Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/24/07
Provided by Suzanne
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Mallet: I need to get back to the hospital. I came to see if you wanted to go back with me.
Dinah: Sure. Okay. Is Marina all right?
Mallet: Well, she was shot.
Dinah: Well, I know that. But she's expected to fully recover, isn't she?
Mallet: Yeah, it looks that way. I bet you didn't think it would turn out like this when you planned a party for her, huh?
Dinah: No. Hey, has Frank found any leads on Cyrus at all?
Mallet: No, no. But we're working on it. I'll tell you one thing; Cyrus better hope I don't find him first.
Doris: Ashlee, it's mom. Look, this is the fourth message that I've left for you today, okay? You've got to answer your phone. It's rude! I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you. You were acting really strange with that Cooper boy last night. Just call me when you get this.
Matt: Looks like I'm not the only one having a bad day.
Doris: What do you want, Mr. Reardon?
Matt: I'm checking up on the Cyrus Foley case.
Doris: There is no case. The police don't have him in custody.
Matt: Right. But when they do find him...
Doris: You know what? You should be bugging the cops, not me.
Matt: You know what? This may mean nothing to you, but this is everything to me. This is my life. This is my family. Now, maybe you don't understand.
Doris: ( Sighs ) Believe me, I do.
Frank: So there's absolutely nothing at the airport then? All right, then just stay on it, okay? I want this guy found for what he did to my daughter. Oh, Ashlee, listen, I'm sorry. What did you want?
Ashlee: My mom. She was really lonely before she met and, you know, married Alan Spaulding, and she had really high hopes...
Frank: Look, I'm sorry, but why are you telling me this?
Ashlee: I'm getting there.
Frank: Okay, you know what? I've got to get back to the hospital.
Ashlee: Oh, yeah, Marina, right. Okay. You should go, but I really need to tell you something first.
Frank: Okay, but you know what? You're not saying anything, so just go.
Ashlee: Well, I did it because of my mom.
Frank: You did what?
Ashlee: I mean, she's rotten, and she's kind of mean, but she's not as rotten as everyone says she is, and she's my mom, and I just wanted her to be happy.
Frank: Well, good for you, Ashlee. You know what, she's very lucky to have you. But, I'm sorry, I really have got to get back to the hospital, okay?
Ashlee: But, but, Frank, I...
Coop: You didn't tell him you shot Alan, did you?
Cop: Excuse me! Hey, you, hold it!
Buzz: Whoa, where you going?
Marina: Back to work.
Buzz: Not tonight.
Marina: The doctor said I'm fine. It was barely a graze.
Buzz: Honey, a bullet went in this side of your shoulder. It came out that side of your shoulder. Your father's coming here. Until then, you don't move.
Marina: Will you please stop being such a grandpa? I have a job to do.
Buzz: The bad guys can wait.
Marina: No, they can't. He can't.
Buzz: You know, honey, your father is on it, the police force is on it. If the guy has the money, he's gone anyway.
Marina: No, maybe... maybe not. We don't even know who he was working with. When Cyrus went into the bank, he went in with a partner. It was a woman.
Cop: Is this yours?
Cyrus: Uh, yeah. Wow, I must have dropped it when I pulled out my phone. Thank you so much. Anything wrong?
Cop: You look familiar. I think I've seen you before.
Cop: I doubt it, man. My wife and I are just passing through on a road trip. She's inside, probably ordering everything on the menu. I should get in there.
Cop: You've never been to Springfield before?
Cyrus: Nope. I'd say I have one of those faces, but mine's better. It's a joke, man-- mine's better?
Cop: Well, have a good night.
Cyrus: Yeah, you, too, Officer.
Dinah: Marina, you need to stay hydrated. It will help you recover faster.
Marina: Thanks. So, Dinah, you know Cyrus better than any of us. Where do you think he is?
Mallet: Easy, easy, easy. You should be concentrating on resting, okay? You were shot.
Marina: I was grazed.
Mallet: Marina, the bullet went right through you.
Buzz: That's what I told her! Tell her she should rest and relax.
Marina: I will rest as soon as we find Foley.
Mallet: If Dinah knew anything, you would tell us, right, hon?
Dinah: Right.
Mallet: Right. Okay, so we'll find this guy. Frank has got the whole force on it.
Buzz: That's what I told her! She doesn't listen. Look at her.
Dinah: Okay, I know. And she's dedicated, Buzz. I mean, I respect that.
Marina: See, Dinah understands. Her mom was robbed. She wants to find Cyrus more than any of us.
Mallet: You need to calm down. Buzz, what are they giving her? Can they give her stronger pills? I don't know, maybe a horse tranquilizer?
Frank: Okay, all right, party's over. My daughter needs some rest here.
Marina: It's fine, Dad. I like the company.
Mallet: No, no, he's right. We should go.
Dinah: Yes, we should. We should go.
Marina: No, don't you go anywhere. I'm calling the shots.
Frank: Actually, you're not.
Mallet: Later, partner. We will talk later. Rest.
Frank: Thanks for coming.
Mallet: You got anything, Frank?
Frank: No.
Mallet: Call me.
Dinah: Why haven't they found him yet?
Mallet: I don't know. But I'll tell you what, we will.
Marina: Harley was in here a while ago. She went back to Gus' room. I should go say good-bye.
Frank: Why is that? Because you're not going anywhere.
Marina: Dad, I have to get back to the station.
Frank: Maybe next week.
Marina: I'm ready to go out, Dad.
Frank: Yes, I am your father, but I'm also your boss. And whatever I say, goes. So no loopholes.
Buzz: I'll keep an eye on her.
Marina: I have my own place, thank you.
Buzz: No, you need someone to keep an eye on you.
Frank: Actually, I had something else in mind, Dad.
Marina: What?
Frank: Get dressed.
Marina: Is that all you're going to say?
Frank: That's it.
Buzz: I'll wait outside.
Marina: Dad, I'm really fine. You don't have to do any of this. I just need to go back to the station.
Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? You need to go get some rest, and a good night's sleep will be good for you. Now, I need to ask you one question, okay, sweetheart? Serious. When they brought you in here, you mentioned something about Cyrus Foley, something about being grateful. Was that because of your injuries?
Marina: Of course. I want him to get caught and busted.
Frank: Good, because that's exactly what we're going to do.
Vanessa: You! Maybe you can tell me what is going on in this town.
Doris: What's the problem?
Vanessa: Well, there used to be a time when law-abiding citizens would be protected from criminals. And now I do believe the criminals are running the place.
Doris: Oh, well, I can assure you that that's not true. Is there a particular criminal that we're talking about?
Vanessa: Yes, actually, there is: Cyrus Foley.
Doris: Yes. Nice-looking guy.
Vanessa: Oh, yes. Well, that's a wonderful reason not to put him behind bars.
Doris: Oh, I can assure you, Mrs. Reardon, that we are on the case. You should know the police department and my office are working together to nail Mr. Foley. And when we do, we will put him in a nice, uncomfortable cell and throw away the key.
Vanessa: I'll believe it when I see it.
Ashlee: Marina was the only thing that was on Frank's mind. It would have been a bad time to confess.
Coop: Okay, fine, whatever. But when will be a good time?
Ashlee: Never.
Coop: Exactly. Ashlee, you've got to... Josh.
Ashlee: I know. I know but it's not going to be pretty. Some people are going to be so mad at me, like Frank.
Coop: Frank was not mad at you.
Ashlee: Well, he acted mad, and that's what I have to look forward to.
Coop: No, you... sure, there may be someone who is mad at you, but you know what? There is going to be two people behind you ready to pat you on the back. Ashlee, you shot Alan Spaulding. All right, you may have just done the world a favor.
Ashlee: Don't joke like that. I don't know if I can stand the pressure.
Coop: Stop. Listen to me. Listen. Ashlee, you're a survivor, okay? You are going to get through this, I promise.
Ashlee: There's only one way I see that happening, Coop Cooper.
Coop: Wait. Are you asking me to help you keep this a secret?
Doris: Hello.
Buzz: Hello, yourself! How are things in the district attorney's office?
Doris: Oh, as drab and dreary as they ever were.
Buzz: That's funny. I would think that that would be an exciting place to work.
Doris: Hm, in the movies, maybe. No, the truth is, I thought I was out of there, but it looks like I'm stuck for life.
Buzz: Well, it could be worse. You could be stuck with Alan for the rest of your life.
Doris: Hey, not funny.
Buzz: Wasn't trying to be. He just doesn't have the healthiest of relationships.
Doris: Yeah, well who has?
Buzz: You've got a point. But I'm trying to prove it's possible. You see, I'm going to... I'm determined to show the world that there is such a thing as a happy marriage.
Doris: Good luck with that.
Buzz: Thank you for your heart-felt wishes. But think of it this way, you know. You could have lost a swell guy in Alan, but you've got something infinitely more precious.
Doris: What, a lousy pension and two weeks' vacation a year?
Buzz: No, I'm not talking about work. Work isn't what we are. Work is what you do to be who you are. I'm talking about your daughter, Ashlee. She's special. You should be proud of her.
Doris: I love my daughter. I'm just not sure I have much to do with who she's become.
Buzz: Well, you see, we have something in common. We love Ashlee as if she is one of our own. We would do anything for her.
Doris: You mean that?
Buzz: Yes, I do. I've got to run, take this to my granddaughter. The things we do for our kids, right?
Doris: Right.
( Knocking on door )
Vanessa: Who is it?
Matt: Room service.
Vanessa: ( Sighs )
Matt: Hi.
Vanessa: Hi. Did you forget something?
Matt: I forgot a lot of things.
Vanessa: Yeah, you did.
Matt: I went to see Maureen tonight.
Vanessa: Uh-huh.
Matt: I didn't... I didn't tell her anything.
Vanessa: No, well, you don't need to tell her anything. We'll figure something out, you know, before she gets back. And maybe you can figure out how to get back her trust fund and our savings and...
Matt: Your trust?
Vanessa: I don't know about that. But of course there is the little matter of the... what did you call them, the investors you found? That... and that is yours.
Matt: Why don't we go downstairs and get a drink?
Vanessa: Matt, I don't want to go downstairs and get a drink. I told you I need some time. Can't you respect that?
Matt: How much time?
Vanessa: I don't know.
Matt: Well, then no. I can't respect that, Vanessa. I'm going to fight for you the way I always have.
Vanessa: This is not like the other times.
Matt: What about your daughter, Vanessa? Is this the message you want to send her, really?
Vanessa: You leave Maureen out of this. We will tell her that we are trying to work things through, and, God, she doesn't need to know the details. Do you want her to know the details?
Matt: I want her to know that her parents love each other, and they stand by each other no matter what. That's what a good marriage is all about.
Vanessa: Oh, I don't think this is exactly the time for you to be lecturing me on what a good marriage is.
Matt: Look, I know you don't understand why I did what I did. In fact, I don't even fully understand why I did what I did, but I did it. And I'm here, and I'm trying to move forward. And I would like to do it with you by my side, Vanessa. Now, why can't you give us another chance?
Ashlee: When I was growing up, my mom, she put me in tap lessons and voice lessons, and she even tried to get me an agent. It didn't work, but...
Coop: Uh-huh.
Ashlee: She wanted my name in lights and for me to be somebody. I actually... I think it's because she didn't think she was anybody. She wasn't happy with who she was. I don't know. That changed when she married Alan. She was a star.
Coop: On what planet?
Ashlee: On planet Doris, of course. I mean, I guess I wanted the same things, you know, like rich friends and a richer family. But I only wanted one real friend, and I have it. And I can't tell you to lie, you know, for what I did. I don't want you to cover it up. I just... I've just always been such a disappointment to Doris.
Coop: No. Ashlee, stop, stop. You are not a disappointment. Doris is the disappointment, not you, Ashlee.
Ashlee: You know, she still loves me. She does. I'm still her little girl. But when I... but when I do this, when I... when I confess, everything is going to change. I've been made fun of my whole life. I'm used to it. But my mom, she's always been one step removed. But now, instead of, you know, Ashlee Wolfe, the D.A.'s plain old daughter, it's going to be Ashlee Wolfe, killer.
Coop: No, Ashlee, you did not kill anyone.
Ashlee: That was just luck. I shot him point blank.
Coop: Okay. What do you want to do? I mean, do you want to go to your mom first before you go to the police?
Ashlee: No. No, are you kidding? She's gonna gag me and throw me in some foreign country. No, I can't. I just... I guess I just want to help myself, you know, help myself be stronger.
Coop: Okay. So what does that mean?
Ashlee: I just want one night-- one last night, you know, one more day before it's all over.
Coop: What do you want to do on our last night?
Ashlee: I just... I just want to be... I just want to not worry what other people are thinking or if they're looking at me. I just... I want to have a meal with you. I want to order whatever I want and not be judged or feel guilty or...
Coop: Okay. You know what? I think we can arrange something. Don't worry about it. We can arrange something.
Ashlee: Okay.
Coop: Okay?
Mallet: Look, that's what I'm saying, Marina and I are always on the same wavelength about investigations. We always come to the same conclusion at the same time.
Dinah: Well, that's probably because you trained her.
Mallet: And we both agree that if we can figure out who Cyrus is working with, that will be the key to finding him.
Dinah: That's a theory. Are you hungry?
Mallet: No, really, what do you think?
Dinah: Well, I am not a cop.
Mallet: Yeah, I know. But you know Cyrus.
Dinah: Yeah, I do know Cyrus. But I happen to know you a little bit better.
Mallet: So Cyrus just didn't know that many people in town, right?
Dinah: Well, I mean, I thought we've been over this.
Mallet: I know, but it's a cop's life. You've got to go over things over and over and over again until you figure them out.
Dinah: It sounds kind of dull to me.
Mallet: Yeah, but it's effective. That's what we do. But you said Cyrus has connections all over the world, right?
Dinah: Yeah, but that was a long time ago.
Mallet: Okay, well, that's the key. I've got to track down one of those connections. Would you please just help me here, stay with me, okay? A good partner is hard to find.
Dinah: Which is why I'm glad that Marina is doing a lot better. This needs some soy sauce. Ugh! Do we have some soy sauce? No. We have hot mustard. How about some hot mustard, huh? Mallet? Mallet?
Mallet: No, no. It's too spicy. You don't like spicy food.
Dinah: Well, you know what? On a day like this, I'm making an exception. Honey-- no ice cream. Honey, what do you say we take my mother out to dinner tomorrow night, just to get her mind off of some things?
Mallet: Sure.
Dinah: You know, I know that Matt and I have had our problems, but I think the idea of them not together just is crazy. You know, I know it must be killing her. Dinner is the least we can do.
Mallet: Yeah, I know. That's very generous of you, considering that you are responsible. Would you mind... would you mind telling me how you and Cyrus got away with all that money?
Frank: Hey, nice and slow, take it easy.
Marina: All right, you guys. You know, if you let go of me, I won't fall down.
Frank: How do I know that?
Marina: Because I have two legs that are working just fine.
Buzz: Why don't you just humor him?
Marina: No! Because this is ridiculous. This whole thing is ridiculous. I do not need escorts. I do not need a luxurious hotel room. Dad, this is expensive.
Frank: Your grandfather knows the owner.
Marina: What is the point of this?
Frank: What? Honey, come on. Look, I wanted you to have a nice, big bed, fluffy pillows, room service, an in-house doctor. Besides, the boarding house doesn't have any of that stuff.
Buzz: Well, we make up for it in charm.
Marina: Oh, yes, you do. You do, you do. Dad, what is the plan? What are you going to do? Are you going to sleep on the couch and never leave my side?
Frank: Yes, I am.
Buzz: Frank, you can't do that.
Frank: Who's going to stop me, you?
Buzz: Maybe.
Marina: Me! I will stop you. I cannot deal with this.
Frank: Okay, are we going to have to have that dad/boss conversation again?
Marina: No, we do not have to have that conversation, because I get it.
Frank: Good.
Marina: I also get that you accidentally shot me, and now dad needs to deal with that. Please help me.
Frank: Excuse me. This is not about me.
Buzz: It is totally about you, Frank.
Frank: Okay, so it's about me. Listen, it's about me wanting to protect my daughter and keep her safe, okay?
Marina: Okay. And, Dad, I love you. I love you, even though you shot me. And I promise, I'm going to slather on the guilt for everything I want for the rest of my life. But right now, you need to go.
Buzz: Attagirl!
Marina: You need to go, all right.
Frank: Honey, please...
Marina: No, Dad, really. I promise, I'm going to call you every five minutes, okay? Right now, I love you, and go. Take him out of here, please. Love you.
Frank: Okay. Hurry up and get better, okay. That's an order.
Marina: Absolutely. And you call me as soon as you hear from Cyrus, okay?
Frank: After I string him up by his thumbs, then you'll get a call from me.
Marina: Okay. Good-bye. Bye. I love you.
Frank: Bye. I love you, too.
Cyrus: Wow, your dad must really hate me. I'm such a nice guy, too. No alerting your daddy.
Marina: How did you find me here?
Cyrus: Trade secret.
Marina: I should scream.
Cyrus: What's the matter, can't handle me yourself?
Marina: You want to find out?
Cyrus: Well, I saw how much blood you lost, remember? You're not at full strength.
Marina: I feel fine.
Cyrus: Well, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you, that's for sure.
Marina: Why are you still here?
Cyrus: So suspicious. You're welcome for that ambulance, by the way.
Marina: Yeah, well, I wouldn't have been shot if it wasn't for you.
Cyrus: Well, if you want to get technical about it, if you weren't following me around all the time...
Marina: You know, Cyrus, it was really clever with the money. When did you get it out of the suitcase?
Cyrus: Right before I sawed the lady in half.
Marina: So you have your money. I thought you'd be long gone by now.
Cyrus: See, there's the rub. I don't exactly have it.
Marina: You don't exactly have it?
Cyrus: Not in my possession, no.
Marina: You're telling me that you do not have Matt and Vanessa's money?
Cyrus: I'm not saying that I ever had their money, but if I did, I no longer have access to it.
Marina: So that's why you're still here?
Cyrus: What else did you think it was?
Vanessa: So what's going to happen if we can't get the money back? And what's going to happen if they... if these really dangerous people come after you?
Matt: I will never let anything happen to you or Maureen.
Vanessa: Huh. Excuse me.
Matt: I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Maureen-- not now, not ever.
Vanessa: Well, good. Then you know what you have to do.
Matt: Thanks.
Mallet: So you walk into the bank, get your juices running again? Cyrus, Didi, back in action?
Dinah: It's not what you think.
Mallet: Oh, Mallet. I kept telling myself, it's not Dinah. It can't be Dinah. I can't believe you're thinking it's Dinah.
Dinah: You need to keep telling yourself that, because it wasn't me.
Mallet: It's a wig, Dinah. What's it for? Halloween?
Dinah: I don't know. I don't know where it came from.
Mallet: It came from our closet, the closet. I just pulled it out. What did you do, stash it in a hurry?
Dinah: You know what? Somebody could have planted it there.
Mallet: This is an exact match of the description given by the bank manager. The party, the party for Marina... oh, man.
Dinah: Oh, come on.
Mallet: Since when did you care about Marina?
Dinah: I do. I do.
Mallet: So you threw a party to get Marina off of Cyrus' tail. Where were you? No, seriously.
Dinah: I told you!
Mallet: Where were you during that party?
Dinah: I just told you!
Mallet: Running around town?
Dinah: Oh, you know what? Forget it. Forget it, all right? After all of this.
Mallet: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I want to know. I want to know, why did you do it? Don't you lie to me. Don't you dare lie to me. Don't play me for the fool. Why did you do it?
Dinah: Oh, God, Cyrus made me do it. He forced my hand.
Mallet: Right. Right. You stole from your mother, Dinah.
Dinah: I know I stole from my mother! Don't you know I know that! I feel awful! I didn't have a choice!
Mallet: You always have a choice! There's always a choice! So why? Why now? Why did you do it now?
Dinah: Because of you. That's why. Because of you.
Mallet: You did it because of me? What? I don't... I don't understand. Why? What?
Dinah: Because Cyrus knows. He knows about your past. He knows all the things that you never wanted me to know. And he threatened to go public with it, so I did what I had to do to keep it silent!
Ashlee: When did you have time to do this?
Coop: The phone is a magical thing.
Ashlee: Well, yeah, I was expecting, you know, burgers, fries, and a shake. This is a feast.
Coop: Yeah, well, that's kind of the point now, isn't it?
Ashlee: Oh, my God, all of my favorites. You didn't even write anything down.
Coop: No. No short-term memory problems here. I think I have everything that you like, but in case I don't, Mike is still in the kitchen.
Ashlee: Well, that's a good thing, because I've had your cooking.
Coop: Hey. Don't insult the guy who is giving you your last wish, okay?
Ashlee: No. Coop, this is great. Thank you so much.
Coop: Good. Well, I hope you enjoy it.
Ashlee: I will.
Coop: Good. Here, have a seat.
Ashlee: Thank you.
Coop: You're welcome. And let's see, we have... oh, wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa. One more thing.
Ashlee: What?
Coop: Wait. Don't start yet.
Ashlee: Okay.
Coop: Candles.
Ashlee: Candles.
Coop: Candles. A little ambiance. No? Candles, got a little last supper going on here...
Ashlee: Yeah, my last supper.
Coop: All right. Hey. Hey, what is it? Did I... did I forget something or do something wrong here?
Ashlee: I don't want it.
Coop: But I thought that this is what you had...
Ashlee: I know. I know. But I don't need it. This isn't the end. I mean, it's a big deal, it's a really big deal, but now I know I'm not alone. And I'm strong, whether I have this or not. I don't need it. I can go to the police, and I can tell them the truth, and everything will be okay. You don't understand what this means to me, what you've done.
Coop: Well, it is just food.
Ashlee: No, it's not.
Coop: Look, it's... whatever it is, okay, I'm glad, because this is just what friends do, you know?
Doris: Ashlee.
Ashlee: Mom.
Doris: There you are. Look, I got you a cell phone for a reason, okay? Let's go.
Coop: Mrs. Wolfe...
Doris: Stay out of this, Mr. Bradshaw. Let's go. We have to go.
Ashlee: Go where?
Doris: Uncle Bobby needs your help.
Ashlee: What? Bobby? He hates me. He fired me. The last words out of his mouth were "Good riddance."
Doris: Well, families fight, and then they save each other's lives.
Coop: Uh...
Ashlee: Mom...
Doris: Welcome to your new home. Is this really how you want to spend the next 20 years of your life?
Ashlee: You can't scare me, Mom.
Doris: Look, does Coop know that I know.
Ashlee: No. I didn't...
Doris: Good. Then maybe it's not too late.
Ashlee: Too late for what, Mom? I've made up my mind. I'm not changing...
Doris: Lower your voice!
Ashlee: Why? Everyone is going to know anyway.
Doris: No one is going to know if you don't tell them.
Ashlee: An innocent man is in prison.
Doris: Yeah, well, a man who confessed, okay? And you can't do anything to help him now. Ashlee, you have no idea how the criminal justice system works.
Ashlee: Well, I know that they'll let him out eventually.
Doris: Oh, don't kid yourself, sweetheart. Look, by coming forward, you are not just ruining your own life. You are ruining mine, too.
Ashlee: What? But Coop... Coop knows. He knows the truth. He's not going to let me walk free.
Doris: You just leave that to me.
Ashlee: What do you mean?
Doris: Look, he pushed Alan-Michael off of a balcony, okay? That incident just got swept under the rug. It will be very easy for me to drag it out again. And believe me, Coop will be so busy defending himself that he's not going to listen to the rantings of something about the D.A.'s daughter, okay?
Ashlee: What? You can't do that!
Doris: Oh, I can and I will. If it's a choice between you or him, I'm choosing you, okay. I love you, Ashlee. And I wouldn't even be here, I wouldn't even be saying any of this if I didn't know in my gut that you are in way over your head, okay? You are somebody who will not survive prison, Ashlee. My little girl, so helpless. You have had such a hard life, sweetie. What do you think it's going to be like in prison, okay? Did you think about that? You are going to be alone, truly alone. Oh, my God, please tell me you won't do this foolish thing.
Mallet: You weren't supposed to know about that time in my life.
Dinah: I know.
Mallet: Because knowing about that time would... it would hurt you.
Dinah: I know.
Mallet: It wasn't a lie just to protect me, you know. It was a lie to protect you.
Dinah: And I know that everything is different now. But I know one thing for sure, that I still love you, and I hope that you still love me no matter what I did.
Mallet: I'm sorry. I should have told you. Foley. Cyrus Foley is a real pain in my butt. I could kill him for putting you through this.
Dinah: I know, I know, I know. But I'll tell you something. I didn't know... I didn't know it was going to end up like this. I thought that Cyrus would disappear with the money, and my mom and Matt would take out an insurance claim, and it would have all worked out. But I can't believe it turned into this. Look what I've done. Look what I've done. I was just... I was just trying to protect you, that's all. That's all. I was just trying to protect you.
Mallet: I know. But now I have to protect you, okay? We have to protect you. Nobody can know. Nobody can know.
Buzz: Frank!
Frank: If I would have given Marina just at least ten more seconds, maybe she would have had the opportunity to let me know that she was there.
Buzz: Frank, you can't change it, no matter how many times you go over it in your head.
Frank: I could have killed my daughter! I'm going to find Cyrus Foley, and when I do, this time I won't miss.
Cyrus: So you're okay?
Marina: I told you, I'm fine. So if you still need your money, why are you here in my room?
Cyrus: Wrong turn.
Marina: That's for sure. There's no dial tone.
Cyrus: Did you really think I wouldn't come prepared? Looking for this?
Marina: If you think that's going to stop me, you have another thing coming.
Cyrus: No, but I think this probably will.
Doris: Oh, thank you, Lord, thank you.
Coop: Hey, Ashlee, how's your uncle?
Ashlee: Bald, but hairy everywhere else.
Coop: I was under the impression that there was some sort of emergency?
Ashlee: Emergency? Yeah, you could say that.
Mallet: We have to make sure Cyrus doesn't rat you out.
Dinah: I'm more worried about what he could do to you. And you've got your commission. I don't want you to lose everything.
Mallet: No. Stop, stop, stop. That belongs in the past, and that's where it stays. It stays in the past.
Dinah: Yeah, it will stay there. We'll make sure.
Mallet: Okay. What we've got to do... what we've got to do is get Matt and Vanessa's money back, and we have to keep Cyrus away.
Dinah: Okay. We can do that, but with any luck, I mean...
Mallet: We can't gamble, though, all right? We can't afford to gamble. That's what has to happen.
Frank: Come on, come on.
Buzz: Still no answer?
Frank: I don't know why she's not picking up. She knew I was going to call. There's something wrong, Pop, I just know it. Come on.
Marina: That is my gun.
Cyrus: You're right. I don't have one. I hate firearms.
Marina: So do you mind giving it back to me?
Cyrus: I will. But we're just going on a little field trip first.
Marina: I'm not going anywhere.
Cyrus: Well, you don't have a choice. You're my ticket in.
Marina: What?
Cyrus: The money is in the warehouse, but when your dad shot you, it became a crime scene. It's cordoned off, under police guard.
Marina: And you expect me to get you in.
Cyrus: Well, look at it this way: We get more quality time together.
Coop: Can we just get this over with, please?
Cop: I'm running this show, not you.
Coop: Are you always a jerk, or do you just play one on TV?
Ashlee: It's okay, Coop. I need to report a crime. I know who really shot Alan Spaulding.
Next on" Guiding Light"...
Harley: I'm going to go upstairs, and I'm going to get things ready for Gus.
Jude: She did it already.
Harley: You mean Daisy?
Dylan: There was a kiss.
Gus: I would take a bullet for Daisy.
Dylan: This guy brings my daughter to some motel room, lights some candles, pops some pills...
Harley: Who the hell are you!
Dylan: He's using! When your husband was in that motel room with our daughter, he was high.
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