GL Transcript Monday 5/21/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/21/07


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: No new voicemails. Good! (Gasps)

Cyrus: Easy, Detective. It's only me.

Marina: Oh, thank God.

Reva: Ooh-- hey!

Josh: What are you doing here?

Reva: I'm here to visit Daisy. What about you?

Josh: I'm not sure, actually.

TV announcer: And we've got the paternity results right here. Andrew, you are not the father.

Alan: Where the hell are our damned test results?

Cassie: No. No, it can't be Alan. It can't be Alan. It's not right. It's not fair.

Tammy: No, it isn't.

But it is what happened.

Cassie: Sorry, sweetie, I wanted it all to turn out, but I failed you again.

Tammy: We can still make it right.

Cassie: What?

Tammy: You're the only one who's seen this. You had your fingers on those keys a few seconds ago. I saw you.

Cassie: But Tammy, that would be wrong.

Tammy: Would it? I don't think so. I think wrong is me getting killed in a hit-and-run, and Alan getting away with setting it up. Wrong is that child growing up with a monster for a father. Changing that wouldn't be wrong. You would be giving that little girl-- and Alan-- what they both deserve. (Whispers ) It's called justice.

Cassie: Justice. I don't know, Tammy. I don't know. Maybe you're right. This is the right thing to do. I mean, it's nothing compared to all of the horrible things Alan's done. I'd be doing this little girl a favor.

Marina: One please.

Cyrus: You punched me.

Marina: It was long overdue.

Cyrus: I was just saying hello.

Marina: You don't get to say hello to me.

Cyrus: How about hi?

Marina: No. No hi, no "good day mate," none of that. Thank you.

Cyrus: You weren't this hostile the other night in your room.

Marina: I was exhausted, okay? I hadn't slept in days. I was practically delirious.

Cyrus: Good excuses, all of them.

Marina: What are you doing even walking up to me? Your a fugitive. It's my duty arrest you.

Cyrus: You're off duty. No cuffs, no gun.

Marina: I'd tackle you and hold you to the ground. No comments.

Cyrus: I won't let you catch me, Detective. Not unless I want you to.

Reva: Well, that is your visitor request form.

Josh: Yes.

Reva: Are you here, maybe, to see Ashlee?

Josh: No. No. I'm here to see a kid named Rafael. Rafe, he calls himself.

Reva: Oh. How do you know him?

Josh: He tried to mug me a couple of hours ago.

Reva: What?

Josh: Yeah. It's been an interesting day. The kid came out of nowhere, pulled a knife on me. But for some reason, I wasn't scared. He was scared-- clearly. And it was obvious he didn't really want to cut me. It was pretty much an accident on his part. The cops showed up, brought him down here, and I figured I should check up on him, see if there is any way I could help him.

Reva: Classic Joshua.

Josh: I don't think so. It feels different. It feels new.

Reva: How do you mean?

Josh: When I was in prison, I was at a pretty low point. I was very bitter, very angry. I felt like I was alone. Reverend Ruthledge showed up, and we had a little talk. He said some interesting things. He said that even though I could only see darkness at that time, he could see light, sort of all around me and... that I have to share that light with other people. I don't really know what that means, but I haven't stopped thinking about it since he said that. And I, um, I don't know how it affects who I am today.

Reva: You mean now that you're free again?

Josh: Sort of, yes. I'm just trying to figure out what's next for me, and where I belong in this world.

Reva: You mean besides with Cassie? Well, have you come up with any fantastic great ideas?

Josh: Not really, no. But take a look at that.

Reva: Ooh, hello. You signed "member of the clergy."

Josh: Yeah, I know. It's weird. I don't know why I did it. But I do know that I'm here and I was talking to this kid about how he just needs more faith in his life.

Reva: Like what, you want to work for the church?

Josh: (Laughing) No. No, no, no, that's crazy. I mean, if nothing else, I have zero experience in that kind of thing.

Reva: Oh, well, I don't know. You've always acted like you thought you were a saint. (Laughs)

Josh: (Laughing)

Alan: I had Hilda prepare this special blend for you. An infusion of hand-clipped mimosa buds.

Beth: Alan, thank you. Does it have honey?

Alan: I don't know if there's any honey here or not.

Rick: Hello. I've got some tea with skimmed milk. Oh, and I got some of your favorite that candies you like so much, remember?

Alexandra: Well, now, I understand congratulations are in order. Lizzie tells me they should be delivered with a pink ribbon. Ah, a girl. Well, at least Beth is having a girl.

Alan: And I am the father.

Rick: Actually, Alan, that's my line. Alex, my daughter's on the way.

Doctor: Okay, I have the results of your paternity test. Rick Bauer.

Alan: Let me see this. Doctor, this is nothing but a piece of paper to me.

Doctor: We need that form for our files.

Rick: Nice job, Doctor. (Laughing)

Alexandra: Well, so much for the Spaulding dynasty.

Alan: Alexander, why don't you just get out of here.

Alexandra: Why don't we both get out of here, Alan, and leave the happy couple to a private moment.

Beth: Alan, I do need to speak to Rick alone. I'll be all right, I promise.

Alan: Rick, I want you to know I don't accept the results of this DNA test. I want to have this test re-administered by a private lab?

Rick: That's fine, Alan. I have plenty of DNA to spare. But guess what? The same name is going to appear on the paper every single time-- mine.

Alexandra: Let's just go. (Cell phone rings)

Alan: Oh, what luck. My lawyer. I can get him started on this.

Rick: You do that. So you probably don't feel like drinking tea right now.

Beth: No, no, I don't.

Rick: Beth, look at me. We've known each other for a very long time. I saw the look on your face when you heard I was the dad.

Beth: I was shocked.

Rick: No, Beth, come on. It was much more than that. This is exactly what you wanted.

Billy: Hey, did I miss the party?

Cassie: Billy, you scared me.

Billy: Hey, you okay?

Cassie: The most incredible thing just happened.

Billy: You want to tell me about it.

Cassie: Well, Beth found out that Rick is the father of her baby, not Alan. And Alan is over there, and he can barely keep it together.

Billy: Oh, you're loving this, aren't you? Cassie, you've got to let this thing go.

Cassie: I will. I can, now that I got some--

Billy: Revenge?

Cassie: I was going to say justice. You can call it karma, you can call it justice, you can call it closure. I don't care. Alan has finally learning this lesson.

Marina: Keep your hands where I can see them!

Cyrus: Yeah, that line only works with a gun.

Marina: What are you doing?

Cyrus: Waiting for it. How do you like my new uniform.

Marina: What is it?

Cyrus: I told you, I got an honest-to-goodness, real job.

Marina: You're a chauffeur?

Cyrus: You're looking at the gainfully employed driver of Alexandra Spaulding.

Marina: Alex hired you?

Cyrus: You know her?

Marina: Yeah, I know her. The whole town knows her. Does she know who you are?

Cyrus: Uh... no, or she wouldn't have signed me on.

Marina: So how did you land this gig?

Cyrus: Well, I bring a certain sophistication to the driver's seat. And Ms. Spaulding recognized that right away.

Marina: So this is why you stayed in Springfield?

Cyrus: I was ready to leave and then suddenly there was the richest woman in town, like she just dropped out of the sky.

Marina: I see. You see, I knew it. You're setting her up to the your next mark.

Cyrus: No, no, no. No more marks, no more scams.

Marina: You really expect me to believe you're going to work for her, be surrounded by all of that money, and not want any for yourself?

Cyrus: You're going to be late for your movie.

Josh: Reva, come on, really--

Reva: Come on!

Josh: I don't have time, okay?

Reva: We're almost there.

Josh: But I want to make some phone calls...

Reva: That can wait.

Josh: ...See if I can help this kid out.

Josh: Reva-- let me make some phone calls--

Reva: Come on, the guy said he was going to be right inside.

Josh: This guy is who?

Reva: The guy, Brian Yost, the big software big shot, you know. I'm trying to get him to give a whole big heaping pile of money to the Cancer Research Foundation.

Josh: I know Brian. He gave a lot of money to the H.B. Center.

Ra: No kidding? Why do you think I dragged you over here? I need your help to try to squeeze it out of him. You know you... you said you were looking for good deeds to do, okay? You should be lucky you found me so that I found one for you, a good deed. (Laughter)

Ruthledge: Reva!

Reva: Okay, now we have officially entered into the world of weird unless of course you knew he was--

Josh: No, I had no idea, I swear.

Ruthledge: I think I'm missing something.

Josh: We were just talking about you.

Reva: And about faith and doing good deeds...

Josh: Right, right.

Reva: You know the usual.

Ruthledge: Yeah, well I'm glad to hear they're the usual. (Laughter)

Josh: Funny thing happened to me, Stephen.

Reva: Oh, yeah, funny-- ha. He was mugged.

Josh: Yeah. Well that's just the beginning of it's story. This young kid came after me with a knife, the police show up and took him to juvenile hall. And I felt compelled to go and check up on him, see how he was doing. When I was there, at juvi, I signed the form, and I checked clergy. I know that's weird. I don't know why I did it, really. But I can't help if-- wondering if I was trying to tell myself something I guess.

Ruthledge: What do you think that is?

Josh: Well um...

Ruthledge: That you might want to be a member other church, a leader of the church.

Josh: Don't even go there, okay? That's... no, I know that I want to do something with my life and with my faith and I want to make a difference in some way, but that doesn't automatically mean that--

Ruthledge: Josh, I think you'd make a fine minister.

Cassie: So how does it feel, Alan. Come on, tell me how it feels.

Alan: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Cassie: I heard, Alan. That the baby isn't yours, it's Rick's. The other man in Beth's life. The younger man. The one who slept with her and made a little girl.

Alan: It hasn't been proven.

Cassie: It has been proven to everyone but you, Alan. So tell me, because I want to know, do you feel as empty, as lost and heartbroken as I did when you took Tammy away from me? You do, don't you? You do. You feel like everything that was alive inside of you has been scooped out of you and thrown away, like you will never get a breath of fresh air again.

Alan: That's ridiculous.

Cassie: I know you're suffering, Alan.

Alan: Not so. But I do want to thank you for something.

Cassie: Thank me?

Alan: Yes, for reminding me that I am nothing like you. You see, I won't lose a child. I'm a Spaulding. Beth, it's time to get your things. We're need to leave.

Rick: She needs some rest, Alan.

Alan: I'll decide what she needs.

Beth: Okay, you two, don't start, please.

Alan: The DNA test means nothing to me. Zero. This will be settled in a court of law. And history shows, Rick, that I always prevail.

Rick: Well, hey, Alan, you can't change biology. Oh, come on, Alan

Cyrus: It looks like you only stayed for the previews.

Marina: They were out of salt.

Cyrus: You sure you weren't checking up on me?

Marina: How do you know t whole force isn't watching you right now.

Cyrus: Well, you haven't put in a call. Unless I'm surrounded and I just don't know it.

Marina: Five minutes is all it would take.

Cyrus: Here, let me help you.

Marina: No, no. The last thing I need right now is you copping my cell phone and wracking up some six-hour calls to Australia.

Cyrus: You know I'm starting to wonder if you're the cop that you say you are. You had two excellent chances to turn me in-- not including right now. And both times you haven't done it. What does that say about you, hey? Or maybe you just like me more than the law.

Marina: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Alexandra: Well, I wondered where you'd gotten to. Marina, I see you met my new hire.

Marina: Oh, yeah, I've met him once or twice. What I'm wondering is, how well do you know him?

Josh: I never said anything about joining the ministry.

Ruthledge: That's because you're afraid to say it.

Josh: No, that's because I don't see myself in that way.

Ruthledge: Yeah, well, nobody does, until they do.

Reva: Now wait. Just maybe-- clear something up for me.

Ruthledge: Sure.

Reva: If he actually did this, would he have to join a monastery and swear off women and--

Ruthledge: No, it's not quite like that. I mean, there is a lot of training and a lot of study required...

Josh: I've got to think about this a little bit.

Ruthledge: No, no, of course. Of course. But I know the kind of man you are inside, Josh. Listen, maybe we should set up an appointment so we could discuss it.

Josh: Yeah, that would be great. Do you have a couple of minutes right now, though?

Ruthledge: It sounds important?

Josh: I just have a couple of questions for you. There's something that I feel like I need to work out.

Reva: Ah, yeah. You guys go ahead. I'm sure that Brian is probably inside. I'm going to go check. You let me know how it goes.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Reverend.

Ruthledge: What's on your mind?

Josh: We've known each other for a while, right?

Ruthledge: Oh, yes, I'd say so.

Josh: Stephen, I made a mistake.

Ruthledge: What are we talking about?

Josh: Reva and I uh... I've been unfaithful to Cassie.

Ruthledge: I see.

Josh: While I was in prison, in the conjugal visit room.

Ruthledge: And Cassie doesn't know?

Josh: No. I don't want to hurt her.

Ruthledge: And you're wondering when and if you should break the news?

Josh: I don't see that I have a choice. I mean, I can't not tell her something like this and still be the kind of person that I hope to be.

Ruthledge: Josh, there are no easy answers.

Josh: Oh, boy! (Laughs) How did I know you were going to say that, huh?

Ruthledge: You know, it would be presumptuous of me to say what God would or wouldn't want you to tell Cassie. Or that by being honest with her, it is somehow a prerequisite for a career in the church. But I will tell you this: When you're facing a burden like this, it is the kind of thing that can make you-- make the right path seem a little more difficult to find.

Josh: The right path?

Ruthledge: You can't run to the church every time that you do something wrong, when you make a mistake, to have it ease your guilt. All of the good deeds in the world aren't going to make up for it. But if telling Cassie about you and Reva helps-- well, it helps you to forgive yourself, maybe it's a step in the right direction.

Josh: Well, you've given me some things to think about. I appreciate it. Stephen, thank you. I'll see you around.

Tammy: Well?

Cassie: We did it, baby. We did it!

Marina: Now, what kind of background checks do you run on your employees?

Alexandra: I assure you, I'm very thorough.

Marina: Now see, I have a hard time believing that, considering who is driving you around.

Alexandra: Well, my dear, unless he's the Boston strangler, I think I will be just fine.

Marina: You don't care.

Alexandra: Look, he's punctual, he's a fantastic driver, and dare I say, he's easy on the eyes. That's all I care about. Pick me up in front of the jewelry store in five minutes, okay?

Cyrus: Sure. Well, unless being easy on the eyes is a felony, I guess I'm a law-abiding citizen now, just like you.

Marina: No. No, Cyrus, you're not like me. I'm a cop. And this isn't just some job to me. I took an oath to put criminals like you behind bars. I gave my word.

Cyrus: Well, I saved your life. I risked my neck to do it, too, not to mention my freedom. So maybe there are more important things than words.

Alan: Why don't you sit down and rest. I'll have the maid come run you a nice bath and I'll order some dinner, and we can look over the resumes of the baby nurses. What's wrong?

Beth: You're acting like you're the father.

Alan: I'm not acting. This child is ours. I remember, Beth, when you told me that you were pregnant. I knew at that moment, it was very clear to me, that this child we created.

Beth: Alan, I thought so, too, but--

Alan: And I know that this child is going to be a very big part of our life.

Beth: What about the paternity test, the DNA test--

Alan: To hell with the DNA test. Phillip wasn't my blood, but that didn't stop me for one minute from loving him. There's going to be a new Spaulding, Beth.

Beth: Rick isn't going away. He wants to be this baby's father. And he has the test results.

Alan: Who do you want to be this baby's father?

Beth: You, Alan. Of course, of course. You.

Billy: Hey, hey.

Reva: It's diet.

Billy: Oh. Okay, so what's the big news? Did your mega muck, the software guy, give you all the money.

Reva: He finked out on me.

Billy: No?

Reva: But I'll get him. Billy?

Billy: Uh-huh.

Reva: What do you think about the idea of your brother being a minister?

Billy: Minister of what? Ba, ba, ba, bom. (Laughs) Wait, you're serious?

Reva: Josh is serious. I mean, I don't know, he got some kind of an inspiration. I don't know what else to call it. But I also don't know how far he is thinking about taking all of this, but when I left him, he was having a meeting with Reverend Ruthledge about it.

Billy: What? This is like a big step.

Reva: A big step? It could change his whole life. I mean, a decision like that affects what you do with your life, the choices you make.

Billy: What choices?

Reva: The kind of person you are. The way you deal with things, telling the truth.

Billy: Oh, like telling the truth about what you and he did?

Reva: Well, if you go down that road, he's going to have to be honest with Cassie.

Billy: Oh, you are loving this. You just hope he tells her, don't you?

Reva: If it's God's will.

Billy: (Laughing).

Cassie: I am so happy you're home.

Josh: Wow. Well, that's a nice welcome.

Cassie: Yes! Guess who the father of Beth's baby is? I'll give you a hint. It's not Alan.

Josh: I guess that would mean it's Rick's, which is a nice break for the kid. How did you find out?

Cassie: Oh, word travels fast.

Josh: Thank you. Yes, it does.

Cassie: You know what? I feel like I can actually breathe again. I feel like I'll be able to sleep and have decent dreams for a change, just knowing that Alan is not going to be the father of another child. I can't tell you how much relief that brings me. I mean, I know I shouldn't take joy out of people's suffering...

Josh: It's okay, it's Alan Spaulding we're talking about.

Cassie: I just really feel like this is going to make all of the difference in the world.

Josh: I hope so.

Cassie: You don't think I'm a bad person, do you, I mean, for wanting him to suffer?

Josh: Of course not. I would never think that of you. I think you're a good person, a wonderful person, who's had some really bad things happen to her. You didn't do this to Alan.

Cassie: No.

Josh: I think this is a case of the universe saying to Alan Spaulding you cannot act with impunity, no one can. That we have to take responsibility for the things that we've done. That we have to face the consequences.

Cassie: You really think it works like that?

Josh: I'm starting to, yes.

Alexandra: Well, we should get going now.

Cyrus: They're setting up a road block.

Cop: Step away from the vehicle.

Cyrus: Is there a problem, Officer?

Alexandra: Wait a minute. This man is my driver, Officer. He's an excellent driver. I assure you that--

Cop: Over here, now!

Alexandra: Wait a minute. This is ridiculous. He hasn't broken any law, for Pete's sake--

Marina: Oh I can think of a couple. I have my gun with me, right now, but I don't think I'm going to need to use it because he is standing right here. Cuff him.

Cop: Cyrus Foley, you're under arrest for kidnapping and robbery. Hands behind your back.

Marina: You have the right to remain silent. You have the right--

Cyrus: Yeah, I know my rights. Let's just go.

Marina: Works for me. Let's go.

Alexandra: I can't drive a limo.

Alan: Well, it's all settled. I just spoke with the front desk, and we will be staying here indefinitely.

Beth: I thought that we were going home tomorrow.

Alan: Well, the plans changed.

Beth: Why?

Alan: Look, if Rick Bauer tries to harass you in any way, there will be more witnesses here at the hotel than there will be at the mansion, right?

Beth: So this is you protecting me?

Alan: Yes, protecting you and our daughter.

Beth: Alan.

Alan: What?

Beth: What is going to happen when she's born?

Alan: When she is born, we're going to have a huge celebration!

Beth: You know that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Rick. You know, if he wants to fight for his rights as a father, how are you going to hang on to her?

Alan: Don't you worry about Rick. All you do is concentrate on bringing a very healthy baby into this world. I will take care of Rick Bauer.

Josh: You look cold.

Cassie: Well, it's just kind of hitting me now how fast everything is changing.

Josh: Yeah. There is something I need to talk to you about.

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: You know how since my experience in prison, I have been trying to figure some things out. I left Lewis, but I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I could-- I had a sense that there was something that was supposed to happen in my life, but I didn't know what it was.

Cassie: I'm sure it's going to be something great.

Josh: Well, that's the thing. I think I've actually figured it out.

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: I think I know what I want to do with my life, where I want it to go.

Cassie: That's amazing! Okay, what is it?

Josh: I think, um... I think I want to be a minister.

Cassie: Um...

Josh: I've already talked with Reverend Ruthledge about it, and he thinks I would make a fine minister. But, more importantly, it just feels right to me. It feels like path that I'm meant to take.

Cassie: A minister?

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: Wow! I, um, don't even know what to say to that. I mean, really, you got out of prison, and you go straight to-- you know-- you're not angry, you don't want to get revenge. You just want to see what you can do to make the world a better place. And that is really powerful. That is really... that's setting an example for people. And I just-- I don't think I'm-- I'm not that strong, and I'm not that good.

Josh: Don't say that.

Cassie: Really. I mean, you... when I'm weak or I'm going down the wrong path, you are-- you give me hope. And I need that. I really need that now, more than ever.

Josh: Are you okay?

Cassie: Yeah. I am. As long as I'm with you.

Billy: You know, I'm all for honesty here, and I understand it is killing Josh to not tell Cassie. But I don't think this is the right time for him to tell her.

Reva: Why not?

Billy: Well, I think she is just a little off, that's all.

Reva: Off?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I think she...I just don't think it will go down well. Let's just put it that way, okay?

Reva: Well, it may be going down right now.

Billy: No?

Reva: Uh-huh. When I left Josh, he was just getting ready to meet with Reverend Ruthledge about our little prison episode, and knowing Reverend Ruthledge, I'm sure he is going to tell Josh that honesty is the best policy.

Billy: Well, does Josh have to swab the decks right now?

Reva: He is an honoble guy.

Billy: You've got this all figured out, don't you?

Reva: I hope so.

Josh: Cassie, about my time in prison. There are some things that went on in there.

Cassie: Did you hear that?

Josh: What?

Cassie: I think R.J. snuck out to use the telescope again. I'm going to check on him. I'll be right back. R.J.?

Tammy: Guess again.

Cassie: Tammy. What are you doing here sweetie. I told you, I'm going to be fine. Josh is inside. Everything is fine. I'm at peace.

Tammy: Really?

Cassie: Yeah.

Tammy: Let me just ask you one thing, Mom: Was it enough?

Cassie: Was what enough?

Tammy: What you did to Alan, will it ever be enough?

Billy: Do you love your sister?

Reva: Of course, I love my sister. But I love Joshua even more.

Billy: So, whatever happens...

Reva: ...Happens. Believe me, I know things could get ugly. And I know what I stand to lose if they do, but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Daisy: I would pay money to keep my mom away.

Harley: It's parents day, and Dylan is her father and you're not.

Marina: You broke the law, Cyrus. There was no way that this could end.

Daisy: Harley deserves this. She is a rotten mother.

Dylan: She would give her life for you. She almost did once.

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