Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/7/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Cyrus: You don't feel hot anymore, and you're looking much better. I think your fever's broken. We need to be back in that warehouse within the hour. You're giving me the silent treatment now, are you? Huh? There's no way out of this, Detective. You know, if your dad hadn't stopped me getting my money last time, you'd be rid of me already. Oh, come on. I thought that would get a smile out of you. Cyrus Foley out of your life for good?
Marina: No.
Mrs. Hannigan: Miss Lemay?
Daisy: Yes, ma'am.
Mrs. Hannigan: Ma'am? First time in juvie?
Daisy: Yeah, and I'm not staying.
Mrs. Hannigan: Your paperwork says otherwise.
Daisy: Ah, there were no calls saying that this was a mistake or anything?
Mrs. Hannigan: Sit down, Miss Lemay.
Daisy: I don't know what they told you, but the judge said I could go home with my mom, and the only reason I'm here is because she can't be bothered with me. I didn't do anything. I missed a few days of school, you know?
Mrs. Hannigan: Welcome to your new home. I'm Mrs. Hannigan.
Daisy: Mrs. Hannigan... what, like the crazy lady from "Annie" who runs the orphanage?
Mrs. Hannigan: This is no orphanage.
Daisy: Someone should tell my mom that.
Mrs. Hannigan: Miss Lemay, your attitude determines whether I become your best friend or worst enemy here. Guess which one I'm leaning towards so far? Here's the house rules. Learn 'em, live 'em. Play nice, ladies.
What are you in for?
Daisy: My mother... it's a long story.
Did you kill her?
Daisy: No. I... she's mad at me. I skipped some school, and I stole her car when I wasn't supposed to.
Ooh, you're a bad ass. What, you run up her credit card, too?
Daisy: I just want to get out of here, you know?
Did I talk to you?
Don't scare her, tor. She might run and tell miss Hannigan on you.
Daisy: I'm not scared.
Ashlee: Leave her alone. She's with me.
Gus: We can, you know, stay for a little bit. Then we'll just excuse ourselves.
Harley: I don't know, honey. I think I need to be around other people right now. You know what I'm saying?
Natalia: I'm sorry. We're closed for a private party. Nick?
Gus: Natalia.
Natalia: Hi.
Harley: You guys know each other?
Gus: Uh, yeah, from the old neighborhood.
Harley: You grew up together in Chicago?
Natalia: Yeah, a few blocks from each other.
Gus: Yeah, like neighbors.
Harley: Oh, my gosh!
Gus: We were friends. We were good... very good friends.
Harley: I've never met anyone who knew him when he was a kid, except Eden.
Natalia: Oh, Nick's sister?
Harley: Nick's sister, yeah. But, actually, it's not Nick anymore. It's Gus. It's Gus Aitoro. And I'm Harley.
Natalia: Nice to meet you.
Harley: Natalie?
Natalia: It's Natalia.
Harley: Natalia, yeah, I'm sorry. That's very pretty. It's nice to meet you.
Natalia: Thank you. I'd better get back to work.
Gus: I... I didn't know that you worked here.
Natalia: I just started.
Harley: You just started working here, huh?
Natalia: Yeah. Yesterday, after my car was in a wreck.
Harley: You were in a wreck? Are you okay?
Natalia: Yeah, yeah. Thanks. It was a little fender-bender, but I couldn't get to work, so I lost my job with Mr. Cuozzo.
Gus: Mr. Cuozzo is this grumpy old guy back in the hood. Owns a restaurant, restaurant owner.
Natalia: Yeah. But then I saw the "help wanted" sign.
Harley: Well, this is my family's restaurant. We own this place. Welcome. This is so great.
Natalia: Thank you. Okay, I guess I'll see you.
Harley: Okay? Is that weird for you?
Gus: Why?
Harley: Well, because this is my town, where I grew up. So everybody I know is still here or at least comes back and forth, you know, like Alan-Michael and Dinah and Dylan, and it's got to be a little strange for you that you don't see anybody you know for years and years and years, and then, bam, somebody's right there.
Gus: Can we go home?
Harley: We just got here.
Gus: Yeah, I know, but I keep thinking about Daisy in that detention center.
Harley: I know, but I can't keep thinking about that. I've got to stay distracted, and I have to be here for Cassie. I've got to be out. Do you think your friend knows how to make a decent Cosmo?
Josh: Yeah, well, I'm at a party right now. Company. Well, everyone, you know, friends, family. Yeah, your mom... she's right here standing next to me. Yeah, yeah, it's Marah. Yeah, yeah, Cassie's here, too. Listen, can you I call you later? Oh, right, right, right. Tomorrow then, okay, yeah. I love you, sweetheart. Bye. Time change thing, you know?
Reva: Yeah, I can never remember if it's 4:00 or 5:00 or 6:00 or what.
Josh: I think it's 7:00 actually. Thank you.
Reva: So this is fun.
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Good thing there's lots more of these, right? But then again, after what happened the last time...
Tammy: I missed you, Mom.
Cassie: I haven't seen you for a really long time. I mean, I know you're just in my head, but...
Tammy: I couldn't stay away.
Cassie: But we already said good-bye, honey. I mean, you told me that I have to go on with my life on my own, and that's what I'm doing. I mean, I'm fine. I'm gonna be okay now that Josh is back. And I'm moving on with R.J. and Josh, so I don't... I don't get it. Why did you come back, baby, when you told me you have to go?
Tammy: I'm not going anywhere. You need me now more than ever.
Marina: You're gonna get busted.
Cyrus: We'll see. Drink your water. I have to go soon.
Marina: To prison.
Cyrus: I'm not going back. You talk like you know all about it just because you send people there, but you have no idea. Here, call your dad. Tell him you're in your room at the Beacon and you just don't want to be disturbed.
Marina: I can barely...
Cyrus: I saved you at the warehouse. Your dad shot you, and I saved you.
Marina: He was aiming for you.
Cyrus: Which makes it an even grander gesture on my part. Return the favor. Or you think I'm not worth saving?
Poor little rich girls come in all shapes and sizes. ( Laughs )
Ashlee: I'm really... I heard what happened. I'm really glad you're here-- I mean, not like really glad, but you know...
Daisy: Yeah, thanks.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Daisy: So you did it again, saved me from the mean girls.
Ashlee: Daisy, these girls aren't spoiled cheerleaders. They're... well, let's just say they've done really bad things to get in here.
Daisy: Yeah. We shouldn't be here.
Ashlee: Yeah, well, I kind of shot someone.
Daisy: A lot of rules.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Daisy: No smoking, no cell phones... lights out at 9:00 pm?
Ashlee: Welcome to lockdown.
Gus: You expecting something to happen with that thing?
Harley: I want to call the judge-- no, I want to track down Judge Green, and I want to tell him that I was wrong, that I can take care of my daughter.
Gus: Okay, well, I'm sure that Cassie and Josh will understand, so...
Harley: No, because being here is the only thing that's keeping me from going there. And I can't keep flip-flopping when it comes to Daisy. I've made my decision. It was a hard one; I have to stick to it.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: By the way, your friend before, she was talking about a car accident.
Gus: Yeah, but she said she's fine.
Harley: But she said it like you already knew about her car accident.
Gus: Well, because I was the first one on the scene, and I forgot to tell you...
Harley: Oh, this was that car accident.
Gus: Yes. Everything was happening with Daisy, you know what I mean?
Harley: I can't wait to grill her.
Gus: About what?
Harley: About you, when you were a kid. I don't know anything.
Gus: You know everything.
Harley: Honey, I don't know anything. I mean, I know some of the bad stuff, but you have to have some good memories from that time.
Gus: Can we go home please?
Harley: Can I get another drink? Just one, a little one? Please? Or I'll go nuts, or I'll drive you nuts. And I have to find Dylan. I've got to talk to him. He doesn't even know about any of this. Do you need anything?
Gus: No. My stomach's bothering me.
Harley: Okay.
Gus: About, um, before, it's just that Harley and I don't really talk about that time in my life, you know.
Natalia: Or me?
Reva: I'm not trying to make you feel guilty about what happened that night.
Josh: It's okay, Reva. Don't worry about it. You slipped.
Reva: Yes.
Josh: What happened between us that night shouldn't have happened at all. But it wasn't your fault. I was there, too.
Reva: You need to stop.
Josh: What?
Reva: Talking to me like we were never us. You're acting as if it's always been you and Cassie, and I'm just some chick that's on the scene now. I can deal with us being apart right now, but that...
Josh: I'm sorry. I really am sorry. This is hard for everybody. I'm just trying to make it right.
Reva: Well, you can't-- not for me, not as long as you're with her. But, you know what? It's okay, because I'm surviving and I'm living again. We've both been given second chances, and we can do with them whatever we want.
Remy: I'm not one of your patients, Mom! I told you, I'll get a job when I'm ready, all right? Tell dad that, too.
Cassie: You don't have to take care of me anymore, baby. I have Josh back.
Tammy: I hope so, Mom.
Cassie: Well, he's right inside.
Tammy: You know that that's not what I mean. What about Reva?
Cassie: You know about that? You know that Reva still loves Josh and she wants him back?
Tammy: I know what you know.
Cassie: Oh, God, Tammy, then you know what I'm afraid of.
Reva: Cassie?
Marina: Hey, Dad, um, I just wanted to call and let you know I was okay. You don't have to call me back or anything. Um... I... I am going to stay low for just a little while, 'cause the alone time is helping, and I don't want anyone to see me until I'm 100%, you know, because then people start to worry and everything, so just tell everyone I say hi, and I love you guys. Okay? ( Coughs ) Water.
Cyrus: Here. Oh, man, you're really hot again. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're doing this on purpose. Just... just stay where you are for a few minutes, all right? Just drink more water.
Marina: It's not helping.
Cyrus: It might cool you down a bit. I can't take you to the warehouse like this.
Marina: The way I see it, you're going to drag me there either way, so let's just go.
Cyrus: All right. That's the spirit.
Marina: Cyrus?
Cyrus: I've got you. I've got you. It's all right. Don't worry, this will all be over soon.
Ashlee: You draw?
Daisy: Yeah, I dabble.
Ashlee: Oh, could I see? Oh, how nice.
So how long do you think she'll last?
Daisy: So what, we just give up?
Ashlee: No, we shut up. It's safer.
Mrs. Hannigan: Listen up. Congratulations, ladies. You have successfully tortured Mr. Bloom into resigning.
Daisy: So no more class?
Mrs. Hannigan: No, it means you have to start over with a new student teacher from the university. Drive him away, and you'll start again from the beginning with someone else. You know how I love to hand our demerits.
Ashlee: Get a demerit and, like, they can take away your free time or your phone and visiting privileges for like a week.
Daisy: What gets you a demerit?
Ashlee: Practically anything.
Coop: Hello, my name is Mr. Bradshaw.
Daisy: What the hell? Did Harley send you?
Ashlee: Demerit.
Gus: Hey, about before, I... Harley doesn't know about you doesn't mean I don't want her to know about you.
Natalia: Okay.
Gus: I'm not hiding it or something, you know.
Natalia: You introduced me as your neighbor.
Gus: Well, it was a bad moment. It was a bad day because we just put our daughter in a detention center, and, I don't know, maybe I got a little nervous there or I was in shock because I saw you wearing the shirt, and this is her father's restaurant. I just...
Natalia: I needed a job, and I didn't have time to look around. I have responsibilities.
Gus: I understand.
Natalia: I didn't know.
Gus: I'm just saying that out of all of the places, you took a job here. It just.. it was funny.
Natalia: I needed a job. I needed a paycheck.
Gus: I understand. I understand. I understand, I'm sorry.
Natalia: It's okay.
Reva: Cassie, are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you enjoying the party?
Reva: I... I heard you mention Tammy's name.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I was thinking about her.
Reva: Are you seeing her again?
Cassie: I know she's not really there.
Reva: Oh, honey...
Cassie: Reva, sometimes it just helps me to talk to her, okay? And if it helps me, then what's wrong with it?
Reva: I didn't say anything...
Cassie: You just don't approve because you don't connect with your son the same way that I connect with my daughter.
Reva: What are you talking about?
Cassie: But the thing is, you connect with him; you keep the bar open for him. You keep his picture behind the bar. You spend time there, right?
Reva: I miss him.
Cassie: Exactly, and I miss Tammy. And when I want to feel close to her, I see her. She comes to me. It's the same thing.
Reva: No, no, it's not.
Cassie: How? How?
Reva: I just don't know how healthy it is not letting go.
Cassie: Oh, I'm not letting go? You're the one who just told Josh you still love him.
Reva: Oh, sweetie, it's different. It's not the same. It's...
Cassie: You know what, I'm going to go back...
Reva: Cassie! He should know.
Cassie: He already does know. You told him already, remember?
Reva: No, no, no. I'm talking about Tammy. You should tell Josh that it's happening again, that you're seeing her again.
Cassie: Yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you?
Josh: Remy, how's it going?
Remy: Hey, I know it's your party, man. I'll get out of here.
Josh: Relax. I'm not kicking you out.
Remy: Then what do you want?
Josh: Boy, you're really angry, aren't you? Even when there is not a whole lot to be angry about.
Remy: There's nothing to be angry about? Really?
Josh: I'm guessing Tammy wouldn't want to see you like this.
Remy: Don't do that. I've had enough of that, okay?
Josh: Remy, you're beating yourself up. You're mad at the world. I get it.
Remy: I'm mad at Alan Spaulding for taking her out of this world. And it seems like you forgot about that the second you got out of jail.
Josh: Tammy lost her life. What do you think she would say about you throwing away yours?
Remy: I guess we'll never know, Josh.
Natalia: It's none of my business what you tell your wife.
Harley: Okay, take the phone from me. I've almost called Daisy three times. It's my daughter. It's very complicated.
Gus: I was telling Natalia about your daughter and that we're going to leave probably.
Harley: Actually, this is a really good distraction for me. Natalia, do you have any good stories about Nick August? He won't tell me anything.
Cassie: Tell Josh that I am having crazy visions of Tammy. Yeah, I'd better get on that before you tell him first.
Reva: I wouldn't do that.
Cassie: You told him you love him.
Reva: I wouldn't tell him anything that was your business. I told him that because it was my business.
Cassie: Yeah, well, that line is starting to get a little blurry for me.
Reva: Did you ever think that maybe I'm telling you to tell him so that I won't be involved, so that the two of you can work this out together because you're my sister, and I want to help.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) Yeah, you want to help us?
Reva: Yes, I do.
Cassie: So let's say I do tell Josh that I'm seeing Tammy. He's going to want to help me. He is going to enlist my sympathetic big sister, so there it is: Josh and Reva thrown together again to take care of poor, fragile Cassie.
Reva: Cassie, he wants you! He told you that. He told me that to my face. Isn't that enough for you?
Cassie: Yeah, well, Reva, now you've got me looking over my shoulder, and I think that's exactly the way you want it. You want me to know that you're still there.
Reva: I will always be a part of Josh's life and yours.
Cassie: Fine. Brave Reva, who can take on anything. She can take on cancer all by herself. She can take the loss of a child way better than I can, and she can take Josh back whenever she decides she wants to. You take and you take and you take, and I am tapped out!
Reva: I can't believe that you would think that of me.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I've had to think about a lot of things since you've been so open about your feelings, Reva. I've had to think about that kiss, the kiss that you had in the prison...
Reva: You sent me there.
Cassie: I'm not going to do this now. I'm not...
Reva: Cassie!
Cassie: No. Everything all right?
Josh: Oh, everything is just fine.
Cassie: What's going on?
Remy: Josh was just reminding me how I'm throwing my life away.
Josh: I'm trying to help you.
Remy: Don't. I didn't walk away from my job, Josh. I was fired. I've made mistakes, but where I'm at it's not all my fault, okay? I'll let you two... whatever.
Josh: You're hired.
Remy: What?
Josh: Look, you're upset because Alan Spaulding got a second chance, right? Well, right now I'm offering you a second chance. In fact, I just got one myself, and it feels pretty darn good. Come to work for Lewis. Billy will find something for you.
Remy: I don't know anything about construction.
Josh: Well, neither did I when I first started out. But the fact is I'm leaving the company, and Billy is going to need some more manpower. Besides, good, hard work, hey, it might just get you out of your head.
Remy: I don't take charity.
Josh: It's not charity. This is work I'm talking about, hard work. Unless, of course, you're too good for it.
Remy: Can I think about it?
Josh: Sure, go ahead, think about it. But be quick. Because you never know how long you've got.
Harley: So, Natalia, did you know Gus' parents well? Joe and Angela?
Natalia: I don't want your family to think I'm slacking. The first night on the job..
Harley: Don't worry about it. I'll help you.
Gus: Honey, just let her do it.
Harley: No, no, I do it all the time.
Gus: Let her do her thing. She's busy.
Harley: That's why I'm helping. I just wish I'd known them, you know? I know how much they meant to Gus.
Gus: Natalia doesn't really remember because it was so long ago.
Natalia: It was a long time ago.
Harley: Uh-huh.
Natalia: I'm going to go finish working. I hope everything works out with your daughter.
Harley: Thank you. She seems nice.
Natalia: Take the job.
Remy: What?
Natalia: You and the guest of honor. I heard.
Remy: What, Josh? Oh, he just got out of jail. All that second chance is crap.
Natalia: Take the job.
Remy: I don't know what I'd be getting myself into.
Natalia: Second chances are like that.
Cyrus: Sorry, Detective. I need to keep my eye on the prize.
Marina: Hmmm?
Cyrus: I'm going to get my money. I stole it fair and square.
Marina: I'll stop you.
Cyrus: You must be delirious. Just stay sitting there, all right? It's almost over. You get me into the warehouse, I'll get you to a doctor, then I'll be out of your hair. Do you think you can handle that?
Marina: Uh-uh.
Cyrus: Well, too bad.
Mrs. Hannigan: You don't waste any time. Demerit.
Ashlee: No, um, Miss Hannigan, it's not her fault really. I, um...
Coop: She's my niece.
Mrs. Hannigan: Which one?
Coop: Daisy Lemay. I was not aware that she was going to be here.
Daisy: That's because I shouldn't be here because Harley made the judge send me here. I didn't do anything.
Coop: You know how it is, all right? Big Greek families, you know, something is always tragic. Look, I've got this covered, really. I mean, if that's okay with you?
Mrs. Hannigan: The demerit stands, Miss Lemay, and one for you, too, Miss Wolfe.
Daisy: Wait. She didn't do anything.
Mrs. Hannigan: Are you aiming for two?
Daisy: No.
Coop: Okay. Great. Um... right. Um, well, as I was saying, my name is Mr. Bradshaw, and I will be your new English teacher. I am taking the place of the guy that you scared off. I have heard the stories, and I have to tell you that I am not too worried. So I think that we're... yes, question?
Aren't you like our age?
Coop: I'm 40. Healthy living. Please, just read the syllabus and... and start reading. Thank you. Hey... um, how are you?
Ashlee: Well, I was awful until you and Daisy got here.
Coop: Yeah, what is she doing here?
Ashlee: I don't have all the details, but I know it has something to do with Harley.
Coop: Oh.
Ashlee: So, um, you're a real teacher. That's amazing.
Coop: I... I don't even know yet. I'm not sure. But I have missed my editor, and, believe me, these pages really are hurting.
Ashlee: You still want me to read your stories?
Coop: And I would like you to tell me what you think, unless you have something better to do.
Ashlee: Oh, well, yeah, I just got this syllabus with all these boring class assignments...
Coop: Clever.
Ashlee: Um, well, I better get back. I don't want to be...
Coop: Oh, yeah, sure. That's fine. Oh, Ashlee, one last thing. Could you just kind of keep an eye out for Daisy? She talks a big game, but she could probably use a friend in here.
Ashlee: She has one.
Coop: Thanks.
Ashlee: Um, Mr. Bradshaw...
Coop: Uh-huh?
Ashlee: That healthy living of yours, it works for you ( laughs )
Harley: I'm happy for you guys. It's so nice to see somebody's family back together.
Cassie: Hey, what does that mean? What's going on?
Harley: Oh, I'm sorry. It's...
Gus: Daisy was put in juvenile detention today.
Harley: Today.
Josh: Sorry to hear that.
Cassie: Why? What did she do?
Harley: Everything. And I can't control her anymore, so it's my fault.
Gus: Tough love.
Harley: It's the best thing for her. It really is. I know that.
Cassie: Sweetie, you are her mother. She's your little girl. Of course you know what's best for Daisy, okay? I go through the same thing with Tammy... I mean, I went through, you know, I went through the same thing with Tammy. But she's going to be fine, and you're going to be fine, and whatever you need, I'm here for you, okay?
Harley: That's why I love you. ( Chuckles )
Reva: Harley, you sent Daisy back to jail again? Nice work! You can't hack it as a mother, you should go away. You should get help. Instead you sent Daisy away?
Gus: All right, enough. Enough.
Harley: You think I wanted this? I'm sick over this, Reva.
Reva: I mean, you tell Dylan on the backside, and you don't even talk to me about it.
Harley: It just happened! It just happened.
Reva: She could have lived with one of us. But now she's living with drug dealers and killers because you're too proud to admit you failed.
Harley: Too proud? You weren't even there! If you saw what I had to go through...
Reva: Oh, of course it's all about you, Harley.
Cassie: It's all about saving her daughter, Reva.
Gus: Reva, it takes a lot of guts for somebody to stand up and admit that they need help, and that's what she did, and she did it for Daisy, and she does not deserve this from you.
Reva: I should go.
Harley: She has nerve, but she is right. I did let Daisy down. She's right about that.
Gus: Letting her down would be doing nothing. You tried to handle this when you knew that your heart couldn't. I think that that's just brave.
Coop: Harley, what happened with Daisy?
Harley: You heard? Does everybody know?
Coop: No, I've just been assigned to juvie, and I saw her.
Harley: You saw her? Is she okay?
Coop: Yeah, she's okay.
Harley: Are you telling me she's okay or is she really, really okay?
Coop: Harley, Harley, stop, she's okay, all right? She's there with Ashlee. She'll look after her.
Gus: Good. So, Coop, when we want to, we can call on you and you can kind of check on her and tell us what's going on?
Coop: Yeah, sure. I just stopped by to check on the new waitress and see how she was doing, anyway, so...
Harley: Oh, she... actually Gus knows her.
Coop: Oh, you do?
Gus: Yeah, a long time ago.
Harley: Yeah. She's... she's doing a good job. She's going to fit right in.
Coop: Cool. Well, I'll just hop inside and make it official.
Gus: All right.
Harley: Thanks.
Coop: Uh-huh.
Reva: Excuse me, are you Mrs. Hannigan?
Mrs. Hannigan: Yeah.
Reva: I'd like to have a word with Daisy Lemay.
Mrs. Hannigan: I'm sorry. She can't have visitors.
Reva: Why not?
Mrs. Hannigan: She lost her privileges for misbehaving.
Reva: Well, I'm her grandmother. It's a family emergency. Daisy. Daisy! Hey, sweetie, that's her right there.
Daisy: Hey, Grandma!
Reva: That's her right there! Daisy! Excuse me... okay.
Mrs. Hannigan: I'm sorry. You're going to have to go now.
Reva: All right. All right. Can you just at least get a message to her for me if I write a note or something, that you could maybe pass on to her.
Cyrus: I don't see anyone. The cops must be inside. All right, let's go. You can get me inside. No, no, no, don't do this to me now. You know our deal. We've done this before. Oh, man, you are burning up. Come here.
Marina: What are you doing?
Cyrus: Hold still. Hold still. You're not going to make it inside.
Marina: I won't... I won't run.
Cyrus: No, you won't now.
Marina: You'll never get away with this.
Is that him?
Those are the plates. Police! Step out of the vehicle! Step out of the car now, or we'll shoot, Foley!
Daisy: ( Sighs ) I can't sleep.
Ashlee: Have you tried counting sheep?
Daisy: It won't help. It's 9:00.
Ashlee: ( Laughs ) When I was little, Doris, she used to let me have warm milk to get back to bed.
Daisy: That's kind of nice.
Ashlee: Well, yeah, I had to get it myself, but she let me get out of bed.
Daisy: You always called her Doris?
Ashlee: Um, no, not all the time. More and more lately.
Daisy: Just to bug her?
Ashlee: No. She doesn't really feel like my mother anymore. She just feels like some woman named Doris.
Daisy: Reva was here before.
Ashlee: Oh, really? You got to say hi, talk to her?
Daisy: No, couldn't. Stupid demerit.
Ashlee: I'm sorry.
Daisy: I mean, at least she came. Not that I'd want to see Harley, but... you ever feel like your mom just gave up on you?
Ashlee: Yeah, all the time.
Harley: It scares me, thinking about Daisy being alone and in that place.
Gus: That's good what Coop said, right? Now that Ashlee's there, she can watch her back.
Harley: Who's got Ashlee's back?
Gus: Look, we're going to get through this, okay? And Daisy is going to get through this.
Harley: And then what?
Gus: We're gonna figure it out.
Harley: It's just that I keep waiting and waiting for this time, you know, when we're all together and we're all happy without questioning every move that we're making for her.
Gus: I know, I know. It's been one thing after the other.
Harley: It's all been my thing. Honey, thank God we have nothing from your past to worry about.
Josh: Okay. That's about right. That's what I was looking for. Come here, dance with me. Thank you for doing this for me. It's been nice to see all these people, but I've got to tell you something, all I've been thinking about all night is being alone with you.
Cassie: God, I've missed you.
Josh: Well, you won't have to ever again because I am yours now.
Cassie: I think I'm going to call Mrs. Chitwood, just check on R.J. No, that's okay. I've got mine. I'll be right back.
Josh: Where are you going?
Cassie: Just outside. There's better reception.
Cassie: You were right, baby. I do need you. And I'll never let you go again.
Next on "Guiding Light":
Ava: If it's all about her, then why couldn't you walk away?
Jeffrey: I want to stay away from her, but I can't, and I don't know why.
Mallet: It's Cyrus. The unit has spotted his car and they've got him surrounded.
Dinah: If you guys catch him, he's going to name me as his accomplice.
Alan-Michael: From now on I take.
Alan: Alan-Michael may sabotage his wedding.
Alan-Michael: And I keep on taking.
Alan: Alan-Michael is not stable!
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