Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/13/07
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Lillian: I hear you had an OB/GYN appointment.
Beth: Well, yeah I did.
Lillian: Is everything ok? Sweetie, why would you need to confirm that you are pregnant, didn't you already know that you were pregnant?
Beth: I thought that I was, only I wasn't, but now I am, so everything is fine, right?
Lillian: Well, that depends on who the father is.
Rick: Excuse me, excuse me.
Alan: My condolences, Doctor.
Rick: Who died?
Alan: Not me. Lucky for you. I seem to be the only patient you couldn't kill, not that you didn't try.
Rick: Welcome back, Alan, welcome back.
Alan: You're not even going to deny it?
Rick: Alan, if I wanted you dead, believe me, you would be dead.
Alan: Well, maybe you actually didn't try to kill me. But I know you would have been thrilled if I never woke up?
Rick: I can't argue with that. If I hadn't taken an oath, I would have let you die the night of your wedding.
Inmate: What, are you waiting for one of your two girlfriends?
Josh: You just back off.
Inmate: Our good friend, Vinnie Salerno says your wife is trying to get in and the other one is calling in every favor she's got.
Josh: Tell Salerno that she is none of his business, nor yours.
Inmate: You don't give the orders here now. Remember that Lewis.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: Don't tell me you've done everything you can for Josh. Jeffrey, I need to get in there.
Daisy: ( Whistles ) Nice.
Reva: Are you making fun of me?
Daisy: No, nope, you are the hottest grandma in Springfield.
Reva: Watch it.
Daisy: So why are you all dressed up?
Reva: I'm not, I'm just dressed to go see Josh.
Daisy: Again?
Reva: Yeah. So Billy is going to come by and keep you company. This is his place, right? What?
Daisy: Well, you're not even married to Josh anymore.
Reva: Well, when two people have been as close as we've been over the years, there is kind of a life-long connection.
Daisy: Hey, how do you know when it is like that soul mate connection. It's not just a crush. You're ready to take down anybody who says you shouldn't be together.
Reva: You just follow your heart and it will take you where you need to go.
Daisy: To love?
Reva: Love is the most important thing. Why are you asking me all of this?
Daisy: Just curious. Those are nice earrings.
Reva: Yes. Joshua gave me these after I gave birth to Marah.
Daisy: That's pretty romantic. They're beautiful.
Reva: They don't really go with this, do they?
( Knocking )
Daisy: I'll get it, it's the least I can do after you saved me from boot camp hell.
Harley: Hello, Daisy. Hello, Reva. Remember me, the mother.
Reva: Harley.
Harley: Daisy, will you please get your stuff. You're going where you should have gone two days ago. Thanks for nothing.
Daisy: No, I am not going...
Gus: Take a deep breath, okay?
Daisy: I don't want to spend six weeks in the forest. Forget it. You can't make me do that.
Harley: The decision has already been made.
Daisy: Yeah, by you. But I'm going to have to get whipped in shape-- or whatever the name is you use for torture.
Harley: Wow, what have you been whispering in her ear?
Reva: Just that everybody loves her.
Harley: She's right. It's true. I did speak to Mr. Payton, he told me he left Reva in your care after you took off out of his car.
Daisy: Yeah, and I'm staying with Reva.
Gus: Reva, you look very nice. Reva is probably going on a date. You don't want to tag along.
Reva: No, no, it is not a date.
Harley: Reva, I must have called you 20 times and you never told me Daisy was with her.
Reva: I know, I'm sorry.
Harley: So is keeping me in the dark part of looking out for her?
Reva: No. I just needed to figure out what was going on.
Harley: Right. Time's up. Get in the car.
Daisy: I'm not going.
Gus: Sweetie, you're going to get in the car like a family.
Reva: Wait a minute. Harley would you have wanted to be man handled when you were her age?
Harley: Maybe if I was man handled I would have gotten my life together a little sooner.
Gus: Ladies...
Harley: I think you and I are both in contention for absentee mother of the year. ( Cell phone rings )
Harley: Hello. A fever? How high? Of course, I'll be right there.
Gus: Who is it?
Harley: Jake's mother. Jude has a fever and he is crying and he wants to come home.
Gus: Where's Rick? You get Jude. I'm gonna run Daisy up to the school.
Harley: No, honey, it's too far.
Daisy: It's all right. I'll go with Gus. That's fine. I won't bolt or anything. I just need to get my stuff together.
Harley: Good, good. Great, fine. Just please hurry and get on the road.
Reva: Are you sure this is what you want? You're okay with it?
Daisy: Yeah.
Harley: Honey, I'm going to call Rick and see if I can bring Jude by the hospital. Just to be sure. And, guys, it's really bad out there. They say it's going to be foggy, if the driving gets bad, will you just pull over please.
Gus: Of course.
Daisy: Okay. I'll just be like five minutes.
Lillian: I understand perfectly you were faking that first pregnancy.
Beth: It didn't take. I wasn't sure.
Lillian: Dear God, you've become a Spaulding.
Beth: I am a Spaulding. I am Alan's wife-- or was.
Lillian: That's what it is all about. You're trying to snag him. Oh, dear God, Beth.
Beth: I want a family. What is wrong with that?
Lillian: With him? With him? He's a murderer. Think about Lizzie, she is so fragile. Think about James. Stop being so delusional.
Beth: This can work.
Lillian: Is Rick the father?
Beth: What?
Lillian: It's a logical question. It can't be Alan's.
Beth: It can be, and it is.
Lillian: You just want it to be.
Beth: I'm giving Alan this baby, no matter what. Alan and I were together after he came out of the coma. You can say what you want about him, he is a good father.
Lillian: You're admitting it might be Rick's child.
Beth: That isn't the point. I've made up my mind.
Cassie: Alan does not get to win, he does not get to take another child away from his parent.( Cell phone ringing ) Josh.
Alan: I'll take care of Dr. Bauer's bill.
Rick: You're not taking care of anything that's mine.
Alan: You know something, Rick, I feel the same way. So why don't you stop trying to steal my wife.
Rick: Doris? I'd rather date you.
Alan: No, you can have Doris. You and I both know we're talking about Beth.
Rick: You dumped Beth. She's turned to me.
Alan: Well, she has turned back to me. Because I and only I am the one who can give her what she needs and deserves.
Rick: I don't believe you.
Alan: Why don't you ask her. On second thought, why don't you stay away from her. She has already made her choice.
Rick: You blackmailed her, didn't you?
Alan: No, not at all. You see, Beth is a grown woman. She knows exactly what she wants. Her feelings for you are nostalgic, they represent the past. But her future is with me. So why don't you back off and hold onto that shred of dignity you still have.
Reva: Harley...
Harley: I have to go pick up Jude.
Reva: I just want to say good luck.
Harley: I'm sure he will be fine.
Reva: Actually, I meant Daisy.
Harley: I'm sure she'll be fine, too.
Reva: Well, you know what. You're going to have to find a way to gain that girl's trust--
Harley: How about you have your way with your children and I have my way with mine.
Reva: Well, your way doesn't seem to help.
Harley: Reva, we'll figure it out. You have a date?
Reva: I'm going to see Josh.
Harley: Pretty glamed up.
Reva: Well, I spent a lot of time in hospital robes last year. I want to look presentable.
Harley: You tell him we're all praying that Jeffrey will get him out of there.
Reva: You bet.
Harley: Reva, we both want the same thing.
Reva: You think?
Harley: We both want the people we love to be safe and happy. And we will both do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Gus: It's a dead end. Never mind.
Daisy: You look terrible.
Gus: Thank you very much.
Daisy: I mean you look tired, that's all.
Gus: I've been having the weirdest hours of work. And I'd love to go to bed every night after dinner, but that never seems to happen. And driving in this fog doesn't help. I was just hoping for a coffee shop.
Daisy: Hey, I can drive for a while. You want a break?
Gus: No, thank you very much. Not in this kind of weather. I just hope we make it to camp before lights out.
Daisy: Lights out? I don't want to make it there at all.
Gus: Well, you're going. It's just not going to be tonight. I'm going to find the front desk to ask if they have a room so we could get a couple hours of sleep.
Daisy: Are you kidding?
Gus: No. I wish I was.
Josh: Cassie...
Guard: No physical contact.
Cassie: Yeah, we know, we know.
Josh: Sit down. How are you?
Cassie: I was somewhere between a wreck and a mess when the guard told me earlier you wouldn't see me. But I'm a lot better now.
Josh: That's good.
Cassie: How are you?
Josh: Fine.
Cassie: Any of Vinnie's guys come after you?
Josh: No, no. That's not happening anymore. The guard is looking out for me. I'm not in danger. You need to put that out of your head.
Cassie: Are you kidding me? I wake up in the middle of the night worried someone broke your arm.
Josh: You have to stop. It's not right.
Cassie: You're darn right it's not right.
Josh: I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you.
Cassie: I love you, I worry. It's as simple as that.
Josh: It's not simple for me to see you like this, Cassie.
Cassie: Like what?
Josh: Someplace between a wreck and a mess. Cassie, it kills me to see what these visits do to you.
Cassie: It's all going to change...
Josh: You're letting my situation keep you from doing things you're supposed to be doing in your own world.
Cassie: Nothing else matters, Josh.
Josh: Everything else matters, Cassie. It does. You need to go see R.J. in his soccer games. You can't stop doing things to live your life, Cassie. You need to be there when he gets home. You need to be a mother to him. And you need to take care of yourself.
Cassie: I can wait until you're around again to worry about myself.
Josh: I'm not getting out of here anytime soon. And every time you come here... it's just got to change. That's all.
Cassie: What are you saying to me?
Josh: We need to take a break, Cassie.
Cassie: A break?
Josh: Yes. No more visits. Not for a long time.
Cassie: You can't mean that.
Josh: I do mean that. I've been thinking about it a lot. I can't sit here and watch while being here grinds away at you, Cassie. But if you're not willing to step back to save yourself, that's fine. Do it to save me.
Reva: Alan Spaulding, you look good for a dead man.
Alan: Thank you, Reva. I was just looking for you.
Reva: Really?
Alan: Yeah, I thought maybe you and I could go to Olivia's bar and have a drink, maybe.
Reva: And toast what? You getting away with murder.
Alan: I thought maybe we could catch up on things, compare notes.
Reva: I'll pass, thanks.
Alan: I understand that you and I had quite an adventure while I was comatose.
Reva: Well, it was something that had to be done. Be careful in the elevator, Alan. You never know what might happen.
Alan: Where you going, Reva?
Reva: Actually, I'm going to the state prison. I want to see Josh before the visiting hours are over. You know something? You're the one that should be wearing an orange jump suit.
Alan: That Josh is one lucky guy having ladies vying for his attention.
Reva: There must be some reason why you're still alive.
Alan: And I'll bet you're going to tell me.
Reva: Yes. I believe you have a mission to accomplish, and that mission is to clear Josh.
Alan: Try again.
Reva: He didn't shoot you, and you sure as hell better get him cleared out of that prison or you'll have me to answer to.
Alan: I'm terrified.
Reva: Well, you should be. Because I've got nothing to lose.
Harley: He's so sweet. I'm not going to wake him up. I think I'm just going to take him across the street--
Rick: That's fine. If he wakes up, make sure you give him other dose.
Harley: You sure that will help--
Rick: It's a virus.
Harley: It's been a hell of a night.
Rick: Do you really think this, what, a boot camp is going to straighten Daisy out?
Harley: You're telling me it won't?
Rick: Why don't you just try a public hanging. Boot camp?
Harley: I'm running out of options. Maybe the boot camp thing got blown out. But I don't have a handle on this kid and it's my fault because I'm not around.
Rick: Harley, you're here. It's got to count for something. I'll tell you, I wouldn't mind another crack at it, starting all over with a new baby.
Harley: Ooh! Is this you're way of telling me that you and Mel are going to give it a shot?
Rick: No, that's over.
Harley: She's too good for you, anyway.
Rick: Shut up.
Harley: Just kidding. But she is better than that brainless mess you have with Beth. What does she think?
Rick: Not much because she has already gone back to Alan.
Harley: See? I don't get it. What is it about her that makes men want to protect her all the time?
Rick: I don't know.
Harley: You're better off without her.
Rick: That's the logical way of looking at it.
Harley: Which you're going to ignore.
Rick: That's the logical thing.
Harley: It's more than that. It's just knowing when something is plain wrong.
Daisy: Oh, it's great.
Gus: Not bad. Sorry, it's the last room they had. There is not a lot of room or privacy.
Daisy: No, that's cool. We could hang a sheet across the middle of the room. What is that old movie they did that in? You know what I'm talking about. What's it called? The...
Gus: Yeah, I remember. It was... I don't remember. I don't know, I'm so tired I don't even remember what I remember.
Daisy: Wow, you must be pretty wiped out.
Gus: Yeah. I'm going to get us a wake-up call.
Daisy: Hey, Gus. I just wanted to thank you for going to so much trouble, you know, for me.
Gus: You don't have to thank me. We're family. That's what family is for. Believe me, at the end of the day, that's all you got is family.
Daisy: Yeah. Actually, right now, I feel like you're all I got. I'm okay with that.
Cassie: This isn't right. This is just not right.
Josh: Cassie, as much as I crave seeing you, even seeing you here in this place, every time you leave, it kills me. It makes it so much worse, more dead, more oppressive.
Cassie: Doesn't this mean anything to you?
Josh: It means everything to me, you know that.
Cassie: Well, then why?
Josh: I just can't continue to see you fading away like this. You need to be living your life, cheering on your son at baseball games, going out to dinner with friends, planting your garden-- anything that I can picture in my mind, that I can hold in my mind, that will say to me that you're going to get through this.
Cassie: You obviously have no idea how much I miss you.
Josh: I do. I see it in your eyes. I see it every time you come here. That's what makes it so hard. Listen to me now. I'm doing this to make things easier for us.
Cassie: Not seeing you is not easier, Josh. It's not easier for me.
Josh: Cassie, that ring... you reminded me of the other day of what that ring means, that we are together, and it's for the long haul. And that's exactly what I've been thinking about, the future. One day I will walk out of this place, and when that day comes, I don't want us to be spent, bitter shells of who we once were. I want us to be two people who still have the energy and the faith to love.
Cassie: Well, I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait until the future. I want it now.
Josh: So do I, but the fact is we have no idea when this is going to end. So right now, I need to protect us. It's the only way we can do this, Cassie. I'm ready to go back to my cell.
Cassie: No, no, Josh.
Josh: It's not forever, Cassie.
Cassie: No. It already feels like forever. No.
Josh: Cassie, I love you. Good-bye.
Gus: Hey, honey. Well, we didn't quite make it to the camp. It kind of got fogged out. So we got this little place. We're going to sleep here for a couple of hours and I'll call you in the morning. Give my love to Jude, and I love you. Okay? Okay. Good night.
Daisy: Jude probably made her sleep in the bed next to him or something like that.
Gus: Yeah. Are you hungry, I saw a little vending machine down the hallway.
Daisy: I could use a snack. Don't forget, get something salty and something sweet, please.
Gus: That's usually all vending machines have. All right. Good hands, good hands.
Daisy: Good throw.
Gus: I just can't take it.
Daisy: It's funny the connection that we have, you know? It's... Gus...
Gus: Hmm?
Daisy: Don't go to sleep yet. I got to tell... I got to tell you something. Before you leave me at that place tomorrow, there is something I need to tell you. It's really important. Hey, come on, listen to me.
Gus: Hmm. What?
Josh: Do I really look that bad?
Reva: That depends. Did Vinnie Salerno's guys jump you again?
Josh: No.
Reva: I thought Jeffrey was supposed to take care of you.
Josh: Reva, look...
Reva: Is it your job to make sure things stay in control around here? Isn't that what they pay you for?
Josh: It wasn't a fight, okay? I just sent Cassie away. I told her not to come back. It just feels like a beating.
Reva: How did she take it?
Josh: Not too good. But I can't have her walking down this road anymore, obsessing about me. She is not living her own life--
Reva: Well, she will whether she sees you or not.
Josh: She has to live her own life otherwise all of this is for...
Reva: For nothing.
Josh: Talk to her, make sure she understands.
Reva: I'll look after her, I promise, as long as you shave. I should go.
Josh: No. Stay, please.
Cassie: Stay away, don't visit. Sure, no problem. Going for a midnight snack, are you? Why shouldn't you? Really, you are eating for two.
Beth: Are you all right, Cassie?
Cassie: ( Laughs ) wow. That's about the stupidest question I've heard. What makes you think anything about my life is all right?
Beth: I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing.
Cassie: After what Alan did to me and my daughter and to the people I love? You know what, it would be a great accomplishment if I just felt lousy.
Beth: Cassie, I know you're in a lot of pain. But I truly believe Tammy would want you to--
Cassie: You want me to get on with your life. Is that the clich' you were going to give? Don't bother.
Alan: There you are, Beth. Shall we. Excuse me, Cassie. Oh, Cassie, tell Josh I said hello.
Harley: I can't believe I missed his call. Voicemail? He just called me. Hi, sweetie, it's me. I got your message, and very smart move pulling over. Thank you. I'm glad you guys are okay. Jude is okay, too. Rick said he'll be fine. So don't worry about him. And... just call me when you can. Okay? I love you. Bye.
Gus: Can we please just deal with this tomorrow? Is that okay?
Daisy: No, no, this can't wait.
Gus: Please.
Daisy: No, this can't wait because they're going to... they're going to lock me up tomorrow, and we're not going to get a chance to talk about anything, let alone this.
Gus: All right, wait, wait, wait. First of all, you are not getting locked up tomorrow. The idea is you go away for six weeks. You're supposed to go away to have some therapeutic time and come back home. Do you understand? Is that...
Daisy: I don't care-- no. I don't care about home, okay.
Gus: I understand you're pissed off at your mom. I get it. Just think of it this way, a little time will give you some perspective.
Daisy: My feelings towards my mom is not going to change-- not until she stops treating me like a total infant. My feelings towards you, though, those are definitely not going to change.
Gus: You understand that I have to side with your mom on this.
Daisy: Yeah, but, Gus, that's not what I want to talk about right now. Gus, what I want to talk about is-- I've never known anyone like you before.
Gus: I think you need to get some sleep.
Daisy: No. You're so strong and sweet and funny and smart, and you're so cute... oh, my God, you're just like so cute.
Gus: Daisy...
Daisy: No, but you absolutely get me. When you look at me, I feel like you're looking inside me.
Gus: Okay, okay. You should get into bed there, okay?
Daisy: No, Gus. Seriously, we have this amazing connection, we do. And I had no idea that this was going to happen, but I feel it. I feel it here and here, and here and here. I'm in love with you, Gus, and no one and nothing's going to change it.
Alan: Well, I'm certainly glad that Cassie didn't follow us in here. I didn't want to deal with a big scene.
Beth: Yes. She needs to get a grip.
Alan: A lot of people in this town need to get a grip.
Beth: I have something for you.
Alan: Really?
Beth: Uh-huh. Can you say Spaulding heir?
Alan: What?
Beth: It's real, Alan, look. We're going to have a baby.
Alan: Beth, this is--
Beth: Wonderful. After all of the horrible things that have happened.
Alan: This is good news?
Beth: How can you even ask that?
Alan: You want this? I mean, Beth, you and I are just starting to rebuild our trust and put together our relationship. To throw a child into the mix--
Beth: I'm happy.
Alan: You want this?
Beth: Yes. Yes, I do. I want to have a child with you.
Alan: You know how much it means to me to hear you say that. This child can finally help us get it right, and make up for so much of the wrong that's happened.
Beth: I want that.
Alan: Yes. This is the beginning of a new Spaulding era, Beth. Out with the old. We can get rid of so many people we don't need in our lives anymore.
Beth: Yes, yes, like Alan-Michael.
Alan: And Rick Bauer. Beth, we can have an incredible future, as long as we have each other.
Beth: That's exactly what I want.
Cassie: Come here.
Rick: What's wrong? What are you doing? What's wrong?
Cassie: Everything is wrong. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. You're going to want to hear this.
Rick: I'm not sure about that.
Cassie: I might not be able to help myself, but I might be able to help you.
Rick: What are you talking about?
Cassie: If you're not careful, you're going to be Alan Spaulding's next victim.
Rick: What do you mean by that?
Cassie: Beth is pregnant.
Rick: I know-- with Alan's child.
Cassie: She wasn't pregnant before. She was lying to Doris, but she isn't now. And there is a chance--
Rick: This baby could be mine.
Cassie: Uh-huh. But Alan is going to try to take it away from you, just like he took my baby from me. Rick, you cannot let Alan do that. You can't let him get away with it.
Josh: Have you ever felt like you were about to go crazy?
Reva: It is easier for me to count the times I didn't feel that way. It's horrible being in here, isn't it?
Josh: When I think about the days and the months and the years that I have ahead of me, stretched out before me, I think to myself, there's no way I'm not going to be able to make it.
Reva: Well, you get that out of your head.
Josh: I need help, Reva. I can't ask Cassie. It's too much for her. That's why I sent her away. That's how I know it was the right thing to do.
Reva: It was. Don't think about that. It was the right decision.
Josh: I just need to be able to see a familiar face, you know. Someone that I care about. That's what keeps me going.
Reva: You want me to try to set up another conjugal visit?
Josh: When I'm in that room, and it's private, and the guards aren't watching me and the inmates aren't staring at me, it gives me a chance to remember who I am, that I am Josh Lewis and not 07L2460. I realize I'm asking a lot for you to pretend to be my wife.
Reva: If it makes it better for you, then it's not a problem. It's not. Besides, I've played the role of your wife many times. I was pretty damn good at it if, I recall. What's one more time?
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: I will do whatever it takes to make sure things go smoother for you. Whatever you want me to do.
Josh: Thank you for standing by me.
Reva: Always.
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