GL Transcript Thursday 5/3/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/3/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Alan: Nice photo, huh?

Josh: Hello, Alan. You're alive. And I'm free. Happy spring.

Frank: An e-mail, Pop? I got your wedding invitation via an e-mail. Isn't that a little tacky?

Buzz: It's the quickest way to reach everybody.

Frank: That's quick, all right. I'm just wondering why so quick.

Buzz: Olivia is not pregnant, if that's what you're thinking.

Frank: No, I wasn't thinking that, but now that you mentioned it--

Buzz: She's not pregnant.

Frank: Good. I'm thinking you're rushing to put a ring on her finger because you're afraid you're going to lose her.

Olivia: You can tell your boss just to bring the flowers in through the service entrance. The flowers on the cake, not pink. They should be-- hello.

Ava: Do you have a minute? I have to ask you a favor. I admit it. Maybe we are the way in some ways. --The same in some ways. I mean, I go after what I want, and I'm not ashamed of it.

Olivia: I'm on the phone.

Ava: And we're very, very different and other ways. I don't like to manipulate people. But in this situation it might be necessary.

Olivia: What?

Ava: Coop, I want him back. I didn't realize it until--

Olivia: Until you realized it.

Ava: Yeah. Being with Alan-Michael was a huge mistake. I want to be with someone who is caring and honest and kind. I don't want to hurt.

Olivia: Join the club.

Jeffrey: Ashlee, you're going to get your chance to speak to the judge. And when you do, I want you to emphasize how remorseful you truly are. But don't sound too polished or rehearsed.

Ashlee: Even though we're rehearsing?

Jeffrey: You're your mother's daughter. You're going to be fine on the stand.

Coop: What kind of questions are they going to ask me?

Jeffrey: Coop, I'm not going to call you up.

Coop: Why not?

Jeffrey: Because we're trying to portray Ashlee as a kid without anyone.

Ashlee: I love how disappointed you look.

Jeffrey: Have you heard from your mother?

Ashlee: She'll probably come in and cause a scene.

Coop: I don't know about that. I think she is going to have some car trouble.

Ashlee: Car trouble?

Jeffrey: I'm not hearing this.

Coop: I believe she is going to have to trouble starting her car, without a starter.

Ashlee: Coop! You're my hero!

�Alan: Live it up, Josh. Now is the time you want to smell the flowers.

Josh: I'm doing just fine, Alan.

Alan: I remember that feeling, but then the euphoria wears off and the anger kicks in. And you want to get even with everyone who you think has wronged you. And if I'm among those people, be forewarned.

Josh: I've got a news flash for you, Alan: All I feel is relief and gratitude. Time and freedom are gifts, and I don't plan to waste either one hating anyone, even you.

Alan: That's how you feel now, Josh. It won't last. It's an ugly, ugly world out there, Josh, and people take what they want.

Reva: When I found that drawing, I wanted Josh to feel the same way I did when I looked at it.

Cassie: So you did give it to him as a reminder of the two of you?

Reva: Not really as a reminder. I wanted him to miss us. I wanted him to say that he still loved me because I have never stopped loving him.

Cassie: Excuse me.

Reva: If you only knew how I feel.

Cassie: I don't care how you feel! How dare you! Reva... I knew it. You know what, I knew it. Of course you still love him. Of course you still want him.

Reva: You were right.

Cassie: Then why didn't you tell me?

Reva: I'm telling you now. I've never stopped loving Josh. And you were right to be angry when I went to see him that last time. And you were right to feel that it was inappropriate for me to be with him, because it was.

Cassie: What are you saying, Reva? Are you saying you were there trying to take Josh back? What, suddenly you're silent?

Reva: You don't really want to do this. Just drop it.

Cassie: No, let's not just drop it, Reva. You said you're done with the lies. Well, I am, too. So come on, come at me!

Reva: When I suddenly realized I wasn't going to die, I had been holding all of this stuff inside me, trying to do the right thing, you know, trying to be your big sister, trying to be Josh's friend.

Cassie: Well, you're a lot more than that.

Reva: You're damn right I am.

Cassie: Oh, you're angry at me!

Reva: I'm angry at everyone. I'm angry at you, I'm angry at him, I'm angry at myself. I've got anger to go around. I'm glad he's free.

Cassie: What else is there to say?

Reva: There's lots. There's so much more. But it's really not going to help anything.

Cassie: No, Reva. What would you say? Game on, and now you're going to tell Josh how you feel.

Reva: I already told him. Last night at the lighthouse, I realized that I wasn't going to lie to him anymore. So I told him that I had never stopped loving him, that I wanted him back, that I would never stop wanting him back.

Cassie: And what did he say?

Reva: He went home to you, didn't he?

Jeffrey: Ashlee, when you do speak with the judge, don't forget to look him straight in the eye.

Ashlee: Josh...

Josh: Hello.

Jeffrey: Hey, Josh. We were just on our way to Ashlee�s sentencing.

Josh: Yes, I heard about that on the news.

Coop: Look, Josh, I'm sure you probably have some things you want to say to Ashlee, but now is not the time.

Ashlee: Coop, it's okay. It's okay, really. Mr. Lewis, Josh, I don't know what to say except that, um, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything that I put you through. If I could turn back the clock and go back and change things, I would, but I can't, so--

Josh: None of us can. I think the best we can hope for is to learn from our mistakes and move forward. And it seems to me that that's exactly what you're doing.

Ashlee: I'm trying.

Josh: Okay. I read in the news that you're pleading guilty. Is that right?

Jeffrey: Well, we're going to try to get Ashlee sentenced as a minor. She was only 17 at the time of the incident.

Josh: Would it help at all if I said something to the judge?

Coop: Like what?

Josh: Like... I forgive you. I understand. I have no ill feelings towards you whatsoever.

Ashlee: But I let you go to prison. I had a lot of chances to come forward and I didn�t.

Josh: And you did... eventually. It took you a while, but you did the right thing.

Ashlee: But after you and your family suffered all that time.

Josh: Well, it seems to me you've suffered a whole lot, too, Ashlee. And I think there has been way too much of that around here lately. A friend of mine said to me that this second chance I've been given is a gift and I should pass it on, so that's what I'm trying to do here. If it would help you for me to speak with the judge, I'm happy to do that.

Ashlee: Thank you, thank you so much!

Josh: She does this a lot?

Coop: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Come on, Josh, I'll explain how it's going to work.

Ashlee: I can't believe it.

Coop: Well, you certainly have a lot of people who are supporting you.

Ashlee: Wow.

Coop: Look, Jeffrey said that they're going to close the courtroom, so I should probably, you know...

Ashlee: Yeah, yeah.

Coop: You scared?

Ashlee: Me? Never.

Coop: Okay. That's what I thought.

Ashlee: Well, tell Buzz to start making that cake, you know, with the file in it.

Coop: Yeah, that's right. You got it. Okay.

Ashlee: Coop... I'm just curious. What did I do to deserve a friend like you?

Coop: Ashlee, you're you.

Olivia: Are you really going to ask me for advice?

Ava: I wasn't planning on it.

Olivia: But you're here.

Ava: I'm here.

Olivia: Okay. Let's hash this out. First of all, is it real? Because if it's a rebound thing, you know, he's Buzz's son, and if he gets hurt, I can't be a part of that.

Ava: I love Coop, and he loves me, too. He's just upset and he's angry, and I can't blame him. But I just want a chance to make it up to him.

Olivia: So are you going to be my maid of honor?

Ava: It depends on the dress. If it's purple and poofy, then--

Olivia: I had five minutes to put this wedding together; I didn't have a chance to get a dress.

Ava: Okay, I'll do it. Now what?

Olivia: When Buzz sprung this quickie wedding on me, I wasn't really sure about it, but now I think this is something we could all use.

Buzz: What do you think, Frank, do you think I... getting married, getting hitched-- how about gettin', without the "G"? It's more folksy.

Frank: Yeah, that's you, Pop, folksy.

Buzz: I don't need the negativity, Frank.

Frank: Pop, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on here. Because in the morning, you were in this nice comfortable engagement mode.

Buzz: Comfortable, that sounds like an afghan. This isn't about me worrying Olivia is going to screw it up.

Frank: You sure?

Buzz: I'm sure. It's about me helping Olivia.

Frank: By tying her down?

Buzz: No, by giving Olivia what she wants.

Frank: Which is you?

Buzz: Yes, which is me! Love, security, a family, home-- you know, when she feels she's pulled ten different ways at once, she...

Frank: Are we talking about Jeffrey O�Neill?

Buzz: Yes.

Frank: You don't think he and Olivia--

Buzz: No, I don't think that. I think when she sees him, she remembers what he did to her, and she wants to hate him, she wants to forgive him. She doesn't know what she wants.

Frank: And that needs to go away?

Buzz: She needs to know she is loved, Frank, that she is really, truly loved. And I want to give it to her.

Frank: Okay, Pop, then I think you should use gettin' married. Don't you?

Reva: A message from Shayne.

Cassie: The kids must be thrilled.

Reva: Yeah.

Cassie: If you want to go ahead and read it now--

Reva: What, you'll wait?

Cassie: Sure.

Reva: Wait for what? You wanted me to be honest, I was. Go, be with Josh. I've got things to do.

Cassie: No, Reva, you don't get to send me away because you said what you wanted to say. Maybe I have things I want to say, too. You just unloaded a hell of a lot on me! ( Cell phone ringing )

Reva: Go on, answer it. Take the call, Cassie!

Cassie: It's Josh. So what are you doing in town?

Josh: I'm just taking care of a little business, that's all. Where are you?

Cassie: I'm just, um... you know, I'm out winding down.

Josh: Did you have a good run?

Cassie: Yeah, great.

Josh: Okay. Good. Well, I'll see you soon then. I love you.

Cassie: I love you, too. Bye.

Reva: You didn't tell him you were here with me.

Cassie: There was no reason to.

Reva: Maybe. Maybe you just don't want him to know how threatened you are by me.

Eric: Today we're going to warm you up with runs and do some drills, lower body.

Beth: Alan. This is my husband, Alan Spaulding. Alan, this is Eric, my new trainer. I told you about him. He taught in New York at Zone, and he has two workout videos.

Alan: Well, that's great, Eric. You're fired.

Beth: What? Alan--

Alan: My wife will no longer be needing your services.

Beth: Are you insane? What did you do that for?

Alan: I don't know him. If you're going to bring people into our inner circle, Beth, I must meet them first.

Beth: Hold on. I've always had trainers. You never had to meet them before.

Alan: If you're going to be by my side, you're going to have to get used to boundaries and limitations.

Beth: Since when?

Alan: Since you betrayed me. Every time I was generous with my money and my love, I was burned, but no more. First it was Rick Bauer, jumping into bed with him. Who's to say that the young trainer won't be next? I took you back, Beth, and I couldn't be happier, but don't think for one moment you'll betray me again.

Beth: You don't own me.

Alan: Close enough. Now, we can have a wonderful life together, Beth, if you stay within your guidelines, huh?

Beth: What's this?

Alan: It's your now itinerary. You have a meeting in 30 minutes with your new trainer, a female. And then you have an appointment at Cedars for your pre-natal checkup. Now, you have a very busy morning ahead of you, Beth. You'd better get a move on.

Olivia: Hey, there, you sexy thing.

Buzz: Mmm.

Ava: Hey, how are you doing?

Coop: Good.

Ava: Today's Ashlee�s sentencing, right?

Coop: Yes.

Ava: How is she doing?

Coop: How would you be?

Ava: I honestly don't know. I never shot anyone.

Coop: There it is, the Spaulding influence, it gets them every time.

Buzz: But I already asked Frank to be my best man.

Olivia: It's Frank. He'll understand.

Buzz: I'm not sure he will. What, um... who did you ask to be your maid of honor?

Olivia: I was thinking Ava, like you wanted. I asked her and she said yes.

Buzz: And what did she say?

Olivia: Like what?

Buzz: Like maybe she wants Coop back.

Olivia: Well, would that be so awful?

Buzz: I wouldn't want anyone to get whiplash.

Olivia: I'm sorry. Are you not the man who pushed for a wedding in under one week?

Ava: So you're getting started in the classroom already? What grade?

Coop: I don't quite know that yet. But, look, Ava, I'm waiting for a message from Jeffrey, so I really can't be...

Ava: No, no, I get it. I didn't mean to push.

Cassie: Josh and I don't have secrets from each other.

Reva: Everybody has secrets.

Cassie: Well, I wanted to come over and find out where your head is at, and now I know.

Reva: Just for the record, I don't intend to slip into something red and slide into Josh's bed any time soon.

Cassie: Glad to hear it.

Reva: But things aren't going to be the same as they were either.

Cassie: No, I don't see how they could be.

Reva: I've done enough sacrificing for a lifetime.

Cassie: So are you suggesting it's my turn, that I should just quietly step aside?

Reva: I never said that.

Cassie: Good. Because I never would, Reva. I have lost enough, more than enough, and so has my little boy. And this is my life now. Josh and I are getting married.

Reva: I heard.

Cassie: I'm not saying it to hurt you, Reva.

Reva: No. You're saying it because you think you're going to get me to back off.

Cassie: I wish it could be any other way, I really do. I really wish it didn't have to hurt you.

Reva: That's not your problem.

Cassie: It might be. I mean, are you going to be able to live with this?

Reva: I've already been living with it. You came to me today, you asked me to be honest, and I was. I'm really sorry if you didn't like what you heard. I didn't tell you about my feelings for Josh to hurt you or to threaten you or to guilt you. I told you my feelings because it's the truth. And after that, I don't know what happens.

Cassie: After that, what happens is Josh and I get married. Given the circumstances, I think it's better if you're not in the wedding.

Ashlee: When the judge took off his glasses, all I could think was next stop, Oz, and not the nice one, either.

Jeffrey: Well, it's still three years in juvenile hall, and that's a lot of time, but it's still a good deal.

Ashlee: You were so great. And, Josh, what you said back there, I know it made all the difference.

Josh: ( Laughing ) It's okay. Come on over here. I'm glad I could help. Listen, now, you have to make the same promise to me that I made to that friend of mine I was telling you about earlier, okay? That you won't waste a second chance.

Ashlee: I won't, I promise. I really want to go tell Coop the good news. He's over at Company.

Jeffrey: I'll walk you. Josh, thanks again. I don't know if I could have done what you did?

Alan: What a guy.

Reva: Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse.

Alan: You know Josh testified on Ashlee�s behalf, and she got a lighter sentence. After she let him rot in jail. That man is a saint, Reva. How could you ever let him get away?

Coop: Why me?

Buzz: You'd be a great best man.

Coop: I know I would be a pretty good best man. What about Frank? Doesn't you ask him?

Buzz: Frank-- I need somebody who is strong, young, somebody who is hungry.

Coop: Pop--

Buzz: Look, Frank is going to be okay with this. Be happy, even.

Coop: Is this because of the whole Frank and Olivia thing?

Buzz: You put your life on hold during my ticker gave out. You could have traveled the world and written six books by now. But you didn�t. You stayed with me to run this joint. I didn't give you squat as a dad.

Coop: That's not true.

Buzz: It is true. Think of it as a promotion, you know. People come to me and ask me if you are my kid, and I can say you're my best man.

Coop: Well, with you in the room, I will settle for number two.

Buzz: You know, this could get mushy?

Coop: Yeah, I was kind of feeling that, too. So how are we going to do this?

Buzz: How about some beers?

Coop: Okay. Get them.

Buzz: Ah, there they are.

Coop: Yum. Cheers.

Ava: You're good.

Olivia: I'm the best. That's why you came to me instead of someone else, isn't it?

Ava: Yeah, of course.

Reva: You have something to say to me, Alan?

Alan: About what?

Reva: I don't know. Maybe you want to ask me to the movies.

Alan: Why, are you lonely?

Reva: Not so much lonely as violent.

Alan: Huh. Perhaps you should sit down and talk with Josh. He seems to be drinking from the well of forgiveness lately.

Reva: That's because he knows who his real enemies are.

Alan: What about you? Do you know who your real enemies are? I suspect you do.

Josh: So, thank you. Ashlee is going to spend a few years in a juvenile detention center, I guess. But hopefully she hasn't ruined her life.

Cassie: Wow, so you helped her out, even after she let you go to prison.

Josh: Yeah, I guess I did. It's a little hard to understand, I'm sure, but--

Cassie: I just-- I don't know if I could ever be that forgiving.

Josh: Well, I don't know that I was before prison. I guess you go through something like that and then somehow magically you come through the other end.

Cassie: Hmm, maybe I just haven't come through the other end yet.

Josh: What do you mean?

Cassie: Nothing. I don't mean anything.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: I don't-- I don't even want to think about you leaving ever again.

Josh: Well, neither do I. We don't have to because I'm free now. We don't have to look back. We don't have to look back ever again.

Cassie: Hmm, it sounds good. That sounds really good to me.

Josh: In fact, we have a whole lot to look forward to.

Cassie: Yeah. And nothing to worry about.

Josh: Not anymore.

Coop: Oh, this is so lame.

Ava: Grocery list?

Coop: Um, notes for a speech. Dad asked me to be his best man, and I would hate to write a good toast.

Ava: Yeah, I know the feeling.

Coop: So I'm wasting paper.

Ava: Olivia asked me to be her M.O.H.

Coop: Her moh?

Ava: Her maid of honor. That's kind of a big deal. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I have no problem--

Coop: No, no, stop. It's fine.

Ava: Are you sure?

Coop: Have a seat.

Ava: You're sure?

Coop: Please, I'm done.

Ava: So, ever been in any weddings?

Coop: No, not counting my own, and we know how well that whole thing went.

Ava: Yeah, me neither. Not counting my own, and we both know how that turned out.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

Jeffrey: Coop in there?

Ashlee: Oh, he is. I see him. I want to give him the good news.

Olivia: You know what, Coop got some good news of his own. He is going to be Buzz's best man.

Ashlee: Yeah? That's really nice.

Olivia: Yeah, they are in there doing their guy bonding thing. Maybe you could do it a little later?

Jeffrey: Well, there won't be a later because Ashlee has to report for juvenile hall this afternoon.

Olivia: Well, then, you're right. That's more important than weddings.

Ashlee: No, you're right. Coop has been so good to me, I don't want to spoil his happiness.

Jeffrey: No. Coop will be doubly happy to know you're going to be all right.

Ashlee: That's okay. I'll leave him a voicemail. I have a lot to do before I go.

Jeffrey: Why did you do that?

Olivia: Do what?

Jeffrey: You know what. You purposely scared the girl off from seeing Coop. Oh!

Olivia: She came to me for help. I actually wanted to help her.

Jeffrey: Well, everything is all about you. I'm glad we're clear about that.

Coop: Jeffrey, how did it go? Where is Ashlee?

Jeffrey: Well, you know what, I'll let her tell you herself. She went that way. Quick.

Coop: Thank you.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: I thought it was going to be years before I got to hold you again like this.

Josh: It's okay now. Everything is okay now.

Cassie: It was really hard for me. It's really hard for me being without you. I mean, I know it was worse for you, I know it was so much worse, so I feel selfish even saying it.

Josh: Don't feel selfish. Say it. I want to hear it. It's okay.

Cassie: Well, there were days when I really... I honestly didn't think I could go on. And I don't think I could have if I didn't know that R.J. needs me so much.

Josh: He did need you. That's why I asked you to stay away.

Cassie: I know. And I know you. I know you did that to help me. But really it just made it worse for me, because seeing you even in that awful place was better than not seeing you at all.

Josh: I'm sorry. I was trying to do the right thing.

Cassie: I know. I kind of-- I kind of spun out a little bit. I started following Alan again. I mean nothing as crazy as right after Tammy died. I did follow him to Chicago. And I don't really even know why, actually, because once I got there, all I did was give him a present for his baby.

Josh: Well, that's good. That's a good thing. If you had done something else, you might have ended up in jail.

Cassie: I kind of threatened Beth, too. There they were, you know, just so happy about having a new baby. And all I could think about was--

Josh: Tammy.

Cassie: Tammy and you.

Josh: Listen to me. I'm really, really sorry that you had to go through all of that. Tell me what I can do to make things better.

Cassie: Nothing. Things are better. Everything is better because you're back with me.

Reva: Makes you crazy, doesn't it?

Alan: What's that?

Reva: The fact that Josh is everything that you're not. He has kids who love him. A town that thinks he's the bees' knees.

Alan: The bees' knees?

Reva: Uh-huh. You hate him because he is bigger than your weakness and vengeance.

Alan: Why do you hate him?

Reva: I don�t.

Alan: Come on, Reva. He left you for your sister. Now, that's trashy even for your family.

Reva: Alan, aren't you the man is ready to have a baby with your son's ex-wife? Josh is with Cassie.

Alan: For now.

Reva: He's with Cassie. We had great years together, and we have two kids.

Alan: All the more reason he belongs with you.

Reva: There is nothing I can do about that now.

Alan: What? Reva Shayne could do anything. --Can do anything. At least the old one could. But this new one, what did they do, cut your guts out when they cut your cancer out? I guess I deserve that. But I still have fire in my belly. I still go after what I want. What about you, Reva?

Olivia: Excuse me. Let me get this straight now. You don't want me helping our daughter?

Jeffrey: That depends on what you're helping her for.

Olivia: I think you're jealous because she came to me.

Jeffrey: That's ridiculous.

Olivia: When did you become such a boy scout?

Jeffrey: I hope Buzz knows what he is getting into.

Olivia: You need to mind your own business.

Jeffrey: Then why don't you let me mind it?!

Reva: Make that two. I know who I am, and I'm okay with it.

Alan: Whatever, Reva. Roll over, give up, be a loser the rest of your life.

Reva: You want to end up back in that coma.

Alan: You've lost, Josh and your edge.

Reva: I gave Josh up.

Alan: And now he doesn't want you back. Your sister won, Reva.

Reva: My sister is no competition at all. If I wanted Josh back, I could get him back in--

Alan: That's what I thought.

Josh: Hey, I thought you were going to get a sweater and come back out. Cassie? You all right?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine.

Josh: Hey, this thing with Alan, it's over, right?

Cassie: Yeah, of course.

Josh: Because if you were still feeling a lot of pain about it, and you think you--

Cassie: You know what, I'm always going to hate Alan. I just am. But I don't want to waste another second even thinking about him. We're getting back to normal now.

Josh: All the bad stuff is behind us.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: We can't let a guy come between us.

Reva: He isn't just a guy.

Cassie: I want you there.

Reva: No.

Harley: You drove to Chicago?

Coop: She's from Chicago. We like her already.

Cassie: I want you to be surrounded by all of the people that love you.

Dylan: You and Josh--

Reva: I love him, what now?

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