Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/23/07
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Coop: Did you do it, Ashlee? Look, tell me, did you shoot Alan Spaulding? ( Gunshot )
Ashlee: What is it with you? You're like your sister or your brother. Only you're a really bad cop.
Coop: The other day you told me that you didn't buy the way I had written about Jack's guilt in the story.
Ashlee: It's not my fault you wrote badly.
Coop: You said it was because it was written by a guy who had never done anything wrong in his life, me. That if I needed to write about a killer, I needed to know what it felt like to hold a gun in my hand, to point it at somebody and to have that much hatred towards them.
Ashlee: You didn’t... you didn't take it literally.
Coop: I was just thinking it was probably based upon you, and how you had taken the gun and how you had hid it in the house.
Ashlee: Why are you doing this?
Coop: Look, I talked to Lizzie and she said that you were over the top with your emotions about Alan because he had told you that he would never be your father.
Ashlee: Well, you're obviously writing another story, and this one's going to be even less believable.
Coop: Ashlee, if you had shot Alan Spaulding, I can understand. I'm not going to hold that against you. He's done... Alan’s done plenty of terrible things to people in this town. All right, I can understand it if you felt that you had to something yourself.
Ashlee: Something? Is that what you think of me, that I'm a murderer?
Daisy: So why didn't you just leave him at that... the care center to rest?
Harley: Because I want him closer to home. And Cedars is the best hospital around.
Daisy: When's Dylan coming back?
Harley: I'm not sure. He had some stuff to check on for Lewis. You know, I never got all the details about what happened in that motel room.
Daisy: I thought Gus told you.
Harley: Yeah, he told me the fire was his responsibility, but that doesn't explain everything.
Daisy: I mean...
Harley: Don't say anything. I'll be right back. Doctor?
Daisy: Gus? Gus? Maybe you can hear me, maybe you can’t. I just wanted to thank you for not ratting me out to Harley, although it doesn't come as a surprise because you are so amazing. But... and I'm glad I told you how I feel about you. I am. I'm relieved, too. But, I mean, now everything's out in the open. And you can really let it sink in that you and I are much better for each other than you and Harley could ever be.
Harley: I know that you are not his doctor, but if you could just go in there...
Doctor: I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me.
Harley: ...Look at him for just one second, it would help me. Hey, Cass.
Cassie: I really need to talk to you.
Harley: Okay.
Cassie: How is Gus? Is he okay?
Harley: Ah, no. Yeah. I mean, he's getting better. Daisy's okay, too. Physically, they're both... what is going on with you? You don't seem okay.
Cassie: I'm kind of just losing my brain. Would you just tell me I'm paranoid, and that there's nothing going on between Reva and Josh?
Reva: So, it happened.
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Are you okay?
Josh: Yeah. You?
Reva: Oh, yeah.
Josh: Reva...
Reva: I know. I don't know how it happened, but it did.
Josh: Yeah, I noticed.
Reva: You still want me to leave?
Josh: No.
Reva: Good, because I really hate to walk out of here without my clothes on.
Josh: When I pushed you away before...
Reva: I know. I know what you were feeling. I know how low you were.
Josh: I didn't want to need anything. But I did.
Reva: You needed me.
Josh: In that moment, yeah, I did.
Reva: I needed you too, Bud.
Ashlee: You know what, I am such an idiot. I thought that you were getting to know me to be my friend, but you were just spying on me.
Coop: Can we just talk about this...
Ashlee: No. What is there to talk about? You already know what you think. You know what, I need... I need a break!
Coop: Ashlee, no, I'm not trying to badger you. Ashlee, would you just... Ashlee, wait!
Ava: Coop.
Coop: Ava, look, this is really not a good time right now, okay?
Ava: Maybe this is the best time. It seems like you're obviously upset.
Coop: No... I can’t. I can't right now.
Ava: Coop...
Coop: No, Ava, please. I can't do this right now, especially not with you.
( Gunshot )
Announcer: ...When the jury
handed down its verdict of
Now, Lewis is a convicted
felon, serving 15 years at
Hellis Penitentiary.
Frank: Oh. I am so sorry.
Ashlee: It's okay.
Frank: Ashlee, I've just so out of it lately. All I keep thinking about is that damn gunshot.
Gus: You shouldn't be here.
Daisy: What? No, I'm not going anywhere.
Gus: It's not safe, Natalia.
Daisy: Natalia? Who's Natalia? Gus? Gus, it's me, Daisy. Who are you talking about?
Harley: Sweetie, I want you to take this tea here-- put it in your hands-- and I want you to eat up and I want you to go home and take a hot bath. That's what I want you to do.
Cassie: And meanwhile, you'll be calling Ravenwood and making sure there's a nice padded room for me. Is that the idea?
Harley: No. I don't think you're crazy.
Cassie: Well, I do. Because I cannot kick this feeling that Reva is up to something with Josh.
Harley: When did you first get this feeling?
Cassie: Okay, here's the deal: She made a huge point of assuring me that she would not go see Josh anymore. And then she went right back to see him tonight.
Harley: How do you even know that?
Cassie: Because Billy told me. He thought I knew. Anyway, okay, what's left of my rational mind is telling me there's got to be some logical explanation for this, right? That... I don't know, the warden called Reva or something.
Harley: The warden called Reva? That's possible. ( Laughs )
Cassie: Exactly. But then I think that, and then I think if that's the case, why didn't she call me? Why didn't she tell me? Why did she lie? But then do you hear me? I'm horrible. I sound horrible.
Harley: You're worried and tired, and you're worried and tired.
Cassie: What does it say about me that my first thought is my sister has some ulterior motive?
Harley: She is Reva.
Cassie: What?
Harley: I'm staying out of this one.
Cassie: No, you're not. No. You are telling me.
Harley: Cassie, I don't want to upset you.
Cassie: I'm already upset, Harley. Just finish the sentence.
Harley: I saw them kissing. She was kissing him. They were kissing. I saw it, and I am so sorry I did.
Reva: I can almost hear your heart beating. One of my most all-time favorite sounds.
Josh: Well, it sure beats the alternative.
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: I'm going into solitary.
Reva: Shh, don’t. Don't, don't, don't, don't think about that. Just stay here. Stay here with me for as long as it lasts. We don't have a lot of time. Let's just make the most of it.
Josh: I think we already did that. And it was wonderful. It took me out of here, and I'm really grateful for that.
Reva: So am I. So am I.
Josh: But the thing is that now I'm... now I'm back in here again, and I know that for the next... I know that for the next 15 years I won't be able to do something as simple as shoot a game of pool with my brother or go visit Shayne in Bosnia, or maybe go with you to France to see Marah, you know? Wake up... wake up next to the person I love.
Reva: The person.
Josh: Reva, Cassie is my future. We both know that. The decision we made.
Reva: We?
Josh: Yes, we. We didn't want to end up here, but here we are. Cassie and R.J., they have to be my future. Knowing that she's out there and she's hurting, she's crying, you know, it tears my heart out, but also, at the same time, knowing that she's out there and she's loving me, it's what gets me through.
Reva: Except for tonight.
Josh: Thank you for saving me tonight. I know it was unfair. It was unfair to you and to Cassie. I needed it, probably more than I'm even willing to admit to myself. But it was wrong. It can't happen again. I can't let it happen again. I know... I know that you love me, and I love you, but...
Reva: But what?
Josh: I should have pushed you away harder.
Ashlee: The gunshot?
Frank: I can still hear the ringing in my ears.
Ashlee: Well, you have a really vivid imagination.
Frank: I wish I were making it up.
Ashlee: You were there?
Frank: I never thought in a million years I would ever draw my weapon and hurt someone that I love so much.
Ashlee: You're talking about Marina.
Frank: Yeah, you heard what happened, huh?
Ashlee: Yeah. I'm sorry.
Frank: I keep hearing. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." You know what that translates to me? "How could I be so stupid?"
Ashlee: But Marina, she's going to be okay, right?
Frank: Yeah, well that's the only good thing about this whole thing. And the fact that she knows that I didn't do it on purpose.
Ashlee: But how do you deal with the guilt?
Coop: Ash? Ashlee?
Ava: Why are you looking for Ashlee?
Coop: I'm not, okay? Don't worry about it, please.
Ava: I'm worried about you. I heard about what's happening with Marina and Gus. What is going on with your family?
Coop: Ava, I'd really appreciate it if you're here just as a friend, okay?
Ava: You don't think I am?
Coop: No... it's been a while since you and I have been friends.
Ava: That's true. And that's my fault.
Coop: Ava, you've got to understand something, okay? This isn't easy for me. You just popping up like this suddenly, so interested in my life again.
Ava: I know that. So I'm going to be perfectly honest with you. I was hoping that I was going to come here today and maybe we could make things right and work it out. Maybe I was hoping for too much.
Daisy: Gus, can you tell me who Natalia is?
Dylan: Hey, Nurse Lemay.
Daisy: Dad, hi!
Cassie: Reva's still not picking up.
Harley: You know, I didn't tell you about this because I didn't want to make something out of nothing, which this could very well be, Cass.
Cassie: How could this be nothing? If Josh and Reva were kissing, Harley, they were kissing.
Harley: Yes, but it was prison. And I don't even know really what I saw. And can I tell you something? When you're behind bars like that, you need contact. You know, you're desperate for it. And maybe when you get the chance to have it, you pull somebody just a little too close. That could be what this is.
Cassie: No, but this is completely different because Reva never said a word about wanting to pull him close. She promised me that she wasn't going to go back there and she did. She's with him right now. She could be kissing him right now, okay? So don't tell me it was nothing.
Daisy: But it was nothing.
Cassie: How do you know?
Daisy: Reva told me herself.
Gus: Are you the doctor?
Dylan: Sort of the care- giver. I'm here to take care of my family.
Gus: Yeah.
Dylan: Well, Daisy, anyway. You see, I've moved back to Springfield, mostly because of her, and I'm not going to give you another chance to put my little girl at risk.
Gus: What did she say to you?
Dylan: What did she say? She didn't have to say anything. See, Gus, I know what you're all about, so we can stop playing games, okay?
Gus: I'd never do anything to hurt her.
Dylan: I know, I know. And you would always protect her, right? I know you're using.
Harley: Daisy, this is none of your business. I'm serious.
Cassie: No, no, wait a minute. How... when did you talk to Reva?
Daisy: Just the other day, actually. She... we were hanging out at Billy’s place, and, actually, I think she was getting ready to go see Josh at the prison. And, yeah, she just... all she could talk about was you. You and how she was going to visit Josh in the hopes of making things easier for you.
Cassie: Really, she said that?
Daisy: Pretty much.
Cassie: Thank you. I... you've done your crazy aunt a huge favor. I'm clearly nuts. You were right. I'm sure it's a fluke, or whatever you saw was nothing and... so I'm going to get my crazy self out of here. I hope Gus feels better, and I'll just call you later.
Harley: Okay.
Josh: You know how much I care about you. If I didn't, I wouldn't feel this way. But it was wrong.
Reva: It didn't feel wrong.
Josh: Yeah, well, that's the kind of thing that's gotten us into trouble before.
Reva: Yeah, well it saved us, too.
Josh: Not this time.
Reva: No, not this time. Well, I should go.
Josh: The guard's probably going to be knocking on that door in a minute.
Reva: You know what, don't worry about anything at Lewis because Billy and I will keep things there running smoothly. And Dylan... you know, Dylan’s around now. That's a good thing; he'll help out. And I'll keep Marah and Shayne posted on all the latest news, and Cassie.
Josh: You don't have to...
Reva: Look, I've always looked out for my sister because I promised my mama, and that’s not going to change.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: Now, listen to me. You will have your life back. I know you will. So when you get in that cell, and the loneliness feels like it's eating you up inside, and you think that you can't go on for another minute longer, you think about the woman you love. You think about her no matter where you are, no matter how far apart you are. You think of her, and you know that she's yours forever.
Josh: Okay. Okay. I... I might have phone privileges at some point, so I'll call you.
Reva: Call the kids.
Josh: Wait, wait. Just... okay. Good-bye.
Reva: For now.
Josh: For now, yeah.
Ava: I know that this is going to take time and I... this is really going to take a lot of patience, and I know that. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to figure out how to prove to you that I am worth trusting again.
Coop: Ava, it's not...
Ava: No, you think that I'm the kind of person who... who uses people.
Coop: Can you blame me, really?
Ava: No, I can’t. But you need to give me another chance.
Coop: I appreciate you trying to make things right, okay? But as far as us, I don't know if there's ever going to be one.
Gus: Drugs are part of my past.
Dylan: Okay, so when that motel room that you and my daughter were staying in caught fire and the smoke and the flames didn't wake you up, that was because, why? You're a heavy sleeper?
Gus: We had a very long drive. There was a lot of fog.
Dylan: Right, so then you took something. Admit it, you took something just to help you get a little shut-eye.
Gus: There was nothing... nothing in my system.
Dylan: You are the one playing daddy to Daisy, and you could have gotten her killed.
Gus: Are you worried or are you just jealous?
Dylan: What?
Gus: My relationship with Daisy.
Dylan: Okay, now I know that besides whatever drugs are inside you, some of that smoke that you inhaled definitely got to your brain.
Gus: I just think you're jealous because I'm the one who's there for her.
Dylan: She is my daughter not yours, and you shouldn't be near her.
Gus: ...Just not there for her.
Dylan: You get that? Huh? I said do you get that?
Harley: Hey, hey, what are you doing?
Dylan: I'm leaving.
Harley: Good.
Gus: Thanks for stopping by.
Harley: Are you okay?
Gus: Yeah, I'm good.
Harley: Hey, what are you doing? The man is lying in a hospital bed.
Dylan: I'm trying to be a good father.
Harley: Screaming at him is the way you do that?
Dylan: He's using, Harley.
Harley: What, drugs?
Dylan: Yeah. All the signs are there.
Harley: You're wrong.
Dylan: No, I'm not. I know an addict when I see one.
Harley: Stop it. He's been clean almost a year.
Dylan: Okay, so he's just naturally irresponsible?
Harley: Dylan, I trust him with my life and my children's lives and Daisy's life.
Dylan: Then you and me, we got a big problem.
Harley: Where is this coming from? You should be grateful he's here. He's the only person that gets through to Daisy. He's it. That's it.
Dylan: Well, that's what he said. I wonder why that is? Maybe he shares his dope with her.
Harley: Hey, you're way out of line.
Dylan: Am I? Are you sure? How do you do this? How do you stand there without any doubt in your head at all? Hmm? Everything you know about addicts and what it does to people-- I mean, even really good people-- what it does... you're just 100% certain that Gus is clean, right?
Harley: I'd bet my life on it. ( Beeping ) Nurse, we need some help here! Sit up. Sit up. I need some help here! ( Knock on the door )
Cassie: Tell me.
Reva: What?
Cassie: I know you went to see him. So, let's hear it. I want to know, how is he?
Coop: Ashlee, it's me again. Look, call me back, okay? I'm on your side. You have to believe that, okay? Hey.
Ashlee: You might never want to talk to me again when I tell you what I have to say.
Coop: I'll risk it.
Ashlee: Yeah, me, too because I would rather be straightforward with you and have you say, "forget it, I don't want to be your friend," then have our friendship based on a lie.
Coop: You don't know what it means to me to hear you say that. Come on.
Ashlee: I just don't want things to get any worse than they already are.
Coop: Wait, what do you mean?
Ashlee: I did it, Coop. I shot Alan Spaulding.
Harley: What is a respiratory incident?
Doctor: Well, Gus had a neuromuscular spasm, which impaired his breathing, but he's stabilized now.
Harley: Well, could it happen again?
Doctor: We're rather confident it won’t. We'll keep a close eye on him. Have me paged if you have anymore questions.
Daisy: Is Gus going to be okay, Mom?
Harley: Oh, sweetie, yes. Yes, he is going to be okay.
Dylan: I never thought I'd be that kind of dad.
Daisy: Something completely just happened, and I had to talk about it right away, like while it was still fresh. We just connected again, Gus and I. I mean, this time it wasn't a kiss.
Coop: Ashlee, this is...
Ashlee: Coop, let me finish what I have to say before I lose my nerve, and then you can talk, okay?
Coop: Sorry. Go ahead.
Ashlee: When I was growing up, I... I never really fit in. But, I mean, what does that matter? I don't need to be Miss Popularity. I liked who I was and I thought it was okay not to be like everyone else.
Coop: It is.
Ashlee: You know what, maybe I have this sort of, like, I don't know, optimism gene. Like sometimes when people say things, you know, it doesn't get to me. Like... like when my mom would rag on me or, you know, about being not thin enough or not smart enough, I just kind of let it go. I used to remind myself that my mom, she's had a really hard life. I mean, she raised me all on her own and she worked full-time. And maybe that's why I wanted to live in the Spaulding house so bad.
Coop: You guys had been alone.
Ashlee: Well, yeah, more than that. You know, my mom would finally have servants, other people to do things for her.
Coop: Yeah, and you'd get a whole family yourself.
Ashlee: Yeah, a big, messy, screwed-up family, but that's not exactly what I got. Well, in a way it is. Not exactly as I imagined it, I guess. But, I don't know, I guess at the wedding, I...
Coop: What? Ashlee, what did Alan do?
Ashlee: My mom was so happy. And I was... I was also. I was so excited. It was like a dream. And Alan was smiling, too. He was really happy, and he said, "I do." And then after the ceremony, I followed him. He snuck away. And he was talking to someone about what a joke we were, about how we were... as soon as possible, he would send us right back to the trash heap where he found us. And I couldn't let him say that about my mother! ( Cries ) Yes, yes, she had a hard life and she's tough and she's mean, but she's my mom. And she's all I've got.
Coop: That's not true, okay? You've got me now.
Guard: You can't say a word.
Josh: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Cassie: Hi, it's Cassie, leave a message.
Josh: Cassie, it's me. I just wanted to hear... I'm okay...
Cassie: How long were you there?
Reva: At the prison? I lost track of time. Look, I know that you told me that you... or you were wondering why I went when I told you I wouldn’t. But I can explain.
Cassie: Forget it.
Reva: No, really, it's a very simple explanation.
Cassie: No, I... really, I don't even want to hear it. It's done. You went, you're back, and the truth is if anyone should be explaining, it really should be me.
Reva: What?
Cassie: Yeah, I've been thinking about it, non-stop, actually, since I found out you went back there. And I realize I just shouldn't have even have hinted that it wasn't okay for you to go.
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: Truly, I shouldn't have. I was just hurt, and I was angry, you know, that Josh didn't want me to see him. And so I didn't want you to get to see him either, which was completely selfish when you were being so selfless in posing to be his wife so he'd have someone to be with.
Reva: Be with?
Cassie: Yeah, to talk to. So, will you tell me everything he said? Just... I want to hear every word.
Reva: There is something I need to tell you about the visit, about Josh.
Daisy: That freaked me out before, with the doctors and the nurses, the emergency stuff with Gus.
Harley: I know that you didn't mean to hurt Gus. Just like you didn't mean to hurt Tammy or Zach.
Daisy: That's kind of a long list, huh? ( Laughter )
Harley: Hey, aren't you shocked? That's like two hugs from me in one day.
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, it's weird.
Harley: Well, I want you to know something, babe. None of us is perfect. I'm not perfect, your father is not perfect, not even Gus is perfect. And I don't expect you to be perfect, either.
Daisy: Gus, he wanted to talk about his dad. I mean, he didn't say so, but I could tell, and I was right. And he just totally opened up about everything. It was so sweet. Harley had no idea what he needed, but I did. I know that it is wrong to feel this way about my mom's husband, but, I don't know, I mean, maybe it's not. Really, I mean, maybe Harley doesn't deserve someone like Gus. Maybe he needs me just as much as I need him.
Ashlee: You don't hate me?
Coop: Ashlee, I could never see myself hating you. But you do have to tell the police.
Ashlee: Yeah, and turn myself in.
Coop: You need to do that for Josh, okay? He shouldn't be in a prison cell.
Ashlee: I should. And I will be soon.
Coop: Come on. Relax, okay? Don't worry about that right now, though.
Ashlee: You know what, I'm not. It's kind of weird, but at least I know that from whatever happens from now on, you know, I told you the truth.
Coop: That took a lot of guts.
Ashlee: I know. I was totally terrified. But I need to do what's right, for Josh.
Cassie: Salerno's guys came after him again, didn't they? They did. Did they cut him? Is he bruised? Did he break bones?
Reva: No, no, no, honey, no. Josh is all right.
Cassie: He is?
Reva: Yes, yes. He's fine.
Cassie: You just said you have something to tell me about him.
Reva: I do.
Cassie: Okay. So it's not bad? I mean, whatever it is... whatever it is, I need to hear it.
Reva: What I wanted to tell you was that the only thing that put a smile on Josh's face the whole time we were together was the mention of your name.
Cassie: Really?
Reva: Yes, really. And all he thinks about is the minute he gets out of that prison, so he can wrap you in his arms and be with you because you are his life.
Guard: That is the last time that happens.
Josh: I understand. Last time.
Salerno: Did you have a nice visit with the Mrs.? Seeing her reminds me of a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff that makes me very angry. Have a good time in solitary. See you around, Lewis.
Coop: It's going to be okay.
Ashlee: You're right. I can do this.
Coop: Ashlee, I'm going to be right over there if you need me, all right?
Ashlee: Okay.
Coop: You can do this.
Ashlee: Chief Cooper?
Frank: Hey, Ashlee.
Ashlee: There's something I need to tell you.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Cop: Hey, you, hold it.
Frank: I want this guy found for what he did to my daughter.
Dinah: Why haven't they found him yet?
Mallet: Cyrus better hope I don't find him first.
Matt: Checking up on the Cyrus Foley case.
Doris: There is no case.
Marina: When Cyrus went into the bank, he went in with a partner. It was a woman.
Mallet: If Dinah knew anything... you would tell us, right, hon?
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