GL Transcript Friday 4/27/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/27/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Get it done. Get it done. Get it done.

Harley: Get statement from the injured witness. Drop off Jude with Rick, obviously.

Gus: What else?

Harley: There is the new soccer ball for Zach.

Gus: I'm sorry. It was behind... there was a bush... look, I'll buy a soccer ball, okay?

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: I'll buy two soccer balls. Can you pick up the food at Company?

Harley: I'll pick up the food at Company.

Gus: Thank you.

Harley: It's good to have you back. How are you feeling?

Gus: I feel pretty good, pretty good. Coughing up a little soot every now and then, but, you know. So, what else?

Harley: Okay. Um, there's... there's a lamp for Daisy's room, but I can...

Gus: Yeah, I can pick up the lamp.

Harley: No, I'll get the lamp.

Gus: But I'm going to be at the mall already.

Harley: I'll get the lamp, and I will get the soccer ball, and you go to Company.

Gus: Is the lamp that big a deal? I mean, do you have to go out of your...

Harley: Anything with Daisy, I'll take care of, okay?

Daisy: See where I am? That's right. I have to go to Billy's if I want any privacy. But he's cool with it." Hey, Grandpa Billy, can I hang out at your place?"" Sure, Daisy, just lock up before you go." Why can't anything with... with Harley be that easy. She has to... ruin everything. Like the way she just cut me down in front of Gus. She was totally trying to humiliate me. I love him better than she does, and I know that it sounds crazy, but... I know that Gus will never take me seriously but, still, he deserves better than Harley. He deserves better and Harley deserves... I got to go get the car. Until next time.

Buzz: You would be so lost without me.

Olivia: I know. (Laughing)

Buzz: What's that? Staff meeting?

Olivia: I'm so unprepared.

Buzz: Oh, liar, you're never unprepared.

Olivia: Hey.

Buzz: Hey, good aim. I hope you didn't register for cutlery. (Telephone ringing)

Olivia: Olivia Spencer.

Alan-Michael: Ms. Spencer, Detective Lonnergan, Springfield P.D.

Olivia: Yeah, what did I do for you?

Alan-Michael: We received a disturbing report about an incident at the Beacon hotel involving a Mr. Alan-Michael Spaulding.

Olivia: About his suite?

Alan-Michael: No. This is pertaining to you and Mr. Spaulding personally. I'll need you to come down to the station. Ms. Spencer?

Olivia: Yeah, sure. But right now, it's kind of a bad time for me.

Alan-Michael: Tomorrow's fine. I'll be in touch.

Buzz: Everything all right?

Olivia: Yeah. Just some pre-meeting stuff-- I got to take care of it. Love you.

Jeffrey: Come back to bed.

Sherry: She's pretty.

Jeffrey: Well, she... is my daughter.

Sherry: You and her mom split.

Jeffrey: Well, we were never really together. Well, once, obviously. But we didn't really have a relationship or anything like that. It was a long time ago. And we don't really have much in common, either. Just... just Ava, that's it. (Knock on door) That's our coffee.

Olivia: I thought you would be up.

Jeffrey: I am. I am up. I thought that you were the coffee.

Sherry: Is that our coffee?

Harley: Hey, I didn't know you were working today?

Daisy: I'm trying to do something right.

Harley: Well, good. Good for you.

Daisy: I was at Billy's this morning.

Harley: Oh.

Daisy: That's what you were going to ask me, right?

Harley: No.

Gus: I don't think that's what she was asking.

Harley: No, she's right, I was... I was going to ask. Thank you for telling me.

Daisy: Why are you guys here?

Harley: Because we have to give...

Daisy: Oh, right.

Harley: ... Jude to Rick.!

Gus: Hey, what wattage lamp would you like to have in your room?

Daisy: What?

Harley: I said that I would take care of it.

Daisy: Okay, I gotta work.

Gus: I just wanted to know the wattage.

Harley: I know, but she is being nice to me. She was kind of civil there, I don't want to push her.

Daisy: Predictable. You'll thank me later, Gus.

Buzz: Why here?

Alan-Michael: Excuse me?

Buzz: Most people prefer to go to restaurants where they are welcomed.

Alan-Michael: I'm meeting someone.

Buzz: Well, meet them somewhere else.

Alan-Michael: What did I do to you, Buzz? You should be rolling out the red carpet for me. I'm not pressing charges against your fiancé yet.

Buzz: Oh, whoop-dee-doo.

Alan-Michael: Jeffrey and Olivia are running around thinking they can terrorize anyone in their path.

Buzz: I think you're confusing them with your family.

Alan-Michael: (Laughs) They kidnapped me, Buzz. They assaulted me.

Buzz: It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Alan-Michael: Trying to protect their daughter. You should have seen them.

Buzz: Olivia already told me about this.

Alan-Michael: No, but you should have seen them. There I was bound and gagged, and they looked like a couple of kids at Christmas. She light up like that for you?

Buzz: Time to go.

Alan-Michael: I'd be worried too. I mean, you can put a ring on her finger, but you can't change who she is.

Jeffrey: I don't know who this Lonnergan character is, all right.

Olivia: Well, the point is that somebody at the police station knows what we did to Alan-Michael.

Jeffrey: What, you think that I told her?

Olivia: No.

Jeffrey: Did you tell Buzz?

Olivia: He didn't report us, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Maybe it was Alan-Michael.

Olivia: You know it doesn't really matter. The point is that someone at the police station knows.

Jeffrey: Look, if they had something on you, they would have picked you up. They wouldn't have scheduled an appointment to see you, okay? So just stop worrying.

Olivia: Yeah, you don't have to worry because nobody called you.

Jeffrey: Look, legally, Alan-Michael would have to prove something...

Olivia: Don' do the lawyer talk. Don't do it.

Jeffrey: Just relax.

Olivia: I shouldn't have gotten involved with you!

Jeffrey: We're not involved.

Olivia: No, I meant with the Alan-Michael thing, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: So this is all my fault, right?

Olivia: You know what, with all of your big talk about wanting to change and start over, you're the same guy you always were. You take advantage of people. You have no conscience about dragging women into any weird situation.

Jeffrey: Oh...

Olivia: And you know what, I'm not going to let our daughter get sucked into something like that.

Jeffrey: Come on, please, let's go. Outside.

Gus: You know, I've got a couple of sick days left over and I thought maybe I could share them with you. You know, spend my time with you, unless you've got a problem with that.

Harley: No. We have definitely not been spending enough time together.

Gus: Yeah, but no, just not the right kind of time.

Harley: Yeah, well, running errands is not the right kind of time.

Gus: I'm just saying, you know, I survived smoke inhalation and getting drugged. I think we should celebrate.

Harley: Okay. Yeah. Well, we got stuff we need to get together first, honey.

Gus: What? When you say "together," together... what together?

Harley: You know, just stuff that we need to figure out.

Gus: We should be more like the kids, just living in the moment, just whatever's fun. That's the thing that should be just the most important thing to us. You know, wouldn't that be nice?

Harley: They certainly have fun with you.

Gus: Why, because I act like I'm their age or something; I'm their buddy.

Harley: Well, you are, aren't you?

Gus: I'd like to think of myself as their father.

Harley: Yeah, that, too.

Gus: Okay. Good. Because kids know the difference between a father and a friend, and I'm aware of that. And the thing with Daisy, that's, you know... I know that I didn't do things right, and things have got to be differently, and I'll do it differently. I just don't know how yet.

Harley: Well, like I said, there's stuff that we have to figure out first.

Gus: Yeah, but it's not like it's out of control. I've got a handle on it.

Daisy: Wow, you're pretty.

Natalia: Thank you. Sorry, do I know you?

Daisy: Yeah, I'm Daisy Lemay, and you're Natalia, right? We spoke on the phone. I asked you if you remember Gus... Nick August, right, and you said he was the love of your life.

Natalia: I remember. I was being dramatic.

Daisy: Oh.

Natalia: So, why are you here?

Daisy: Well, Gus-- I mean Nick-- he's in trouble, and he needs you.

Olivia: Do you know what a hypocrite you are?

Jeffrey: Oh, I'm sure you're going to tell me.

Olivia: Protecting our daughter from a male chauvinist pig like Alan-Michael, and you're exactly the same.

Jeffrey: The last time I checked, I was in a hotel.

Olivia: My hotel, which makes it worse.

Jeffrey: Hey, I'm a good tenant, I pay my bill on time and I believe that I'm allowed to have guests.

Olivia: She's barely older than Ava.

Jeffrey: Sherry is an adult, and so is Ava. Which means she is mature enough to handle the fact that I have relationships.

Olivia: Relationships?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Olivia: Okay, let me ask you, is it the ever the same skank twice? Just curious.

Jeffrey: Oh, thanks a lot. Why do you care?

Olivia: Because I know how important a father figure is to a little girl, Jeffrey. You can't just say you want to be a daddy and then go off and do... Sherry.

Jeffrey: Why not?

Olivia: Because...

Jeffrey: Because? Because you're going to marry a Cooper? Is that why? Because you're going to marry a Cooper, and now you've become the moral compass of Springfield?

Olivia: Don't bring him into this.

Jeffrey: Buzz wasn't exactly a boy scout, was he? No. So, what makes what you have with him any better than what I have with Shirley?

Olivia: Sherry!

Jeffrey: Sherry.

Olivia: He's not known for taking advantage of young women. I'm just thinking about Ava.

Jeffrey: Okay. You know, I want to be a good father. I do. And not just because it's the right thing to do. It's because I actually like the girl. I like Ava. And I'm not going to spend my life trying to set a good example for her. No, I'm going to leave that to you and your salt of the earth fiancé! Wait, wait, wait, where are you going?

Sherry: You know, maybe you two should give it another shot. Every kid wishes their parents would get back together.

Olivia: She's even dopier than I thought.

Jeffrey: Okay, look, I'm going to check out this Lonnergan character, okay? Make sure that we're both in the clear.

Olivia: You mean that, both of us? Because he never mentioned you.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't sell you out, Olivia. Okay? So why don't you go back to your restaurant and settle down with your white picket fence and your...

Olivia: I'm not settling.

Jeffrey: Down. I said settle down, okay? Why can't you just...

Mel: I could wait in the lobby if you...

Jeffrey: No!

Olivia: No!

Jeffrey: Please. She was just leaving.

Olivia: But we're not done.

Jeffrey: Oh, I know. I know. I'm sorry, Mel.

Mel: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I know. It's a long story. Come in.

Mel: All right.

Alan-Michael: She sure is handy with that duct tape, but it hurts like hell when you rip it off. I... can't say I didn't warn you.

Buzz: If you hurt her...

Alan-Michael: And risk pissing her off again? Who knows what she and Jeffrey would do then. They're two of a kind, but I guess you know that already.

Buzz: This meeting is cancelled.

Daisy: I've never been around here before. Have you always lived here?

Natalia: Well, not here here. I'm in between apartments. But I grew up in a neighborhood around here.

Daisy: And Nick did, too?

Natalia: He goes by Gus now?

Daisy: It's a long story.

Natalia: He lived about three blocks from me.

Daisy: Uh-huh. Was he your boyfriend? Oh, my gosh, you must hate me right now. Because I just showed up here and I started asking you all these questions.

Natalia: No, no, that's okay.

Daisy: I get it, though, how special it is, this first love.

Natalia: You said you came here because he's in some kind of trouble?

Daisy: He's with my mom. That's how I know him.

Natalia: Oh.

Daisy: But it's not like he's my stepdad so much as like my friend. Whatever. But he and my mom, they're kind of having problems right now. He's going through a lot, you know? So I thought I would throw him a party, just because. Something to remind him how much he means to everyone. And not just his friends and family now, because that would be boring. I want to really go all out, you know, like cheer him up.

Natalia: That's very sweet of you.

Daisy: So, you know, I was looking for old photographs of him, or trying to find out the music he used to listen to, but I couldn't find any of his old friends without tipping him off. But then this one night, he was in the hospital and...

Natalia: Is he okay?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, yeah. He's fine. But this one night he was really out of it, so I was there, you know, taking care of him, and he said your name.

Natalia: He must have been thinking... he got hurt once protecting me.

Daisy: That's Gus, always taking care of everyone. Well, anyway, we don't know any Natalia's, so I did some homework and...

Natalia: I don't think I have what you need. The photos and the music, I don't...

Daisy: Yeah, but now that I've met you and you're so nice and you live really close, I don't know, it would be a really cool surprise if he could see you again.

Natalia: Oh, no, I can't do that, just drop in after all these years?

Daisy: Sure, why not?

Natalia: You have no idea what you're asking.

Harley: You sure you're up to this? You just got out of the hospital.

Gus: I'm fine.

Harley: Well, it would help if we could take your car.

Gus: I thought it would be a nice day for a little walk.

Harley: A walk? With those boxes.

Gus: It's beautiful outside.

Harley: Honey, do you have your keys?

Gus: I didn't bring them.

Harley: Because I have news for you, I think I left my keys at Cedars.

Gus: We'll find them. You know what, let's just not do this today. We can do the lamp and the soccer ball tomorrow. What's the rush?

Harley: Ah, Dylan can do it.

Gus: You really want to deal with Dylan?

Harley: Well, he called. He called me. Because he felt bad about what happened. And he wants to buy some stuff for Daisy's room. So he can pick up the lamp, and I can just get the soccer ball.

Gus: What's wrong with... wait. What's wrong with Daisy's room?

Harley: Nothing.

Gus: I see.

Harley: What?

Gus: Why is he buying stuff for Daisy's room?

Harley: Because he's her father.

Gus: The guy came by my house, he tried to punch me. Are you kidding me? Now he wants to redecorate the place? Look, why doesn't he stick to whoever it is he is supposed to be raising or raised? Peter or Paul or whatever? He's jumping from one family to the other. We don't need him in this family.

Harley: Honey, please, just...

Gus: What? All right, you know what? You know what? Let him. Let him deal with that kind of stuff. That's fine. Because it's more important we deal with the important issues ourselves.

Harley: Can we just find my keys first?

Gus: Yeah, of course.

Harley: Before we start jumping ahead to the next stuff?

Gus: Who's jumping? We're just talking.

Harley: You are, you know. "We'll handle the important stuff. He can handle the unimportant stuff."

Gus: Give you a little example of the important stuff. Daisy spends all of her time at the house, at school, or at the hospital, working. I'm just thinking, what if she did something that was a little different, something that made her feel a little better about herself?

Harley: You've got to be kidding me. You want to reward her, again, after everything that she's done. You are...

Gus: That is not what I'm talking about. Hey, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, like, I'll call Dinah and say, "Can you let Daisy maybe work on," and she could do something important. She could be an intern, do an internship, or however those things work.

Harley: Oh, that's a good idea.

Gus: Thank you. I have them every now and then.

Harley: That's a good idea. I'll run that by Dylan.

Gus: Why you got to run it by Dylan? Why you got to run it by Dylan?

Harley: He's her father.

Gus: Yeah, but I'm your husband. I'm your husband. We're part of a parenting team.

Harley: Yes, you are, but you're not captain of it.

Gus: Well, you're not the captain of it. I'm just saying there shouldn't be a captain. We don't need a captain. This is silly. I've to run stuff by you, you've got to run it by Dylan.

Harley: It would help if you'd run stuff by me a little more often. Okay, let's not... all I'm saying is I want my daughter to be happy. I just want her to be happy. And I want her to have a semblance of a normal life. Is that too much to ask?

Gus: This system sucks.

Harley: There is no system. See, that's where you're wrong. Daisy already has two parents. She has Dylan and she has me. I think that's enough. Sweetie, I'm sure that there is a better way to say what I said. I just... I don't know what it is.

Gus: I'm sure there is a better way to say it but, you know, you made your point. How would you like it to be? I mean I love your kids, you know what I'm saying? But I don't really feel like being a father on the sideline any more.

Harley: Is that why you wanted Sydney, because you didn't want to be a sideline father?

Gus: That is not the only reason.

Harley: Because I didn't make you feel that way about Zach and Jude.

Gus: Yeah, yeah, you did, kind of, like I'm not part of the parenting team.

Harley: No.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: That's not what I'm saying.

Gus: What are you saying then? That I'm not a parent only when it comes to Daisy?

Harley: Daisy's different.

Gus: How is Daisy different? I... see, I was afraid... I was afraid something like this was going to happen.

Harley: Like what?

Gus: Like getting cut out... all I was trying to do is protect you and Daisy. That was my whole...

Harley: I didn't ask you to protect me. I just wanted you to be straight with me, babe. That was it.

Gus: You know what the problem is? You don't trust me on this.

Harley: I'm not sure how I'm feeling about things any more.

Gus: That's really what it comes down to. It's about trust. It's a trust thing.

Harley: Okay, listen to me. You said you were trying to protect me, okay? Protecting? Come on, you were hiding things from me. You were hiding important things from me about my daughter.

Gus: Do you not understand how difficult it is to tell you the truth all the time?

Harley: What?

Gus: You are so judgmental.

Harley: (Gasps)

Gus: Sometimes. Not all the time. Not all of the time. I'm just saying, I have to worry about how I say something to you...

Harley: That's not true.

Gus: ...Or what I say, so I don't get cut out.

Harley: No.

Gus: You cannot call all the shots all the time.

Harley: I can call the shots when it comes to my daughter. And I am sorry if that is hurting you.

Gus: Oh, if... if that hurts me?

Harley: If it hurts you for me to protect her, that's too bad. She has two parents. And Dylan is here. He's here.

Gus: So, Rick is here, too. What happens... some day Rick is going to show up, and you and Rick are going to decide to, oh, Rick is all that Jude needs, right?

Harley: That's not the same thing.

Gus: What happens if Phillip shows up one day? You and Phillip might decide that, hey, Phillip's all that Zach needs.

Harley: That is definitely not the same thing.

Gus: You know, I have made my share of mistakes, and I understand that. But who's been here through all of it for you and your kids? I'm just asking you. Look at me. Who's been here? Me. I've been the one who has been here through all of it.

Harley: Oh, you have definitely been here, and you let it happen anyway.

Gus: I let what happen?

Harley: You let Daisy fall in love with you. You were here the whole time, you saw it happening, you did nothing to stop it. And you certainly didn't say a word to me about it. Where are you going?

Gus: Find the keys.

Natalia: I can't just go. I have a job and responsibilities.

Daisy: Oh, well, where do you work?

Natalia: In a restaurant here.

Daisy: Well, then, maybe you could take the day off.

Natalia: I think the party for Nick is a wonderful idea, and I hope it goes well.

Daisy: Well, if you change your mind, you can still show up, even if it's last minute.

Natalia: Thank you. Are you going to be okay getting home? Do you need money for the bus?

Daisy: Oh, no, I'm good, thanks.

Natalia: I could fix you a sandwich before you go.

Daisy: More food?

Natalia: That's what I do.

Daisy: That's okay, thank you. I wish I could tell Gus how amazing you are, but if he knew I was here, it would be...

Natalia: It's okay, I get it.

Daisy: Okay.

Natalia: Thank you for coming.

Daisy: I'm glad you said that, because I was afraid I was going to be bringing up stuff, you know?

Natalia: Get home safe, Daisy.

Daisy: Okay.

Gus: Put the boxes inside. Put the boxes outside.

Buzz: Hey, I'm glad you're back. I need your opinion on something.

Gus: Well, you're asking the wrong guy.

Buzz: You don't even know what I'm asking yet.

Gus: Don't... don't ask me because I'm wrong about everything.

Buzz: That means my daughter is right about everything?

Gus: She usually is. Have you seen her keys? Any keys around here?

Buzz: No, I haven't.

Gus: They've got to be around here some place.

Buzz: You haven't been home from the hospital long enough to have a fight. Come on, come on, come on. I want you to look at this. Sit. Right there.

Gus: Okay. Really?

Buzz: Really. It's time, come on.

Gus: Wow, Buzz, I mean I know you got high-speed internet, but...

Buzz: It's high speed, yeah.

Gus: It's warp speed.

Buzz: No, I don't think so. Not really.

Gus: Well, fantastic. All right. Good, good, good, good stuff.

Buzz: Hey, I don't mean to make light of anything that's happened between you and Harley.

Gus: No, no, I know. I know

Buzz: But what about me and Olivia? It's something else, huh? (Laughs)

Gus: Something else is good. That's good, it's good, it's good.

Alan-Michael: I'm ready for you this time-- ropes, chains, duct tape.

Olivia: I am not in the mood.

Alan-Michael: Did I inquire about your mood?

Olivia: Alan-Michael, you went to the cops?

Alan-Michael: What makes you think that?

Olivia: Just a guess.

Alan-Michael: You haven't been arrested, have you?

Olivia: Did you tell anyone about Jeffrey and me?

Alan-Michael: I told someone who told me to let it go. So I am.

Olivia: Who?

Alan-Michael: That's between me and him. You might want to go see Buzz, though. He misses you.

Jeffrey: You know, I really don't understand the woman. You would think I like her or something...

Mel: Who, Ava?

Jeffrey: No. Olivia. We're kind of, you know, working together to keep Ava safe from Alan-Michael.

Mel: Is it working?

Jeffrey: You know, sometimes it's going really fine, and then every time she just freaks out and I don't know what's going on.

Mel: No, I meant is it working with Ava keeping away from Alan-Michael?

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah, no, well, he's backed off for now. Olivia is just...

Mel: I get it. I get it. You know, the past catches up to you. Beth and Rick.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. You know, you're better off without him.

Mel: Maybe. But, you know, we have a lot of years, and we do have Leah. It's just you're always connected when you have a daughter, you know?

Dylan: Listen, I'm sorry. Really, I'm really sorry about the way I handled things at Gus' party. My timing was bad, and there are probably about-- let's see-- a million better ways I could have handled that.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Dylan: And...

Harley: Gus and I just had a talk about her.

Dylan: A talk?

Harley: A fight, whatever. It wasn't just about her. It was about a lot of things. And you are probably the last person in the world I should be talking to about any of this

Dylan: No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. Listen, if this is about our kid, then...

Harley: You'll be happy to know I told him that he could not be an active parent in her life, not right now.

Dylan: Okay. Well, that's okay.

Harley: No, it's not okay. Because I handled it badly, and I yelled at him, and I said all the wrong things and it was awful.

Dylan: Okay, okay. You cannot afford to be soft on this right now. All right, maybe I don't know exactly what happened before, but whatever it was, we know this for sure: Daisy thinks she is in love with Gus. So we're not going to be able to get anything under control with Gus around.

Gus: Hey, Daisy.

Daisy: Hi.

Gus: Hey. Where are you coming from?

Daisy: Oh, I was just carrying medical supplies up and down stairs, so...

Gus: Why don't you use the elevator.

Daisy: There's this dead guy in there once. It creeps me out. What are you doing back here?

Gus: Oh, your mother lost her keys, so I'm backtracking. Where did you go?

Daisy: Up and down the stairs.

Gus: No, I mean in the car?

Daisy: What? What are you...

Gus: Give me the keys. Give me the keys. I cannot believe you did this with the whole Zach thing.

Daisy: I didn't hit anything this time.

Gus: You do not have a license.

Daisy: It was really quick. I went down the block, got a muffin and coffee because I had had to skip breakfast to get here on time.

Gus: Because there's no cafeteria in this building, right?

Daisy: If you've eaten in here...

Gus: I have eaten here. I was forced to eat it for a week.

Daisy: Well, then you know that... how bad the food is. So when I saw Harley's keys on the floor... you'll tell Harley that I found her keys? Gus, I'm really trying to fix things.

Gus: You stole the car.

Daisy: I borrowed...

Gus: Again, this is the second time you've stolen your mother's car. The second time. The second time.

Daisy: Look, I know it doesn't look like it, but I'm really trying to make the best of a totally screwed up situation.

Gus: This is a screwed up situation.

Daisy: Well, then, you agree that if you told her, it would just make things worse.

Gus: No. There will be no more lies, Daisy. No more.

Mel: Okay, so I guess we could just take my car to the meeting.

Jeffrey: You know what, Mel, I'm sorry, I need to check my e-mail and return a phone call. I'll meet you there, okay? I'll be there.

Mel: Okay, don't get lost.

Jeffrey: Sometimes I would really like to.

Mel: (Laughs) I'll see you.

Jeffrey: Okay, bye. Thanks. What the hell?

Buzz: Sit down.

Olivia: No, I'll stand. I'll stand.

Buzz: I'll explain everything to you. You look nervous. You shouldn't be nervous. Look, I had to make a lot of decisions on the fly. But sometimes that's just the way to do it.

Olivia: You're scaring me.

Buzz: Well, I'm doing this so you won't be scared.

Olivia: Doing what?

Buzz: Olivia, you're the most wonderful woman in the world. I want the world to know... I mean I want the world to know that at least that I know it.

Olivia: Okay.

Buzz: (Laughs) I want to be your lifeboat when you're sinking.

Olivia: My lifeboat?

Buzz: You're lifeboat, your lifeline, your life-long friend. I want you to be safe and happy. I want every morning for you to wake up and know that you're loved, starting today. Well, not today, but in a few days, I guess.

Olivia: What?

Buzz: Well, actually, no, it could start today and then be official in a couple of days. Here. That's if you say yes to this. I made this on the internet.

Olivia: You hate the internet.

Buzz: Yeah, I know. That's how much I love you. I'm already getting RSVPs, and the food and the clothes, everything is taken care of. All you have to do is just show up. So, will you marry me?

Olivia: I already said that I would, of course!

Buzz: No. Read. Keep reading.

Olivia: Next week?

Buzz: Well, it was booked this week. Let me finish my proposal. Olivia, will you marry me?

Olivia: It's fast.

Buzz: Well, you know, it's internet, high speed.

Olivia: No joke.

Buzz: No. It isn't that fast. It's been taking forever. At least in my mind, it seems like it's taken forever. I mean, we both know we want to do this, but we keep dancing around it. Oh, you know what? There's going to be dancing. I hired a band.

Olivia: Buzz, okay, yeah.

Buzz: Yeah?

Olivia: No-- I mean, yeah-- band, good.

Buzz: What I'm saying... what was I saying?

Olivia: How we both want this.

Buzz: Yes, that we both... we want this. We want this and so why wait? Let's do it now. I mean, with the train on the tracks, it's going! Let's do it!

Olivia: I love a nice train. It's very romantic. E-mailing our wedding invitations? Not so much.

Buzz: Well, what I saved on the invitations allowed me to upgrade or honeymoon.

Olivia: We're going on a honeymoon? Where? Where?

Buzz: Marry me and you'll find out. Yeah.

Olivia: I love you. Let's do it, let's get married.

Buzz: You're not doing it just for a vacation?

Olivia: Well, that, too. But I love you. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Lonnergan, huh? Not too clever.

Alan-Michael: Right back at you, Jeff.

Jeffrey: You know, now is not the time to start stirring up trouble where there is none.

Alan-Michael: Now's no good for you?

Jeffrey: No, it's not good for Buzz and it's not good for Olivia. You see, they're getting married next week.

Alan-Michael: Next week, huh?

Jeffrey: And then all will be right with the world.

Alan-Michael: If you say so.

Harley: I don't even know what time Daisy is coming back, so why am I here?

Dylan: You know what, Harley, you don't have to stay here. I told you, I'm here to see Daisy. So, you know. But if you're going to stay...

Harley: Don't come near me with that. Look, if we're going to start trying to fix things with her, shouldn't we start right now? We're here.

Dylan: Yeah.

Harley: But I would like to begin, okay? And I'd like to start by saying, whether you think so or not, Gus really was doing the best he could, you know, and I love him for that. You weren't here. Nobody knew what to do with her when she first got to town. We still don't, honestly.

Dylan: Okay. All right. Everything's going to be okay now, all right? Because I'm here and we can deal with her on a united front.

Harley: Well, I hope that's true because this kid is a handful.

Dylan: Well, you know, she's her mother with a better wardrobe. (Laughs) Come on. Don't you remember those long, dangly, bright, plastic earrings?

Harley: You loved those earrings.

Dylan: Yeah, well.

Harley: And they were in back then. And I sound like an old lady saying that, don't I? (Laughs)

Dylan: Yes, you do. Yes, you do. But, you know, don't say it then, because you're not old, I'm not, we're not old.

Harley: I just wish we'd learned a lot more by now. I'll tell you the truth, sometimes I don't feel any better equipped to be a parent now than I did then.

Dylan: Hey, you are a great mom. Look at Zach and Jude. You've got a couple of fine young men there.

Harley: And Daisy?

Dylan: Daisy's a teenager. And she's got a little Lewis in her, a little Shayne, and a little Cooper, and, you know, considering all of that, you think maybe we're getting off easy.

Harley: Oh, my gosh. Thank you for putting that thought into my head.

Dylan: Listen to me. We're going to get her through this, all right? The two of us, we're going to do it. Really.

Harley: You know, Dylan, maybe there is a reason you came back to town when you did. You know, you're here now when she needs her father the most.

Dylan: Yeah.

Harley: I mean, I'm not saying that that's the reason you and Bridget broke up, but there is a reason that you're here.

Dylan: I know. And there's a lot of reasons for that. But you're right, I am here now. And I'm going to be there for Daisy, all of the time I missed out on. I promise.

Harley: Me, too. Me, too.

Gus: Yeah, that's right. I found the keys. That's a very good question. Yes, Daisy, Daisy did have something to do with it. (Tire screeching noise) Hey, are you okay? I got you. Natalia?

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Cyrus: Is it true that women love a man in uniform?

Marina: Why don't you untape me and take your chances.

Dylan: You coming, Mom?

Harley: Yeah, Dad

Dylan: She was a hottie back in the day.

Daisy: He's a great influence.

Gus: Natalia?

Natalia: Nick? Still right there when I need you.

Gus: Leaving is about the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life.

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