Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/9/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Belinda: Oh, please, God, make this one go okay. Okie-doke.
Olivia: Great, you're here, that's good, come on in.
Belinda: Hi.
Olivia: Good. Okay, listen. Okay, Ava, Belinda, Belinda, Ava. Ava's... Belinda's our wedding planner. She also organized tonight's rehearsal dinner. She's great.
Ava: Yes, yes, yes, I know. Hi, we've talked a dozen times on the phone. It's nice to finally meet you in person.
Belinda: You, too.
Olivia: Okay, my brush, I need my brush. I don't know where my brush is.
Ava: Here's the brush. Got it right here.
Olivia: Whoo! Good.
Ava: You'd think she'd never done this before.
Olivia: Yeah, it's just that I have a reason for this. You know, I want this one to last, you know? Besides, you know, I haven't decided whether I want to wear my hair up or down or just...
Ava: Okay, all right, we'll please, please....
Olivia: Just shave it off because probably it's better.
Ava: Relax. It'll look fine.
Olivia: Better. I just don't want any more tangles, okay? No more tangles...
Ava: No, no, I know.
Olivia: ...Because everything with Buzz is just really...
Ava: It's just so unmessy?
Olivia: No split ends. Just loved and safe and...
Ava: Silky smooth. Simple.
Belinda: I'd pay for one of those.
Olivia: I have too many times, okay? The point is, you've just got to keep trying. I hate my makeup! I hate it.
Ava: Okay, well, you know what? Sometimes making up is not easy, and it might be the right thing to do, and, you know, you'll... here you go. You'll get through it, making up.
Olivia: Do you know what she's talking about?
Ava: Okay. Well, what I'm talking about is tomorrow, the wedding. You don't walk down the aisle with... with anything holding you back, you know, weighing on you.
Olivia: What things?
Ava: I don't know, pain? Frustration?
Olivia: Jeffrey?
Ava: Yes. Well, there is some unfinished business with Jeffrey. I know that it's been difficult for you-- I know that-- but if you can just come to peace somewhere...
Olivia: I'm peaceful! I'm a peace... I'm like the peace girl! Don't I seem peaceful? Where the hell are my shoes?
Ava: Okay. Ah... shoes, ah! Shoes!
Olivia: See, the point is that there's still so much to do, you know? I don't have something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new, blah, blah, blah,
Ava: Something borrowed and something blue. Yes. Something borrowed and blue.
Olivia: First prize?
Ava: Yeah, I... I won it for an English essay in high school. My mom never showed up, so I thought maybe I would... you know what? It's okay. I mean, what do you... you don't have a place to put this.
Olivia: No, please, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! It's perfect. Give it to me. Give it to me, please. Please. It's perfect.
Ava: I can find something nicer for tomorrow.
Olivia: Absolutely not. Thank you.
Ava: You're welcome.
Olivia: Something new. Does my dress count?
Belinda: No.
Ava: Okay, you know what? I'll take care of something new, how's that?
Olivia: Okay, but nothing... nothing complicated. Simple, okay? No surprises.
Ava: No, of course not!
Olivia: Smooth, calm, smooth and calm for Buzz.
Ava: Smooth and calm.
Olivia: Oh! He forgot his suit!
Buzz: Ah! This is it! That's it! That is it! That is it! The dinner is off!
Harley: Calm down. We'll find the...
Buzz: I wrote those things... it took hour to write that speech.
Frank: We'll find them for you.
Harley: Okay, Olivia will understand, just speak from your heart.
Buzz: My heart is nervous. They were here, they were right here.
Harley: Frank?
Buzz: Look, guys, check your pockets.
Belinda: Uh, Mr. Cooper?
Buzz: Someone stole my toast!
Belinda: No, they didn't. You gave them to me, remember? You said, "Take these or I'll lose them." So...
Buzz: Oh, thank God. Thank God.
Frank: Dad's a little nervous.
Harley: Are wedding planners authorized to prescribe medication?
Belinda: ( Laughs ) Sorry. You'll be fine, Buzz.
Harley: A little jumpy, aren't you?
Buzz: I'm not jumpy! Do you think I should... I should mention how we met? I don't... I don't remember how we met. That's odd.
Harley: Dad, do you think that maybe you're a little nervous because you're rushing into things?
Buzz: I just want her to feel secure and loved, you know? What's wrong with that?
Frank: Well, Pop, do you feel that?
Buzz: Yeah, yeah, I do. So we... we... we're good?
Belinda: Except for the whole you-not-wearing-pants thing.
Buzz: I'm on it.
Belinda: Does he need help or...
Frank: You know what? Belinda, don't worry about him. I'll make he's zipped up, okay?
Harley: Please do.
Belinda: All righty. Next order of business.
Alan-Michael: Wedding planner, right?
Belinda: That's me, Belinda.
Alan-Michael: I'm glad I ran into you, Belinda. I just wanted to make sure the itinerary hadn't changed.
Belinda: Are you with the bride or the groom?
Alan-Michael: Well, both. I'm Dr. Rick Bauer.
Belinda: Bauer. Okay, here's an updated schedule. Don't be late.
Alan-Michael: Wouldn't miss a minute.
Belinda: Okey-dokey, your fianc' will soon be wearing pants.
Olivia: That's good because he looks good in pants. We're having... we're having problems. Ava...
Belinda: I can see that.
Olivia: Ava, you're scaring me!
Ava: This thing's a little complicated.
Buzz: I can tie my own tie.
Frank: You know, I'm not... I'm not sure you can lace up your own shoes at this point. How many times have you gotten dressed, huh?
Buzz: Who's counting, Frank?
Belinda: Is everything handled in here?
Buzz: My children have lost my teeth.
Harley: Stop it! We just want everything to go perfectly for you.
Buzz: It will. You'll make it happen, right?
Belinda: All my weddings end happily ever after.
Buzz: Very good.
Belinda: Good. Is... can I help you with anything else?
Alan-Michael: No. Thank you. I have everything I need.
Belinda: ( Humming ) ( knock on door )
Coop: Come on in.
Belinda: Oh, sorry.
Coop: No, perfect timing. Finger, here, please.
Belinda: Oh, uh...
Coop: Wonderful.
Belinda: Is that Christmas paper?
Coop: Uh... yes. Dad... dad's not going to notice. I mean, Christmas paper is paper still, right, yes?
Belinda: Well, there are little... never mind. Can I see a copy of your toast?
Coop: I don't have it. It's right here, actually. I'm just going to wing it. Shouldn't be a problem.
Belinda: Not the best idea in my experience. But...
Olivia: But then you don't know Henry Cooper Bradshaw. Hey!
Coop: Hey, so, what do you think? Huh? Yes?
Ava: Ooh, nice wrapping paper.
Coop: Yeah, got the lines, got... well, it's...
Ava: It's lovely, thank you. Okay, well, please rewrap this while I make the best man presentable.
Coop: Hey, I just... it took me...
Belinda: With pleasure.
Ava: Thank you.
Coop: Look, I can do my own...
Ava: I knew that you weren't going to have it together, but that's okay.
Coop: What? I can get myself dressed, I can do my buttons, I can tuck my shirt in, I'm fine.
Ava: Yeah? Okay, so what's up with the shoes... socks? Little purple...
Coop: Well, the shoes are over there.
Ava: They don't match. Coop!
Coop: Right. Look, I... I must have been a little nervous or something. I...
Ava: Well, I hope it wasn't me. I mean, I know you being the best man and me being the maid of honor might be a little awkward. I hope that's not making you nervous. Here, let me help you.
Coop: No, no, it's-- thank you-- it's fine. I actually kind of like it.
Ava: You do? You like it?
Coop: Well, you know, I mean if it's going to make dad and Olivia happy.
Ava: Well, that's exactly how I feel. I mean, why ruin one perfectly good romance and-- I don't know- - screw up another, right?
Coop: Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself romantic.
Ava: I thought you were really romantic. You didn't think so? Romantic.
Coop: You did?
Ava: Ah! Hold on one second.
Coop: What? What?
Ava: Got to show you something.
Coop: What?
Ava: Okay, so I've been working on the honeymoon for...
Coop: Uh, Ava, look, my dad doesn't exactly have a lot of money. He's not rolling in it.
Ava: No, no, no, no, wait. Sit, sit, let me tell you what happened. Okay, so I scored the jet, the Spaulding jet, from Alexandra and discounts on all the accommodations. Can you believe it?
Coop: ( Laughs ) Okay. All right. So where are we looking? London?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: Right.
Ava: Coop and I were going to live in England. I saved all the brochures.
Coop: Ava...
Ava: Let me see this. What is this?
Coop: It's my brown socks. What?
Ava: How old are you?
Coop: Uh... it's socks.
Ava: Okay, where's your sock bag?
Coop: They're over there. They're... what? Okay.
Ava: I swear. Come here.
Coop: Yes.
Ava: Let me see here.
Coop: All right, I've got brown...
Ava: Do you have brown and blue? What's...
Coop: Yes, but then I can change this one here.
Ava: This has stripes on it!
Coop: Are you a big... Ava! ( Laughs )
Belinda: God, I go to a zillion weddings. How come I can't meet a guy like that? Aw, everything's in place. ( Laughs ) Oh, hello.
Harley: Hi!
Belinda: Are you having a good time?
Harley: Great. Except that I miss my husband. He's a cop, he's on a stakeout. Hey, which makes you my date tonight, Frank.
Frank: Okay, that works for me.
Harley: Oh, Frank, is it hard for you seeing dad and Olivia together?
Frank: No. I actually made peace with that a long time ago.
Harley: Good.
Frank: It's just... just something Alan said to me.
Harley: Well, that'll do it.
Frank: He gave me a warning about Alan-Michael and the wedding.
Harley: You don't think he'd do something.
Belinda: Wait, someone's going to spoil the wedding? Who?
Frank: No, Belinda, no one's going to be spoiling any wedding here. It's going to be fine. He tried to use me, get me involved in some twisted game of his.
Harley: He's a cop. My brother the cop, my husband the cop, I'm a cop. Hey, why don't you ask your sister to dance.
Frank: Okay, let's go.
Belinda: All righty. Good. We should be getting ready for dessert. Oh, my gosh, Belinda, you truly have outdone yourself. ( Laughs ) Oh. ( Clears throat ) Well, hello, Santa. ( Laughs )
Coop: Hi, how are you?
Belinda: Good.
Coop: It's a nice party. I can't wait to see what you do tomorrow.
Belinda: ( Laughs ) Thanks. So you're a writer?
Coop: Yes, I write. I'm also starting to teach, too.
Belinda: Wow.
Coop: Yeah. You look great.
Ava: So do you.
Coop: Oh, excuse me.
Belinda: Wow, just like brother and sister. Well, after the wedding tomorrow.
Ava: It's not like that.
Coop: No, it's not... do you want something to drink?
Ava: Yes, yeah.
Coop: Excuse us.
Belinda: Okay. I'll... I'll see you later.
Buzz: Marina said she's going to come.
Olivia: She's recovering!
Buzz: No, she's shot! She's going to come to the wedding.
Olivia: Well, you know, I really can't blame her. It's going to be a great day.
Buzz: It's going to be the best, baby.
Olivia: A little louder, please.
Buzz: Really?
Olivia: Yeah.
Buzz: Okay, attention, everybody. You asked for it, you got it.
Olivia: I did.
Buzz: Before we all sit down to dinner, I... I want to make a toast to my... my gorgeous and brilliant bride! ( Cheers and applause ) I actually... I actually wrote this out so I wouldn't leave anything out. Okay. Olivia...
Olivia: That's it? ( Laughter )
Buzz: You know, I don't need these notes. I wrote them when I was drunk anyway. You know, I... I... I thought I was retired from all this, you know? I thought I was going to spend the rest of my days in the restaurant cooking chili, pestering the kids, you know, maybe learn the game of golf. ( Laughs ) Right? Then, boom! You walked into my life! So why spend your days knocking a golf ball around when you can spend your days with a woman who will make grown men cry and young men want to get older and old men look for pharmaceuticals! ( Laughter ) I just... I... I thought I was just in lust with you. Don't look at me that way, I'll jump you. She's so beautiful. She's beautiful. I thought I was just in lust with you, but then I realized... no, you made me realize that lust is vastly underrated.
Olivia: Yes. ( Laughter )
Buzz: Lust to love to life together-- not a bad progression. And if you have all three-- and I do-- tomorrow I intend to say that. I do and I will. You are now and always my heart. You are. I love you. I love you and little Emma, big Ava. No, sorry, not big. Girls aren't big, they're tall. They're tall. ( Laughter ) I was in such a dark place for so long, and you brought light into my life. And for that, I'll always be grateful. ( Applause )
Olivia: What do I say to that?
Ava: How about say "I love you"?
Olivia: Oh, he knows that. He'd better know that. You better know that!
Ava: Whoo, man. Your dad kills me. ( Laughs )
Coop: Yeah, he kills a lot of people. He really does have a way with words, though.
Belinda: He sure does. I mean, that was just so... so...
Harley: Hey!
Olivia: Your daddy really looks happy, huh?
Harley: He does look happy. I just hope he stays that way.
Olivia: Okay, all right, just... come on.
Harley: No, no, no, no, no. You just... you were with Frank, I just need time to get over that.
Olivia: I know.
Harley: And, truthfully, I was looking forward to treating you like my wicked stepmother.
Olivia: You can still treat me like a wicked...
Harley: Really?
Olivia: Yes!
Buzz: Hey, hey, hey, come on, join in. If you're going to join the family, you've got to dance.
Olivia: Hey, I'm talking to your daughter here. Save it for the wedding.
Buzz: Excuses, excuses. ( Cell phone ringing )
Olivia: Okay, now it's my phone, and it could be about Emma. Five seconds. Five seconds.
Buzz: All right, five, four, three, two...
Frank: Come on, Pop. Come on, sis.
Olivia: Hello? Are you... I don't believe this. You know what? I... I'm busy. I don't care how urgent it is, it can wait until after the wedding. Get a life, O'Neill.
Frank: Hey, hey, there you are! Come on, dance with me, dance with me.
Olivia: I'd love to. Why not?
Buzz: I'll tell you why not, because she's dancing with me.
Frank: It's just one dance. Come on, Pop! ( Laughter )
Belinda: O'Neill?
Harley: First time with ouzo, huh? You should sit up... slowly. And you're going to need your sleep for the big day tomorrow.
Belinda: ( Laughs ) How'd it go?
Harley: It was great. It was really great. Everybody had a really, really good time. Are you okay?
Belinda: Yeah, I'm good.
Harley: Why don't you let me help you up there, sweetie.
Ava: So, what did Jeffrey want?
Olivia: What does he always want? To annoy me.
Ava: Maybe it was important.
Olivia: He thinks everything he has to say is important. Oh, come on, you didn't expect me to interrupt the party to talk to him, did you?
Ava: No, I know that you and Buzz are happy. I just...
Olivia: I know. I know that you want Jeffrey and I just to make nice and forgive each other and let the past go and move on, be blissful and free.
Ava: So, then, you're going to call him back?
Olivia: I will. After the honeymoon. ( Laughter )
Belinda: Never again. No more ouzo.
Coop: Here we are.
Ava: ( Laughs ) I think you should come in with me.
Coop: Oh, do you?
Ava: Yes, I do.
Coop: Really. I would like that a lot.
Ava: Yeah?
Coop: But I won't. Not tonight.
Ava: Look, I know that I hurt you, and if I could take it back I would.
Coop: No, I know, but you can't. You can't.
Ava: How about if you let me try?
Coop: No, no, no. Wait. This isn't real.
Ava: But it is real.
Coop: No, this is... no, this is the booze, this is the wedding, Ava.
Ava: No, this is... it doesn't have to be about that. We... we can make it real. I mean, unless... unless you don't want to?
Coop: No, no, no, look, I want you. I want you. I always have. But the last time, it cost me a little too much. I mean, it took months for me to... to get back on my feet again, to focus on my writing, on teaching, instead of you. And I don't want to get drawn back into that, and I certainly don't want to be...
Ava: Hurt again?
Coop: Yeah.
Ava: I can understand.
Coop: Look, I'm not saying that you would do it intentionally.
Ava: I wouldn't.
Coop: But right now I need to get my life back together before I can... I can do this with anyone, you know?
Ava: Sounds really lonely to me.
Coop: No. I'm not lonely, I'm just determined. Good night.
Ava: You know what? I'm determined, too. Okay?
Coop: Please. Hey, how long have you been standing there?
Belinda: Oh, I've been staggering around trying to find my room. It's 209. You want to show me where it is?
Coop: It's that way. Good night.
Belinda: Good night. Story of my life. The night before the wedding, everybody's in love... or thinks they are. Me, I go back to my room and make phone calls to old boyfriends. Oh! Oh, brother. Are you okay?
Harley: ( Sobbing ) Yes. Weddings always make me cry.
Belinda: Oh, they make me cry, too. Because I always wind up alone in my room watching reruns and flossing my teeth.
Harley: Oh. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride? I'm always the bride. Sometimes I wonder actually if I was ever a little girl. I had Daisy when I was so young.
Belinda: Daisy?
Harley: What is wrong with me? I know I'm a good mother. My boys love me. But when it comes to my daughter... I can't believe I locked her up!
Belinda: You locked her in her room?
Harley: I sent her away. I sent her away. Tomorrow, her grandfather's getting married and she's going to be all alone. Some night, huh?
Belinda: Here we go. The old night before freak-out. I'd better check on the bride- to-be, make sure she's not on a plane to Alaska.
Olivia: You know what?
Buzz: What?
Olivia: After tomorrow, we're going to be husband and wife.
Buzz: Oh, well, that means I'm not going to get lucky tonight. What you got behind your back? This better not be a "Dear John" letter.
Olivia: It's a gift.
Buzz: Oh, no! This is... is this the one that...
Olivia: It's the one you look at every time we pass.
Buzz: Yeah, I know,! I look at it, and what do I... I always say...
Olivia: "It's a crime to spend so much money on a watch" even if it is a piece of history. But it's... you look at it so much and I want you to have it. It's the least I can do after everything you've given me.
Buzz: After everything I've given you?
Olivia: Yeah, you've made me a part of the family, you're a great dad to Emma, and you're an inspiration to me. You're like my own personal Don Quixote.
Buzz: Don Quixote was crazy, he thought windmills were giants. This is...
Olivia: Yeah, he was a hero. He made a lost woman believe that she was a great woman.
Buzz: You are a great woman. Let me get in there, and I'll show you what a great woman you are.
Olivia: You'll make an honest woman out of me first. Yes, you will.
Buzz: Well, now I know why they count the minutes. Well, good night. Good night, Mrs. Cooper.
Olivia: Good night, Mr. Cooper.
Buzz: You know...
Olivia: I love you.
Buzz: You're crazy! You know that, don't you?
Olivia: I love you. I love you. You can come out now, Belinda.
Belinda: Oh, I wasn't spying or anything.
Olivia: You were. You were. But you know what? I'm too happy to be upset. Do me a favor.
Belinda: Just name it.
Olivia: Just... could you take my veil?
Belinda: But won't you need it tomorrow?
Olivia: I'm not going to wear it, and... and if I keep looking at it, I'm just going to change my mind again.
Belinda: You got it. No problem.
Olivia: Thank you!
Belinda: Okay. Oh, you're going to lose these presents. Oh, shoot. What are they doing up here? ( Knock on door )
Olivia: No is no, Mr. Cooper. Besides, it's bad luck. Go ahead, let yourself in.
Jeffrey: You want to talk in the hall?
Olivia: I told you I don't want to talk at all.
Jeffrey: Well, you said that you would talk to me, but after the wedding. But your daughter wants me to talk to you before, and I'm trying to be an upstanding guy, the kind of guy that she could look up to and respect, so...
Olivia: Okay, so be honest, be honest. When you called me earlier tonight, were you calling from a bar?
Jeffrey: Technically, I was leaving the bar.
Olivia: Okay, so you were drinking?
Jeffrey: What, you're completely sober?
Olivia: No, but I'm celebrating my wedding tomorrow. What are you celebrating?
Jeffrey: I'm celebrating courage, okay? How's that? I'm celebrating the courage it took to come here and knock on your door, the courage it's going to take to... Olivia, I hate the past, okay? I hate the past as much as you do. And I've told you how sorry I am, and I know that's not enough. I'm just glad that, you know, what happened has not stopped you from believing in hope and in...
Olivia: And in love? Jeffrey, it's not a dirty word.
Jeffrey: Why is it every time I try to be nice, you treat me like a jerk?
Olivia: Because maybe you are a jerk.
Jeffrey: Maybe I am.
Olivia: Good night, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Okay, look. I just want to tell you that even when you infuriate me, which is 90% of the time, I respect you.
Olivia: Okay, that's just the booze talking. Now go!
Jeffrey: Really, Olivia, I have lost a lot of sleep over you, thinking about what it must have been like to be so young and pregnant and alone. But you did it.
Olivia: Women have babies alone all the time, Jeffrey. It's no big deal.
Jeffrey: Did you see her before you gave her up?
Olivia: Um... yeah, yeah.
Jeffrey: That's what I keep thinking about. I keep thinking about that good- bye, how hard that must have been. And then she shows up all these years later. But you got past it all. That's why I respect you. You got past me, the me that you see in her. And now you're building something with her, something real.
Olivia: Jeffrey...
Jeffrey: I just... look, I just... I just thought before... before you spend the rest of your life with... I...
Olivia: What? What?
Jeffrey: Tomorrow, you're going to be Mrs. Buzz Cooper. I'll be sober. This is the last chance for...
Olivia: No, no. You don't get to ruin my life a second time. No.
Jeffrey: Wait. Wait.
Olivia: Just stay away from me.
Belinda: Miss Spencer, are you all right?
Olivia: I'm fine, Belinda, just go.
Jeffrey: Is she all right?
Olivia: You've got to stop it. Stop coming to me for forgiveness or absolution or whatever the hell this was tonight. Okay, I've got the man that I want. I've got the life that I'm after, just a simple, happy, normal life where a roller coaster is just something you take your kids on.
Jeffrey: Okay, I came for forgiveness, but I also just thought that I could, you know...
Olivia: No!
Jeffrey: I kissed the bride a little early, excuse me. That's all. I want you to be happy, Olivia, I really do. Okay? So good luck with the wedding tomorrow, and I hope your life with Buzz is everything that you want it to be. Good night.
Belinda: Miss Spencer? Um... Miss Spencer? Are you sure you're okay?
Olivia: Did you see that guy? That is the kind of guy you never-- and I mean never-- want to get involved with.
Belinda: Actually, I thought he was kind of cute. In a rugged sort of way. Oh, and the fire in his eyes, I... never, ever, belief me, would I go near a guy like that.
Olivia: All right, can we just go over the to-to... to- do... to-do list for tomorrow? I need to go to sleep.
Belinda: Sure. Sure, but before we do, I saw a man in your room.
Olivia: I know, Belinda. It was Jeffrey, it was Jeffrey, it was Jeffrey. It's the guy that just left. I can assure you nothing happened, and nothing ever will.
Belinda: No, but it's... it's not Jeffrey. He's not the only problem.
Olivia: Okay, right, it's me. I'm... I'm just... I'm a nervous bride-to-be filled with second thoughts. It's totally normal, right?
Belinda: I'm not sure this was totally normal. Your balcony door was opened, so I just...
Olivia: Okay, you know, I just can't. I have to go to sleep. We'll do this tomorrow, okay?
Belinda: But Miss Spencer, about the man...
Olivia: I can't talk about Jeffrey, anymore. I really can't. And if you want a good reference from me, Belinda, please don't mention his name again tonight, tomorrow, ever. Good night.
Belinda: Oh, why didn't I listen to my mother and become a nun?
Olivia: Come on.
Belinda: Oh, not again.
Buzz: Wait a second. I tried to talk you into this earlier. Why the change of heart?
Olivia: I just want to be with you, but I don't want to jinx us.
Buzz: Oh, please, jinx us? Jinx me now.
Belinda: What a night. Gosh. Hey, you, wait! I want those photos, Dr. Bauer.
Alan-Michael: Have you seen my bedside manner?
Belinda: Who are you? If you don't tell me, I'm calling security.
Alan-Michael: Oh, slow down. I bet my friend Jeffrey O'Neill that he couldn't kiss the bride the night before, okay? I lost.
Belinda: But what about those photos that you were...
Alan-Michael: Part of the deal. We're going to have a few laughs and throw them away. Olivia and Buzz will never see them. Come on, you can't tell me you haven't seen crazier things than that at other weddings.
Belinda: There was this one time with a monkey and a trampoline.
Alan-Michael: Tell me more.
Belinda: Oh, my gosh. It got totally out of control. I mean, well, the monkey was wearing a veil, walking down the thing, and it was just...
Belinda: Hello? Olivia? Time to wake up. You're getting married today!
Olivia: Buzz!
Belinda: Oh, he left you a note. Here you go.
Olivia: Thanks. "Forget what they say about bad luck. Last night was the start of the honeymoon that never ends. All my love, Buzz."
Belinda: He's so romantic.
Olivia: Isn't he? Every woman should have a Buzz.
Belinda: Well, I brought you some coffee, and then we can go over the schedule. But, um, first, about last night. When I came to get your veil, I went out on to the balcony and...
Olivia: It's okay. Maybe it just sort of blew off and flew on to some other bride who could use it.
Belinda: No, I still have the veil. It's about your friend's friend.
Ava: Good morning. How's the bride to be? Thank you.
Olivia: Just think of me as your mother who ought to give you a good spanking.
Ava: Well, what did I do?
Olivia: Don't you try that on me. I invented it. What were you thinking, sending Jeffrey here last night? I should be furious with you!
Ava: But you're not?
Olivia: I hate to admit it, but it helped in a weird way. I mean, if he hadn't come over, if we hadn't had a... reached an understanding, then I might not know for sure just how much Buzz means to me. What are you laughing at?
Ava: ( Laughs ) Because this is it. It's perfect. The thing I was going to give you, something new... I've given you something old, borrowed and blue, but this is great. Now you and Jeffrey can co-exist without strangling each other, and you can marry Buzz unburdened. Perfect!
Olivia: You want a thank you for this? You expect me to thank you?
Ava: No, just remember me in your will.
Olivia: Oh, remember you? ( Laughter )
Belinda: Why listen to me? I'm just the wedding planner. So I saw a strange man taking pictures of you kissing another strange man. What's so strange about that?
Olivia: Belinda, did you say something?
Buzz: Coffee, bacon, eggs, toast and Olivia. Does a man ever have anything better than this?
Belinda: No.
Buzz: You're awfully quiet today, Belinda.
Belinda: Well, I'm worried. Probably over nothing. But there was this man with a camera, and he was taking pictures, unnecessary ones.
Buzz: Fire him. You're in charge of the photographer.
Belinda: But it's not the... ( knocking at door )
Coop: Pop? Hello? We decent?
Buzz: Well, you know... ( laughs )
Coop: How are you? Good morning. Oh, breakfast. Belinda, hello.
Belinda: Hi.
Coop: So, today's the big day.
Buzz: Looks like you had a big night.
Coop: What?
Buzz: You're hung over.
Coop: No.
Buzz: No.
Coop: No. No, it is not that at all. You know, in fact, sometimes I wish I hadn't inherited a certain something from you, by the way.
Buzz: What? My intellect, my good looks, my legendary capacity to satisfy a woman? What would it be?
Coop: No. How about your integrity? You know, sometimes being a moral, standup guy has a real way of messing up a night, I got to tell you. ( Knocking at door )
Jeffrey: Hey, got a sec?
Belinda: Oh, no.
Coop: You know what? Now's not the best time. How about you make an appointment and come back next year. Hm?
Jeffrey: Well...
Buzz: What do you want?
Jeffrey: To offer my congratulations. I won't be at the wedding, so consider it a peace offering. For Ava's sake, I don't want us to be enemies.
Buzz: You don't owe me a gift.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess it's more what I owe Ava. So, best of luck to you, Buzz. I hope that you and Olivia have a very happy life together. Okay, like I said, congratulations.
Buzz: Coop, do me a favor.
Coop: Anything.
Buzz: Dump this.
Belinda: Oh, here comes the bride!
Ava: Oh, my gosh.
Olivia: Do I look okay?
Ava: Oh, my gosh.
Harley: Oh, my gosh, Olivia. You could make grown men cry. Here.
Olivia: Thank you.
Harley: Doesn't mommy look beautiful? Look at her dress. Isn't it perfect?
Olivia: Oh, Emma, look at you. You're so pretty! We're going to have such a fun day. You know, in a few minutes, we get to walk down the aisle with Buzz and marry him. And then we're going to move in together, and we're going to start a whole new life just filled with happy surprises.
Harley: Yeah, and more cake. ( Laughter )
Olivia: We're going to be eating cake for the rest of our lives! ( Laughter )
Belinda: Mmm, good. Well, maybe it will all just work out fine.
Waiter: Yeah, of course I know who Buzz Cooper is.
Alan-Michael: Could you deliver this to him now? Before the wedding?
Belinda: Oh, no. It... it couldn't be. I mean, it isn't. Oh, shoot! Oh! Mr. Cooper!
Buzz: Not... not... Belinda, not now. My son has lost the ring.
Coop: I haven't lost them. They're someplace. Oh, right here. See?
Buzz: Keep them where you know where they are.
Coop: Fine.
Buzz: All right?
Coop: Yes! I got it.
Buzz: Oh, Frank, the car, the car, the car!
Frank: Don't worry about the car. I have a guard on the car.
Buzz: I don't want any tin cans, any stuff on the windshield. I don't want any of that stuff.
Frank: Listen to me. You just worry about getting dressed, okay?
Buzz: Okay. My boutonniere.
Belinda: Oh! Okay. Let's see, let's see. Ooh! Okay, I got it, I got it, I got it.
Buzz: Oh, thank you. You're a godsend. Thank you so much. Oh, Frank, Marina?
Frank: Don't worry about Marina. I'll call Marina. Belinda, keep an eye on him, will you?
Belinda: Mr. Cooper, we might have a problem with that man I was telling you about.
Buzz: Get... get Frank. He'll get on it. By the way, since we're stopped here right now, I... I got to thank you. I had my doubts going into this, but this is going to be an unforgettable wedding. ( Knock on door ) What?
Belinda: Don't answer it!
Buzz: Sorry, you're the one that said I was nervous.
Waiter: For you, Mr. Cooper.
Buzz: Oh. This is heavy. Maybe it's cash. ( Laughs )
Coop: No. Look, I got to get my bow tie and my jacket. I'll see you soon, okay?
Buzz: Oh, you go on, you go on. Here you go.
Waiter: Oh, very generous. Thank you very much.
Buzz: Maybe it's tickets to Maui.
Belinda: No. Mr. Cooper, you really don't want to... please, just don't open it because I... those pictures, that's what I was trying to tell you. I was trying to tell you about them.
Buzz: Get out. Now.
Belinda: Mr. Cooper, I know what you're thinking, but it...
Buzz: You don't know what I'm thinking.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Buzz: Bring Olivia to me.
Olivia: Did he say what he wanted? Tell me you still want to marry me.
Ava: I'm going to tell everybody you're going to be late?
Buzz: No, tell everybody I'm sorry.
Alan-Michael: Have the jet fueled and file a flight plan for Paris.
Buzz: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need your help.
Olivia: Would you just leave me alone?
Jeffrey: No.
Buzz: You son of a bitch!
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