've ever known in your life.

Josh: Stop it.

Reva: You know what I'm talking about. You wish that you could turn off that place in your brain, that place in your heart that I own, just switch it off. There's only one problem: You can't. Because it belongs to me and it always will, and that kills you.

Josh: I'm going to find Cassie.

Reva: Good luck.

Josh: I'm going to make this right somehow.

Natalia: Hi. May I speak to Raphael Rivera, please? I know, but it's an emergency. This is his mother. Please. Hey, you.

Rafe: Ma, what's wrong?

Natalia: I just wanted to hear your voice.

Rafe: That's the emergency?

Natalia: It was for me.

Rafe: Okay, I guess I'll just tell them that then, right?

Natalia: Rafe!

Rafe: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You okay?

Natalia: Yeah. Yeah, you okay? Did something happen?

Rafe: Ma, look, I'm fine, okay?

Natalia: But you're sure you're okay?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Bye.

Gus: Sorry. My fault.

Billy: Hey, darling, I was beginning to think that you weren't going to show up...

Reva: Excuse me. May I have a bottle of white wine?

Billy: Hey, are you sure you don't want to wait for Brian?

Reva: No, I don't want to wait for Brian.

Billy: All right, what the hell's going on?

Reva: Never you mind.

Billy: Darling, I have a little news flash. You want people to open up their checkbooks and write big checks for cancer research, you have to be a teensy weensy bit nice. Now, why don't you practice on me?

Reva: You're not exactly the guy I want to be talking to right now.

Billy: Oh, let me guess here. You had a conversation with my brother.

Reva: Cheers!

Billy: Okay. Let me have it.

Reva: Well, I either did something very bad or something very good.

Josh: Cassie! Cassie? Where is she? Reverend.

Ruthledge: I couldn't help but hearing... all the way down the hall.

Josh: I guess I should have shut the door, huh?

Rutledge: No, I'm glad you didn't, actually. Because I was looking for you.

Josh: You were?

Rutledge: Yeah.

Josh: I was supposed to meet with you today.

Rutledge: I was there.

Josh: I'm sorry. This isn't really supposed to be an excuse or anything, but I'm having a really bad day.

Rutledge: Yeah, I can see that.

Josh: Yeah. This idea of me becoming a minister, forget about it! Big mistake!

Remy: You should watch where you're going, man.

Gus: Remy, it's all right. No harm done.

Remy: Right.

Gus: Well, listen, if you... if you see Cassie, will you tell her Josh is looking for her because he had said...?

Remy: Yes, sir!

Gus: Do we... do we have a problem?

Remy: Nope, no problem.

Gus: Is this about Natalia? What, are you worried about...?

Remy: Are you? Hmm?

Gus: You know, Remy, I think it's a good thing you got bounced off the force because I think you have anger management issues. And I think somebody with a crappy mindset shouldn't be responsible for other people's...

Remy: Like you're the king of responsibility.

Gus: I'm just calling it like I see it.

Remy: You've got no right to come down on me, man! You're the one who walked out on her and doesn't know you have a...

Natalia: Remy!

Ava: Hey, teach!

Coop: Hey.

Ava: What are you doing? Ooh, working hard, I see.

Coop: Well, trying to.

Ava: How's it going?

Coop: Teaching?

Ava: Yeah.

Coop: I love it. I love it. You know, there are some kids down at juvie who have some real talent here. The other thing is I get to see Daisy and I get to see Ashlee when I'm there, which is always a bonus.

Ava: Uh-huh.

Coop: Um, it's good. It's good... well, except for the money.

Ava: Yeah, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.

Coop: Hmm? The money?

Ava: The money. We both know that teachers are pathetically underpaid...

Coop: Okay. I appreciate that.

Ava: Okay, and that's why I was thinking maybe you would be interested in a little side project.

Coop: Uh-huh, as in a Spaulding project?

Ava: As in an Ava project, paid for by Spaulding. I'm looking for a writer to produce or generate, I guess, copy for a new campaign that I'm about to put together.

Coop: And you want to hire me?

Ava: You are the best writer that I know.

Coop: Okay.

Ava: Coop, it's an incredible amount of money. Insane. Crazy, crazy money. And come on, why shouldn't it go to a friend, especially a friend who is as qualified as you?

Coop: Thank you.

Ava: The most qualified I know, actually.

Coop: Thank you. Gosh, you're too much. So this is a lot of money, huh?

Ava: And you won't have to do anything all summer but just write your own stuff.

Coop: Hmm. I don't know, Ava. Look, I've got to see if this can fit into my schedule. I mean, I certainly don't want to shortchange any of my students. But at the same time, I don't want to let you down either.

Ava: I would kill you if you let me down.

Coop: I know you would.

Ava: You could work your teaching job and have this job, too, and not even break a sweat, Coop. You would make a huge chunk of change. Everybody wins.

Coop: It is tempting.

Ava: I know. Okay, how about we go out to dinner, on Spaulding, of course, and I can finish talking you into it?

Rutledge: A crisis of faith, and you aren't even ordained yet. I'm impressed.

Josh: I'm not joking about this, okay? I don't know what I was thinking...

Rutledge: What you were thinking is that you could bring something new and meaningful to this community, and you were right.

Josh: No, I wasn't right. I'm... I'm a mess. Look at me. How can I possibly expect to gain people's trust, much less counsel anyone, if I'm such a screw-up?

Rutledge: Aren't you being a little bit harsh on yourself, Josh?

Josh: No, I don't think so. I think I haven't been harsh enough on myself, actually. I haven't taken responsibility for my actions. I've been lying to myself, and I pretty much hurt everyone I love.

Rutledge: Well, now this is starting to sound like a full-fledged confession.

Josh: And... and I've made way too many mistakes in my life to be a good spiritual guide to anybody. I keep making them, left and right. I don't even see them coming anymore. I just keep making one lousy decision after another after another after another. No, no, no! Forget about it, okay? Forget I ever brought it up because I would be a lousy minister, a joke, an embarrassment, an insult to the church and an insult to God!

Rutledge: Are you done?!

Josh: I need to find Cassie.

Rutledge: Are you sure that you're done?

Josh: I just told you.

Rutledge: Yeah, you told me a lot of things, Josh. Among them was the fact that you felt a very clear and strong guidance to put your faith into the church and to put your faith into service.

Josh: Yeah, well, that was before I realized what kind of man I really am.

Rutledge: Well, that's funny, because the other day you struck me as the kind of man who couldn't ignore feeling anything about the future, in the same way that he couldn't stop loving those that he loves.

Josh: What the hell... what does love have to do with this?

Rutledge: It's got everything to do with it! Now, maybe I was wrong to believe in you, and maybe you're wrong to believe in yourself or whatever, but I'll tell you what, why don't we just shake hands and say good-bye, and I'll see you in church on Sunday, okay?

Josh: Stephen! Look... I may have lost Cassie. I need to talk to her. I don't even know where she is, and she's not returning my phone calls.

Ruthledge: Why don't you... why don't you leave a note for her just in case she does come back here?

Josh: A note. You knew that was going to happen, didn't you?

Billy: Hey, hey, would you mind taking it easy just a little bit? Just...

Reva: Right, because there is no telling what kind of damage I'm liable to cause if I really cut loose, right? I mean, that's your line, anyway, these days, at least with Josh.

Billy: Oh, I see he told you that I warned...

Reva: Warned him about me, that I was on the make. Yes. Josh said you were worried.

Billy: Reva...

Reva: You know what, Billy? You're as bad as those damned bells at the lighthouse-- warning, warning, Reva Shayne after Josh Lewis. Reva Shayne after Josh Lewis!

Billy: Okay, but it's true, isn't it?

Reva: Even if I wanted him back, even if I know in my gut that we belong together, I would still never yank him away from Cassie.

Billy: However, if something came between them, that would be okay with you?

Reva: You know what I'm really sick of? Being the bad guy in this movie, Billy, with only Alan Spaulding, of all people, cheering me on.

Billy: Reva, I just know what you're capable of. And I don't to see anybody get hurt, especially you.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Billy: Look, I just hope you work it all out before they get married, okay?

Reva: You believe that they should be husband and wife? Billy, you honestly can sit here and say that Josh should marry Cassie?

Billy: Well, they love each other.

Reva: You didn't answer my question.

Billy: What do you want to hear? That they don't have what you and he had? No, they don't. You're absolutely don't, you're right.

Reva: Thank you.

Billy: But that doesn't mean what they do have isn't what he needs right now.

Reva: Well, he may not get it because Cassie may never forgive him for having slept with me.

Billy: Well, that's too bad.

Reva: Maybe. Or maybe it will just open the door to something that was bound to happen anyway.

Billy: Reva...

Reva: Billy, I'm not some moony-eyed teenager. I know that it's going to take some time to get back on track with Josh, but it can happen. I know it can.

Billy: Josh and Reva-- always and forever, huh?

Reva: Yeah. I gave him up because I love him more than anything else in this world. And maybe that same love will be enough to bring him back.

Ava: Alan, it's Ava. I know. I know it's late, okay, but I just... I had the most incredible idea about how to bring a ton of publicity to Spaulding. Why don't we generate a series of informational brochures, one on every division at Spaulding, to give the public a little bit more of an intimate perspective of what we really do?

Ashlee: He's right. I can do so much better than this.

Guard: That cop, Aitoro, he left this for you.

Gus: What... what's the problem? What's the matter?

Natalia: I... Remy... I needed Remy to help me with something. I thought he was about to take off.

Gus: Oh, that wouldn't surprise me.

Remy: You see, I would never walk out on Natalia, no matter what was going on.

Natalia: Hey, you know what? It's fine. Just forget it. We can do it some other time.

Remy: Or we can do it right now. It's important to come through for friends.

Natalia: Part of being friends is not bulldozing your way through someone's life and turning everything upside down.

Gus: Am I missing something here?

Natalia: Please.

Remy: Fine. We'll deal with it another time.

Gus: How are you doing? Are you settling in okay?

Natalia: Yeah. So far, so good. I've got to get back to work, so...

Gus: Yeah, I know. I know where you work, I know where you live. I know where to find you.

Natalia: Yeah.

Remy: Yeah, you're over him.

Billy: Time to stop with the booze and start thinking about the money. Look who just showed up.

Reva: Oh, Brian Yost.

Billy: Bingo! If you want to get money, you have to be at your sparkling best.

Reva: I always am.

Billy: That's debatable.

Reva: I will charm his pants off.

Billy: Brian, how are you? It's good to see you again. You remember Reva Shayne?

Brian: I don't remember her being this gorgeous.

Reva: Oh, my goodness, you certainly know how to open up a conversation.

Brian: I couldn't believe when I heard you were sick.

Reva: Thank you. Yes, but I beat it. And now I'm in the position to really make it possible for a heck of a lot of other people to enjoy a second chance.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, she's making good on it. She's footloose and fancy free.

Brian: Well, you'll have to let me take you to dinner, then.

Reva: Well...

Billy: Well, I thought we were all going to go to dinner tonight.

Brian: I meant another night, when we could be alone.

Reva: ( Laughing )

Billy: ( Laughing )

Josh: What have I done?

Reva: You know what, Brian? I really appreciate the offer, I do. But, um, the truth is I'm not as available as Billy seems to think I am. In fact, all of the rumors about my being single are definitely exaggerated.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Mallet: Dinah.

Blake: Dinah's not here.

Cyrus: An honest day's pay for an honest day's work.

Harley: I think you were freaked out that your old flame was moving on with somebody else.

Dinah: This game is going to end right here and right now, or I'm taking you back to vegetable-land, and I'm thinking more like a turnip.

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