GL Transcript Thursday 5/10/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/10/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Buzz: Bring Olivia to me. Bring Olivia to me now.

Ava: You're beautiful. You're going to make a beautiful bride and an even better wife.

Alan-Michael: How did the delivery go?

Waiter: I put the envelope right in his hand. He even gave me a tip.

Alan-Michael: Good. Thank you. I'm sure Buzz will appreciate the gift. I just hope he shares it with Olivia.

Waiter: Thank you.

Dinah: You look awful.

Mallet: Well, thank you. If you get any sweeter, I'm going to have to give you some sugar.

Dinah: You didn't sleep last night.

Mallet: Um... yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I did.

Dinah: Oh, was that before or after the thrashing or pacing?

Mallet: I think I ate that burrito too late.

Dinah: Oh, really? Indigestion? Nothing to do with what Cyrus brought up about your past?

Mallet: Cyrus is gone, so that's all history.

Dinah: Well, Blake is gone, too, and you told her everything.

Mallet: I don't want to talk about this anymore. Nothing's going to come out. Nothing's going to come out about you and Cyrus, nothing about me, okay?

Dinah: Then why can't you sleep?

Mallet: I'm going to check in at the station, okay?

Dinah: What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital.

Marina: Yeah. I'm here to see my grandfather get married. But first I need to ask you some questions. About Cyrus.

Ava: I know what you're doing.

Olivia: Just looking.

Ava: You're looking for a flaw.

Olivia: No, the dress is fine.

Ava: The dress is beautiful. That's not what I meant. I meant that you're looking for a flaw within yourself. Maybe you were wondering if you deserved being with a man like Buzz.

Olivia: Could you just... would you check this last button?

Ava: Yeah, sure. Of course.

Olivia: Thanks.

Ava: What I'm trying to say is that you deserve Buzz. I think... I think you're perfect for each other.

Olivia: Thanks. So, is everyone in place?

Ava: Oh, yes. I'm sure everybody is as excited as I am to see you walk down the aisle.

Olivia: Thanks. ( Knock at door )

Ava: Oh. Hang on one second.

Olivia: Okay. Hello. Oh!

Coop: Hey.

Ava: Hi.

Coop: Olivia, I'm sorry to bother you, but Buzz wants to see you.

Olivia: Now?

Ava: No! No way.

Olivia: You know what? I'm past worrying about bad luck-- black cats see me crossing their path and they start running. ( Laughter ) Besides, I'm about to say the luckiest two words I'll ever say in my life-- "I do". So, did he say what he wanted?

Coop: It's probably nothing.

Olivia: Hey. So you couldn't wait to see me, huh? Couldn't wait for the minister to say, "You may kiss your bride"?

Buzz: Oh, I think I can. But obviously you couldn't.

Olivia: Where did you get these?

Buzz: Does that matter?

Olivia: Where?

Buzz: They were delivered to me a little while ago by one of your waiters.

Olivia: Which one?

Buzz: Why, so you can sack the messenger?! I'd like to know about the message.

Olivia: Don't you understand whoever sent these hates me? Can't stand the idea of us being together, of us being happy?

Buzz: Well, if that's true, they've got a pretty good handle on how to do that.

Olivia: Alan-Michael. It was Alan-Michael. He hates me. He hates the idea of me being happy. That slimy little bastard snuck into my room!

Buzz: Thank you! Thank you. I thought you were going to deny it, which would have made me look like an idiot and you look like one, too. Thank you. Apparently, you respect me too much to lie to me, so thank you for that.

Olivia: Buzz, please, please. No, I love you. I love you, only you, okay? Just you. This was a mistake.

Buzz: A mistake?!

Olivia: Yes!

Buzz: This is a mistake?! If this is a mistake, I'd like to know what it looks like when you do it on purpose.

Coop: Hold on a second before you get started...

Ava: No, I don't like the way you're talking about Buzz. Something is definitely up here. I'm worried.

Coop: Okay, well, which we don't know what it is, all right? And it's none of our business to begin with. Let's just let Olivia and Buzz figure this whole thing out, okay?

Ava: No, I just want to make sure everything's okay before...

Alan-Michael: Hey.

Ava: Hey.

Alan-Michael: You look beautiful.

Ava: Thank you. Excuse me. I have to go...

Alan-Michael: Wait. About yesterday, I'm sorry. And you're still mad at me and that's okay. No one said it was going to be easy working my way back into...

Coop: You mean worming your way back in, don't you?

Alan-Michael: Will you have one drink at the bar with me downstairs? Just one drink?

Coop: That's typical.

Ava: Okay, you know what? Guys. Please, guys!

Coop: Look, what, you think she's going to let yourself work yourself back into our life after everything that you've done to her?

Alan-Michael: I don't think I was talking to you.

Coop: Yeah, well, I'm talking to you right now.

Alan-Michael: What, you think you got a shot?

Coop: Ava and I are just friends, all right? But I'm not going to just stand here and let you do whatever you...

Ava: Guys, you guys, I can... I can handle myself here, with Alan-Michael. And actually, you know, I have a wedding to go to if you haven't noticed that.

Coop: Yeah, I think he's noticed that.

Alan-Michael: Mind your own business. Ava.

Ava: Listen. You know what? I'm got to get out of here. Excuse me.

Alan-Michael: Okay.

Coop: You don't belong here.

Alan-Michael: And you do?

Coop: Ava's done with you. This whole town is done with you, so why don't you just crawl into a hole, curl up in a little ball, and sulk? Because you're definitely not going to get what you're looking for, all right? Not while I'm around.

Alan-Michael: Oh, thanks. Hey, hold up. Another favor to ask.

Dinah: I don't know if I can help you when it comes to Cyrus. You've already talked to Mallet.

Marina: Actually, it's not about his crimes. I actually want to... I want to talk to you about him as a person when you knew him.

Dinah: In Europe? When he was a thief. He was a con man. He was very good at what he did.

Marina: So, it was all about the scams and the money?

Dinah: What do you mean?

Marina: Well, I mean, it can't all just be black and white. You know, I mean, I know everyone hates him because of what he's done to Matt and your mom.

Dinah: Yeah, well, Marina, Cyrus saved my life, if that counts for anything. He... he pulled me out of a rough patch in my life. He gave me something to hold on to, to pull me out of that hole. And let's be real-- Cyrus doesn't do much that isn't illegal.

Marina: But he stuck by you.

Dinah: Yeah, and then I turned him in. Listen, what is this all about? Are you profiling him again?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, it's something like that.

Mallet: Hey. What are you doing?

Dinah: Asking lots of questions.

Marina: I just wanted to... oh! Sorry. I'm just feeling a little woozy still. I just had to ask you some questions about some stuff.

Mallet: Easy, okay? You should be resting. Why don't you go lie down up in Harley's room and I'll come get you before the wedding starts.

Dinah: You know what? You take her to Harley's room yourself, okay, before she passes out in the elevator or something.

Marina: I'm okay, I'm fine.

Mallet: No, no, come on, partner. We're going. Come on, you need your rest. ( Cell phone ringing )

Dinah: Hi, it's Dinah.

Dr. Ashbrook: There is Dr. Ashbrook, Blake Marler's doctor.

Dinah: What's going on? Is something wrong?

Dr. Ashbrook: I think you better get down here.

Buzz: Start from the beginning.

Olivia: The first thing I should have said is that this kiss, this... what you see in these pictures, it meant nothing.

Buzz: How did it happen?

Olivia: He came to my room. He was... he was drunk and then all of a sudden we were kissing and I...

Buzz: All of a sudden?!

Olivia: Okay, okay, that came out wrong.

Buzz: Well, then, stop trying to make it come out right! Stop doing anything but the truth!

Olivia: He kissed me. He kissed me and I pushed him off and it didn't go any further than that, I swear, okay? None of this should be happening.

Buzz: How long?

Olivia: What?

Buzz: I shouldn't even... I shouldn't even be doing this with you.

Olivia: Doing what?

Buzz: You couldn't have pushed him away. There's more than one picture! How long was the kiss?

Olivia: I don't know.

Buzz: You do know. You just won't say. Look, hiding the details is not going to change the truth. I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth about what happened. I want to know the truth about what's in your heart!

Olivia: You want to know the truth that's in my heart? The truth that's in my heart is you. It's you.

Buzz: Damn you! Damn you!

Olivia: I walked out on him. I walked out. And then I got up this morning and I put on this dress because I want to marry you. I want to marry you. I want to be Mrs. Buzz Cooper. It's all I want. God, please, tell me you still want to marry me. Buzz? Please. I know it's hard, but can we just move forward? Forget the pictures. Can we just move forward? Please? Talk to me.

Buzz: I think you should go.

Olivia: No.

Buzz: Then I should go. But one of us should leave because I don't know what's going to happen.

Ava: Olivia? What's going... on? Okay. Do you want me to tell everybody you're going to be late?

Buzz: No. Tell everybody I'm sorry.

Waiter: I don't feel right about this.

Alan-Michael: That money I gave you feel right in your pocket? Thought so.

Waiter: You're sure this is all right with Ms. Peralta?

Alan-Michael: Absolutely. It's Alan-Michael. Have the jet fueled and file a flight plan for Paris. No, I won't be traveling alone.

Marina: How many times do I have to tell you I'm okay?

Mallet: Yeah, boy, you don't know when to quit, do you? Now, a little piece of advice-- you stay in bed, rest, until the wedding starts, okay? And forget about this Cyrus Foley. He's gone.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: I was just questioning Dinah because I thought maybe there was something different I could have done to catch him or...

Mallet: No, nothing I can see. You did everything you could, all right? Close your eyes. I'll come get you when it's time, all right?

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: Cyrus!

Cyrus: I thought he'd never leave.

Marina: What are you doing?

Cyrus: Hi, Detective. What am I doing here? Well, last I saw of you, you weren't looking too good. I couldn't just leave. I had to be sure. And now I am.

Dinah: Blake? Oh, God, she better not be.

Blake: Had you worried there for a moment, didn't I? Where have you been? I'm just dying to get out of here.

Buzz: Hi. It's... me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need your help.

Olivia: What is wrong with me?! It's over. It's over because...

Jeffrey: Because of me, yeah. And now what?

Olivia: I'm supposed to be getting married to the greatest guy in the world right now.

Jeffrey: Well, then, why aren't you?

Olivia: Bastard! You know that you're a bastard!

Jeffrey: I wasn't alone in that room, Olivia. I didn't kiss myself.

Olivia: Just shut up! Would you just leave me alone?!

Jeffrey: No.

Alan-Michael: The wedding should be called off by now. Ava...

Buzz: You son of a bitch!

Alan-Michael: I guess you figured out where those pictures came from. You should be thanking me for saving you. ( Laughs )

Olivia: You think that I wanted you to show up at my room drunk attacking me again? Losing control again? Is that the only way you know how to relate to a woman?!

Jeffrey: We're not teenagers anymore, Olivia. No one lost control.

Olivia: That's not true.

Jeffrey: You kissed me right back.

Olivia: That's a lie. You're such a liar, you know that?!

Jeffrey: You're not the upset because you lost Buzz, you're upset because you finally have to face the fact that you were with me and that's exactly where you wanted to be.

Buzz: I used to think there was hope for you. But boy, I was wrong about that. You just hit the bottom, you had to drag everybody down with you, didn't you, boy?!

Alan-Michael: It wasn't about you, Buzz.

Buzz: It wasn't about you! You ruined Coop and Ava and then you go after Olivia. This thing ends now!

Alan-Michael: I might be the jerk who took those pictures. It doesn't make them any less...

Buzz: The pictures! The pictures were meaningless. Olivia told me. Come on!

Alan-Michael: Then you're dumber than you look.

Buzz: You're through here. You're through in this town. You're through in Springfield, you hear me? You have burned a lot of bridges behind you, boy. And you have nothing left and that is the price you're going to pay.

Alan-Michael: Old man, you don't run me out of town. My family owns this town. I own this town. You're the one who better run. You keep pushing me and see what happens.

Alan: I don't think so, son. Buzz is right. It's time for me to end this.

Alan-Michael: Wh... what are you doing here?

Alan: I'm telling you, Alan-Michael, that you have to go.

Alan-Michael: I'm not scared of you. I don't need your approval for anything, Alan.

Alan: I was wondering when you would be man enough to tell me that. Now I have to do something that I should have done a long time ago. You've got to leave, Alan-Michael-- California, Europe, I don't care where, just go.

Alan-Michael: You can't make me go anywhere. I'll call a shareholders' meeting, drum up support to force you out.

Alan: That would be a neat trick in jail, but I don't think it's going happen.

Alan-Michael: Jail?

Buzz: Excuse me. I have a marriage to save.

Alan: Buzz. Thank you for calling me. Good luck.

Alan-Michael: Congratulations, Buzz. Give my best to Olivia.

Olivia: I felt nothing for you last night.

Jeffrey: Come on, Olivia.

Olivia: Why won't you believe me? I didn't want you in my hotel room. I have never wanted you. It's a tragic mistake that you and I even know each other at all.

Jeffrey: We do know each other.

Olivia: No. I know what I need, Jeffrey, and it's not you. Buzz. Buzz is good and he's decent.

Jeffrey: Buzz is... Buzz is everything I'm not, okay? I got it. But Buzz is also the guy that just dumped you.

Olivia: Because of you!

Jeffrey: That's my fault, right? It's my fault that people are now wandering the hallways wondering what happened to the wedding we came to? Wondering why, once again, did Olivia's plans fly off the rails; wondering what's next. Maybe you should be asking yourself the same questions!

Olivia: I don't feel anything for you! I never felt anything for you and I never will. Do you understand me? Let go!

Jeffrey: Or what?

Olivia: I'll rip your eyes out. Buzz. Oh, God, Buzz.

Buzz: Well, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

Olivia: Get out. Get out, get out, get out.

Buzz: No. Don't touch me.

Olivia: Just... just let me explain.

Buzz: Don't... don't touch me. No! No. No.

Olivia: He just keeps showing up. He won't leave me alone.

Buzz: God! For once in your life, for once in your crazy, chaotic, confused life, why won't you be hon... be honest with me. Be honest with me. Don't self-destruct. Here. Be honest. Be honest. For me.

Olivia: I kissed Jeffrey last night and I kissed him again just now because... I don't know, Buzz, I don't know. I don't know.

Coop: Hey.

Ava: Hey. Thank you for coming here.

Coop: Yeah, look, I should probably get going, all right? You didn't find Olivia, huh?

Ava: No, no. Wait, wait, wait, please. I think that maybe I had something to do with this.

Coop: What? How?

Ava: Well, I've been pushing Jeffrey and Olivia to work out their differences, to communicate.

Coop: Ava, why?

Ava: Well, because I... I felt like it was holding Olivia back.

Coop: All right, look, come here. Come here. All right, this is not your fault, Ava, okay? You did not start this. You know, I was... I thought that I probably should not have left you alone like that back at the Beacon, not with Alan-Michael wandering around...

Ava: You don't have to worry about Alan-Michael, okay? I'm fine.

Coop: Okay. All right.

Ava: But it's really nice that you cared.

Alan-Michael: I have connections you have no idea about. You're not forcing me out.

Alan: It's over. You've lost, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: No, no, no, no.

Alan: Tomorrow morning, you will find a very large sum of money in your personal account.

Alan-Michael: Hush money to make me go away.

Alan: No. Money that you stole from the company.

Alan-Michael: ( Laughs ) What? I didn't steal anything from the company.

Alan: The data system tracking the embezzled funds will trace it to an offshore account with your name on it.

Alan-Michael: You're framing me for embezzlement?

Alan: If I have to. I admit I should have done this to Phillip before he spun out of control, but I won't make that same mistake with you, son.

Alan-Michael: Dad, you haven't seen me out of control yet.

Alan: Don't worry, I am not going to allow you to sink so low that I wouldn't be able to pull you back again, son. I've already lost one son and I'm not going to lose another. Son, this is for your own good.

Alan-Michael: No, it's not. It's for you. It's... it's you. In your twisted way, trying to prove you're some kind of father. It's you confronting the mess you've made of this family... by avoiding it. Forcing the son... the son whose decision in the hospital saved your life. Forcing me to go away. I took... I took care of you when you were in a coma and I actually cared about you. Imagine that.

Alan: Is Ava Peralta really worth all of this? Especially being handed your hat by young Henry Cooper? Son, this is your opportunity to make a fresh start, a new beginning for you. I have a wedding to attend.

Dinah: You can stop now. You're making me dizzy.

Blake: So what do you think, huh?

Dinah: I don't know what to think. I think you might be taking some of this too soon.

Blake: Well, I've got a new lease on life and I've got to live it. So, where's Mallet? I thought he'd be here with you.

Dinah: He's at Buzz's wedding.

Blake: Oh, yes, that's right. Well, I have to admit, I wish Mallet were here with you. I mean, I feel such a connection to him. He was standing there when I woke up, kind of like the hero pulling me out of the dungeon. I feel as if we could... share almost anything.

Dinah: You know, since your not interested in a formal recovery facility, Mallet and I have actually been doing some work at your place...

Blake: Oh, about my place, yes, I've been thinking. Change of plans.

Cyrus: Now, what kind of a man would I be if I just left town with you laid up like this?

Marina: Sorry, are you missing the irony here? Because I'm laid up because of you.

Cyrus: I'm sorry, Detective, the hazards of our professions, I guess.

Marina: You guess? Okay, why don't you just guess your way on out the door?

Cyrus: It's nice to see you got that spark back.

Marina: I should arrest you. I would if I could. Call my dad. He's downstairs.

Cyrus: Well, you better use your cell. These places charge a fortune to make a call.

Marina: Why don't you just loan me some of Matt and Vanessa's money?

Cyrus: I'd like to, but I burned the money. Yeah, I knew it was marked straight off. Easy come, easy go.

Marina: That simple, huh?

Cyrus: Well, it is hard to walk away from something that you've developed a strong attachment to.

Marina: You have to pay for what you did.

Cyrus: Maybe so. ( Knock at door )

Mallet: Hey, is everything okay?

Olivia: If I wanted to be with Jeffrey, this would be so easy... so easy to explain.

Buzz: Try.

Olivia: I guess there are just a lot of unresolved issues from all those years ago.

Buzz: Well, I tried to help you get them settled.

Olivia: I know. I guess it's just who I am. But whatever feelings that I do have for Jeffrey, I didn't know, I wasn't aware of them, because everything's still mixed up with the anger and the resentment that I have.

Buzz: So, you were angry with him and had feelings for him?

Olivia: I loved you, Buzz, because you made it so easy. The part of me wants, maybe needs, just for things to be more complicated. I like it that way.

Buzz: Why?

Olivia: I don't know. That's just me.

Buzz: Is it really?

Olivia: It's me. It's who I am.

Buzz: When I came down here, I came down here to say I was sorry for judging you about the photographs and to say we should go on with the wedding.

Olivia: No, no, you should have stayed upstairs, I'm not good enough for you.

Buzz: Would you listen to me? Are you listening? Whoever it is or whatever it is you think you are, I will not only accept it, but you can be different with me. Change for the better, if that's what you want. Otherwise, I'd just as soon have you as is. Do you understand what I'm saying? My love for you is bigger than you know. Do you understand?

Olivia: I'm sorry to have to hurt you this way, but it was going to happen sooner or later. I can't marry you, Buzz. I won't.

Buzz: Why are you doing this?

Olivia: It's who I am. I have to go. Don't try to follow me.

Buzz: Don't worry, I won't.

Alan: You and I need to get a drink. Come on.

Marina: You know what? I'm feeling better. Actually, I'm feeling great.

Mallet: What are you doing? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it easy, take it easy. Okay, the wedding's been called off.

Marina: No.

Mallet: Yeah, I don't know what's going on.

Marina: What happened?

Mallet: I don't know, but you just stay here, okay, and I'll figure out what's what and I'll come back and tell you.

Marina: Okay. No, I need to find my granddad.

Mallet: Hey, there's nothing you can do, all right? I will take care of... are you okay?

Marina: Yeah.

Mallet: You look a little flushed. Are you okay?

Marina: No, I'm fine, I just... the room is... it's hot in here.

Mallet: Rest. Open a window or something. You want an aspirin? I'll get you an aspirin.

Marina: No, it's okay. Um... I'm just worried. I'm worried about grandpa. I can't believe... he and Olivia...

Mallet: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Love is...

Marina: Never easy.

Mallet: No. No. Rest.

Marina: Okay. ( Cell phone rings )

Mallet: Hey, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Something went down with Buzz and Olivia.

Dinah: Let me guess-- the wedding's off.

Mallet: Good call. And you?

Dinah: Well, I'm at the hospital.

Mallet: The hospital?! Is Blake okay?

Dinah: Oh, she's fine. She's fine. She's so much in her right mind she's made a very interesting decision.

Mallet: What?

Dinah: She'd like to live with us.

Mallet: No, no, no, no, no. We can't do that. Not until we find out what she heard me say about my past. You know what? Put Blake on.

Blake: Oh. Hello.

Mallet: Hey, Blake, how are you? It's Mallet. Listen, I just want to let you know how happy we are to have you as our guest.

Blake: Fabulous.

Dinah: Fabulous.

Coop: It's a funny thing-- watching people still go on about their lives. Meanwhile, there's something so huge going on in ours.

Ava: Yeah. It makes you wonder. They seemed so good together.

Coop: Well, it seemed.

Ava: Guess not, huh?

Coop: Guess not.

Ava: If they can't make it, who can make it?

Coop: In this town?

Ava: Yeah.

Coop: Well, it certainly is a test. Guess you just got to have faith in love-- real, honest-to-God, deep, fearless love.

Ava: When you say it like that, it's believable.

Ava: I'm sorry. It's just I feel so helpless.

Coop: You just got to believe.

Buzz: She did that on purpose.

Alan: What's that?

Buzz: It's the oldest trick in the book-- I'm too good for you, so don't try to stop me.

Alan: Well, if you knew it was a trick, then why didn't you stop her?

Buzz: Well, there comes a time when, usually when someone's back is against the wall, when they show you who they really are, and you best believe them.

Alan: Mm. Even the biggest lie has a kernel of truth in it.

Buzz: ( Laughs ) You ain't lying, brother.

Olivia: Why are you here, Olivia? Oh, what are you doing?

Jeffrey: Don't ask me how, but I knew you'd come back.

Olivia: And here you are.

Jeffrey: Here we are.

Next on Guiding Light:

Buzz: I came here to ask you a favor.

Jeffrey: A favor?

Buzz: Yeah, I figured you owed me one.

Cassie: Like a mission.

Josh: A mission? Yeah, well, maybe I am looking for something like that.

Beth: "Mommy and me"?

Lizzie: He's going to love it.

Beth: You're not the mommy.

Olivia: I want to keep it real. Jeffrey. Real bad, real twisted.

Jeffrey: Real works for me.

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