GL Transcript Friday 4/20/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/20/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Ashlee: But you don't know what it's like to hate someone so much that you have this... this anger built up inside you until you stop thinking and you just shoot.

Coop: I will give you half of my tips if you have a guilty conscience.

Ashlee: I don't have one.

Coop: This is about the Spaulding’s, isn't it?

Ashlee: All of these secrets have to stay in the family in this secret little hiding place and... whatever, I have to... I have to get the fries.

Lizzie: You're going to pop a blood vessel.

Coop: Huh?

Lizzie: Thinking so hard. Don't hurt yourself.

Coop: Oh, uh, sorry, I was just...

Lizzie: Thinking.

Coop: Yeah. Yeah. Please, have a seat. Thanks for coming. I just want to make sure you're still okay with me writing a story about you.

Lizzie: Okay? I'm flattered. I can't believe that you would want to.

Coop: Well, I just... you know, I just want to get inside your head, with everything that you've been through.

Lizzie: Really?

Coop: Really.

Coop: Lizzie, your story's got everything. I mean it's got heart, it's got hope. It has tragedy and hopefully it's going to have some redemption.

Lizzie: You're not going to make me out to be the bad guy or anything?

Coop: Yes, horrible. Absolutely... no, it's not that kind of a story, I promise. All right? I just... I know you've been through a lot of things, but that's why I want to get your side of the story.

Lizzie: Everything?

Coop: From Jonathan to losing Sarah. From your granddad getting shot to how you found the gun in your house.

Ashlee: Did anyone help you yet, Billy?

Billy: No, but I... I really haven't figured out what I want.

Ashlee: Well, okay, maybe I can help you out with that. Here.

Billy: Let's see.

Ashlee: Some of these...

Billy: What's all this for?

Ashlee: Oh, well, I was hoping you'd stop by, actually. I want you to take a care package to your brother for me.

Billy: Oh, wow.

Ashlee: Yeah, well, I mean, it's not really any big deal, of course.

Billy: Oh, hey...

Ashlee: I can't even imagine what it's like, how hard things have been.

Billy: I don't even realize you knew Josh.

Ashlee: I don’t. I don't really. He just seems like a really nice guy, and I wanted to do something nice for your family.

Billy: That's really very sweet.

Ashlee: So, how is he? Is he okay? I know that's a stupid question. But you know what I mean, is he doing okay?

Billy: Ah, it's been a little tough. He's having a couple of problems with some of the inmates, but he's a tough guy. They're going to put him in solitary for a month just to help him out.

Ashlee: Oh... oh, my gosh.

Billy: But he says, "Look, I'll finally get some peace and quiet. I'll be able to sleep." But I... I know it's still rough. I mean, there's nothing but you, four walls and your thoughts. It's tough.

Reva: Do you think you can keep up with me? You've been out of commission for a little while.

Josh: I think I can give it my best shot. Hand it over. I still can't believe you managed to sneak this in here.

Reva: Next time I bring the bulldozer.

Josh: That sounds like a fine idea.

Reva: Go on, have a drink.

Josh: All right. Here's to you, Reva. I remember a time when you were very upset because you said something about how I had always been there for you, but you'd never been there for me, that kind of thing. But you are here now, and that makes all of the difference in the world. Mmm. (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughs)

Cassie: Hi, Alan. I've been waiting for you.

Josh: Okay. Wait. No, no, no, don't tell me. Don't tell me. Is it Mount Rushmore?

Reva: Beep! You are so bad. Nope.

Josh: Ah. Damn. Remember how much H.B. used to love playing this game?

Reva: That's because he always won.

Josh: Mmm-hmm. At least until you got to be old enough to play it yourself. (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughs) Do you remember what we played at that one place? What was the name of that place?

Josh: Becky’s Beer and Ammo.

Reva: Yes. Yes. And we... we passed out.

Josh: Yeah, well, we did. But then, again, so did pretty much everybody else that was there that night.

Reva: And they served us breakfast the next morning, remember? Do you remember what it was?

Josh: That's right, yeah.

Reva: Cracked raw eggs and big icy mugs of beer. They kept sliding them down the bar.

Josh: Oh, that place, you could get a t-bone steak, three fried eggs, and all of the mashed potatoes you could eat for $3.99. That's right, folks, $3.99.

Guard: This is a lockdown.

All inmates return to your

cells for lockdown. (Siren blaring)

Josh: (Laughs)

Coop: What did you... what did you think when you saw Alan-Michael and your mom there were with the gun?

Lizzie: I didn't know what to think. I mean, there they were and I didn't know what it meant. It was just more secrets, more lies.

Coop: What did they say? Did they tell you where the gun came from?

Lizzie: Alan-Michael said that my mom found it in the house. And then he reamed me out for being disloyal to the family. And I was like, where was he? You know, where was he when granddad was trying to steal my baby? Where was he when granddad cost me my baby?

Coop: Has it gotten easier? Losing Sarah?

Lizzie: No. It will never get easier. That's what I'm trying to deal with, I guess, understanding that it's never going to get easier, just different with time.

Coop: Lizzie, I'm really sorry.

Lizzie: You know what the hardest part is?

Coop: Hmm?

Lizzie: Thinking about everything that I could have done differently. You know, the way things could have gone instead of the way they actually went. Let's talk about something else. Do you have mustard?

Coop: Yeah, right over there.

Lizzie: Okay. Mmm.

Coop: Enjoy.

Lizzie: So ask me something.

Coop: Something? Okay. Well, what's it... what's it like with all those new people living with you in the mansion? I mean, you've got Ava...

Lizzie: Okay, don't get me started on your giraffe.

Coop: Yeah, okay, by the way, that giraffe is not mine anymore.

Lizzie: And you don't see me shedding too many tears over that.

Coop: No. Who else is there? You've got Doris and you have Ashlee.

Lizzie: Doris the wolf.

Coop: Okay, well, what about Ashlee? I mean, she seems cool. She seems like she's fun to hang around with, right?

Lizzie: Yeah, she tries really hard.

Coop: To do what?

Lizzie: Belong. To be a Spaulding.

Coop: That's not a bad thing, though, is it?

Lizzie: Weird, if you ask me. Okay, it's like she's formed this huge emotional attachment to people that she hardly knew. You should have seen her when granddad got shot.

Coop: What did she do?

Lizzie: She acted like he was her real father. Like she loved him more than any of us. It was way over the top. Why would she care so much about Alan Spaulding?

Cassie: I already unplugged it.

Alan: I don't know how you got in here, Cassie, but if you don't leave, I am going to have to get security.

Cassie: You know what, this, Alan, isn't really going the way I had hoped.

Alan: Oh, really? Did you expect to be on one of your soap boxes, saying how horrible of a monster I am, huh?

Cassie: Alan, would you just please...

Alan: No, no.

Cassie: Hold on, okay? Just give me a minute. Here.

Alan: What's this?

Cassie: It's a present. It's a present for you. For your new baby, actually.

Alan: You'll forgive me if I'm not all smiles and thank you's.

Cassie: Please, open it. I am telling you I am trying really hard here. This is very difficult for me to be here, but this is a show of goodwill.

Alan: Why?

Cassie: Because I'm tired of fighting, Alan. I'm tired of this war. All I want now is for Josh to come home.

Alan: I don't see how I can help that in any way.

Cassie: You've recovered from your injuries. You're starting a new life. You're moving on, having a new baby. It's a life you fought really hard for, and it's a powerful life. And now I need my life back, too.

Alan: If this has anything to do with Tammy, I don't want...

Cassie: Tammy isn't coming back. I know that. No one can do anything about that. But Josh can come back to me. He can come back to me whole and safe, and you can help me with that.

Alan: How?

Cassie: You can go to the police and you can tell them he's innocent. You can tell them he's not the one who shot you.

Alan: I don't think you understand.

Cassie: Would you just open this?

Alan: I will open that later, Cassie.

Cassie: Open it now. It's Springfield. It's the lighthouse in Springfield.

Alan: It's beautiful.

Cassie: So you can see, I am trying. Alan, I'm really trying here.

(Sirens) (laughter)

Reva: Oh, that's evil. What are you laughing at?

Josh: I don't even know. I think maybe it's you. What are you laughing at?

Reva: I'm laughing because the alarm reminded me of something.

Josh: That time we broke into Fort Knox?

Reva: Close. No. I was reminded of you and me...

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Teenage hormones and a football stadium at O.U.

Josh: Oh, right. That's right. Man, we thought we were so slick.

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, nobody was around and we were able to slip through that little opening in the gate, remember?

Josh: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And it was pitch black outside, but somehow we managed to make it to the 50 yard line. As I recall, a few minutes went by before somebody managed to trip the alarm.

Reva: And the stadium lights! I always wanted to be the halftime show.

Josh: Pretty damn good show, if I recall.

Reva: It always was.

Josh: (Laughs) I promised R.J. I would take him to the Red River Shootout this year. That was before all this happened.

Reva: Well, my, my, my. Now there's a transition.

Josh: (Laughs) I'm sorry. Sorry. It's just kind of the way my mind is working these days. He said he wanted to go to O.U. and become a Sooner. I think he's doing it for my benefit. I don't know. (Laughs)

Reva: Does he know that you went to Berkeley?

Josh: He doesn’t. I didn't really have the heart to tell him, either. But we got him a jersey and... in fact, Cassie has a matching jersey so the two of them together...

Reva: That reminds me. Here. I've got this for you. It's a letter from Cassie. I'll give you a minute.

Josh: No, that's okay.

Reva: No, really. I'll just... I'll just step outside. It will give me a chance to chat with my new boyfriends. (Laughs)

Cassie: Dear Josh, this will be the first of many letters I will write to you. I bought myself a whole bunch of paper and pens, so you should be getting about 20 notes a week from me. It's part of my plan to send you so many letters that you run out of room to store them, and they finally have to give you a bigger cell. Or just set you free. Josh, you are a blessing in my life. I never saw you coming. But suddenly there you were. And now I'm not sure where I'd be if I didn't have you to lean on. And I do lean on you, even when I can't see you or touch you. You're with me, even though we're apart. Close your eyes. Now, do you feel that? That's me. That's me loving you. Holding you safe from harm. Protecting you in my heart.

Salerno: What's a nice woman like you doing in a place like this?

Reva: Vinnie Salerno.

Salerno: How's it going, Reva? I always knew I would see you again. I just didn't think it would be in this lifetime.

Reva: Well, the lifetime that you're going to next, I doubt whether you'll be seeing me.

Salerno: Is that any way to talk to a guy that used to be your biggest fan? I never got a chance to thank you for putting me in here.

Reva: You're in here because you're a criminal.

Salerno: Just like your husband. Between you and me, he doesn't really play nice with the others.

Reva: Leave him alone. If you want to get back at me, get back at me another way because you can't do it through Josh anymore. I'm not even married to him.

Salerno: Yeah, right. And here you are in here on one of those "congenital" visits. How does your sister feel about that?

Coop: Did you ever ask Ashlee why she was so upset about Alan?

Lizzie: Wasn't it obvious? She was just trying to score points.

Coop: Lizzie, maybe she just wanted to have a dad. Did you ever think that?

Lizzie: Alan Spaulding wasn't her father. He was never going to be. She even said that once.

Coop: When?

Lizzie: It was the day after granddad was shot. Ashlee had been officially a Spaulding for like 24 hours. I found her in the house crying and freaking out. I called her out on her act, and she said it was all just so sad.

Coop: What was?

Lizzie: That he wasn't going to be her father. That she wanted it, but it was all a lie. I should probably tell you how it made me feel, because that's the important part of the story,

Coop: No. You know what, I think I'm actually good.

Lizzie: I didn't even tell you what happened.

Coop: You know what, that's okay. I'll call you later. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it, okay? Enjoy.

Alan: Something about the world inside this little globe, it's so pure and still.

Cassie: Some people are superstitious, you know, about getting baby gifts before the baby's born.

Alan: Not me. But it is hard not to get one's hope up too early.

Cassie: Yeah. It's hard not to start to imagine their whole life mapped out in front of you.

Alan: I did that with Sarah, and with the baby that Beth and I lost.

Cassie: I did that with all of my kids. I did that with Tammy. But things don't always turn out the way you think they will, do they?

Alan: No. Sometimes the loss of one's dreams are more painful than the actual loss itself.

Cassie: Well, I don't know about that. I can't separate them. It's loss. It's all loss to me. It just looks different to me in the morning when I wake up. But Josh and I want what you have now. We want to start a new life now. You're getting a second chance, we want a second chance. We want to get married. We want to maybe even have a baby of our own one day.

Alan: Well, maybe some day you will.

Cassie: And be a new generation. We could... I don't know, our kids could grow up. Maybe they'd be friends like Lizzie and Tammy were.

Alan: Cassie, I...

Cassie: I don't understand.

Alan: You don't understand what?

Cassie: Well, I bought him the gift, but now...

Alan: Are you talking to...

Cassie: I'm not trying to hurt him. I'm trying to hold on.

Alan: Cassie, I am very sorry for your loss, but I really think... I think you should go. Come on. I think you should go.

Cassie: No. No, I'm sorry. Alan, I'm sorry.

Alan: No, it's time to go.

Cassie: No, look, listen, if you would just let me talk to you for a minute. Alan... pull it together. Pull it together.

Salerno: Don't bother looking for a guard. You may have borrowed one for an hour, but they all belong to me.

Reva: Vinnie, this is silly. Like I said, you can't get to me through Josh.

Salerno: Oh, yeah, right. We both know that torturing Josh is torturing you. Besides, it's fun for me.

Reva: He doesn't deserve this.

Salerno: Prison isn't about what people deserve. It's about what they've already got. And what they stand to lose.

Josh: I do realize that the only reason I'm seeing you right now is because I'm a little smushed. And a little desperate. But it's really good to see you.

Cassie: It's good to be seen.

Josh: I miss you.

Cassie: I know. (Laughs)

I'm in your head, remember.

Josh: Yeah, yeah.

Cassie: You don't look as bad

as I expected.

Josh: I'm fine.

Cassie: You don't have to do


Josh, I'm not really here.

So you don't have to protect


You can just be honest.

Josh: Honest?

Cassie: How are you, really?

Josh: 15 years... 15 years in this place without you. The life that we were supposed to have together is gone. (Cries) And I mourn it. I mourn it every single day. Losing that is worse than anything that Salerno could possibly do to me. And it's worse than the isolation. It’s... it's the death of the dream that we once had together.

Cassie: We can dream new


We'll have to.

Coop: Hey. You look like you could use some help.

Lizzie: Granddad? Hello? They gave me my own key downstairs. Great. Hey, do you know why granddad wants us here? Huh? Do you know, Roxy? I bet you five bucks... I bet you five bucks that he wants to use me for something, yes. Because everybody wants to use me for something. Yeah. Coop used me for his story. This is my life, right? Not some character in a book. Not someone that can be manipulated. Come here. Thank you. What's that? Stay right there.

Billy: Hey, is somebody following you?

Cassie: No. No. I'm... I just... you know, I just came from seeing Alan. I'm just feeling a little... feeling a little weird. Have you seen Reva?

Billy: No, no. As far as I know, she's still down at the prison seeing Josh.

Cassie: No, that can't be. She said she wasn't going to go. She said it wasn't a good idea for her to see Josh anymore. She went anyway? And she didn't tell me?

Reva: You know, I went to look for some music, but nobody knows how to have any fun around here.

Josh: You noticed.

Reva: I should run for warden. I'd be really good at it because I know how to handle men.

Josh: Reva?

Reva: You know, you should drink up because it's got to last. I'm going to work on some more visits for you, too. I know Marah wants to come and see you. And if they let you get e-mails in here, Shayne would probably want to e-mail you.

Josh: Reva, you have to go right now, okay?

Reva: But there's still so much left in the bottle.

Josh: It's time for you to leave, Reva.

Reva: I just got here.

Josh: It's enough, okay?

Reva: What's going on?

Josh: What's going on is that you... you shouldn't be here, Reva.

Reva: Yeah, well neither should you.

Josh: I don't want it, okay? I don't want it! I don't want the company, I don't want the sympathy, I don't want the comfort and I sure as hell didn't need this letter!

Reva: What's in it?

Josh: It doesn't matter what's in it. Nothing matters anymore because this is where I am now. This is who I am now.

Reva: No.

Josh: Reva, open your eyes. Look around you. There's 15 years right here in this prison. This is who I am right now.

Reva: Not if you don't want it to be. We can make this bearable for you.

Josh: No, you can’t. You can't make it bearable, Reva, because you and Billy and Cassie and the outside world... no, the outside world, the light... the light is what makes this darkness so unbearable. I can survive here, I can live here, but I can't live in both places.

Reva: This isn't you.

Josh: This is...

Reva: This being afraid, this giving up hope.

Josh: This is it. Right now, you have to go. Go live your life. Get the hell out.

Reva: No, I'm not going anywhere. Not with you like this, I'm not.

Ashlee: I'm the manager, and you're not even on duty.

Coop: I am happy to pitch in.

Ashlee: No, I don't want to hold you, Coop Cooper. I mean, I'm sure you have schoolwork and lesson plans and stuff to do.

Coop: Actually, I am writing a new story.

Ashlee: Cool. What is it about?

Coop: It's about the Spaulding’s.

Ashlee: Oh, why would you want to write about them? Is it a horror story?

Coop: I don't know yet. I just got done talking to Lizzie, and I figured I'd come over here and talk to you about your experience at Spaulding.

Ashlee: Me?

Coop: Yeah. Why not you?

Ashlee: Because no one wanted me to be a Spaulding. I don't know, I mean the house, it was cool, and the money was interesting, and the... the maids and the butlers, but I don't really feel like talking about Lizzie or any of the rest of them.

Coop: Why not? You were so excited when your mom was about to marry Alan. You couldn't stop saying how you were finally going to have the family that you always wanted.

Ashlee: Yeah, well, obviously that feeling was a mistake.

Coop: Well, you know, an understandable one. It had always been you and your mom all alone growing up all of your life, and then finally you get this famous family, this big, wealthy family. A father, even.

Ashlee: Well, yeah, I thought I was getting a father. But he had no interest in being a father to me or a husband to my mom.

Coop: Uh-huh. That must have been hard.

Ashlee: Well, yeah. I mean, he treated her horribly. You know, she's a really hard person to get close to. I mean, she can be overbearing and even mean, but...

Coop: But she's still your mother, though, right?

Ashlee: And I love her for raising me. I mean, she always tried her best to do what was good for us. (Cries)

Coop: And that's something that Alan Spaulding, a person like him, could never understand, Ashlee. The sacrifice that it took.

Ashlee: He thought he was so much better than her. He treated her horribly. It just wasn't right.

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: Why... why are you asking me so many questions about Alan?

Alan: Well, there you are. I thought since I had a little business to attend to here in Chicago, it would be nice to have some company. Thank you for coming, sweetheart.

Lizzie: Well, you know, you mentioned unlimited shopping on Lake Avenue, so how could I refuse?

Alan: Well, I was hoping that our visit would be a little more than that. You see, the family has taken a few hits lately, Elizabeth, and I think a lot of that is my fault.

Lizzie: A lot? You mean everything, all of it.

Alan: Well, all right, fine. I am sorry that I brought Doris and...

Lizzie: Ashlee?

Alan: Yes, Ashlee, into the house. I am very sorry about that and I think you know that. You know, I just had the strangest visit from Cassie Winslow. She brought me this baby gift. I think she was trying to make a connection with me or something. But then she went mental.

Lizzie: How do you mean?

Alan: Well, I just don't think she's doing so well. Emotionally, that is.

Lizzie: She just lost her daughter, Granddad. Once something like that happens, your life is never the same. You know, even when you think you have it together, something happens and you just don’t.

Billy: How about I get you some popcorn? It's really good.

Cassie: Why didn't she call me, Billy?

Billy: Darling, she might... I really don't know.

Cassie: Reva told me she wasn't going to go see him anymore because she understood that it would make it impossible for me to go visit him as his wife as long as she's there, which is the plan. The plan is that I'm going to be his wife so that I can have some semblance of a relationship with him while he's in there. But I can't do that as long as she's still pretending to be married to him.

Billy: Here. No matter what happened, okay, just know this: I can understand you being a little nervous, but Josh and Reva are just friends. They are just friends. You've got to know that.

Cassie: Then why didn't she tell me she was going to visit him again?

Billy: Well, maybe it slipped her mind. You know, they've been so close for so long, maybe she just thought it would be a good idea if he saw a funny face before he went in solitary tomorrow.

Cassie: But solitary is supposed to be a good thing for him. At least Salerno can't get to him in there.

Billy: That's true. That is, but, hey, it's just you. It's just you and your mind and four walls. It's tough. I mean, it's a tough price to pay for safety. Sweetie, is there something I can do for you?

Cassie: No. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying. Give me the popcorn.

Billy: Okay. Hey, everything's going to be okay.

Cassie: Maybe she's just... she's just trying to help him, right? She's just trying to get more information to help with the transfer, right? It's just hard for me sometimes to not be what I seem to be lately. But I'm fine. You know, it's just that seeing Alan just threw me for a loop.

Billy: Well, hey, Alan can do that to somebody.

Cassie: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And, you know what, I can trust Reva with my life. I do.

Billy: And you can trust her because you can trust her. That's right. That's right.

Cassie: I know I can. So, I don't know, maybe my phone just isn't working. Maybe she left me a message.

Billy: And if she hasn't, I bet she's going to do it next thing.

Reva: If I walk out that door, then you slip. You slip so far down you'll never get up, and that's what I'm afraid of.

Josh: Don't you understand what you're doing to me?

Reva: Yes, I'm keeping you afloat!

Josh: Yes, you are, but for how long, Reva?

Reva: Until they make me go or until you make me go.

Josh: Yeah, well, that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now.

Reva: No. No. Tell me... tell me you don't need this, some kind of contact, something real.

Josh: I don’t... I don't want it.

Reva: I asked you if you needed it.

Josh: No, I don’t.

Reva: Liar. I know where you are. I've been there, facing the darkest day that you could ever imagine, and I wanted to go into that darkness, where no one could ever pull me out, but you did.

Josh: Reva, let me go.

Reva: No, Bud, never.

Josh: Let me go.

Reva: Never! No!

Lizzie: What if the baby isn't yours?

Alan: It's mine.

Lizzie: I mean, that is nice to believe, and I'm not saying that it might not be true, but...

Alan: The baby is mine, Elizabeth. End of story.

Lizzie: Uncle Rick might have an opinion about that.

Alan: Which brings me to why I asked you here in the first place.

Lizzie: I knew it. Okay, what, you want to use me for something, right? First you butter me up with a shopping spree and then go in for the kill?

Alan: No, no, it's not that.

Lizzie: What do you want?

Alan: If Rick should stir up some kind of problem regarding the baby, I want to know that you're on my side.

Lizzie: That's all?

Alan: Your mother wants me to be the father of this baby as much as I want to be. And we need to know that we have your support. Think of it, a new baby. A new beginning for us.

Lizzie: Another baby...

Alan: Rick is nothing more than a family friend, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Haven't we all learned our lesson? You know, babies don't respond well to being torn in half by their loving parents.

Alan: Do we have your support?

Lizzie: Okay. Because I honestly can't think of anything better than having a new baby in the family. Maybe we won't screw it up this time.

Alan: That's my girl.

Ashlee: What is it with you today? Why are you so question-y?

Coop: Look, I'm not meaning for it to come across that way. It's just that, Ashlee, I need...

Ashlee: It's just what? You want me to relive all these painful memories?

Coop: No, Ashlee, you...

Ashlee: No, I... no.

Coop: Stop, listen to me. Just listen to me for a second, all right? I care about you. I want what's best for you. I want what's best for everybody.

Ashlee: Yeah, so just leave me alone.

Coop: Look, all right? Look at this right here. Stop. You see this? I never believed Josh was responsible for shooting Alan.

Ashlee: Well, good for you, but I...

Coop: Stop, all right? What if Josh goes away for 15 years for something that he never did? I need you to imagine that.

Ashlee: No, I can’t. And I'm sorry, but he's the one who confessed.

Coop: Imagine what it must be like for his family. For Cassie, for Reva, for Billy, for his kids. What about little R.J.? Think about little R.J., this little kid who thought he was finally going to get a father, someone who wasn't going to die on him, someone who wasn't going to take off on him.

Ashlee: It's awful. Today I even gave Billy... Billy one of those care packages.

Coop: Why would you do that, though? I mean, you barely even know Josh.

Ashlee: What is it with you? Every time you keep going on and on about how horrible this Josh in prison thing is and I do something supportive...

Coop: Why... why would you give him a care package, though? That's all I want to know.

Ashlee: Because I care. Okay?

Coop: Because you care? Really?

Ashlee: Leave me alone.

Coop: Really? Because you care or because you feel guilty, Ashlee?

Ashlee: What's the difference anymore?

Coop: Look. Listen, you need to talk to me. All right, you need to tell me, Ashlee, did you do it? Did you shoot Alan?

Cassie: That visit has to be over by now. I can't take it. (Sighs) Come on, Reva, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Ashlee: Is that what you think of me, I'm a murderer?

Announcer: Now Lewis is a convicted felon.

Ashlee: How do you deal with the guilt.

Dylan: I know you're using.

Harley: Nurse, we need some help in here.

Reva: When you get in that cell, and the loneliness is eating you up inside, you think about the woman you love, and you know that she's yours forever.

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