GL Transcript Monday 5/14/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/14/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: Cyrus? Good. Good riddance.

Dinah: Blake, I think you misunderstood. You put a bunch of your clothes in my dresser drawers. You have a dresser in your own bedroom.

Blake: There we go. A little more homey. Oh, I just can't tell you how great it is to be here with you and Mallet. I feel so cared for.

Dinah: Well, you're family. You're family, and that's what family does, they look out for each other. ( Knock on the door ) Oh. Oh!

Delivery man: Are you Dinah Marler?

Dinah: I am. Are these for me?

Blake: Yes. From me.

Dinah: Oh, Blake, they're beautiful. Thank you.

Blake: Yes, I thought that this whole place needed a little sprucing up, so I put them on your tab.

Alexandra: Where is my driver?

Alan: Well, well, well. Alexandra, what are you doing, buying out the boutiques?

Alexandra: Well, I'm putting together a little care package for Alan-Michael. You remember him, of course, your son, the one you booted out of town.

Alan: Well, it had to be done. He was starting to spin out of control and becoming a danger to himself, the family and the business. And I think you know now that I'm only interested in protecting my new child, a child that means everything to me.

Cassie: You need to make Alan pay by taking away his baby just like he took away mine.

Beth: What are you talking about?

Cassie: You got to keep him away from your baby, Beth, please. It is only right. It is only fair.

Beth: I'm going to the car.

Cassie: No, promise me you'll do this.

Beth: I am going back to the car.

Cassie: You're not going anywhere.

Beth: Let me go. Oh! Ah! Oh! Oh, no, not my baby. ( Breathing heavy )

Reva: Hey. Hi.

Josh: Hi.

Reva: I have the bids for the Glen Cove building, and I need you to take a look at it.

Josh: I decided I'm not going back to Lewis, remember that?

Reva: Yeah, yeah, I remember. But then I heard that you were working up here, and I thought maybe it was just temporary insanity. ( Laughs )

Josh: Well, it might be insanity, but it's not temporary.

Reva: So then, well, what are you going to... oh, whoa!

Josh: Easy. ( Laughter )

Reva: Whoa, that was smooth.

Josh: Nice. You're lucky you didn't go straight down the thing.

Reva: Yeah, yeah, you saved me again.

Josh: Uh-huh. I thought we switched roles on that? Ouch.

Reva: Well. Say, is there something you're not telling me?

Josh: Actually, that's... Cassie brought that up earlier when she...

Reva: "For my Tammy."

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: "Love mom."

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Did she buy that--

Josh: Before Tammy died, I'm sure. At least I hope. Cassie didn't really want to talk to me about it. Yeah, things might be a lot worse than I thought. Cassie came up here for a visit earlier. She was all smiles, you know, saying all of the right things. Then next thing I know, I look over here and she's hanging over the railing. I mean she's...

Reva: Like she's going to jump?

Josh: No, no, no, not like that, but... I just... I don't know what is going on with her, Reva? She keeps telling me everything is fine, but it's not. And then I think maybe I need to get her to see Felicia again, and I'm talking to her, but maybe she needs someone else--

Reva: You know what? You've got to stop this.

Josh: What?

Reva: You can't do this anymore.

Josh: Okay, what?

Reva: Do you even know how unfair this is?

Josh: Unfair to who?

Reva: To me! I love Cassie. And you know how I feel about you. But I'm not going to be that person that you talk to about her. Nor am I going to be that person who she talks to about you.

Josh: Reva, I'm just saying that I'm concerned, that's all.

Reva: I... I don't know if that's true. I get the feeling that you're asking for my help with my sister, who you're sleeping with.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: I men, at least have the decency to feel... gosh, I don't know, awkward, to feel...

Josh: Guilty?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: Believe me, there's plenty of that.

Reva: I don't know. I don't know whether I believe that or not.

Josh: Well, I don't care. You can believe whatever you want, Reva, but the fact is I've been beating myself up since this relationship began, okay?

Reva: And what now? So it is what it is? Is that it?

Josh: Yes, it is what it is.

Reva: I've made it is very clear to you how I feel about you being with her.

Josh: Yes, you have.

Reva: Yeah. And it's a mistake, Joshua. This, it's wrong.

Cassie: Beth, did you hear me?

Beth: What?

Cassie: About Alan. Will you help me? Together we can keep him from hurting another child, Beth. Come on.

Beth: No, no, no. Stay away from me. You better hope everything is okay with this baby.

Cassie: Alan doesn't deserve to be a father again, okay? We cannot let him be allowed to destroy the life of another child. Now, I saw you with Rick. So if this is his baby...

Beth: When are you going to get this through your head: This baby is Alan's. A paternity test is just going to confirm that. There is no question!

Cassie: No question? Oh, Beth, how can you say that?

Beth: Leave me alone!

Cop: Is there a problem here?

Beth: Yes. Yes, there is. I'm pregnant, I've just taken a fall, and I'm worried about my baby.

Cop: Okay. Just relax, and tell me how you fell.

Alan: Well, what is it this? Did you buy Alan-Michael a purse?

Alexandra: I didn't say everything was for him.

Alan: Oh, so you were just trying to make a point, is that it?

Alexandra: I think you've made the points for me, dear. You know, you are pushing everyone away for this baby.

Alan: Am I?

Alexandra: Yes. And you don't even know if it's yours.

Alan: Oh, it's mine.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) What if the paternity test says otherwise?

Alan: Well, it will confirm what I want it to confirm.

Alexandra: Really? Well, bully for you, Alan. Just bully for you. What is next? It's more a college tuition thing? Look, Alan, it's not that a new baby isn't a miracle and a blessing and everything, but you act like there is nothing else in the world that is more important, or that's even important!

Alan: To me, nothing else is.

Alexandra: Really? Really? What about the rest of your family, huh? And the company? Come on, why did you go to all that trouble wresting the company from Alan-Michael, and you haven't even shown up at the office.

Alan: Of course I have.

Alexandra: There's a void at the top, Alan. Now who do you think is going to fill it?

Alan: Are you volunteering?

Alexandra: Ah, fat chance you'd ever let me. So what now, you clear the deck in hopes that maybe you can lure Phillip back?

Alan: Phillip wouldn't come back for me.

Alexandra: Then what is it you want? What is this big prize you're going after this go-round, huh?

Alan: Happiness. I think at this time in my life, I just want to be happy.

Marina: Cyrus Foley, you are under arrest.

Man: What do you think you're doing?

Marina: I'm sorry. Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. Police business. I thought you were someone else.

Frank: Police business, huh?

Marina: Yeah. I thought he was someone else.

Frank: Cyrus Foley?

Marina: Well, from behind it looked like him. What? We still want to catch him and put him behind bars, don't we?

Frank: I know I do.

Mallet: Well, Blake, these are very nice, thank you.

Dinah: Don't thank her, thank us.

Blake: I didn't want to pick out anything too girlie because I wanted you to enjoy it as well.

Mallet: No, no, these are very nice.

Dinah: Blake, I think I saw an e-mail card on my computer for you from the boys at school.

Blake: Oh, the boys sent me a card? Oh, excuse me. Excuse me.

Mallet: I'm sorry. Ow!

Blake: I'm sorry.

Mallet: It's okay. I got it. Thanks, Blake. She just ran over my foot.

Dinah: It's okay.

Mallet: You just remembered the card now?

Dinah: Yeah, it was either that or strangle her. She's driving me nuts.

Mallet: Like I didn't notice. Be nice to her. Just be nice, okay, we don't have a choice.

Dinah: We don't? Listen, she stays until we find out what she heard from your confession, okay, from the past, right? Since you told her stuff that I don't even know.

Mallet: Hey, I thought she was a vegetable.

Dinah: Oh, no, no, that's cool. Have I bugged you about not sleeping at night or being irritable?

Mallet: I'm not irritable. I'm not. I'm fine. I'm not any of those things.

Dinah: Right, right. I am trying to be a dutiful wife and do everything I can to protect my man.

Mallet: And your man thanks you for it. I do.

Dinah: You're welcome.

Blake: Well, I did not see a card.

Dinah: Well, it's there. It's there unless I... oh, I hope I didn't delete it.

Mallet: So, Blake, so what's going on with city hall? Any kind of time table for when you're going to be mayor again?

Blake: Well, that all depends on if someone is brought up on charges.

Dinah: Someone?

Blake: Me. The Springfield blogger, remember? As if I haven't suffered enough. Mallet, I was wondering if you would be able to help me with that?

Mallet: Well, that's... I mean that's the D.A.'s call.

Blake: I understand, but you were the lead investigator, weren't you?

Mallet: Yes, I was.

Blake: Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking you to do anything at all that would get you into trouble. I know that your job means everything to you.

Beth: Oh, my God. I can't lose this baby. I can't lose this child. Oh!

Cassie: You won't. Beth, you won't. I won't let that happen.

Beth: Stay away from me, Cassie.

Cassie: Look, Officer, we can't wait. We have to get her to the hospital now.

Dinah: Blake.

Blake: Hm?

Dinah: I'm trying to concentrate.

Blake: Oh, I'm so sorry. I really am. You and Mallet, you make such a handsome couple. But then again, Mallet always was a very good-looking man, especially when he was going out with Harley, I always thought so. And he's one of those men that just gets better looking with age. Kind of like your father, Ross. Man, I miss him.

Dinah: Me, too.

Blake: Mallet reminds me a lot of Ross.

Dinah: Is that right?

Blake: Yeah. He's so charming, funny, solid, just a really good guy. I just can't imagine him doing anything wrong. Of course, who knows what one is capable of if one gets desperate enough, really.

Dinah: I guess being celery didn't change you much, huh?

Blake: Huh?

Dinah: You're picking up right where you left off. You're messing with people's lives, you're going on and on about how much you like Mallet.

Blake: Oh, but I do like him. I'd still be a coma if it weren't for him. I will be eternally grateful.

Dinah: Grateful. If you are so damn grateful, then why are you treating him this way, Blake?

Blake: What way?

Dinah: You are pressuring him to save you. You are issuing these little... warnings, whatever they are.

Blake: Oh, please. If Mallet were uncomfortable with what I asked him to do, all he had to do is say no.

Dinah: Oh, oh. You know what? Please. He couldn't say no, and you know it.

Frank: So this is the part where I tell you you need to take a couple weeks off so you can rest.

Marina: And I tell you that I'm ready to go back to work.

Frank: And that's where I tell you that you need to follow the rules and ride the desk for a while.

Marina: And then I say stop being a dad.

Frank: Well, at least we know the script by now, right?

Marina: It takes out all of the guesswork.

Frank: Oh, Mallet, good. Get over here, buddy. I need you to talk some sense into my little girl here, and tell her she's not the only qualified detective on the force here that can go after Cyrus Foley.

Mallet: Yeah, your dad's right. You're way too emotional about this guy, and we all know why.

Marina: You do?

Mallet: Yeah. Any of us would feel that way.

Marina: You would?

Mallet: Yeah. If he took me hostage, you're damn right, I would want revenge. But you need to focus on getting better, and let your dad nail this guy.

Marina: Well, look, I'm sure they're not going to find Cyrus Foley anyway. I'm sure he's long gone by now.

Frank: Why do you say that?

Marina: He probably knows that you marked the money. Why would he stick around? Where is my coffee? I probably left it on the bench.

Frank: I bet you she left the lid off. She always leaves the lid off.

Mallet: Yes, and then complains it's too cold.

Marina: Oh, you two think you know me so well.

Frank: We do.

Mallet: We do.

Marina: I'm sure I left the lid off.

Beth: I need to get in touch with Alan, Alan Spaulding. He needs to be there.

Cassie: We will call him, Beth. We'll call him on the way there. We'll call him.

Beth: You better hope nothing happens to this baby, or so help me God...

Cassie: You're gonna be fine. Beth, everything is going to be fine, okay. The officer is going to take good care of you.

Cop: I'm going to need you there, too, Miss.

Josh: This old thing is so rusted out, it may never work again.

Reva: Does it matter?

Josh: Yes, it matters, Reva, because, you know what, I'm just trying to fix something. You know, just one thing that I can wrap my hands around.

Reva: Besides my throat?

Josh: I don't want to strangle you.

Reva: Are you sure?

Josh: Yeah, I'm sure. Because you're right.

Reva: Excuse me?

Josh: I know, I know. It's true. You're right, Reva. I'm not treating anybody fair, especially you. Especially after what happened between the two of us in the prison.

Reva: Well, that's a nice way of putting it.

Josh: I'm certainly not treating Cassie fair, either. I don't know. I just have this crazy idea in my head that I'm going to be able to figure out the answers to everything and make us all into one big family again.

Reva: That's never happening, not the way you mean.

Josh: I know, I get that. I guess before I can figure out what I want for my life, I'm going to have to make it less of a damn mess.

Reva: This is a mess. But I took responsibility for my choices that I made.

Josh: Did you?

Reva: Yes. Yes, I did. I pushed you away, and I pushed you towards Cassie, and now...

Josh: And now?

Reva: Now it's your turn.

Josh: To do what?

Reva: Take responsibility. Sleep in that bed you made. ( Cell phone rings )

Josh: Hey, what's up?

Cassie: There was an accident at the warehouse, and I'm on my way to Cedars. Can you meet me there?

Josh: Wait a minute. An accident? What do you mean an accident? What kind? Are you okay, Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine. It was Beth. She fell and the baby could be hurt.

Josh: Okay, I'm on my way. Cassie was with Beth at a warehouse, and there was some kind of an accident. Beth's baby might be hurt.

Reva: Well, I'm going with you.

Josh: Okay.

Dinah: See there? You're going to be up and about in no time.

Blake: Dinah, if you're trying to tell me something, I'm not getting it. So why don't you just spell it out for me.

Dinah: Okay. Well, I mean you were widowed and left with three children to raise and nearly dead for months. And I know that Mallet feels for you, and I know that he's going to try to help you if he can.

Blake: That's right, because he's a good man. Just like Ross.

Dinah: Yes, he is, Blake. So that's why you should not take advantage of him.

Blake: Oh, so that's what you think I'm doing? Well, look, if you want me to leave, I'll just leave.

Dinah: Look, I didn't say that.

Blake: I mean you were the one... you suggested this whole thing in the first place.

Dinah: Yeah, well, that wasn't my idea.

Blake: Excuse me?

Dinah: Nothing.

Blake: If you want me to go, I'll go, really. Because Gus and Harley, I'm sure, will take me in in a heart beat. They're both police officers. And when you think about it, maybe that's the best place for me, really, considering.

Frank: Mallet does not want to push through charges against Blake.

Marina: What? I mean, I like her and all, but after everything's she's done...

Mallet: Well, yeah, but, I mean, if you think about it, she's paid the price. It's been a long time, right, since it happened and our case is pretty soft.

Frank: Why do you really want to drop the case?

Mallet: Why, do you think I have some kind of top-secret motive?

Frank: No, actually, I think you're worried about the department. And what will happen to the department if it has to answer to Blake as mayor.

Marina: Yikes, never thought of that.

Frank: Yeah, well, he did, because he's a good man. He's always looking out for the squad. Hey look, Blake's my friend, okay, but if someone commits a crime, I don't care who they are, you can't... you can't just let them walk way from that.

Mallet: Yeah. You're right, Frank. You're right. Forget I even brought it up.

Frank: Mallet, unfortunately the governor is a political animal, okay, and he and Ross were really, really tight. So he just wants to drop the whole thing. So Blake's off the hook.

Mallet: She is?

Frank: Yeah, the D.A.'s not going to pursue the case. All right, daughter, listen, let's go find your grandfather. He has been MIA ever since that whole wedding disaster. So let's go. We'll talk to you later?

Mallet: Later.

Frank: Take care now.

Cyrus: G'day, Detective. This is your favorite kidnapper.

Cop: Mrs. Winslow?

Cassie: Sorry? Um...

Cop: What were you doing in the warehouse with Mrs. Spaulding?

Cassie: I--

Alan: Where's Beth?

Cassie: She's in there being examined.

Alan: What are you doing here, Cassie? Did you have anything to do with this? I'll deal with you later. Beth? Help her, Doctor. Do whatever it takes.

Cassie: So we were talking. I guess we were arguing kind of...

Josh: Excuse me. This is my fiancée, and I'd like to have a word with her, if you don't mind. Thank you very much. What happened?

Cassie: We were down at a warehouse on South Street.

Reva: What were you doing there, Cassie?

Cassie: I took her there so we could talk in private about Alan. I had to make her see that we have to keep that baby away from him. And it just kind of got heated and she tried to get away, and I grabbed her arm and she fell.

Reva: Beth fell?

Josh: Where is she?

Cassie: She is in there being examined by Dr. Sedwick, and Alan's in there with her.

Josh: Alan's here? Okay. Stay here. Can you stay here with her for just a minute?

Reva: Of course.

Josh: Make sure she doesn't talk to the police. Thank you.

Cassie: What? What are you looking at?

Reva: Beth fell?

Cassie: Yes.

Reva: Sweetie, I know you've been upset about Tammy and about what Alan got away with.

Cassie: What he got away with?

Reva: You're upset. And if you were this upset with Beth, then maybe, without even thinking, you might have inadvertently...

Cassie: What?

Reva: I want to help you. But in order to do that, I need for you to tell me the truth about what happened.

Cassie: What? Do you think I tried to hurt her? What, do you think I pushed her or something?

Reva: Did you?

Cassie: She is pregnant, Reva! How could you think that I would try to hurt a baby and a pregnant woman?

Reva: Cassie, calm down! Calm down.

Cassie: You know what? You know what I think? I think you are just looking to cause trouble, Reva. I think that you hate that I'm with Josh. I think you want him for yourself, and I think you're doing your damdest to turn him against me.

Reva: I want to help you, Cassie, but this looks bad.

Cassie: Or good, depending on your perspective.

Reva: If I want to take Josh away.

Cassie: If?

Reva: I wouldn't do it this way.

Cassie: You made it pretty clear that you want him back, Reva.

Reva: I don't think you understand how serious this situation is.

Cassie: Oh, believe me, I do.

Dr. Sedwick: The baby's heartbeat is normal and strong, as a matter of fact. But just to be safe, I want you to stay in the hospital overnight, okay?

Alan: She will stay as long as she needs to stay, Doctor.

Dr. Sedwick: Good. Take some rest. I'll be back.

Alan: Beth, how are you feeling?

Beth: Scared. I just hit the ground so hard.

Alan: Why were you in that warehouse? I mean, why did you fall?

Beth: Cassie.

Josh: Alan, got a minute?

Alan: Not now, Josh.

Josh: Listen to me very carefully now. This was an accident.

Alan: The hell it was.

Josh: It was an accident, Alan. Don't try to turn it into something else.

Alan: I will do whatever I have to to protect my family.

Josh: You're family is fine. Beth and the baby are fine. The doctor just told me, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for my family.

Alan: Oh, please. I'm so tired of you and Cassie blaming everything that happened to your family on me.

Josh: You press this, if you try to implicate Cassie in any way, I swear to you, I will make you pay for what happened to Tammy, finally. I don't care what I have to do. I don't care what evidence I have to fabricate, you will go down.

Alan: Officer. Beth is resting right now. But as to what happened, it seems that she slipped. It was nothing more than an accident. So I don't think the police need to get involved in this in any way, but I do appreciate your diligence.

Reva: Don't make this about me. This is about you and what's been going on in your head lately. If you did anything to hurt Beth, then tell me so that I can--

Josh: Reva, what are you saying to her?

Reva: I'm just trying to get her to face facts if the baby's been hurt--

Josh: The baby's fine, okay? And Cassie is under a lot of stress right now. She doesn't need more from you.

Reva: She's in trouble, Joshua.

Josh: Yeah, I get that.

Reva: I just want to help.

Josh: I'm going to help her, Reva. I'm going to handle this. That's what you want me to do, right? Thank you. Let's go.

Dinah: You know, this is where daddy would want you to be, and we both know that you are high maintenance. So when you get high maintenance, I will call you out on it. That's what daddy would want, too. ( Phone ringing )

Blake: I'll get it.

Dinah: I've got it. Hello.

Mallet: Hey, babe, it's me. Listen, I'll be home soon, but I wanted to call you. Tell Blake that the DA has dropped the charges against her.

Dinah: Oh, she'll be pleased.

Mallet: Yes, she will. See you soon.

Blake: What's going on?

Dinah: Well, you are a free woman. Mallet got the charges dropped.

Blake: Oh! Oh, that's wonderful. Where is he? I have to thank him. Is he on his way over?

Dinah: Ah, no, he is going to be tied up at the police station. I have to run a few errands, though. You going to be okay here on your own? See you soon. Okay? Bye-bye.

Mallet: Oh, hey, hi.

Dinah: Let's get out of here. Let's spend some time alone.

Mallet: Yeah, that works for me. Did you tell Blake about the charges being dropped?

Dinah: Yeah, yeah, she's thrilled. Let's go.

Frank: Lynn just said that dad asked her to close up without him, and he just took off. And she has no idea where, and he hasn't even left me any messages, so...

Marina: Well, maybe he took off on his bike again? I mean he does that when he gets upset. He'll call. He'll call soon.

Frank: Yeah, maybe. Maybe. You know, the poor guy. He... he doesn't deserve this.

Marina: Well, what do you think went wrong?

Frank: Well, I have my theories.

Marina: Yeah, me, too.

Frank: I really thought Olivia would be able to pull it together for him.

Marina: Maybe they're just not meant to be together.

Frank: Yeah, well maybe she's not meant to be with anybody. She's got a lot of baggage. I don't really think there is much hope there anymore.

Marina: Yeah, well, I don't know. Some people they... you're right. You know, you're probably right. ( Cell phone ringing )

Frank: I've got to get this. Cooper here. Yeah. Where? You got him in custody? Well... uh-huh.

Cyrus: Yeah, g'day, Detective. This is your favorite kidnapper. I just thought you would like to know that the weather is really great down under. I'm about to go out for a surf this afternoon. Look, sorry I didn't get to say a proper good-bye, but you seem to be on the mend, and I figured you'd be better off without me around to muck things up. So... take care.

Alexandra: Listen, I've been waiting here 30 minutes. This is the fifth time this month you have been late. You are the worst driver I have ever... you know, I could pick a chimp off the street and they'd be a better driver than you. Like... you, hey, you there?

Cyrus: Me?

Alexandra: You want a job?

Cyrus: Did I hear you say you were hiring?

Alexandra: Yes. I'm offering you a job as my chauffeur. Do you want it or not? I mean, hurry up and be quick because I'm just going to offer it to somebody else.

Cyrus: I've seen you before.

Alexandra: I'm sure you have, my dear. I'm Alexandra Spaulding.

Cyrus: Spaulding?

Alexandra: Yes, that Spaulding. Now, are you ready for an interview?

Cyrus: What, right here?

Alexandra: Why not? Look, can you be discreet?

Cyrus: Discretion is my specialty.

Alexandra: Can you be inconspicuous as well?

Cyrus: I can practically disappear.

Alexandra: Oh, good. Do you have a valid driver's license?

Cyrus: International. I also speak three languages, I'm a black belt, and I have a nose for the finer things.

Alexandra: Well, this job has a very generous salary and it has some benefits.

Cyrus: Good, I'm big on benefits.

Alexandra: So you are interested?

Cyrus: Very.

Alexandra: In the job?

Cyrus: That, too.

Alexandra: Excellent. Well, you're hired. Drop the bags. Drop them! And you're fired,

Cyrus: Yeah, g'day,

Detective, this is your

favorite kidnapper.

Dinah: Come on, let's get out of here.

Mallet: Let me go tell Blake about the conversation I had with Frank.

Dinah: I already did. She's thrilled. Okay? Honey, there's not much more to say, unless you want to spend time with her and not me. Let me answer that question.

Blake: Matt? Hi, it's Blake. Are you busy? I was wondering if you could help me with something.

Alan: What you need now is to rest, all right?

Dr. Sedwick: The test results are back. And they're fine. But I'm going to err on the side of caution. I'm going to order an amnio.

Beth: An amnio?

Alan: But doctor, given her history, I thought that wouldn't be necessary.

Dr. Sedwick: Well, there are risks associated with it, but in my opinion, the positives outweigh the negatives.

( Cell phone rings )

Dr. Sedwick: Oh, excuse me.

Beth: Alan, if Rick finds out about this amnio, he'll demand a DNA test.

Alan: It won't matter. The test will reveal that I am the father of our child.

Beth: You're that sure?

Alan: I am positive.

Josh: I need to hear it from you. Are you really all right?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine. I... I'm sorry. You know what? I just really shouldn't let Reva get to me.

Josh: I'm not talking about Reva right now. I'm talking about what happened to Beth.

Cassie: She fell, Josh.

Josh: I'm not saying she didn't.

Cassie: And I feel terrible about it, okay? I feel... well, I don't feel terrible about bringing her to the warehouse and talking to her the way I did because she actually, without realizing it, said something important.

Josh: What?

Cassie: Nothing. You know what? I'm sure it's not important. In fact, you know what? Let's just forget about Alan and Beth for a while, okay? Can we just forget about them?

Josh: Okay. In fact, that would be music to my ears. Come here.

If you've been bad you know you've been good

did you lose your mind like I knew you would

did you save your soul did you sing it so loud

did you sing it so everyone can hear in the cloud

did you lose yourself did you lose your health

did you put my memories on the shelf

did you lose your place did you lose your place

just so everyone could see your silly face

it's like everybody loves you and everybody wants you

today it's like everybody needs you

and everybody sees you today


Next on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: She's blackmailing me.

Matt: Don't you think we ought to consult Dinah and Mallet first?

Blake: Can you do the work or not?

Dinah: If you're talking about that thing that's living with us, you know, she can always slip back into a coma.

Mallet: Kill her with kindness.

Dinah: Or I can just kill her.

Coop: I can't just blow off my job like you can. I didn't sleep with my boss to get mine.

Mrs. Hannigan: Daisy refuses to see the mother. She's a trouble-maker, that one.

Gus: Maybe this is a bad idea.

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