GL Transcript Monday 4/16/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/16/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Daisy: We do, we have this amazing connection and I feel it here, I feel it here, here. I just... I had no idea this is going to happen, but I'm in love with you, Gus, and nothing and no one is going to change that.

Gus: I'm very flattered. And I'm also married to your mom. And I love your mom very much. And I love you, too, but in a very different way.

Daisy: But maybe it's because you just haven't thought of me in that way. Maybe if you did...

Gus: It could never... it could never happen.

Daisy: But Harley doesn't get you the way I do.

Gus: No, you're... you're absolutely right, okay? We have a very... a very special bond, and we have ever since you came in into town and you moved back into the house and... and you're my daughter. You're my little girl. And, you know, that's it. That's all it can ever be.

Olivia: You shouldn't be here.

Jeffrey: You know, we have to...

Olivia: No. No more. We can't work together. It just brings up a lot of bad feelings for both of us. Let's just agree to go our separate ways, okay?

Jeffrey: Okay. Right. Absolutely. But what about Ava? We both know that she's in over her head. Alan-Michael is one thing, but Alan? You know how bad this can get, right?

Olivia: I have to change and... you sit here and you play with your toys, okay? I'll be right back.

Alan-Michael: Hey.

Ava: You're drunk.

Alan-Michael: No, not any more. I couldn't be clearer. I need you, Ava.

Alan: It's going to be a joyous occasion, and I do hope it's a boy.

Alan-Michael: You can work for that?

Ava: I worked for you, didn't I?

Alan-Michael: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I may be out as son and CEO, but I still have Spaulding stock. It's yours if you can help me destroy that bastard.

Alan: Beth, my annulment should go through by the end of the week, which will make me a free man. So would you marry me again?

Beth: Would I marry you?

Alan: Yes. I mean, I promise I will make you very happy this time.

Beth: Well, of course, Alan. Of course I'll be your wife. ( Laughs )

Cassie: Rick, are you listening to me? This is important. I'm trying to help you here.

Rick: I know, I know Beth is carrying my baby. You told me that.

Cassie: Yes, and that Alan is going to try to take that baby a away from you just like he took Tammy away from me. And, Rick, you can't let it happen.

Rick: I'm not putting this off. I'm going to take care of this right now, okay? Thank you.

Harley: Hey, it's me, again, trying to reach you both and make sure you and Daisy are okay. I'm at the boarding house and Jude is asleep and feeling better, I think, so just call me when you can. Okay, bye. Everything okay?

Cassie: I feel like I'm losing Josh.

Harley: I feel the same way about my daughter.

Gus: Looky here, some hot chocolate.

Daisy: I just thought after G and your dad being in the hospital that we'd gotten really close.

Gus: Well, what you're experiencing here is a crush.

Daisy: Okay, I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Gus: I tell you what. I'm going to go get a couple of pillows and... for you. And, here, why don't you check out the movie listing, pick us out a little movie and we'll watch it, and then we'll get some sleep and then we'll, you know, take off in the morning early, okay?

Daisy: You're still shipping me off to the boot camp?

Gus: Yes, I'm afraid so, kid.

Daisy: It isn't fair!

Cassie: He'll call.

Harley: Why isn't he picking up?

Cassie: I don't know, honey. Why aren't you with him?

Harley: Oh, Jude, he's sick. He's sleeping upstairs.

Cassie: No, he doesn't have the flu?

Harley: Oh, no, he's coughing, he's got a fever. He feels terrible. I feel terrible, I think I did the wrong thing sending my daughter to boot camp. What do you think?

Cassie: Harley, you're her mother; she's a teenaged girl. I think it's pretty obvious who knows what's right.

Harley: Yeah, I used to believe that and I'm second guessing myself again. What's going on with Josh?

Cassie: He told me he doesn't want me to visit him anymore.

Harley: Really? Why?

Cassie: He thinks he's protecting me from me, from Alan, I don't know. I mean, I heard him but I just didn't want to hear it, you know?

Harley: I did the same thing with Gus. Don't listen to him.

Cassie: Well, I can't just force him to see me.

Harley: You're a woman. You can change his mind. You're a woman, it's not a problem.

Cassie: But it is a problem. I mean, Josh thinks I'm spending too much time worrying about him, that I'm not being a good mom, I'm not being a good friend. But I'm trying to get Alan to admit... okay, so maybe Josh is right. I... tell me about Daisy. Why did you have to do this?

Harley: She skipped a counseling session with her drug counselor, she stole the car and crashed it with Zach in it. Yeah. She doesn't have a license, did I mention that? She could have killed them both. I can only imagine what's going to happen next.

Cassie: Okay. Well, you're doing something.

Harley: What if she never forgives me for this?

Cassie: But you have to do something. Harley, believe me, take it from me, you don't want to live with the what ifs.

Harley: I just wish I'd gone with her, dropped her off myself.

Cassie: But Gus deals with criminals every day. He can handle a teenaged girl. Even a wild one.

Gus: Okay. You find a movie you want to watch?

Daisy: There's a bunch I haven't seen. Here, you pick.

Gus: Okay. Are we okay? You want comedy? You want drama? You got a preference?

Daisy: Something funny would be good.

Gus: Something funny would be great.

Daisy: Here, let me... let me take another look, you just drink your hot chocolate, all right? I just feel like such an idiot.

Gus: Don�t.

Daisy: I mean, I never should have said anything. You must think I'm the biggest freak.

Gus: I don't think you're a freak at all, I think... I think you had a crush like any... like any... it happens to the best of us.

Daisy: Would you please just not use the word "crush"? I'm not a kid.

Gus: Nothing to be embarrassed about, crusher. ( Laughs ) Crusher. I had a crush once on somebody in junior high school. It was my newspaper advisor, her name was Joyce Robertson.

Daisy: You were on the newspaper? You can't spell.

Gus: I know, but I was able to spell Joyce. J-o-... J-Y-O... it doesn�t... whatever, she was hot. She was really, really hot.

Daisy: Yeah, but did you tell her how you felt?

Gus: Oh, hell no.

Daisy: Of course. See? Only I'm that dumb.

Gus: Would you stop that? Stop putting yourself down. You got a crush. You'll get over it just like I did.

Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I think I already am over it.

Gus: Oh, so quickly?

Daisy: Well, I mean, everything you said was pretty true. And, I don't know, I'm at a really weird time in my life with tomorrow and... okay, well this one looks good, right? You like Jack Black?

Gus: I like Jack Black.

Daisy: Yeah, I like him, too. He's different. Kind of like you.

Gus: I just hope I don't conk out before it's over.

Jeffrey: Hi. How are you doing? Well, that's quite a toy you've got here. ( Chuckles ) It's pretty complicated. You know, when I was a kid, we had just, like, some fake logs that you would build a log cabin with and maybe some tacks, a ball. That was about it. But I mean, it's good, it's good that you have all this stuff. Some people go on about how spoiled kids are today, but I think it's good to know that people care about you, right? It's good to know that people...

Olivia: ( Clears throat ) Hey, Em, you want to go play in your room for a little bit and I'll come in and check on you, okay?

Jeffrey: She's a cute kid. I wonder if... I wonder if Ava looked like her when she was...

Olivia: I wouldn't know.

Jeffrey: But just, you know, sometimes I wonder.

Olivia: What it would have been like if you knew? You're kidding, right? I mean, we didn't date, Jeffrey, we didn't fall in love and make out under the bleachers, or maybe you've forgotten how we got here in the first place.

Jeffrey: No, I didn't forget.

Ava: Would you leave me alone, okay? I don't want to get involved in this war between you and your father.

Alan-Michael: Don't decide now. Think about it a while.

Ava: I don't need to think about it. The answer is no.

Alan-Michael: You really hate me that much?

Ava: I don't hate you.

Alan-Michael: Then give me a chance. Think of your future. You want to be on the winning team, right? Alan is only going to hurt you.

Ava: Hurt me more than you? I doubt it.

Alan-Michael: I made a mistake.

Ava: I made a mistake. I made a mistake for caring for you in the first place, okay? I can't believe that I almost...

Alan-Michael: You almost fell in love with me. Yeah, hard to believe, isn't it?

Ava: Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to make me feel bad for you.

Alan-Michael: I am not trying to make you feel bad for me.

Ava: Oh, give me a break. You manipulated me from the first day you met me and I fell for it every single time. Well, not anymore. Okay, go find some other unsuspecting, naive girl.

Alan-Michael: Unsuspecting? Naive? Cut the act, Ava, you're far from innocent.

Ava: Excuse me?

Alan-Michael: You've had an agenda all along. Whatever I did to you, you were okay with because it was going to get you exactly where you wanted to go.

Ava: No.

Alan-Michael: Yes. You don't believe me? Just ask Coop.

Alan: I don't believe you got a cigar.

Girl: Thank you, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: You're welcome. Well, Rick.

Rick: Hey.

Alan: How about a cigar?

Rick: No thanks. What's the occasion? Rob the cradle day? But that's every day for you, isn't it?

Alan: You want a cigar?

Rick: No thanks, no thanks, I said no. But thank you anyway.

Alan: All right, suit yourself, but that's not going to stop us from celebrating. You see, I'm going to be a father again.

Rick: Where's male menopause when you need it?

Alan: Certainly not here.

Rick: No, I guess not.

Beth: Rick...

Rick: That's okay. It's all right. Listen, do you want to tell him, honey, or should I?

Alan: Tell him? Tell me what?

Beth: Rick, please, come on. I'll call you later and you can work this out between us.

Rick: Come on, she's being bashful. Go ahead. I'll do it, honey. I'll do it. Alan, Beth�s baby isn't yours. This little baby is mine.

Alan-Michael: You throw Coop away for me, and now I go in the garbage for Alan. Oh, a word of advice. The higher up you climb, the longer the fall is down. I hope you have a good parachute.

Rick: So when you were in your coma, Alan, it actually brought out the best part of your personality. Here, watch the handle. It's hot, just like your ex- wife. So let me catch you up. Let's see, while you were sleeping, Scorsese won an Oscar, the housing market cooled, and Beth and I tore up the sheets. The Beacon. Sometimes two or three times a morning, right, Beth?

Alan: Are you finished?

Rick: Finished with you. You used me. If that wasn't bad enough, you led me to believe I actually had a life with you. Who the hell are you? You're not even a shell of the woman I used to know. Not even close.

Beth: Rick, can we not do this now?

Rick: Why? Why, Beth, because you don't want to ruin this act you're pulling on this one right here? Is that it?

Beth: Look, I'm sorry if I led you on.

Rick: You led me to the bedroom with one purpose in mind. You know what, Beth? It didn't work. It didn't work. So put that in your cigar and smoke it.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here. I'll deal with this Ava stuff on my own, okay?

Olivia: Good. Me, too. We're not a team.

Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) No, we're definitely not a team. So you do your thing and I'll do mine.

Olivia: Good.

Ava: I don't know if this is a very good idea, but I... I need your help. I need your advice.

Olivia: What happened?

Ava: You're both here?

Jeffrey: Well I'm... I was just leaving.

Ava: No, please don�t. Maybe you can help me. You don't mind, do you?

Olivia: No.

Ava: I don't want to be one of those people who uses other people. Tell me how not to be!

Gus: Why hasn't Harley called? What time is it?

Daisy: Oh, it's late. She probably fell asleep with Jude.

Gus: I'm going to call her.

Daisy: Oh, but you already tried and you don't want to wake Jude up, you know?

Gus: My phone is off. That's why.

Daisy: Yeah, but Gus you probably shouldn't call this late.

Gus: Two messages? Uh-oh. I'm in trouble. No, she's definitely up.

Cassie: How's Jude?

Harley: He's still sleeping, but he's not warm anymore.

Cassie: Good. Do you want know help you make up your bed?

Harley: No, my dad already did it, believe it or not. ( Cell phone ringing ) Finally!

Gus: Yeah, I'm sorry, babe, my phone was off.

Harley: Are you guys still at the motel?

Gus: Yeah. Um... yeah. We're going to get to driving in the morning, though, because we have a lot more to go. But I'm so tired. It's, like, you know, I think it's going to be curtains for me.

Harley: How's Daisy? Any attempts to flee?

Gus: No, no, she's good. She's good. She's hanging in there. We're watching a movie. It has Jack Black in it. I don't know if I... I don't know, I'm just tired.

Harley: Yeah, you sound tired. Why don't you just get some rest, okay? I'm going to spend the night here at the boarding house, I think, okay, if you need to reach me? Are you still there? Did I lose you?

Gus: Huh? Yeah, I'm here. How's Jude doing?

Harley: He's asleep, but I think he'll be better by morning. Are you sure everything's okay? Daisy's not giving you any trouble?

Gus: No, she�s... she's great. You want to talk to her? You want to talk to your girl?

Harley: Uh... no. No. No, no, no, you guys just... you get system rest, okay? I love you. Bye.

Daisy: Gus? Hey, Gus?

Cassie: Everything okay?

Harley: Yeah, I think so.

Daisy: Well, would you look at this. This is better. This feels good, being close. Now, if you could only see me for who I am and not your little girl.

Beth: Look, I know that you're upset and I understand why. Rick said some terrible things.

Alan: Were they true?

Beth: No! No, of course not. Well, maybe partly.

Alan: Partly?

Beth: Well, it's not Rick�s baby. At least I hope that it's not.

Alan: So you did sleep with him.

Beth: Once or twice. Whatever. Look, I was devastated. You were the one that left me, remember? And I didn't know if you were going to wake up.

Alan: ( Laughs ) So you were grieving, Beth, is that it?

Beth: Yeah, that's right. I was upset. You could have died.

Alan: Yes, I could have. Then what would you have done?

Beth: Hey, I wanted to be your wife. I wanted to give you the child that you so desperately wanted.

Alan: Always thinking of others, aren't you?

Beth: Okay, fine. You caught me. But you know something? I don't have anything to apologize for. I did what I had to do to protect myself and the family. Now, I am giving you a child, and you would be a fool to throw us away.

Olivia: What did he say to you?

Jeffrey: Something about Alan?

Ava: He called me a ladder climber. Because of Alan-Michael and my position at Spaulding.

Olivia: Look, there's nothing wrong with that.

Ava: Yes, there is.

Olivia: No, I'm just saying-- you're good at your job, okay, but you're a woman and you're young and sometimes you have to use what you have...

Jeffrey: She's not a ladder climber, she's not a user.

Olivia: Not intentionally maybe.

Ava: So you agree with Alan Michael?

Jeffrey: No, she doesn't agree. You don't agree, right? Right?

Olivia: Right, right. He's lashing out, Alan-Michael, that's all.

Ava: Oh, yeah, he's good at that.

Olivia: Well, the nasty ones usually are.

Jeffrey: I should have done something the other day when I had a chance.

Olivia: Short of killing him you couldn't have done anything. I mean, she needs to make him stay away from her.

Jeffrey: How?

Olivia: I have a few ideas.

Jeffrey: Quitting her job would be number one.

Olivia: No! She's not going to quit. You like your job.

Ava: I don't want to quit my job. I like my job, okay? I just want to do my job and I want him to say away from me.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, good luck with that.

Olivia: If she plays the game better than they do, they'll have no choice.

Jeffrey: So swim with the sharks, is that your advice? Didn't you hear what she said?

Ava: Maybe this is a bad idea.

Olivia: Fine. We'll go another angle. We'll go another angle. Did Alan-Michael say anything to you? Did he threaten you?

Ava: Not in so many words.

Olivia: So he said something. Tell us what he said. We can go after him.

Ava: You know what, this was a really bad idea. It's time for me to leave.

Olivia: Where are you going?

Ava: You know what? I'm a big girl, I can figure it out on my own, okay? Thank you.

Daisy: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God, is he going to be okay?

Nurse: What do we got?

EMT: Smoke inhalation, breathing on his own. No wheezing.

Nurse: Vitals?

EMT: Bp is 134/88. Pulse was tacky, 02 sat was 85.

Nurse: Let's get him into room two.

Daisy: It's going to be okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. Oh, God, I want to go with him.

Harley: Want me to get you some more coffee?

Cassie: No, honey, I've got to get going.

Harley: Oh, you don't have to.

Cassie: Yeah, I do. It's late. Besides, things aren't getting any better. I think we'll have another chance for coffee.

Harley: Don't say that. I mean, the coffee's good.

Dylan: Harley, Cassie!

Cassie: Dylan, wow, hi. Are you staying with Reva?

Dylan: Yeah.

Cassie: Can I come visit you tomorrow? I've got to head home to R.J. right now.

Dylan: No, absolutely not. Definitely. Definitely.

Cassie: Good night.

Harley: I'll call you. Hey.

Ava: Oh, hey, Cassie.

Cassie: Ava.

Ava: I didn't even see you over there. I had work on my brain.

Cassie: Yeah, so I heard that Alan-Michael is out.

Ava: Yeah, and I decided to stay with Alan.

Harley: I didn't even know you were back in town.

Dylan: Well, I just got in.

Harley: How long are you going to stay?

Dylan: I was thinking permanently.

Harley: Permanently? Really?

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. You know, Minnesota�s really cold, and my dad... well, he offered me my job back at Lewis, so...

Harley: Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, there's no hope for you and Bridget at all?

Dylan: Well, she moved back to Michigan to be near her family which, you know, just saying that sounds weird. I mean, I was her family, but... anyway, I need a fresh start so... and Daisy's here, right?

Harley: Daisy.

Dylan: Is she here? I mean here, here?

Harley: No, she's not here, here. I should have called you, Dylan. I sent Daisy away.

Beth: So that's it, huh? You're finished with me, you're just going to kick me and the baby to the curb.

Alan: You know melodrama suits you very well, Beth.

Beth: Excuse me?

Alan: Come here. I knew I could count on you while I was away.

Beth: You're not mad at me?

Alan: No, not at all. You have brightened up my future more than I ever could have imagined. And I love you for that.

Beth: And what about Rick? What if the baby...?

Alan: The baby is ours. It's our hope and our new beginning.

Beth: Oh, Alan, I knew that you would understand.

Alan: Of course I do. Oh, Beth, I hope... I hate to have to go to the airport, but I've got to go.

Beth: I know. I know, but have a safe trip. You come back.

Alan: Oh, I'll be back sooner than you can imagine. I don't want to miss one day of this pregnancy. You've made me a very happy man.

Alan-Michael: Congratulations, Dad.

Alan: Thank you.

Alan-Michael: Another child for you to ruin. Another child to grow up and despise you.

Alan: On the contrary, Alan-Michael, this boy will be worthy of my love.

Alan-Michael: Ah. ( Laughs )

Olivia: I'm telling you, if we can get some dirt on Alan-Michael, we could squash him like a bug.

Jeffrey: I already have an investigator on it.

Olivia: Ava's on the inside.

Jeffrey: No.

Olivia: Why not?

Jeffrey: I don't want her involved.

Olivia: She is involved. This is about her, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: No.

Olivia: Fine! Then you take care of this, all right? You take care of it because I can�t. I can't do this. We shouldn't be in the same room together, not after what happened.

Jeffrey: I don't like it, either. But Ava is in trouble.

Olivia: For Ava I'll do it. But after we help her...

Jeffrey: It�s... it's over.

Cassie: Thank you. So Tammy liked you.

Ava: And I liked Tammy.

Cassie: Uh-huh. What does your new boss think --what does your new boss think about her... thought to ask him about that?

Ava: Cassie, you know, I don't know... I don't know what to tell you. I work for Spaulding Enterprises, but I don't condone what the family does.

Cassie: Interesting. Wow, that is interesting that you can separate the two. You know, kind of like with Alan-Michael and what he did to Josh.

Ava: What he did was wrong, but I didn't have anything to do with that.

Cassie: No. You know what? I don't blame you. I don't blame you, Ava, because everybody's got to work, right?

Ava: Cassie, I am not a bad person.

Cassie: Yeah, I know. I'm sure you're not.

Ava: I'll get a rag. Can you just grab a rag, please? Anything, that's fine. I just want to...

Alan-Michael: I don't care. Lie if you have to. I want my company back and you're going to help me get it.

Jeffrey: Hello, Alan-Michael.

Olivia: We're so glad you're here.

Ava: Hey, Coop, it's Ava. I just wanted to call and tell you that I'm really, really sorry that I hurt you.

Beth: Okay, don�t... don�t... don't shut the door.

Rick: Why are you here? Do you want another roll in the sack? Is that what you want?

Beth: Okay, okay, fine, I deserve that.

Rick: Beth, you deserve a lot more, but you don't want a real relationship, do you?

Beth: Doesn't our friendship mean anything to you?

Rick: Our friendship is over. It's over after what you did to me. But since you're here, Beth, I thought... well, I took the liberty of actually calling a lawyer friend of mine.

Beth: A paternity test?

Rick: Well, come on, you didn't think I was going to let Alan raise my child, did you?

Beth: Come on, Rick, we don't even know...

Rick: We will as soon as we get the amnio back. We'll find out. I'll see you soon.

Alan: Clarence, I want you to make sure that those annulment papers are on my desk by tomorrow morning. Just do it. Doris is not going to fight this. She doesn't want her daughter to spend ten to 20 years in prison.

Cassie: What a coincidence, Alan. I'm going to be exactly where you are.

Harley: I know I should have called you first. But she's spinning out of control. I had to act fast.

Dylan: Right. So boot camp, huh? Checked it out?

Harley: The guy who runs the program is a friend of my dad�s.

Dylan: Wow.

Harley: Yeah, wow. So what do you think? Are you okay with this?

Dylan: Yeah, I'm okay with it. I just wish you would have told me. I mean, I would have driven her there myself.

Harley: Well, she's okay. Gus can handle it. He can.

Dylan: Harley, I know he's your husband and I know you love the guy, but I just don't think that he's the perfect role model, especially for a girl with a drug problem.

Harley: He's clean. He's 100% clean. And let me tell you something, he's a good influence on her. Trust me.

Dylan: Okay. If you say so.

Harley: I do. I do.

Daisy: You saved me from that car when G hit Tammy and now it's my turn.

Nurse: Miss, there's a police officer to see you.

Daisy: What? What does he want?

Nurse: Is there anyone I should call?

Daisy: No, no, because... I mean, I'm his girlfriend. I'm all he has in the world.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Doris: You sound like you're giving up.

Ashlee: I want to give myself up.

Buzz: Ava, what can I get you?

Ava: Coop.

Buzz: And a side of bacon?

Alan-Michael: Kill me and get it over with. You and Josh can be cellmates.

Gus: Did I ever tell you what Daisy's trying to do?

Harley: What happened in that room?

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