Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/15/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Oh, this is nice. Oh, how often do we get to hang out in our bathrobes?
Dinah: Shh, shh.
Mallet: What?
Dinah: Let's let sleeping dogs lie.
Mallet: That's a really nice way to talk about your stepmother.
Dinah: Well, she's blackmailing me. You want me to be happy?
Mallet: No, I don't, but she's not going to be here forever. We just have to wait and see how much she heard me say about my past. Anyway, let's not talk.
Blake: So who wants pancakes, huh?
Dinah: Oh, I'll pass, thank you.
Blake: Oh, no, I'm not hungry. I was thinking you two. Maybe you'd like to go out to breakfast, have some fun. I'll stay here.
Mallet: It's a good idea.
Dinah: I'm hungry.
Mallet: I'm famished.
Dinah: Let's do it.
Mallet: Yeah, okay.
Blake: Where are you? I need to see you now.
Coop: Hey.
Ava: Hey, what are you doing?
Coop: Just working on a lesson plan right now. Thank you. Shouldn't you be pouring yourself one? Besides, you're the one who has to work in the office with Alan-Michael.
Ava: He's gone.
Coop: Gone, okay.
Ava: Out of our lives, out of Springfield gone. Thought you might be a little happier about that.
Coop: Yeah, well I would have been a lot happier about that if he had left before the wedding. He wrecked the entire thing, all right. And now my dad's a mess.
Ava: And my mom's a mess.
Coop: I really can't feel too sorry for Olivia right now.
Ava: I was trying to think of something maybe you and I could do for them to get away, but you know, maybe they just deserve a break from it all.
Coop: Yeah. Look, I got to get to work, so I'll just talk to you later.
Ava: Maybe we do, too.
Coop: What?
Ava: Need a break. You know, go some place quiet, relax.
Coop: Yeah, like work.
Ava: Like work? No, what I'm saying is we can go somewhere, go hiking, hang out, just, you know... I don't know, spend time together. What do you think?
Coop: I think you're shameless.
Harley: Maybe we should talk to the judge. Really, just talk to the judge and suggest maybe a lighter sentence. Is that what you call it?
Gus: Yeah, well, it's not exactly a sentence.
Harley: Hi. Can we go in yet?
Mrs. Hannigan: Detective Aitoro can, but Daisy refuses to see the mother.
Gus: Well, as Detective Aitoro... either we go in together or we don't bother going in at all, okay?
Mrs. Hannigan: Your choice.
Harley: Wait, wait, wait.
Gus: Did you see that? She's doing it again.
Mrs. Hannigan: She's a troublemaker, that one.
Gus: So you did see that?
Harley: Look...
Gus: Take a deep breath.
Harley: All I want is for her to be okay. So you just... you go in and visit with her, okay? You call me when you can.
Gus: Yes, yes, yes.
Harley: I trust you with her, okay?
Gus: I'll call you when I get out.
Harley: Give her my love, even if she doesn't want it.
Natalia: You okay?
Harley: Hi. Natalia, right? Gus' friend.
Natalia: That's me.
Coop: Ava, I thought you actually cared about my dad.
Ava: I do.
Coop: Really?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: So you're going to go out and use his pain to score yourself a little vacation, with me. Is that how this is going to go?
Ava: I'm not going to be using his pain. Do I want to go on a vacation with you? Yes, of course I do. What, did you think I was going to lie about it?
Coop: Actually, yeah, I did.
Ava: I know that you want to be friends, okay? And you know that I want more. I thought maybe you could use a little time away, study, you know, relax. I know that I could certainly use some time away, I mean, that's for sure. And even if it is just trying to get Alan-Michael off of my mind. If something happens with us great, and if it doesn't that's great, too.
Coop: It wouldn't.
Ava: What's the big deal?
Coop: I don't trust you, Ava. I can't just blow off my job like you can. I didn't sleep with my boss to get mine.
Mallet: Blake didn't follow us.
Dinah: I thought I heard her little go-cart.
Mallet: Are you going to let me handle this? I'm going to handle this, okay? You've got too much family baggage. We need to know how much she heard and if she plans on using it against us.
Dinah: She's living with us. She already is using it against us.
Mallet: Are you kidding? Think about worst-case scenario.
Dinah: Mallet. This is it. Who knows what she's going ask for next?
( Knock at door )
Blake: Come in.
Matt: I normally don't like to be summoned, but being that you're a sick woman and all, I thought I'd make an exception.
Blake: First of all, I wasn't sick. I was poisoned. Geez, Matt, you act like you had something better to do.
Matt: I really don't need this.
Blake: Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute. I heard about you and Vanessa splitting up. I'm sorry. I also heard about your bank account kind of hurting.
Matt: Bye, Blake.
Blake: No, no, I can help with this. I mean, not with everything, but I could throw you some work.
Matt: Okay. Throw away.
Blake: It's really that bad, isn't it?
Matt: You got a job, Blake? I'll take it.
Blake: Ramps.
Matt: Ramps?
Blake: Dinah and Mallet don't have any.
Matt: Dinah and Mallet don't need any.
Blake: Well, don't get me wring. I mean, you know, this is great. They have some makeshift ramps, but this is more than just ramps. I mean, this whole place is just not handicapped friendly. And I just don't know how long I'm going to need this chair.
Matt: How long did you plan on staying here, Blake?
Blake: Can you do the work or not, Matt?
Matt: I can. Don't you think we ought to consult Dinah and Mallet first?
Blake: You know, I don't think that we should bother them, because they're just dealing with their own issues. Fighting.
Halstead: Detective Mallet.
Mallet: Oh, hey, Bob, how are you?
Halstead: Good, thanks. Nice to see you and your lovely bride again.
Dinah: Yes, you do very good work.
Halstead: Marrying people is one of the perks. Hey, has this guy been telling you what great work he's been doing on the crime commission?
Mallet: Oh, come on. Just doing my job.
Dinah: I am very proud of him.
Halstead: And the governor himself thinks you've got a bright future. If you keep going the way you're going.
Dinah: Nothing is going to stop him.
Harley: You should see me when I'm not having a rough time. It does happen, you know? There was this one time there was a biker and he went over in the park and I was there to help him, and it was a really stupid story and I'm rambling.
Natalia: I do the same thing when I'm upset.
Harley: Another thing we have in common. You know Gus, you work at Company, we ramble.
Natalia: Lynn sent me. She said Co2 is short staffed and Buzz took some time off.
Harley: Yeah, I think my dad is probably having a worse week than I am. Can I help you?
Natalia: No, you don't have to.
Harley: No, I do have to, because you've had it rough. Hey, your first day they have you working at Company for Josh's welcome home party. Now they send you to Co2 all by yourself. If we're not careful, you're going to up and quit on us.
Natalia: I'm not the quitting type.
Harley: Add that to the list.
Natalia: The list?
Harley: Of things we have in common.
Natalia: Oh. Is Nick come help you, too? Gus, sorry.
Harley: Gus. No, I try keep him away from major appliances. Not that I'm such a whiz in the kitchen myself.
Natalia: So you must worry about him having such a dangerous job.
Harley: Yeah, I guess I would if I wasn't his partner. I'm a detective, too.
Natalia: Partner? You're partners? Well, you must be together all the time.
Marina: I guess it feels that way. We work together and the kids, and actually he's with my daughter right now. We're having a little trouble with her. She's in... she's in a juvenile detention center.
Natalia: I heard something about that. I'm so sorry. It must be very hard for you.
Harley: Yeah, especially since I'm the one who sent her there. Makes you wonder what kind of lousy wife and mother Gus ended up with, right?
Gus: Your mother loves you. Even when you shove it in her face that you don't care, she loves you.
Daisy: Can you just make her let me out of here?
Gus: You know, it's funny, she was just saying to me that if she had seen a positive change in your attitude, she was going maybe talk to the judge.
Daisy: Yeah?
Gus: Yeah. But then you refused to see her, so... it's not going to work, is it?
Daisy: Crap.
Gus: And that's your reaction to me, "crap"?
Daisy: What did I even do to get in here?
Gus: No, no, no, no, we're not having this conversation.
Daisy: No, but I'm not talking about G. Or the drugs or any of that old stuff.
Gus: You know what you did? You stole the car. And you did that when? Right before you stole the car. And then you banged the car up and your little brother was in the back.
Daisy: So this is about the car?
Gus: It's got nothing to do with the car. Was he worth it?
Daisy: He?
Gus: Yeah, whoever you took a little joyride to Chicago to go see?
Daisy: You think I went to Chicago to hook up with some guy? Oh, my God, you're jealous.
Gus: You know, I knew this was a bad idea.
Daisy: No, wait, stop, stop, stop. Don't go, please. I'm sorry.
Gus: Are you able to be honest? Do you even have it in you? Can you be honest?
Daisy: Yes, I can be honest. I'll be honest, I promise. Just please stay. I need to hear something normal. What's going on out there? Is there anything new? Anyone new?
Gus: Buzz didn't get married. Josh got out of jail. They hired somebody new at Company.
Daisy: Oh, yeah? Who is she?
Gus: I never said it was a she.
Daisy: I never said it was a he in Chicago.
Gus: You went to Chicago to go find my ex. And that's why she showed up.
Dinah: Bob, I think that his charm is his charisma. Or is charm and charisma the same thing? Anyway, he has them both.
Mallet: Sweetie, Bob's a busy man.
Dinah: Well, he's not too busy to have pancakes with us. Anyway, I think that people feel that they know him from watching "The Law." It's like he's one of them.
Mallet: Well, I am one of them.
Halstead: You don't have to sell him to me, Mrs. Mallet.
Dinah: Oh. ( Laughs ) You're right. I'll won't give up until elections roll around. Today the crime commission, tomorrow the world!
Mallet: Please forgive my wife.
Halstead: I like her. Listen, I better get back. I'll catch up with you two later.
Mallet: Bye, Bob.
Dinah: I'm charming. I'm charming. I'd make a wonderful first lady some day.
Mallet: One thing at a time.
Dinah: If you're talking about that thing that's living with us, you know, she could always slip back into a coma.
Mallet: Funny. All right. See you at home.
Dinah: Where are you going?
Mallet: I got to pick up some special herbal tea that they only have at the health food store.
Dinah: I cannot believe you.
Mallet: Just remember why we're doing this. Please? Kill her with kindness.
Dinah: Or I could just kill her.
Blake: All right, I don't need you to knock out the whole wall. I just want you to widen the doorway. Also, could you expand the closet for me?
Matt: And that's going to make this place more wheelchair- friendly how?
Blake: It doesn't. I need more room for my shoes. Unless, of course, Mallet moves out.
Matt: Oh, come on, Blake, they just got married. It can't be that bad.
Blake: Do you know how awkward this is for me? I mean, I try not to listen to them, but they're fighting. I mean, it just goats so loud. You know what? You're right. It's probably just growing pains so... I'm going to show you the bathroom, okay?
Matt: Has he done something?
Blake: Well, how should I know? I've been in a coma for six months.
Matt: Well, if they're fighting so loud, you ought to know what they're fighting about. Dinah's pretty much been my only friend since I've lost my family and my business. If I thought Mallet was... well, it wouldn't be the first time.
Blake: No, he's a devoted husband, the kind of man that a woman can depend on. It's that Foley guy.
Matt: Well, it's not Dinah's fault that Cyrus Foley stole our money.
Blake: Well, perhaps you and Vanessa know that, but Mallet, he sees his career compromised, his faith in her a little shattered.
Matt: He's lucky to have her.
Blake: Oh, you're right. You know what? We should just forget about this whole thing. You give me a estimate and I will give you a green light.
Matt: Don't you think we ought to... tell?
Blake: One less thing for those two to worry about, okay?
Natalia: You have to wait her out.
Harley: You don't know Daisy.
Natalia: Girls go through phases when mom isn't cool, right? And the more you try to be, the more they hate you.
Harley: I wasn't try to be cool when I sent her away, and she still hates me.
Natalia: It'll pass.
Harley: Okay, maybe... maybe I need the advice of a woman who's never raised a teen terror to have help me have some clarity about this whole thing.
Natalia: Well, I watched a friend go through it with her daughter, and it was hell on earth until she turned 21. And now they're best friends.
Harley: 21? I can't wait until she's 21. That's way too long. No. I can see why you and Gus were friends.
Natalia: Why is that?
Harley: Because you're very easy to talk to. Glad you're sticking around, Natalia.
Natalia: Me, too.
Daisy: You're welcome.
Gus: I wasn't thanking you.
Daisy: I don't understand what the big deal is. I was doing something nice. You know, you get to meet someone you grew up with.
Gus: You went after my ex just so you could cause trouble for me. For us.
Daisy: Trouble? Is... she didn't seem like trouble. She was actually very nice. She made me a snack, it was...
Gus: Liar. Why would you do something like this?
Daisy: Did she come to see you or something?
Gus: She is the one who's working at Company. She's moving here.
Daisy: Oh, wow. Girl moves fast. No wonder you had the hots for her.
Gus: You're messing with my past now.
Daisy: You know she melted as soon as I mentioned your name?
Ashlee: Class is starting. Hi, Gus.
Daisy: Can you tell Coop I'll be late?
Gus: I don't think you should be late. I don't want to see you get in trouble.
Daisy: It's too late for that. You see where I am? I really was trying to do something for you, you know, hook you up with an old friend.
Gus: Hook me up? I know what hook you up means.
Daisy: Sorry, reunite. Whatever. And I'm sorry if Harley is freaking out about this.
Gus: She's not.
Daisy: The great first love of your life moves to town and Harley's completely cool about it? Oh, my God, you didn't tell her.
Gus: She's met her.
Daisy: Yeah, but she doesn't know that you and Natalia were... gosh, you're keeping it a secret?
Dinah: Well, well, well, look at you all put together.
Matt: Yeah, well, a good friend told me it was time to move on.
Dinah: Well, I like this Matt better than the dirty, drunk, angry Matt. I think mom will, too.
Matt: You got to run? Have a cup of coffee with me.
Dinah: Well, I was going to spend the afternoon with my husband, but...
Matt: Dinah, Blake told me.
Dinah: Blake told you what?
Matt: Well, I know how she is with gossip, but even with a little bit of what she said is true, are you and Mallet in trouble?
Dinah: Trouble?
Matt: Is your marriage on the rocks?
Ashlee: Daisy told me that Buzz didn't get married? I'm just wondering what you're doing here.
Coop: Teaching. Trying to.
Ashlee: But Buzz, he...
Coop: Look, he'll be okay. He'll be fine.
Ashlee: Yeah, but... but you left him alone?
Coop: He'll be okay, all right? He just wanted some time on his own.
Ashlee: But he's still alone. It's not fair. Moxie. He could take my dog.
Coop: What? Take your dog where?
Ashlee: Well, no, I mean, I couldn't bring her here, so Moxie had to stay with Doris, who's not really a pet person. She's not really a kid person anyway. This is the only dog food that she eats. Here. And... here.
Coop: You... you mean take her, take her? I can't give my dad your dog.
Ashlee: Well, no, I mean, your dad needs some, like, unconditional love. You know, like, literally. You know, puppy love? Oh, wait. So Moxie will have toilet water or bottled water or tap water.
Coop: Ashlee, you're crazy about Moxie, though.
Ashlee: Do you think Buzz will let her sit on the furniture? She really loves that. Here.
Coop: Your dog eats yams?
Ashlee: No, that's an "I," not a "Y." How do you read my notes on your writing?
Coop: Carefully. Very carefully. Thank you. Thanks for all of this. My family's very lucky to have you.
Ashlee: Well, now all we have to do is help your niece there.
Coop: Right. I think we're going to need a bigger dog.
Ashlee: Uh-huh.
Natalia: It's admirable, Harley. The police work and working at the restaurant, everything you do to make sure your family's taken care of.
Harley: Well, I certainly can't take all the credit for the it. You know, the work I do, because I enjoy it. And with Zach, he's actually financially set since the divorce. His father, Phillip, my ex- husband.
Natalia: Ex-husband? So your son Zach isn't Nick's?
Harley: No. No, I mean, as far as I'm concerned Gus is his father, but no, Zach is a Spaulding. You're heard of Spaulding Enterprises, right?
Natalia: Yeah.
Harley: Zach is a Spaulding and actually Gus is, too.
Mallet: Harley, hey, glad I ran into you. I haven't had a chance to catch up with Gus.
Harley: I know, we've been really busy with Daisy.
Mallet: Yeah, I was wondering if we were still on for next week. You know, Dougherty has these extra tickets and we were going to take Zach and Jude to a cubs game?
Harley: Oh, right, I forgot. I forgot. Oh, I'm sorry. Natalia, this is...
Natalia: Phillip.
Mallet: No.
Harley: No. No. This is A.C. Mallet. That is friend of ours. He's a detective. We all work together, actually. This is Natalia. She's a friend of Gus'. They grew up together, and now she works at Company.
Natalia: I'm sorry.
Mallet: No, that's okay.
Natalia: I assumed?
Mallet: No, it's fine. It's cool. It's easy to get all of Harley's ex-husbands mixed up.
Natalia: What?
Harley: Don't.
Mallet: What? I just... you know, I do love new people. You see, I was Harley's husband before Phillip.
Natalia: So you're Daisy's father?
Mallet: No, that's Dylan.
Harley: Okay, okay, she doesn't even know about Dylan.
Natalia: Dylan's a husband?
Harley: Dylan was never a husband.
Mallet: No, see, Alan-Michael Spaulding was her first husband.
Natalia: Spaulding, okay.
Harley: That's Phillip's brother.
Mallet: And technically Gus' brother.
Harley: Yeah.
Natalia: What?
Harley: Just leave her alone.
Mallet: What did I do?
Natalia: It's okay. I think I got it. So your youngest son...
Harley: Jude.
Natalia: He's Nick's....
Mallet: Rick's.
Natalia: Who?
Mallet: Rick's, not Nick's. Who's Nick?
Harley: Gus.
Mallet: What?
Harley: Mallet, go home. Please?
Mallet: All right, I'm going home. Nice meeting you. Welcome to Springfield. I never knew about Nick.
Harley: Shut up. Give my love to Blake and your beautiful wife, Dinah. Also friends of ours. And you'll be happy to know, I was never married to either one of them. And I'm a little embarrassed and I'm sorry.
Natalia: No. It's okay. Everybody here is connected.
Harley: Yes. Yes, a small town, you know? But Gus is my fourth and hopefully my last husband, and I'm surprised I'm even with him, actually.
Natalia: What do you mean?
Harley: When we first met, it was hate at first sight.
Natalia: You didn't get along with Nick?
Harley: Oh, my gosh, we hated each other! He drove me crazy. He was stubborn, he was arrogant, he drove me nuts. Really, really, he drove me nuts. But you know that. Yeah, you know that. You knew him before. You know what a pain he was.
Dinah: Could someone tell me the point of a coma if the person is the same pain in the butt they were before somebody put them out? Pre-coma, Alan Spaulding was a jerk; post-coma, he was a jerk. Blake, parasite pre-coma; parasite post-coma.
Matt: Parasite?
Dinah: Yeah, she's feeding off of our business. She's mooching off of us, quite literally she is. I mean, really, I don't understand. My father needs to give me strength because this is all lies. You do know that.
Matt: Dinah, relax. I didn't say I bought it. I'm just checking.
Dinah: You know, I'm glad you did. That way I have a good reason to wheel her right out my front door.
Matt: There goes the job.
Dinah: What?
Matt: Nothing. Look, at the end of the day, it's a good thing that Blake is recovering, right?
Dinah: Right.
Matt: So don't let it get to you. Unless, of course, there's some...
Dinah: Unless... listen. Our marriage has never been more solid.
Matt: Good. I'm glad somebody's is. You really stuck by me and I just want you to know if there's anything you need-- anything at all-- I'm here.
Mallet: Did the witness make a positive I.D.? Okay. I'll see you later. Yeah. Blake, what are you doing? Blake, what are you doing?
Blake: I'm sorry.
Mallet: The doctor said not to push it.
Blake: I know. I'm in your way. I have to...
Mallet: No, you're not. Hey, you're not in our way. You're family. Soon enough, you'll be out of that chair running Springfield...
Blake: Running my mouth off more like it. I mean, that's what everybody expects of me, right?
Mallet: What?
Blake: When they say that knowledge is power, but I just find this so exhausting.
Mallet: Why don't you sit down? Why don't you sit down?
Blake: I mean I just don't want the people I care about to get hurt anymore because of me.
Mallet: Well, Blake, you were unconscious for six months, right? So what could you possibly know, right? I mean, what could you know in a state like that? You hear stories about coma patients picking up on things while they're out. But if you do know anything, it would be old news.
Blake: Sometimes old news is the worst kind.
Coop: So, what did you think of my class?
Daisy: Oh, you want me to grade you?
Coop: Yeah, actually, I do.
Daisy: Well, I just don't think you can make chasing a white whale interesting. It's not you. It just can't be done.
Coop: Okay. Thanks. Thanks a lot. That kind of hurts a little bit.
Daisy: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You're a great teacher. I'm in a bad mood.
Coop: Your visit with Gus was no good today?
Daisy: I mean, he says that he cares about my but he's only here because of Harley.
Coop: Now, you see, the Gus I know does what he wants.
Daisy: Yeah, and always has.
Coop: What are you talking about? You know, you're being a bit of a pain in the butt today, I got to tell you.
Daisy: You know, I like Ashlee. She's a good friend.
Coop: Yeah, I like her, too.
Daisy: What is she going to do when she gets out of here?
Coop: What do you mean?
Daisy: Well, I mean, she's going to be stuck in here a lot longer than I am, and Buzz can't hold her job forever, so...
Coop: Ashlee will have a place at Company whenever she wants it.
Daisy: But Gus said you hired someone else.
Coop: Yes, we hired Natalia. Good, but I don't know if she's going to be sticking around at all.
Daisy: Oh, she's going back to Chicago? Gus said that he knew her from growing up and he's from Chicago, so... but what, she can't hack it at a waitress?
Coop: No, she's good. She's good. It's just that she doesn't always seem like she's all there.
Daisy: She's spacey?
Coop: No. More like she's distracted.
Daisy: You don't say?
Coop: Would you... what? What's going on? What's with you? You're weird.
Daisy: I'm allowed to act freaky. I'm a juvenile delinquent now.
Coop: ( Laughs ) Okay. All righty then. Do me a favor, would you just go back to reading your whale book, please, for me?
Daisy: Yes, Mr. Bradshaw.
Coop: Thank you. Daisy?
Daisy: Yeah?
Coop: Hang in there, okay?
Daisy: I'll hang in there. Ashlee will hang in there. And I hope that your waitress hangs in there because it's good to have friends around.
Harley: Gus was destroyed when Joe was killed. He was just destroyed. It had to be hard for you, you know, being friends with somebody who was... he was hell- bent on revenge, you know?
Natalia: No, I understood him. His anger, his love for his dad. He and I...
Gus: Hello.
Harley: Hey, hi, hi, hi! How is Daisy? Is she okay?
Gus: Yeah, she's fine.
Harley: Okay, is she really okay? Is she eating? And is Ashlee looking out for her, because Coop promised me Ashlee would look out for her.
Gus: Ashlee's got her back. But we didn't talk about food.
Harley: What about the sweater? Did you give her the sweater?
Gus: Honey, she's a survivor. She's going to be fine.
Harley: Did she ask about me?
Natalia: I got to get back to work. So, thank you for everything, Harley.
Harley: Sure. You know what? Could you just do me a favor? Could you just keep him company for just a second? I just have to make a quick phone call. Just quick phone call.
Gus: Who are you calling?
Natalia: She's great, Harley. We had a nice talk.
Gus: So you met up with Daisy in Chicago, huh? I mean, it's not an accident that you're here.
Blake: It was like being in a fog.
Mallet: Sometimes people hear things in a fog.
Blake: I thought I heard voices.
Mallet: What kind of voices? What were the voices saying, Blake?
Dinah: Oh, someone almost fall and break their neck?
Mallet: Blake tried to walk.
Blake: Stand, more like it, but it didn't work out. Thank you, Mallet, for your help. Again.
Mallet: Hey, Blake. I was getting somewhere.
Blake: Oh, I bet you were. I bet you were, what's in here, Blake's magic tea? I can see that she really needed it.
Mallet: This close, Dinah. Do you hear me? I was this close.
Dinah: Did she tell you anything? Nice, nice detective work, you know? I mean, did you pick up a truth serum while you were at the store?
Mallet: What's going on?
Dinah: Look, if you heard... I don't even want to talk about it. I would like her out.
Mallet: No, no, no not yet. We can't do that. Not until we find out what she heard me say about my past, okay? Blake trusts me. If she knows anything, I'm the one that's going to get it out of her.
Ava: You need to get something straight.
Coop: Ava, you're not Olivia, all right? It was a cheap shot. Look, I didn't mean to accuse you of sleeping with your boss to get your job. I know that's not something that you would do. You're smart and you're beautiful and you're intelligent and about a million other things that make you this terrific person, all right? And I'm sorry. Okay?
Ava: Okay.
Coop: Okay. Would you like half my sandwich?
Ava: That's how third graders make up.
Coop: Ava, I'm just...
Ava: I know that your family is important to you. And the reason I was asking you to go away with me before is because I don't know how to ask you to have a second chance. I want a second chance. I'm not going to grovel and I'm not going to beg and I...
Coop: Okay. Shh. I got it.
Ava: Is that a ham sandwich?
Coop: It's a ham and cheese sandwich. Ava, what are... that's like half.
Ava: I have to go to work. Smells good. And by the way, I never slept with Alan-Michael.
Daisy: Hot for teacher?
Ashlee: Hello? Will you keep it down? She has like x-ray ears. And anyway, Coop and I, we're just...
Daisy: ...Just friends. Yeah, sure, uh-huh.
Ashlee: Stop it.
Daisy: Why, he's not... Uncle Coop, he's not bad. I mean, if you like that whole clean-cut British prep school type.
Ashlee: He's not a type. He's just kind and funny and a really good writer and very hardworking.
Daisy: ...And hot.
Ashlee: Daisy, he is your uncle.
Daisy: Yeah, but he's not yours.
Ashlee: Yes, fine, he's hot. But doesn't matter, anyway.
Daisy: Wait, why?
Ashlee: Because I'm his good friend Ashlee and Ava wants him back.
Daisy: So what?
Ashlee: I'm sorry. Have you seen her? Met her? A picture, even? No?
Daisy: Yeah, and so has Coop. Saw her, dated her, done with her.
Ashlee: Wait, how do you know?
Daisy: Well, I asked him before. He said it's over. They're just friends.
Ashlee: Yes.
Natalia: Yes, Daisy found me. And she told me you had been in the hospital.
Gus: Did she tell you that she's the reason I was in the hospital? That's my wife's daughter. I mean, I care very much about her, but she's a little messed up.
Natalia: She told me that you were going in and out of consciousness and you said any name.
Gus: Right.
Natalia: I knew she had an agenda, Nick. She wasn't exactly discreet.
Gus: Well, that's the way she is.
Natalia: But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see you. We never said good-bye.
Gus: So you moved to this town, you got yourself a job because you wanted to say good-bye?
Natalia: No, first I crashed my car and then I lost my job and I saw the sign and you know the rest. That's how it happened. Now I'm living paycheck to paycheck. Nick, Gus, I don't even know what to call you. If it's going to be a problem...
Gus: No, no, no. It's...
Natalia: No? I will do everything I can to stay out of your way.
Gus: Well, everybody tries to stay in each other's way in this town. It's kind of like a little town motto thing, so... and besides, I see you made yourself a new friend, so...
Harley: Whatever. Can you just put her on? I already told you. It's her roommate from boarding school. Daisy Lemay.
Mrs. Hannigan: Said she was your roommate in boarding school. Two minutes.
Daisy: Tiffany? Oh, my God, I'm so glad that you called.
Harley: Honey, it's me. Please don't hang up. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay? Whenever you need me, I am here if for you. I just want you to know that.
Daisy: I'm sorry, who is this?
Harley: I love you. I love you so much and I know that you don't want to talk to me right now and you don't want to see me, but I love you and I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm not going anywhere, baby.
Daisy: Prank call. I hate those.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: The bells used to toll frequently for weddings, funerals and the Fourth of July.
Billy: Josh is on a mission! Lord help us all!
Josh: Billy, come on!
Cassie: They sound amazing.
Harley: They're magical.
Billy: That is a little louder this time.
Harley: Did you get any sleep at all?
Marina: 36 and a half minutes.
Josh: How do you make it stop? I think we have a problem!
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