Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/4/07
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Cassie: Tammy. ( Gasping )
Josh: Got them. Cassie?
Cassie: I'm fine. I was... I was just dreaming.
Josh: Of?
Cassie: Of you coming home.
Josh: Ah, all right, well... these are the ones, right?
Cassie: Yeah. You didn't have any trouble finding them...
Josh: Nope, nope, nope. They were exactly where you said they would be.
Cassie: Good. Good. Because these guarantee that I'm going to be the hottest babe there tonight.
Josh: ( Laughs ) Yes, as if there was any doubt. Listen, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I don't need a party.
Cassie: Yes, you do need a party. You're a free man, and we are going to celebrate.
Josh: Okay. Well, it does make me kind of want to do a little dance. Not that I will, of course...
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Josh: ...But it makes me want to.
Cassie: Well, see, now there you go. And a bunch of other people are going to want to dance with you. There's going to be Billy and Reva, and Matt and Vanessa, and Dylan and...
Josh: Reva?
Cassie: Yes.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Cassie: I think if she needs to be there, I think it's the right thing to do.
Josh: Of course it is.
Cassie: Yes. And, besides, I want you to be surrounded by all the people who love you.
Josh: Are you sure you don't want to wait?
Cassie: I think we've both been waiting long enough. I think you're home now, and we need to move on with our lives.
Reva: Jo Ellen Parsons? I've known her for years. Don't let her eyelashes scare you, you'll be fine.
Dylan: It's not that. It's just the whole thing... you know, the whole suit and tie thing, it freaks me out.
Reva: Well, just be who you are. Go to the meeting dressed like this. You don't have to worry about being someone that you're not.
Dylan: Right. And if I mess up, you're going to be right there to bail me out anyway, right?
Reva: I don't think I am... I'm not going to be spending a whole lot of time at Lewis anymore.
Dylan: Why not?
Reva: Well, you know, because it was great that I had that place to go to when I was recovering, but I was never really into it. You know, it wasn't my thing. And I just need to get on with my life now.
Dylan: And do what?
Reva: I don't know, okay? But I'll figure it out.
Dylan: As long as it's away from Josh, right?
Coop: Hey.
Remy: Hey, private party?
Coop: It's Josh's welcome home party.
Remy: I'm glad he's out. Too bad about Ashlee, though. Another one of Alan's victims, right?
Coop: I'm sure she'll be okay. She's strong.
Remy: Yeah. She did what the rest of us wish we had the guts to do.
Coop: You know, Remy, maybe you should go somewhere else tonight. It's not really that kind of a party.
Natalia: What kind of party is it?
Coop: Ah, well, it's a party that's definitely going to need waitresses. How are you feeling?
Natalia: Good. Ready to work.
Coop: You ready to work?
Natalia: Uh-huh.
Coop: All right. This is Natalia. She's our newest waitress. This is Remy. He was just leaving.
Remy: And how are you at opening beers?
Natalia: About as good as I am at tossing out rowdy drunks. What can I get you?
Coop: Ooh, she's from Chicago. We like her already.
Harley: There you are.
Daisy: I told you guys I'd meet you at Company.
Harley: Well, you weren't there.
Daisy: I was on my way.
Harley: Well, it didn't matter. We're not going to make that party. Give it to me. Does this look familiar to you? It says family court final notice. Where were the other notices? I didn't see those.
Daisy: I was taking care of them.
Harley: How, by throwing it in the garbage?
Daisy: Look, it's not like a crime was committed. I missed a few days of school. And you knew that.
Harley: Daisy, you missed more than just a few days of school.
Gus: All of the days that we dropped you off in front of the school and it looked like you were...
Harley: Watched you walk in.
Gus: ...What about those days?
Daisy: I know, but it's going to get better because I'm going to try now.
Harley: Well, I hope you can explain that to the judge.
Reva: I remember the first meeting I ever had. I sat up so straight in my chair...
Dylan: No, no, no, no, no. You're not going to do that. This is not a business discussion.
Reva: It should be.
Dylan: Okay, fine. Well, right now you and Josh have some business at hand, all right, and you guys have never been any good at staying apart.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know something, we're not very good at staying together, either.
Dylan: All right, just stop, all right? I see... I see the way you guys still look at each other.
Reva: What do you want me to say?
Dylan: Hmm, let's see, the truth would be nice.
Reva: The truth?
Dylan: Yeah.
Reva: I love him, okay? What now?
Dylan: You tell me.
Cassie: Hey, Reva. Can I buy you a drink?
Daisy: Well, looks like the judge is held up. We should go to Josh's party.
Harley: I think we'll wait.
Gus: We are waiting.
Daisy: Right, we'll wait. Where is Dylan?
Harley: I don't know, I can't reach him. He won't pick up his cell phone.
Daisy: Well, call him again.
Gus: I'll try him again.
Harley: Hey.
Mel: Hey, guys, I'm sorry I'm late.
Daisy: Why is she here?
Harley: She's your lawyer.
Daisy: I don't need a lawyer for skipping school.
Harley: Daisy, you'll need her help.
Mel: Daisy, I think that you don't think this is very serious, but you ignored a court order. It's very serious.
Harley: Okay, so what's going to happen? What can we expect?
Mel: The judge will ask Daisy to explain her absences. And then he's going to want some kind of assurance that her behavior is going to change for the good.
Daisy: Is that all?
Mel: Yeah, unless there's anything else that we don't know, like robbing a bank, stealing a car.
Daisy: Wow, you're pretty.
Natalia: Thank you. Sorry, do I know you?
Daisy: Yeah. I'm Daisy Lemay, and you're Natalia, right? We spoke on the phone. I asked you if you remember Gus... Nick August, right, and you said that he was the love of your life.
Harley: No, just what we already know.
Mel: You sure?
Daisy: With Harley watching me every minute? Yeah, I'm sure.
Daisy: Did you get him?
Gus: I left another message.
Mel: Dylan?
Harley: He's not here. Will that be a problem?
The Judge: Well, the entire Aitoro gang. Long time no see. You, young lady, have better have some really good answers. Lucky for you, I'm not in a bad mood. So, shall we see if we can keep it that way?
Coop: All right, so the Lewis's... they can be a little rowdy at times, but they're pretty low maintenance.
Remy: Unlike the rich people in this town.
Coop: You shouldn't have any problems with them.
Natalia: Don't worry. Go to your orientation.
Coop: Okay. Well, look, I still have a little while before I have to get there, but if you want me to, I can take Remy with me.
Remy: We'll be fine, man. Right?
Natalia: You tell me. I'm going to cut you off. Is he invited to the party?
Remy: Why are you asking him?
Coop: Come here. Yeah... Remy used to be a cop, but right now, he is not exactly in the best place.
Natalia: I got that.
Coop: Right. But if you have any trouble with him, go ahead, if you want to give me a call...
Natalia: Don't worry, no trouble. I've been doing this for a long time.
Remy: She's from Chicago, dude. She's tough.
Coop: Hey, I'm sure... thank you very much. Okay.
Natalia: You better believe it.
Coop: That's great, yeah. I'm sure she is. Look, I'm really happy that you're here.
Natalia: I'm glad I'm here. I'm glad I saw the sign. I was just passing through...
Coop: I know, I know. And look at you now, here you are, one of us.
Natalia: I guess things happen for a reason.
Billy: So I've got my feelers out to worldwide, and I find out that they're going to move their printing operations somewhere in a factory outside of town. Now, it's going to be somewhere between Oakdale and here. And I thought if we put it up, hey, there's no telling what kind of business they'll throw our way.
Josh: Hmm, that sounds great.
Billy: Yeah. Now, I'm thinking about having Dylan go to the meeting with you. Is that okay?
Josh: Yeah, sure, that's fine.
Billy: Hey, you didn't think I could do it, did you? You didn't think I could hold out...
Josh: Get out of here! I didn't doubt you for a minute...
Billy: You're not just saying that?
Josh: Billy, no, I'm not just saying that. You want a cup of coffee?
Billy: Yes.
Josh: I mean think about it. Think about it. Who taught me everything I know about this business?
Billy: H.B., but thank you for saying it.
Josh: ( Laughs ) Yeah, well, that's true. He did teach me a lot, but you taught me a lot, too. The point is... the point is, I knew you could do it.
Billy: Well, you know something, I didn't. I mean, it's been a while.
Josh: So what?
Billy: So when I went into a meeting, and you could see it in people's faces, they were looking at me, and they were seeing what was in my coffee cup, you know.
Josh: But you proved yourself, didn't you?
Billy: Yeah, I did. Isn't that something? And I'm ready to turn the company back over to you. You can climb right up in the saddle.
Josh: Boy, you know, nothing changes you like losing your freedom.
Billy: Well, you know, you'll get back to normal quick enough. For sure.
Josh: I don't know about that. I don't really feel like the same person anymore.
Billy: Well, let me tell you, once you have Wanda bossing you around for a week, you'll be back to your old self in nothing flat.
Josh: ( Laughs ) Maybe so. We'll see.
Dylan: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Dylan: The gang's all here.
Josh: How you doing, my friend.
Dylan: Shouldn't you be at your party?
Josh: Yeah, well, we're heading over there. In fact, Cassie's probably waiting for me right now. She was pretty excited.
Dylan: Cassie's at the Beacon. I just saw her there. She's with my mom.
Billy: And you left them there alone, together?
Cassie: A peace offering.
Reva: Thank you.
Cassie: So, we said some things yesterday...
Reva: We were being honest.
Cassie: Yeah, we were, but we can't let a guy come between us.
Reva: He isn't just a guy.
Cassie: No, of course not. Okay, look, I'm throwing a homecoming party for him at Company tonight, and I really want you to be there.
Reva: Wait a minute. Yesterday you said you didn't want me in your wedding. Now you're inviting me to this party?
Cassie: Yes, I am. And you should be there. I want you there. Will you please just come?
Reva: Cassie, no, I can't. I mean... thank you. It's a really nice idea, and I'm sure Josh appreciates it.
Cassie: You're really not going to go?
Reva: I'm really not going to go. I'm okay with the way things ended yesterday.
Cassie: How can you say that?
Reva: Very easily, really. You see, I don't like to, I don't know, make light of things that I know shouldn't be the way they are, just laugh them off. I know what I want. I have to be honest with the things I want and what I know is true.
Cassie: Fine, so you're being honest. So why does that mean you can't come to the party?
Reva: Cassie, do you really want me to come to the party?
Cassie: You know what, we can't avoid each other forever.
Reva: Yeah, well, there are some things you can never avoid. Have fun.
Cassie: Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be.
The Judge: 23 days this quarter, Daisy? When were you in school?
Daisy: I don't think it was... 23 days, really?
The Judge: Oh, there's someone at the school making up all these absences? Is that what you're telling me? Not a very good defense.
Mel: Your honor, she wasn't...
The Judge: Not now, Mrs. Bauer. Daisy, do you plan on having a career one day?
Daisy: Yes.
The Judge: And do you have any idea what that career might be?
Daisy: Not really. Being a cop runs in the family. Kidding.
The Judge: Kidding. That's another good strategy. How are you meetings going with your counselor?
Daisy: I've missed a couple.
The Judge: That's what I thought. Are you aware of this, Detective Cooper?
Harley: Only recently, but I think we've resolved that problem.
The Judge: Well, one down, a whole list to go. We have this matter of driving without a driver's license.
Daisy: I hit a barrier in a parking garage.
The Judge: Interesting, but I was referring to something else. Running a traffic light in downtown Chicago. This is you, is it not, Ms. Lemay?
Harley: You drove to Chicago? What happened to the bus?
The Judge: How was your little joy ride? Ms. Lemay, the last time you were in my court, I sincerely believed that you were beginning to understand the implications of your very stupid actions, but not the case. So, I'm going to need to show you. Now, I have an idea about how to do that, but first I'd like your mother's input. Detective Cooper, you're a stellar member on the Springfield Police Department. You're capable, determined, a real problem-solver. I need to know that you can keep your daughter under control. You give me a plan, promise me you're capable of doing this, Daisy can go home with you today.
Cassie: Good, Josh isn't here yet.
R.J.: Hey, Mom, come look.
Cassie: R.J., Excellent job! That is wonderful! Thank you for everything.
Coop: You are welcome. It's not a problem. I, unfortunately... I'm sorry, I cannot stay. But if there is anything you need, Natalia, right behind you over here, she will be more than happy to help you out.
Cassie: Hi. Great. But I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm sure we will. Won't we, kiddo? Because as long as we are together, everything is great. Hi, Wanda.
Wanda: Hello. It doesn't look like much of a party to me.
Cassie: It will. It will be, Wanda.
Wanda: Is Reva coming? I thought so.
Cassie: She loves me.
Natalia: So you were a cop, huh?
Remy: Why, you got a thing for cops?
Natalia: You work with a guy named Gus?
Remy: Yeah. You know him?
Natalia: He gave me a ticket.
Remy: Figures.
Natalia: It's okay, I deserved it. You can have another beer if you promise to be nice.
Remy: I'm always nice.
Natalia: A lot of nice people around here.
Remy: A lot of jerks, too. I'll point them out to you when they show up.
Natalia: That would be very helpful. Thank you.
Josh: Hey!
Cassie: Woo-hoo! ( Cheers and applause )
Coop: Josh, I just want to thank you so much for helping Ashlee out.
Josh: You know, she's a kid. She made a mistake.
Cassie: Well, I invited everybody I can think of, and I'm sure they're all going to be here soon.
Josh: Thank you.
R.J.: Hey, Uncle Josh, there's cake over there.
Josh: Yeah, yeah, it's great. Why don't you grab yourself a piece, maybe get me some, too, okay?
R.J.: All right.
Josh: Thank you.
Billy: Hey, is Vanessa here yet?
Dylan: I don't know. Cassie, is Vanessa coming?
Cassie: Yeah. She said she was, with Matt.
Billy: Oh, that'll be good.
Dylan: What's that about?
Billy: Oh, Vanessa and Matt are having a little trouble, that's all.
Dylan: Right.
Cassie: So, I talked to Marah, and she said she is going to try to get here next week.
Reva: Looks like a party! Welcome home, Joshua!
Harley: Your Honor, I wish I'd had more time to prepare this statement. Unfortunately, I only learned of this meeting very recently. But then I guess that's precisely one of the reasons we're here. Daisy, when you came back, I was so excited because... because I realized how much I'd missed you. And how this was an opportunity for me to make up for some of that time that we'd lost. What I didn't realize was how much you'd changed. And by the time I did realize that, it was too late. You've disrupted our family. The boys are very young, and they think what you do is cool. I don't think you realize how hard it is for me to tell them that they can't go out with you. And the reason they can't go out with you is because they're not safe. That stunt that you pulled with Zach, you could've killed him, and I don't think... I don't think you get that to this day. And now going off to Chicago... the choices you make, they just scare me to death. Your Honor, my daughter has had a lot of loss in her life and a lot of change. And I was not there the way I should have been. These are not excuses. She needs help finding her way in life. I just don't think that I can help her. She's such a good kid. I can't force her to love me. She's made it obvious she hates living with me. I can't force her to be a healthy part of our life, though she can be. She has been in the past. I know she's capable of that. She is just capable of so much. That's what's frustrating. Daisy, I love you. I know you don't believe me when I say that. All I want is for you to be safe and happy. I can't do it. I can't do it. She needs help. So do I.
Remy: I... I got it. Now, you let me help.
Natalia: You probably can't even walk a straight line.
Remy: Well, then how's zig- zagging it in.
Rick: You need help with something?
Remy: We've got it covered.
Rick: Okay.
Natalia: Thanks, anyway.
Rick: Okay. Oh, I'm Rick. I'm a friend of the family. Nice to meet you.
Natalia: Natalia.
Rick: Are you sure I can't help you with anything?
Remy: No, you've done enough.
Rick: Oh, well, I guess you want to say something.
Remy: Yeah, yeah, I do.
Natalia: Remy!
Rick: Listen, it's okay. I married his sister.
Remy: No, no, you cheated on my sister.
Natalia: Hey, I just want to get this inside. If you guys want to beat the crap out of each other, please do it somewhere else.
Rick: I'm sorry. I wasn't looking for any trouble.
Natalia: You're a charmer.
Remy: Yeah, well, you caught me in a bad year.
Natalia: Thanks for the warning.
Remy: No. The real warning is people in this town aren't what they seem like.
Cassie: So, you made it.
Reva: Oh, yeah, you know me, never miss a party.
Cassie: Are we going to get through this, Reva?
Reva: I don't know.
Dylan: It's hard to get used to that fresh air, isn't it?
Josh: ( Laughs ) Yeah. I don't think I want to. It's good to see you.
Dylan: You, too.
Josh: It's good to see everybody in the same room, too, don't you think?
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, I just wish Marah and Shayne could have been here.
Josh: Yeah. Have you talked to them?
Dylan: Yeah, yeah, a couple times. They sound good. You?
Josh: This morning. In fact, we're planning a little trip to visit each other.
Dylan: Oh, that feels good, doesn't it? Planning something?
Josh: Yeah. Yeah, prison doesn't have a whole lot to offer. But it does help you appreciate things. I mean, every choice that we have is a blessing, whether it's what song you want to listen to or which beer to drink.
Dylan: Yeah, or which sister to pick, or...
Josh: I have picked.
Dylan: Right, Cassie.
Josh: I love her.
Dylan: Well, you loved my mom, too.
Josh: Dylan...
Dylan: Josh, just give me a minute here, okay? I'm not trying to spoil your party. I'm just saying I saw the two of you in there just now. Nothing has changed. I mean, trust me, a lot of things change in this life, but Josh and Reva, that's pretty much a constant.
Josh: Not anymore. You've been a way for a long time.
Dylan: I mean, this is what I see: You're helping Cassie through a rough patch, and anybody would respect that. But what you and my mom have, that kind of love, it only comes along once in a lifetime, if that, if you're lucky. I'm just saying, if it were me, I wouldn't take that for granted.
Josh: Dylan, your mom and I, we have a long history together. We have two wonderful kids together, but that's it. This thing that you're talking about now, that's done. That's over. And what Cassie and I have... it's not about trying to help her through a rough patch. It's really not. I'm not marrying her because she needs to be saved. In fact, if anything, she saved me.
Dylan: So basically what you're saying is that Josh and Reva... it's really over this time.
Josh: I really hope your mom finds what I found. I want her to be happy. I'll see you inside.
Dylan: I tried.
Reva: You know, I'm thinking of this as like another chapter in the story of Josh and Reva.
Billy: Wait a minute, the story of Josh and Cassie.
Reva: Maybe she'll get a chapter.
Billy: ( Laughs )
Josh: Can I get everybody's attention for just a minute? I just want to say thank you for being here. Boy, I look around this room, and I see faces of people who have meant a lot to me in my life. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the support that you sent me way while I was on sabbatical. ( Laughter ) By the way, I wouldn't really recommend it as a vacation destination, you know, prison. But it did give me a chance to think a lot, to evaluate my life and what I want... what I want it to be. I asked myself some tough questions while I was there. And I don't really have all of the answers yet, but I have decided to make one major change. I'm actually not sure of what I'm going to do, but I do know what I'm not going to do. I'm not going back to Lewis. Billy, you did a bang up job while I was away, and I see no reason to rock the boat.
Wanda: Rock the boat, please. Rock the boat!
Josh: Oh, Wanda, you're going to love it. You'll love it. He won't keep track of your lunch hours and your coffee breaks and your time with Lowell. I mean seriously... seriously, though, I really feel in my heart that this is the right decision. And I really have a sense that H.B. would approve, that he'd be looking down on me right now and smiling, maybe even send a little hoot and holler my way. You okay with this, big guy?
Billy: Absolutely okay, little brother.
Josh: Okay. You've got a great team, and they will be there for you. I know they will.
Dylan: So, Josh, what are you going to do with all your time off?
Josh: Well, that's an excellent question there, Dylan, thanks for asking. I don't really have an answer yet. I'm going to spend more time with Cassie and R.J., that's pretty much a given. I'm also going to visit Marah and Shayne. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I also want to spend a little time working at the Veterans Center. I think that would be a good thing. But after that, who knows? I just... I just know that there is something different that I should be doing with my life. And I tell you what, once I figure that out, we'll have another party. How does that sound? Once again, thank you all for being here. It's a wonderful welcome home. Thank you! ( Applause ) Drink! Everybody have a drink! Thank you, I appreciate that. Thank you. Oh, Wanda, I love ya.
The Judge: I appreciate your honesty, Detective Cooper. It takes a brave and unselfish parent to admit she's failing. Most wait until it's too late. I believe that you're trying to avoid that.
Harley: Yes, that's what I'm trying to do.
The Judge: Daisy, I'm going to give you a break from the family life you're finding so difficult these days. You will remain here, remanded to the County Juvenile Detention Center for a period of not less than two months.
Harley: Your Honor, I didn't...
The Judge: You were right, Detective Cooper, your daughter needs help.
Daisy: Do something. You're my lawyer.
Mel: I'm sorry, I can't.
Daisy: What do you mean you can't? He's sending me to jail. Gus, come on.
The Judge: It's a monitored living and educational facility. You'll take classes, you'll perform community service. The staff here is excellent.
Daisy: But I'll be locked in.
The Judge: Yes.
Daisy: No. I don't want to go. What about Dylan? Can I go live with my father?
The Judge: Daisy, if living with your father seems a viable option in two months, I'll revisit the situation then. Juvie is your new home. Give it a chance. It may be your last. Ms. Bauer, my clerk will help you with all of the necessary paperwork. This hearing is adjourned.
Harley: Thank you, your Honor.
Daisy: Thank you?
Harley: This is not easy for anyone, okay?
Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. Can I stay... can I go right now? I don't even want to be in the same room as her. You're right. Come on, come and get me. I'm ready to be locked up. This is where I live now, right?
Harley: We'll visit as often as we can, all the time. And you know, maybe it's not such a bad thing. Maybe it will give you some clarity.
Gus: This place has a very good reputation.
Daisy: I can't believe I ever cared about you. You're not even my friend.
Gus: Well, I will be waiting right here when you come out.
Daisy: I hope not.
Mel: We should go.
Daisy: Well, congratulations, Harley, you got rid of me again, so... you won't have to see your big mistake. You can go back to your perfect little life you have there, okay?
Harley: You're not a mistake.
Daisy: Oh, no. It's all right. It's all right. Because you don't have to worry about me ever again. But don't get too comfortable because right when all the trouble goes away, that's when the really bad stuff starts to happen.
Harley: What have I done?
Natalia: It's black.
Remy: Yeah.
Natalia: So, how come you're not a cop anymore?
Remy: A friend of mine, something happened to her, and I didn't stop it.
Natalia: I'm sorry.
Remy: Me, too.
Natalia: So, now you just get drunk and think about how you let her down?
Remy: Something like that.
Natalia: I know it sucks, not to be able to protect somebody you love.
Remy: Who said I loved her?
Natalia: Oh, come on.
Remy: Yeah.
Natalia: I just got to wonder, is walking around acting like a jerk any way to honor her memory? Because if it was me, I'd hate it.
Harley: I just threw my firstborn child to the wolves and now I'm having a drink.
Gus: I think you were very brave today.
Harley: Ugh. Brave, right.
Gus: Well, you were. Tough decision. She doesn't make it easy.
Harley: No, she doesn't. But the problem is I can't handle her. Not an easy thing to tell a judge, but she's a problem that I can't solve. You ready?
Gus: Go home, rent a movie. I'll give you that massage that I owe you.
Harley: No, I want to go to the party. I want to welcome Josh home, and I want to support Cassie.
Gus: I'm sure Josh and Cassie will understand if we skip out. They won't be upset.
Harley: No, no. I want to go.
Gus: Right.
( Laughter )
Billy: Hey, now there's something I haven't seen in a long time, a smile. It's nice to see you happy, having fun.
Cassie: Now that Josh is home, what could be better? I think I'm going to get another drink. Do you want anything?
Josh: No, I'm fine, thank you.
Gus: So what we'll do is we'll say a quick hello, and then we'll, you know, we'll leave.
Harley: I think it is better for me to be around other people right now.
Natalia: Sorry, this is a private... Nick, hi.
Harley: Do you guys know each other?
Reva: Hey, big night.
Josh: Yeah. Thank you for being here.
Reva: We're going to learn how to do this right. It's going to all work out the way it's supposed to.
Cassie: Is it wrong for me to smile and have fun?
Tammy: I don't know, Mom, you tell me.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: Cyrus Foley, out of your life for good.
Reva: You sent Daisy back to jail again?
Ashlee: Welcome to lockdown. Leave her alone, she's with me.
Gus: We were good... very good friends.
Harley: I've never met anyone who knew him when he was a kid.
Gus: You know everything.
Harley: Honey, I don't know anything.
Josh: I'm trying to make it right.
Reva: Well, you can't. Not for me. Not as long as you're with her.
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