Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/18/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: I wouldn't have come here if I had anywhere else to turn, but I don't. I need you to help me to stop Alan.
Jeffrey: Stop him, from what?
Cassie: He's going to rig the paternity test to come out in his favor. Now, I know Rick is the father or he probably is the father, but he's going to pay off some guy at Cedars to rig the results. Are you... did you buy a house?
Jeffrey: No.
Cassie: Then where are you going?
Jeffrey: New York.
Cassie: Oh, so you're running away from home?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, I never really considered Springfield my home.
Cassie: Wow, not even when you were living with me?
Jeffrey: I'm glad you showed up, because now, at least I can, you know, say good-bye.
Cassie: No. You will not be saying good- bye...
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Cassie: ...Until we save this child. You have to help me. Just do it for Tammy.
Alan: A little girl. My little girl. Why she's almost as beautiful as her mother.
Beth: Alan, sonogram pictures are never beautiful.
Alan: Well, this one is. Especially because of what she means and represents to us.
Beth: I'm just glad she's healthy. When I fell, I swear...
Alan: The doctor said that the baby is perfect, Beth. Of course she is perfect, she's a Spaulding.
Beth: (Laughs)
Alan: Here, have some orange juice.
Beth: It's good to see you so happy for a change.
Alan: Well, I'll be happier when you're at home, safe, where Cassie can't hurt you again.
Beth: We still have to go through the amnio.
Alan: Yeah, but that won't take long.
Beth: What about the risks?
Alan: The doctor feels this is necessary, okay?
Beth: I'm talking about Rick. He works here. And once he finds out about the amnio, he's going to demand a paternity test.
Alan: And it will reveal that I am the father of our child.
Beth: How can you be so sure?
Alan: Don't you worry because daddy's got everything under control.
(Cell phone rings)
Rick: Hello?
Lizzie: I can't breathe.
Rick: Okay, Lizzie, listen to me. Okay? Just take it easy. Take-- first of all, sit down, and I want you to take a deep breath and blow the air out of your mouth very slowly. Okay? Can you do that?
Lizzie: Yeah. I'm just freaking out, okay?
Rick: Don't worry about, honey. Everything is going to be okay.
Lizzie: Well, I don't feel okay. I feel alone. I miss my dad so much. I would give anything if I could see him right now.
Rick: I miss your dad, too.
Lizzie: Is there any way that you can come over right now?
Rick: Yeah. I'll be right there.
Buzz: What, birds, a plane, what?
Josh: Clouds.
Buzz: See anything good?
Josh: That one right there looks a little bit like an ocean liner.
Buzz: Well, this ship is sailing. Need anything?
Josh: No, thank you. I'm fine. I just want to sit here for a bit and enjoy this fine day.
Buzz: It must feel great to be free.
Josh: Prison makes you think about the things that we take for granted.
Buzz: Cassie must love having you back.
Josh: (Laughs) You know what, I think I better get back to her.
Buzz: Yeah.
Josh: I think I'll walk.
Buzz: You're going to walk? That's a long way.
Josh: Yeah, I know, but it's a good day, I don't want to miss it. You need help with that?
Buzz: Oh, no. I'll get some when I get back.
Josh: Okay. Take care.
Buzz: You too.
Rafe: Got a wallet?
Josh: Put down the knife.
Rafe: Just do it, man!
Cassie: Jeffrey, you loved Tammy. This is our chance to protect another child, the way we couldn't protect her. Please, what is one more day, for Tammy?
Jeffrey: Okay, come on. I know someone at Cedars who can help.
Cassie: Thank you.
Jeffrey: I'm going to do whatever it takes, okay, for you to make this right.
Cassie: Okay. Well, this is it. This is all I need.
(knock on the door)
Lizzie: Uncle Rick.
Rick: Hey, Lizzie. Okay, the heart's still beating, isn't it?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Rick: Good.
Lizzie: Still pounding.
Rick: Good, that's good, because I got you some medicine just in case, you know, things didn't... work right.
Lizzie: Milk and cookies?
Rick: (Laughs) Yeah. I'll tell you, it always worked for me, milk and cookies. And something else I see, you've been drinking?
Lizzie: No, just a glass helps me relax.
Rick: It does?
Lizzie: I, um, I was lighting some candles for Sarah.
Rick: Was this before or after your panic attack?
Lizzie: Um, before. Silly, right?
Rick: No, it's not silly, Lizzie, if it makes you feel better.
Lizzie: I feel like everyone has just forgotten about her. You know, mom and granddad, you know, they're just talking about the new baby all the time. It's just like...
Rick: It's just like what?
Lizzie: Just like my baby never existed.
Rick: Oh, honey, nobody has forgotten about Sarah. It's just a difficult situation, you know. They probably don't know how to talk to you about it.
Lizzie: It's just like everyone has gotten past it except for me. I just feel totally isolated and alone.
Rick: Lizzie, Lizzie, you're mourning the loss of your little girl. And that's perfectly normal. And you know what? You're not alone. I'm here for you, okay?
Lizzie: I feel like I'm not meant to have happiness.
Rick: Why would you say that?
Lizzie: I don't know. I just-- I feel like I'm going to be stuck in that mausoleum full of ghosts for the rest of my life.
Rick: Well, if you're going to be stuck there, you're going to need lots of cookies.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Rick: (Laughs) I'm sorry.
Lizzie: My dad. He was the strongest man I've ever known, and look at what that house did to him. (Cell phone rings) Oh. Sorry. Hello?
Alan: Well, are you keeping Rick busy?
Lizzie: Yes.
Alan: Good. Just keep him detained long enough for your mother to finish her tests.
Lizzie: When will that be?
Alan: Soon. She only has one more to go, and we don't want him around here upsetting her, do we?
Lizzie: No. Everything's okay?
Alan: Everything is just fine, as long as you do your job and don't let me down. Now, remember, you want this baby for our family as much as I do.
Lizzie: Yeah, I do. So don't worry. I, um-- thank you Hilda, for calling. I'll see you later, okay.
Rick: I'm all alone, nobody cares about me, let's see, let's count them out...
Lizzie: Yeah.
Rick: ...You've got Hilda, and me, you've got your mom, Lillian, James, am I forgetting somebody?
Lizzie: Roxie.
Rick: Roxie, is that the hamster?
Lizzie: It's a dog.
Rick: That's a dog?
Lizzie: Yes. (Laughs)
Rick: Well, you know what? You're going to be fine. It's me. I have a ton of calls to return. So I have to go back to work.
Lizzie: Uncle Rick, um...
Rick: What?
Lizzie: Did you ever wonder what that place looks like?
Rick: What place?
Lizzie: You know, the place where Jonathan and Sarah are. I bet it is, really peaceful.
Rick: Lizzie...
Lizzie: I think about it sometimes... a lot.
Rick: There's nothing tougher in life than losing a baby. I wish I had the words, but I don't. My heart goes out to you. But you know what, you're a tough kid. You're a Spaulding.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Rick: You're going to get through this. And I'm going to make sure you're going to get through it.
Lizzie: Oh, you're busy.
Rick: I'm not busy. I'm your Uncle Rick. I've got plenty of time for you, okay? You're like a daughter to me. Your father, before he left, I promised him I was going to take care of you, and I will, okay? Lizzie, I always will.
Cassie: I'm sorry. I had forgotten that it might be kind of weird with you and Buzz.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Well, you know what, he hasn't banned me from the joint yet, so shall we?
Cassie: Okay. And then what?
Jeffrey: Well, then we're going to be on the lookout.
Cassie: For what?
Jeffrey: For lab rats from Cedars. They like to hang out here, you know. They play sudoku, they talk about chess and their magical creature collections.
Cassie: Really?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: Wow. Okay. So if I think I see one, what do I say? Hi, you rigging a Spaulding paternity test?
Jeffrey: Just follow my lead, okay? So, we're just going to, you know, play it cool, calm, cool and collected.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Jeffrey: We're just going to be on the lookout for money.
Cassie: Ah, yes, the big mega dollar Spaulding payoff.
Jeffrey: That's right. So what is one of the first things that someone would do when they get a payoff?
Cassie: They spend it?
Jeffrey: Bingo. That's why we'll be looking for someone, I don't know, with some fancy new shoes, a shiny new watch, anything that doesn't sort of jive with a technician's salary.
Cassie: Gotcha.
Lynn: Hello.
Jeffrey: Hi, Lynn, a couple coffees, please.
Lynn: Okay.
Cassie: So, now what?
Jeffrey: Now, we watch the door.
Cassie: So about this you- leaving thing... what about Ava?
Jeffrey: Well, I told her. We said good-bye.
Cassie: And how did she take it?
Jeffrey: About as well as you would think she would take it. But you know what? I think she is going to be better off without me.
Cassie: Do you know what I would give to have five more minutes with my daughter?
Jeffrey: It's a little different.
Cassie: No. The only thing that is different, Jeffrey, is that your daughter is alive, and she's right here. And clearly she doesn't want you to leave. I really think you will regret it if you leave, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Lab rats at 11:00.
Cassie: Check out the guy with the blonde thing and the shifty eyes.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I think he's myopic. Look at his shoes. Looks like he stole them from a skid-row bum. And that hair, like his wife wound him up with the dog and went at it with the clippers.
Cassie: Well, the other guy's got a watch on.
Jeffrey: It looks like a plastic band. Look at his pants, a little frayed.
Cassie: The shoes look new.
Jeffrey: I don't think so. They look re-soled to me.
Cassie: You can tell that?
Jeffrey: I told you this wasn't going to be easy.
Norm: What up, fellas! Check out my wheels! Lynn, anything they want on me. Got change for a hundred?
Jeffrey: Maybe that could be him.
Rafe: Your money.
Josh: You know, if you're hungry, I'd be happy to buy you some food. But right now you look a little scared. I'm just going to get my wallet out, okay? You know, I have a son who is not much older than you. Why don't you just put down the knife and we can talk, and I promise that I won't turn you in or anything. In fact, I'll help you as much as I possibly can...
Rafe: Shut up! You see what you made me do.
Josh: It's all right. It's okay, son.
Rafe: I'm sorry, okay? I swear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Josh: Listen to me.
Cop: Freeze! Drop it! You okay, Mr. Lewis?
Josh: Yeah, I'm okay, thank you. I'll get this checked at Cedars.
Cop: You're under arrest. Next stop is juvenile hall.
Rafe: I'm going to jail?
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Lynn: You're welcome.
Jeffrey: Hey, Lynn, these guys, they work at the lab at Cedars, right?
Lynn: Yeah. Nice guys. Lousy tippers.
Jeffrey: Does this one tip?
Lynn: Norm. (Laughs) He's the worst. He steals those little packets of jelly.
Cassie: Oh, really.
Lynn: Yeah.
Cassie: Well, we just offer to treat his friends.
Lynn: Yeah. He must have killed a rich aunt or something.
Cassie: Or something. Let's go.
Jeffrey: Wait, wait, wait a minute now, okay? Let me do the talking, okay? I'll do the questioning, and you stay away from the sharp cutlery. Hi, excuse me, guys. Norm, right? Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute outside?
Norm: Why?
Cassie: So we can ask you some questions.
Norm: You're Jeffrey O'Neill, right?
Jeffrey: You got one right. Let's keep it going like that, okay? Come on. Right over here. Just put yourself right here and listen to me. Now, I don't have much time, and I don't have much patience. So I'm just going to cut right to the good part: I have sources that have told me that you've been doing some very bad things, Norman, some very illegal things for Alan Spaulding, such as tampering with DNA evidence, which is a federal offense.
Norm: No, your sources are wrong. I'm in charge of cancer slides.
Jeffrey: Shall we go ask his friends?
Norm: Okay, wait. There are other things I do, too.
Jeffrey: Other things? For Alan Spaulding?
Norm: No.
Jeffrey: Norman, you don't want to lie to me.
Cassie: Remember that movie where they tied the guy to a chair and they pulled out all his teeth? Yeah, they got the idea from him.
Jeffrey: Actually, you can keep your teeth, Norman. I just want to know if Alan paid you off?
Norm: Um...
Cassie: Shall I get the pliers?
Norm: Okay, okay. Yeah, Mr. Spaulding gave me some money and even offered to pay for med school.
Jeffrey: All you had to do was guarantee the paternity?
Norm: Well, it's just a little test. 50/50 shot that it's his anyway. What's the big deal?
Jeffrey: Well, the big deal, Norman, is now you're going to take the day off and someone else is going to be processing that test. I'm going to talk to your supervisor about how you're not feeling well.
Norm: But I've already taken a lot of sick days.
Cassie: You can tell them it's a dental emergency.
Norm: Okay, okay. All right, okay.
Jeffrey: I think I can handle it from here.
Cassie: Okay, thank you.
Jeffrey: All right, you know, Alan might still be the father, but at least we'll get to the truth. Come on, Norman.
Rick: This is terrible.
Lizzie: (Laughs) It is.
Rick: It's like fertilizer. It's terrible. We're going to have to do something. I'm still hungry. Let's go out and grab a bite to eat or see a movie or something.
Lizzie: Um, yeah. You know, a movie... a movie is a good idea.
Rick: Okay, so you want to go pick.
Lizzie: Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
Rick: You want me to do it.
Lizzie: It's your pick. You were nice enough to come over.
Rick: Oh, listen, I appreciate the invitation. I've had too many days home alone, that's for sure.
Lizzie: Huh?
Rick: My daughter is still not speaking to me. And I never see my son because of these after-school programs, it's just...
Lizzie: But you still see him, right?
Rick: No, not very much. Can I share something with you?
Lizzie: Of course.
Rick: I waited a long time to be a father, and I always thought of myself... I wanted to be the kind of dad that was like a, you know, a scout leader, the father that was home all of the time with the kids, somebody who was involved. I didn't want to be like my-- like my own father. I mean, I love my dad, but he was a workaholic and he just didn't have any time for me. I didn't want that for my kids. I want to be present in their lives and have a legacy of being a good dad, and it just-- it just didn't work out that way.
Lizzie: Maybe it still will.
Rick: I don't have that time anymore. But I'll tell you what, if I had a chance to do it over again, I'd do a lot of things differently.
Lizzie: Okay. I can't-- I can't do this, Uncle Rick.
Rick: Do what?
Lizzie: You've got to go to Cedars right now.
Rick: Why?
Lizzie: Um, it's my mom, okay, she's getting...
Rick: Is everything okay?
Lizzie: ...She's getting some tests done, and my granddad doesn't want you there. And he asked me to try to distract you, you know, because the baby could be yours. And if it is, it's just...
Rick: Oh, my...
Lizzie: I think, I think that you're a great dad, but I think that you deserve to know the truth.
Rick: Lizzie, thank you for that.
Lizzie: I'm sorry.
Rick: No. Thank you for telling me the truth.
Lizzie: No, I mean-- because I was hoping that it would be my granddad's so I could spend more time with her.
Rick: Time? Lizzie, if this baby is mine, you'll have plenty-- you'll have no time because you'll be-- you'll be baby-sitting, you're be a godmother, you'll be changing poopy diapers...
Lizzie: Ooh.
Rick: What's wrong with poopy-- you sound just like Minnie saying that. Minnie never liked dirty things. You are going to come with me, right?
Lizzie: Yes.
Alan: Beth, you want me to get a nurse?
Beth: No. I'm just nervous.
Alan: No. You're probably hungry. I put in an order about 15 minutes ago to Company. I don't know where they are, but...
Beth: Well, they have to make it, Alan. You know, we could go across the street and just eat it there.
Alan: No, no, no. I am not leaving this hospital until it is confirmed that I am the father of our child, all right? Finally!
Buzz: Nice to see you, too.
Beth: Thank you, Buzz. You didn't have to bring this over yourself.
Buzz: It's because you're so pretty. I threw in a muffin in there for Lillian, it's a cranberry.
Beth: Oh, her favorite. I'll be sure she gets this.
Alan: Aren't you just the hero, Buzz?
Buzz: Are we cranky this morning?
Alan: I'm just waiting for a little news, that's all.
Beth: Paternity results.
Alan: Not that it's any of your business, but I'll be right back.
Beth: I'll be right here. Sorry, you have to forgive Alan. Uncertainty is not his favorite thing.
Buzz: Oh, I think his bark is part of his charm.
Beth: I like the way you look at the world, Buzz.
Buzz: What about you? How are you? You're the one that should be edgy.
Beth: Ah, I'm nervous. I'm worried about how Alan will react if the results don't come out the way he wants them to.
Buzz: Well, I mean Phillip was his favorite, and, you know...
Beth: He wasn't his biological son. I know.
Buzz: You know, those connections are a funny type of thing. I don't think blood has a lot to do with any of it.
Beth: I think you're right. I would have given anything for a loving father, biological or not. Somebody wise, just like you.
Buzz: What? You okay?
Beth: (Laughs) No, I'm fine. I'm a little light-headed, is all.
Alan: Are you upsetting her, Buzz?
Beth: No, Alan, of course not.
Buzz: Look, make her drink the tea while it's hot, okay? And relax.
Alan: Beth, are you feeling all right?
Beth: Yeah, I'm just, um, feeling a little strange, that's all.
Alan: But the amnio went perfectly well.
Beth: I know. I know. I'm having a hard time shaking this feeling that something is about to go wrong. (Knock on the door)
Jeffrey: Excuse us. I hope we're not intruding.
Alan: You are. What is it that you want?
Jeffrey: Well, I wanted to tell you personally, Alan. You see, apparently there has been some unethical testing going on here at the hospital. Now, I know that you and Beth would not want to be the victims of medical fraud, so you'll be happy to learn that I have been hired by the hospital as an outside arbiter. Isn't that right, Norm?
Norm: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Now, we wouldn't want anything to affect the future of an unborn child. So my first step was to remove this gentleman from the lab. Another technician will be handling and processing Beth's test.
Alan: Listen, O'Neill you...
Jeffrey: No, no, no, Alan. You really don't have to thank me. I'm just doing this in the best interest of the child. But if you want to make a donation, or should I say another donation, Norm here would love to attend medical school. Isn't that right, Norm?
Rick: Is that what you promised this car salesman, medical school, Alan? I had this drawn up last week. It's a court order for a paternity test. I wasn't going to force you to do an amnio, Beth, but since you've already done it, I would like to know if I'm the father.
Alan: You have no right to do this, Rick.
Rick: This says I do Alan. So I want the test, and I want it right now! The nurse is on the way. Don't worry, Alan, this won't hurt a bit.
Jeffrey: He's not going anywhere.
Alan: What do you get out of this, O'Neill? You trying to impress your ex-girlfriend, the one who dumped you and ran off with her sister's husband?
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to do what's right.
Beth: Well, what's right? It's my baby. I know when and how it was conceived.
Alan: Yes, Beth knows the baby is mine.
Beth: Yes. It has to be Alan's.
Nurse: I'm here to take some DNA samples.
Rick: Hi, Nurse Judy. This is actually me and him, okay?
Nurse: Come with me.
Rick: My DNA doesn't have grey hair on it.
Alan: This is a joke.
Lizzie: (Clears throat) I couldn't keep him away.
Beth: No, no, it's okay, honey. Alan shouldn't have put you in that position. I just want to get out of here. I just want to go home.
Jeffrey: That makes two of us. Good luck, Beth. I thought you might be here.
Cassie: Yeah, I kind of had to know how it-- what happened.
Jeffrey: Well, what happens now is there will be a fair test.
Cassie: Fair, mmm.
Jeffrey: Yeah, that's what you wanted, isn't it? Cassie?
Cassie: Yeah, of course.
Jeffrey: Okay. Do you want me to drive you home?
Cassie: No, no, no. I have my car. Thank you.
Jeffrey: Okay. All right. If you're all set, I've got to go take care of Norm.
Cassie: Yeah, I'm all set.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Cassie: Thanks.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: What happened to your hand?
Josh: Oh, I, um-- I was fixing the garbage disposal, and I sliced it. It's okay. Just a couple of stitches. That's all. It's fine. Are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah. I'm fine. I came-- I picked up a-- I came to pick up a prescription for Blake.
Josh: Good.
Cassie: It wasn't ready yet.
Josh: Okay. You want to grab a cup of coffee or something?
Cassie: Um, you know, I don't know how long it's going to take, and I have to drop it off. So maybe it's better if we just meet at home?
Josh: That's fine. I have a stop to make first. Somebody that might need my help, so...
Cassie: Who doesn't need your help?
Josh: I'll catch you back at the house for dinner, okay? And maybe a surprise.
Cassie: A surprise?
Josh: See you in a minute.
Cassie: Okay.
Beth: Are you happy now? How dare you even be here.
Cassie: You know, you are absolutely right, Beth. I'm going to leave. So best of luck to you and all the fathers.
Beth: It's Alan's baby. I know that you want to punish Alan for what he did to Tammy. In fact, I know that's why you're here, isn't it? Because you can't wait to see his face when he finds out that it's Rick's baby. But that's not going to happen.
Cassie: You slept with both of them, Beth.
Beth: Yeah. And it would be very easy to talk about the calendar, and when was the best time for me to conceive. But it goes deeper than that. You've had a child.
Cassie: Two.
Beth: Yeah, right. You had two. And with either one of them, did you just know that you were pregnant? Not a month later. Or a week. But the night that you conceived, because that's how it was with Alan. Yeah, it's a difficult feeling to describe, isn't it? But you just-- there's a change somehow. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?
Cassie: Beth, I don't even care. You know what, I don't even care. You deserve whatever you get.
Lizzie: Mom, are you okay?
Beth: Oh, yes. I just want this baby to have everything that she deserves.
Lizzie: She?
Beth: Yes, honey. It's a girl.
Lizzie: It's a girl!
Beth: Yes.
Lizzie: It's a girl! Oh, goodness, this is perfect. This is great, this is just what we needed. It was totally meant to be.
Josh: Thank you.
Guard: Sure.
Josh: Hi there. You remember me?
Lizzie: Hey!
Buzz: Hey.
Lizzie: So, what are you doing out here?
Buzz: Well, they let me out here every now and then. I was visiting Ashlee and Daisy.
Lizzie: Oh, Daisy, how is she? I've got to see her.
Buzz: She's hanging in. You're awfully happy today.
Lizzie: I am. My mom just found out that she's having a girl.
Buzz: What?
Lizzie: I know. (Laughs)
Buzz: That's amazing. That's amazing because I just saw her and she didn't mention that part.
Lizzie: Oh, well, I don't know, that granddad Cooper thing, she probably felt funny giving too much information. But I am so excited. I already love her so much. I'm going to have so much fun with my little girl.
Buzz: You mean your little sister?
Lizzie: Um, yeah, right.
Josh: So, are your parents on their way down? Or do you live with somebody else? An aunt, uncle, something like that? Is there anybody I can call? Or are you just on your own? Hey, they fixed up my hand pretty good. It wasn't too bad. Just a couple of stitches. And, just for the record, um, I know you didn't mean to cut me. So what did you need the money for? Are you in some kind of trouble? Okay, I'll tell you what. Why don't you just tell me your name and we'll leave it at that.
Guard: It's Rafael.
Rafe: It's Rafe.
Josh: Rafe. Okay. My name is Josh Lewis. It's nice to meet you. (Laughs) Okay, so maybe it wasn't so nice to meet you. But, either way, I'm glad it happened. Look, Rafe, sometimes bad things happen for good reasons. Especially if we learn from them. If somehow they touch our lives and bring about some kind of change, and that's kind of what I'm hoping for you in this situation. So, I'll tell you what, I'm going to leave you my business card. It's got my phone number on it, e-mail address, all that stuff. If you need anything, you call me, all right? And I'll do everything I can to help you, okay? See you around.
Over the sea and far away she's waiting like an iceberg, waiting to change
but she's cold inside, she's wants to be like the water.
When the fire fades away most of every day is full of tired excuses.
But it's too hard to say I wish it were simple but we give up easily.
You're close enough to see that you're the other side of the world.
And can you still love me when you can't see me anymore?
When the fire fades away most of every day is full of tired excuses.
But it's too hard to say I wish it were simple, but we give up easily.
You're close enough to see that you're the other side of the world to me.
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