GL Transcript Wednesday 4/11/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/11/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by

Inmate #2: A little jumpy, Lewis?

Josh: Vinnie. ( Coughing ) How you doing, Vinnie?

Salerno: How's the view from there, Lewis? Maybe you ought to stay down.

Guard: Salerno, Lewis, what's going on here?

Josh: It's okay. It's all right. I just fell. In fact, Vinnie here was helping me up.

Salerno: Do unto others.

Guard: All right, you, come with me.

Josh: Where we going?

Guard: You'll find out when you get there. What happened back there?

Josh: I tripped.

Guard: I saw you when you first got here, Lewis. I'm looking at you now, and you don't look so good.

Josh: Like I said, I tripped.

Guard: You're going in here. Conjugal visit.

Josh: That's not possible.

Guard: Why not?

Josh: I just assume it takes a while to arrange something like this. There must be some mistake.

Guard: Well, I guess your wife was very convincing.

Josh: My wife?

Reva: Hi, Bud.

Mel: Can I get three coffees, please? Thank you.

Reva: So, what did I miss?

Cassie: Nothing. I just got here myself. Okay, Mel...

Mel: So Jeffrey and I have been on the phone with the state officials all morning, and, well, the bottom line is, just a base suspicion that Josh is in danger isn't enough to get him transferred to a safer...

Cassie: Mel, this is not just a vague suspicion. I mean, someone beat him up. He can barely walk. If a doctor could examine him...

Mel: I believe you, Cassie. It's the people in charge that we have to convince. Now, without proof, they're just going to think you're some girl trying to get her con boyfriend an easier ride. The best witness in Josh's defense would be Josh himself, but he is not willing to cooperate so my hands are tied.

Cassie: So that brings us right back where we were last night, which is, the only way Josh is going to admit to me what is going on with him is if I can be alone with him where no one can overhear us. And the only that's going to happen is on a conjugal visit.

Mel: Which can't happen because you're not married.

Cassie: Right. So Josh and I have to get married immediately.

Reva: Cassie, if he doesn't tell you what's going on now, what makes you think he's going to tell you when you're alone with him?

Cassie: He'll tell me. Don't worry, he'll tell me. Okay, so I should bring a camera, right? I mean, I should get pictures of his injuries?

Mel: Cameras are not allowed inside.

Cassie: Well, then I'll just have to find a way to sneak one in.

Mel: I didn't hear that.

Cassie: Okay. So that's the plan. Josh and I will get married as soon as possible.

Cassie: Well, that's not going to work, we need to... Okay. So what about if I come down there and I fill out the paperwork in person? Will that expedite the process? Thank you.

Reva: It doesn't sound like good news.

Cassie: There's a waiting period to marry an inmate. First you have to go to the department of corrections and they have to approve the request. And the warden has to approve the request.

Reva: Sounds like it could take a while.

Cassie: Damn. I thought, you know, I thought I could marry Josh today or tomorrow. At this rate, it's going to be another month at the earliest, and who knows what he could go through between now and then.

Reva: You know, we must be able to find some way around the waiting period. There's got to be a way.

Cassie: I am open to suggestions.

Reva: Jeffrey. Jeffrey can pull strings. Or Mallet, he must still have contacts.

Cassie: I tried them. They tried.

Reva: Okay. Well, if you can't marry Josh as soon as you would like to, then we've got to figure out another way to get you alone with him so you can find out what is going on.

Cassie: But there is no other way. I have to be legally married to him.

Reva: Hey, you know what? What about Reverend Rutledge? Hey, you know what, I mean, Josh could have a private meeting with the minister. That's possible. Why wouldn't that work? What.

Cassie: Look, you're right, it has to be somebody who can have a legitimate one-on-one time with him without raising suspicion. I got it, Reva. I know what we're going to do.

Reva: We're divorced.

Cassie: Yes, I know that, but the warden won't.

Reva: It's a case of public record. All they have to do is check the court records.

Cassie: Yeah, I know, but I mean, realistically, what are the chances of them doing that? This is the government. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Look, I know what I'm asking of you.

Reva: Do you?

Cassie: I'm asking you to save Josh.

Reva: What are you doing?

Cassie: I'm going write Josh a note and have you bring it to him.

Reva: Cassie, Josh's trial was all over the news. I testified as his ex-wife, not his wife. Someone in the prison is bound to remember that.

Cassie: Okay. Okay, so, Reva, you just say that the divorce didn't happen at the last minute. You reconciled, you realized you love each other, and you want to give it another try. It's not like it's the only time you've ever lied, Reva.

Reva: Nice.

Cassie: I'm just saying, all those months when you had cancer.

Reva: I got it. You know, I've got it, all right.

Cassie: Okay. Well, so, you did that to help Josh. Why not this?

Reva: Can you really be so naive, Cassie, that you don't see what the problem is with this?

Cassie: Reva...

Reva: No. I want to help Josh, really, I do. Because I hate the idea of him being locked away in that prison, being threatened and hurt. But to actually pretend that we're not divorced, and to actually tell someone that we're still married, that I'm still his wife.

Cassie: It's just pretending. Look, okay, you want me to be honest, Reva? I'll be honest. You are the last person I want to go in there and pretend to be Josh's wife, but you're also the only person I want doing it. And you're the only one who can. Josh is the best man either one of us has ever known, and right now his life is at stake.

Nobody else can make me happy no one can hurt me like you do

you are the only that matters there you are love had me wrong

left me alone, thinking of you you and I were created...

Warden Powell: Photo I.D.

Reva: Yes.

Warden Powell: You're requesting a conjugal visit with your husband? It's strange, but I swear I read somewhere that you and Mr. Lewis are divorced.

Reva: Oh, yeah, well, we were headed that way, you know, and then at the last minute, we changed our minds. You mean, you can see the divorce decree there was never actually filed.

Warden Powell: Why?

Reva: Why what?

Warden Powell: Why did you change your mind?

Reva: Well, we decided that we wanted to try to work things out. Josh and I have known each other since we were kids. You know, we actually grew up together, been through a lot of ups and downs over the years. We were married and then we were divorced. And then we were remarried and then remarried and remarried, but the bottom line is we always end up together because we love each other deeply. I mean, there is no one else who has the kind of connection that the two of us...

Warden Powell: Give me your purse.

Reva: Well, the guard's already searched it, actually. Yes, ma'am.

Warden Powell: Who's Cassie?

Reva: I'm sorry?

Warden Powell: Cassie, who is she?

Reva: My sister, why?

Warden Powell: That's what I thought. Your sister visited Mr. Lewis yesterday. And now she is writing him a note, a love note that you're delivering. I'd like an explanation for this, Mrs. Lewis, and it better be good.

Reva: Give me that! I can't... can you... this is... here... my sister was here visiting Josh? She came here without telling me. That little witch.

Warden Powell: You're telling me you didn't know that note was in your purse?

Reva: She invited me out to lunch before I drove up here. She must have slipped it into my purse while I went to the restroom. I cannot believe how desperate she is!

Warden Powell: You think your sister has designs on your husband?

Reva: Oh, I don't think. I know! Believe me, let me explain something, warden: I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. And I thought I only had a few months to live. And I wasn't really thinking rationally. So I started feeling a little sentimental, and generous, and I thought why shouldn't Josh and Cassie have each other after I was gone. So I pushed the two of them together. ( Laughs ) And then I lived! And, and then, you know, I thought after that I want my husband back. And he wanted me, too.

Warden Powell: That's why the divorce.

Reva: It never went through. We stopped it, right. But my sister, she just can't seem to get the message. She's not subtle about it, either.

Warden Powell: Your own sister?

Reva: Yeah, can you believe that, that my sister would do something like that?

Warden Powell: Oh, I can believe it. My best friend made a play for my husband a couple of years back.

Reva: And she's still your friend?

Warden: Hell, no!

Reva: ( Laughs )

Warden: Good luck today.

Reva: Thank you, thank you. So how soon before I can see Joshua?

Warden Powell: Well, it usually takes a week for the paperwork to go through. But given your situation, I'll make an exception. You can see your husband today.

Reva: Thank you, thank you. Hi, Bud. I've missed you so much.

Guard: You've got an hour.

Josh: I don't understand. Why are you here?

Reva: They didn't tell you?

Josh: No.

Reva: Joshua, you and I have a conjugal visit. ( Laughs )

Josh: I'm glad you're amused, but I'm not sure Cassie would be.

Reva: This was Cassie's idea.

Harley: Hey.

Cassie: Hey, Harley.

Harley: I'm so glad to see you. I've been wanting to call you, but I've been absolutely consumed with Daisy. And I wanted to talk to you. How are things? How did the visit go with Josh?

Cassie: Awful, just awful. That place...

Harley: I know. I know.

Cassie: And on top of that, someone has come after him, Harley. Someone hurt him.

Harley: What?

Cassie: Yes.

Harley: All right, if there is anything I can do for you, anything, you let me know. Because you can lean on me, Cassie.

Cassie: Well, since you bring it up.

Reva: Cassie's worried about you. She saw you in pain, I guess. She wanted to be here herself, but it was spouses only.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: I know. I'm not your spouse anymore. However, the prison officials don't know that. And we had to find a way to see you alone so that you could talk freely. Joshua...

Josh: What?

Reva: You don't look good. You lost that sparkle in your eye.

Josh: I'm fine.

Reva: Cassie thinks that someone is causing trouble for you, that they're roughing you up.

Josh: I know. She misunderstood.

Reva: Did she?

Josh: Yes. I took a little bit of a fall, that's all. I'm bruised.

Reva: Really? A fall? When? How?

Josh: They were, um, cleaning out the hallways and there was water on the floor, and the towels were slippery. I came around the corner and my feet went out from underneath me.

Reva: You can do better than that.

Josh: It's the truth, Reva. Have you had a chance to see R.J. at all?

Reva: Take off your shirt so I know you're not , myself.

Josh: Reva, I just told you I took a fall. And I'm hurt, so there are bruises.

Reva: Right. Let me see.

Josh: No. Reva, I'm fine.

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: We don't have much time in here. Let's not waste it, okay. I'm fine, and Cassie should not be worried about me. See. I got a letter from Shayne today, and Marah has been e- mailing me every day.

Reva: You can barely move.

Josh: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Reva: It's on both sides. Joshua, please! Stop being so stubborn...

Josh: I told you --

Reva: ...And tell me what's happening so that I can help you.

Josh: I don't need your help, all right. I'm fine. There's nothing to help me with.

Reva: Take off your shirt. No, I've got a camera...

Josh: I'm not going to take off...

Reva: I can take pictures, and please just let me see the bruises.

Josh: Oh!

Reva: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What are they doing to you?

Josh: Nothing. There's no they. You want the truth? Fine. There was one guy, an inmate, and I'm the new kid on the cell block. I guess I looked at him the wrong way or something, and so we went at it. We had a pretty good brawl, but it was one time, and it's done. It's over.

Reva: I've seen enough fat lips and black eyes in my day to know this isn't just from one beating, and it's just not just from one guy. Josh, listen to you. You can barely breathe. You may have cracked a rib. Did you go to the infirmary?

Josh: Yes, I did. I'm fine.

Reva: Stop this! Stop this!

Josh: Reva, please, just --

Reva: No. Stop it, please. Now take off your shirt. I mean it, take it off. If you don't take it off, then you're going to get a worse beating from me.

Josh: All right. All right.

Reva: You take it off. I don't know if this is-- the cold is good. It's good for the bruises. Come here, come here, come here. What are you doing here? Why-- why did this happen? It's wrong.

Josh: It's okay.

Reva: No, it's not. I want you to stop it. I want you to stop being strong for everybody. Look where it got you.

Josh: I can't stop being who I am.

Reva: I know, that's one of the things I love about you. ( Sobbing )

Josh: It's okay.

Harley: Here, to sober you up.

Cassie: I'm not drunk.

Harley: Crazy?

Cassie: Okay, so it sounds a little weird.

Harley: It sounds a little stupid, actually.

Cassie: You really think those state agencies cross-check the notes that carefully? Oh, you mean that.

Harley: Do you know what a conjugal visit is?

Cassie: It's not like that.

Harley: It would be Reva and Josh in a room with a bed and a bowl of condoms. He's feeling vulnerable and they're alone.

Cassie: Why do you have to mention the condoms?

Harley: I'm just making a point.

Cassie: Oh, I get the point.

Harley: Do you?

Cassie: Yes, I do. And it was my idea.

Harley: To have Reva go in and act like Josh's wife?

Cassie: Yes. Somebody has to go in there who can be alone with him, and I couldn't make it happen quickly enough.

Harley: So you pick Reva, who...

Cassie: Yes, I know. I know who Reva is, thank you very much. And I know about Josh and Reva. Okay? But I trust him completely.

Harley: You trust Reva?

Cassie: Yes. Now, Josh's life is at stake here. And we both would do anything we have to do to keep him safe.

Josh: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

Reva: No, please, don't. Don't do that. It's... I just saw how lonely and scared you were. It's nothing more.

Josh: Well, thank you for saying that. It's just that Cassie, um... how is she holding up?

Reva: She's a mess.

Josh: Yeah, I kind of saw that when she was here visiting me the other day.

Reva: As you know, it's hard enough for me to see you like this. She's scared, you know. I just don't rely on you to take care of my kids. You know, I mean-- I don't-- I don't rely on you.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: We'll get you transferred, I mean, that would be the best thing, to get you transferred, get you moved.

Josh: I know. If you really want to help me, you have to lie to Cassie. Don't tell her what I'm dealing with in here. I don't-- I know you want to make things better, but you can't. It's just a thing that happens, you know. When you're new here, there is this kind of negative attention that you get. And everybody has to suck up and just take it.

Reva: But that's my point, you don't have to take it. They can move you.

Josh: It won't matter if they move me, Reva, because he will find...

Reva: Who? Who are you talking about? Who will find you?

Josh: Reva, please, just tell Cassie that I'm fine, okay? Everything's all right.

Reva: She won't believe me. She'll want to see you herself. She'll want to get in here and see you just like I did.

Josh: She won't be able to get in here and see me just like you did because you're the one who is married to me, remember, she's not.

Reva: Well, I know. Not for long because she is making arrangements.

Josh: What arrangements?

Reva: Nothing. Nothing.

Josh: What arrangements, Reva?

Reva: Nothing.

Josh: What are you talking about?

Reva: Just-- she's got-- she has a plan-- but you ask her when you see her.

Josh: I'm asking you now. Talk to me.

Cassie: So I tried to set up a wedding. I wanted us to get married in the prison today or tomorrow, or as soon as possible, and then we'd have the conjugal visits. And I would get him to tell me who has been hurting him.

Harley: That's a great plan. Why didn't you follow through on that?

Cassie: Because the red tape is ridiculous. So we'll still get married, just not as quickly as I had hoped.

Harley: And you let Reva, of all people...

Cassie: Would you stop. I told you, it was my idea.

Harley: And I'm sure she fought really hard against it.

Cassie: She did, actually. I had to talk her into it. You know, I don't imagine this is easy for her. Why are you so down on Reva all of a sudden?

Harley: I'm not. I'm your friend, and I'm protective of you.

Cassie: Well, Reva is your friend, too. And she is Daisy's grandmother.

Harley: Reva's Reva.

Cassie: Look, okay, I'm not saying that we always agree. I'm not saying that this isn't difficult.

Harley: Or that she's not over him.

Cassie: But she is still my sister, and I believe she wants what's best for me and for Josh.

Reva: The wheels are already in motion, Joshua. Cassie wants to get in here to see you, in private, unsupervised. This is about helping you.

Josh: We talked about a wedding on a beach. We also talked about a wedding on a mountaintop under blue skies, the kind of wedding that makes you think about the kind of life that you're going to have together.

Reva: I guess this wasn't your third choice, huh?

Josh: I can't do it, Reva. I won't do it. It's not right.

Reva: Well, then, I guess I'll just keep showing up. Or you can tell me who's hurting you.

Josh: Reva, I can't do it to her. All right? I can't-- I won't! Not in this place with the cinder blocks and the fluorescent lighting and guys spitting all over the floor or cursing all the time. And this place, this room right here, this would be our honeymoon suite? No, I can't. Reva, she deserves better than that, and you know I'm right.

Reva: Well, that's your call to make, Bud, not mine.

Josh: But you have an opinion.

Reva: It's not my place.

Josh: I'm asking you, Reva. You know Cassie and you know me. What do you think?

Reva: What do I think about you and Cassie getting married in prison? I think it's what Cassie thinks she wants, but I think the separation will only make it worse. I think she'll feel more depressed. I don't think it's a good idea. In fact, I think it's a really bad idea.

Harley: Officer Payton.

Payton: Hi.

Harley: I found out you were working today. Um, I'm worried about my daughter. I know that I'm supposed to keep my distance, but I just keep thinking about her, you know, marching around, and sleeping on the ground. Is she miserable? Is she giving you trouble?

Payton: Daisy's grandmother pulled her out of the program. She never made it to the camp.

Harley: You mean Reva?

Payton: Buzz's friend, Daisy's grandmother. She didn't tell you?

Harley: Wait a minute...

Payton: She said she was going to...

Harley: No, no, no, forget about what she said. Why didn't you tell me? I am Daisy's mother. I checked her in your care. What are you doing handing her over to somebody you don't even know?

Payton: I was going to call, but I assumed that she...

Harley: You assumed wrong.

Payton: Look, if you still want Daisy to start the program, excuse me. I've got to deal with this. Look, I know what we're dealing with now. Bring her back to me, and we'll do it properly.

Harley: Properly. Reva.

Josh: Cassie will never have her own life. She will never back away from me.

Guard: Time!

Reva: This is your last chance to tell me who's after you.

Josh: There is no one after me, Reva. You and your sister, you both have very active imaginations.

Reva: So that's your story, and you're sticking to it?

Josh: Please, don't, don't let Cassie dedicate her life to this. I'm fine. Her life cannot be about this. And neither can yours.

Guard: I said time's up. Let's go.

Reva: You take care of yourself.

Josh: You take care of Cassie and the kids.

Guard: Your husband, he's the guy that built the veterans' hospital, right?

Reva: That's right.

Guard: My brother was in Afghanistan, came back without a leg. There is something I think you should know. Why don't we take the long way out.

Reva: Vinnie Salerno. I should have known.

Harley: Busy lady.

Reva: Oh, Harley, not particularly. You scared me to death. What are you doing here?

Harley: I saw you.

Reva: Excuse me?

Harley: I saw you inside just now, planting that big kiss on Josh. God knows what happened when you guys were alone in the room, huh?

Reva: Were you spying on me?

Harley: I prefer to think of it as looking out for a friend. Cassie trusts you, and this is how you repay her?

Reva: I don't know what you think you saw, Harley, but I don't owe you an explanation.

Harley: You certainly do not owe me an explanation. You do as you please and...

Reva: Let me tell you something: Cassie knew I was there. She specifically asked me to go and see Josh.

Harley: Yeah, and to kiss him?

Reva: It wasn't that kind of a kiss.

Harley: I think I'll let her decide that.

Reva: Yeah, that's right, you get her all riled up. That's all she needs, is more stress. You want her to lose her sister, too?

Harley: Is this my fault?

Reva: It's not mine.

Harley: It never is.

Reva: No, it's not. This is about Daisy, isn't it? That's what this is all about.

Harley: You are right this is about Daisy. Who do you think you are? I placed my daughter in a well- respected program for troubled teens.

Reva: A boot camp!

Harley: Troubled teenagers, where she can get the help she so desperately needs, Reva!

Reva: You know what I see it as? The fact that every time you can't handle Daisy, you just wash your hands of her.

Harley: She stole the car! Did she tell you that? She stole the car. She can't drive. Zach was sitting in the back seat. They got into a car accident. What if he had been killed? Would you defend her then?

Reva: Oh, believe me, I'm not defending her, but she's crying out for help.

Harley: And I'm trying to help her the best way I can!

Reva: How are you helping her though, by abandoning her when she needs you most because that's what I see.

Harley: What are you, mother of the year? You didn't do such a hot job with Jonathan or Marah or Shayne. Those kids turned out so well because Josh was there. Because I was there! Remember?

Reva: You shipped Daisy off to boarding school, and then you locked her up in jail, and then you sent her to a boot camp. Do you see a pattern?

Harley: Yes, I see a pattern. I see that every time that kid disagrees with one of my decisions, she runs to you because she knows you'll defend her. Because you're so eager to be her hip grandmother, her anti- mother. Do you see that?

Reva: I see it. Yeah, I see it. And I listen to it, too. And I try to understand!

Harley: Oh, I'm sure Josh thinks you're very understanding!

Reva: Do you really want to go there?

Harley: You went there! And it ends now.

Reva: All right, get out of my car! Get out!

Cassie: So? How is he? Did he tell you who-- oh, my God, it's not worse than I thought.

Reva: No, no, no. There is a problem by the name of Vinnie Salerno.

Cassie: Vinnie Salerno?

Reva: Yeah. He's the one who has been harassing Josh-- not him personally, but he controls a lot of the inmates in the prison, and he has his thugs doing his dirty work for him.

Cassie: And Josh told you this?

Reva: No. He still won't say anything. One of the guards filled me in.

Cassie: Salerno, wow, why?

Reva: Because of me. Because I'm the one that put him in there. You know, um, I still got pictures, though. I got pictures of Josh's bruises. All I have to do is download them and send them to Jeffrey and Mel.

Cassie: So how badly hurt is he?

Reva: Look, between what the guard said and the fact that I have these pictures, it's proof that Josh is being hurt. So you can now get him transferred.

Cassie: Thank you. Reva, thank you for doing this. I wish I could have done it myself, but I'm... hey, how did he react when you gave him my note?

Reva: Your note? Yeah-- oh, yes. He, um-- he loved it. It meant the world to him.

Cassie: Hey, did Josh say anything about if he is sleeping any better? I know he said he was having trouble. It's so noisy in there.

Reva: You know, we didn't really talk about it. Sorry.

Cassie: What about the drawing that R.J. sent of the rocket ship?

Reva: You know, Cassie, um, I'm so sorry. But there wasn't a whole lot of time. I'm afraid other stuff came up and, you know.

Cassie: Is there something you're not telling me? Because I feel like something is bothering you.

Reva: No. It was just that Harley was at the prison. She must have been on police business or something. She, of course, just assumed that I was seeing Josh behind your back. I told her that you were fully aware of the fact that I was there.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about that. Harley is just being protective of me for some reason lately. And I will straighten her out.

Reva: No, please, please, please do not mention it to her. I beg you, do not.

Cassie: Okay, but, Reva, I want you to know that I meant what I said earlier today. I want you to be the one that is helping me with this. I trust you. ( Cell phone rings ) So don't listen to anything Harley has to say. ( Cell phone rings ) It's the department of corrections. Hold on one second. It might be about the wedding. Hello.

Reva: It's stuck.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: Hey!

Cyrus: Coffee?

Cassie: I saw you the other day with Ava and Olivia.

Jeffrey: We can't stand each other.

Cassie: For better or for worse, Josh is my life.

Billy: You've got to know that you're playing with fire here.

Guard: Are you his wife?

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