GL Transcript Friday 5/25/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/25/07


Provided by Suzanne

Harley: Stop it, stop it.

Gus: It didn't work.

Harley: You'll break it.

Gus: You just can't watch cartoons.

Harley: What did the doctor say?

Gus: Right. Okay, well, he wants to have a little M.R.I. He wants to make sure there is no hairline fracture, make sure it's not broken broken, so it will be a little field trip, she'll like it, get her out.

Harley: A field trip to the hospital. Get popcorn, get a movie.

Gus: We're just going to get her out of the place. So I think she'll enjoy it. Just do me a favor: Easy on the mothering.

Harley: What?

Gus: Actually, I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, breathe. When you see her, breathe.

Harley: I will try to breathe. You weren't here last time. You didn't see-- things are different between us now. That last visit was exceptional.

Gus: Very good. I'm glad to hear it.

Harley: Good. Oh, look at you. Hi, baby.

Daisy: Hi. Hi, harley.

Harley: You okay? You ready to go?

Daisy: I guess. I wish we were going somewhere else.

Harley: Of course.

Juvie officer: If you could write down your badge number.

Harley: I'll do it. Let me.

Daisy: Did A...

Gus: Nothing works in this place. It's unbelievable.

Daisy: What do they need that for?

Gus: So we can go with you, and then you don't have to bring a guard along.

Daisy: Uh-huh. She is tougher on me than any of these guards would be. Ah, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. I'm cranky. I'm in pain.

Gus: We'll make sure she's back by curfew, okay?

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: I'll go get the car.

Harley: Okay. You ready?

Daisy: Ready.

Remy: Hey, rivera, what's a guy gotta do to get coffee around here?

Natalia: Well, I'm on break, but for you-- I'm still on break.

Remy: ( Laughs ) that's nice. That's real nice.

Natalia: I'll get you coffee.

Remy: Thank you. So did gus find you?

Natalia: Find me?

Remy: Yeah, well, I heard you were on the phone, sounded like you were in trouble, so I sent him after you.

Natalia: Do you always send other people to do your dirty work?

Remy: Well, you blew me off, and you're not dirty work.

Natalia: Well, my little problem is over because my won the lottery.

Remy: ( Laughs )

Natalia: Everything's fine.

Remy: You don't want to talk about it.

Natalia: They gave me one of those big, giant checks, but it didn't fit in the A.T.M.

Remy: That's good. That's funny. ( Laughs )

Natalia: Remy, don't worry about me. Because I've been taking care of myself a long time. Why did you do that? Why did you do that?

Remy: Because I wanted to.

Natalia: You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

Remy: Hey, josh-- hey, I was just on break from the job site.

Josh: You know what? Talk to the foreman. I don't work there anymore. Hi there. Have you seen cassie, at all, by any chance? Okay. I was supposed to meet her at the beacon, and she hasn't shown up yet, and I haven't been able to get her on her cell phone, so...

Remy: Is it something important?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: What josh and I did, it wasn't meant to hurt you. I hope you know that.

Cassie: What you did?

Reva: He was in prison, cassie. He was sad and he was angry, and he needed comfort. He needed a connection. I needed it, too. But when I went there, I never thought that we were going to end up making love. It just happened.

Cassie: You and josh...

Reva: He tried to push me away, but he needed me. And he was giving up, and that scared me. And it just-- I mean, I'm sure josh explained it to you.

Cassie: No, actually, reva, no. He forgot to mention that he cheated on me with my sister.

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There is a destiny that makes

us brothers.

None goes his way alone.

All that we send into the

lives of others...

...Comes back...

...Into our own.

Daisy: Okay, so how does this thing work? Am I going to get zapped by something?

Gus: No. It's an M.R.I. Machine.

Daisy: So. I mean, gus, it's going to be taking pictures of my insides. It's got to have some pretty powerful juices in there, right?

Harley: They're magnets.

Daisy: Magnets?

Harley: It uses magnets and radio waves.

Daisy: How do you know that?

Harley: I looked it up on the internet.

Gus: You're so smart.

Harley: Thank you. Do you think I would let them do something to you that would probably hurt my little girl, do you?

Daisy: Well, you did put me in juvie hall and I wound up like this. And, you know, I'm claustrophobic, like my dad so what if I just...

Harley: You are not claustrophobic.

Daisy: Okay, I'm not. But I hate these machines. Because, like, when lizzie was sick and I used to visit her. I got all nervous and sweaty and...

Harley: I remember.

M.R.I. Nurse: You've got nothing to worry about, ms. Lemay.

Harley: Listen, could I talk to you outside, for a second? Um, I want her to be comfortable and relaxed. So I want you to pipe in some music for her. But, more importantly, I want to sit in the booth with the technician to see if she starts to panic. I can talk her out of it.

M.R.I. Nurse: It's not allowed.

Harley: You know, I'm the kind of person who going to go over your head if you don't help me. And that's not just because I'm the cop assigned to her; it's because I'm her mother. So, please... do you have the music cd?

Gus: Oh, yeah. Ooom-chica-oom-chica-oom-chica.

Daisy: What's that for?

Harley: The machine can get really loud, and you can't move at all. So we made a music mix to help you, you know, get through it. While you're in there, you can listen to it and relax.

Daisy: You went through all my music?

Harley: Well, I know you don't like it when I go on your computer, but we just...

Daisy: Oh, no, no, no. I meant it like, you went through all of my music, that's wow, good. The music mix, yeah.

Harley: Good. Because I also brought you this. Tah-dah. You know, for you to hold while you're in there.

Daisy: Thank you.

Harley: Isn't it cute and silly. And you're way too old for this. I should probably just give this to jude.

Daisy: Oh, no, no. I'll bring it with me.

Harley: Really?

Daisy: Yeah, well, they probably won't allow it. Sounds like they don't allow a lot of things, so...

Harley: Oh, you heard my conversation with the nurse?

Daisy: Yeah. I had a few like this when I was little. There was a ballerina bear, princess bear, my mom and dad used to get me one every christmas. It was part of a set, but... it was you who sent them?

Alan: I want every lab technician in this hospital interviewed. And I want my child's dna test checked and re-checked, and that goes for you, too, nurse judy.

Gus: I thought you found your light.

Alan: What?

Gus: You helped me with daisy.

Alan: How is she doing?

Gus: Good. She's going to have an M.R.I. So whoever you called, whatever you did, it was really helpful.

Alan: You're welcome.

Gus: You know, scaring all of the doctors and nurses, that ain't going to make beth's baby yours, so...

Alan: I'm aware of that, gus.

Gus: Like the guy in the hotel room, he was a very nice man.

Alan: He was also a very weak man.

Gus: Maybe you're just hurt because the kid ain't yours.

Alan: Daisy's not yours, either.

Gus: This ain't a competition, dad. Those three kids, jude, zach, daisy, it's the closest thing I'll ever come to having my own kids. You know, I don't want to think about the things I don't have. I like to think about the things I do have, and I have a lot of good things, now.

Alan: Yeah.

Natalia: I thought you had to go back to work?

Remy: Is that your way of telling me the kiss wasn't that good?

Natalia: The kiss was... you should go back to work before you get fired.

Remy: Well, he's not my boss anymore, so A... when you getting off today?

Natalia: You should worry about your own job.

Remy: Have you tried calling alan?

Josh: Why would I do that? Cassie is not going after alan anymore, okay?

Remy: Sometimes people have a hardime forgiving other people. I mean, I know, I'm like that.

Josh: I think I know her better than you do. She's not doing that anymore. I'll see you around, okay?

Josh: Wanda, it's josh. Do me a favor, will you please? Track down alan spaulding for me.

Cassie: It just happened? Reva, you've been planning this for weeks.

Reva: Cassie...

Cassie: You told him you loved him, and he still picked me over you. And you couldn't handle it.

Reva: I didn't know...

Cassie: That's not the way you thought it was going to go, is it?

Reva: I didn't go there planning to sleep with him.

Cassie: You are a liar!

Reva: Let's just go some place private where we can talk about this.

Cassie: Oh, reva, come on! You love an audience! What, are you ashamed? Are you ashamed that you went after your sister's fiancee in prison? Where he literally had no escape.

Reva: It wasn't just me in that bed! Now let's go.

Cassie: No, reva. I'm not going anywhere. I don't have anything to be embarrassed about. I didn't do anything wrong.

Reva: You want to talk to me about right and wrong?

Cassie: What?

Reva: You know what's wrong, cassie. Is that you ever let him go to prison for you in the first place.

Cassie: Oh, you're going to put this on me? Of course you are! Of course you are! It's my fault you slept with him!

Reva: I take full responsibility for what happened.

Cassie: Well, then don't just tell me! Tell everybody! Tell everybody that reva shayne, who raises money for cancer charities, who went from slut to the saint of springfield, went behind my back to sleep with the man I love.

Reva: You sent me to him.

Cassie: No, you sent him to me. You keep forgetting that.

Reva: I will never forget the time I spent with cancer.

Cassie: We held off, reva. We pushed each other away as long as we could out of respect for you. But we fell in love. We built a life, a life without you in it, because we didn't think you were going to be here. Neither did you. Here you are, and you just want to take it all back. As if, as if it's all up to you. As if josh and I have no free will of our own. As if we're only together because you told us to be.

Reva: I thought it was dying. And I was preparing you. I fought a long time alone to protect the two of you.

Cassie: Oh, please.

Reva: Do you think I wanted this to happen!?

Cassie: Yes, reva, I do. I think you always get what you want. And even when you don't, you take it anyway.

Reva: We never wanted to hurt you.

Cassie: Don't you dare speak for him. God, I... I actually was worried about your feelings. I actually felt guilty for loving your ex-husband. And you don't even care. You don't even care that you slept with him. You're not even sorry.

Reva: I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

Cassie: How did you do it? Reva, what did you do? You packed up your little red dress and you, I don't know, you snuck in a six-pack of beer?

Reva: It was bourbon.

Cassie: It was bourbon. "Oh, cassie, I didn't plan it. Oh, no, it just happened."

Reva: Stop it.

Cassie: Gosh, I wish I had a glass of that right now. I'd raise it to you, reva! Congratulations! You did it! You took josh right out from under me! I hope you're proud of yourself now.

Harley: You know, you can't find these guys everywhere. And then I'd have to say to myself, okay, how old is susan now? Is she into princesses still? Or does she like unicorns? Does she still listen to boy bands?

Daisy: I loved the boy band bear, not that I listen to them anymore.

Harley: Right. I mean, we thought about putting them on the music mix, but then, no.

Daisy: Why didn't you send a card?

Harley: A card?

Daisy: Yes, so I knew that the bears were from you?

Harley: Oh, no, no, no. I told your mom and dad I didn't want you to know.

Daisy: Why?

Harley: You were so little, and I didn't want to confuse you or upset you.

Daisy: I don't know, maybe I'd end up like one of those screwed up kids in juvie.

Harley: Okay, in retrospect, I need to re-think that. And I'd do things differently, of course, but...

Daisy: Oh, yeah. Me too. But you can't go back.

Harley: Then we should maybe try harder.

Mri nurse: It's time for daisy's M.R.I.

Harley: You ready?

Daisy: Ready.

Gus: I don't think this is all about flesh and blood. Because if it was, I'd be your favorite. I'm charming. Or maybe alan-michael. But that's not true because you hate both of us. ( Laughs )

Alan: I don't hate you, gus.

Gus: But you don't like us very much.

Alan: Well, if you were a little more like...

Gus: Yourself. That's what you were going to say, right? That's why I think that phillip was always your favorite son, because he had the biggest potential to be just like you.

Alan: And is daisy just like you? Does she remind you of yourself?

Gus: Maybe.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Girls, ready to do this?

Harley: Apparently they're ready for the M.R.I.

Gus: Oh, perfect. Alright, come on, limpy.

Alan: Daisy. Don't let your stepdad become a stranger.

Daisy: Ah, okay. What's he talking about?

Harley: I don't know, and i don't care.

Josh: Hello, alan. You haven't seen cassie, by any chance, have you?

Alan: Is there a reason she would be stalking to me today. I wasn't expecting any bad news.

Josh: Have you seen her or not?

Alan: You weren't here, josh, when I found out that beth was not carrying my child. Well, cassie practically was doing cartwheels.

Josh: Look, cassie is always going to blame you for tammy's death, and for good reason, but to suggest...

Alan: It made her day, josh. You know, she's not the same cassie we used to know. And let me give you a piece of advice: When you find her, don't cross her.

Natalia: I'm natalia rivera. I need to see rafael rivera.

Juvie officer: You're not on the list.

Natalia: Yeah. I squeezed in an hour between shifts. Because I don't get off work until visiting hours or over, so I could see...

Rafe: Mom what are you doing here? Hey, get off me, man.

Juvie officer: Ten minutes.

Natalia: Thank you.

Cassie: Hit me again, reva. Keep hitting me until you feel better about sleeping with josh. Because lord knows, it's all about your feelings!

Reva: You're out of control now.

Cassie: No! You're the one who couldn't control herself!

Reva: Those prison visits were your idea, yours!

Cassie: Yes, you keep saying that as if I gave you permission. As if I said, reva, will you please check on josh. And if it helps, why don't you just do him while you are in there.

Reva: That's not what it was.

Cassie: It is a huge leap from visiting someone to sleeping with someone.

Reva: You begged me to go to him the first time! And then you begged me to go back and see him again.

Cassie: Yes, I did. I did. To keep him company. To cheer him up. To give him notes from me.

Reva: I told you I didn't want to go. I said no, because I knew that...

Cassie: You knew this would happen?

Reva: I knew how hard this was going to be on me!

Cassie: H'mmm, yeah, so you admit it that this wasn't some spontaneous thing...

Cassie: ...You took advantage of the situation.

Reva: You wanted me to make sure that josh was all right.

Cassie: You know, harley warned me. She tried to warn me.

Reva: Cassie, am so sorry. I am so sorry that I said anything because I thought josh had told you. And I'm sorry you're hurting right now.

Cassie: But you're not sorry you slept with him. You wanted him. You still do. And you're not sorry.

Reva: What do you want me to say?

Alan: Oh, I thought I was having a bad day.

Josh: Cassie? Hello? Okay. Reva, it's josh. Listen, call me back when you get this, all right? I'm looking for cassie. I tried the house, I tried her cell...

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: Hi.

Cassie: Sorry I'm late.

Find your light, sponsored by nice and easy, with a blend of three tones for ultimate, natural-looking color.

Remy: My light is my relationship with god. He's been my father, my brother, my best friend. Whenever I was down, I thought i couldn't move on or get up during the day, I flow I can always call on him, and he has always been there. He's given me a great family, he's given me a house, he's given me a great job. So god is my light. What's yours?

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Hi. What's going on? How you feeling? You okay?

Daisy: M.R.I.S rock.

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: They gave her a little something to calm her down.

Gus: Oh, I see. Are you all right?

Harley: I'm really glad that it's over. Would you stay with her, please, while I go find the doctor?

Gus: Sure. Come on, sit down. All right? There you go. You are the champ.

Daisy: Are you still worried I'm going to jump your bones?

Gus: No! I'm not worried. You can hardly walk. You're not going to jump anybody. Who is that? Who is that?

Daisy: I'm not five. I didn't name it.

Gus: Let's call him jezeppi.

Daisy: You're not five either. Harley gave him to me. But all I ever give her is a hard time.

Gus: She loves you. We both love you.

Daisy: Is that why you patted me on the head like a puppy? I'm sorry. I make the most simple things complicated, you and me, and harley and me.

Gus: Well, there is nothing simple about family. But this one's worth fighting for, so...

Daisy: Screwed up.

Gus: What's screwed up, our family?

Daisy: I tried to. I got natalia here, and I pushed dylan to come back...

Gus: I know. I know what you did. You tried to wreck your mother and me. But I've got a little secret for you: We're unwreckable.

Daisy: That's not a word.

Gus: Yeah, but what we got is so special, we should have our own word. Unwreckable, that works for me. I'll give it to you, you were thinking outside the box.

Daisy: Oh, so it was a good thing?

Gus: No. I'm just saying that's what i would have done.

Daisy: So you don't hate me?

Gus: You are always going to be dylan and harley's daughter, okay, but you're my peaches, yes. You're so cute, I want to keep you. You're one-of-a-kind. But when they made you, they broke the mold, if they did. You all right?

Daisy: Yeah, I am sleepy. Can I lie down somewhere?

Gus: Yeah. I'll go get a nurse. Stay here. All right?

Natalia: I got a lawyer to take your case.

Rafe: So how are we going to pay?

Natalia: Don't worry about that. I have a good job now. With good people.

Rafe: So we're staying then?

Natalia: I know it's not chicago, rafe, but maybe this is what we need.

Rafe: It's okay.

Natalia: You mean it, or are you trying to make me happy?

Rafe: Everywhere's the same, right?

Natalia: Well, not really. But I think you're going to like springfield. You haven't really got a chance to see it. But now that we have this lawyer. I know this single mom thing isn't an excuse.

Rafe: Mom.

>>Natalia: No. I don't want you giving up because I haven't given you enough reason to hope.

Rafe: You were there, okay?

Natalia: No, there are so much better things out there for you. Better things than what you know and what you're used to.

Rafe: Uh-huh.

Natalia: Rafe, sweetie, look at me.

Juvie guard: Time's up.

Natalia: Hey. You do what they say, and you stay out of trouble. I'll do my part, and I'll get you out of here. I love you, you know that?

Juvie guard: You're on cleanup detail.

Remy: So he's why you needed the money? What's your son's name?

Reva: Show's over, alan.

Alan: I'm on your side, reva. I think cassie deserved that. You have no idea how much she has been delighting in the pain I've been going through ever since I lost my child.

Reva: It was never your child to lose.

Alan: She couldn't be happier. And I must tell you, seeing her suffer like that makes me feel pretty good.

Reva: You are a sick man. She suffered enough because of you, we all have.

Alan: I'm only observing what goes around comes around, so you better watch your back, reva. You hit me, and I will hit you back. But it won't change the fact that you went after your man, and you got him.

Reva: He is not my man!

Alan: In prison. Now, you should get some bonus points for that.

Reva: You need to walk away right now.

Alan: No, no, no. It's just starting to get good. Everyone knows you would never give up josh. But, tell me, was it an accident that you told cassie that you slept with josh? Or did you want to be the one to give the crushing blow?

Reva: I thought josh...

Alan: Don't, don't ruin it for me. You have renewed my faith in human nature, and survival of the fittest, in taking no prisoners. Actually, you did take prisoner, didn't you?

Reva: I'm leaving.

Alan: Me, too. I know what I have to do now, reva. And I think you do, too.

Cassie: Well, those are really beautiful. You went all out.

Josh: Yeah, well, I want this to be a special time for us, you know. A time to celebrate our future and to talk about the things that have brought us here. But, um, cassie, there is also something I want to talk to you about.

Cassie: Have you tried any champagne yet?

Josh: No, I haven'T. I was waiting for you. Actually, I was starting to worry about you.

Cassie: Well, I said I'm sorry. So, to the three of us!

Josh: To the three of us, you, me, and R.J.

Cassie: No, R.J. Makes four.

Josh: What?

Cassie: You forgot reva. I guess you forgot to tell me that you slept with her, too. Or otherwise I would heard that from you instead of from her. She told me, josh. She told me everything.

Harley: Where is she?

Daisy: Hey, um, want a chip?

Harley: No, you said you were tired.

Daisy: Uh-huh. And hungry. What's the deal, is it broken?

Harley: This is the deal: It's a sprain.

Daisy: This is what a sprain feels like?

Harley: It's a very bad sprain.

Daisy: So bad I can't go back to juvie?

Harley: ( Laughs )

Daisy: All right, well, then, we should be getting back.

Harley: Okay, we should be getting back. Because we have to get you back by curfew.

Gus: Yes, yes, we're going to make the curfew.

Daisy: It's your badge, not mine.

Harley: All right, let's hurry. Oh, I just remembered, I have to get jude from soccer camp.

Gus: Well, you want me to get jude from soccer camp?

Harley: No.

Gus: Or you want me to...

Harley: You take her.

Gus: You sure?

Harley: That's just fine.

Gus: Okay.

Daisy: The clock's ticking.

Gus: Yes, I heard you.

Daisy: Oh, could you hold onto jezeppi for me?

Harley: Jezeppi?

Daisy: The other kids wouldn't understand.

Harley: Probably not. Yes, I will, I will hold onto him until you get home. Because you are coming home.

Daisy: Okay. Race you to the car?

Gus: Yeah, I'll race you to the car. Oh, look who's winning.

Daisy: I'm totally winning.

Gus: Oh, boy.

Natalia: You followed me here?

Remy: One minute you're saying, back to work, and the next I see you sneaking out?

Natalia: I wasn't sneaking out. I am between shifts.

Remy: I was a cop before i worked construction, okay. I know what sneaking out looks like.

Natalia: You're not a cop anymore.

Remy: Natalia, I'm here as a friend.

Natalia: I don't owe you any explanations just because you tried to kiss me.

Remy: Look, you had a kid. What's the big deal? Okay, right, it is a big deal. But it's not like you're the only single mom in this world. If you're worried about your son being here, I can...

Natalia: No, my son is a good boy, and I'm getting him out of here.

Remy: I was going to say that not all of the kids here are bad.

Natalia: Well, he hasn't had it easy.

Remy: Neither have you.

Natalia: No. We've done okay, all on our own.

Remy: Yeah, I can see that. So where's the father?

Natalia: He's never been in the picture. He is a selfish jerk, and he disappeared when I found out i was pregnant.

Remy: Do you know where he is?

Natalia: Chicago. Look, if you're going to be my friend, you have got to back off. Thank you. Excuse me, I forgot to give my son something. It will just take a second. I just want to see my son for one second.

Rafe: Mom, you okay?

Juvie officer: Hey, where do you think you're going?

Rafe: Get off of me! ( Both shouting )

Cassie: So, are you

Cassie: So, are you disappointed that reva spoiled the surprise when you worked so hard to keep it from me?

Josh: Cassie, there were so many times that I wanted to tell you.

Cassie: So what happened?

Josh: At the prison?

Cassie: No. I mean what happened all those times you wanted to tell me?

Josh: Maybe I was afraid. Maybe I was trying to protect you in some way. You'd just been so focused on getting back at alan spaulding, and you hadn't gotten over tammy's death yet.

Cassie: So it's my fault that you didn't tell me.

Josh: No, no, no.

Cassie: That's really funny! Because you know, reva tried to put it on me, too. She said that, well, you know, i had sent her to you.

Josh: Listen to me, please.

Cassie: But you know what? I'm not sure I'm ever really going to get over my daughter's death. So if there is anything else you're waiting to tell me...

Josh: Cassie, just...

Cassie: You just, you think i can't handle it. You think that I'm too fragile. That I'm unstable. Is that your excuse?

Josh: I'm not trying to make excuses, all right. For, for not telling you or for what happened between me and reva.

Cassie: What happened is you slept with her!

Josh: Cassie, it was one night. It had nothing to do with our future.

Cassie: Nothing?

Josh: It had nothing to do with us.

Cassie: It had nothing, right. It doesn't matter. It doesn't count because it was with reva?

Josh: Cassie, I understand that you're angry, and I know that you're upset right now, and it is killing me to think that it is because of me. But think of the circumstances, please.

Cassie: Oh, oh, yeah, you mean like how you were in jail to protect me, even though i never asked you to. In fact, I begged you not to.

Josh: It was my choice, and i made the choice because I love you.

Cassie: Yeah. A choice, like reva made the choice to not tell us about her cancer. Like you both chose not to tell me about this. Well, when do I get to choose, josh? When do I get a choice?

Josh: Cassie, I had no hope because all I could think about was the future without you.

Cassie: Don'T.

Josh: I was facing solitary confinement. I was getting the daylights beaten out of me by salerno's guys on a regular basis, cassie. It was messed up, okay. It made me feel worthless because there was no light at the end of the tunnel. There was no prize at the end. There was no you, cassie. I had no hope. I had nothing.

Cassie: Except for reva. You had her.

Josh: One night.

Cassie: That's all it takes, josh. That's all it takes to change somebody's world. Less even. It just takes seconds. The second that tammy took her last breaths, just like that. Just like that. And you can't go back.

Josh: I don't want to go back. I want for us to go forward. There are a million seconds ahead of us. There's a future ahead of us, cassie. Please tell me that there is some way I can make this up to you. Please tell me there is some way we can put this behind us. You just said, "when do you get a choice?" This is it, cassie. It's now. You get a choice now. And I'm asking you, choose us, please.

Cassie: I did. I did, josh. I chose us. And it still wasn't enough for you. And it never will be as long as reva is still in your heart.

Josh: She's not, cassie.

Cassie: Don't say she's not!

Josh: Cassie. Cassie!

Juvie guard: Wait. Get back!

Natalia: Wait! Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him.

Rafe: Let go of me!

Natalia: I just want to give him this. I just want to give him...

Gus: What is that?

Daisy: What?

Gus: Is that a constant thing? Is there a lot of fighting around here?

Daisy: Yeah, there is always something going on. That's what happens when you put a bunch of angry, messed-up kids in the same place.

Gus: H'mmm.

Daisy: Don't worry, I'll protect you. It's one of the new guys.

Natalia: We're just saying good-bye.

Gus: Come here. I'm signing back in daisy lemay.

Natalia: Is there another way to get out of here?

Rafe: No, why?

Natalia: Nothing. I've got to go, okay? You call me later. I love you.

Rafe: I love you, ma.

Remy: Gus...

Cassie: To true love. ( Cries ) ( cries )

Next on "guiding light"...

Reva: I understand you're angry.

Josh: You have no idea.

Remy: You've got a kid in juvie that's gus aitoro's son.

Natalia: Neither of them knows about the other.

Remy: That's why you came to springfield, to break the news?

Reva: I was trying to make things right.

Josh: I don't think things will ever be right again.

Daisy: Your secret is safe with me.

Josh: You did this to get cassie out of my life!

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