Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/30/07
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Mallet: Oh, sorry. Heads up.
Dinah: Thanks. Any sign...
Mallet: No, no Cyrus, no money.
Dinah: I don't even know what I'm hoping for, whether he's disappeared with mom and Matt's money, or he's just... he's still around.
Mallet: I'll tell you what, if he's still around, I'm going to stand right beside you and I'm going to protect you the way you protected me.
Dinah: Listen, about what Cyrus knows...
Mallet: It's done. That's done.
Dinah: Okay.
Mallet: Those flowers for me?
Dinah: No. I'm actually... I'm going to stop by Blake's today. I haven't seen her in a while.
Mallet: You know, you don't have to go. It's not like she'll know.
Dinah: Well, I think that's what my father would have wanted.
Mallet: Ross would be proud of you.
Dinah: I'm not so sure.
Mallet: Well, Dinah, you got involved with Cyrus to keep him from exposing the years that I... you did that for me, and I love you for that.
Dinah: Well, after Matt and mom find out what I did, they're not going to love me at all. Or Marina.
Mallet: Marina has been released from the hospital. She's going to be okay. And we're going to be okay. Cyrus is probably on the other side of the world by now.
Cyrus: You sure you don't want any? This isn't bad.
Marina: I'm not hungry.
Cyrus: Sure you are. You're just too proud to admit it. You know, one thing Americans do right is French fries. These are good-- crunchy, salty.
Marina: What's to stop me from screaming?
Cyrus: Let me take a wild guess... this?
Marina: You wouldn't shoot me.
Cyrus: I wouldn't want to shoot you. Luckily, I know you're too smart to tempt me.
Marina: Well, I'm smarter than you. I wouldn't have left the money in the warehouse.
Cyrus: Well, I'll have it soon enough.
Marina: Really? And how, exactly, are you going to get in there? The place has been secured by the cops.
Cyrus: I'll look good in it, don't you reckon, partner?
Harley: So, I think I've been going about this whole Daisy thing all wrong. I think what this girl needs is some good, old-fashioned spoiling. Yeah, I mean, I'm going to... I'm going to buy her a new car. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to buy her something really, really expensive and really, really fast!
Daisy: Look, look, I'm so sorry. I only took it a few blocks and I didn't even turn on the radio.
Harley: What? What?
Daisy: Didn't Gus tell you... oh, man, can you forget I said anything?
Harley: You took my car! You took my car! That's where my keys were.
Daisy: I only went to the bus station.
Harley: Why?
Daisy: To visit a friend in Chicago, and I didn't tell you because I knew you'd say no.
Harley: In Chicago? Would you blame me?
Daisy: Okay. The fire... I told you it was an accident, and the drugs, they were for me, not Gus.
Harley: Daisy, Daisy, what is the truth here?
Daisy: Look, you don't believe me, so...
Harley: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to fight. I don't want to fight. I'm sorry I said that. I don't want to fight. One fight with you, one fight with Gus in the same day, I can't handle it. It's too much.
Daisy: You and Gus over me?
Harley: Yeah, don't worry about it. We'll work it out. We always work it out.
Daisy: No, I don't want you guys fighting about me. What can I do to help?
Harley: You know what you can do? You can talk to me. You can tell me about your friend in Chicago. Is she nice? Is she somebody from boarding school?
Daisy: She's from way back. You don't know her.
Gus: That's right, I found your keys. What's that? (Horn honking) Well, yes, Daisy did have something to do with it. (Screeching tires)
Gus: Hello, are you okay? Are you okay? Natalia?
Natalia: Nick?
Gus: I can't believe this. I can't believe this. Are you okay? You all right?
Natalia: Yeah, I think so, unless I'm dreaming.
Gus: This is real. But you're really... you're all right?
Natalia: Yeah.
Gus: You look the same.
Natalia: You haven't changed either. You're still right there when I need you.
Mallet: Cyrus deserves to go down for what he's doing to Matt and Vanessa.
Dinah: Yeah, and if he does, we both go down with him. If he's gone, you know your secret can stay buried forever.
Mallet: Yeah, well, I thought it was. I just thought I'd never...
Dinah: Have to deal with what you did?
Mallet: I dealt with it back then. It's just a time in my life...
Dinah: Honey, I can help you.
Mallet: No, you can't. You can't, okay? I don't want you to know about that man that I was. You wouldn't have fallen in love with me. Imagine meeting me then?
Dinah: Hey, I would have fallen in love with you.
Mallet: Not a chance. Sorry.
Dinah: Honey, look at what I've done. Look at all that I've done, and you still love me.
Mallet: But your circumstances created a lot of your problems. Okay, my problems? I chose those. I don't even know who that guy is or was. It was like I was living in someone else's skin. I was telling myself things that I had to do that... that guy that I was has to remain dead, okay? He is dead to me and has to remain that way. Okay, maybe I can't forget it, but I'll be damned if my past is going to screw up what we have.
Dinah: Nothing is going to screw up what we have, honey. Those mistakes, they were mistakes, okay, but you can't expect them to go away. They don't go away. And you bury them for a few years, but they pop back up. (Cell phone rings) it's Matt. Yeah?
Matt: I can't even find my socks. What are you doing right now?
Dinah: Why?
Matt: I need to talk to you.
Dinah: Is it about...
Matt: I'll tell you when you get here.
Dinah: Matt? Matt? I need to probably get over there. I guess Blake can live without fresh flowers for a day, huh?
Mallet: I'll take the flowers. I've got to stop by the hospital and see a witness.
Dinah: Okay. You know, sometimes I talk to her, just for a few minutes, just in case.
Mallet: What do say?
Dinah: Well, I don't know. I just make up stuff. You know, I just ramble on and on, and it really doesn't matter because it's not like she can talk back.
Mallet: Okay. Are you going to be okay with Matt because he seems a little...
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. Who isn't?
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: This is a big mess. It's okay.
Mallet: We're going to handle this, right? We can handle this. Okay.
Cyrus: So, is it true women love a man in uniform?
Marina: You know what I would really love to see you in?
Cyrus: What's that?
Marina: Some hot, throbbing, orange prison jumpsuit.
Cyrus: Well, orange isn't really my color. Now, sit, please.
Marina: What are you doing?
Cyrus: You said you wouldn't cooperate.
Marina: You need me at the warehouse. Wait a minute, you're just going to... you're going to leave me here? Ow!
Cyrus: Don't make me gag you. Sorry.
Harley: So, what did you do with this friend of yours in Chicago?
Daisy: Drugs, robbed a few banks.
Dylan: Daisy...
Daisy: I'm kidding. We talked and caught up. Is this for real?
Harley: Oh, my gosh. My dad just e-mailed her an invitation to his wedding. (Laughter)
Dylan: Buzz e-mails his invitations?
Harley: His grand gesture. He's Greek. He's crazy. Come on, it will be fun.
Daisy: Like I can go.
Dylan: You've got other plans?
Daisy: Yes, I'm grounded until the year 2050, right?
Dylan: Actually, Harley and I have been discussing a pardon.
Daisy: So I can go to the wedding?
Harley: Of course.
Daisy: No, I can't. I have nothing to wear.
Harley: Honey, it's a family wedding. It's hardly the Oscars. I think we can scrape something together from your closet.
Daisy: Oh, do I have to wear a Harley hand-me-down and stand next to Olivia and Ava, the two most gorgeous women in the world?
Dylan: You know, this is just me talking, but I think you and your mom can give those two a run for their money.
Harley: Thank you. (Laughter)
Dylan: I'll tell you what, I'll take you out, I'll get you a dress, shoes, the whole deal. Come on.
Harley: Nah, you don't have to.
Dylan: Why not?
Daisy: Why not?
Dylan: Why not? Come on. I got you something the other day. It just makes sense. I'll get you a dress and everything to go with it.
Daisy: You're the best.
Dylan: Come on, let's go. You coming, Mom?
Harley: Uh, yeah, Dad.
Gus: Here you go. This is strange. It's so strange because I was just talking about you.
Natalia: You were?
Gus: Yeah... well, I was in a hospital and I was out of it, and I was mumbling, I guess, and, well, I guess it was nothing.
Natalia: No, I guess not.
Cop: Insurance card?
Gus: Marco, I can vouch for Ms. Rivera, all right? Is it still Rivera?
Natalia: Still Rivera, but you're Aitoro now?
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: And a detective?
Gus: Yes, yes. Well, Gus, as in Augustus Aitoro, so it's Gus Aitoro.
Natalia: So you became a cop like your father? He would have liked that, wouldn't he? The name changes, it was because of the people who were after him?
Gus: Yeah, the people who killed him. It's okay, you can say that. But I've been through so much, it's been such a long, interesting road, you know? I went to law school, and I went to the F.B.I., and... you just look exactly the same. I can't get over it.
Natalia: Yeah, right. I feel more and more like my car every day.
Gus: Oh, no, no, no. You don't look like your car, trust me. This could be 16 years ago right now, right now at this moment, sitting on the steps, like we were that time. On the stoop, so... why are you here? What's up?
Natalia: I was passing through and my engine started making noises, and I was actually looking for a garage. And instead I found you.
Gus: Right.
Natalia: Kind of makes you believe in fate, doesn't it?
Gus: Something, yeah. Something.
Dinah: Matt?
Matt: Good, you're here.
Dinah: What's going on?
Matt: This is... this is every bit of information I could get on Cyrus Foley. Every bank he ever hit, every party he was invited to.
Dinah: That's very thorough.
Matt: It says it all here. If I could just figure out where he is now, if I could just figure out where the damn money is...
Dinah: Everything would go back to normal, eh?
Matt: No, I don't guess it would, would it?
Dinah: You know, mom is a pretty forgiving woman. She let me back into her life, didn't she?
Matt: Yeah, well, maybe some things are unforgivable.
Mallet: Dinah will probably stop by later today at some point. She had a family crisis. Not that you have to worry about that. So... wow, Blake, what do you do all day? Not much, huh? You know, I might stay and eat my sandwich, if you don't mind. I mean, I'd offer you some, but, well... you know, I guess you're lucky, in a way. You don't have any problems to solve, schedules to keep and you can just lie back and let the world float by. Boy, I'd really like to take a break from my life. I'd really just like to forget about that thing hanging over my head. I've tried really hard to get my life back on track. Taking the warden job, becoming a cop again here in Springfield. Hey, did you hear the governor appointed me to his Crime Commission? Yeah, pretty cool. I'm trying. I'm really trying to do as much good as I can, you know, Blake. There was a time in my life, that when I lost Harley, I kind of lost my way.
Dylan: Wow, you girls sure can shop!
Daisy: What can I say, I'm a focused girl. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, you're the best dad.
Dylan: Well, I'm just trying to make up for all of the shopping trips I've missed.
Daisy: He's a great influence. We even agreed on a dress.
Harley: Oh, yes, miracle of miracles.
Dylan: And see, your mom tries to act all old and stodgy, but she was a hottie back in the day.
Harley: Back in the day?
Daisy: (Laughs) What do you... what do you first remember about her?
Dylan: I don't know. I'll tell you the truth, I'll tell you what I really liked about her-- she was fearless. Nothing-- absolutely nothing-- fazed her.
Daisy: What's the first thing you liked about dad?
Harley: Wait, there was something. What was that again?
Dylan: I don't know.
Harley: Just kidding. (Laughs) He was so cute. Are you kidding me? So cute. And he had a really cool pickup truck. And he was very mysterious. You know, he didn't say much, didn't talk about his family.
Dylan: Well, I didn't know I had one back then.
Daisy: And look, now you have us.
Natalia: You don't have to wait. I'm sure the truck is coming.
Gus: No, no. I don't want the guy to come here and rip you off or something.
Natalia: I can handle myself. Don't you have to get home to your wife?
Gus: How do you know I've got a wife?
Natalia: Your ring. The first thing an ex-girlfriend looks for.
Gus: Uh-huh. So I see your finger is empty. Except for that little freckle right there.
Natalia: Something always seems to get in the way. Maybe you set the bar too high.
Gus: Oh, yeah, that's what I did because I was such a good catch back then.
Natalia: You were.
Gus: Did you hit your head on the steering wheel or something?
Natalia: Maybe I did. No, everything I remember is good.
Gus: Yeah?
Natalia: Yeah, until...
Gus: Until what?
Natalia: You disappeared. I went to masses every Friday night for a year. Kept hoping you would show up, but... you didn't even say good- bye, Nick.
Gus: Yeah, I know it. But I couldn't because the family that I was after... I had to protect the people that I loved, and there was only two people on that list, and there was you and my sister. And I sent my sister away to a school.
Natalia: But you know you could have trusted me.
Gus: This had nothing to do with you, though, you see, because where I was going, I had to go alone.
Natalia: So that's it, that's everything that I've been wondering all...
Gus: I want you to understand that leaving you was about the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life.
Dinah: Why did you call me here? You said you needed me. You want me to talk to my mom, try to convince her that you're sorry?
Matt: I just want to know if this is it, Dinah. She won't see me, she won't take my phone calls. I spent the whole day looking for Cyrus Foley and beating myself up. I just want to know, is this it? Is this my life now? This?
Dinah: I don't have the answer for you.
Matt: I have really messed things up, Dinah.
Dinah: You didn't do it alone, Matt.
Matt: Huh?
Dinah: Just drink your coffee.
Matt: We've never been friends. You don't even really like me, do you? Why are you being so nice?
Mallet: It's a funny thing about a guilty conscience, it drives some people to make things right. And it drives other people to the dark side. You know, that was me back then. It's like I stepped onto an elevator, and I hit the down button and I just kept going. I think that's how I felt on the inside, you know, Blake? I just felt down, low. I felt guilty because I cheated on Harley. And I hated myself for it. And I lost everything that meant anything to me. I was lost. I was lost. And I couldn't go back to being a cop because of that thing with my partner. You know, I took a good place to work and I screwed it up. You know, when you're that low, you start to believe that's who you are. And then you make choices. You make the kind of choices you thought that you would never make.
Cyrus: You know, it's too bad that you're a cop.
Marina: Why is that?
Cyrus: Your looks, my brains, we could have made a great team.
Marina: Yeah, more like your looks, my brains.
Cyrus: So, you like my looks?
Marina: Well, if you think I'm so into you, why don't you untape me and take your chances?
Daisy: Perfect. I can't wait for this wedding. Hey, didn't you say you had a present for me?
Harley: A present? What else could there be? You already cleaned up.
Dylan: No, no, no. She's right. She's right. One for you, one for you.
Harley: What is this?
Dylan: Well, see, I didn't know if you guys had any mother/daughter-- well, anything-- so I just... well, go ahead. I mean, it's no big deal, really.
Daisy: (Laughs)
Dylan: It's a birthstone.
Harley: It's beautiful, thank you. Don't worry, I won't wear it at the same time as you.
Daisy: I love this. This is the best day I've had since I came back to town. Thank you.
Dylan: I'm so glad. I'm just really glad you're not going to have to wear some old rags to Buzz's wedding.
Daisy: No, it's going to be so much fun. Even if Buzz is a little old to be getting married.
Harley: Well, nobody in this family plays by the rules, that's for sure.
Dylan: And your grandpa's not old. He's just old enough to know what real love is.
Daisy: So, I guess if you had known what grandpa knows now, maybe... maybe you would have married mom.
Harley: But then you wouldn't have your... your brothers.
Daisy: That is true.
Harley: Yeah.
Daisy: I want to show them all my new dress, Zach and Jude and Gus.
Harley: Gus... Gus. Where is Gus? He hasn't left me any messages. Maybe my phone is broken.
Dylan: Why would your phone be broken?
Daisy: Forget about Gus. He's a big boy. We're having a good time.
Harley: Yes, we are. I just... it's just he usually checks in by now.
Gus: Keep it. Thanks.
Natalia: You still smoke?
Gus: No, not at all. I mean, why? Sometimes.
Natalia: So, how long have you been married?
Gus: Oh, geez, a couple of years.
Natalia: Good for you.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Natalia: But, you know, you're the one who taught me how to smoke.
Gus: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. And I remember you got sick the first time. You don't still smoke, do you?
Natalia: I quit.
Gus: Good for you.
Natalia: Right after you left.
Gus: Well, then, I guess in my way, I helped you.
Natalia: After you took off, I used to lie in bed and wonder, "Who is she? What does she look like?"
Gus: Who?
Natalia: The girl you left me for.
Gus: That's what you thought?
Natalia: Uh-huh. What else was I supposed to think?
Gus: Well, there was no who. In fact, the person that I ended up marrying I met long after us. Marco, is that really necessary? He's a rookie. Look, I can help you with that.
Natalia: You got connections?
Gus: What if I told you that my wife was a cop also? My wife and her brother happens to be the chief of police. You know, after us, something kind of funny happened in my life. I found out that I was adopted. Did you ever hear of a big business guy named Alan Spaulding, by any chance?
Natalia: Who hasn't?
Gus: Yeah, well, it turned out he is my biological.
Natalia: No!
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: I don't believe it. Nick Augustino is rich?
Gus: Yeah... well, no, no. He's rich. But believe me, I tried to be a son to him, you know, but Joe-- you remember my dad, Joe-- he's in my heart. And Alan Spaulding is just like my blood and my D.N.A. So...
Natalia: Your turn?
Gus: Yes, my turn. I didn't get to grill you. So, you didn't get married. Didn't get married. But I'm sure you got something going on, right, besides this sweet ride of yours, right?
Natalia: I am actually very boring. I work. I come home, I eat a lot. I sleep.
Gus: Uh-huh. And did you ever become a lawyer like you wanted to be?
Natalia: I work for Mr. Cuozzo in his restaurant.
Gus: Oh, yeah, Cuozzo, yeah, yeah. He was a mean S.O.B., wasn't he?
Natalia: He's... he's okay. He gives me a lot of hours. (Cell phone rings)
Gus: Sorry.
Natalia: Cop stuff?
Gus: Actually, it's my wife. Hey, what's up?
Harley: "What's up?" That's all I get?
Gus: Well, I'm on the scene of an accident right now
Harley: Oh, I'm sorry. Is it serious?
Gus: Not anymore.
Harley: Oh, well, it's just... usually you call me by now, even when we fight.
Gus: Yeah, I'm sorry.
Harley: Sorry we fought or sorry...
Gus: I'm sorry for both.
Harley: Me, too. Look, can we... can we meet without Daisy around? Please! Everything came out wrong before. I don't know what I was saying. Can we just... can I make it up to you? Meet me at the Beacon in 15 minutes, okay?
Gus: I'll be there.
Harley: I love you.
Gus: Yeah, me, too.
Natalia: Everything okay?
Gus: Yeah. My wife and I had a little fight this morning. She's trying to make it up to me. Actually, we're better at making up than fighting. So, I'm thinking the tow truck should be here, you know, pretty soon. But I can wait with you if you'd like.
Natalia: Oh, no, no, no, it's okay. I'll get a ride back to the garage, and if they can't fix my car, I'll just take a bus back to Chicago.
Gus: Okay.
Natalia: It was great seeing you again.
Gus: Yeah, same here. It was great. If I can do anything to help you out...
Natalia: Oh, no, no, no. I'm fine.
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: I'm used to being on my own, so... good luck, Nick... Gus.
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: And I'll see you in another 15 years.
Gus: Well, I certainly hope it isn't that long. So, drive safe, if you can. Tell everybody I said hi.
Daisy: You and Gus on speaking terms now?
Harley: Um... do you really like your dress?
Daisy: Yeah, yeah. It'll be perfect once I raise the hem up to here, and lower the neck line to here and I'm kidding. Oh, my gosh. Relax. I'm not after Gus, okay?
Harley: (Laughs) I didn't say you were.
Daisy: Please. You invited dad along because you think that the more time I spend with him, the less time I spend with Gus.
Harley: You know, Daisy, we do love you. And we are here because we want to be here and we want to do something nice for you.
Daisy: Okay, if you say so.
Harley: Boy, are you tough. You are so tough. Do you ever let up?
Daisy: Hmmm... all that shopping got me kind of hungry.
Dylan: Lunch? Lunch. Did somebody say lunch?
Daisy: Yes, yes. Harley, you coming?
Harley: Actually I can't. You guys go ahead. I have an appointment.
Dylan: Okay, I'll go get the car.
Harley: Okay.
Daisy: Thank you for this shopping trip.
Harley: Oh, sure.
Daisy: You know what, relax about all this Gus stuff. Stop worrying. You know, you act like you're the only woman he ever loved.
Cyrus: You know what I want to do?
Marina: You tell me.
Cyrus: You're a little bit rusty at this whole seduction thing, aren't you? How long it's been?
Marina: That's none of your business.
Cyrus: Oh, that long, eh?
Marina: F.Y.I., I've had a lot of boyfriends. A lot.
Cyrus: But you swore off men when the last one broke your heart?
Marina: We're not discussing this.
Cyrus: Well, in that case, let's get on with it.
Marina: Get on with what? Okay, that tickles. Do you mind lowering it a little?
Cyrus: How's that, partner?
Marina: So much better.
Cyrus: It will all be over soon. Hey, you okay?
Marina: Yeah. I'm just a little shaky.
Cyrus: Well, I won't let you fall, but no tricks. I like you, Detective, but I like that money better. You understand? Keep walking.
Hotel guest: Oh, watch where you're going. Hey, I'm talking to you.
Dinah: I really need to just call housekeeping. Actually, I don't think they're ready to see this, gossipy little group that works here. Matt? Hey, I thought I threw that stuff away. You're a mess. You're a mess. Okay. All right. Oh, my God. Why? Why? Why does love have to be so messy, huh?
Mallet: So, now you know why I couldn't tell Dinah or Harley or anyone else. And that's why I became a warden, and that's why any became a cop again in Springfield, because I thought if I could just save a few people, maybe I could put the past behind me. And up until now, that seemed to be working. I can't believe I just told you. Okay, Blake, thank you. I feel a hell of a lot better. It was good to get it all out and talking to you is a hell of a lot cheaper than talking to a shrink, and I appreciate that. So... thank you. Thanks for listening.
(knock on the door)
Harley: Come in. Dylan and I took Daisy to go shopping earlier, and they just went to lunch. And this, this is just a little something in case you've forgotten what your wife looks like.
Gus: Never.
Harley: Sorry. I'm sorry if I made it sound like I was blaming you for everything with Daisy and us not being able to have a child and...
Gus: I know. It's okay.
Harley: Of course I want your help with Daisy. I couldn't do it without you. I love you. And we have this great life.
Cyrus: Just play along, you'll be free before you know it.
Marina: Yeah, well, you're not getting anywhere without me.
Cyrus: Well, I have you, and you're going to follow my instructions.
Marina: Or what? You're going to shoot me? Just shoot me.
Matt: I don't need you cleaning.
Dinah: Matt, come on. Let's go... hey! Come on, you want people to come in here and arrest you?
Matt: I really don't care, Dinah.
Dinah: You know what, that's the alcohol talking.
Matt: The hell it is.
Dinah: Come here. Listen to me. My mom loves you, and you can put this all back together with or without the money. She loves you. She's going to come around.
Matt: Don't you get it, Dinah? I don't have anything! I've thrown it all away. Name something... name one thing I still got?
Dinah: You know what, Matt, you've got me.
Mallet: Blake? Blake, can you hear me?
Blake: I hear you.
Mallet: You can hear me? You can hear me? I'm going to get a doctor. I'm going to get a doctor. Nurse? Nurse? Blake's awake!
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: There's only one way you're going to get rid of me. Feel like your fever's coming back? We should do this more often.
Mallet: Blake is awake. Did you hear what I was talking about?
Blake: Everybody knows.
Billy: The nightmare is over.
Josh: You doing anything tonight?
Billy: I think it's a recipe for disaster.
Josh: Reva.
Billy: I know you two slept together.
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