GL Transcript Tuesday 4/10/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/10/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by

Vanessa: I've never even heard of that bank in the Caymans, much less authorized a transfer to it.

Mallet: The Springfield National Bank said they had written permission to debit your account.

Vanessa: No!

Dinah: You know, it could have been a clerical error.

Matt: The money went into our account and right back out. Outside of that, there's no information available. Who knows where that money is right now?

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Either you tell them or I will.

Marina: You'll never get away with it. Remember me?

Olivia: What is that, a recipe?

Ava: In a way. I'm just trying to figure out my strategy for my positioning in Spaulding. Now that Alan’s out of his coma, if there's a power struggle I need to figure out where my loyalties are. You think that's dumb.

Olivia: No. It's something I would do. Don't let that scare you. Hey, Jeffrey, come tell our daughter that there's nothing wrong with going after what she wants.

Jeffrey: Are we talking business or pleasure?

Olivia: Doesn't matter. Goals are goals. It all falls under the heading of taking care of yourself.

Jeffrey: Unless they do more harm than good. This is about you staying on at Spaulding, isn't it?

Olivia: She's staying on at Spaulding because she has a career.

Jeffrey: Listen to you. Are you her stage mom now?

Olivia: Oh, and you're not playing the role of protective daddy, taking care of your fragile little girl?

Jeffrey: Excuse me.

Ava: Here we go again.

Alan-Michael: Dr. Belford said the follow-up test results should come back in two or three hours max.

Alan: Good. You know, Alan-Michael, I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to bring me down here.

Alan-Michael: Anything to help your recovery.

Alan: You know, when I was in a coma, I didn't really know who was for me or who was against me.

Alan-Michael: Well, I tried to run the company exactly as you would have wanted. The Buckworth deal in New Zealand went through.

Alan: Really? So it's still alive?

Alan-Michael: Yeah, we signed the final agreements last week.

Alan: So you closed the deal, huh? Well, bravo, bravo. Of course, running the family is a little more crucial than running the company.

Alan-Michael: Well, I gave it my best shot. Keeping the peace between Doris and the rest of us, that's a full-time job right there.

Alan: I'm sure it was. I'm amazed that you were able to accomplish so much considering all the time you spent trying to get Beth into bed.

Matt: Why don't we find our money first?

Mallet: We both know what's going on here, okay? This can be summed up in two words: Cyrus Foley.

Vanessa: Wait a minute. You think Cyrus is behind this transfer?

Mallet: Yeah, call it a high- tech fleecing.

Dinah: You know, you can't prove that yet.

Mallet: Well, I'm trying to. You see, the minute Dinah’s ex- associate came to town, I put an alert on your bank. So do you mind if I look at your company's financial records?

Matt: Well, I don't think that's necessary, Mallet, really.

Vanessa: I think that's a good idea. I really do. I was working on them. They're right back here with the computer.

Dinah: You don't want them poking around in there, do you?

Matt: Mallet might find Cyrus' fingerprints on that account. But he's definitely going to find mine.

Cyrus: I was just about to go in and open up a checking account. I hear they give away free toasters here.

Marina: You know what? I think I've been too hard on you. I mean, here you are trying to start a new life, and I just keep tailing you and making your life more difficult. I'm sorry. I'd really like to make it up to you.

Cyrus: It's all right. No hard feelings.

Marina: No, I insist. There's got to be something I can do. Hey! I know! Since I'm the one who got that job for you over at the station, I would be the perfect person to be a character reference for you when you try to open your new account.

Cyrus: I'll let you know if I need one.

Marina: Oh, you will, trust me.

Jeffrey: Why do I get the feeling that I could never win an argument with you?

Olivia: Well, if you're never right...

Jeffrey: Oh, that's good. That's good. I walked right into that, didn't I? You know, neither of us has led a perfect life, Olivia. Would you agree with that?

Olivia: Yeah, I think so.

Jeffrey: Okay, so just because we have flawed lives doesn't mean that we can't hope for better for our daughter.

Olivia: Which is why I think it would be great if she became vice president of Spaulding.

Jeffrey: Which is why she should get the heck out of there, okay? It's about quality of life, Olivia, not about domination of it.

Olivia: You know what? There is nothing worse than a man who's found religion.

Jeffrey: Leave her out of this.

Olivia: Well, she's the one we're arguing about. What has happened to you? You used to be the kind of guy who would just go after what he wants, to hell with the consequences.

Jeffrey: And look what happened.

Olivia: Yeah, you ended up with me. We could have done a lot worse.

Jeffrey: Ava, I just want you to learn from my mistakes.

Olivia: Never run for mayor.

Jeffrey: Ha ha. Look, you know, I can safely say that the two of us have lived by one simple code: What's in it for me? Ava's not like that, okay? She's better than us. She's decent, she's sweet, she’s...

Ava: She's standing right here, and she is really sick and tired of this conversation.

Olivia: Okay, Ava, it's just..

Ava: No, come on, you guys, I am not going to be judged by you or anyone else's standards up or down.

Olivia: I'm all for ambition.

Ava: Good! Yeah, so am I, and I plan on taking on the world, in my own way. And I might play it my own way, and I'm not going to do it your way, and I'm not going to do it your way.

Jeffrey: Why don't you just admit it? It's not Spaulding Enterprises you're interested in; it's Alan-Michael Spaulding.

Olivia: Just because she's a woman her focus has to be on a man and not her career? That is completely sexist.

Ava: And that is so wrong. Alan-Michael means nothing to me. I am 100% over him.

Jeffrey: Okay, then it won't bother you to learn the truth about him and the gun that was used to shoot his father.

Ashlee: How can you even look at those?

Doris: It was a beautiful wedding.

Ashlee: It was the worst day of my life, and you, you want to a book filled with pictures of it. That's crazy.

Doris: This wedding is the reason why we live in a stunning home with beautiful things and lots of money, power, position, and we have Alan back, thank heaven.

Ashlee: Yes, Alan, whom I shot.

Doris: Lots of weddings have their moments. Uncle Harry drinks a little too much or Aunt Sally makes a pass at the wedding singer.

Ashlee: Or the daughter of the bride shoots down the groom.

Doris: You didn't mean it. You were just protecting me-- the same way, by the way, that Alan is protecting you now.

Ashlee: Mom...

Doris: Look, Ashlee, I am married to Alan, do you understand? We are husband and wife.

Ashlee: Get real, would you? This all could be over in, like, two minutes.

Doris: Don't say that. What is the first thing that Alan did when he came out of that coma? He told you that he wouldn't go to the police about what you did the night of the wedding.

Ashlee: Yeah, for now.

Doris: Alan promised to keep you from prosecution, which means he cares. He wants us in his life.

Ashlee: Or he's setting us up.

Doris: Oh! You know, young lady, this negativity has got to stop. You've shot him already. I figured you would have gotten it out of your system.

Ashlee: Well, what's next? Do you think that Alan’s just going to, I don't know, not care that I blasted him away?

Doris: Yes. In time. Because in the end Alan will want to make this marriage real. You'll see.

Alan-Michael: I wasn't going to tell you this, Dad, but while you were under, Beth came on to me.

Alan: Is that right?

Alan-Michael: That's the truth. She was afraid of losing the Spaulding lifestyle. When she thought you might die, she tried to hedge her bets with me. You know how insane it got? She pretended she was carrying your child.

Alan: She is carrying my child.

Alan-Michael: ( Laughs ) Maybe they ought to run some brain functioning tests on you while you're at it.

Alan: You know, Beth cared whether I lived or died, unlike my own son.

Alan-Michael: What?

Alan: The living will that you used to try to get the doctor to kill me.

Alan-Michael: Did Beth tell you that, too?

Alan: Are you going to deny that the L-dopa treatment could have finished me off?

Alan-Michael: The L-dopa was risky, but it was a chance I was willing to take to bring you back. Hell, you're the one that taught me that sometimes you have to go for broke.

Alan: Not when you're gambling with my life.

Alan-Michael: Well, it paid off, didn't it? Besides, that's what you had entrusted me with: Your life.

Alan: And I was a fool to do it.

Alan-Michael: No, it made you the father I always hoped you'd be, and I tried my damnedest to act like the son that you always wanted. Yesterday you understood that. You gave me your blessing.

Alan: It was the drugs talking.

Alan-Michael: So... all I hear is Beth talking. Somehow she's got you wrapped around her little finger.

Alan: Whether she's telling the truth or not doesn't matter. The real Spaulding is back, and Alan Spaulding is the one who needs to be sitting behind the desk as C.E.O.

Alan-Michael: Calm down, Dad. You're getting yourself all worked up.

Alan: I have never felt better in my life. As a matter of fact, coming out of a coma I'm feeling even stronger than before. And I am going to claim the things that are rightfully mine, all of them.

Alan-Michael: Sorry, but they're mine now.

Alan: You want my blessing, Alan-Michael? I give you my blessing to go out into the world and use only the name of Spaulding, nothing else.

Alan-Michael: Excuse me?

Alan: Do whatever you feel like. But from this moment on your services are no longer needed as C.E.O. of Spaulding Enterprises or as my son.

Alan-Michael: Beth put you up to this.

Alan: You're through.

Alan-Michael: Like hell I am. I'm still your son and C.E.O. of Spaulding.

Alan: I spoke with the board this morning. You will soon be notified that your services are no longer required as C.E.O.

Alan-Michael: This is insane.

Alan: No, this is business. You're too much of a risk.

Alan-Michael: Profits are up 27%!

Alan: The public image has never been lower. Your phony paralysis, your histrionics in the courtroom, your sweetheart of a job that you gave Ava Peralta. The list goes on and on and on, son. You have disgraced the Spaulding name.

Alan-Michael: You're incredible. You put out a hit on Jonathan Randall. You got Tammy Winslow killed, for God's sake. Then you marry the D.A. to keep yourself out of the prison. But I'm the one who's given the family a black eye?

Alan: Yes, because you're an amateur.

Alan-Michael: Like hell I am. What the hell does that mean?

Alan: It means that everything I did, I did to protect the family and the company, but everything you have done was motivated by green and selfishness. You wanted everything, but, Alan-Michael, you are going to leave with nothing.

Alan-Michael: Don't do this, Dad. Don't let Beth or the board or anyone else wreck what I've worked so hard to build.

Alan: And what would that be?

Alan-Michael: The trust that we finally have between us, the respect, an honest to God relationship.

Alan: Ah, Alan-Michael, no one can take your respect away from you. You already have. And don't bother about coming over to the house and packing up your things. They've already been packed and shipped over to the Beacon.

Jeffrey: Sorry about the noise, people.

Ava: You are so obsessed with keeping me away from Alan-Michael that you're willing to accuse him of shooting his own father? Nice.

Olivia: I never thought that Josh was guilty.

Jeffrey: Lizzie saw Beth and Alan-Michael hide a gun, a gun that matched the description of the one that was used to shoot Alan.

Ava: You are basing this on something Lizzie said.

Jeffrey: Lizzie loves her mother, why would she implicate Beth?

Olivia: Why didn't you bring this up at the trial?

Jeffrey: Because we couldn't find the gun. The police went to the house and-- guess what?-- No gun and Alan-Michael, of course, denied that it was ever there.

Ava: Yeah, and of course he was lying.

Jeffrey: Look, why don't you wake up and get a clue about this guy, okay? If you have any illusions that you're harboring about him, you've got to let them go!

Olivia: You know that father's day card you were hoping for? You might want to let that go.

Matt: You know, it's amazing how money can just go. But you know what? It can come back, too. This project is big. This project is big, Dinah, and requires big investors. But the thing is, investors need investing in.

Dinah: Okay. Invest how?

Matt: I needed to woo these big money guys, okay? So I get membership at the country club, I get the box at the stadium, lease a hot car, spend a lot of money-- overspent. And to make up the difference... to make up the difference, I dipped into the investment fund.

Dinah: Oh.

Matt: And I haven't put the money back in that I took out yet.

Dinah: And mom doesn't know about this?

Matt: Didn't want to worry her.

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I know. She said that you share everything.

Matt: Now she's going to find out we don’t.

Dinah: Okay, listen, they may not figure out where the money went. They may not figure that out at all.

Matt: I've just got to work this out, Dinah. I'm just going to have to do it my own way.

Mallet: Okay. Well, there have been other withdrawals made but without more information...

Vanessa: We don't need any more information. Why do we need more information? It's obvious it's got to be Cyrus. Who else could it be?

Bank manager: Thank you for opening your account with us, Mr. Foley. Take these along with you.

Marina: Investment opportunities.

Cyrus: Oh, thanks. Actually, I have a few investments in mind. I'll drop by and we can talk them over.

Bank manager: I'll look forward to it.

Marina: ( Laughs ) Are you kidding me?

Cyrus: What's so funny?

Marina: Investment opportunities? Really? Money laundering, maybe. A place for you to hide those stolen jewels of yours?

Cyrus: What I plan to discuss with the manager is a line on a condo. You got a problem with that?

Marina: Not if the condo's in Buenos Aires.

Cyrus: I don't speak Spanish. Guess I'll be staying in Springfield.

Marina: Then I have the perfect place for you.

Alan: Honey, I'm home! The real me. It's so important to hold on to cherished memories, isn't it?

Doris: Oh, look at us going down the aisle. The smiles on our faces. Oh, that's when we were taking the vows before God.

Alan: Well, I can't speak for the almighty...

Doris: Oh, go ahead.

Alan: ...But I can assure you that lawyers know that vows are made to be broken.

Doris: I'm a lawyer, Alan, and I can tell you that our prenup is tighter than Beth’s smile.

Alan: Now, now...

Doris: ( Laughs ) Alan, we are going to be married for the rest of our lives. And happily.

Alan: Well, that's a blissful scenario, Doris. Unfortunately there's a problem. It's not going to happen.

Doris: Oh, I know, you still have feelings for Beth. But you're weak. You just got out of the hospital. You're disoriented. You'll recuperate and then you'll...

Alan: Feel otherwise?

Doris: Absolutely. Guaranteed. No worries. And I will help you get back up to speed.

Alan: Well, I'll tell you one thing, this album really helps me get up to speed.

Doris: Good.

Alan: Yes, it brings back so many memories. Well, look here, here's the guests at the wedding and there's the beautiful flowers. The cake. And looky here. Here's the face of the person who shot me-- your daughter Ashlee.

Doris: She promised that you were... you promised not to tell anyone.

Alan: And I won’t. Your secret is safe with me. That is if you two leave my house and get out of my life. Today.

Vanessa: Do we have enough information to arrest Cyrus now?

Dinah: No, you don't and you're not going to get enough on him.

Mallet: You really don't think it was him, do you?

Dinah: No, I don’t. I don't think it's Cyrus' style.

Vanessa: Well, I don't understand. I mean, the only other thing would be somebody who's, you know, in the know about the company's operations.

Mallet: So, an inside job?

Vanessa: Yeah, but that's impossible because Matt and I are only the only insiders.

Mallet: Well, then, there you go. We're right back to Cyrus.

Dinah: Okay, or a bank error.

Mallet: All right, well, Marina's been shadowing Foley, so she'll be able to tell us what he's been up to. ( Cell phone ringing ) Hold on. Well there you go, the bank manager. A.C. Mallet. Yeah, how you doing? No, absolutely, we'll be right there. Thank you. Okay, let's go.

Dinah: Where?

Mallet: The bank. The manager wants to talk to both of us.

Dinah: About Cyrus?

Mallet: Yup. And why do you suppose that is?

Cyrus: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. I've tasted your grandfather's food. It's the one thing that makes me wish I was still in prison.

Marina: Very funny, but I brought you here for a room, not a meal. My grandfather owns the boarding house upstairs.

Cyrus: For people to sick to go home after they eat?

Marina: ( Laughs ) No, but I thought you could afford it without robbing a bank. Or, I'm sorry, taking out a loan.

Cyrus: If you're so sure I'm a crime waiting to happen, what about the old cash register? Aren't you afraid I'll get my fingers in there?

Marina: My dad's the chief of police, I'm a cop and my grandfather's a Vietnam vet. I think we're safe, even from your fingers. Come on, I'll show you the room.

Ava: Okay. So, where were we?

Olivia: Jeffrey was just about to apologize. I'll leave you two alone.

Jeffrey: Thanks. Look, Ava, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

Ava: Rub salt in the wound? Treat me like I'm 12 years old? Assume that I can't take care of myself?

Jeffrey: Do I have to choose just one of those?

Ava: I understand that you're concerned about me. I do. But you need to understand that I am a big girl now. This whole thing with Alan-Michael has actually been very positive for me.

Jeffrey: Positive?

Ava: Yes, it let me know what he's all about.

Jeffrey: That's not exactly the same thing as getting over the guy, is it? You're not over him, are you? Do you still think about him?

Ava: I can't stop thinking about him. I... what is wrong with me?

Olivia: Wouldn't go in there if I were you.

Alan-Michael: Why not?

Olivia: Because Ava’s having a father-daughter moment with Jeffrey and he's just looking for a reason to kick your ass.

Alan-Michael: Someone already beat him to it. Alan just disowned me and got the board to boot me out of Spaulding.

Olivia: He's feeling better.

Alan-Michael: Thanks for the sympathy.

Olivia: Well, no, I would say I felt bad for you if I did. But I guess the lesson here is you can't have everything, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: I could've had you.

Olivia: Don't flatter yourself.

Alan-Michael: It was on your mind when you came to my room that night.

Olivia: Well, I knew you would think it was.

Alan-Michael: If I'd stayed a little longer, you would have stayed all night.

Olivia: Let the tell you something, if I had stayed that night, it wouldn't have been because you're some great gift to women. It would be to show my daughter what a user you really are.

Alan-Michael: A woman who would seduce her daughter's lover for any reason would know.

Jeffrey: If you're looking for a fight, you can start with me.

Alan-Michael: ( Laughs ) I don't know what's more amusing, Olivia playing Ava’s mommy or you playing daddy.

Jeffrey: Well, no one's laughing.

Ava: Jeffrey, don’t.

Jeffrey: One word to Buzz and you'll wish you were in a coma just like your daddy.

Alan-Michael: Jeffrey O’Neill, lover of lost causes, doing his thing.

Jeffrey: I'm warning you.

Alan-Michael: Yeah. I mean, if you're not defending a killer like Josh Lewis, you're defending the virtue of the town whore.

Ava: Alan-Michael.

Jeffrey: Get away from him.

Ava: No!

Olivia: You get away.

Ava: Are you okay?

Olivia: Ava, lets go back inside. Come on.

Ava: No, I'm taking him to the Spaulding mansion.

Alan-Michael: Actually, I'm back at the Beacon.

Jeffrey: Are you out of your mind?

Olivia: This is not a good idea.

Ava: This isn't up for a vote. Let's go. Come on, let's go.

Jeffrey: Don't be an idiot.

Ava: I'm not. I'm doing what I feel, just like you.

Doris: I thought when you came out of the coma you had a new attitude.

Alan: Chalk it up to the drugs in me.

Doris: And they're worn off, is that it?

Alan: Yes, and not a minute too soon.

Doris: You sound like your old self again.

Alan: Yes, I am. And I don't care if Josh Lewis rots in jail for 25 years and your daughter gets off on attempted murder if you two leave right away. You don't have any problem with that, do you, Ashlee?

Ashlee: I could live with that.

Doris: Don't say anything.

Alan: Come in, Ashlee. We were just discussing you and your future.

Doris: Alan, she's barely 18. She's impressionable, emotional.

Alan: And a very good shot.

Doris: Alan, she was distraught the night of the wedding. You've made mistakes, haven't you? I think you have. And I think that given that information, a decent defense attorney would get Ashlee exonerated in court.

Ashlee: You're going to put me on trial?

Alan: Of course she would, sweetheart. Your mother's used to playing hard ball. But what she doesn't realize is when she throws you under the bus, she will be flattened, too.

Doris: What are you saying?

Alan: All sorts of things come out in court, Doris. You know that. Now how do you think it would look when it's discovered you have been harboring a felon and that you let an innocent man go to prison? Not to mention your shady financial decisions while your husband was in a coma caused by your daughter.

Ashlee: I'm so sorry...

Doris: Shut up, Ashlee!

Alan: Oh, I see your mother's back to her old self as well.

Doris: Alan, we can work this out.

Alan: I already have. Ashlee, before you leave tonight, I want you to know one thing: You're not a Spaulding, you never will be. You're not one of us. Because if you had been a Spaulding when you shot me, you would have killed me. Now, I want you two and your mutt off my premises by the end of the day.

Doris: This isn't over, Alan.

Alan: Yes, it is.

Bank manager: I was hoping to catch you out here.

Mallet: Hi.

Bank manager: I'm heading to Co2 for coffee. Please join me.

Mallet: You seem kind of relaxed about this whole thing.

Bank manager: What whole thing?

Mallet: Cyrus Foley, the ex-con I told you to watch out for. I'm assuming you caught him in mid-scam or something.

Bank manager: Mr. Foley opened an account and listed you as references, along with Miss Cooper. I just need you to verify he's a responsible citizen.

Mallet: ( Laughs ) He listed us as references? ( Laughs ) We're going to... we're going to join you in just a minute. ( Laughs ) I guess we're dealing with a little slick bastard here. I guess he's into games and I guess he wants to play. Okay, that's cool because you know why? I guess it's my turn to make a move.

Dinah: Okay, what are you doing?

Mallet: I'm going to bring in the F.B.I.

Dinah: What?

Mallet: Yeah, I'm going to bring them in because you know what? They can monitor the bank 24/7. They can assign a few agents, they can tap his phone lines.

Dinah: No, you're not. You're not going to do that at all.

Mallet: Why not?

Dinah: Because you're just not, that's all.

Mallet: Why are you protecting this guy?

Dinah: I'm not protecting him. Cyrus had nothing to do with that money disappearing. Matt did.

Marina: And that's the outside entrance.

Cyrus: You must have another way out.

Marina: So, can I tell my grandfather you're going to take it?

Cyrus: That depends if it's next door to yours.

Marina: Oh, it is, and I'll be on you day and night.

Cyrus: I'd settle for night.

Marina: Dream on.

Jeffrey: I can't believe that she picked that guy up off the ground and took him home.

Olivia: Hold still, okay?

Jeffrey: You know, she still has a problem with that guy, which means we still have a problem.

Olivia: Actually we have two problems. Alan Michael is bad news but Ava is way too old for us to be telling her what to do and how to feel.

Jeffrey: Actually, that's three. I just... you know, I hope she doesn't turn out to be one of those women who, you know, thinks she can save a guy from himself because, you know, some guys, they're... they're beyond salvation.

Olivia: I don't know.

Ava: Nice cut.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, your dad can sucker punch with the best of them. And they say I fight dirty. Cheers.

Ava: Sit. Sit.

Alan-Michael: What do you want from me?

Ava: I want you to sit still is what I want you from you.

Alan-Michael: Hey, I've lost everything, Ava, including you, so, you know what, I think the best thing would be if you just go now. Please, just go, before I...

Mallet: How long have you known about this?

Dinah: I just found out.

Mallet: From who?

Dinah: Matt. He told me in confidence.

Mallet: Right. Right, but... but why would he transfer money to a bank in Grand Cayman if he's spending it on high-priced stuff here? I mean, that... that makes no sense.

Dinah: Honey, look, I'm sure there's a reason, okay? But you can't talk to Matt about it, all right? You just can’t. And you can't bring in the F.B.I. and I don't want you talking to my mom about it, because if the she finds out what's up, it's going to...

Mallet: I know, I know, I know. She'll be devastated. Okay, I... okay, I will back off for now. For now. But I'm giving you fair warning-- if Matt doesn't clean this up soon or if I get so much as a hint that Cyrus is involved, then I'm lowering the boom. ( Cell phone ringing )

Dinah: Hello?

Cyrus: You've got some work to do, girl.

Dinah: Oh, yeah.

Cyrus: My money arrived at the bank right on schedule, but I couldn't get to it. Your hubby's favorite little pit bull has been attached to my leg since the sun came up this morning.

Dinah: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Cyrus: Well, you'll be even sorrier if you don't clear this up.

Dinah: All right, well I'll let you go and give me a call later, okay? All right, talk to you soon. My girlfriend. My goodness, she just keeps having boy trouble.

Marina: That was your accomplice on the phone?

Cyrus: What?

Marina: Telling you about some big open house with jewels and painting and silver just ripe for the plucking?

Cyrus: Wow, it's like you were listening in. Let me tell you a little something about me. I do my best work alone.

Olivia: Thanks for defending me.

Jeffrey: Well, don't give me too much credit because a lot of that was a selfish pleasure.

Olivia: Because of Ava.

Jeffrey: Yeah. And, you know, it... it doesn’t... it doesn't make up for, you know, what happened when we were, you know...

Olivia: Kids.

Jeffrey: It doesn't excuse that.

Olivia: Nothing ever will.

Jeffrey: Well, look, at least you're not trying to kill me anymore.

Olivia: I think I needed a villain in my life. Someone to point to when things didn't work out the way I didn't want them to, which they never did. Someone to look at and say, "hey, he's the reason I'm so messed up" when things don't go my way. But after time went by, you became more of an idea, you know, a concept, than a man, a person. It's only lately that I've been able to see you as a man, the man you actually turned out to be.

Jeffrey: That’s... that's better.

Olivia: Good.

Jeffrey: You know, I just hope we can get Ava to see the kind of man that Alan-Michael turned out to be.

Ava: Okay, okay, okay.

Alan-Michael: I knew it. You still want me. And to hell with Alan and the family and the company. I don't give damn about anything else as long as I have you.

Ava: You don't have me.

Alan-Michael: What do you mean?

Ava: I didn't kiss you for the reasons you think. I kissed you to prove to myself that I could feel your arms around me and feel you kiss me and still leave.

Alan-Michael: They got to you, didn't they? Olivia and Jeffrey. Who else? Reva? Harley? Everybody? They told you I was poison.

Ava: No, no, not everybody.

Alan-Michael: Your mom and dad. Can't you see what's going on, Ava? Jeffrey and Olivia, they made such messes of their lives that they can't stand the thought of seeing you happy.

Ava: I don't believe that.

Alan-Michael: I know what makes you happy. Working at Spaulding. So this is what we're going to do-- we're going to get back the company, you and me...

Ava: No.

Alan-Michael: ...And we're never going to let go.

Alan-Michael: Stop it, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: My father doesn't want me as a son? Fine. I'll be his worst enemy.

Ava: You are doing it again. Why are you doing this? You are lying. You lied about being paralyzed, you hid the gun that shot Alan. I mean, when is this going to end? This is never going to end.

Alan-Michael: I did what I did to protect my family.

Ava: The family. I know, I've heard every single excuse. Maybe you just can't help it. Maybe it's just in your genes. Jeffrey was right. I deserve better.

Alan-Michael: Fine! Go! You think I need you? I don't need anybody! You want to know what's in the Spaulding genes? Going after what we deserve! And I swear I'm going to get what's mine.

Ashlee: Mom, I...

Doris: Don't talk to me right now.

Ashlee: Not even to say I'm sorry? Because I am. It's all my fault.

Doris: Yes, it was.

Ashlee: But, it couldn't be helped. Like... it couldn't be helped that you fell in love with that zillionaire jerk.

Doris: You're right. Don't let them see you cry, Ashlee. We are not beaten, we are only pulling back to regroup.

Ashlee: That sounds much better.

Doris: I want you to remember this house and everything in it. Because one day we will have a house as beautiful as this and no one will ever take it from us.

Alan: Doris, aren't you forgetting... aren't you forgetting something? The keys.

Ashlee: Let's go, Moxie.

Alan: Sorry, Josh, but we all have to make sacrifices.

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: ( Grunts )

Cassie: Someone beat him up. He can barely walk. Josh and I have to get married immediately.

Guard: Conjugal visit. I guess your wife was very convincing.

Josh: My wife?

Reva: Hi, Bud.

Woman: Your sister visited Mr. Lewis yesterday and now she's writing him a love note that you're delivering.

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