GL Transcript Thursday 4/12/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/12/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by

Marina: Hey, Mallet, it's me. I'm not quite sure what time it is, but seeing how the sun's not in the sky anymore, I'm going to go ahead and assume that it's night time. Yes, I've been watching Cyrus Foley all day. I haven't seen him go into any banks or any of the money people that we have on file, so I'm just going to hang out here and wait and see if he shows... hold on. Hey!

Cyrus: Coffee?

Marina: You could have gotten yourself shot. What's in it?

Cyrus: Lots of cream, lots of sugar, just the way you like it.

Marina: You know, I'm only going to take this because I really, really need the caffeine fix. Stakeouts are exhausting.

Cyrus: This isn't staking, Detective, it's stalking. And I don't ever remember a woman going to such lengths for me. Oh! ( Laughs )

Olivia: Hey, Buzz? Buzz?

Buzz: Slow down, girl.

Olivia: Hi. Hi.

Buzz: Hi.

Olivia: You done with your shift?

Buzz: I own the place, I'm done when I say I'm done.

Olivia: Good. Then you call Harley, Coop, and Marina, all of them. Just get them over here as fast as you can.

Buzz: What's going on?

Olivia: Well, I think we should have a celebration.

Buzz: What are we celebrating?

Olivia: Well, you know, ever since I dissed that elopement plan, I haven't heard you talking about a wedding date.

Buzz: Well it's kind of tough to set a date when you don't know if and when the event is happening.

Olivia: You want it to happen, right?

Buzz: Marry you? More than anything in the world I want to marry you.

Olivia: Good, because I want to marry you.

Buzz: You do?

Olivia: Yes!

Buzz: Yes?

Olivia: Yes, and it was me. I messed up with the whole Jeffrey-Ava lying to you, not trusting you, and I didn't know if you could trust me and I don't want to hurt you and I didn't know if I could protect you and...

Buzz: Shut up, shut up, shut up! There's only one thing that matters.

Olivia: What?

Buzz: It's yes. Yes, yes to everything. Yes I'll marry you, yes I'll share my life to you. Yes, whatever you ask.

Olivia: ( Screams ) Thank you!

Buzz: There's one condition, though. We can't keep anything from each other. Ever, whatever it is. You ask me, whatever you want, I'll try to get it.

Olivia: Are you going to sing?

Buzz: Well, you do have that effect on me. Would you like me to sing?

Olivia: Maybe later.

Buzz: Okay. So no matter what happened yesterday, whatever happens tomorrow, you tell me. I'll understand. I'm good at that.

Jeffrey: Wow, you like it sweet, huh?

Woman: Like my men.

Jeffrey: Well, I guess that rules me out.

Woman: Not necessarily. You here alone?

Jeffrey: I'm... I'm very alone.

Cassie: Josh and I had all these ideas, you know, about how and where we would get married.

Reverend Rutledge: Well, you don't want to wait?

Cassie: No, no, I have to be his wife. I have to have the privileges so I can spend time with him alone.

Reverend Rutledge: Well, unfortunately things move a little slowly in prison.

Cassie: Apparently. I would appreciate whatever you can do. I mean, Josh hasn't said much to me, but I'm afraid that he's in a real danger in there.

Reverend Rutledge: Well, I'll be sure to look in on him whatever I get a chance.

Cassie: Thank you. I want him to know that he has something to hold on to, you know? I want him to know that I will never abandon him.

Reverend Rutledge: I'm sure he does. Josh is a very lucky man to have you in his life.

Cassie: Reverend Rutledge, for better or for worse, for... in sickness and whatever, Josh is my life.

Daisy: Oh, no, you're not giving me back to Harley, are you? She still wants to send me back to that boot camp.

Reva: You know, maybe that's exactly what you need.

Daisy: Don't even say that!

Reva: Oh, calm down. I'm just dropping you off at Billy�s. ( Knock on door )

Daisy: Oh, okay, so you can go visit Josh at the prison again.

Reva: No.

Daisy: Sorry, I mean, saw you looking at his picture this morning. It's pretty obvious that you were thinking about him.

Reva: You know something, you want to mind your own business? You've got enough on your plate, young lady.

Billy: Hey, my two favorite girls.

Daisy: Don't let them do it, Grandpa Billy.

Billy: Don't let them do what?

Reva: She's just being dramatic.

Daisy: Oh, I am not. Harley's trying to send me to boot camp.

Billy: Well, I think you're a little young to join the army.

Daisy: Billy...

Billy: Okay, okay, just Joshing. ( Laughs )

Daisy: There's that name again.

Reva: You, get in there and start doing your homework. I mean it. We'll talk about this in a little while.

Billy: What's this?

Reva: She's running wild in the streets and Harley�s trying to rein her in. I don't know, I haven't figured out the whole thing yet. That's why I'm here.

Billy: That's not what I'm talking about. Let me ask you one question.

Reva: What?

Billy: What the hell are you doing wearing your wedding ring?

Reva: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. Wait a minute. I don't believe I heard the recess bell ring.

Daisy: I've done all my studying.

Reva: No, you haven�t.

Daisy: Yeah, I have. I'm very bright, just misunderstood.

Billy: ( Laughs ) Oh, you've got to love the girl. You just got to love her.

Daisy: I'm also starving.

Reva: Are you hungry all the time?

Daisy: Oh, please, you want to drug test me? Do it when I get back. I'm going to go scam some free fries off of my other favorite grandpa.

Reva: Does Buzz know that you escaped jail?

Daisy: Probably. If Harley knows, that then he knows. But she's the only one I'm afraid of. Buzz won't be too hard on me. He has authority issues, too. So I'll be back in 15.

Reva: No, you make it ten, otherwise I'm going to hunt you down.

Daisy: Yes, ma'am.

Reva: What's that look, Billy Lewis?

Billy: I don't know. The way you're flashing the old ring around, I think you like the way it feels on your hand.

Reva: To tell you the truth, I keep forgetting that it's even there.

Billy: Oh, right. Right.

Marina: You're lucky I didn't just dump this down your head.

Cyrus: You're not that desperate to impress me, are you?

Marina: Desperate? ( Laughs ) No, no, no. In fact, I should be thanking you.

Cyrus: That's the spirit.

Marina: You just made my job a whole lot easier.

Cyrus: How so?

Marina: You are under arrest.

Cyrus: On what charge?

Marina: For hopping into a car with a cop who's looking for a collar.

Cyrus: You know, this is a clear violation of my civil rights. ( Cell phone ringing )

Marina: I don't know what to tell you. You're just going to have to talk to your lawyer about that.

Cyrus: Well, might as well make the most of it then. My first drive along with a super cop. Where to first, Detective? Drug bust on Fourth Avenue or, I know, nabbing the Springfield bandit?

Marina: Not quite. It's too bad you can't put your own seat belt on.

Daisy: Hi, Olivia. I'm so happy for you guys. He's pretty great, right?

Olivia: I think he is.

Daisy: I wish I could stay for dinner but...

Olivia: I'm sorry you can�t.

Daisy: Grandpa, fries?

Olivia: Your Uncle Frank is inside and I think I just heard him take a delivery order from Cedar's, and I think fries are involved. So he might be able to get them for you.

Daisy: And I could drop the delivery off on my way to Reva.

Buzz: Oh, here.

Olivia: Garbage?

Buzz: Drop this off.

Olivia: Nice.

Buzz: I can't wait to eat Chinese with you.

Daisy: Me, neither.

Buzz: You know, if Harley was anything like her when she was her age, Frank had his hands full.

Olivia: I like her.

Buzz: Well, she likes you. She thinks you're awesome.

Olivia: Really? Awesome? See, it's very weird. I'm not used to people being so nice to me all the time.

Buzz: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

Buzz: Well you're going to have to get used to it.

Olivia: Really?

Buzz: Yeah. You, too?

Frank: Okay, here you go, honey.

Daisy: Thank you, Uncle Frank. You are the best.

Frank: You're welcome. Listen, it would be nice if you stayed for the big pre-wedding dinner, you know?

Daisy: I know, I wish I could. I really am sorry, but next time, okay? I'm happy for them.

Frank: Yeah.

Daisy: They look so happy together. All right. Thank you and next we'll find you a girl, okay? My history teacher, she's pretty cute.

Frank: Really? Well, all right. Okay, listen.

Buzz: What?

Frank: How about I just crack a bottle of champagne, and let's get this party started.

Olivia: Well, after that move I say yeah, because we've got a lot to celebrate.

Cyrus: What are we doing here?

Marina: Will you be quiet, please? I have to assess the situation. Okay. Now, look, everyone looks really happy, which means that it's good news. They probably won't even notice I'm walking in with a boy in handcuffs.

Cyrus: If I'd known you were taking me out to dinner, I would have dressed in something nice.

Marina: This is not a date, criminal.

Cyrus: I love it when you call me that.

Marina: The only reason you're here and not down at the station is because...

Cyrus: You've got a thing for me and nothing on me.

Marina: Please.

Cyrus: Come on, Detective, we both know the score. The real reason you follow me everywhere I go.

Marina: Okay. Cyrus, whatever is going on in that little head of yours right now is so far from the truth.

Cyrus: Protest all you like, but I'm still here with you. Prove me wrong. Try staying away from me for one whole day.

Marina: Good idea. Because you know what? I'm even dumber than you think I am. Let's time and see how fast it takes you to go steal all of Matt and Vanessa�s money. Sorry. Let's get moving. I have things to do and then I need to take you in.

Cyrus: Wait, wait, wait. Can't we lose the cuffs? I promise you'll behave.

Marina: No, as soon as I uncuff you, you're going to take off running for the bank.

Cyrus: Maybe, maybe not. But how about we make a deal?

Jeffrey: Well, it might be nice if we knew each other's names.

Woman: I'm Barb.

Cassie: And he's Jeffrey. He'll call you. I need to talk to you.

Jeffrey: I'm kind of busy right now. You know, busy.

Cassie: Yeah, it's an emergency. Just leave your number at the bar and he'll get it. Jeffrey, I need you to look at these. Look at... look at this. Look at what they're doing to him in there. I need you to find a way to move him to a safer cell block or something, because the longer he stays in there Salerno will kill him or something.

Jeffrey: Okay. You know what? I'll call Mel and we'll do what we can. But you know, Cassie, in these situations we don't have very much pull. Okay, I'll do what I can.

Cassie: Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for Josh.

Jeffrey: Well, I lost the case.

Cassie: It's not the point.

Jeffrey: Well, it's the least I could do after everything that... well, you know, after everything I put you through, and after Tammy.

Cassie: Yeah, well, everything now will always be after Tammy.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. You know, I... I just want you be happy. And with you and Josh, well, if there was ever such a thing as true love...

Cassie: And I wish the same thing for you, you know? I do. I don't know if it will be with... what was her name again?

Jeffrey: Um, I forget. We were getting to that.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) You can do better, you know? I saw you the other day with Ava and Olivia. You could be a family man again.

Jeffrey: Olivia has nothing to do with this and, you know what? We can't stand each other and... and why am I telling you this? I don't want to talk about it.

Cassie: Thank you. I... I have to go. I have to see Josh. You'll do what you can.

Jeffrey: Of course, I'll do what I can.

Cassie: Thank you.

Billy: The ring won't come off?

Reva: Nope.

Billy: Is this the same ring you haven't had on since you and Josh broke up?

Reva: It's not what you think?

Billy: How would you know what I think?

Reva: You know what? Let me explain this to you Billy. Cassie was desperate to get some private time with Josh because she was worried about him because of his injuries.

Billy: Wait, whoa, whoa, injuries?

Reva: He's fine, he's fine, but he managed to get himself in the same cell block with Vinnie Salerno.

Billy: Oh, this is not good.

Reva: So Cassie�s trying to get him moved, but the only way to do that is get proof that he's being hurt, and Josh won't say anything in front of the guards or other the prisoners.

Billy: Of course not, it's too dangerous.

Reva: So the only way to get some alone time is with a conjugal visit.

Billy: Okay, wait. What does that have to do with the ring?

Reva: You know the rules of the conjugal visit?

Billy: Yeah, spouses only.

Reva: Right. Only Cassie and Josh aren't married.

Billy: Neither are you.

Reva: No, but the prison guards don't know that.

Billy: Oh, I see. You just put the ring on and then it's Reva Shayne Lewis, loyal long-time wife of her husband Josh.

Reva: You know what, Billy? This was Cassie�s idea, and it was a one-time thing, but now the ring is stuck.

Billy: You're sure it's just the ring?

Reva: I don't think you're getting the point here. This has nothing to do with my feelings for Joshua.

Billy: Okay, well, I'd feel a whole lot better if you'd get the ring off because then I'll know it has nothing to do with your feelings for Joshua.

Reva: It's stuck!

Billy: Reva, you've got to know that you're playing with fire here, okay?

Reva: Shaving cream. Maybe that will do the trick.

Frank: You know, I'm glad you two have finally gotten your act together because we really can't take much more of this.

Buzz: You can't take much more of this?

Frank: Yes, that is what I said. Anyway, Olivia, I'm probably going to have to give you a crash course here on Greek tradition because I'm sure pop, after the wedding, is going to take you over the Greece to meet the relatives and everything else.

Olivia: Really?

Buzz: You never know.

Olivia: Okay.

Frank: So, how are your donkey riding skills?

Olivia: I rode a pony once.

Frank: It's a little different. ( Laughs )

Olivia: I like ponies. Donkeys scare me. What else you got? Go ahead.

Frank: Well, there's going to be a lot of hugging and kissing from people that you've never met before and, well, you know how we fiery Mediterranean guys are.

Buzz: Fiery Mediterranean types? Frank?

Olivia: I'm a shy girl. I... I am. I really am.

Frank: Okay, then you know what? Good, I'm going to coach you here, okay?

Olivia: Okay.

Frank: It's going to go something like this. Stand right there. ( With accent ) Olivia! Welcome to the family! You so beautiful!

Olivia: Fiery Mediterranean men. Ooh! Ooh, fiery! Okay, fiery...

Buzz: Frank! Frank! Would you please?

Frank: What? ( Laughs ) Come on.

Olivia: We need to find you a nice girl.

Frank: I'm fine. It's my daughter you've got to worry about.

Marina: Just do what I tell you, please, and don't try to pull something stupid.

Cyrus: You mean like handcuff myself to you.

Frank: How did I know she'd walk in here with him?

Marina: Hey, guys. You remember Cyrus.

Frank: Oh, yeah, we remember Cyrus.

Cyrus: How's it going there, Chief? Good to see you again.

Frank: Is it?

Cyrus: Your daughter invited me to join you.

Marina: I'm sorry, I got your text message when I was still on duty. Congratulations.

Olivia: Thank you.

Marina: Cyrus, this is Olivia Spencer.

Cyrus: Hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Marina: She's taken, that's why we're here.

Frank: So, Marina, I didn't expect you to bring your work home with you.

Marina: Why don't we just eat?

Cyrus: Pretend I'm not even here.

Buzz: Glad you are here. Have a seat and I'll bring you some moussaka.

Cyrus: Thanks. You and this handcuff thing-- you really ought to explore that. Mind if I make a phone call?

Marina: I'm watching you.

Cyrus: Excuse me. Yeah, Didi, it's me. Your hubby's little redheaded friend is really cramping my style. Now, I need to get to that money, so you need to find a way to get her to cut me loose.

Jeffrey: Oh, what, is this a private occasion?

Cassie: I'm here to see Josh Lewis. My name should be on the list, Cassie Winslow.

Guard: I'm sorry, you can't see Mr. Lewis today.

Cassie: What are you talking about? It's a normal visiting day and I've never had a problem before.

Guard: Mr. Lewis left word that he doesn't want to see you.

Reva: Ooh! Whoo! Finally. For a minute I thought we'd have to use the jaws of life to get the thing off.

Billy: Hey, it left a nice dent on your finger, huh?

Reva: I get the symbolism of that remark, Billy, I do.

Billy: Darling, I'm really trying to figure out what the hell's going on.

Reva: I did this for Josh. It had to be done. You have no idea what Vinnie's guys did to him in there. He has these bruises and he can barely breathe. It was just... it was awful.

Billy: Okay. Okay.

Reva: I think he's scared, Billy, I do, only he just... he won't admit it. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and...

Billy: And what?

Reva: Make him better. Make him... just make it better for him.

Billy: Darling, that's what we all want. But that's Cassie�s job now. That's the reason that he's in there. Look, I just want to make sure you're not confused on this.

Reva: I'm not confused!

Billy: Good, because you're the one that drove them together in the first place.

Reva: I know! I did that to protect him from having to go through what I was going through, not because I ever stopped loving him.

Billy: There! There! There, now you said it!

Reva: Yes, okay! Okay, it's out there! Believe me, I tried to push all these feelings away, but I guess just being there at the trial and watching him go through that...

Billy: You want him back, even if he's with your sister, right?

Reva: I don't think I can fight this feeling anymore. I just don't think I can do it.

Billy: How many times did I say this? I went crazy trying to tell you that you were supposed to tell him about the cancer, you were supposed to include him right from the beginning because you were going to want him back. But darling, it's too late now. No, it is. You can't do that. And sweetie-- look, look-- you've got to back away before you do something that you're going to regret.

Reva: ( Laughs ) Yeah. Like kiss him? ( Sighs )

Cassie: Maybe you have the wrong list? Or... I don't know, the right name and the wrong... I'm not sure but I can promise you that Josh Lewis wants to see me. It's not possible that he doesn't want to see me, so there's got to be a mistake here.

Guard: Ma'am, there's been no mistake.

Cassie: But I'm his...

Guard: Are you his wife?

Cassie: No, but I am his sister-in-law and I really need to see him.

Guard: I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave.

Cassie: Wait a minute. Something is going on here. Did you do something to him? What happened to him? Get your hands off of me! Fine. You know what? Just... for now, just give this to him. Would you just give this to him?

Reva: You ever see that show where the guy gets locked up to save his brother in prison?

Billy: I already offered to get Josh out of the country and we're not talking about me here.

Reva: I know the way you're looking at me, all squinty eyed.

Billy: Yeah, well, I'll tell you something, I can't be squinty eyed enough.

Reva: It was impulsive. It wasn't planned, Billy.

Billy: Darling, I hope you don't think that that makes it any better.

Reva: It was just a kiss.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, it was kiss. It was just a kiss for my brother. But for you it was something real, wasn't it? Tell me that it wasn't something real.

Reva: Yes. Because when I was in that room with him, I felt like it was real and when we were in that kiss I felt like I was his wife again-- supportive, comforting, fighting for him as his partner the way he used to fight for me.

Billy: Okay, darling, but those days are over and they can't come back again. Now, you've got to move forward from where you are, not from where you would like to be.

Reva: No, he needs someone. He needs someone strong.

Billy: Okay, he's got Cassie.

Reva: No! She's a mess with a kid she needs to take care of, okay? Not the mention the fact that she's still mourning Tammy.

Billy: Okay, and you're mourning Jonathan and Sarah.

Reva: That's different. I'm tough.

Billy: Darling, it is not your call.

Reva: He needs me.

Billy: Did he sat that? Did he say "I need you, Reva. I don't need Cassie, the girl I'm going to marry"?

Reva: No, because I was concentrating on his injuries.

Billy: Did he say that?

Reva: Not in so many words.

Billy: Okay then, back off.

Reva: Why would he kiss me like that? Huh? You weren't there. Some women wait their entire lives to be kissed by a man that way.

Billy: Okay, maybe he needs you. Maybe he even confides in you because you're not together. But the truth of the matter is, Reva, that he is going to jail for a long time to protect the woman that he loves and that is not you. I know it hurts, but it's not you. ( Cell phone ringing )

Reva: It's Cassie. Hello?

Cassie: They turned me away, Reva. I went to the jail and they wouldn't let me see him.

Reva: Wait, slow down. What's going on?

Cassie: I went to the jail. I went to visit Josh. When I got there, they turned me away. They said my name was on some list of people the inmate didn't want to see.

Reva: And they didn't give a reason why?

Cassie: No, they gave me no reason. So I think something bad happened to him. I think that Salerno beat him up again or worse, I don't know.

Reva: Yeah. Meet me at Co2, I'm on my way. They won't let Cassie in to see Josh and she's worried that he might have been hurt again.

Billy: You don't look like you think he's been hurt.

Reva: I don�t.

Billy: No? Why?

Reva: Because Josh made the decision that he needs to put some distance between them.

Billy: Between him and Cassie? I don't believe this.

Reva: Yes, because Cassie�s pushing for a wedding and the last thing I want to see is them get married in prison.

Billy: Oh, right, of course, the last thing you would want to see.

Reva: It was Josh's idea.

Billy: Yeah, and you're going along with it, but maybe not because you think it's the best thing for them.

Reva: That's not true.

Billy: Well, darling, then let them be happy. Let them get married. Wish them well.

Reva: Watch Daisy for me, will you?

Billy: Yeah, sure. Reva, this is going to hurt. I don't want you to be afraid, but sooner or later, believe me, it's going to hurt. Let Josh go.

Frank: You're welcomed here.

Jeffrey: Thanks, but I really didn't know that this was a private affair and I wasn't invited, so...

Olivia: Maybe you should go.

Jeffrey: I should go. I just wanted to get some coffee, anyway.

Olivia: They have Co2... coffee at Co2.

Jeffrey: I'll go to Co2 to get my coffee.

Olivia: We're having a family dinner.

Buzz: It is sort of a family dinner. But then you would qualify, wouldn't you? And after all, you're the father of her daughter, right? That's family enough for me.

Jeffrey: Buzz, that's all right, you don't have to. I just wanted to...

Buzz: Get a cup of coffee, right? Look, we've had what-- how should we put it-- a few run-ins the past couple months and I'd like to make amends, bury the hatchet.

Jeffrey: I... I don't know what to say.

Buzz: You know, you're such a complicated guy. Every time I think I have you pegged, you prove me wrong. And in trying to clear Josh, that's a big deal in my book. I mean, fought valiantly in a losing cause but you stood up for him, you didn't back down. I'm ruining the mood around here. Sit down. Come on, let's celebrate.

Frank: Absolutely. Nothing like a nice Cooper family celebration.

Jeffrey: Okay. So where are the rest of the Cooper�s?

Frank: Oh, they'll trickle in.

Olivia: Well, I would like to make a toast. To the Cooper�s, present and not yet present. Thank you for making me feel a part of your family. It's not something that I take for granted. And I know how much you love Buzz and I can promise you that I love him as much as you do. And I know that I'm lucky and all I want to do is to make him happy. And to you, sweet man, you understand me better than anyone on this planet, which is saying a lot. And you've given me more chances than I deserve to get things right. You've shown me how to appreciate all the little things, you know, not just the big. And you've always, always made me feel worthy and wanted, even at times when I think... I think I didn't deserve to feel that way. So thank you. Thank you for being so great with my little girl. Both my little girls. They're lucky to have a father like you. And I am even luckier to have you in my life.

Marina: Okay, get a room.

Cyrus: The rest of your family is so affectionate. What happened to you?

Frank: Kind of gives us guys hope, doesn't it, Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Hope. Well, I want to thank you for inviting me to share in this wonderful moment of yours and I wish you all the health, happiness and love that this world has to offer. And I really have to go.

Buzz: Thank you.

Cyrus: Before you go, I wanted to ask you about retaining the services of a lawyer.

Jeffrey: Why, do you need one?

Cyrus: I might. How much do you charge?

Jeffrey: That depends on how much I like you.

Cyrus: I'm a fairly nice guy.

Marina: He'll give you a lot of work, don't worry.

Jeffrey: Well, in that case, contact my office. And I really must go now. And I really do wish you both all the happiness in the world.

Buzz: I appreciate that.

Frank: Take it easy, Jeffrey.

Olivia: I have to talk to him about Ava. I'll be right back.

Buzz: Go.

Olivia: Hey.

Cyrus: It's an honor to be part of such a special occasion. Lovely woman you're marrying.

Buzz: Thank you. I think so, too.

Cyrus: And what's his name?

Buzz: O�Neill.

Cyrus: Yeah, he's the family lawyer?

Marina: No. Our family doesn't get into that much trouble, do we? Family cleaner, family doctor-- I think that about covers it.

Frank: You need a lawyer, Cyrus? Why's that? Is it for a specific charge or a retainer type of thing?

Cyrus: Well, it's not what I've done as much as it's someone else. But I probably shouldn't say.

Marina: Yeah, you should probably keep your mouth shut.

Buzz: I got a bit of advice. You know, when she looks like that, don't mess with her, okay? So run it past us. What is it? Maybe we can help.

Cyrus: Well, there's this person, and this person just won't leave me alone. I mean, day and night, every time I turn around, there they are, staring me down, threatening me, dogging my every step.

Buzz: You've got a stalker.

Cyrus: Yeah, it's awful, isn't it? The thing is, you don't need the bring them in. They're already in, every day in your station house.

Frank: My station house? What, you got a cop stalking you?

Cyrus: And if you don't mind me saying so, a very pretty one.

Marina: Well, he's just a barrel of laughs, isn't he?

Daisy: I didn't think anyone actually lived in a hotel.

Billy: Well, this is more like a kind of a condo.

Daisy: Still, 24-hour room service? Very cool. And you have a lot of room.

Billy: Yeah, I do.

Daisy: Yeah, I mean, you have the adjoining room, the bathroom.

Billy: Yup.

Daisy: You know, I was thinking....

Billy: No.

Daisy: You didn't even hear what I have to say.

Billy: No.

Daisy: Stop it.

Billy: ( Laughs ) Okay, what were you going say?

Daisy: Well, I was going say that maybe I could stay here.

Billy: No.

Daisy: Grandpa Billy.

Billy: "Oh, Grandpa Billy." You're going to use the old Grandpa Billy line because you want something from me, but I'm much too old and much too smart to fall for it, so no.

Daisy: If you really love me, you would...

Billy: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. "If you really love me" line's not going to work, either.

Daisy: Well, then, fine. I'll just go off to that boot camp. Will that make you happy?

Billy: No. No, darling I love having you around here. I'd do whatever I could to make you stay.

Daisy: Well, does that mean no boot camp?

Billy: Well, Harley�s your mom. Tell you what, I'll talk to her and I'll talk to your dad, too, how's that?

Daisy: Thank you.

Billy: Okay.

Daisy: You must miss him. My dad, I mean.

Billy: Well, I miss all my kids-- Melinda, Bill and your dad.

Daisy: You know, I worry about him, just because, you know, with all the stuff with Bridget, he's pretty sad.

Billy: Well, you know, it's tough when things end and you think they're going to go on forever.

Daisy: Yeah, don't I know it?

Billy: What do you know about forever?

Daisy: Yeah, I guess not much. But I still am worried about him, you know?

Billy: Well, I'll tell you something, you are a good daughter.

Daisy: Yeah, right. Tell my mom that, why don't you? I'm trying so hard with her. So you would like to have Dylan around, right?

Billy: Just tell me, what is it you know about his plans that I don't know?

Daisy: Nothing. I'm just saying.

Billy: "I'm just saying." You're more and more like your grandmother every day.

Cassie: Thank you for coming so quickly.

Reva: What's up?

Cassie: I don't get it. The guard said that Josh said he doesn't want to see me. Why would he do that unless he's been hurt again and he doesn't want me to know about it?

Reva: Cassie, there's something I have to tell you. I think that Josh is all right.

Cassie: How can you be sure?

Reva: Because we had a conversation when I went to see him.

Cassie: Yeah, and?

Reva: He saw how upset you were when you visited him the last time.

Cassie: Well, of course I was upset. He'd been beaten up, Reva.

Reva: Josh thinks that maybe...

Cassie: He thinks what? He thinks what? He thinks I can't handle it? Reva, I am a lot tougher than any of you give me credit for. I had no one most of my life. I can help Josh and still take care of R.J., okay?

Reva: He just... he loves you, Cassie, and he doesn't want to see you suffer.

Cassie: Well, then, you need to go back in there.

Reva: No.

Cassie: Yes. You need to go back in there on another conjugal visit, Reva.

Reva: No, I don�t.

Cassie: No?

Reva: No, no, I'm sorry, but I can�t.

Frank: Excuse me. Can I talk to you for a second, honey?

Marina: Sure. What's up?

Frank: What are you doing?

Marina: I'm doing my job and celebrating my grandfather's wedding all at the same time. I'm a multitasker.

Frank: No, you're getting a little too attached to this guy.

Marina: Attached? Are you kidding me? I cannot wait to be unattached.

Frank: I'm not buying it.

Marina: Oh, my God. No, please, I can not stand the guy.

Frank: Last time I said that to a woman, I ended up marrying her.

Marina: Speaking of getting married, you should get married. We need to find you a good girl.

Cyrus: Hi, beautiful, I missed you.

Marina: I think that you should take my grandfather's advice. Don't mess with me.

Cyrus: I'm just putting it out there. You've been following me for days.

Marina: Okay, Cyrus, that is because you are a criminal. And I'm not going stop doing my job until you've paid for what you've done.

Cyrus: What have I done that you can prove?

Marina: I'm going clear the dishes.

Cyrus: Ow. Police brutality. Nice.

Marina: Dad, will you please keep an eye on him? And if he tries to flee, shoot him.

Jeffrey: I really didn't mean to barge in on your party.

Olivia: Yeah, lis... okay, listen. We just... we need to set some things straight.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Olivia: I wasn�t... it wasn�t.

Jeffrey: It wasn't anything. It was nothing.

Olivia: No, I just wanted to make sure that you knew it was nothing.

Jeffrey: Trust me, I know.

Olivia: I don't think I will trust you.

Jeffrey: Okay, I understand. But to tell you the truth, I wasn't really even thinking about it until you just brought it up right now.

Olivia: Good. Because I love Buzz and you are just a reminder...

Jeffrey: You don't have to say anything else, okay?

Olivia: Good night.

Cyrus: Date's over. Time to pay up.

Marina: Forget you.

Cyrus: No, a deal's a deal. I play nice and you kiss me at the end of the play date.

Marina: Cyrus, I would never kiss you in a million...

Billy: Hey, sweetie, you don't have to do that.

Daisy: Oh, no, no, I want to help out. I want to be a part of this family like with my dad.

Billy: Tell me, what is it that you kind of want for your dad?

Daisy: You know, I'm not sure. I mean, what are you supposed to do when someone's marriage breaks up? I just feel like he's lost right now, like he really needs his family.

Billy: Yeah, well, that makes sense. It's no fun to be alone.

Daisy: No. Are you sad that you're alone?

Billy: Oh, I'm not alone. I got you and your grandma.

Daisy: Yeah, but I mean, don't you want someone, like, special?

Billy: ( Laughs ) Enough of that. We were talking about your dad.

Daisy: Yes. Yes, we were. And, I mean, don't you and Reva want him around? I mean, especially Reva. You know, because she's missing Jonathan so much.

Billy: Well, yeah, I'd like him around. I'm sure she'd like him around. Hey, family's kind of thin these days and, you know, maybe your mom would even like him around to have her help out with her favorite girl?

Daisy: Yeah, yeah. Where is Reva, anyway? I heard you two going at it before.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, wait...

Daisy: You two, sometimes I think that...

Billy: Wait, wait. We were just having a little adult argument, that's all.

Daisy: About Josh?

Billy: How did you know?

Daisy: I know what it feels like to love someone you can't have.

Cassie: I talked to Reverend Rutledge about moving ahead with the wedding, Reva.

Reva: I really don't think that I should have anything...

Cassie: I need you to do this for me.

Reva: It's not that I don't want to help...

Cassie: I realize that that it must be difficult to see him. I know it's difficult to see him in that awful place and to feel him and how much he's suffering.

Reva: Then why don't we just do what Josh wants and...

Cassie: Because what Josh wants isn't what's best for him. Now, I get that this is awkward and weird for you to pretend to be his wife, okay? It's awkward and weird for me, too, believe me. But I'm begging you-- I'm begging you-- to do this for me, Reva. Do it for me. Do it for Josh. Please.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: You'll do it?

Reva: I will. Of course I will. If it's what you want me to do, I'll do it.

Cassie: Thank you.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Lillian: So you're admitting it might be Rick's child?

Alan: Why don't you stop trying to steal my wife?

Cassie: What are you saying to me?

Josh: We need to take a break.

Baby, you look very nice.

Reva: I'm going to see Josh.

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