GL Transcript Thursday 4/26/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/26/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Coop: Well, there it is.

Ashlee: Yeah, there it is. It's kind of weird to see it all written out like this. I shot Alan Spaulding.

Coop: Kind of makes it more real, I guess.

Ashlee: Yeah.

Cop: All you have to do is sign it.

Ashlee: You make it sound so easy. Just sign your life away.

Coop: Ashlee, you're going to be okay?

Doris: Don't sign that.

Cop: Ms. Wolfe...

Ashlee: Mom, I already confessed.

Doris: The confession of an emotionally disturbed child is invalid and you know that.

Ashlee: I am not emotionally disturbed and I'm not a child.

Coop: Your daughter has just done an incredibly brave thing.

Donovan: You know what? You're done here, Mr. Bradshaw. This has nothing to do with you.

Ashlee: He's my friend!

Doris: You know what? He's not your friend. He is using you so that he can save Josh Lewis.

Coop: Excuse me, I'm here trying to help Ashlee, which is more than I can say for you.

Doris: Help her? How does this help her?

Ashlee: The guilt was killing me. Josh Lewis is sitting in prison and he's... and he's innocent. He's innocent and I'm guil...

Doris: Don't say another word. You're coming with me.

Ashlee: Let go of me!

Cop: Let go of her.

Ashlee: Leave me alone!

Doris: You don't know what you're doing, Ashlee.

Ashlee: You just don't like what I'm doing! Because for the first time in my life, you're not controlling me. I'm thinking for myself and I'm not ashamed of it, either. Now give me that pen.

Doris: I'm begging you, Ashlee, please don't sign that confession. Don't do anything without talking to your attorney!

Jeffrey: That would be me.

Beth: Yeah, I just wanted to confirm my appointment for next week. Yeah. I just... I know that I'm a high-risk pregnancy and I don't want to take any chances this time around. Okay. Great. See you then. I will have a large cup of coffee with cream and-- ooh-- your pie of the day looks fabulous. I'll have a large slice of that a la mode. And a bagel and hold on, hold on... blueberry muffin. Having lots of cravings this time around.

Waitress: When are you due?

Beth: Not for a while yet.

Waitress: I take it you want your coffee unleaded

Beth: Please, please.

Cassie: You know, I read this study that said even decaf might not be good during pregnancy.

Beth: Cassie.

Cassie: I'm just, you know, I'm trying to help you protect your kid.

Guard: Isn't solitary fun? Bet you feel nice and safe in here. Vinny Salerno has a very long reach and a long memory.

Billy: Hey, my favorite person!

Reva: Oh, Billy, I'm so busy.

Billy: No, you always got time for me. Come sit down for a second.

Reva: No, it's just that... I got this thing that I need to take care of.

Billy: Yeah, what thing?

Reva: Okay, it's not a big deal. It's just...

Billy: Would this big deal thing wouldn't be Josh, would it?

Reva: No, no. Why?

Billy: Well, because I know you went down to visit him at the prison.

Reva: So?

Billy: So, you told Cassie that you weren't going to see him anymore and then you made a beeline for him.

Reva: It's not like that.

Billy: Not like what?

Reva: Like what you're thinking, Billy. It's just, you know, he's going into solitary, solitary, and I got to thinking that it just might be nice if he had some contact with someone before.

Billy: Who says it should be you?

Reva: Because he won't let Cassie in there!

Billy: Oh, oh, I see. This was all done for him. This didn't have anything to do with you. Wouldn't have had anything to do with your feelings for him.

Reva: That's right. That's right. At least, at first.

Billy: Oh, Reva, what did you do?

Reva: I set up another conjugal visit, okay? So that we'd be alone, in private, because it means so much to him.

Billy: To him?

Reva: Stop that.

Billy: Okay. Tell me you...

Reva: I smuggled in a bottle of whiskey and we had a couple of shots. I just wanted to make everything all right with him, you know, even if it was just for a few minutes. And I did. We did.

Billy: Reva.

Reva: One minute he was shoving me away with both hands and I reached for... I don't even know. And then suddenly...

Billy: Tell me you didn't.

Reva: It was like riding a bike, Billy. Straight off a cliff.

Doris: You have no business here, Mr. O'Neill. I did not retain this man to represent my daughter.

Jeffrey: No, you didn't, but Ashlee did.

Doris: Well, Ashlee has no money. How can she pay your fee?

Coop: My family did. We stand behind all of our employees.

Doris: Oh, Ashlee, don't be so stupid. Can't you see that they are using you?

Ashlee: First I'm a child and then I'm emotionally disturbed and now I'm stupid. It's really great to know what you think of me, Mom.

Doris: Ashlee, I am your mother, okay? And right now I am the one person that you can trust in this world.

Ashlee: Well, then, forget Alan, I should have shot myself.

Doris: Look, this man is Josh Lewis's attorney. If you confess, then Josh Lewis goes free. And he gets revenge for me replacing him as D.A. He is not on your side, Ashlee, and neither is your boyfriend.

Ashlee: He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend. And for once, I have a real friend, okay?

Doris: Oh, well, that's very special.

Coop: Can we get rid of her, Jeffrey, please?

Jeffrey: No, but we can try to ignore her.

Doris: Ashlee, look at me. Look at me, Ash.

Ashlee: I've made up my mind, Mom.

Doris: Come on, Ashlee. Come on, come on, it's me, mom. Okay? Can we talk about this alone? Can we talk about this alone?

Coop: Ashlee, you don't have to do this.

Ashlee: I know, but I'm going to have to do it sometime. Since I was a little girl, it was just the two of us, and I thought you were the bravest woman in the world.

Doris: Only doing what I thought was right for you.

Ashlee: But I grew up feeling less than...

Doris: Less than what?

Ashlee: I don't know. Everything.

Doris: So that's what this is about? If you confess, then somehow you're more important?

Ashlee: No. But I think that maybe doing the right thing will make me feel like... like anything is possible.

Beth: You know, it's weird. I've been shopping all afternoon and I've had the strangest sensation I was being watched, followed.

Cassie: Really? Now, why would I follow you, Beth?

Beth: Oh, I don't know, maybe the same reason you were following Alan in Chicago.

Cassie: I brought Alan a gift for your child. I'd hardly call that stalking.

Beth: He said that you were acting strangely. What do you want from us?

Cassie: You know, it's interesting all these things they have nowadays that they didn't have when we were first pregnant. You know, the fancy car seats, the bottles that don't cause gas, the DVDs.

Beth: Look, I don't know what you want me to say.

Cassie: They're putting Josh in solitary confinement because he's in danger.

Beth: I didn't know that.

Cassie: And he doesn't want to see me because he thinks I'm obsessed with freeing him, with punishing Alan.

Beth: Punishing?

Cassie: With the fact that Alan is out there having a great life, having a new baby, a baby who's going to have just about everything it could possibly ask for. You really are eating for two, aren't you?

Beth: You know, I have to get going.

Cassie: No, no...

Beth: I'm really not that hungry.

Cassie: I think we have a lot to talk about.

Beth: Cassie, I think that the person you need to talk to is a counselor, because it's obvious you're still having a hard time with your loss.

Cassie: No. No. I am fine, Beth. I am fine. I'm fine with the fact that Alan's out there free, handing out cigars, you're here having a shopping spree while Josh is having 15 years in prison for something we all know he didn't do.

Beth: Look, is there somebody that I can call for you? Reva, maybe?

Cassie: No, no.

Beth: I'm going to go now.

Cassie: I'll see you around, Beth.

Josh: Reverend Ruthledge.

Ruthledge: I was just in your neighborhood. Thought you might be up for some company. How you holding up, Josh?

Josh: Great. Fantastic, never been better.

Ruthledge: A little light reading?

Josh: For all the good it's done me, yeah.

Ruthledge: Tell me how I can help.

Josh: You can't. No one can.

Ruthledge: Looks like someone had cherished this book.

Josh: Yeah, well, that was my mother's but she was a simple woman, so she didn't know any better.

Ruthledge: Oh, and you do?

Josh: I know that that book doesn't have any answers. It's got questions, that's all.

Ruthledge: Like?

Josh: Like why does he let someone like Reva get cancer and almost die? Or why does he take away a beautiful soul like Tammy and let a pig like Alan Spaulding walk the streets? Or why would, why when my family needs me the most does he let them put me in this place to rot?

Ruthledge: So you think that God has abandoned you?

Josh: Well, I don't see him in here anywhere, do you?

Ruthledge: I see him everywhere. But then again, that's me.

Josh: Well, that's very sweet, Reverend. That's really nice. But if that's the kind of love that God has to offer right now, I don't want anything to do with it. I'll take human love any day of the week, the kind that's messy and complicated, but at least it's real! The kind that says, "I do," and holds on to you at night, the kind that shows you the hope that this world has to offer, not the mess that it actually is in. Is that the kind of comfort that your God can offer me right now, Reverend? Because I don't think so. So why don't you take your collar, take your bible, and take your God and get the hell out of my cell!

Reva: Stop looking at me like that.

Billy: You slept with him.

Reva: I didn't plan it.

Billy: Come on, you've been playing with fire ever since...

Reva: What was I supposed to do, Billy? Walk away?

Billy: I think there's an in between, isn't there?

Reva: With me and Josh, there's never been an in between.

Billy: All right, there was never an in between, right. So... how did you leave it? What's going to happen now?

Reva: It was a one-time thing. It's not going to happen again. It can't.

Billy: Says you or says Josh? Reva?

Reva: I wanted him. Billy, I wanted him so much. I needed him so much and I just never realized it until I was in that horrible place with him and then I was in his arms and it was the way it's always been with us.

Billy: Did you tell him that? Why not?

Reva: Why? What the hell good would it do, Billy? He's in there, I'm out here. And I just... he still wants to have a future with Cassie.

Billy: Wait, what do you want?

Reva: You know what I want. And I'll tell you something else. If for some reason he were to get out of that prison, I wouldn't be standing here pouring my heart out to you; I would be fighting and I would be fighting like hell!

Billy: Fighting like hell with your sister?

Reva: Yes, fighting like hell, and let the chips fall.

Ashlee: You'll visit me, right, wherever I go?

Coop: Try and stop me.

Jeffrey: Well, we're going to go everybody with can, Ashlee, to keep you out of prison. Unless you get in the way. Now, let's have a look at this, shall we?

Ashlee: Well, I mean, it's all there. Coop even helped me write it. It's just as it happened.

Jeffrey: Well, I don't think that this accurately reflects the pressure that you were under when Alan accosted you, Ashlee, when he threatened you.

Ashlee: Oh, no, he didn't threaten me. He humiliated me, and I just wanted him to stop.

Coop: Well, he may not have threatened you, but he did threaten to hurt your mom and that made your scared. You love your mom. I mean, no matter what, you love her, right? Ash?

Ashlee: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay, so, you were in fear for your mother's life. We'll make sure that that gets put into here. And just to clarify, Ashlee, did you see Josh Lewis at the scene that night? Was he involved in any way with this crime?

Ashlee: No. When I got there, the gun was already on the ground. I just picked it up. I wanted to scare Alan. Then he started saying these horrible things, and I didn't... I didn't plan it.

Coop: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. You're doing great here.

Ashlee: Yeah?

Coop: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Okay, Ashlee. Take a look at this. Would you say that that more accurately reflects what actually happened that night?

Ashlee: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay, great. Please initial there and there and, Detective, would you also initial in those places?

Ashlee: So will Josh be let go soon?

Jeffrey: Well, it's not automatic, but this is certainly going to set the wheels in motion.

Ashlee: Well, you tell him that I'm really sorry, that I didn't mean the hurt him and that I'm so scared.

Coop: Ashlee, you know, you may have been scared before but what you have just done was incredibly brave.

Doris: Jeffrey. She's my little girl, my baby. If she goes to prison...

Jeffrey: Doris, we're going to do everything we can to make sure that she's tried as a minor. She was only 17 when the incident happened.

Ashlee: And if the court says no and they try me as an adult?

Jeffrey: Ashlee, we discussed this. Now, you know the options in front of you.

Ashlee: Then I go to prison, like where Josh is.

Jeffrey: Ashlee, this is it, okay? There's no going back.

Ashlee: Yeah, I know. I'm ready.

Beth: Okay, Cassie, I know that you're upset, but you have to stop this. You don't want to tango with Alan. You know how he can be. I wouldn't want to see you lose anybody else that you care about.

Cassie: Wait a minute, is that a threat? Are you threatening R.J. now?

Beth: No. All I'm saying is that Alan and I will do whatever it takes to protect our baby.

Cassie: Our baby? How does Rick feel about you calling it that?

Beth: Excuse me?

Cassie: We both know Rick's the father.

Beth: No, we don't. You're the one who told him. You were following me even back then. You're the reason that he's asked for a paternity test.

Cassie: Is Alan really what you want for your child?

Beth: Alan is the father. A mother knows these things.

Cassie: A mother doesn't know anything. Take it from me.

Lizzie: Is everything okay here?

Cassie: It must feel really good to have your daughter here with you, Beth, right by your side here to help you. I knew how that felt once. You hold her close, Beth, you hold her really close, because believe me, you're going to need all the help you can get.

Lizzie: What was that?

Beth: Cassie hasn't gotten any less angry or dangerous.

Lizzie: It's okay. I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to protect your baby the way I couldn't protect mine.

Ruthledge: I don't have any easy answers for you, Josh. It seems the more I pray, the more I preach and counsel, the less I know.

Josh: What good are you then?

Ruthledge: Not much. At least that's what my wife says on some days.

Josh: You're supposed to be better at this.

Ruthledge: Maybe. I do know that you're not the first man to be locked up unjustly or separated from the ones he loves. Now, you can either crumble under the weight of it or you can rise to the challenge.

Josh: Reverend, you know what? I'm not any Nelson Mandela, okay? I'm weak. I'm a mess.

Ruthledge: You know, Josh, I talk to a lot of people in my line of work. And there's one thing I know about you is you're a leader. Now, you can sit here and be bitter about that or you can pray that something good comes of this.

Josh: I'm sorry, Reverend, but those are just words.

Ruthledge: Josh, you see darkness all around you now, but I see light. Light and hope.

Josh: I really wish I could believe that, but the fact is I don't.

Ruthledge: Don't try so hard. You think that belief comes first, but it's the other way around. Offer up your doubts to God and see what happens.

Billy: Hey, you and I are going to a baseball game tonight. Zambrano is pitching.

Reva: Do you have tickets?

Billy: No. I'll buy them from a scalper. It will be my treat. Come on.

Reva: So you think that's the solution, huh? Baseball?

Billy: Pretzels, hot dogs.

Reva: Oh, now, when you put it that way.

Billy: I actually think the solution is just for us to get out of dodge, that's what I think.

Reva: Okay. We can stop by the prison on our way.

Bill: Oh, come on, Reva...

Reva: I'm kidding! Oh, it's just... you were right. I'm not going to go there anymore. And what I said before about fighting for Joshua, it just... it doesn't matter.

Billy: It doesn't?

Reva: No, because it's all about ifs. You know, if Josh were out, if he was here. But he's not. And I am on my way to a baseball game.

Billy: Good. Well, that's good because if he's going to survive in that place, he's really...

Cassie: Survive? What happened? Did something happen with Josh?

Reva: No, no, no, Cassie, no. Nothing, no.

Cassie: Did Salerno threaten him again?

Reva: No, honey.

Cassie: Reva, I can see that you're keeping something from me. I can see it all over your face. You're going to tell me. Whatever happened when you went to see Josh, you have to tell me everything, all of it, now.

Ashlee: Also, so Moxie and then... did I tell you about Filipa ever?

Coop: No, who's...

Ashlee: Oh, she's this... she's this girl that I adopted online. You know, one of those $20 a month thing. It doesn't seem like much, but it supposedly makes a really big difference to the family.

Coop: Just write down what you need. I will take care of everything that you put down on that list, all right? I will feed your dog. I'll water the plants. I'll smack your mom if you put it on the list.

Ashlee: Yeah, smack mom. I think that we should hold off on that for now.

Coop: Don't worry about work, please. I'll pick up shifts or whatever needs to be done, so...

Ashlee: Oh. Coop, you can't do that, you have your school. And you have your writing. You can't stop writing. Did I tell you that the notes I have on the ending of that...

Coop: Ashlee, this is not the time for notes.

Ashlee: Well, I can't give up now. I mean, you're so desperate for my help. You need it. Will you do me a favor and send me your rewrites of your chapters when you finish them, please?

Coop: No. I'm not going to send them to you.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: I will bring them to you when I come to visit. You're not getting rid of me that easy. Hey, look, it's going to be okay.

Ashlee: I just... I just thought when you found out what I did, you wouldn't want to know me anymore.

Coop: Come here. Stand up. There, you see? Shows how much you know.

Beth: So, what do you think that it would be like being married to a doctor?

Lizzie: What?

Beth: Nothing. Never mind.

Lizzie: Is this about Uncle Rick?

Beth: It's about what Cassie said about maybe Rick being the father.

Lizzie: Is he?

Beth: I don't know.

Lizzie: Okay. But you do know what you want. I mean, do you love Rick?

Beth: Yeah, of course. Of course I love Rick.

Lizzie: No, do you love love him. Like, are you in love with him?

Beth: Is it a grand passion? Does my heart go pitter patter every time he walks into the room? No, but I don't feel that way about Alan, either.

Lizzie: What do you feel about him?

Beth: It depends on the day. Some days I'm...

Waitress: Here you go.

Beth: ...Horrified and disgusted. And I know that everybody thinks that I'm crazy to have gone back to him.

Lizzie: I don't. I know how he can make you feel safe.

Beth: And important, like you matter. And I know that that shouldn't mean everything, but it does. It means a lot.

Lizzie: It does. You know, until you've lost everything you care about, you can't know what it means to feel whole again.

Beth: I want this baby to have that feeling.

Lizzie: Then the baby's granddad's. This baby is the only thing that matters, Mom. She is the most important thing. She's our future.

Beth: We don't know that the baby is a she yet, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I can just feel she's a girl.

Josh: Help me, God. Help me to believe. Help me to stay strong and hopeful. Help me to stay human. Help me to help the people that I love and need help because I can't do it myself. Help me.

Cassie: You know what? Earlier today I wasn't thinking... wasn't thinking about anything and there I found myself following Beth. Just watching her buy baby things for Alan's baby. And, you know, I'm not proud of it, but at least I wasn't thinking about Josh and worrying about him and about all the bad things that are probably happening to him.

Reva: What were you thinking about? Salerno?

Cassie: About Salerno and about other things, about Josh and I know it's crazy, I know I'm the one... I asked you to go be with him because he was alone and he's trying to protect me, but I'm telling you right now, for me knowing is better than not knowing.

Jeffrey: Oh, good, you're all here. That way you can catch each other when you fall.

Cassie: Oh, no. What is wrong?

Jeffrey: No, nothing is wrong. For once in a very long time, everything is gloriously and wonderfully right. I think there's a good chance that Josh is going to be set free.

Reva: I'm sorry. I believe you... did you say that he's going to be free?

Billy: We just filed a motion. The judge could haven't made a decision already.

Jeffrey: No, this is even better than an appeal. The person who actually shot Alan confessed.

Reva: Confessed? Who... who is it?

Jeffrey: Ashlee, Ashlee Wolfe.

Reva: Ashlee? That Ashlee is the girl who works for the Cooper's.

Jeffrey: Doris Wolfe's daughter, yes. I guess she had high hopes for the family, but Alan had other ideas. At the wedding Ashlee overheard Alan talking some trash about Doris and told her that she was going to get them both out of the house as soon as possible. Ashlee didn't like that. She found the gun that you brought there and shot him.

Cassie: She actually confessed to this?

Jeffrey: In writing. I just took the paperwork over to the judge. There's going to be an appeal or two and some hearings but Josh is coming home.

Cassie: Jeffrey, thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't know how you did this...

Jeffrey: It wasn't me. It was Ashlee and Coop.

Cassie: Whoever it was, however it happened, I don't care. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Billy: Josh is coming home.

Reva: It's happening. It's really happening.

Billy: It's really happening.

Coop: So, about the ending.

Ashlee: Yes, it's just... it's good, it's just a little too... too cool for school.

Coop: Is that a literary term?

Ashlee: Yes, yes, it is.

Coop: Oh, okay.

Ashlee: No, it's just, I mean, the writing's really good. It's solid, but...

Coop: But?

Ashlee: It's just not satisfying. It's like... I don't know, we struggle and then... well, no, we struggle and then it's so sad at the end.

Coop: Come on, Ashlee, it's real, though, right?

Ashlee: Yeah, maybe, but I don't see any shame of wanting a happy ending.

Doris: Ashlee, they're ready to finish the processing.

Coop: You know what? Maybe you're right about the book, about the ending.

Ashlee: Yeah, I hope so.

Doris: Come on, Ash. You're not alone, okay? I'm going to be right beside you. My daughter... I will be right by my daughter's side throughout this whole terrible tragic ordeal.

Reporter: Ashlee, do you have a statement?

Doris: My daughter's in shock right now, and as the person who has been with her through her bouts of bipolar disorder all these years I've...

Ashlee: Bipolar?

Doris: ...Watched Ashlee fight a very heroic fight against mental illness, which she will continue to do so. Certainly as District Attorney I don't condone any act of violence, but I will make sure that my daughter gets the fair treatment and loving care she deserves.

Coop: Ashlee, are you okay with this?

Ashlee: No.

Doris: And we will be bringing in specialists to testify.

Coop: Excuse me, my name is Coop... Henry Bradshaw and I'm a friend of Ashlee's. She's a manager at my family's restaurant. And believe me, I've got to tell you, she's probably one of the sanest, kindest, most generous people I've ever met. And you can ask anybody that she's ever waited on at that restaurant and they will tell you that exact same...

Reporter: If she's so kind, why did she shoot Alan Spaulding?

Coop: Pardon me, have you ever met Alan Spaulding? Look, if she was driven to the point of shooting him, you've got to believe he's done plenty to deserve it.

Waitress: Here you go.

Lizzie: You don't have to get the test.

Beth: Yes, Lizzie, Rick got a court order.

Lizzie: Did you fight it?

Beth: No, how could I?

Lizzie: I looked up amniocentesis online. Whenever an amnio is performed, there is a risk to the fetus, right? It's slight but it's real. So...

Beth: Rick couldn't force me to do anything that would endanger the baby.

Lizzie: That's what the courts have ruled in my cases. You'd have to wait until the baby was born. Now, I know that doesn't put an end to the problem, but it definitely buys us a couple of months to come up with a better strategy.

Beth: Honey, you really care about this baby, don't you?

Lizzie: Like she was my own.

Beth: Or he.

Lizzie: Right.

Cassie: I think we should throw a party. I want to call everybody. I want to tell the whole world that Josh is free.

Reva: I'm just so afraid that somebody's going to walk through the door and say, "I'm sorry, I made a terrible mistake. Wrong Josh."

Cassie: But that's not going to happen. It's real, right?

Billy: It is real. I just spoke to somebody down at the courthouse, they have seen the paperwork. ( Laughs )

Cassie: I want to call R.J. I want to call him right now. But I should probably wait, right? I mean, until we know exactly when he's coming in? Does Josh even know? I mean, he's in solitary. Maybe he doesn't even know.

Billy: Josh is going to be so surprised.

Reva: It's going to be a good surprise.

Cassie: Do you think if I called the prison that they would get a message to him?

Billy: I imagine that Jeffrey's already trying to get a hold of him right now.

Cassie: R.J. cannot wait. I can't wait. He can't wait. We've got to tell everybody. We have to have a huge party with everyone there who's been so supportive to us, especially you, Reva. Especially you.

Reva: Now, what did I do?

Cassie: You did so much. I mean, when Josh withdrew from me, you... you the only one who could reach him.

Reva: Well, I just did what I could.

Cassie: You did more than that. You really did. And I'm sorry that I ever doubted you.

Josh: Hello, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: How are you, Josh?

Josh: I'm doing okay.

Jeffrey: Well, you're about to be a whole lot better than okay. You're going home.

Ashlee: Okay, I guess this is where I say 'tis a far, far better thing... and, you know, all that.

Coop: Or you could just say it sucks.

Ashlee: Yeah, I like that better.

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: It's better than saying good-bye.

Coop: Don't say good-bye, then. Just say see you later or see you soon.

Ashlee: And the happy ending?

Coop: Yeah, you bet.

Ashlee: Thank you, Coop Cooper for being my friend.

Coop: No, thank you.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay. I have to go.

Doris: Ashlee, baby.

Ashlee: Good-bye, Mother.

Josh: Ashlee?

Jeffrey: Yeah, she decided she didn't want you to suffer anymore, so we... are you okay, Josh?

Josh: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Let's go see the judge. We're going get you home to the people who love you, okay?

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Come on, ring!

Billy: I got to get out of here. I've got to go somewhere.

Reva: Where are you going go?

Billy: Go over to Lewis and tell everybody and then we're going to get ready to have a big old...

Reva: You know what, Billy? I'm going to come with you because I'll talk to Buzz about putting together a big vat of chili, maybe a keg of beer.

Cassie: Reva, hold on. I want to ask you something before Josh comes home.

Reva: Sure, what?

Cassie: I want you to be my maid of honor. Now, I know it's crazy awkward and you probably think it's an awful idea and if you want to tell me no, that's fine, I understand, but Josh and I do want to get married. And I just can't imagine walking down the aisle now without my sister beside me. Please, please say yes.

Reva: You know what, can we talk about this another time, you know, because we got to concentrate on getting Josh home.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Harley: Anything with Daisy, I'll take care of it.

Gus: It's not like it's out of control. I've got a handle on it.

Daisy: You'll thank me later, Gus.

Natalia: Why are you here?

Daisy: Gus, he's in trouble and he needs you.

Alan-Michael: You can put a ring on her finger but you can't change who she is. You're two of a kind. I guess you know that.

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