GL Transcript Tuesday 5/8/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/8/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Ava: Belinda, maybe you should run one of these questions by the bride. I know that I'm the maid of honor and everything, but... right. Right. I just... ask my mother. Thanks. Bye.

Jeffrey: Mother? Wow, that word just rolls right off your lips nowadays, doesn't it?

Ava: Yeah, Olivia and I are getting along okay. And you and I are, too, but you and Olivia...

Jeffrey: Olivia and I are in the exact place that we need to be. She's getting married, and I sent my regrets.

Ava: You're not coming?


Ava: Then this is going to go on forever.

Alan-Michael: Tomorrow night, table for four, I'm entertaining some very important clients. A rehearsal dinner for who? No, no, no, that's no problem. Thanks for info. Olivia. ( Knock at door )

Alan: Hello, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: Let me guess. You realized that Beth's baby's actually Rick's, and boy do you feel stupid. No, no, no, even better. You realized you can't run Spaulding without me.

Alan: None of the above. All I need is your signature renouncing all claim to my business, my fortune, and my family. Here. You need a pen?

Dinah: Don't tell me you saw that end coming.

Mallet: Are you kidding me? It's what I do. I'm a detective. I solve crimes.

Dinah: What? What?

Mallet: I thought that that was... what was I saying? Oh. I saw it coming. I solve crimes. That's what I do, I'm a detective.

Dinah: Oh yeah? Why couldn't you find Cyrus or the money that mom... and Matt lost?

Mallet: Ouch. Ouch. I thought you and I were on a date night.

Dinah: We are. We are, it's just... well, now that he's brought up all this stuff about your past...

Mallet: Dinah...

Dinah: Well, I'm just... I'm saying, I mean, I just want to make sure everything's okay because you seem a little...

Mallet: What? What do I seem?

Dinah: Oh, you almost knocked that guy's head off, the guy who passed us.

Mallet: I just didn't expect to see him.

Dinah: Well, you felt a need to unburden yourself to Blake.

Mallet: Honey, you said go talk to someone, get this stuff off your chest. I did. She was in a coma.

Dinah: Was in a coma.

Mallet: Yeah, I know she was in a coma.

Dinah: Listen, we'll handle Blake, okay? We'll handle that and hopefully she didn't hear anything. Was there something else that you want to tell me?

Mallet: No, no, I'm fine. Fine. Look, if we can keep Blake quiet and if Cyrus is gone, then this will all just go away. Okay? And thanks again for watching my back. ( Cell phone ringing )

Dinah: Don't answer that.

Mallet: No, I have to get that if it's the station. It's the station. Yeah, Mallet.

Dinah: What's wrong?

Mallet: It's Cyrus. A unit has spotted his car and they've got him surrounded.

Officer #1: We see you in the car, Foley. Step out with your hands up.

Marina: No. It's me.

Cyrus: Don't shoot! I'm the one you want. Don't shoot.

Jeffrey: I wish Buzz and Olivia a happy and peaceful and uncomplicated life.

Ava: You believe they'll have that?

Jeffrey: I believe they have a better shot at it if I stay away.

Ava: You sound sorry.

Jeffrey: No, no, no, I'm relieved, actually. Yeah, because it hasn't been easy.

Ava: What hasn't been easy?

Jeffrey: Being hated like that.

Ava: Olivia doesn't hate you.

Jeffrey: Okay, okay. She can't forgive me for that night, okay? Same thing.

Ava: That night.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I know it hasn't been easy for you, either. Knowing that every time she looks at you...

Ava: That's what I'm talking about, Jeffrey. This is about us and it has to stop. We've got to figure out a way to make it not about that night all the time.

Jeffrey: Good luck.

Ava: You don't think... you don't think it's worth a try?

Jeffrey: I think that Olivia likes it this way.

Ava: Why?

Jeffrey: Why? Because this way she has an excuse. Everything that goes wrong with your life she can now blame on that night, she can blame on me.

Ava: And me.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry about that.

Ava: If it's all about her, then why couldn't you walk away?

Jeffrey: I have. I am.

Ava: Maybe it's because you want her to see the good person, the new person that you've changed into.

Jeffrey: I couldn't care less what Olivia thinks about me, trust me.

Ava: Aren't lawyers supposed to be good liars?

Jeffrey: What am I lying about?

Ava: Olivia. What she does to you, how she makes you feel, how she gets under your skin.

Jeffrey: Yeah, like a nail infection?

Ava: You know what I mean.

Jeffrey: What do you want me to say?

Ava: I don't know, be honest.

Jeffrey: What, that I want to stay away from her, but I can't and... and I don't know why?

Alan-Michael: You already fired me, Dad, so isn't this a little gratuitous?

Alan: The board just needs some assurance that you won't start a war. They just want to tie up all the loose ends.

Alan-Michael: They do or you do?

Alan: Check out this document. You'll find that there's a very good severance pay for you.

Alan-Michael: In exchange for what? My firstborn?

Alan: That is why you weren't a good C.E.O. at Spaulding. You get petulant when you don't get your way, Alan-Michael. It's just like a little boy who doesn't get the bicycle he wants for Christmas.

Alan-Michael: Petulant?

Alan: Yes.

Alan-Michael: I wonder who I learned that from. But the thing is I never wanted a bicycle. I wanted a father. God help this new baby of Beth's. You get your mitts on it, it has no idea the misery it's in for.

Alan: I've made mistakes as a parent with Phillip and especially with you, Alan- Michael, but I've learned from my mistakes and this new child....

Alan-Michael: Will be more messed up than the rest of us combined. Do you realize how psychotic you sound? Maybe I'll offer the kid a way out, come work for me.

Alan: No. All you have to do is read paragraph seven, the non-compete clause. It states that you will pursue no activities that will in any way be in competition with Spaulding Enterprises.

Alan-Michael: Wow. You're that scared of me. You've never understood me.

Alan: Let's not get emotional about this.

Alan-Michael: By all means, this isn't personal.

Alan: It's business. You could hardly handle the authority when I was in a coma, and you couldn't hold on to your girlfriend.

Alan-Michael: Look who's talking. Guy's wife was all over me. And if I wanted Ava, I could get her back. Company, too, if I wanted to. So take your papers and... ( whistles )

Alan: What's this? Buzz and Olivia's wedding invitation?

Alan-Michael: I'll take that. That's...

Alan: No, no, no, somehow I don't think you were invited. Just exactly what surprise on their wedding day were you planning?

Mallet: No, that's good. That's good, I'm on my way. All right, baby, I'm sorry, but I got to go.

Dinah: Listen A.C., Cyrus swore to me that he would never go back to prison and he'd rather die first.

Mallet: What are you saying to me?

Dinah: I'm saying that if things get ugly out there...

Mallet: Uh-uh. I don't want to get into this right now.

Dinah: Look, you see, I'm just saying... look, I'm just saying that it would be his choice.

Mallet: No, uh-uh, no. Listen to me. I know it's very tempting to say wouldn't it be easier to have Cyrus out of the picture. He doesn't matter, he deserves what he gets. But I'm telling you, once you go there and once you go down that rabbit hole, it's really hard to climb yourself back out. And even when you do get out... anyway. You and I, we agree that we want Cyrus caught, not killed, right?

Dinah: I just don't want him to hurt anybody else, you know? I know he's desperate.

Mallet: Yeah. Got to go.

Dinah: Wait. You know, if you guys catch him, he's going to name me as his accomplice.

Mallet: Well, he can say whatever he wants, but you could haven't helped Cyrus steal Matt and Vanessa's money.

Dinah: I went into the bank.

Mallet: No, you couldn't have. You were at the spa all day. Don't you remember? You were up to your neck in a seaweed wrap. You don't remember that? Because that's strange, because I have the receipt right there to prove it.

Dinah: You did this why? You compromised.

Mallet: I did it for us.

Dinah: Honey, if you ever get tired of being a cop, you'd make a damn good criminal.

Cyrus: I'm the one you want, guy, Cyrus Foley. It's me you're after, not her.

Officer #1: Her? What's he talking about?

Officer #2: Doyle, it's Cooper, Marina Cooper.

Officer #1: Stay there. Don't move.

Cyrus: You're going to need the key.

Marina: Why did you...

Cyrus: I'm not saying anything without a lawyer. Now, get her to the E.R. before you geniuses add manslaughter to the charges against me.

Officer #2: I got you. Car's right over here.

Officer #1: Step down to me, Cyrus. Nice and slow. Step inside, Foley, nice and easy.

Cyrus: Of course, Officer. You know, it was only a matter of time before you caught me. That's kind of fitting that it ends like this. But before I say good-bye to my freedom, I just need to make one more phone call. ( Explosion ) Well, you'll still make the news.

Ava: I never thought I'd be doing this for Olivia. Long way to go.

Jeffrey: I'm glad you are.

Ava: Yeah. So does it bother you?

Jeffrey: What?

Ava: Her getting married.

Jeffrey: No. No. It's... it's just, you know...

Ava: What?

Jeffrey: Sometimes... I sometimes wonder.

Ava: About Olivia?

Jeffrey: About my whole life. And what I've done with it. What I could have done. I think about, you know, if I could done something that night. If I would have realized that Olivia didn't really want... you know, if I could have stopped things before... I wonder, you know, what if I... what if I would have known that she was pregnant? If I would have apologized or you know, stayed in her life. And yours.

Ava: Do you really think things could have been different?

Jeffrey: No. Of course not. I was so screwed up. We were just kids. You were lucky, actually, I know that.

Ava: But you still wondered.

Jeffrey: I did, I wondered. I wonder still, you know, what I missed. I wonder about the first steps you took. I wonder about all the little steps you took to become who you are now. I wonder what play it was that you acted in kindergarten. I wonder what it would have been like to help you with your math homework or to see the guy who was going to take you to the prom, if I would have let him take you to the prom. I missed all of that. And I'll never get it back. And the worst part is you'll never get it back, either. Sorry. I got to go.

Ava: Jeffrey. "Cinderella." At the school play, I forget half my lines that I tripped out my dress. ( Laughs ) What is the square of a hypotenuse?

Jeffrey: I know this, actually. It's the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Ava: Sandy took me to the prom, the senior prom, and he was a perfect gentleman. There's time to make up for lost time, make things right.

Jeffrey: Maybe with you.

Ava: And Olivia. Talk to her. Just go clear the air, just pretend it's a wedding gift. Do it for all of us. Just... just start fresh for all of us.

Jeffrey: I don't really think that's a good idea.

Ava: No, please. Please, okay? Look, this is our family. It might be screwed up, but it's the only family that I've got.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. Olivia is Buzz's problem now.

Alan: What's going on in your head, son?

Alan-Michael: Now I'm your son again. Just a few minutes ago, I was an inconvenience you wanted to shove out of your way.

Alan: I see a lot of anger in here.

Alan-Michael: Do you?

Alan: This wedding invitation of Buzz and Olivia is the entire schedule. Now how did you get a hold of this?

Alan-Michael: I'm the wedding planner. It's my new career.

Alan: What were you planning on doing?

Alan-Michael: Did I tell you how Olivia and Jeffrey O'Neill kidnapped me? It's a great story. They threatened to kill me if I didn't leave Ava alone. They'd already poisoned her against me, so...

Alan: Why didn't you have them arrested?

Alan-Michael: Who'd believe me? So if I did want to ruin Olivia's big day, to ruin her, period, I'd be more than justified. But to do that, I'd have to be just as hateful and vengeful as you are. And as you never fail to mention, I'm nothing like you, Dad, right? So...

Alan: Alan-Michael, this is your chance for a fresh start so that you won't go to the dark side and become like me. You can go forward with you life unburdened by the family and your past mistakes.

Alan-Michael: Can I?

Alan: Yes. I mean, I'll give you the house in San Cristobel. I'll write it down right now, son. You can start a new life there. You'll live like a prince. There are beautiful women there, son.

Alan-Michael: I don't want anything from you. I don't want anything you can give me. From now on, I take and I keep on taking. Now, get out. Let's go, chop-chop. Bye-bye.

Dinah: Why don't you tell me? Why don't you tell me what Cyrus has on you. ( Cell phone ringing )

Mallet: Hello, Mallet.

Frank: Mallet, it's Frank. Cyrus Foley got away again.

Mallet: He's gone?

Frank: He created a diversion, and there's more. He's been holding Marina hostage.

Mallet: Whoa, whoa, slow down here, Frank. I don't get it. I thought Marina was at the Beacon recuperating.

Frank: No, he's been holding her for a while, and she's in bad shape. Listen, I'm at Cedars Hospital right now waiting for the ambulance to bring her in.

Mallet: Okay, you know what? I'm right across the street. I'll be right there.

Dinah: Cyrus has Marina as a hostage?

Mallet: If Frank doesn't kill him, I'm going to do it myself.

Cyrus: Hey, you know how Marina Cooper is. How is she?

Nurse: We're worried about infection.

Cyrus: Well, you... we can take care of that, right?

Nurse: Doing the best we can.

Mallet: She'll be okay, Frank, she's a tough kid.

Frank: Yeah, but what was I thinking letting my daughter become a cop?

Mallet: Like you had any choice? I'll tell you what, I'd like to get my hands on Cyrus Foley.

Frank: You and me both.

Dinah: You go in first, okay?

Frank: Thanks. Thanks. Hey, baby girl. Listen, once these antibiotics kick in, I promise you you're going to feel a whole let better.

Marina: Daddy?

Frank: Yeah, honey.

Marina: Cyrus.

Frank: Cyrus Foley kidnapped you is what he did. And he's going to suffer for that, I'm going to personally make sure of that.

Marina: But he gave himself up.

Frank: Gave himself up because he was completely surrounded.

Marina: Yeah.

Mallet: Hey, look at you. How are you feeling, partner?

Frank: Hey guys. She's a little bit better. She's got an infection from the gunshot. God knows how Cyrus Foley was treating her, but she's getting a good dose of antibiotics right now.

Marina: I'm okay, I'm just really tired.

Dinah: That's a long time to be with Cyrus. Did he talk to you at all?

Marina: Some.

Mallet: So what were you doing back at the warehouse?

Marina: I hid the money there. Did you get it?

Frank: Well, we're on it, but unfortunately he escaped.

Marina: Cyrus escaped?

Mallet: Yeah, when the car exploded. You... Frank, you didn't?

Frank: I was about to tell her, but then you guys showed up. Hey, listen, Mallet, do me a favor. I want to go over and tell dad, so can you just watch her for a second? I don't want him to find out from anybody else.

Mallet: Yeah, sure, absolutely. Go on.

Frank: Thanks. I don't want you wasting one second worrying about Cyrus Foley, okay? We're going to get him, I promise you. You just concentrate on getting better. I'll see you in a bit.

Mallet: All right.

Marina: Mallet? What are they going to do?

Mallet: To catch Foley? Everything and anything. And I don't have to tell you that every cop in the department is going to take this manhunt very personally.

Marina: Please don't let them hurt him. Because I want him in one piece, you know, so he can pay for what he did to me.

Mallet: Would you do me a favor? Would you stay here with her? I'm going to go back to the warehouse and check out, see if I can find the money.

Dinah: Yeah, whatever you have to do to find that money for my mom and Matt.

Marina: You guys should both go.

Dinah: Look, we promised Frank we'd stay.

Marina: No, that's okay. When the doctor comes back, she's going to kick you guys out anyway, so... just go and keep me posted?

Mallet: Okay. All right. Rest. All right.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Frank: Jeffrey, I need a lawyer.

Jeffrey: You need a lawyer? What did you do now, Frank?.

Frank: It's not for me, it's for Marina.

Jeffrey: Okay, what did Marina do now?

Frank: She didn't do anything, and I want that on the record.

Jeffrey: Okay. What's going on?

Frank: This whole time I thought Marina was resting comfortably at the Beacon. Cyrus Foley was holding her hostage. He was using her as a cover to retrieve the money from the Reardon heist.

Jeffrey: Gosh, is she all right?

Frank: Yeah, she's fine. A little shaken up, but she's be all right.

Jeffrey: What do you want me to do?

Frank: Well, Foley is still on the run and when we catch him, I'm sure he's going to want to cut a deal. But I don't want him twisting anything around to make it seem like, you know, Marina was an accomplice to him.

Jeffrey: Why would anything think that Marina was... oh, were Marina and Cyrus...

Frank: No. Not at all, just don't want to take any chances.

Jeffrey: Okay. Tell you what. I'll go talk to her now and don't worry. I will make sure that she comes out looking like the heroic cop that she is, okay?

Frank: Thanks, Jeffrey, I appreciate it.

Jeffrey: All right.

Alan: Frank. Frank, you're just the man that I want to see.

Frank: Not now, Alan.

Alan: I'm here as a Good Samaritan to warn you about Alan-Michael.

Ava: Okay, so let me guess. You had a change of heart and you're going to have a talk with Olivia anyway?

Alan-Michael: No, Ava, I'd rather talk to you.

Ava: Move.

Alan-Michael: I wanted to apologize to you without interruptions.

Ava: Apology accepted.

Alan-Michael: I was angry when I found out that my father booted me out of the company, and I took it out on you and it was wrong. It was wrong, I shouldn't have done that.

Ava: So I'm not a gold-digger anymore.

Alan-Michael: Of course not. Of course not. You've been a good friend to me. A true friend, both in and out of the company. I want to repay that loyalty.

Ava: You repaid me by lying to me.

Alan-Michael: Damn it, I'm trying to tell you something! Just listen to me for a second, okay? Just.... I'm trying to put... I'm trying to make up for the mistakes I made, all right? Look, my father paid me a visit today. Tried to get me to sign a letter saying I wouldn't compete with him in business. He actually tried to pay me off.

Ava: So?

Alan-Michael: He's threatened by me. He's afraid that I'm going to show him up, which is exactly what I intend to do. And I'm going to need good people around me in my new venture, people I can trust.

Ava: Do you seriously think me? Me.

Alan-Michael: We make a good... we make a great team.

Ava: Your ego. I followed you once and lost Coop. You think that I could be so stupid that I would possibly make that mistake twice?

Alan-Michael: Coop dug his own... Coop is a loser.

Ava: Coop is not a loser. He is more of a man than you will ever be.

Alan-Michael: Fine, fine, then go after him. Oh, and I bet your mother's happy, too.

Ava: What does this have to do with her?

Alan-Michael: Nothing. Nothing has anything to do with anything. So just why don't you go back to your boring dead end life that I rescued from?

Ava: Why don't you take a look in the mirror? The only one who needs rescuing here is you.

Frank: I really don't care what's going on at the Spaulding mansion right now. I'm not interested, okay? I got enough problems of my own. My daughter was just admitted to the hospital.

Alan: Is she going to be all right?

Frank: Like you care, Alan.

Alan: Frank, look, just hear me out. Give me a couple of minutes, all right?

Frank: You got two minutes.

Alan: I know that your father is going to be married soon. Now, he and I have had our issues and differences in the past, but we've always had a certain respect for each other.

Frank: You've got a minute and 37.

Alan: I have reason to believe that Alan-Michael may sabotage his wedding.

Frank: Why would he do that?

Alan: He's very bitter right now. He's bitter that I released him from his duties at Spaulding Enterprises. He's lost Ava, he's angry at the world, and especially he's angry at Olivia.

Frank: Minute 12.

Alan: He feels that Jeffrey and Olivia turned Ava against him.

Frank: Oh, I think he managed to do that all by himself.

Alan: But that's the way he sees it.

Frank: Okay. So you think that he's going to get back at her, at the wedding, is that right?

Alan: Yes, well, I have evidence will support that, yes.

Frank: Okay, since when do you care about Olivia's life or Buzz's life or anything else's life, for that matter? You have 58 seconds.

Alan: Frank, I am just trying to avoid some kind of embarrassment here. I mean, after all, Olivia is the mother of my granddaughter, Emma.

Frank: Oh, come on, Alan, you don't care about that.

Alan: I don't want Alan-Michael to do anything foolish or illegal.

Frank: I don't believe that, either.

Alan: Frank...

Frank: Unless you want him out of the picture.

Alan: I'm just trying to do the right thing here.

Frank: So what do you want me to do, Alan? What do you want me to do? You want me to take him into custody? Lock him up so he misses one of your big board meetings? I'm not playing that game.

Alan: That's not why I'm here.

Frank: My daughter needs me right now. And it's too bad that your son needed you after all of those years and you weren't there.

Alan: You better take this seriously, Frank, I've seen it before with Phillip. I'm just warning you, Alan- Michael is not stable!

Jeffrey: Okay, again, you did not accompany Mr. Foley willingly?

Marina: No. Why do you ask?

Frank: Well, we just want to make it clear that you didn't... assist him or help him in any way with his illegal activities.

Marina: No, not once.

Jeffrey: Okay. That's it, thanks.

Marina: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Marina: I should probably go on record that if Foley wasn't completely heartless when he saw that I was in danger at the car at the warehouse, he gave himself up for me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it's just more of the same, Marina. The guy used you, okay, used you to escape along with the Reardon's' money.

Dinah: Nothing, not a nickel of that money that Cyrus stole from mom and Matt. Did you find anything, sweetie?

Mallet: Foley must still have it.

Jeffrey: Ava? Where is he? Is Alan-Michael out here. Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?

Ava: No, no, no. It's fine.

Jeffrey: Are you sure?

Ava: He just wanted to talk, that was it. It's fine.

Jeffrey: Talk about what?

Ava: He's lost everything and it's finally sinking in.

Jeffrey: Well, I can tell you from personal experience that is a desperate place to be coming from.

Ava: I know. We're both past that now though, and I'm over Alan-Michael. It's over and hopefully I'll be back together with Coop soon and you and Olivia...

Jeffrey: Don't, don't...

Ava: No, please, just talk to her, okay? Talk to her. I'll set up a time for you guys. You can get together. You can tell her how you feel and ask for forgiveness and just do it for us. Tell her that you want to be my father. Tell her that you want to be her friend. Please? Just... just set us free.

Jeffrey: It's not that easy.

Ava: Please, okay? I've never... have I ever asked you for anything?

Jeffrey: I guess, you know, every father and every daughter, they go through this, right? This is the part where the daughter asks the father for something and... you can't say no.

Ava: Thank you. Thank you.

Frank: Hey, I just got the good news that your temperature went back down to normal. See?

Marina: I know. I'm feeling a lot better.

Frank: Good, honey, good, good.

Marina: So what's the deal with Foley, did you find him?

Frank: No, not yet.

Marina: But you've got a lead on him right?

Frank: Honey, unfortunately, he got away clean.

Mallet: All right, looks like he took the money with him. We just got done searching the warehouse again.

Dinah: We looked through every crate that we could find. There's no money.

Frank: Oh, great.

Mallet: So I guess we'll never have to see his smug face again.

Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? His face went be smug for very much longer once he discovers our little going-away gift.

Cyrus: Bloody... they're marked. Every one of them. That's great. That is great. Useless. After all that. I'm as poor as I ever was.

Bury it in the garden at midnight by the moon

cover up the traces lick and dress your wounds

burn it up or drown if you can try

what is never lived can never die

and it doesn't go away it stays

stay, stay stay, stay

do not go away stay.

Next on "Guiding Light".

Olivia: Oh, please God, make this one go okay. You know, I want this one to last. There is some unfinished business with Jeffrey. All my weddings end happily ever after.

Frank: Give me a warning about Alan-Michael and the wedding.

Ava: Someone's going to spoil the wedding?

Alan-Michael: I'm Dr. Rick Bauer.

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