Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/17/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: I don't want Beth to lose the baby any more than you do. No, it's Alan who should... Lillian? Hi, it's Cassie. I'm... I'm just calling to... to check on Beth.
Lillian: Well, we're keeping a close eye on her, Cassie, but I think she and the baby are doing fine.
Cassie: That's great news.
Lillian: Of course Alan is in there with her now. Well, do you want me to tell her you called?
Cassie: No. No, no, that's okay.
Lillian: Cassie? Hello, Cassie? Oh, honey, I was able to get you some of these great trashy tabloids you love so much.
Beth: Mmm!
Alan: Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Only if they're new, Lillian. She doesn't need someone else's germs all over her hands.
Beth: Alan, I'm fine.
Alan: No thanks to the staff in this hospital.
Lillian: Oh, and just what would you like the staff in this hospital to do to make you happy?
Alan: Protection?
Lillian: Oh, protection from what?
Alan: Maybe from Rick Bauer?
Beth: Oh, okay. Mom? (Clears throat) I'll handle this.
Lillian: Well, sweetheart, he's in your hands. You get some rest, okay?
Beth: You know, Rick hasn't even tried to contact me. So I'm sure that means he doesn't even know about the amnio.
Alan: Don't worry about Rick.
Beth: But he'll demand a paternity test, and there's no way we can avoid it now.
Alan: I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you.
Lillian: Rick.
Rick: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Mel: Whoa! After you're done here, my lawn needs mowing.
Jeffrey: Hi, Mel. Come on in.
Mel: Hey, you moving?
Jeffrey: Yeah. You know, it's... it's amazing how much one person can accumulate.
Mel: You need some help?
Jeffrey: No, but... you might.
Mel: What's this?
Jeffrey: It's my half of the law firm. That's why I called you over here, because I wanted to say goodbye before I left for New York.
Mel: Does this have anything to do with Buzz and Olivia canceling their wedding?
Jeffrey: (Sighs) Let's just say that it's time for me to move on.
Josh: Are we expecting company?
Cassie: Company?
Josh: Who's the third cup of coffee for?
Cassie: Wow, I guess I really am tired.
Josh: Didn't Tammy used to take two...
Cassie: No, I just wasn't thinking. So I talked to Lillian, and it sounds like Beth and the baby are going to be fine.
Josh: Well, that's a good thing, right? Maybe now we can let go and move on.
Cassie: Yeah. Uh... I can't move on yet.
Josh: From what?
Cassie: I can't just black it out and pretend it didn't happen. We have to deal with this if we're going to move on. Honesty is everything, right? I drove Beth to the warehouse because I had a plan, okay? I had to talk some sense into her and...
Josh: I understand that, and... and I know that you would never do anything to hurt Beth or the baby.
Cassie: That's not even what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is where I am right now, what I need in my life right now.
Josh: What you need.
Cassie: But I can't even... I can't blank it out and forget because it just keeps running around and around and around in my head.
Josh: What does?
Cassie: (Sighs) Something Beth said in the warehouse about knowing what the paternity tests would reveal. And if she knows the outcome, Josh, then, most likely, Alan is going to try to rig it or pull a switch somehow.
Josh: Pull a switch? Sorry?
Cassie: Yeah, so that Rick doesn't even have a chance to be the father.
Josh: What does any of this have to do with us?
Cassie: I can't take long walks in the moonlight with you, Josh, with this on my conscience.
Josh: On your conscience?
Cassie: You... you... you're not...
Josh: Cassie, this...
Cassie: You're not getting what I'm saying. Okay. If... if Alan has a plan, then it must be because he knows he's not the father. And if that's the case, we can stop him.
Alan: Oh, our baby's going to be a strong one.
Beth: Or a gymnast. (Laughs)
Alan: You know, Beth, after we lost our last one, I...
Beth: No, I... I know. I was worried, too. But so far, we've been very lucky.
Alan: Hmm. I don't believe in luck. Now, tell me, have you... have you seen a doctor today?
Beth: No, I haven't.
Alan: Well, maybe I need to go remind the staff that the Spaulding's fund a great portion of this hospital.
Beth: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Alan: What?
Beth: While you're at it...
Alan: Yeah?
Beth: ...Maybe you can get me a bowl of Buzz's chili.
Alan: Buzz's chili?
Beth: Well, what can I say? Our baby is having cravings.
Alan: Well, Beth, can't you do a little better than that?
Beth: And how many bowls of that chili have you eaten?
Alan: Well, too many, and I had a heart attack to prove it.
Beth: Extra cheese and onions, please.
Alan: (Sighs)
Beth: Come here. Come here. Come here. (Laughs) I want to tell you something. As a husband, you have a ways to go. But as a daddy, I think you're starting to get it.
Alan: If I had known chili was the way to your heart, I could have saved a fortune. I'll be right back.
Rick: Hey. I just wanted to check and see if you're okay.
Beth: Rick? What... if Alan finds you here, fur is going to fly, and it's not going to be mine.
Rick: Yeah, listen, I can use a haircut.
Beth: Rick, what...
Rick: I just wanted to see if you're okay.
Beth: I'm fine.
Rick: How's the baby?
Beth: The baby's fine.
Rick: That's good. Oh, brought you a little something. Open it.
Beth: (Clears throat)
Rick: Isn't that cute?
Beth: (Laughs)
Rick: Isn't that cute? (Laughs)
Beth: "Springfield High, Class of 2026."
Rick: Yeah, yea
Beth: Hmm. You know what that means? You'll be 100 by then.
Rick: Yeah, we're the same age, kiddo. Don't forget that.
Beth: Yes, but I look a lot better than you do.
Rick: Yeah, listen, I can't argue with that. So you're sure the baby's going to be okay, Beth?
Beth: Yeah.
Rick: Good. That makes me glad. And this makes me even happier.
Mel: You know, you can run from the past, but it won't change the connection you feel. Look at Rick and Beth.
Jeffrey: Well, Rick and Beth were childhood sweethearts. Olivia and I were... something different, and not "good" different.
Mel: Well, you share a daughter together. Got any other kids?
Jeffrey: Not that I know of. Have you seen another brown shoe around here somewhere?
Mel: You know, even if I'm really angry at Rick, when it comes to Leah, we're a team, we're... we're a couple.
Jeffrey: There it is.
Mel: You still haven't told me why you're leaving.
Jeffrey: Look, I thought your mother was the psychologist.
Mel: She is. I'm just an overworked attorney that doesn't want your caseload.
Jeffrey: You can handle it, Mel.
Mel: You handle it! Look what you're leaving behind. I mean, you have friends here, Jeffrey, real friends like me. I don't want to lose you because you're afraid.
Jeffrey: I'm not... I'm not afraid, okay. I'm... Mel, I'm just trying to do what's right.
Mel: Right? Right for Ava? I mean, how... how do you think she's going to feel when you tell her?
Jeffrey: I don't know. Probably the same way that Leah felt when you told her about Rick.
Mel: Okay, cheap shot.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) Give me that tape. Thank you.
Mel: So why did Buzz and Olivia cancel their wedding, anyway?
Jeffrey: I don't know. You'll have to ask them.
Mel: I'm asking you.
Jeffrey: Olivia deserves something better, Mel. So does Ava.
Mel: And what do you deserve?
Jeffrey: I don't know. You know what? It's not even about deserving. I need to go back to New York, okay? I need to... to be what I was before. Before I was someone, and I didn't need anyone or anything. I need to go back to New York and be free.
Mel: From everyone who cares about you.
Jeffrey: It's better this way.
Reva: Oh. So... how is Buzz?
Frank: The truth?
Reva: That would be lovely.
Frank: He's having a really rough time. She broke his heart. She broke his heart. And, you know, I've got a real taste of what you and Josh have been going through, I've got to say. I... I really thought I was in love with Olivia. And then she and dad started to have this...
Reva: Thing?
Frank: Thing. Yes, that's... that's a good word for it. I fought it for a long time, and then I just decided I should step aside and let them have their shot. Pretty stupid, right?
Reva: You know, I'm sorry that Buzz and Olivia didn't make it to the altar. I mean, she'll never find a better man. She won't. But my situation isn't the same.
Frank: Yeah, I know. It is different. I mean, you and Josh have been married for years, you've got a couple of kids, and...
Reva: Yes. And I didn't step aside because I thought he belonged with her. I mean, we've had a lifetime together. I thought I was dying.
Frank: And then Cassie just stepped right in.
Reva: Yeah. And stayed. (Sighs)
Frank: How about I make you a nice, fresh cup of coffee, huh?
Reva: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Frank: I still know how to use that machine, believe it or not.
Reva: You also still know how to change the subject.
Frank: Look, you're right, our situations are different. But there... there is one thing that is the same, and that is: No matter how much you love someone, it always... it always comes down to family. The rest kind of comes and goes, but... you know, it's always all about the family, right?
Buzz: What... what are you... what are you doing? I... I... I want to be alone.
Reva: Look at Buzz, staring at the wall, all lost and lonely. Look at Buzz and the cards he's been dealt. Isn't it sad? If you love somebody, you have got to fight for them.
Beth: Alan's the father.
Rick: You don't know that yet, Beth. You don't know that yet. And even if the DNA comes back as a match, do you really want him raising the kid? Look what he did to Alan-Michael.
Beth: Hey! Hey, you know, not all of Alan's Michael... Alan... Alan-Michael's problems can be blamed on Alan.
Rick: What about Phillip's? Beth, the fact is, he destroyed both of their lives. And... and Lizzie, what about Lizzie? I don't even want to get started with her and the baby. Look at me. Is that the future you want for your kid?
Beth: Rick, come on. You know, being a Spaulding...
Rick: Don't. Beth, Beth, Beth, please don't go there. You know something, Beth? I... I really hope, 20 years from now when we're reminiscing again, I don't have to say I told you so.
Alan: Hello, Leah. What? What are you studying?
Leah: The reproductive organs of the bullfrog.
Alan: Well, this is certainly the appropriate place. Are you planning on being a doctor like your parents?
Leah: I'm only a freshman. The only thing I'm sure about is I'm going to be sick when we dissect our frogs.
Alan: (Laughs) I'm sure you'll be just fine. After all, it's in your blood. The Bauer's are to medicine what the Spaulding's are to everything else.
Leah: If you say so.
Alan: Yeah. If I were you, I would consider following in your father's footsteps, as a matter of fact. That is, if you can find them.
Leah: What?
Alan: Well, I know that your mother and father are going through their difficulties right now.
Leah: Difficulties? They're getting a divorce.
Alan: Still, family has always come first to the Bauer's, just like me. And I... I hope that your parents can work out these problems before the Bauer barbecue, which is just in a few months.
Leah: And why?
Alan: Why? Well, I... I think it probably has been very difficult for you, Leah, to... to go through what you're going through right now, to see your parents torn apart like this, hmm?
Leah: Well, it hasn't been easy.
Alan: No. But let me tell you this: I think that your father may be ready for a reconciliation.
Leah: Really?
Alan: Yes. And I think it might help if you would suggest that. It may facilitate things. I remember last year at the barbecue, when you pretended to be sick, it seemed to really help things.
Mel: What the hell is going on here? Leah, outside now, please. You know what, Alan? When you were in that coma, I should have smothered you.
Cassie: We both know how destructive Alan can be. The way I see it, we're protecting a child from a life of misery.
Josh: Cassie, even if Beth is carrying Rick's child...
Cassie: She is carrying Rick's child.
Josh: ...The man who ends up raising that child will be her choice, not ours.
Cassie: Not if we can prove criminal intent, and Alan is a criminal.
Josh: But if Beth was in on the plan...
Cassie: Then she goes down, too. I don't care. This way, the baby, at least, will be safe with Rick.
Josh: And you'll be okay with that, taking a baby away from its mother?
Cassie: Alan took my baby away from me.
Josh: Yeah, Alan took your baby away from you, not Beth.
Cassie: This is what Tammy wants!
Josh: Is that what Tammy told you?
Cassie: Look, I am absolutely certain that this is what she needs.
Josh: What she needs.
Cassie: We can't save Tammy. It's too late. But with your help, I can save this little girl.
Josh: Or boy.
Cassie: Right.
Josh: Cassie, I want to help you find peace, I really do, but I am not a detective.
Cassie: You don't have to be a detective. You just make a few phone calls.
Josh: To who?
Cassie: To other doctors. There have got to be independent doctors out there who will do tests on Beth. (Sighs)
Josh: Oh, boy.
Cassie: Think about this. Josh, please. Once we do this, then... then we'll be able to put Tammy to rest for good, and we can go on with our lives.
Josh: I'm sorry. I can't help you with this.
Cassie: Why not?
Josh: Because, Cassie, too many people will get hurt in the process, especially you.
Cassie: I need this, Josh. I need this to feel like I am doing something to make up for what happened to Tammy. And if you can't get that, if you're not on my side with this...
Josh: Then what?
Cassie: I just... I need to know you're on my side, that you're not anywhere else.
Josh: Of course I'm on your side. Where else would I be?
Reva: How many times have you been in love?
Buzz: Actually, not that many.
Reva: Right. Because love is rare. And it's precious, and we're not just teenagers who can break up with somebody one day and expect to find someone new the next. It's years or it's never. And when you find somebody you love, you grab on to it. When you know that you want something, you take it. People who... who give up are weak and sad, Buzz, and that's not you.
Buzz: Look, I'm glad you seem to care about me, but since when do you think it's a good idea for me and Olivia to be together?
Reva: I really don't want to get into that.
Buzz: Well, I do.
Reva: You've got so many other things to worry about right now.
Buzz: What's going on here?
Reva: I had a talk with Frank. Dear, sweet, selfless Frank, who stepped aside so that you could be with Olivia.
Buzz: Oh, like you stepped aside so that Cassie could be with Josh.
Reva: Only I'm not Frank. And I'm not even you. I'm Reva Shayne, and when I want something...
Buzz: You're damn well sure to get it, usually, yeah.
Reva: Most of the time.
Buzz: Yeah. So what are you going to... to do? Are you going to go after Josh? I bet he said he wanted to stay with Cassie.
Reva: Well, he said a lot of things.
Buzz: So what are you going to do? Are you going to... are you going to put on your red dress and try to seduce him? Because you can't get a man unless he wants to be gotten, not even if you're Reva Shayne and he's Josh.
Alan: I called in an order of chili. I don't know what's taking so long.
Mel: Why were you trying to manipulate my daughter?
Alan: I wasn't trying to manipulate her. I saw her sitting alone and went over and said hello.
Mel: No. You said that her parents might be able to get back together if she suggested it.
Alan: Well, there is always a chance. I was just trying to help, that's all. I... I think it must be a very confusing time for her right now.
Mel: I'm assuming you're talking about my divorce from Rick?
Alan: No. I'm talking about this delusion that Rick is under, thinking that Beth is pregnant with his baby. I think that would be very hard for Leah to process at this time.
Mel: Beth is pregnant?
Alan: Yes. He... he didn't tell you that? Well, maybe that's... maybe that's a good sign, that he's starting to see the reality of the matter.
Mel: And the reality is?
Alan: The reality is that I am the father, of course, and Beth is sure of that.
Mel: Is she?
Alan: Yes. Why don't you ask her? But, you know, Mel, what I think his obsession is really all about, is you. '
Mel: Me?
Alan: You and Leah, yes. I think... I think he's subconsciously trying to reunite with his own family. And since he can't do that now, he's... look, I've got to get this chili back to Beth before it gets cold. But if... if you do care about Rick, I would reach out and try to comfort him right now. I think he needs the support of his family. Because if he doesn't, otherwise...
Mel: Otherwise what?
Alan: Otherwise, there's no telling what trouble he could get into.
Cassie: I'd say try Dr. Gold first. I know he has a background in genetics.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: You just said you were on my side. Now, try him. We can ask him...
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: ...If he can access the hospital records that Beth has...
Josh: Cassie, do you love me?
Cassie: Come on.
Josh: It's a simple question: Do you love me?
Cassie: Yes, of course I love you.
Josh: Well, good, because you know what? I love you, too. And do you realize how blessed we are to be standing here right now in this beautiful home? How peaceful it is here. You don't need to lash out at Alan Spaulding. Cassie, you don't need to worry about Alan Spaulding. We have so much together, you and me and R.J. But you need to let go of this hatred that you're feeling right now-- this hatred that's hurting only you, that's eating you up inside-- and you need to hold onto me a little tighter.
Cassie: I will. I will, just as soon as Alan pays for taking Tammy away.
Josh: Alan pays every single day just by being who he is. You have suffered an incredible loss. And you need to heal. And I want to help you with that in the same way that I want you to help heal me. We can walk down this path together, Cassie, and we can have a life that is filled with love and happiness and laughter. But only if you let go of him and concentrate on us.
Cassie: He left you in prison.
Josh: I know that.
Cassie: Josh, he knew you didn't shoot him, and he left you there to die!
Josh: I know. I know, but the fact is, I didn't die. And you know why? Because there is a power that is infinitely greater than Alan Spaulding. Look, I freely admit that I lost faith while I was there in prison. In fact, I almost lost myself entirely. But then I came out of it.
Cassie: How?
Josh: I prayed. Externally, yeah, I was still sitting there in that prison, alone and miserable. But inside, I wasn't there anymore.
Cassie: Where were you?
Josh: I was here with you, feeling safe and feeling loved. And you can have that, too. You have to let go and let me help you.
Cassie: It's late. I got to go pick up R.J.
Ava: Huh! So you're leaving?
Jeffrey: Okay, okay. Look, I was going to call you and tell you.
Ava: When? When you got to New York?
Jeffrey: Oh, so you've been talking to Mel. What else did she tell you?
Ava: Not much more. But if there's anything else, Jeffrey, I would love to know.
Jeffrey: It's just... it's time for me to go, that's all.
Ava: Look... listen, when I asked you to clear the air with Olivia, did you sleep with her?
Jeffrey: No. No!
Ava: But you did enough, right?
Jeffrey: Yes, I did enough.
Ava: Was she a willing partner?
Jeffrey: Okay, look, you know what? We don't have to have a trial here. Okay, I am guilty. I wrecked Olivia's life not once, but twice. Which is why I'm going to try to do the right thing for everyone and just go.
Ava: For everyone? For everyone? What about your daughter?
Jeffrey: Trust me, you'll thank me in the future.
Ava: You've been absent my entire life. I'm just getting to know you, and actually I was thinking maybe you liked me.
Jeffrey: I... I do like you. Ava. In fact, I...
Ava: What?
Jeffrey: Ava, you're my daughter. I'm glad you're my daughter.
Ava: But I am not important enough in the end, am I? I'm such an afterthought that you can just have me disconnected, like the phone.
Jeffrey: Ava...
Ava: And why would you leave without saying goodbye to me?
Jeffrey: You're taking this the wrong way. You matter to me. You matter to me more than anything.
Ava: Yeah, which is why you were going to call me after you ate lunch on the plane.
Jeffrey: You know, what happened with Olivia when we were kids was terrible. It was a terrible mistake, the worst mistake I ever made in my whole life. But out of that terrible mistake came something incredible: You. I am so proud to be your father, and I know I can't even take credit for who you are and what you've become, but I am so proud. That's why I have to leave. If I stayed, I would just make things more difficult for Olivia and for you. I'd mess things up. Don't you see what I'm saying? I'm leaving because I do care.
Ava: No, don't... don't go. Please, don't, okay? I don't want you to go.
Jeffrey: I have to.
Ava: But I don't want you to, okay? Please. You're my... you're my father and you've made mistakes, and I know that. But I want to get to know you. I mean, like, what's your favorite color?
Jeffrey: Ava, it's blue.
Ava: Blue! See, blue... blue's my favorite color, too. See how much we have in common? See how much more we can learn about each other? Please, I just don't want to lose you.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I... I have to go.
Ava: Is this... this is goodbye?
Jeffrey: It's... it's... it's "see you later."
Rick: I got here as quick as I could. So what is it? What is it? Why couldn't you tell me on the phone? Is it... was it about Leah? What...
Mel: Yeah, yeah, it's about your daughter.
Rick: What is it?
Mel: And your good friend Alan Spaulding. I caught them together earlier.
Rick: Alan and... you caught them together?
Mel: Yeah. He was messing with her head. When exactly were you going to tell me, Rick?
Rick: What are you talking about? Tell you what?
Mel: That you think you're the father of Beth's baby.
Alan: Double order of Buzz's famous chili with extra cheese and onions coming right up.
Beth: Now that is what I call service.
Alan: What is this? Did Elizabeth bring you this? (Chuckles)
Beth: No, Rick did. Don't overreact.
Alan: Oh. It's so small. It's hard to believe that a little baby can fit into that.
Beth: What's going on with you?
Alan: I'm happy, that's all.
Beth: Why?
Alan: Because I have solved the Rick Bauer problem. And, by the way, our baby will not be going to public school.
Reva: Hey, clumsy.
Josh: Hi, there.
Reva: I had a talk with Frank. He told me the good news, that they're not going to press charges against Cassie.
Josh: No, they're not. No reason.
Reva: And that's all you're going to say?
Josh: Well, the last time you and I had a conversation about Cassie, you almost threw me off the lighthouse.
Reva: Oh. Well, I guess it's a good thing you're standing on solid ground, huh?
Josh: Uh-huh.
Reva: I do remember another conversation that happened on top of the lighthouse, though, the night we tore up our divorce papers. We had a good, long talk about fate and destiny, and I can't help but wonder whether you've changed your opinion on whether they exist or not.
Josh: Where are you going with this?
Reva: Lillian. Lillian wants me to be the new poster girl for the Springfield Cancer Society.
Josh: Really?
Reva: Mmm.
Josh: Well, I think you'd make a fine poster girl. I might even hang you up in my locker.
Reva: (Laughs) I think it's more about fundraising.
Josh: Did you say yes?
Reva: Well, that's just the thing. I mean, I've already committed to one choice, and then all of a sudden this other thing drops into my lap.
Josh: Ah. Well, I think everything happens for a purpose, but they don't always just happen by themselves. Sometimes you have to make them happen. For instance, someone just said to me recently that I have to start taking responsibility for the choices I've made in life, which is exactly what I'm trying to do.
(Light knocking at door)
Buzz: Who is it? (Louder knocking) Who is it? Oh. Hello! Moxie, what are you doing here? Let's see. "I am one lonely mutt since Ashlee went away. Can I..." fresh. "Can I sleep with you until I get back?" No! Frank, Coop, this isn't funny! This... oh, man! Look, I don't need fleas. I just... I don't need fleas. I don't... I can't... Frank, Coop! I can't... I'm in no condition to take care of a dog. You can sleep with me one night, just one... no!
Beth: Alan, how did you deal with Rick?
Alan: Relax, Beth. All I did was remind his wife and his daughter how much they mean to him.
Beth: Ex-wife. Rick and Mel are getting a divorce.
Alan: Beth, remember, we got a divorce, but that did not change our feelings for one another, did it? All some couples need is just a little nudge to get them back together.
Rick: Now, wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second. I... I wasn't going to say anything about the baby until after the paternity test.
Mel: Do you really believe it's yours?
Rick: There's a chance it could be Alan's.
Mel: A chance?
Rick: I always seem to find a way to hurt you.
Mel: You know, I'm not going to pretend like this doesn't hurt, but we're both adults here, and judging from what Alan said earlier, you're in for some trouble.
Rick: What do you mean? What kind of trouble?
Mel: Well, he's going to do everything he can to keep you away from that baby. And... if you want, I... I could represent you.
Rick: What? No, Mel, I can't ask you to do that.
Mel: No, you didn't ask. I just offered.
Rick: Well, I mean, you're certainly, in my opinion, the best attorney in this town and...
Mel: You know what? There's no way I'm going to let a little Rick become a little Alan, so give me a dollar.
Rick: What?
Mel: Give me a dollar. Yeah, that's right. As of now, you are my client, so let's go get him.
Beth: Alan, Rick still thinks this baby is his. He's not going to give up just because you had a little talk with Mel.
Alan: If they force that paternity test tomorrow, I guarantee the results.
Beth: You what?
Alan: When they open that envelope to see who this father is, there will be one name on it, and that name will be mine.
Josh: I think you should take the job. I mean, you could make a real difference-- not that you haven't already, of course.
Reva: I don't have the energy for it.
Josh: Oh, come on, Reva. You are energy. You are a force. And you also happen to be living proof that cancer research does work. An experimental procedure saved your life, right?
Reva: You saved my life.
Josh: I was just there.
Reva: Exactly. I would have to do it my way, though.
Josh: (Laughs) Yeah, naturally.
Reva: Uh-huh.
Josh: Mm-hmm.
Reva: No stuffy fundraisers. I'd have to throw parties and blackmail people into making huge donations.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Reva: In fact, maybe I'll start with you.
Josh: Oh, I see, you're going to blackmail me right here and now for a donation?
Reva: Write me a big, fat check or I'll tell Cassie we slept together. (Laughs) Oh!
Josh: Maybe we'd all be better off if you did that.
Jeffrey: Hi. This is really not a good time.
Cassie: Well, this is an emergency, and you're the only one who can help me.
Jeffrey: Help you what?
Cassie: Punish Alan Spaulding.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: It will reveal that I am the father of our child.
Beth: How can you be so sure?
Cassie: He's going to rig the paternity test.
Beth: I'm just having a hard time shaking this feeling that something is about to go wrong.
Cassie: Best of luck to you and all the fathers.
Beth: Are you happy now?
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