GL Transcript Friday 4/6/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/6/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Daisy: Okay, I've got my emergency break off. Headlights are on. Okay, check the mirrors.

Zach: Who are you talking to?

Daisy: Myself.

Zach: That's weird.

Daisy: You're weird.

Zach: Hey, can we go to grandpa's for ice cream?

Daisy: I don't know, but you have to be quiet, Zach, because I have to concentrate on driving, okay.

Zach: We should tell mommy where we're going.

Daisy: No, no, that's part of the fun. We don't know where we're going.

Zach: But mommy says...

Daisy: No, no, no. You ready? Let's drive.

Gus: I didn't want to break my promise to Daisy, you know.

Harley: No, I get that.

Gus: But I told her, "look, that's it. This is your last lesson. Your mom is taking over after this.

Harley: Oh, that's for sure.

Gus: I mean she does have a point, you know. We don't want her to break her word to us, so we can't be breaking our word to her. You know, that would be better, don't you think?

Harley: Gus, it's all going to change. Trust me. (Knocking at the door )

Gus: What does that mean? You're not telling me something. Oh, hey. Hi.

Cassie: Hi. I'm sorry to just stop by like this.

Harley: Are you crazy? Come in.

Cassie: It's just that I have my first visit with Josh tonight, and I want to make sure I'm ready.

Gus: Prison visits, we know all about those.

Harley: How is he holding up?

Cassie: Like Josh, pretending he's on vacation so I won't worry about him.

Harley: Maybe it's not so bad where he is.

Cassie: Yeah, maybe it's just like summer camp.

Josh: You guys know what time it is, by any chance?

Inmate #1: What, you've got big plans?

Josh: Never mind. Sorry, sorry to bother you.

Inmate #2: How's it going, big man?

Josh: Is there a problem?

Inmate #2: No problem at all, Mr. Lewis. I hear you and your family are like royalty out there.

Josh: Really? Where did you hear that?

Inmate #1: Our boss, an old friend of yours, Vinny Salerno, he has real strong feelings about you and whole family. Something about your wife getting him locked up. Hey, you remember Vinny's message, don't you?

Josh: (Yells out )

Alan: You don't mind me shooing everyone off, do you?

Ashlee: Oh, no, whatever you want. You're the one who is alive.

Alan: Yes, and from what I understand, the odds were really stacked up against me there for a while.

Ashlee: Yeah, right. What a surprise.

Alan: But you know the human body is an amazing thing, Ashlee. Physically, I have a ways to go, but mentally, I'm wide awake.

Ashlee: Really?

Alan: Yes. And, you see, I remember everything. It's all coming back to me, the wedding, the reception, me lighting the cigar in the elevator and walking out in the Tower lobby, and seeing you.

Ashlee: Hmm.

Alan: You were very angry with me. I must have said something to you.

Ashlee: You remember that?

Alan: Yes, yes. I was very taken aback. I've never seen you like that, with such rage. Then you got the gun and blew me away-- literally.

Ashlee: I need my mom.

Alan: Before you do that, I want you to sit.

Ashlee: Alan, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. You were just-- you just never cared about my mom and I and you treat her like dirt, like you were marrying dirt.

Alan: Ashlee, come over here and sit down.

Ashlee: You were making fun of my mom and you wouldn't stop. And I just wanted you to stop. And so when I saw the gun, I...

Alan: You thought, this will make him stop.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I don't think that I was thinking. It's just... I made it seem like an accident in my head afterwards, like... like it just hurt so bad. And then life went on, and it got easier not to think about it, and I started to think about other things.

Alan: Like family.

Ashlee: Yeah, them, too. I wanted to piece together what was left of this family. Because I feel like that's what I owed you. And I made my mom keep Beth here because of the baby. I'm so sorry.

Alan: You know something, Ashlee, I uh... I understand.

Ashlee: What?

Alan: There were a lot of people in this town that wanted to shoot me, but you are the first one who had the guts to pull the trigger. And you're the one with the best reason: Family.

Ashlee: But I shot you.

Alan: Yes.

Ashlee: I don't understand.

Alan: Yes, but you see you realize the importance of family, which is very impressive to me. You see, because I know that you have never had a family.

Ashlee: So what are you saying?

Alan: I'm saying that I think that this should be between us, our little secret, huh?

Ashlee: So you're not going to tell anyone?

Alan: I often said that I would take a bullet for my family, but, you know, you never know if you will do it until somebody shoots you. And I want to thank you for proving that I am a man of my word. So this is now your second chance, you see. Both of us have a second chance, so I encourage you to go out and enjoy it.

Ashlee: That's it?

Alan: Yes, unless there is something else you want to discuss with me. I want you to know that you can come and talk to me about anything. Because from now on, I consider you my stepdaughter.

Ashlee: (Sobbing ) Thank you. Thank you so much.

Alan: Well, that went smoothly.

Doris: I will nail you to the wall if you cause trouble for me.

Alan-Michael: If you want a future with Alan, you should be cozying up to the rest of us.

Doris: I already have Alan. I don't need you or Lizzie or that whore Beth. Cozy up with them.

Alan-Michael: Stranger things have happened. But I've got a feeling the strangest is yet to come.

Doris: When I tell him how horrible you've all been treating me, he will--

Alan-Michael: He will what? Get rid of us? Doris, you could be the last woman on earth, and you'd never be a Spaulding.

Doris: You could be the best son on earth, and you'll still never be his favorite.

Alan-Michael: I'm working on it.

Zach: Are we going home?

Daisy: Um, no. No, not yet. We are going to drive around some more, okay?

Zach: Okay.

Daisy: Ooh, oldies.

Zach: What are oldies?

Daisy: Mom music.

Zach: This is fun.

Daisy: Yeah. All right, are you ready?

Zach: Yeah.

Daisy: All right, then let's drive.

Guard: Lay off! Lay off! You! I'm not having this on my shift! Get out!

Inmate #2: Hey, we'll save some for later.

Guard: You all right?

Josh: (Gasping ) (breathing heavily ) I've got a visitor coming.

Cassie: So I can't even hug him?

Gus: That's the rules. But that is torture. It is torture being next to somebody that you love and not being able to touch them.

Cassie: Well, I can't look tortured in front of Josh. I have to go in there and cheer him up.

Gus: Right.

Harley: I'm sorry. It's awful you're going through so much right now.

Cassie: Well, Josh is. I just can't feel like I can breathe until I see him. So I'm going to get down there. Thank you.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Give him my love, okay, Cassie?

Cassie: Okay. And, Gus, I'm sorry to be talking about Josh when Alan is your--

Gus: No, please. I don't think Josh did it. It makes our stuff with Daisy look like nothing, huh?

Harley: Oh, it's not nothing. But I'm glad that we're not there anymore.

Gus: Well...

Harley: Okay, why aren't they back?

Gus: Why can't you take a little breather, okay? It's alone time. Let's take advantage of that.

Harley: Because they're not back. The car is gone!

Gus: What?

Harley: She took the car!

Gus: Well, if it's any consolation, she's a pretty decent driver.

Alan-Michael: You can't be thinking of smoking already?

Alan: (Laughs ) No, Alan-Michael. Please, come in, come in. I'm quitting. That was easy.

Alan-Michael: That's a big deal.

Alan: Well, it's my new lease on life. You know, I can't have my lungs filled with ash. Can I get you a drink?

Alan-Michael: No, no, you can barely walk. I'll get it. I'm glad I caught you alone. I, um... I want to catch you up on things before you get too tired.

Alan: Well, I appreciate that, but I want to tell you something. Before you do that, I want to say thank you.

Alan-Michael: (Coughs )

Alan: Elizabeth tells me you were at my bedside every day that I was in the hospital, and that you were in total charge.

Alan-Michael: I uh-- yeah, I had to make some tough choices to keep this family together while you were gone. And people are going to come to you saying things, but I swear, I only did what I thought you'd want me to do.

Alan: Thank you.

Alan-Michael: But you don't know what I did.

Alan: Well, it doesn't really matter. I mean I'm sure it was quite a challenge dealing with all of the grand personalities in this house. But, this house is still standing, isn't it?

Alan-Michael: It is.

Alan: And Spaulding Enterprises didn't fold?

Alan-Michael: No.

Alan: Well, then, whatever you did, you did a great job. You came through for me, son, and I'm proud of you.

Alan-Michael: Thanks. You know, you need rest. The drugs are still in your system, and you were out a long time.

Alan: I've been out a very long time where you're concerned. I was always cold and dismissive towards you. And, more important, I wasn't there for you, Alan-Michael, when you needed a father and needed me most. That's going to change.

Alan-Michael: Maybe-- maybe you shouldn't get up.

Alan: Yeah. Yeah, come here, son.

Alan: But, you see, you

realize the importance of

family, which is very

impressive to me.

You see, because I know that

you have never had a family.

Frank: Freeze, Springfield P.D.!

Cassie: Those are just pictures. They're pictures. And that's my son's lucky coin. What harm can that possibly do?

Guard: A few rules.

Cassie: He already went over the rules. Can I see him now? Where is he?

Gus: Well, did Daisy stop by?

Harley: I thought because she was there that one time-- no of course no.

Gus: Okay, thank you.

Harley: Thanks, Rick.

Gus: Who are you calling?

Harley: Company.

Gus: No, I called Company already and I called Lizzie. And I called Billy and I called Reva.

Harley: You called Reva? You didn't tell her there was a problem, right?

Gus: Oh, hell no. I just said we're looking for her, that's it.

Harley: I don't know-- who do I call next?

Gus: I shouldn't have left the car keys out like that.

Harley: Are you crazy? We should be able to leave our car keys lying around without worrying that my daughter's going to steal the car!

Gus: I know. All right, look--

Harley: She did this on purpose. She did this to hurt me.

Gus: Baby...

Harley: And she's not a licensed driver. And my seven-year-old is in that car!

Gus: We're going to go out in the car and we'll drive around town until we find her. We will find her, okay!

Harley: Hello! Where, where? Thank you, Darcy. They got a call, erratic driver on Fifth Street. They're going to try to flag it down.

(Tires screech )

Daisy: Zach, are you okay? Oh, God. Okay, Zach, it's okay. I just banged up the bumper pretty bad, but...

Gus: Daisy. Did you hit this thing? Are you all right?

Daisy: Yeah, we're both okay. We just bumped into...

Gus: Are you sure?

Daisy: Hi.

Zach: Hi, Mom.

Harley: Are you okay?

Daisy: I was just about to unbuckle... I got it. Gus, I was easing out, and I thought I was going forward, but I guess I was in reverse. It was an accident. I had no idea. I didn't see the railing coming. I...

Harley: Are you okay?

Daisy: Yeah.

Harley: You didn't hit your head or anything, right?

Daisy: No, no, not at all. Just the bumper, here.

Harley: Could you take him? Take him somewhere, anywhere?

Gus: The car is going to be fine. You want to take this car home?

Harley: Yeah, I just need some alone time with her. I'm glad you guys are okay.

Gus: You're hurt? You all right?

Zach: It was fine until...

Harley: Just glad you guys are okay.

Daisy: Bye, Zach. Sorry. Sorry.

Harley: Let's go home.

Alan-Michael: You know, you caught me off guard when I found out you gave me the power of attorney.

Alan: Well, it seemed like the logical thing for me to do. And things worked out very well.

Alan-Michael: You're doing very well, yourself. I think if I got shot on my wedding night, I might be a little angry.

Alan: (Laughs ) Well, you see I look at it this way, it kept me-- the bullet-- kept me from having a wedding night with Doris Wolfe.

Alan-Michael: You don't know what went down?

Alan: No, and I'm probably better off because of it.

Alan-Michael: I... I found this scrap of paper near your hospital bed. It had the letter "A" written on it.

Alan: Letter "A" for what?

Alan-Michael: I don't know. I'm asking you.

Alan: Well, when I wrote it, it could have been a doctor or a nurse. If I had woken up and written the letter "A," I would imagine I would have wante to stay awake, don”t you?

Alan-Michael: But you only had a second. Maybe you wanted to tell us who shot you.

Alan: Michael, I appreciate your concern with this, and I'm sure the ordeal was much harder on the family that it was me. You see, I feel I'm better off because of what happened. I'm a better man. And I'm more interested right now in knowing what happened when I was in a coma. I was out for weeks. I mean, have you seen any good movies? How was the weather? Any news about anything?

Alan-Michael: Well, Josh Lewis is in jail.

Alan: Really? For what?

Alan-Michael: For shooting you.

Alan: Wow, when did this happen?

Alan-Michael: He got sentenced a few days ago. Minimum: 15 years.

Alan: Poor Cassie.

Alan-Michael: Yeah. She swears he didn't do it.

Alan: Buzz Cooper gave me some good advice. He said clean up all your messes.

Alan-Michael: Whoa, you can't go anywhere. You just got out of the hospital. I have got to go see Josh.

Doris: You want a moment with your wife alone?

Frank: I'm glad everyone is okay. Listen, yeah, you, too. Gus, do me a favor, pick my sister up for me, will you? Thanks. Here you go. How's your elbow?

Ashlee: It was just a bump. That was really nice, you saying tell my sister, I mean, hug her for me. I'm sorry I was listening.

Frank: That's all right. It was just Harley, she's having a hard time with Daisy. Anyway, how's your elbow? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up and scare you like that. I used to do it to Harley all of the time. (Laughs ) Maybe I should call your mom and... where is everybody around here?

Ashlee: Oh, inventory.

Frank: Makes sense. I want to give her a call...

Ashlee: Alan is home. She's busy. I don't think she'll pick up.

Frank: Alan is home, you mean...

Ashlee: Yeah, like alive, breathing, home.

Frank: No wonder you fainted?

Ashlee: Yeah, right.

Frank: How is he doing? Is he talking? Is he his usual chipper self?

Ashlee: Yeah. Actually, he's someone new. Someone a lot nicer.

Frank: Is that going to be easier or harder for you living there?

Ashlee: I don't know yet.

Frank: I wonder what that means for Josh?

Ashlee: So, what is prison like? I mean, you're the chief of police, I would figure you'd know...

Frank: Ashlee, trust me, it's not a place you'd want to be.

Ashlee: But, I mean, not all of the people are bad.

Frank: They're pretty bad.

Ashlee: Josh seemed like a really nice guy. I mean, I didn't know him that well.

Frank: He's a great guy. He is one of the best guys I know. Ashlee, one of the lessons I've learned in this job is that good people can do bad things if they're pushed hard enough.

Cassie: R.J. gave me his lucky coin to bring you, but the guard wouldn't let me bring it. Next time I won't tell you because they won't let me bring it up. I'm sorry, I can't even talk.

Josh: You're doing fine, Cassie. Don't try so hard. I'm happy just to be looking at you right now.

Cassie: Your shirts... I haven't been able to wash your shirts. I mean, I know I'll have to eventually, but I've been sleeping in your green one. (Laughs )

Josh: (Laughs ) The sleeves are too long for me, the green shirt.

Cassie: I know. That's exactly why I like it. Because I can climb into it and wrap myself up in it and it feels like you're there with me and you're holding me. I'm a freak, Josh. You realize you're in love with a woman who is walking around the house wearing your dirty clothes.

Josh: (Laughs ) It's okay. You can wear my shirt, don't wear my shirt. Either way I'm there with you and I'm holding onto you.

Cassie: I just don't want you to worry about me. Worry about you.

Josh: You know what my favorite time of day is here? Lights out, because then I get to close my eyes, and when I do that, I see your face. I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get back to you, Cassie, I promise you that.

Cassie: What if Alan dies?

Josh: New rule. We don't speak his name. He can't take away what we have for each other. He can't take away the love we have for each other. So when we're here in this room, I don't want to waste a single moment on that son of a bitch. Is that a good rule?

Cassie: It's a good rule.

Josh: Okay.

Doris: I never got to finish my toast.

Alan: Well, I am on juice.

Doris: To my husband, wishing you a full and speedy recovery. May tonight mark the first night of the rest of our life together.

Alan: Well, that's very kind of you. I am grateful to be home, and I am very grateful for the lessons I learned while I was away.

Doris: Away?

Alan: Yes, away at the hospital.

Doris: You make it sound like you've been on a trip. (laughs )

Alan: Well, it was a little trippy at times.

Doris: Well, how could you learn something when you're in a coma, darling?

Alan: Call it a lesson in time, and using the time wisely. That's why I have to go.

Doris: Well, Alan-Michael was right, Alan, you're not supposed to be going anywhere.

Alan: Nonsense, Doris, I feel excellent.

Doris: Well, then, I'm coming with you.

Alan: No, I have to do this alone. There are many people hurting out there, and they're hurting because of me.

Doris: But Alan, you were the one who was shot.

Alan: I'm talking about before I was shot. I have to make amends before I can get on with my life.

Doris: Our life.

Alan: Yes, Doris, about our life. We really have to talk. We have to face the reality of our life.

Doris: Alan, you are funny, (laughs ) time for this and time for that. (Laughs ) No, sit down, there is a lot I want to ask you and to tell you about the family.

Alan: We'll talk later. I have to go clean up this mess.

Josh: Don't cry, Cassie.

Cassie: I'm not. I'm not.

Josh: Yeah, you are. I can tell. I can see it. I want to see that incredible smile of yours, okay. I want that to be the last thing I see until the next time. So bring it on...

Cassie: (Laughs )

Josh: That's good, perfect, perfect. You see, things are going to get better. This is just a break for us, that's all. It's a break between the life that we started together and the life that we are going to finish together. And you can tell R.J. that, too.

Cassie: I love you so much.

Josh: I love you, too.

Cassie: Josh. Josh, what... are you hurt?

Josh: (Moaning )

Frank: You know, Ashlee, it all eventually catches up with you, when you hurt enough people and ruin enough lives and tear enough families apart.

Ashlee: You are making it sound like Alan had it coming.

Frank: Trust me, I'm not condoning vigilante justice.

Ashlee: I didn't say that you were.

Frank: It's just sometime I feel myself routing for the perp, instead of the victim. When the wife shoots the husband because he is beating her. Those kinds of cases. But in the end, you know, when a crime is committed, somebody has to pay.

Ashlee: Unless you get away with it.

Frank: Well, I think that pretty much happens in the movies.

Ashlee: It happens here, too.

Frank: Yeah, sometimes. Well, like Alan marrying Doris. I'm sorry.

Ashlee: No, no, it's okay. I knew that.

Frank: Are you sure you're all right?

Ashlee: Yeah, well, my peas are warm, but...

Frank: Let me get another one for you.

Ashlee: I'm sure I'll carry trays again.

Frank: You should know something. You are much more than a waitress to us. You're an honorary Cooper.

Ashlee: I am?

Frank: Of course you are. You know, just as long as you don't get all Spaulding on us, all right? (Laughs ) Yeah, you know, Coop, Buzz, Marina, myself, we think you're great. We think you're absolutely terrific. You've got a huge heart. You care about other people and their feelings... I mean, almost to a fault.

Ashlee: I, um... I screw up, too. You know, I'm not perfect.

Frank: What did you do, cut a tag off a mattress once?

Ashlee: Well, I ripped it off by accident.

Frank: See, that's what I'm talking about.

Ashlee: Well, I mean it doesn't matter what kind of person I am. You can do one bad thing, and it...

Frank: And it what?

Ashlee: And it undoes all of the good. I have to tell you something. Mom...

Doris: I need to steal my daughter. Excuse me.

Ashlee: I'm not working...

Frank: Doris, she's had a really rough day.

Ashlee: Ouch, ouch, ouch, Mom!

Doris: I need to tell you something.

Ashlee: Mom, stop. Mom! I shot Alan.

Harley: What, Daisy, you love getting into trouble.

Daisy: You getting into trouble is why I exist.

Harley: Don't go there.

Daisy: What, you going to hit me again?

Harley: Don't go there either.

Daisy: That's why we can't talk. I can't go anywhere with you.

Harley: I tell you that you can't do something, and you do it anyway. I tell you can't have something, you go get it.

Daisy: Yeah, it's called determination.

Harley: You play your music too loud. You don't talk to me for days at a time. That's not determination. That's not even rebellion. And what you pulled today, that's a whole other game there, kid.

Daisy: What, what the hell are you talking about?

Harley: You willfully put my child, your little brother, in danger. When I think of what could have happened in that car.

Daisy: It was an accident. Any licensed driver...

Harley: You are not a licensed driver!

Daisy: But Gus said that I was...

Harley: The almighty Gus. Did he issue you a license today?

Daisy: Look, nothing happened. I'm fine, Zach is fine. Everyone is fine, okay?

Harley: This time. What about next time and the time after that?

Daisy: Okay, Harley, keep expecting the worst from me and I'll keep giving it to you, all right?

Harley: You don't want to be a part of this family.

Daisy: I didn't say that.

Harley: Everything you do, every choice you make, says that. This is not what I wanted.

Daisy: This isn't what I wanted, either.

Harley: I thought we could be a happy family. Naive, yes. But optimistic. Gus and I knew it would not be perfect, but we felt very strongly that we could handle anything that happened in-house.

Daisy: What does that mean?

Harley: It means I'm bringing in a professional.

Daisy: Where's Zach?

Gus: He's with his brother. Rick's looking out for them.

Daisy: I wish I was with them instead of here.

Gus: Where is your mom? You don't know or you don't care?

Daisy: Both.

Gus: Right.

Daisy: Gus, about the accident...

Gus: I...

Daisy: Watch out, she's acting weird.

Gus: You need some help with that?

Harley: No, no. I got it.

Gus: All right.

Daisy: You're throwing me out?

Harley: Well, you don't want to live here, so I've made other arrangements.

Daisy: I can go live with Reva. (Knock on the door ) Reva, I'm coming. Oh, I'll go get my mom. Hold on.

Maurice: Daisy, I'm Maurice Peyton, I'm an old friend of your grandpa's from the service.

Harley: Officer Peyton, thank you for coming. He's not here to see your grandpa. He is here to see you. He is a corrections officer.

Daisy: You're putting me in jail again?

Harley: It's not jail. Listen to me. Officer Peyton runs a program. It's for kids your age. It's up north. It's very nice. It's by a lake.

Daisy: It's called jail.

Harley: No, it's not jail. You'll be hiking, you'll be camping out, and you'll be taking classes. Learning lots of things, Daisy,

Daisy: Okay, no thanks. I'm sorry about what happened. And I'll just stay here.

Harley: It's not an option.

Maurice: You'll come home feeling better than you ever have in your life.

Daisy: No, no, I'm not going. Did you know she was doing this? Did you?

Gus: Daisy. Look, it's six weeks. You'll make it, okay?

Daisy: No, I didn't talk to any of my teachers yet. They don't know that I'm leaving. What about-- (sighs )

Maurice: All of your credits will transfer to Springfield High. Let's go, Daisy, I want you to meet your bunk mates before lights out.

Daisy: You keep giving me away!

Harley: That's not what I'm doing.

Daisy: Help me, come on.

Gus: Look, everybody in this family loves you, okay? We'll be right here when you get back, okay?

Harley: Daisy.

Daisy: What?

Harley: This is the last thing that I wanted.

Daisy: You don't want me. You're going to be so sorry that you did this.

Doris: How could you? I mean, all this time...

Ashlee: I'm sorry.

Doris: Does Alan know?

Ashlee: He knows.

Doris: He didn't say anything to me.

Ashlee: He's not telling anyone.

Doris: That's because we're family.

Ashlee: That's because-- I don't know why, but he's acting really weird.

Doris: You didn't tell him in there?

Ashlee: No I didn’t. But... but telling you is like telling him. You guys are on the same side. I'm the one that crossed the line.

Doris: What?

Ashlee: You punish criminals, and I am one.

Doris: Don't say that. Look what happened? Was Alan hurting you?

Ashlee: Just with his words.

Doris: Oh, my God, Ashlee.

Ashlee: He was laughing at you, Mom. I didn't realize it before the wedding, but then, oh, it hit me.

Doris: What?

Ashlee: That he hates us. I didn't know it before, but he was saying these things that night, I just... you made all of these lovely vows, and he gave you nothing. In front of all of those people, he gave you nothing. Doesn't that bother you?

Doris: No. Because I know in private--

Ashlee: In private, he's worse. It just happened. And then time went by, and I became less freaked out about it, and I was working here a lot, and hanging out with Coop.

Doris: Ashlee.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I feel horrible. And now that Josh is getting blamed for everything...

Doris: There's a man lying in jail for this.

Ashlee: I already feel guilty. I know.

Doris: Look, you are not going to jail.

Ashlee: Just because I'm your daughter.

Doris: No, not just because you're my daughter. Because you're the best person that I know. You just have to give me time to figure something out.

Ashlee: Okay.

Doris: I promise I'm going to get you through this.

Cassie: Hey, what happened to you?

Josh: It's okay. I'm fine, don't worry about it.

Cassie: No, who did this to you? He needs a doctor!

Josh: I fell...

Cassie: He needs a doctor!

Josh: ...And I bruised my rib, that's all. I'm fine.

Cassie: Alan needs to be in here.

Josh: Just go.

Cassie: Alan Spaulding should have his ribs bruised!

Josh: (Breathing heavily )

Alan: Officer, I'm here to see Josh Lewis.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Beth: I just need to see Alan and then we'll talk.

Rick: Just plan to keep your clothes on.

Alan: What color casket did you pick out for me? Or did your boyfriend, Rick Bauer want my carcass burned and ashes thrown all over the sea, huh?

Daisy: Please, please. If you love me, don’t give me away.

Harley: This is never going to work.

Cyrus: I have total confidence you can pull this off, Vanessa.

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