GL Transcript Wednesday 5/16/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/16/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: "The bells used to toll frequently, not only for the boats caught in the heavy fog on the water, but for weddings, funerals, and the Fourth of July."

Billy: Are you going to try to fix this old gearbox?

Josh: Yeah, that's the plan.

Billy: Why?

Josh: Because, Billy, it's the right thing to do.

Billy: Wait, wait. Nobody even knew about this...

Josh: You know what? That's not the point.

Billy: Okay, then what is the point?

Josh: Well, in the early days of Springfield, people used to take comfort in hearing the sound of the bells.

Billy: Oh. Well, I think it's a good thing to take comfort then.

Josh: Well, amen to that. Are you going to help me with this, or what? Let's do it. ( Laughter )

Radio announcer: So that's it, folks. Mail your entries to the "Name That Spaulding Baby" contest. Win half of Alan Spaulding's fortune. Just kidding. But we do have some cool prizes.

R.J.: Mom, what's wrong?

Cassie: Huh? Nothing. Nothing, honey. I'm okay. So what have got here for number six?

Josh: What about now?

Billy: Wait, wait!

Josh: What?

Billy: Nothing!

Josh: Billy, come on!

Billy: Hey, look, we will be deaf when this thing starts to work, okay?

Josh: Yeah, okay. Just a second.

Billy: Uh-huh.

Josh: What about now?

Billy: Nothing!

Josh: Torque wrench.

Billy: Yes, sir. Josh, this isn't going to happen, is it?

Josh: You know what? You've got to have faith, Billy. ( Laughter )

Billy: Where did you learn how to work on these?

Josh: I looked it up on the internet, all right?

Billy: Okay.

Josh: Okay. All right, the fact is, I don't know what I'm doing, but there's something... I just believe I'm supposed to figure it out for some reason.

Billy: Oh, no, Josh is on a mission. Lord help us all! ( Laughs )

Josh: Okay, one last thing. Hang on. Come on.

Billy: Hey, wait, wait, something is starting to happen.

Josh: Wait for it. Wait for it.

Billy: I'm waiting for it. ( Bell ringing )

Josh: Oh! Oh!

Billy: Whoa! Oh, that's beautiful. ( Laughter ) ( bell ringing )

Cassie: Do you hear that? ( Laughter )

Josh: Hey! ( Cheers and applause ) Thank you. Bring it on! Bring it on! Friends and neighbors, the Springfield bells have been restored. Back in the day, they would cut through the fog and help sailors find their way home. And my hope is that the same thing will happen for us.

Billy: All right. ( Cheers and applause )

Josh: Good, excellent. Everybody... how we doing?

Cassie: You did it.

Billy: Yeah, he did, didn't he? You are something else, Josh!

Cassie: And they sound amazing!

Harley: They're magical, Josh. They really are, they're just magical. ( Bell ringing )

Gus: Um... they supposed to go... supposed to go off that often?

Cassie: Yeah, how often are they supposed to chime?

Billy: That's, um... once a day.

Marina: How long has it been?

Josh: Um, 37 minutes. ( Laughter )

Gus: Maybe you guys need to adjust something.

Josh: Yeah, maybe we need to do something. Just talk amongst yourselves. Excuse us.

Billy: You hooked up the spring...

Josh: Billy, shut up, okay?

Remy: I'm sure glad you guys know what you're doing.

Billy: Why are you here?

Remy: What else am I supposed to do?

Josh: Everything looks right on this, I just... wait a second. Wait a second. Remy, hold that for a second.

Remy: I mean, it looks like the diagram...

Josh: Uh-huh.

Remy: I guess you'll just have to wait until tomorrow. If the bells chime on a regular schedule, then you're good to go, right?

Billy: Yep. We'll just have to wait until then. Okay.

Josh: Let's just go. It'll be fine.

Billy: Yep, down this way. ( Bells ringing )

Josh: No way!

Billy: That is a little louder this time.

Josh: That's impossible.

Remy: When's the last time it went off?

Josh: It's exactly 37 minutes.

Billy: Oh, that's impossible. That's not true.

Josh: I think we have a problem.

Billy: Yeah.

Harley: Hey, Billy.

Billy: Hey. Everybody still loves it, don't they? I mean, that's quite a sound, isn't it?

Gus: Yeah, once every, like, five minutes.

Billy: Actually, that's every 37 minutes. That's the cycle right now.

Gus: Do you guys even know what you're doing?

Billy: Of course we do. Look, you can't really tell what's going on until the bells are chiming and the gears and the springs are all turning, so...

Harley: Right.

Gus: Yeah, so it's every 37 minutes...

Harley: What he's saying is he has a small window.

Billy: See?

Gus: There's the small window.

Billy: Small window. You're getting on it. That's okay.

Harley: Good luck.

Gus: Getting on it? What's he talking about? He needs to get on it. ( Bells ringing )

Josh: What else does it say?

Remy: The bells ring in a mathematical sequence.

Josh: How do you make it stop?

Remy: Try pulling out one of the gears.

Josh: Great. This is working out just great.

Remy: Should have known something that starts off this good couldn't end that way.

Josh: What about the guy from New Hampshire, this expert guy? Did you call him?

Remy: Yeah, I called him. He's the last true keeper of this lighthouse, including the bells.

Josh: Did you tell him that I wanted to fly him here?

Remy: He doesn't fly. Said he'd love to help, but won't make the trip.

Josh: That's great. That's just terrific. I've got to do something here. People aren't going to be able to sleep if these bells keep going off like this.

Remy: Yeah, I'll call the guy again. I mean, you're rich, how much should I offer him?

Josh: Whatever it takes. ( Bells ringing ) ( bells ringing )

Natalia: You all right?

Marina: What? Yeah, why?

Natalia: Oh, no, you seem like you were... never mind.

Marina: I think I'm just tired.

Natalia: I hear that.

Marina: Yeah. Right? Bells.

Natalia: The bells.

Marina: So, Cassie, have you heard from Josh?

Cassie: He can't figure out how to fix it.

Natalia: Somebody should have warned me about this before I moved here.

Cassie: I know, I know. But Josh got the bells to start, he will get them to stop.

Marina: No one is saying that it's his fault.

Cassie: It's fine. He's going to fix it. I know he will. ( Bells ringing ) ( bells ringing )

Josh: Ugh. Hey. How's it going down there?

Billy: Oh, hey, people love the bells.

Josh: Come on, Billy.

Billy: Josh, what do you want? They hate it. They're tired. They're angry.

Josh: Are they angry at me?

Billy: Well, they haven't come with pitchforks and torches yet, but it's getting close.

Josh: I've got to figure out how to fix this.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: What about the guy from New Hampshire?

Billy: I told Remy to offer him stock in Lewis Construction.

Josh: And?

Billy: And I'm sorry, but he's not going to do it.

Josh: Great. What's the matter with people, you can't bribe them anymore? All right, I can do this. 35 minutes and counting. Do you think maybe people would get used to it? Like maybe after a while people won't notice anymore?

Tammy: Hey there.

Cassie: Hey, sweetie.

Tammy: Mom, are you okay?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm just tired. I'm tired of the lack of sleep, and lack of justice and the sound of those bells.

Tammy: What's up with that?

Cassie: Oh, God, you know, I loved them at first. It kind of sounded hopeful. But now they just sound like they're marking time. More time going by where Alan is building a new life, and stealing a baby, and starting a new family while I'm just staggering on here trying to figure out how to live without you. I have to fix it, honey. I have to fix it...

Josh: Hey. Sorry I haven't been able to be here with you.

Cassie: No matter. You're here now.

Josh: Yeah, yeah, but just for a minute. I'm just... I've just got to pick up some tools.

Cassie: No, could you please maybe just, I don't know, stay with me for a little while? I just... I feel haunted by those bells.

Josh: Yeah, sure. I can do that. Billy's there. He can work on some things. Is everything okay here?

Cassie: Yeah, everything is fine. It's just we do have an answering machine full of really angry messages.

Josh: Right. I figured that. I can't really blame people for being mad at me, though. Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing. But it's not going to last forever.

Cassie: You'll fix it. You fix everything.

Josh: Hey...

Billy: Hmm?

Josh: You should go home and get some sleep.

Billy: No. I like it here. How much time before the next one?

Josh: A few minutes.

Billy: Oh, good.

Josh: You know, I really thought I could make things better. Sometimes you just can't.

Billy: Are we talking about the bells?

Josh: I just came from seeing Cassie. Every time I... I don't know, I think to myself, "should I tell her what happened between me and Reva in the prison?"

Billy: How do you think she'll take it?

Josh: How would you take it?

Billy: I wouldn't tell her.

Josh: But I'm lying to her.

Billy: Hey, come on. You're protecting her. She's fragile, Josh.

Josh: Yeah. I just feel like if I could figure out what I want to do with my life, then everything else would fall into place.

Billy: Oh, yeah. I... I don't know anything about that.

Josh: There's an answer out there for me somewhere, looking for it. I can't see it. Of course right now the only answer I'm interested in is what's going to stop the damn bells. 37 minutes, by the way, and counting.

Billy: Little brother, I got you a little something down on Main Street. I think you're going to like this. This is for when you go out in public.

Josh: ( Laughs )

Billy: ( Laughs ) That's what I got you. Take it.

Josh: Thank you, thank you, but I'm never going down there again so I don't think I'll be using it. Thank you.

Billy: My what? ( Laughs ) Oh, man, you're delirious. I'll get out of here. Hey, you've got about ten seconds before the happy music comes.

Josh: Okay. No bells. Billy, Billy! I think we got it! Billy! ( Bells ringing ) Ah! Never mind! Uh!

Gus: So, here's the pro.

Josh: Hey, Gus.

Gus: Very good. I'm on the job.

Josh: Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What are you doing with that thing?

Gus: I'm going to take care of this, okay? This town is in chaos.

Josh: No way. Can we just talk about this for one second?

Gus: No. Let me that everybody down there, they can't even hear themselves think with this thing going off every five minutes. Didn't I tell you that I would fix it?

Josh: Gus, smashing this to bits is not going to fix anything, all right?

Gus: Sometimes when you want to make an omlette, you've got to break some eggs. That's all I'm saying!

Josh: Give me it. You can't. We can't. We can't, okay? What's the matter with you?

Gus: Are you okay? Can you...

Josh: I'm fine.

Gus: You're yelling.

Josh: Is there a problem?

Gus: It's all right.

Josh: Am I yelling? Sorry.

Gus: No, it's all right.

Josh: I'm sorry.

Gus: I lost control of my own thoughts about, I don't know, yesterday afternoon sometime, so I understand.

Josh: Okay.

Gus: You can keep your mouth shut, right?

Josh: Well, I'm not planning on ever going back down there again, so your secret's pretty much safe with me.

Gus: That's good. That's good, that's good.

Josh: What's going on?

Gus: Did you ever meet somebody in your life, and you know that they are your soul mate, the right woman for you, but you're too young or you're too stupid, or you're too broke, or whatever, to know that they're the one? Reva was that for you, right?

Josh: She was, yeah.

Gus: Right. But see, what you did smart was you decided to stay with her. And you went through all these things together, and you stuck it out for a very long, long time. And I understand you're with Cassie and everything now, but Reva was your everything girl, right?

Josh: Are we... are we talking about Harley here?

Gus: No. There was a girl that I knew when I was younger who was my everything girl. She was real. It was real. I mean, I was a kid, but it was as real as anything.

Josh: Like a high school sweetheart, something like that?

Gus: Yeah, something like that.

Josh: And now she's somehow back in your life?

Gus: She's working at Company. That's not funny.

Josh: No, it's not funny. You're right. You're absolutely right. What's her name?

Gus: Natalia.

Josh: Natalia.

Gus: And she's putting roots down in this town, and I... it's just going to be something I'm going to have to deal with now.

Josh: How does Harley feel about that?

Gus: She doesn't know. She doesn't know what we were. I mean, Natalia was my... my real love, my... my only true love. Except for Harley, of course. And I don't want Harley thinking that I'm hiding something from her, some feelings for Natalia, you know?

Josh: Yeah, especially if you're not.

Gus: I love her, my wife. And I just should have told her. I should have told her sooner.

Josh: Okay. All right. Here's the thing: You feel like you've dug yourself this big hole, a hole you can't possibly get yourself out of, right? But the truth is, there is no hole.

Gus: You know, even if I was getting sleep for the last couple of nights, I wouldn't know what you're talking about. What?

Josh: I know, the bells are making everybody crazy and all that. But the point is, you haven't done anything wrong, Gus. You should just tell Harley about it, and that way you can both deal with it together.

Gus: I know. I know. You're right. It really is that simple, isn't it?

Josh: Yeah.

Gus: Thank you.

Josh: Yeah. Just leave that. I might need it later. I'm a hypocrite.

Marina: Ooh.

Harley: Ooh, sorry. Sorry. Did you get any sleep at all?

Marina: 36 and a half minutes a couple times.

Harley: This is no way to live. You can't live like this.

Marina: And I feel like I'm seeing people.

Harley: Who?

Marina: Cyrus Foley.

Harley: Oh, no. No.

Marina: No, I mean I know it can't be real, but I really... I feel like he's watching me.

Harley: Honey, he left town after ripping off Matt and Vanessa. He is long gone.

Marina: I know. I know.

Harley: You know what it is? It's just a classic case of a cop's regret, you know? It just keeps eating at you that you didn't nail him.

Marina: I don't think it's that. Harley, what if... I feel like I have feelings for him.

Harley: ( Gasps ) Marina, no, no.

Marina: I mean, we were thrown together when I got hurt, close together, Harley. And come on, it's not like he's ugly or anything.

Harley: Don't romanticize this. This is Stockholm syndrome. You had an intense experience with your captor, and you sympathize with him, but you are a cop, and you are a good cop, okay? And you are a tired cop. And normally I would tell you to get some rest, but in lieu of all of this, I'll say just give it some time. Give it some time, and you'll forget all about him, okay?

Marina: Okay.

( Bells ringing )

Tammy: I'm here.

Josh: Cassie? We need to talk.

Gus: Baby, you here? There you are.

Harley: There you are.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Where were you?

Gus: Oh, I was helping Josh. I was helping Josh. Take a seat.

Harley: Is it over?

Gus: I think so, yeah. I think so. Everyone's just on edge, you know, with these bells going off over and over.

Harley: I'm over the edge.

Gus: I know.

Harley: But who's counting?

Gus: Over the edge, who's counting? That doesn't make sense. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what I'm saying. What I do know is I needed to talk to you.

Harley: Okay. Let's talk. About what?

Gus: Us.

Harley: My favorite topic.

Gus: You know, it's nice when people check in with each other, and I just wanted to say I don't want to do anything that would mess this up, you know?

Harley: You haven't. What would make you think such a thing?

Gus: I didn't tell you about Natalia, that actually we were in love once. I loved her, and she loved me and I loved her more than anything, really, in this world at one point. Until I met you, of course.

Marina: Come on, Marina, get a grip. It's like Harley said...

Cyrus: What did Harley say? What? You don't like the uniform?

Marina: Okay, I don't know if I am sleeping and hallucinating, or if I am awake and hallucinating.

Cyrus: I think you're awake.

Marina: You didn't come here with President Nixon, did you?

Cyrus: What?

Marina: I'm just losing my mind. Didn't you go to Australia?

Cyrus: I was going to Australia but I was waylaid.

Marina: And? You were waylaid? What's her name?

Cyrus: Oh, that's good. But I got a job.

Marina: Oh, really?

Cyrus: Uh-huh.

Marina: You decided to stay because you're going to go legit.

Cyrus: I didn't say that was the only reason. Remember I once asked you what things might have been like if we met under different circumstances, if you weren't a cop, and I wasn't me?

Marina: But you are you. And I haven't slept in days.

Cassie: You wanted to tell me something or...

Josh: I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't been here, that I've been working on the bells.

Cassie: You are doing a wonderful thing, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. You don't have to apologize for being you. You just... you're taking care of this head on. That's how you handle everything.

Harley: So, you were in love with Natalia and you never said a word about it to me ever. Why?

Gus: I don't... I don't even really know why.

Harley: You were together for a long time?

Gus: A long time.

Harley: Why did it end?

Gus: When my father was killed and I got pretty angry, I left her. I walked out because I didn't really see myself being able to get through all of that anger because I was young.

Harley: And this is the first time you're seeing her now?

Gus: Oh, yeah, first time.

Harley: Hmm.

Gus: First time.

Harley: Well, how do you feel now?

Gus: I feel stupid. I feel... I feel stupid, you know, that I didn't tell you, tell you about my first love. People talk about that stuff.

Harley: Well, you didn't think you were my first love, did you?

Gus: Oh, no, I know I'm not your first love. ( Laughter )

Harley: Well, I don't have anything to worry about with this Natalia, who is way too pretty to have been just a friend anyway.

Gus: No, no, no, no, you have nothing to worry about.

Harley: Because I know you love me. And nothing will change that. I mean, am I going to feel weird the next time I see this chick? Yeah. Is she getting invited over for dinner anytime soon? I don't think so.

Gus: ( Laughs )

Harley: No, no. I just know that I'm the only one that you'll love from now on, right?

Gus: See, I like that. I like that.

Harley: Good. Good, I like it, too.

Natalia: I just need a few minutes.

Remy: You've got 25 and a half.

Natalia: Okay. Well, you better help anyone that comes in.

Remy: Fine. Okay.

Natalia: You can help. You used to be a cop.

Remy: Yeah, used to.

Natalia: It's still in you. I know you changed when you lost your friend, but it's still in there.

Remy: I don't know. None of it seems to have a point. You try to do all of the right things, make the safe choices, but...

( telephone ringing )

Cassie: Casa de bells. Oh, hi, Billy. Hold on.

Josh: Hey. I was just on my way. Okay. Okay, okay. I'll be there. Yeah. I got to go. Sorry.

Cassie: If it means no more bells, get out of here.

Josh: All right, all right, all right. I can do this.

Cassie: Yes, you can do this.

Tammy: I noticed you never tell him about me.

Cassie: I don't think he'd understand, Tammy. I think he'd tell me to give you up. But I'm not. I'm not, not on you, not on Alan.

Tammy: Alan?

Cassie: He is not going to get away with being happy, Tammy. Somebody has to save that baby.

Tammy: You?

Cassie: I tried going to Beth, and she's as bad as Alan in her own way. He's just so powerful. I just wish there was a way to stop him.

Tammy: There is a way.

( Bells ringing )

Josh: Hey, you got news for me?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, that guy from New Hampshire, Freddie... Freddie got on a train a couple hours ago.

Josh: Freddie got on a train?

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: That's great. When is the train going to be here?

Billy: The train can be here tomorrow morning.

Josh: Okay. Good, excellent, then we are on our way.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! One problem, one problem-- the train derailed outside New York City so it's not going to get here. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! Josh, Josh, Josh. Josh. ( bells ringing )

Billy: You're going to destroy something positive in people's lives.

Josh: I was trying to give something back, but I couldn't even do that right.

Billy: Oh, well, I think this is as much about Cassie and you hating yourself and it's not a good reason to do it.

Josh: Billy? Billy? It's a good reason. Get out of my way!

Billy: Okay! ( Bells ringing )

Josh: ( Grunting )

Billy: Well, I didn't really think you'd do it.

Gus: Do you hear that?

Harley: What?

Gus: Silence.

Cassie: Ah, thank God. Ah, thank Josh.

Billy: You were pretty out there.

Josh: Yeah, a little bit.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: I think I just couldn't stand to see what those bells were doing to everybody.

Billy: Yeah. I think you were a little mad at yourself, too.

Josh: Yeah, a little bit. I tried to tell Cassie. I couldn't do it. Not when she's in the state of mind that she's in right now. You know, it would help a whole lot to have confidence that you're doing the right thing when you're actually in the process of trying to do the right thing.

Billy: You see, that's where faith comes in. I don't know why you end up on the short stick with regards to faith, but you have, and we are going to solve that problem.

Josh: I just need a sign or something, that's all. I mean anything. Something.

Billy: Look, little brother, this is life. And if you're lucky and you're blessed, you find out that life is not horrible, mean, ugly and rotten. Believe me, you are lucky, and you are blessed. What are you laughing about? What are you laughing about?

Josh: There's words written on the back of this gear.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Josh: Yeah. "There is a destiny that makes us brothers. None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own."

Billy: That's pretty nice.

Josh: That's a sign.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: If you're not on my side with this...

Josh: Then what?

Beth: The baby I'm carrying is Alan's.

Cassie: If Alan has a plan, then it must be because he knows he's not the father.

Alan: I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you.

Reva: If you love somebody, you have got to fight for them.

Mel: You know what, Alan, when you were in that coma, I should have smothered you.

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